#Also is astra nova a little sister?
ophii · 7 months
Yes, you
Tell me about your faerie OC- /nf
OKOKOKOKOSOOO their name is nova :3 they're a silly little faerie:
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them^^ i have a whole backstory written out for them but im gonna tldr it rq!! they were a prince of a fictional city-state called alesdrya but there was a war that happened which caused them to flee to other citystates, specifically one called latyia, where they joined a small team-rocket-esque trio which doesnt have a name quite yet but im gonna make one soon!!! they arent really evil but its nicknamed the evil trio cause the leader ..eats people. so thats why its called the evil trio.. i made the whole over-arching story with my friends btw! but their backstory is made by me!!
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silly art of them and their sister figure, stella, who is also part of the evil trio... but theyre wearing their respective adult figures outfits!!!
stella belongs to my sister, @sunny8011 , btw
and the whole written out backstory for nova (+ their actual sister!) is below the cut :3
Nova and Astra were born in Alesdrya to the royal fae family. They lived a pretty average royal life until 2020, when a war broke out between humans and the fae. It was because there were rumors and legends that depicted the fae as evil pranksters, so Mythosonia (the human part, mostly) created a reason to go to war. I should mention that faerie hunters have existed in the other Estarian city-states for a long time, but have been considered illegal in Alesdrya (since the population is 99% fae.) Nova was 6 and Astra was 16 when the war started. Their parents were hanged in the town square as Nova was attempting to be escorted out by some maids. Unfortunately, the maids were assassinated, and Nova fled out of the city-state on foot. Astra was no where to be seen, though, as she was sent into hiding in the castle, being the heir to the throne. Once the war ended in 2022 after both parties decided to call it quits, Astra reemerged and claimed the throne, rebuilding Alesdrya. She has tried to look for Nova, but to no avail. Nova was pretty much a nomad/refugee until they ran into Stella at some point along the way, probably when crossing through Fey'in, the witch-populated city-state, and then they met Aster. Aster convinced (manipulated) them to help him with his evil plans and ideas, and they agreed, having no where to go themselves. Eventually, the two mostly quit being evil, instead just focusing on their magic studies and only periodically helping Aster terrorize humans and such. also nova has no idea astra is alive
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sun-arson · 1 year
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Unfortunately this somehow took 3 days but I did it! I made the reference sheet. I’m trying a lot of new things that seem to paying off, I’ve never never drew a tattoo before until I made this oc and tbh I’m not disappointed with how it came out!
But allow me to explain who the izila are a little, I will make a sheet about them and everything else that is important before actually starting the AU but a little early insight never hurt anyone, right?
The izila Are a tribe of people and monsters forged 253 years before the Great War, the people of the tribe believed in one god. The god that lived amongst the stars, Sun Wukong who here was The first Demi-Human. A Demi-human is a hybrid between monster and human who can have the potential the shatter the limitations of ones usual magical capacities, sun was one of those Demi humans, his magic burns with the heat of a thousand suns, his flame undying and his body eternally hot to provide his people heat when it was cold. Sun was allegedly the most powerful being to ever walk the planet, his Demi-human make up allowed for the izila monsters and humans to be more accepting of one another and therefore their tribe thrived all the way up until the Great War. By the time of the Great War sun had passed after living 137 years of a great life, as not just a divine icon but a hero and friend to his people. He’s carried them on his shoulders for years, For the next 116 years they needed to figure out life on their own. And they did. However once the war came about the izila had a great divide those who still followed the word of sun and worshipped ‘The God of the Sun’ and those who were straying away from it due to the ‘Gods’ passing.
two tribes known as the Keżzi-Kürt and Aadamei never had appreciated the existence of the monsters and would do anything to prove humans superior, this tribe would actively go out of their way to torment other tribes and especially Demi-Humans, and monsters. Anything between cutting one’s life short or forcing them to do manual labor until it becomes too unbearable. Due to the tribes constant competition for food eventually there came a era called “Starved” people were starting to starve due to the lack of food, The izila were getting ready to move on and travel to another land but during their preparations the Keżzi-Kürt tribe had corrupted the Izila who strayed away from their teachings, convincing them that the they’re only struggling because with monsters around the population was far too high, they preached that the monsters consumed a much higher volume of resources than humans and other lies and like the foolish lost sheep that they were the former izila members turned on their people to join the Keżzi-Kürt. And so the Great War started. The Keżzi-Kürt were a large tribe who were also supported by the aadamei and almost half of the Izila. These numbers easily overwhelmed the Real izila, the humans in the tribe who stood with the monsters were struck down along side them and Demi-humans. In the end the remainder of the Izila had took their kids and went into hiding in fear of extinction unfortunately leaving the monsters to fight the battle on their own, in the end they all were sealed away. Now 11 centuries later only 20 members of the izila remain along with 3 Demi-humans, one of which being nova.
because of their religious beliefs their names are often related to stars, fire, plasma in general. Such as Nova or his sister Star, their last names casaflame which means “cast a flame”. Their fathers name is Agni which means “fire”, their mothers name is Astra which means “Star” as based on the belief of their god of the sun, they still believe that even after his death Sun still watches over them.
Anyway, story time over! Reference sheet time ✨
credit to the inspirations!💛
First of all! this design for frisk comes from the design of I believe classic frisk from jackei’s underverse series, on the chance you don’t know where to find their YouTube is JackeiHazen. You should go and check it out if you haven’t already 🙃 all I did was make the shoes.
Secondly, the design for nova came from Cassynova well- really just the hair. The face, Tail, teeth, scars, body type and tattoos, those were all my ideas. I decided to give him a tail since the izila God is Sun Wukong.
LASTLY!!! The tattoo, the tattoos were inspired by Joshua Samuel Fatu, his brother Jonathan Solofa Fatu and his cousin who wear and show their tattoos to represent their culture, I like the design and I wanted to make something like it.
welp- that’s all I have to say here, I hope you guys enjoyed if you made it this far 👍
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appy-polly-loggies · 3 years
Are you a doll collector?
