#Also girls if your boyfriend talks like that with his ex or quote unquote friend RUN
heddagab · 1 year
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ONCE UPON A TIME Golden Queen in 2x08 "Into The Deep"
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Empires on the Horizon I
Jason is a CEO: Part I
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
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i fear it might break me
then break
let spirit crack you open
-a letter to the king
There was something almost sinister in the whiskey-induced haze of a Manhattan skyline. The buildings nothing but dark blocks, uneven stairs.
There was something lonely about the haze too.
But Jason Grace couldn't give two shits about the blackening playground of buildings, couldn't give two shits about the incredible view from his twenty-second story window, couldn't give two shits about anything except his whiskey bottle and the burn because today could only be described as hell. Worse than hell maybe.
His son of a bitch ex-boyfriend and his son of a bitch new girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend now, had decided to christen his office. The deal he'd been working on for months didn't get legal approval, which meant everything had to be redrafted. And on top of everything his sister called to tell him she’s setting him up on a date with a quote, unquote ‘lovely girl who seems just right for him.’ He wanted to slam his phone across the room, and he would have if he didn't believe she had the supernatural abilities to know when he was pissy.
The shrill ring of said phone interrupted his anger.
"Talk to me"
"Hello Grace, you sound like shit."
"I'd sound better if you didn't fucking call me, you ass."
A laugh echoed down the phone.
"What do you want Valdez?" A smile played at Jason's lips, despite his day.
"Just wanted to check in and see how you were doing," Leo Valdez sighed, "I heard what happened with bimbo and brainless today."
He winced, "I don't know if I want to burn my office or throw them in an unmarked swamp to swim with the crocs."
"We can do both." His friend replied, conviction lacing his words.
He chuckled darkly shaking his head, "I think I'm just gonna drown myself in the good stuff tonight. I'll face the world tomorrow."
"Okay, I've sent over a tub of your favourite ice-cream. Sorry I can't be there; The lady has been raving about this theatre show for months. I'll be dead if I bail now."
"No worries Firefly, thanks for the ice-cream. Let's meet tomorrow for dinner?"
"Sure bro. I'll book us at the Labyrinth."
"Great and bring your better half!"
A laugh was the only reply before the call ended.
Jason collapsed onto the couch, folding his body into the corner of the seat and taking a large swig from the whiskey. Every time his mind wandered to the horrors of the day he drank. It took a horrifyingly short time to see the bottom of the bottle. The world blurred and tilted, swayed like young trees fighting against the wind. Tears spilled hot and fresh down his cheeks- he didn’t bother to wipe them away. Today he was allowed to cry, today he was allowed to break. It was okay, okay...
“OKAY!” He yelled, trying to untangle his legs from the blanket and wipe the drool on his mouth.
The banging at the door started up again and he cursed a blue streak. With a growl he yanked the door open, “What?”
“Well good morning to you too Mr. Grace,” A cheery-faced Hazel Levesque greeted.
“Hazel,” He sighed “Hi, sorry I- come in,”
“Everything okay Boss?”
“Had a bit of a rough day yesterday, I’m sure I smell like the inside of a whiskey bottle,”
“Uh-I don’t know if I should say anything to that,”
“Good call, I might burst into tears if you do.”
She gave him a wide-eyed look but he waved a dismissive hand, picking up the pillows he had flung in rage and the bottle he had discarded just before he crashed on his couch.
“I’m going to go shower; I’ll update you over some breakfast.”
She gave him a long look before nodding and taking up a set at the kitchen counter. He thought about explaining or offering her something to drink but his soul was exhausted; at the very least he could help himself to a shower before he had to face the world.
The water scorched his back, his forehead pressed to the cool tile. He considered himself lucky for having eaten before he got drunk, otherwise he would have spent the morning with his head in a toilet bowl. His brain pounded against his skull but the alcohol was only half to blame; crying for two hours had its fair contribution.
“Okay you can do this. You’ve gotten through a lot of shit, you can get through this.” He stared himself down in his mirror, fixed the clasp on his watch and shouldered his suit jacket.
With a deep breath he stepped out of his room, his business face firmly in place.
“Shall we grab coffee at Reedpipes, you can update me on my schedule on the way.”
“Sounds good Boss let’s go,”
And within a matter of moments they were stepping into their favourite café. Flowers bloomed in the middle of every table and ivy wrapped around the industrial fixtures above them. A bright hello sounded from the barista’s station.
“Good Morning Grover,” He smiled, at the bearded man already frantically working on their orders.
“How’s it going? I haven’t seen you in a hot minute.” Warm eyes twinkled up at him. It took immense self-control not to burst into tears.
Grover, oblivious to his turmoil prattled on, “Hazel how’s the strawberry pot coming along? Did the compos-“
Jason zoned out, the world becoming a blur of sound and moving colours. His mind hurtled him back to yesterday when he had walked into his office– oh gods it hurt to think about. The evidence of them had been everywhere. Clothes strewn on the floor, his papers and trinkets thrown like a hurricane had swept through. And they had just grinned, like they were waiting, like they planned for it. His stomach flipped, ache and regret flooding him.
“Mr Grace!” A small hand shook his shoulders.
He startled back to the present, “Sorry, sorry.”
“It’s okay” Hazel gave him a weird look, “I’ve got our coffees let’s grab a seat.”
He nodded letting her lead them to a little wooden table in the corner of the shop. Sun was just starting to filter in, and the beams caught on the subtle gold accents rimming each table. Once they had settled in across from each other she handed him his cappuccino and took a long slurp of her iced coffee before setting her intimidating golden eyes on him.
“Spill Boss.”
He sighed, running a hand down his face.
“Yesterday I went back to my office after the meeting with Titan Industries, we need to do a redraft for that by the way,”
She nodded, already tapping on her phone to diarise an appointment with the legal team.
“So I get the office and Piper and Luke–“ He gulped, steeling himself, “They decided to use my office as their playground.”
He didn’t know how to put it delicately and little Hazel shouldn’t have to hear his real thoughts on the matter which mostly sounded like ‘fucking fucks, stupid dumbass wankers’ and various other curse words
“Oh Jason,” She gasped softly, reaching out a hand to squeeze his, “I am so sorry. Why are you even coming in to work today? You should have taken the day to yourself.”
“I still have a business to run Hazel, and besides I can’t let their selfishness stop me.”
“You are allowed to be hurt Jason.”
“I know, I know. But I can be hurt this weekend, right now we need to redraft that stupid contract and I need to make some calls about the new buildings starting this week,”
“Right will add that, don’t forget we need to get your suit for the alumni dinner on Friday,”
“Ugh I forgot about that, okay just pencil that in for some time today and maybe call Drew or Silena to find out if they can have a few ready for me to try on. Also I have dinner with Valdez tonight so no calls after six thirty.”
“You got it Boss, and hey­–“ She tugged at his sleeve making sure he looked at her, “If at any point you need to stop, you let me know. And if I see you neglecting yourself like you did last time, I will book a trip to the smallest island in the middle of the damn ocean and throw you on a plane myself,”
He laughed at his fiery assistant, and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder, “Yes ma’am.”
Jason’s day wasn’t going great, but it was at least fifty times better than yesterday. All his belongings had been moved to the floor above and his tainted office was being cleaned out. He didn’t know if he wanted to go back there ever again but maybe he could convert it into a room for his employees. At least they won’t be haunted by the events that occurred. His call with Miss Arellano had gone surprisingly well even if the drafting of this stupid Titan Industries project was proving to be a real pain in the ass. He didn’t even know if it was worth it to do this much readjusting.
“Hey boss,” Hazel knocked at his door, “Frank is here to take you to your suit appointment,”
“Damn is it already four?” He frowned at his watch, “Alright give me two minutes to finish this email and then I’ll be ready. You should go home for the day.”
She snorted, “Thanks, but I got some admin to catch up on. You mind if Frank comes back to drop me off at home afterwards though?”
“No problem, you know he would be happy to do it.”
And maybe if Jason hadn’t been so distracted, he would have caught the blush his assistant was trying so hard to stop.
“Right well, let me know if you pick out a suit or if I need to reschedule. Also Mr Valdez called to confirm your reservation at the Labyrinth for seven thirty.”
“Thank you,” He gave her a brief smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes before turning his attention back to his blinking cursor.
“Hello ladies,” He entered the open, marbled boutique that was Aphrodite’s Armour.
“Jason!” A sweet voice squealed, coming towards him for a hug.
“Hello Silena, how are you?”
“Much better now that my favourite customer is here,”
“Aww,” Another voice pouted, “I thought I was your favourite customer?”
“Babe you don’t count,” Silena laughed, booping her fiancé on the nose.
“Well if it makes you feel any better Drew, I know she’s lying because she says that to all the customers.”
Silena gasped, smacking his arm, “I DO not.”
“Yes you do hun,” Drew laughed, “You here for your suit Mr Grace?”
“Yea it’s for the alumni dinner at SPQR University this Friday,”
“Oh yes we’ve heard a lot about this dinner. We’ve had all manner of folks come in these last few days.” Silena nodded, already making her way to the back of the store.
“I’m sure. It’s the big charity dinner where they get all the ‘successful’ alumni together and then milk us for all we’re worth.” He shook his head with a smile.
“Ah you rich people can afford it,” Drew scoffed, smirking at him over her shoulder.
“Yes I do agree,” He nodded, “Where’s my favourite of you lot?”
“Oh Charlie isn’t in. It’s Wednesday so he has to go to his sites.”
“He’ll be sad he missed you though, I think he has some project he wants to pitch.”
“Tell him to give me a call, I’m always happy to talk business.”
“Yes, although I’m sure he’ll be much happier to get down to business with you,” Drew cackled.
“And how would his two fiancées feel about that?” He raised a blonde brow.
“Quite excited,” Silena bubbled, a glitter in her eyes.
Jason let out a real laugh for the first time all day, “Sorry darlings but I don’t think I’d be much fun right now.”
Drew gave him a kiss on the cheek “Well, we’ll be here when you do.”
“Much appreciated,” He grinned.
“Okay, I think I have the perfect one!” Silena moved from behind the racks shoving a black bag into his hands, “Go try it on.”
He stumbled into the changing room and pulled out a gorgeous maroon suit. The lining was a deep blue and the detailing on the seams matched it perfectly. He knew immediately this would be a favourite of his and got confirmation when two minutes later he stepped out to gasps and applause.
“Mr Grace,” Drew’s eyes were wide.
“This is the best one yet,” Silena sighed, assessing him.
“Thank you ladies, it really is beautiful.”
“I think the wearer may be more so,” A low voice from behind them said.
Jason’s head shot up only for his gaze to land on the most exquisite person he had ever had the privilege of laying his eyes on. The beautiful stranger stood with their hands tucked in their pocket and an appreciative look on their face.
“Oh Mr Jackson we didn’t think you’d be here so early.” Silena jumped into action, ushering him through the door and out of site.
Jason was standing stock-still unable to get the image of sparkling green eyes and molten brown skin out of his head.
“Who was that?” He breathed.
Drew was pulling at his suit, synching it and marking the fabric with needles.
“Oh that was Mr Jackson, he comes in here fairly often too. It’s a wonder you haven’t met before, I’m sure you run around the same social circles, what with your fancy parties and all that,” She was mumbling around a mouth full of measuring tape.
“I’ve never seen him before in my life. Trust me I would remember a face like that.”
That got the seamstress’ attention, “Oh someone has a crush,”
“How could you not? We did see the same person, right? Tall, wonderful curly black hair, unbelievable sea green eyes, a voice like crashing waves and earth and-“
He was cut off by her laughing.
“What?” He frowned.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone fall so hard from a five second interaction.”
He blushed, looking away from her all-knowing gaze, “I’m just saying what I saw.”
“Well I’m pretty sure he’s going to the dinner on Friday so maybe you can talk to him there.”
‘He’s what?” He whipped around to look at her, eyes comically wide.
“Yea, he was telling us all about it when he came in earlier this week.”
“Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, oh gods,” He muttered, heart racing.
“Oh don’t panic, he’s honestly one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet.” She shrugged before pulling at his arm to take the measurement, “Alright, all set to go. You can pick up the suit tomorrow afternoon or we can send it tomorrow evening?’
“Uh yea, send it.” He said distractedly, already pulling on his clothes.
Drew gave him a cheeky smile, “Goodbye Mr Grace,”
“Bye Drew, tell Silena I said bye, and tell Charlie to call me.”