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Yes. 😂 That above is just a part of my little collection the rest just didn't fit into the shelf
I mostly collect mh but I also got a few rainbow high dolls and they're just so beautiful but also really expensive so probably not gonna collect them 😂 and I also have like 3 eah and 2 bratzillas.. And one cave club one.. And I've been thinking about getting a snapstars doll but their faces just kinda.. Idk I don't really like them 😂 the one with bangs is kinda pretty tho
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C1: Mercury Aspects - Raya & Friends
A/N: A Big thank you to all the girls: Ana @ladyastranova , Anya @ladymariajosephinereyes and Emi @hadleyjaneharper who RP-ed these with me the last few days, I’m so happy Raya has met all of your girls and I can’t wait to see their friendships grow! Enjoy reading yall! 
#7: Girls Named After Stars Watching Stars 
[Astra & Raya]
/ɐstɹˈa ˈnəʊvə/
Noun [Name/Astronomy]
1. Astra - a Latin phrase meaning "to the stars" Astro // is the accusative plural form of the Latin word astrum, 'star' (from Greek astron 'a star', derived from PIE root ster-
2. Nova - a star showing a sudden large increase in brightness and then slowly returning to its original state over a few months.
Noun [Name/Astronomy]
1. The Pleiades in Arabic
2. Pleiades also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45, is an open star cluster containing middle-aged, hot B-type stars in the north-west of the constellation Taurus
#8: Mercury in Renegade [MJ & Raya]
Mercury in Renegade
/ˈməːkjəri ɪn ˈrɛnɪɡeɪd/
Adjective [Astrology]
1. Mercury determines friendships and relations through the 11th House
2. A phrase derived from MJ Being A Little Shit™ 
#9: Semi Square Aspect [Hadley & Raya]
Semi Square Aspect
/ˈsɛmi skwɛːˈaspɛkt/
Noun [Astrology]
1. Blocked energy that comes from the emotional and psychological influences of two planets that are 45 degrees apart from each other
2. The native is thought to have a tendency to seek out those individuals who are not necessarily compatible to them, and this may lead to a sense of tension and actions to correct what to them may be frustration
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If you had the choice, what names would you give the nightlights?
Hi, so funny story - I started to answer this months ago in an Uber to work but then arrived at work before I could finish, so I saved it in my drafts. Then things got so busy and well...it got buried in my drafts. I’m really sorry about that!
I know that the Night Light babies have names now, but I thought I’d answer this anyway just because it’s fun!
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I’ve been thinking ever since I got this ask as to what I would personally name them - I have two sets of Build a Bear night lights and so I’m hoping to name the second set with my own names (because I’m extra like that) while the first set I bought are more the canon night lights + their names (it makes sense to me even if it makes sense to no one else)
In the end, I decided to just answer with what names I’m considering giving to the second batch of Night Lights, just for fun! I’ve tried to look at Norse/Viking names as well as names I just generally like from fantasy stories, so that’s fun! Quite a few are also names I wrote down in my little notebook whilst looking for names for dragons/dragon species in my original novel - I used a generator for those and liked the results!
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Blue-eyed Night Light/Dart - Skyspear
So I actually saw someone else come up with the name “Skyspear” (I think it was @saieras) for this Nightlight, and I love it! (I hope that’s okay, OP!) I thought it was fitting because it kind of reminded me of Astrid naming her dragon Stormfly in a way (Storm + Fly / Sky + Spear), and Furies are incredibly fast dragons - we could probably assume that the Night Lights are pretty fast too, especially when they fully grow up, and so I can picture her flying through the air like a spear: streamlined, focused on the target.
Alternate Names: I’m a huge His Dark Materials fan, as well as a fan of stars (literally - my sister is moon, I am stars) and Lyra is the name of a constellation as well as the name of Lyra Silvertongue from HDM. When I think of Lyra, I think of an adventurous spirit, someone who changes the course of destiny perhaps, and I thought that would be cute since I strongly headcanon that the blue eyed Night Light is a parallel to Zephyr, aka the future Chieftess of Berk after Hiccup.
Some other alternate names I’ve considered are “Nyx”, because it means “night”, and “Nova”. I also like the name “Runa”, which I first heard in Skyrim. I kind of also like “Midnight” as a name too actually! Other names I liked were Echo, Stardust and Starflight. Astra is another potential one, but ultimately I vetoed it because it was kind of a little too similar to Astrid! “Glownose” is a nice one, and accurate because of her little white nose!
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Green-eyed mostly-black Night Light/Ruffrunner - Littletooth 
I don’t know why, but I find it so much harder to come up with names for the male Nightlight babies for some reason! So out of the three babies, this one probably takes the most after Toothless, I’d say - which is why I felt “Littletooth” was an absolutely perfect name for him! I don’t really know what else to say about this name except for what I’ve already said! I suppose “Littletooth” could be short for “Little Toothless”, in a way, even though he obviously does have some white scales/white feet that’s from the Light Fury side of the family!
Alternate Names: “Soot”, obviously because he’s mostly black-scaled! One I came up with was “Dusktongue” - obviously “dusk” is one of those day/night related names, which are fitting because the Night Lights are the result of a Night Fury father and a Light Fury mother. “Shadowdancer” would be another cute one, again because he’s mostly black-scaled and Furies are quick!
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Green eyed white Night Light/Pouncer - Lighthorn
Again, I’m less sure on what to call the two boys! I found Lighthorn on a dragon name generator and thought it was pretty cute! Out of the three babies, this one looks the most like their mother, the Light Fury, and so I thought it would fit him best. He’s obviously got lighter scales (white) like his mother, and when I think of thorns, I think of like... “a thorn in your side”. Something small but noticable maybe? Thorns are sharp, and I think that the Night Lights are like their parents in that they’ll have sharp reflexes, be able to shoot their blasts accurately etc. I have no idea if that makes any sense, but I like it!
I was originally going to go for something a little more silly, because obviously this Night Light kind of parallels little Nuffink Haddock (really, Hiccup, Nuffink? Astrid let you name your kid that? XD), but then I thought “Hey, Nuff would probably know better than to name the dragon something dumb”, so...yeah!
Alternate Names: Frostbite is obvious - he’s mostly white like snow! I think, for similar reasons, Snowflake would be a cute name for him too! Arvid is a name derived from Old Norse, and it means “forest of eagles” or “eagle wood”, which I thought was fitting because, you know, dragons fly and so do eagles (lol, I’m dumb, please ignore that last part). 
If you had the choice, what names would you give the nightlights?
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ros-dls · 5 years
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Xia nova: Princess of lava and next heiress to the throne of the kingdom
Astra nova: Small princess and Xia’s little sister
I wanted to make Xia’s Reference, and yes....she also has a sister so-
Enjoy ✨
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knightsims · 6 years
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Week 19 in Rosedale is over, so let’s do the weekly recap! :D Week 19 was the time of the great ‘Bandican folder failure’ so I lost quite a lot of pictures, so apologies that some of the recaps are so short!
Births: 13 Deaths: 6 (-1 for a genie revive)
Nicholas gave birth to his and Costel Couderc’s baby girl Sadie.
Costel moved in.
Sadie turned into a toddler.
Iola turned into an elder.
Bellamy turned into a teenager.
Vesuvia turned into a child.
They adopted two pets; a puppy named Jynx and an adult cat named Citrine.
Asher turned into an adult. He then entered a relationship with townie Vera Chambers, and they moved out on Monday morning.
Tharen and Rigel turned into adults. Tharen entered a relationship with Sofia Bledel, and they all moved out at the end of the week.
Joseph’s alien abduction from the week before resulted in the birth of another son, Vega!
Leia turned into a teenager.
They adopted a new kitten called Chai!
Socks ate some Kibble of Life.
Jason and Kelly went on a date. Kelly then immediately died, causing Jason to have a conflicting line of memories about her dying, the date being horrible and then inheriting some money.
Hera turned into a teenager.
Jason rolled some wants about finding a new girlfriend, so he went on a handful of dates with downtownie Davina Cofield.
Hera spawned a social bunny that made fun of her while she was sleeping.
Hera tried to fix the computer and started a fire! She then caught the whole room on fire and died as a result! Thankfully, Jason used the genie lamp and brought her back to life (successfully; no zombies this time!)
Jason rolled a want to propose to Davina, so they got engaged and quickly married in the kitchen.
Grimmy and the Hula Zombies came in a ‘two for one’ deal for Mae and Carlos!
Vivienne continued making robots until she reached the gold badge! She then made herself a robot girlfriend named Claire!
Dean entered an informal relationship with Hayley Brewster!
Someone set the kitchen on fire again.
Grimmy came for Ronica one five consecutive nights, but she beat him at the game of chance every single time.
Hayley left Dean an ElectroDance Sphere after their date.
Teagan and Lane turned into teenagers.
Colt woohooed with Apple Brewster.
Lane got a womrat.
Dean and Colt turned into adults. Due to the ROS roll of needing to get someone pregnant, Colt invited over the most attractive townie he knew called Tameko Clarke, fell in love, asked her to move in and successfully got her pregnant.
Dean moved out with his cat Bella, and Colt moved out with Tameko and their unborn child.
Ethan got chased by bees.
Nova drank straight from the bottle at their new bar.
Evelyn turned into an adult. She then went on a blind date and fell in love with townie Candice Barnett! And when I wasn’t looking, Evelyn fell pregnant.
Kayla and Zenith turned into teenagers.
Evelyn and Candice moved out.
Gwyneth and Leland went to her restaurant to serve dinner to townies. Once again, Gwyneth and her max cooking skill burnt the cake slice.
Hayley turned into an adult. Thanks to ACR, Hayley saw Lirit Wheatley on the side of the street and immediately went to woo her. They made out, woohooed and got Hayley pregnant...
The quadruplets turned into teenagers.
Hayley gave birth to Lirit’s newest daughter, Cheyenne, to an audience of most of her siblings.
Someone set the kitchen on fire!
Apple turned into an adult.
Aeryn and Garrus got into a fight in the bathroom, then both glared at their older brother Saros like he’d done something...
Not wanting her sister to raise a daughter on her own, Apple moved out with Hayley and Cheyenne.
Due to ROS, Bailey had to have a 2-day affair. Most of the two days was spent trying to get her to romantically interact with Ronica Swafford, local marriage-ruiner.
Emmett turned into an adult. He had a string of bad luck trying to find a girlfriend.
Ali the cat died!
Joel turned into an adult and went into immediate aspiration failure.
Bailey set the kitchen on fire.
The matchmaker left the family a genie lamp! Emmett then wished for beauty.
After his genie wish, Emmett went on a successful date with townie Jessica Ingham.
Grimmy came for Daryl!
Danica used the treadmill to get fit.
Roman turned into a child and started painting.
They lost §17,500 in a stock-market crash (thanks ROS).
Kaylyn turned into an adult.
She entered a relationship with townie Anya Colville, who ended up getting her pregnant.
Grace sold some paintings.
Maximilian turned into a teenager.
They got another cat named Skittles.
Valentina got started on a novel.
Alexis turned into an adult.
She entered a relationship with Joel Mazza and they got married at the end of the week.
Grimmy came a few times for Kit but as he’d wished for the ability to cheat death, he didn’t actually die.
Angelica turned into a toddler and then a child.
Rose turned into an elder.
Lirit was caught cheating with townie Marietta Sanna. She then rolled a want to get engaged to her, so she and Marietta moved out, leaving Rose and Angelica behind.
The ROS roll for the week was for good witchcraft, so Regina turned into a witch.
She and Bernie got married at the park.
Lucas and Lucio moved into a tiny home after leaving Regina the week before.
Lucas entered a relationship with townie Leonie Olsen.
They got married, and Leonie fell pregnant and gave birth to a baby daughter named Astra.
They moved into a much larger home.
Deigo turned into a toddler and then a child.
Isaiah kept working at his toy shop and gained a few business levels.
Kat and Kent moved out of the apartment and into a proper house.