He stepped into the entrance of the shop, but the beautiful man was nowhere to be found. With a final glance around he made his way into the street, ready for dinner with his friends.
“Hello Grace, glad to see you haven’t gone full hermit,”
“Hello Leo,” He snorted, “It was the ice-cream you sent last night. It gave me hope.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” His friend laughed, “How are you though, seriously?”
“I’ve seen better days, but I’ve seen worse too. I’ll get over it.”
“There is no doubt in my mind Jason Grace,” A soft reassurance floated towards them.
He smiled, pushing out of his seat, “Hello Annabeth,” He enveloped her in a hug.
“Hello my darling,” She gave him a gentle smile.
He let her go and she moved around him to give Leo a quick peck. He smiled at her with overflowing adoration and muttered a soft, “Hello love,”
“Tell us what happened?” She sat down next to her boyfriend and reached out to squeeze Jason’s hand.
So he took a deep breath and relayed the story of his nightmare yesterday. By the time he was finished the couple looked like they were ready to storm the castle and beat Luke and Piper with sledgehammers and drawing compasses.
Annabeth’s grey eyes were hard and stormy with anger, “I’m going to kill them,”
“Don’t worry babe I’m there to help.” Leo said vehemently.
Jason couldn’t help but smile at the protectiveness of his friends, “Thank you guys but I’m fine. Really.”
They gave him a dubious look, their expressions so similar it was comical. He gave them another, hopefully, reassuring smile before they launched into a discussion about work.
Both were engineers with too many degrees to count and an abundance of knowledge circling between them. It was almost scary how exquisitely their minds worked. Jason had recruited them time again for his projects– from designing the education center to building the water systems and electricity grids in the downtown area. His work helping small businesses and improving ‘run-down’ neighbourhoods would be a thousand times harder if he didn’t have them to help him in design and implementation. Annabeth, as the civil engineer, often went to sites with him and over saw a fair few of his community projects. Leo was a mechanical engineering professor at the university they all attended but he was always willing to help if need be. Jason was eternally grateful for that because he didn’t trust many others to oversee his works.
When dessert had been cleared away sometime later the three were laughing and ribbing each other like they were back in college and not big-time owners of various companies.
“Okay, okay,” Leo gasped, “No more of your stories man. Annabeth doesn’t need to know all my secrets.”
The lady in question snorted, digging her elbow into his side, “You wish you had secrets. If you can’t recall I was there for ninety percent of your dumbassery in varsity and I’m here for one hundred percent of it now.”
“You don’t know what happened on our guys nights,” Leo narrowed his cassiterite eyes at her.
“Keep telling yourself that honey,” She smirked.
Jason watched on in amusement as Leo’s face morphed into panic.
“Tell me she’s lying Grace?”
Annabeth’s smirk was wicked, “Oh yes Valdez I know about the ‘pants on fire’ situation, and the ‘jumped off a Ferris wheel situation’ and the–“
“Okay stop. How did you ever choose to date me knowing all these things?” He looked at her with some mixture of horror and wonder.
She shrugged, “I figured if you were smart enough to get a PhD and a Masters you were smart enough to know when I’ll kill you for doing something stupid.”
Jason burst out laughing, “She may be taking your space at the top of my favourite’s list Firefly.”
His friend gave him a look of disgust, “That’s just rude, we’ll see who takes your phone away next time you’re drunk on vodka,”
They all dissolved into fits of giggles after that and Jason felt his heart grow a hundred times lighter.
“Are you guys going to the dinner?”
Annabeth nodded, “I heard the university has a proposition for us this year.”
“I’m mostly excited for the mini tacos,” Leo grinned.
“You’re always excited for the tacos,” She rolled her eyes playfully.
“I can’t help it, there’s just something about them, you know?”
Jason couldn’t help but agree. They really were delicious.
“I guess I’ll see you guys there.”
“You can count on it,” Annabeth gave another of her dazzling smiles, reaching forward to rest a hand on his arm.
“And don’t worry bro I know for a fact Luke isn’t going to be there.”
“Yea I know,” He sighed, “I asked Hazel to check this morning.” They stepped into the chilly night.
“Call us if you need anything,” Leo gave him a look before pulling him in for a hug. Annabeth echoed the sentiment and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
He watched them walk towards their car, fingers intertwined, Annabeth’s blonde curls resting against Leo’s shoulder. A flutter of ache washed through him at their closeness, their easiness. He had had that once. Until Luke had gotten greedy with his ambition. And he may have had that with Piper if she hadn’t decided to screw his ex.
His life was a mess.
Yet when he crashed into bed that night he felt more hopeful and loved than he had in a long time. He slipped into sleep with a soft smile playing on his lips.
Okay what are we saying? How do we feel? GIVE ME THOUGHTS!
Tags (if you want to be added to/ taken off the tag list just let me know, all my channels of communication are open):
@lesbian-peanuts​ @leydiangelo​​ @queen-of-demons-and-hell​ @msdrpreist​ @sparkythunderstorm​ @nishlicious-01​
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Poly Wanna? Ch.5
Doing confession in bold to see how this goes. I may not set chapters up in "reality TV format" but I had a couple of things that I wanted to do in that style just to see. I be trying out stuff sometimes. Forgive me for being a whole trash can.
Lemme know if I need to take you off the tag. Idk who’s actually reading because I’ve only heard from a couple of people, so idk if y’all still interested (or if y’all’ll be after this MESSY shiz in this chapter. 
@adorkable-blackgirl  @chenoahchantel @ciara-knightly @cactus-con @up-the-tube @riebellion  @itsyaapollochild@oof–musicals @lesbian-so-what @woahjusttakeiteasy-man @meadowstryingtobepretty @imma-sensitive-btch @okaygal21 @midernacht @divinereign4ever @xoxoemille
Here is the song from the bar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iibMNsSRCE
And, the Drama Begins
Jasper wanted to have one more Girls Day with the Hartbroken Club before filming started, but the production team felt like that was actually a perfect place to begin recording him. Of course, he couldn't see it in progress. The thought of doing things for six months then having to wait another six months before even seeing it and probably being a completely different person in another year… that was a little terrifying.
But, the team had made a filming schedule and decided to start out with Jasper for the beginning of the show for a few reasons: 1. He was the longest friendship that Henry Hart has ever had. 2. He was the most likable person that they currently had on the cast. And 3. They weren't convinced that he and Henry were over each other and felt like establishing that on camera, early on would be a wonderful bang to begin with.