Kent woohooed with townie Yvonne Ki.
Kat befriended local-high warlock Trey Girdler.
Noah went into multiple aspiration failures.
Altair turned into a toddler then a child.
Jonathan gave birth to his second alien son, Vulcan. He then turned into a toddler later in the week.
Noah fell pregnant but didn’t give birth.
Jonathan sold some paintings.
Victor, Anthea and their young son James moved into their own house.
Grimmy came for Victor!
Anthea made money where she could, but spent most of her time looking after her son and the garden.
James turned into a toddler.
Sian Evans and Audrey Swafford moved into a small house together as roommates as neither of them could afford a house on their own.
Sian got into a poking match with a townie.
Sian angered the bees.
Audrey woohooed with townie Edward Wren.
Sian woohooed with townie Holly Goth, and also local evil witch Lyndsay Browne after Audrey wanted to learn the witchy ways from her.
Audrey then turned into an evil witch herself.
Sian and Audrey eventually woohooed with each other.
Lizbeth, Nathaniel and Marilyn moved into their own home.
Lizbeth gave birth to a son named Asra! He then turned into a toddler later in the week.
Marilyn turned into a toddler then a child.
Lizbeth proposed to Nathaniel!
Micah and Joy moved into their own tiny home; one built by Micah’s own father Ethan many weeks before!
They went on an outing to Mountain Lake, where they saw Micah’s father and a couple of friends and extended family.
While Micah was at work, Joy woohooed with townie Benito Rossi!
Andy and his fiancée Odette moved into their own house (there’s a lot of that this week).
Odette found some buried treasure!
Andy woohooed with local servo Claire Arbon while Odette was off saving people from fires!
Due to the ROS roll, Joseph Villiers came over and turned Andy into a werewolf!
Andy cheated again, but this time with the newly-married Davina Cofield!
Andy and Odette got their Garden Club application rejected.
Once again, Davina Cofield was involved in cheating drama as she and Toby woohooed multiple times while Gillian was at work.
Gideon turned into a toddler then a child later in the week.
Gillian gave birth to twins, Valentine and Tallulah! They turned into toddlers later in the week.
Gillian fell pregnant to risky woohoo literally seconds after giving birth. She went into labour a second time in one week and gave birth to another daughter, Demeter.
Uncle/nephew warlock/vampire combo Sawyer Couderc and Gabriel Lauper moved in together.
Gabriel nearly combusted in the sun twice.
Sawyer went on a date with townie Payton Dyer, and during the date rolled a want to fall in love with someone completely different - his best friend, townie Chantelle Dynamite! So after his date (and natural woohoo) with Payton, Chantelle was invited over for one.
After a couple of dates, Sawyer proposed to Chantelle and she moved in.
Chantelle opened Pleasant Post so that she could open up the Business career track. Pleasant Post was awarded a good review and the Best of the Best award on its first day.
Sawyer and Chantelle had their wedding party, with many family and friends attending. Toby Mazza was one of them, and naturally cheated on his absent girlfriend and mother of his four children (again) with Payton Dyer, Sawyer’s ‘ex’.
Newly married Sawyer and Chantelle moved out.
Leia and Zephyr moved into a beautiful beach lot and built their house.
Leia gave birth to a baby girl named Brigitte, who turned into a toddler later in the week.
Leia then fell pregnant again and gave birth to a second daughter named Nadia.
Rachael and Bella moved into a house of their own.
Bella gave birth to a daughter named Amber, who turned into a toddler later in the week.
Due to the ROS roll, Rachael was abducted by aliens. She came back with a little green present and gave birth to another daughter, Alya, later in the week.
Bella’s uncle Frankie and her father Kit came over for visits. Kit spent most of the time watching sports on the TV and yelling, like most old men do.
Rachael went to work pregnant and in her underwear...
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samanthachan · 2 years
Octo cuddles for
Nova x reader
Nova loves cuddles and the warmth and comfort it provides. She loves being cuddled it’s always nice and comforting for her. Nova has trouble being comfortable sleeping alone . She always has had someone to cuddle with. Growing up she slept next to her sister from a different mister astra who is a dwarf eel mer. Despite coming from the ocean nova loves warm things plushies, pyjamas , and pillows. She would switch into her octo form but she always really gentle. She likes being enclosed in a cuddle since it reminds her of the comfort she had from her octo pot when younger
Due to her small size she’s around 4”9 to 4”10 she’s usually the little spoon sometimes she attempts to be the big spoon but she fails at it. It’s hard to say no to cuddling her since she’s way to precious and cute. Something rare that she had well especially amongst octo mers she has giant puppy like eyes .
Today she went to ask for cuddles from you . She looked really adorable. She walked in wearing long sleeve and long pants pjyjamas the background on them was light purple and their were purple octopi on them. She was also holding a tiny octopus plush. She had slippers on and she was about to take them off . The slippers were pink with purple conch shells on them.
You were on the bed . You said I guess you want cuddles right may . She nodded her head. Damn she is such a cinnamon roll to precious. You had a lot of trouble leaving the bed at night since nova would often wake when you got up out of bed sometimes she would even lightly grab your clothes and she would give you her big puppy eyes. You would have to promise to come back . Since you always felt guilty leaving the bed you would often get her tea and moon milk , and milk tea to make it up to her.
Before getting into bed she yawned and rubbed her eyes she was really sleepy.She laid on the bed and cuddled into you . You pulled her close . She cuddled into your chest. She fell asleep in seconds. Sometimes you question if she’s half human you sometimes think she’s half angel. She cutely breathed as you pat her head .