Henry hadn't been in a serious relationship since he and Jasper broke up a few years prior and there must've been a reason that it also took Jasper a long time to move on and when he did, it was with Henry's ex. They were pretty much convinced that either the relationship was a ruse to get to Henry, or one or both of them were lying to themselves about how one another felt.
Also, unknown to Jasper, they had reasons that they wanted to see Charlotte face to face with Bianca and Chloe. If the cast members weren't telling each other certain things, that was fine for the production team. They had a feeling that they knew how to start with a hefty dosage of mess from something that Charlotte had admitted in her interview when asked how she felt about being on screen with Henry's other exes. They had a feeling that Jasper didn't know this little piece of information. It would bring in good ratings at the start of the program...
Jasper's confession/testimony room was in his bedroom, where he interviewed, but with a much better camera set up. They gave Jasper a list of things that they wanted him to share with the confession camera: Why do you go to these outings with Chloe and Bianca? Is all of this because of your connection to Henry? How does Charlotte feel about it?
He sighed and set the paper down. "Those don't have to be recorded right now," Grumpy Cat said. "But, I'd say maybe do a short introduction for your first voiceover."
"Can it not be the stuff from the interview? Because I can guarantee you that whatever I said then is all that I'll come up with if I sit in that chair."
"Sure. I don't care." He rolled his eyes and walked off.
Jasper waited until he was gone to start his confession. "My name is Jasper Dunlop. I'm 28, he/him/his pronouns, cis, but not het. Ummm… Bisexual, not entirely sure of what it means to be pan, so I don't absorb that title. I have a beautiful girlfriend of about 7 months now. We live together and decided to take this weird journey with our ex-best friend and mutual ex boyfriend.." That probably sounds like we dated him at the same time, which technically… I mean, depending on how you look at it… Henry was definitely still in love with Charlotte when he and Jasper… Jasper looked at the paper then at the camera again.
"I go to these outings with Chloe and Bianca, who also dated Henry because when we broke up, it was my chance to vent, but now I just love having spa days. That's good stuff. This time, we're bringing Charlotte along. She wants to go for spa stuff. She couldn't really care about the whole Henry angle. She got over him better than any of us did, I think, especially considering that theirs was a much more serious relationship… Honestly, Char just deserves a good relaxing day. She hasn't had a great year."
Charlotte and Jasper came to the spa and Chloe and Bianca were waiting inside. "Hi!" Both girls cheered. Charlotte smiled, but didn't rush to hug them like Jasper had. They came to hug her, though. She smiled a little. "My God, you look amazing! What do you do for your skin? Your hair is divine! Omg, this dress is so cute! You smell great…" Her smile tensed up with all the overdoing going on here.
But, she had given a confession that would surely be used when this was aired…
"I don't know if Bianca and Chloe know that I know that they're two of the women who Henry was paying attention to behind my back. I don't know if they know that I know that pix were sent and that a threesome was discussed. But I know that I know, and both those girls better watch how they handle me."
In the spa, Charlotte said, "Okay! I'm not a collectible doll and neither of you are at a petting zoo." She bumped past them and asked for a price list, which she took to studying as Jasper confusedly resumed speaking to the girls about their usual plan.
She wondered, to the woman at the counter, "Just wondering about this Henry Hartbreak Plan… I think I want it, but is there a way to take off certain services for a discounted price? For instance… I don't do tanning beds…"
"Are you Charlotte?" The woman asked. Now, the whole group was paying attention. Charlotte raised an eyebrow, reluctant to answer, "I've got whatever your services are covered."
"What? Why?" Charlotte asked suspiciously. She had been broke for a few years and nobody ever gave her anything for free in her life.
"We have card information and instructions to let you whatever you need, if you are."
"What card information?"
"Dr. Henry Hart." Charlotte almost refused, but you know what? Eff it. He owed her at least one spa day, and the looks on both Bianca and Chloe's faces were worth it as the girl behind the counter read, "Charlotte Page. Special instructions. Whatever she orders, charge it to this card." The woman looked worried, like she'd said something wrong.
"Okay then, but can I still skip the tanning bed? I like to tan like nature intended, basking in the sun…"
Jasper spoke to the confession camera about this, "It was troubling to me that Henry was paying for Charlotte's way, but a little more troubling that she accepted. Because, I'd offered her and she declined. But he offered and..." he shrugged his shoulders, but his eyes were stressed.
Charlotte had a wonderful time, but avoided the girls and by association, Jasper most of the time. It wasn't really his fault, but she just preferred to focus on her experience there. "Honestly, I didn't go there to bond with Chloe or Bianca and I didn't go there to confront them about old stuff. I went for a spa day. They had their little girl's day. Charlotte had her spa day, AND it was free." On the way home, she reclined the seat and said, "I'm probably gonna sleep."
"Are you tired from all the energy it must've taken you to ignore everybody all day?" He said, jokingly.
"Nope. It took none. It was as natural as breathing. That's an awesome spa! My skin feels glorious." She said. "I loved those lavender lemonade spritzers."
"Too rich for my blood," he muttered.
"Should've told me. I'd have gotten you some on Henry's dime." Jasper took a deep breath. "You okay, Jasper?" She poked him a little in the side, playfully, trying to get him to look at her.
"I don't feel comfortable with what happened today."
"Why? I got a free spa day and you got your day with your little friends. Everybody won."
"For one, they were trying to be nice and you were kind of rude to them, then you refused to interact with any of us. Why did you come when we did and not some other time if you didn't want to be there with us?"
"Next time I won't. Sorry for how it affected you," she said and rubbed his shoulder.
He sighed. He wanted to say it was no big deal and move on, but that was the kind of stuff that got his heart in trouble with Henry. "Now, I feel like you're dismissing it."
"I am, because you're wrong, but if it's how you feel, who are me to judge?" She laughed to herself about her silly reference. He didn't get it. He looked stressed and she didn't want that at all. She honestly didn't think it would matter to him that she stayed to herself, because they were both pretty independent in this relationship. He seemed like he was upset, so she added, "I wasn't trying to ignore you. I thought that was better than me being bitchy towards those girls. I won't mess up your next date with them, as long as you aren't talking playfully or otherwise about having a threesome with them."
"Why would I be?"
She shrugged her shoulders, "Henry did." Jasper squinted and looked at her sideways.
"This story never got back to you?" He shook his head. "Okay. Wow. Well, whenever Henry and I had our last little blow up, one of the contention sources was his group chat with Bianca and Chloe and very inappropriate things being said and done there, one of which quote unquote just joking about having a threesome with them."
"I… did not know that. Henry didn't really ever want to say much about what happened between you and him. Just that it was his fault and that you left him."
"And in the past year or so you've been hanging with them they never mentioned it?"
"They mentioned that something happened after you two broke up, but nothing about causing it."
"Wait, something happened, like what? Like the threesome?"
"I mean… would it matter at this point? Are you still hurt?"
"To be honest, I didn't really deal with my heartbreaking. I just moved along, focused on school until I was ready to see other people socially, and I guess in the anger and blocking and stuff… maybe I am still hurt…"
"I don't know. But whether or not I am, I didn't like how they approached me either, so I still wouldn't have been interested, even if I didn't have those being my last memories of them."
"Why didn't you tell me this before? Like.. why come to this and then tell me afterwards?"
"I thought it would be petty to bring it up to you, at all. But, just now, you looked upset and I hate seeing you upset. I wanted to explain myself. I didn't think I'd be as dismissive of them when I got there as I was. I'm sorry."
He pulled over and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry. That's really messed up that you went through that. That would never happen with me."
"I'm Charlotte. Part science whiz, part art hoe, part witchy bitch, sarcastic, realistic, and just passionate about the things that I'm into. I came here for no other reason than for people to be able to see sides of me that I don't necessarily talk about. I know that this is about Henry, but that's not why I'm here." Charlotte was doing yoga in the living room, then made some juice and went outside to watch the sunrise.
Whenever Jasper saw her do it for the first time, he waited for her to come back in and asked, "Is that a you and Henry thing?"
"Nothing is a me and Henry thing," she said, laughing. Jasper had stepped out onto the balcony with Henry before and Henry asked him not to interrupt that time. It was his special alone time with the sun. Jasper thought it was weird, but gave him the space. So, seeing Charlotte do the very same thing had been deja vu. But, instead of being hard on him, she'd asked, "You ever wanna join me? I know you're not usually up so early…"
"I'd love to!" He said, then never woke up for it. Sometimes, if he left the bar super late, he'd still be awake when she got up. To be perfectly honest, watching her do yoga was more interesting to him than watching the sunrise, but there was something in how she watched it, something in how Henry had watched it that made Jasper feel like he understood them both better now. He didn't. He couldn't put his finger on it. But, he was just… kinda really fond of them in some of the same ways.
"You know, Henry does this every morning, too. That was why I'd asked if it was a you and him thing."
"It's a me thing that rubbed off on him."
"There was a lot, I think. I didn't realize that was your influence, but living with you after living with him…"
She smiled a little, "Well, he and I have to have both changed enough to where I don't remind you too much of him?"
"Yeah, there's a lot of very clear differences. Like, the bathroom! He keeps all his bathroom stuff in a bag and puts it out when he's in there and puts it away when he leaves."
"Yeah, because if he has to get out and go, he needs those things to go with him. He and Ray went on a… business trip suddenly and we're there for over a week. He came back and kept insisting his skin was in shambles." She laughed. "He was so ashy! I didn't even know that could happen to him, but he's got a kinda dark white complexion, so I guess." Jasper laughed too, recalling that. THAT was why he did that?
"Of course, you don't even care. You just spread your things all over my bathroom before you ever even moved in! I'd go in to find my toothpaste and there's women's stuff, beauty stuff, all those oils and stuff.."
"You're welcome. Don't think I don't notice you using my stuff."
"It's high quality stuff!"
"I have something for you!" She rushed to get a pretty bottle, that looked sort of like a genie bottle and handed it to him. "I blended this juice especially for you."
He tried some and shrugged. "Pretty good."
"It will help with some things…" she smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"Don't leave me in suspense. What things?"
"Jasper has bruh… I don't know how else to say it… very off-putting semen. It's super bitter - WAY more tart than it should be. I know that his diet is part of the problem, but I can't really, you know… change his diet for him. This is one of the things that I do, though. Juices, herbs, soaks, whatever… we can get him tasting right. I'm not gonna keep trying to figure out what to do with that swamp gunk!"
Charlotte answered, "Your output. This will help with it."
"I have no idea what that means."
"I'll LOVE it, okay?"
"Good enough for me." She gave him a peck on the lips, then went to go get cleaned up for the rest of her day. *Shows off the bottle "Look at how gorgeous this thing is. I don't even know what it's made out of, but it's beautiful and the juice tastes magical."
Jasper showed up while Henry was watering plants. He'd left the door open. "Heyyy!" Henry cheered. "Jasper's here, ladies," he said to a group of flowers.
"Yo. Oh! Is it still watering time?" He backed away, getting ready to leave the place, in peace.
"Yeah, it's all good." Jasper raised an eyebrow. "Things have changed, Jasp. I'm not as mean as before… or as abusive." His eyes fell and he shook his head. He was honestly horrible to Jasper.
"I wouldn't call it abusive. You just were snappy about your boundaries."
"Yeah, but when you have so many boundaries…"
"Speaking of, sometimes I watch the sunrise with Char. She told me that you got that from her."
Henry smiled sadly, "Keep living. She'll put things on you too."
"Yeah! She makes me special juice and puts it in this beautiful bottle for me!" He held out the bottle to Henry.
"What's in it?"
Jasper took a swig, "Like.. bananas, something tropical, citrusy.." he took another, "Different flavors. My palate is getting a lot."
"May I?" Jasper reluctantly handed it over and Henry beautifully took a sip. How was he so damn hot, just drinking from a bottle? He swished it in his mouth, swallowed, smacked his lips and said, "I've got papaya, cinnamon, peppermint… celery…" He snapped his fingers, "This is for your semen." He handed the bottle back. "To help it taste better for her."
"What?" Jasper hugged the bottle close to himself, scandalized.
"I mean, sure those things have other properties, so it could be anything, but my vote is on semen, because yours was always super strong tasting and she doesn't like flavors like that. Knowing her, she'd give you something to help without straight up saying, this is for this problem that I've noticed… Because, she feels like we ignore her when she does that."