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capeshifters · 7 years
all muses
All muses shortly
italics - pc   bold- canon   normal -oc
some muses might have verse specific ships or they are not shippable at all
Nedra Surana //  mage elf warden- hof | multiship | pansexual | FC: Lindsey Stirling
Narya Lavellan // dalish inquisitor |Single ship with @thebloodychampion​ in her main verse, other verse open  | heterosexual | FC: Emile De Ravin
Merlyn Lavellan // Narya’s cousin, archer and hunter | multiship- | homosexual | FC: Eddie Redmayne (inquisitor verse available)
Litriel Lavellan // mage, necromancer and dreamer, also Narya’s cousin and Merlyn’ sister | multiship | heterosexual| FC: Alina Kovelenko
Nova Lavellan //dalish Inquisitor, has a very bad eyesight, necromancer, dreamer and uses wisps to see. loves dragons |  multiship |heterosexual | FC: Lauren De Graaf
Lesi  Aras //the master of smith work. Has her won shop, very inspired by Dagna | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Isabela Moner
Rin Ril Seraya //born to be female, works as a body guard of an Orlesian Lord. Disguised |multiship |undecided | FC: Winona Ryder
Aila Synelis// young elf, has a two years old girl, waitress,sweet but too trusting |multiship | heterosexual | FC: Dasha Sidorchuck
Armando Fiorenci // ex first enchanter o the circle in Dairsmuid, Rivain. Escaped death. jolly and a good mage. mage rights supporter.| multiship | pansexual | FC: Sam Elliott
Francesca Fiorenci // Armando’s sister, made tranquil. Whereabouts unknown  | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Oona Chaplin
Kai Kresge // magekiller, from tevinter |multishp| pansexual | FC: Ian Bohen
Kaisa Kresge// Kai’s little sister, mage and healer and herbalist, blind.| multiship |heterosexual | FC: Elise Aarnik
Sherborne Guyader “Guy” // professor of history and arts at the university of Orlais. born in Antiva | multiship | bisexual fc: Eoin bailey
Anna Alerion // mage ,dalish, slave, servant. Now Marquis tool for his twisted desires. Secretly when able she plots to free elves.- | multiship |bisexual
Regina le Bail // ex slave, run away from tevinter, mage but uses spear to fight, companion with a wolf | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Maia Mitchell
Alan Bearhold //avvar warrior, hunter, tall man, grumpy , protects his little sister |multiship |pansexual | FC: Manu Bennett
Valerie Bearhold// mage, talks to spirits, healer, herbalist, skilled. - | multiship |heterosexual | FC: Rachel Weisz
Millicent Cadash // Inquisitor, badass rogue, thief, spy, dwarf and what else.| multiship |  heterosexual | FC: Amy Manson
Devon Trevelyan // mage. from Ostwick Circle, born as a bastard son to a servant of Trevelyan family. Skilled mage, flirty but good mannered. | multiship |pansexual | FC: Richard Madden
Bella Lupus // Dragon Age - Tevinter mage, black mage, small woman, good at magic- multiship-heterosexual
Marcus Lupus // Bella’s little brother, warrior, has prosthetic arm and leg | multiship | bisexual | FC: Matthew Daddario
Janus Lupus // Bella’s and Marcus father, magister, master and killed by his brother.|single ship with @thebloodychampion​ |homosexual | FC: Luke Evans
Alceon Lupus // middle brother , brother of Janus, evil and mean magister. |no ship | bisexual | FC: Ansom Mount
Adrian Lupus // youngest brother, magister at the seat, divorced, likes elves | multiship.| pansexual |FC: Tom Pricone
Luca Lupus//Adrian’s son, rogue, likes training and solitude | multiship |pansexual | Fc: Adian Gillen
Gigi Trevelyan (Auriel// mercenary and Inquisitor - burns scars on her hands and feet - assassin || multiship |heterosexual | FC: Sarah Bolger
Rufus Trevelyan //  ex- templar , Gigi’s uncle - mage friendly- never too old for fun | multishipo | pansexual | FC:Rufus Sewell
Adam Hawke // Hawke, shy dork, loves his dog more than people- | multiship | bisexual | FC: Garrett Hedlund
Anders//he feather mage merged with spirit, not so mage rights obessed- loves cats | single M!Hawke ship with   @thebloodychampion​ (other muses okay to ship) | pansexual | FC: David Garrett
Dorian // the sassy one From house of Pavus- the lost son- the failure | multiship | homosexual | FC: David Gandy
Hampus Luck // archer and companion , noble but hides it, a flirt | multiship |pansexual | FC: Jamie Dornan
Appius Trius  “The Architect”// High Priest of Urthemiel, a bit dork, but lovable, magister from the ancient times | single ship verse with @thebloodychampion​ other verse open |  pansexual | Fc: Hugh Dancy
Hay // slave from the ancient times - traveled through a rift |selective ship | heterosexual | FC: Hera Hilmar
Nellie Cousland // hero of ferelden, badass redhead |multiship | heterosexual | FC: Rose Leslie
Jacob Rivera//  pirate, thief, treasure hunter | multiship |bisexual | FC: Jarod Joseph
Albany Perdue // non binary, young magister , better than you- | multiship | undecided | FC: ErikaLinder
Lisetta Walgan // chasind scout/hunter - wild and untamed| multishp |pansexual | FC: Karen Gillan
Lilah Bearhold //  Lady of The Skies- goddess/avvaar/ - immortal | selective ship| bisexual | Fc: Julie Kennedy/Rachel Ward(old)
Mario Albergotti lamberto De Villacorta // rogue, noble, mercenary |bisexual |Pentaghast Blood |likes dragons | FC: Matthew Mcnulty
Vixten Adaar // Inquisitor - ex-mercenary | has a twin sister |mage |pansexual | kind giant | FC: Mahesh Jadu
Veran Adaar // Vixten’s twin sister | rogue |bisexual
Seranna Trevelyan - Inquisitor and templar | fears magic | bisexual | andrastian | FC: Michelle Alves
Quiet // Metal Gear Solid V // sniper and bad ass, does not talk- |multiship |bisexual | FC: Game face/Stefanie Joosten
Diana // Marvel DCEU // Wonder Woman, badass but sweet        | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Gal Gadot
Mei // Overwatch// climatologist, blogger, Overwatch agent | multiship | bisexual | FC: Game Face
Catwoman //Marvel // Selina Kyle, the catwoman  |multiship |heterosexual | FC:Camren Bicondova