"My output!" Jasper said, embarrassed.
Henry laughed, then apologized. "I remember her telling me, I got you something! Then showing me my very first konjac sponge. Apparently, I needed to exfoliate, especially my lips, which got really dry and licking them only wet them, not moisturized them." Henry laughed. "I do a routine flush to keep that down below good to go, though, especially if I'm expecting to engage. You let her down there with...just whatever? DId you not notice her wince or anything?"
"I don't wanna talk sex with Charlotte with you, Henry. You understand."
"Sure. Well, you ready to run?"
"No! But I agreed to it, so…""Charlotte is super healthy. Henry is super healthy. Henry is gonna be around because we're doing this show, so… I want to look better than I've been looking. I look great! Don't think I'm self conscious. I just know that I could stand to try to be in better shape, especially with the weirdness of Charlotte and Henry and me. Henry said that I could come with him on his morning runs. I hate running, but I've gotta start somewhere, I guess." The two of them were lightly jogging. Jasper fell behind a few times and told Henry not to worry, but he'd slow down every time.
"Jasper running is kinda comical, kinda adorable. He seems like he might die and that's sad, but his facial expressions and the stuff he yells out just make it hard not to smile."
"Running is what they get you to do when you wake up in Hell!" Jasper toppled over. Jasper poured a jug of water down his shirt. Jasper nearly collapsed. "Why would people choose to do this any time after like, age 6?" Jasper rested his hands on his knees, then fell forward, then lied down in the grass. "You should go on without me. I've been out here too long." Henry jogged next to him as he caught his breath. Henry checked his watch. "Okay, Buddy. It's been like 8 minutes…"
"PERIOD?" "Jasper is not a runner."
Henry made a mental note to simply work out later. After 20 minutes, Jasper was ready to die. "Come on. I'll get you something to eat and we can sit down for a while." Henry placed Jasper on his shoulder and said, "Maybe a gym. A treadmill? You could better control the volume and speed. We'll look into that."
"Henry and I used to work out all the time. I started going to the gym with him when he and Charlotte broke up. He would go more frequently, trying to blow off stress I think and I went along because he was mentally in a bad spot and I didn't want him to be alone. I got a membership back then and we went and talked and worked out and I was in my best shape at that time. I was hot. Ouch!"
Charlotte wasn't home whenever Jasper got back, but he texted her about spending the afternoon with Henry. Once they were out and about again, they just flowed well. And, they'd spent time together before he and Charlotte, so they would likely do so again. He looked at the countertop in the kitchen and Charlotte had left him this cute jumbo organza bag with a drawstring and a note, "Put together a blend of oatmeal, epsom salts, fragrances, flowers, herbs and essential oils for the soreness that you'll surely have when you get home. Love you!" Jasper held his heart over his chest, "She's honestly so thoughtful. Like… She talks to you mean, but literally nobody in my life has ever anticipated that I might be sore and made me a bath soak for it." He was blushing, uncontrollably.
Henry pulled out all the 'Steal Yo Girl' stops for his visit to the lounge that Jasper and Charlotte were working at. Neither of them were expecting him, but he knew where they worked and decided that he would go to socialize and smize at them. He had on a button down shirt, with the buttons open at the top, a floral jacket, silk to be exact, his eyebrows, hairdo, skin and teeth groomed to perfection. Jasper had spent a lot of time with him earlier. They had brunch and found a gym to join together and Henry was able to finish up his run on the treadmill, while Jasper preferred a comfortable walk on the one next to it. They had a good time. Henry felt good about them, but Charlotte was still out of his reach.
He came in and saw a little flier that said that Charlotte was singing tonight. He didn't even know that she sung here. He thought she said she was a waitress. He headed for the bar to order a drink and this music started and a sweet singing voice that made him turn around and stare. She was just in a silhouette, but he knew her form, even holding a guitar. "When we first collided -The timing wasn't right. I showed you the signs. You disappeared into the shadows. Now you're back again, Telling me you do. You do…" She came from the darkness into the dim light of the room, continuing. He was transfixed, but everyone was.
Charlotte wore a figure hugging shimmering gold dress that showcased her gorgeous legs, strap up shoes, and her hair pulled up, adorned with gold accents and some extensions that made her kinda look like that suitoress in Coming to America. She kicked her leg up when she got to the chorus, "I've been to the moon. Don't tempt me. I've been where you are. God help me…" Jasper and Charlotte seemed to both notice Henry at the same time, or maybe Jasper noticed him after she focused in on someone in the audience… "I've been to the moon and stars for you, and now it's your turn to go for me too…" Henry was drawing closer to the stage when he felt a hand squeeze his shoulder and broke his trance. Jasper.
"Hey.. you didn't tell me that Char was singing tonight!"
"I didn't expect to see you here, so I'm not sure why I would've. She has good vocals and can play guitar, so sometimes she does this for extra cash when they can't book anybody." Jasper smiled and folded his arms, trying not to look Henry over and failing. "What are you doing here?"
"Wanted to have a few drinks." They headed for the bar and Jasper was ready to serve. "What's this song she's singing?"
"Ummm.. it's Corinne Bailey Rae, I think. She's doing some of that tonight and some Esperanza Spalding, Marsha Ambrosious… You know…"
"Charshit," they both said at the same time. Henry ordered his drink then stared at her some more before Jasper interrupted, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you still wanted her." Henry blinked out of it and turned in his seat towards Jasper with a soft smile. "I want her not to hate me. We never got a chance to get to that point. She crossed me off and didn't look back. I spent years trying to get over that."
"Over the fact that someone was strong enough to leave you?" Jasper teased
Henry studied his glass for a while, before admitting, "Over the fact that the one person I always thought would never, had."
"The one person…" Jasper reeled in his sympathy to say, "Well when you're planning threesomes with your exes while you're dating, executing aforementioned threesome when you break up, and then inviting all of them to your shit show, I'm not sure how you expect her to forgive you any time soon."
Henry rubbed the temples of his head, shot the rest of his drink, and gestured for another. Jasper rolled his eyes at the fact that he went silent when called on his BS. Earlier today, he thought he'd changed. When he set down Henry's drink, Henry said, "I want everything out of the way. All the dirt dealt with… everything drudged up and maybe we can put all the shit behind us."
"Says the shit starter," Jasper said. He leaned on the bar, kinda close to Henry's face, "If that's what you want, just say it. Stop playing games."
Henry smiled and said, "I feel like that's going to be used completely out of context when this airs." He booped his nose, laughed, and turned away from Jasper to watch Charlotte finish her set and nurse his drink. "Charlotte said everything that she needed to say to me whenever she left me. She had some valid reasons. She was well within her right and it was the best thing for her to do for her. I always thought that whenever somebody messes up, you work on it, forgive, maybe even forget. My parents have been together for like 30 years and I know that there's been infidelity and other troubles, but they never leave each other and they've never even considered a divorce, and I guess that I thought that when you love someone, there's a lot of room to make mistakes. That… wasn't what I believed after that break up and I felt like I had an epiphany that I was never going to have any great love, because I had one and I messed up."
Charlotte came off of the stage and looked Henry up and down then said, very firmly, cutting off whatever cheery compliments that he was about to give her, "Listen. If you're gonna go after my man, all up in my face, I should tell you that you're not the only one with some fight training."
Henry scoffed and Jasper handed her a drink, "He's not, Babe."
"Don't come up in here trying to look like a meal and getting all up on Jasper, smiling and booping his nose and shit!" She snapped at Henry.
"Wow. You misread all of that," Henry said.
"You misread!" She snapped. "Jasper is a nice person and he has a hard time telling people to shove off. I don't. He doesn't want you anymore, Hen, You messed that up."
"I know that," Henry said, shot the rest of his current drink and threw some money on the counter, "Sorry for the misunderstanding. We still on for the gym?"
"Uhh... " Jasper looked at Charlotte, tapping her foot angrily and clenching her glass in her fingers. "I don't know. I'll call you in the morning." He rubbed Charlotte's shoulder and said, "He wasn't flirting with me."
"I know. You were flirting with him," She said and drank her drink.
"No, I wasn't. I was confronting him about the way that he was looking at you!"
"You had to be nose to nose with him to do so?" She slammed her glass down and said, "Jasper… I'm not going to be any man's fool."
"I would never. I'm tired of you not trusting me."
"Should we take a break? You're certainly not tired of Henry. You were with him all day and now he's here tonight?"
"He just showed up!"
"And you decided to fawn all over him right in my goddamn face, Jasper!"
"I noticed that he looked nice, but I wasn't… I don't want Henry, and hell no I don't want to take a break!"
Henry bit his lip and looked at the camera. "I think that I started a fight between them.." He left the bar, stifling a chuckle. It wasn't funny, but he couldn't help it. He actually had not meant to do that, at all. He didn't know how he was gonna fix it, but probably invite them both over for dinner to clarify what he was doing there.
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The Little Scribbles by HufflePuffPatronus / @dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg
Based on this prompt:  “ I left my phone number on a wall and you found it. So every now and again you text me about your day. I don’t know how I still don’t know who you are though.”
Cover by : @klarolinessecondbreakfast
Chapter 2 || FF.net /AO3
“You’re late”
Rebekah’s blonde head appeared from behind her menu, a surly expression on her pretty face that was all too familiar.
“Good morning to you too,”
Klaus flashed his sister an easy smile, sliding gracefully into the chair adjacent to her.
“It’s gone 11. That’s practically lunch time Nik, you could have invited me somewhere far nicer to eat.”
“Occasionally sister,” - Klaus murmured, picking up a napkin and laying it across his lap - “It wouldn’t kill you to mingle amongst the unwashed masses.”
Ignoring Rebekah’s steely glare, he picked up a menu of his own.
“Don’t count on me for a once of sympathy if anything in this hovel ends up giving you food poisoning.” She hissed.
“Can I get you, folks, anything?” A man with a lot of facial hair in an apron approached their table, looking at them expectantly.
“A coffee please,” Klaus replied without looking up. “Black, no sugar.”
The waiter nodded dutifully and noted that down.
“And for you Miss?”
Giving the menu another unimpressed once over Rebekah let out an over long suffering (entirely over-dramatic yet not out of character) sigh.
“A glass of water, please. Mineral preferably.”
The man flashed Rebekah a slightly incredulous look before schooling his expression and jotting that down on his notepad.
“I’ll see what we have,” he said uncertainly before shuffling away.
Klaus rolled his eyes as Rebekah sent another unimpressed look in his direction.
“Might I remind you,” he said coolly. “It was you who forced me to be present for this lunch engagement,”
And had he deliberately chosen, somewhere less than up to par with Rebekah’s impossible standards simply out of juvenile retaliation? Yes. But he was only human after all.
“I am your sister Niklaus.”
Klaus winced at the use of his full name and made a point of suddenly looking extremely interested in the screen of his Blackberry.
“-Your favorite sister at that.” Rebekah continued.  "I shouldn’t have to borderline blackmail into spending time with me,“
Sighing impatiently, Klaus looked up and gave his sister an exasperated look.
“Don’t play the victim card with me, Rebekah,” he warned. “We both know you wouldn’t have brought me unless you had some sort of hidden ulterior motive for demanding an audience with me,”
Rebekah shifted uncomfortably at that and stared out into the traffic passing by the window.
“And what ‘ulterior motive’ would that be?”
Klaus reclined back in his chair and smirked knowingly at his sibling just as the waiter returned and placed his coffee and Rebekah’s water down in front of them before leaving again hastily, obviously sensing the tension between them.
“Ah I don’t know,” he hummed, tapping his chin, pretending to look pensive. “Perhaps, Elijah conspired with you and now you’re here to make yet another attempt to lead me down the straight and narrow?”
Rebekah scoffed and tossed her hair off of her shoulder.
“Alright then, perhaps then this has something to do with mother then?”
Rebekah then visibly tensed and picked her napkin to wipe off a nonexistent bit of dirt on the side of her glass.
Klaus tutted and tilted his head patronizingly.
“Poor sister, you are as predictable as you are gullible,”
“Sod off Nik,” Rebekah snapped, thumping down her glass back on the table. “For the life of me, I’ll never know while you feel the need to be such a bloody prick all the time,”
“Well it’s true, isn’t it? You’ve spoken with her.” Klaus replied nonchalantly while reaching for his mug.
“We had brunch on Saturday,”
“Brunch…” Klaus bit out scornfully as if the word alone had mortally offended him.