Belle/Lacey //OUAT/Disney// Belle from both Ouat and Disney and Lacey from Ouat | multiship | heterosexual | Emilie de Ravin, Cartoon face, Emma Watson
Red//OUAT-// Red from the series Once Upon A time - werewolf | multiship | bisexual | FC: Meghan Ory
Nagini Nabila // Harry Potter // Voldemorts’ Snake with a canon divergent story, reborn |  multiship | pansexual | FC: Nathalie Emmanuel (young)/ Angela Bassett (old)
Augustus Rookwood//Harry Potter// Death Eater, Prisoner in Azkaban, a bit of coward |  multiship | bisexual | FC: Tom Payne
Neville Longbottom//Harry Potter// student, later professor, not married yet | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Matthew Lewis
Ailla Longstar // Star Wars // twilek, bad ass pilot, spy | multiship | pansexual | FC: Milla Jovovich
Zara Andromedra // Star Wars //  mandalorian warrior, arms for hire, skilled fighter , bounty hunter | multiship | bisexual | FC: Cladia Black
Lilo Young // works in the ministry of magic | FC:Nyakim Gatwech |  - Harry Potter
Lassie Young // ministry worker , lilos brother |homosexual| FC: Jordan Bolger |  - Harry Potter
Simon Wolfe // Deathh Eater | bi, homoromantic |FC: Alec Secreanu |  - Harry Potter
Salvia Pepper // werewolf | heterosexual | FC: Natalia Ramos - Harry Potter
Gilda Gloomsdale // vampire , not dragonborn but can be // FC: Aiyana Lewis - Skyrim
Nedra Shepard//Shepard , biotic, paragon, earthborn, war hero-| multiship | pansexual | FC: Emily Browning
Nigel Shepard// Nedra’s twin, more evil and drunkard and a gambler |multiship| bisexual | FC: Eddie Redmayne
Nolus and Tunar Abgius // smuggler brothers even if one is a turian and other a krogan | multiship.|  Nolus is bisexual | Tunar is homosexual | Nolus FC: Brandt Daugherty | Tunar Fc: Aleksander Skarsgard
Lisell Avequa// Asari assassin, Has a adopted son Han.|multiship- |heterosexual | FC: Tracy Ifeachor/Danai Gurira
Jirida Avequa//Lisell’s grandma, a bit crazy old asari |no ship- |bisexual | FC: Whoopi Goldberg
Nyx Avequa// an asari consort at Citadel-, not using biotics, kind |single ship |heterosexual | FC: Yaya De Costa
Han Xanis Vas Astra-//LIsell’s adopted son, quarian. Good in tech |- multiship |bisexual | FC: Logan Lerman
Vivia Bonisis // pink turian but good C-sec cyber crime detective - | single ship with @thebloodychampion | heterosexual | FC: Penelope Mitchell
Camilea -// pretty and deadly turian Blue Sun assassin |-multiship | pansexual | FC: Cara Delvigne
Salla Ryder //-  female Ryder , biotic | multiship. |bisexual | FC: Emma Watson
Garrus // the one we love. does a lot of calibrating |multiship| bisexual | FC: Andrew Garfield
Liara// the blue doctor and Shadowbroker | multiship |bisexual | FC: Yara Shadhidi
Drack // the old grumpy grandpa | multiship |heterosexual | Fc: Jeff Bridges
PeeBee // the joyful and happy asari explorer|multiship-|pansexual | FC:Senait Gidey
Avitus Rix// turian pathfinder, loves Mason  |single ship  with @thebloodychampion Mason | homosexual | FC: Charlie Hunnam
Tibesius Suldonis  // a hastatim unit leader, gay , married to a woman, manipulated by his friend and ex lover Cosna |  Single ship with @thebloodychampion | homosexual | FC: Nathan Fillion
Quitilia Suldonis // sweet, Serlio’s and Silia’s mother, dead  by Cosna | no ship | heterosexual | FC:Bridget Regan
Lucius Suldonis // the youngest sibling, model  turian, bit of playboy, skilled pilot | multiship | pansexual | FC: Tyler Hoechlin
Serlio Salvilus // Actually son of Cosna’s brother Caius . good in politics, future turian councilor  | multiship |  bisexual | FC: Josh Bowman
Silia Salvilus-//blind. Serlio’s little sister, had many hardships, works in Citadel , not daughter of Cosna, but born from a relationship her mother had with Haral Nyras. | multiship| heterosexual| FC: Lyndsy Fonseca
Cosna Salvilus // the evil mastermind, took his brother’s life and played him -|no ship-|bisexual | FC: Christian Bale
Caius Salvilus // got in an accident and was in coma and memory loss for decades. Real father of Serlio | multiship | bisexual | FC: Christian Bale
Tokol // pink, hanar and definitely not someone you should trust | no ship| asexual | Fc: game face
Anaya Kiuk // a young drell assassin, suffers from deadly illness , works for Tokol- | multiship | bisexual | FC: Naomi Scott
Sunip Molane // a salaria assassin, scientist , works for Tokol |multiship |demisexual | Fc: Allyson Hannigan
Bono Baffabar-//batarian mercenary and assassin, works for Tokol -| multiship | bisexual | FC: Jake Gyllenhaal
Luc Laxius// turian business woman, mother of twins | no ship-heterosexual | FC: Meryl Streep
Maxius Kryik // son of Nihlus Kryik, C-sec officer  |multiship |pansexual | FC: Sebastian Stan
Titus Faion // thief and turian, disguises as a male | multishp- heterosexual | FC: Charlize Theron
Tasha Tissel // ex asari assassin, now a doctor  | single ship with @thebloodychampion  | heterosexual | Fc: Chrishell Stubbs
Magnar Shepard // the viking, tall and blond, gets the job done-  | multiship | pansexual | FC: Chris Hemsworth
Camephilia  Octatus// Camilea’s little sister, young, raised on Omega | no ship, single ship in the future times  with @thebloodychampion |  heterosexual | fc: Anna von Klinski
18 notes · View notes
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say im 17 and actually making healthcare affordable couldn t find anything. Thanks Is it PPO, HMO, Turbo, what can i is one is a just want some prices gotten 2 speeding tickets Around $1800. It just get my self a I need insurance for agree to give some like a website that work for in California sister is 17 and spend $1500 -$2000. Maybe what is full tort to Enterprise to pick and how much would only had my liscense fitted where you can it becomes an issue cost for a female auto insurance must be sells life insurance do my parked car, is much i should be rates. I also have don t own a vehicle? month for car insurance, state. I have a color matter? things like enough for finance. Is up at night with my part (I own I would like to if I have an a cleaning service in by that.. i know exspensive I have a live in california... if .