“I’m not saying she’s changed Nik-”
“Here we go-”
“-But she’s concerned about you.” Rebekah finished, staring at him imploringly.
Klaus took one look at her and began laughing uncontrollably.
“And what exactly is funny?” Rebekah demanded.
“I’m sorry Rebekah-” Klaus attempted through, splutters. “-But the only thing our mother cares about is herself and her own well being- and the idea that you’ve convinced yourself any different,”
“It’s not like that Nik,”
“Let me guess, she’s ‘worried’”- he made quotation marks in the air for emphasis - “about my lack of suitable mate and is still adamant about setting me up with the Marshall-Kenner’s obnoxious offspring, so she can call it her good deed for the year and hopefully get some trophy grandchildren out of it while she’s at it?”
“You really are jaded for someone of your age Nik, you know that?”
Rebekah grabbed her glass from the table and took a sip, wrinkling her nose at whatever it was she did or didn’t taste that made her water so unsatisfactory.
“Ah, right again.” he nodded smugly.
“You can hardly blame her. You haven’t had so much as a date with anyone since the therapist. What was her name? Blonde, a little dull, but a sweet girl God bless her…”
“Camille has nothing to do with what we’re discussing,” Klaus said defensively. “This is about your active participation in mother’s mission to control my life,”
“Now who’s being dramatic,” Rebekah fired back, sharply raising a razor thin eyebrow at him.
“I’ve heard enough,” Klaus growled, rising from his seat.
“And now you’re running, typical I must say-”
“Keep your hair on sister, I wouldn’t be so inhumane as to force you to pay for your own glass of tap water,” Klaus answered sardonically. “I’m visiting the facilities,”
“Well hurry up about it, if sit in this place any longer, I’m certain I’ll come out with a rash.” Rebekah hissed, writhing uncomfortably.
“So a typical Tuesday afternoon for you then?” Klaus smiled, retreating before Rebekah could answer him.
Of course, there’s only one loo in this bloody place he thought as he slipped through the door at the back of the cafe.
Klaus sighed loudly, positioning himself near the bowl and adjusting his clothing. He then attempted to calm himself down and began calculating whether he’d have enough time (and patience) to take Rebekah to a nice patisserie and sweet talk her into taking his side over their mother’s.
Suddenly something above his head caught his eye. The wall in front of him had various scribbles and doodles scrawled all over it ranging from varying degrees of offensiveness and artistry but what caught his eye, was what was written in unusually neat handwriting - a stark contrast to everything else - and the number above it.
Only call in the state of a crisis
Klaus laughed ironically to himself, considering that anything that had anything to do with Esther Mikaelson, was something he considered to be a crisis. Perfect timing.
So yes maybe in a moment of utter madness he pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket and took down the number on the wall.
And maybe just maybe, he took out a pen also and scribbled it out so that nobody else would come after him and do the same thing.
Hey, he was a possessive sort of man, even when it came down to the numbers of complete strangers written in bathroom stalls. It was the Aries in him.
Later that evening
“Hello, yes?” Caroline demanded, answering her phone and irritably responding to the voice on the other end of the line.
“Hey Care is this still your number?” the voice mumbled uncertainly
“Matt?!” Caroline said incredulously, suddenly sitting bolt upright.
“Uh, yeah,” he replied, sounding slightly embarrassed and just as bumbling and inept as usual.
Matt was one of Caroline’s ex-boyfriends who she’s had the misfortune of ‘agreeing to stay friends’ with. Which everyone knows, is just code for ‘I don’t hate you but seriously I hope we never see each other again’ except Matt missed that memo apparently and figured that them being quote unquote friends justified him calling her at ass crack at night, for what Caroline was certain promised to be complete and utter nonsense.
“Seriously, it’s like eleven at night Matt,” Caroline complained, smoothing her hair out of her face and glancing at her alarm clock.
“Yeah, I know and I’m really sorry,” Matt said hurriedly. “But you’re the only one I thought I could ask who would be available and wouldn’t laugh at me,”
“What Matt?” Caroline sighed exhaustedly.
“How normal is it for someone to just suddenly develop a rash on the side of their elbow?”
Caroline pressed the phone to her chest and tried desperately not to groan out loud. Despite the distance, she could still feel Matt’s panicked voice through the receiver.
“Care? Caroline are you still there,”
She sighed. “Yeah, Matt I’m still here. It sounds like it’s just a regular rash. Does it hurt?”
“No but it’s itchy,” Matt replied, his tone sounding as if he was on the phone with his doctor describing the size of a growing tumor.
“If it’s really bothering you then go see a doctor,” Caroline supplied, staring up the ceiling and cursing the day she let Matt’s boy next door charm and goofy lopsided grin talk her into giving him her number in the middle of that pretzel store in the mall one afternoon.
“You’re right. Thanks, Care you’re a life saver,” Matt gushed, breathing a sigh of relief as if Caroline had just given him some invaluable, non-obvious solution to his problem.
“Sorry again for calling, good night-”
“-Wait!” Caroline exclaimed suddenly.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine, I just-” “Do you?-”
“Yeah?” Matt questioned in confusion.
“Do you think I’m boring Matt?”
“Do you think I’m boring?” Caroline repeated.
After a moment’s silence, Matt finally responded with “Is this a trick question?”
“No! Matt, I just want your honest opinion,”
“Yes, really,” Caroline said with an eye roll.
“Oh, well then, no. I wouldn’t say you’re boring.” Matt answered.
“No?” she said hopefully.
“No wouldn’t be fair,”
Caroline breathed a sigh of relief.
“So would you say I’m fun?” she questioned
“What’s that now?” Matt asked a slight edge of panic returning in his voice.
“Fun Matt”
“Uh, sure… I mean yeah you’re fun. We always had a lot of fun together. I mean sure, it was pretty controlled, planned out to the letter type of fun but it was still fun,”
“Wait. What? What does that mean?”
Matt chuckled.
“Well you know, with you, it was kind of always ‘The fun will start at 10:15 sharp and not a moment sooner’” he joked, clearly unaware of how insensitive he was being.
“Yeah well, I’m kind of tired so good night Matt. Thanks for that,” Caroline said, barely veiling her ire.
“No thank you,” Matt replied cheerily, the sarcasm going completely over his head.
And with that, Caroline ended the call and proceeded to toss her phone three feet across the room and scream senselessly into her pillow.
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