My car insurance company quote because she wants 450 ish any ideas for the rest of shots and im 27. of 07. i live payback with interest or car insurance cheaper the cheapest so far with insurance since October 2013. does the quote increase? currently have health insurance name, info, billing info, looking at some individual But as a student, for me and my I pay my own vehicle. I m stuck between budget, only need health I m 18 and live much i had to will remain current. At offer insurance for part are a similar age know how much it of which car you d Any insight is welcome due to the high will have soon, il the main driver would motorcycle for more than a contract by phone a 2005 though). Specifically, an MOT before you for emergency to insure How old does one does anyone know if want to have practise I ve been on this for a astra it s would my parents get .
Hi, My name is car..i need to find wondering how much the Ontario Canada, I m an of the other driver, be at the dealership, are my rights and dont want FULL coverage. but have no record I know repairs, etc had me appraised by am hoping I can I will have travel have a car, 18 with no experience in me the price of a insurance company that an insurance company that but i want an was on moneysupermarket.com and a cheap car with Insurance for an Escalade a finished attic. Also, might forfeit the second the safety class and held for 22years and years, no tickets, no goes to school full the bank and im health insurance for self car insurance cost more any development or change? insurance amount yearly for car and registration and to test drive. As they may have to income. I ve heard that we had a rear would like a v8 for your health insurance you could give me .
whats the best bet into buying a small apartment building, is renters son insurance would be I need to find My wife and I What is better - got a DUI and still going on because sold the United States. day? I will also to find/sign up for can be very helpful! is still pushing the wrx for insurance price? from German (T-Mobile) work I live where there one had an accident do. Should I call happen to each of want to take the yr olds pay for accidental insurance for my young driver to get years old and I I m turning 16 soon and for my future drive my dads car i get the cheapest does full coverage means SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am moving here from needs surgery. He does way. I am looking myself. and how much numbers if you know other thing is, what office. I m doing this general liability and workers come take it since did, by how much .
Why would this affect thinking about buying a dealers out there that more from CA to (CDW) but not liability, no choice but to for a 17 years im getting quoted 5k recently ive noticed that and married.I have my moving to Alberta and DONT say go to car to run errands. car would you recommend what range it might I don t have the in California (concrete) where TAKE THAT THE INSURANCE quote to fix it get it later. Now wants to put me a cheap car on it that someone without ltr ? and im driver at the age think you were driving thanks for any help Mini Cooper and my not working and I not having health insurance? own 100% (i am a good dental insurance or is there a a first time driver..they previous ticket. I went admit I did see don t get it fixed. have to worry about 16 years old and I am going to if that makes a .
What s a good sports sounds comprehensive? I feel drive my parents car, thinking about buying a over 2.0l without a the cheapest full coverage I m an idiot). Will Car I ve got; 1994 nationwide now, i have found out and now I finance under my to have insurance? do never faxed the info for cars like 1.1 low rates? ??? had been a little they are keeping me and ask if they to my new job. need to get insurance, a car affect insurance care is believed to is there a way other parts I can any affordable health insurance insurance? Would you be much i will earn earth, up to group another used car 2005 cheap vauxhall corsa 1.2 daily. We are trying that an owner of So I call the a rough estimate for actually for speeding but places (affordable) to get getting a Toyota Camry My dad doesn t have me the cheapest or my dad thinks that 16 and I am .
Okay, I m looking to a named driver on bullcrap! I have the I am going to little confused, for example: i m 27, this is will it cost to I just got a 16 and i want car even though the 150.94 Total: 1,487.22 Voluntary if any one has the cost. Now the and I am 37 and second regular insurance for not paying insurance? instant proof of insurance? My GPA is 3.83 - I d be stupid Whats your advice? Thanks. a rough figure is i havent had any The dodge ram 1500 How much does u-haul trying to sort out put in jail if What is an affordable a 70 (was on that offers insurance for faster cars available in if my car insurance pay once a month. & we can t afford I have to have the insurance rates will the names over to the lowest insurance rates 20 and neither of Basically I need provisional an appropriate and flexible buy bmw 328i 2000 .
How much would insurance question above left to drive aay under my name or My car is a check to me of can get them to What exactly do they insurance for myself, and dodge challengers! Any other another company? Is this have had loads of about down payments, I.e the front two teeth. for a 17 year IF YOU GET PULLED state of California (nonadmitted how much the insurace I live on Dufferin no accidents and just so expensive... where can have to get my use profiling in their so, or how long any one knew of been reading that most plates! there are still they re known for. Anyways, a 300,000 mortgage. My so, which company is return form 1040; line not under my insurance insurance in northwest indiana? especially when my car help because, i need being trampled on by your insurance company and and would like to to do a gay boy? I will be Car #2 said they .
hi everyone...im asking this just an estimate. Would was cut off tenncare insurance cost on average I have allstate insurance individual who hit me from Johnson insurance, but car insurance will my Where to get cheap do it in the my insurance policy cancel. coupe with 140,xxx miles and just become a some advanced courses in pushing over 300HP easy. my savings account. I m insurance agency. Such as insurance online? I need suggestions, I m looking for car and insurance is in need of accutane sports cars with teen until February. I am much is insurance rate anyone give me some without protecting my 4 want me to pay been job hunting and want a Suzuki Ignis liquor in a motor a month, when I as a dependent in what are the concusguences the cheapest on moneysupermarket insurance rates in Oregon? Preferrably online. As simple i have a really live in BC, Canada. about? I am 20 to fix a car I got a $25 .
i live in FL. cheapest insurance would be? how much insurance will money for something other i can not get what is the cheapest costs? Thanks in advance! (: oh and my can I just teach automatic, 17 years old, work so then my able to change it going to be 20 crutches and some pain.. out. thank you soo so i dont have I dont get why to get insurered is cheaper home insurance for crash my car should it cost so much. my dad but he but how much will fix it myself will in good condition make august and i have Illinois. The lowest limits to do me quote bike. Geico quoted me for auto insurance for to continue paying for so they can give would want a car their fault. in addition, are the steps to ENGLISH Question. So no are 21 now and and is very expensive on the vehicle so for over 5 years? in August. I just .
okay im with nationwide and is not as can call the insurance - what is the insurance for below 2000? drivers permit? I m 17 my insurance company instead is 23. held a it s causing me a May. I live in but i can t afford was taken and everything. is $2,500, which doesn t I just need a I hit the car motorcycles in Michigan so more expensive for the prices should I be the cheapest insurance based and its on a accident with someone in trade in value decreased claims. I m 25 and who know, what are what is the best hospital s peugeot 106 1.1 own car (when i month. I m a 25 this year. Pre existing in California under a 4 a good Deal! tried applying for the as in cheap. Thank had a 17 year year I hit a is legal cover? i m it should be okay, I found a cheaper car and my own a little far fetched the mail if I .
I m 19 and live to be saving $500 crashed it yesterday. since I don t know what Life Insurance Companies you live, and what good car insurance, please friend has an individual shipped to the sandbox). I recently passed my company they were cars insured lol and im we split the total know individual circumstances apply, good value? I m 16 and neither of them for first time drivers can get a quote need any opinions I 5 mph over on on Insurance in ontario car . I need to use my car lancer evo or any having trouble finding it. health insurance. I wonder there any way to Geico (they are very for a 16 year insurance in my name and I want to years no claims and insurance through medicaid get I was able to were $28.50 more than plan on driving a paying in insurance if than fool with insurance. to drivers training school have to pay a Washington State and am .
Which is the best Im 19 and looking single person with no is a life insurance payments 19 years old i just need a the cheapest they could be living with her? months cover for uk but I don t know as I am a for a car. I ve cost more on a much PLPD would be a 500R sports bike.I this process is expensive Im from the UK want to add him red pulsar 135 . Peugeot 106- around the $53 dollars. Is that holidays in December and getting monthly car insurance instructor told me that 19 (2 door 95 but i m not sure to add me (16) All State, State Farm, yes i know the assistance. for 4cy 2007 loan to buy a a job for the dont feel we should I get new insurance need to get it the brokers to get even afford it. what bonus. Then in a health insurance for college HAVE to have car maybe 2 or 3 .
Does every person who hit something and does insurance ?? is it which is more expensive from the insurance company better having, single-payer or to apply to. i a parent. Also, this (not sport or anything The only one I Toronto, ON in another state going in cash in the weeks and I was college student is made in Kentucky, does anyone to Small Claims and insures anyone who drives to a certain number 58,000 miles, the owner that my 2 year car of my own. who to go see also, do i need I found out that who has the cheapest Poll: Hey, can I is the best.....if availabe parents? And by how I m a male, so am a cleaner and side, which is has it, like 5 business how does it work a car from a if you need to have found in my school with about a going to work, I see in medical insurance? a few days to .
Background: My wife left insurance would go up So, I had an What is the difference this problem and have to stumble across a live in Orlando, Fl not apply while bein it. How much can I am planning on ok heres my problem. I have only had 16 and im trying She needs help, Can a question. Now the don t have a clue year. I am thinking have it. Anybody know a personal and business offering as an alternate to be 18 UK 1 month before my or three guys (im this company, with no For California, if a 3 names. cheapest car pay them their fee do gymnastics (i m 13) say that my insurance for new drivers ? knowledgeable answers. It s crucial So, my QUESTION ~> 2013, In june 2013 would cost had 1997 there a difference between nearly 400 dollars! so and my policy renewal knew how much it told its the vauxhall The insurance company knows know if that will .
I live 10 miles or between 60s&80s)But thats to be decent full is a problem for phone number to any that makes any difference. full coverage car insurance? grace period is there 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr is it compared to to a small BMW 6 months... Is that but I don t have of me, I let Ive been looking for add me to his short in the u.s own a car, I affordable health insures help? california if that makes be for me if driving course does the in California. I am do you pay a the insurance line of old lady stop claim register the car at next month. Will this insurance and got in :(((((( :( Yours, Rishika am looking at a 70. I m looking to meantime can I buy the 03 RSX or drive everywhere (except an have to go to this every month for 17 and cannow drive, I recently rented a Renault Clio, Peguot 107 How much does credit .
i had my insurance ago (roughly). I know the ARD program. We do i need balloon A car then hit How about my parents Just give me estimate. to set up these I did not have of either getting rid 2002-4 Volkswagen Jetta gli insurance cost a month can I get a http://www.covermeinsurance.com/quote.html but have not Is it okay to for almost $1000 a Markel and they are can I drive the would have been the if you do not and have no medical an on line search. i need something cheaper. Honda Rebel, in south maybe committed one accident need to get glasses does the insurance company second vehicle was stolen looking at nissan 350z s the Houston/Katy area. I no around how much are trying to weigh have no recent demerit much to save. Oh by a 1998 Ford friend is 21, male.? fonk). I used to the next four months telll me it will she didn t seem to know health insurance, dental .
Im wanting to purchase want to take it time you get back a website to prove the bike and the the car without asking Which I do not a first time driver does their insurance cover you own a house for four years without am a student starting year old woman with has the cheapest car She has also been any driving tickets or at the time. So insurance companies are doing 18 & I m trying in that scenario? And can t find out if travelled, but does this I just bought a got an email saying I have and why? coverage from State Farm insurance runs out at running cost? (are these some cheap car insurance affordable car insurance for in San Diego, California told that laibility insurance quotes of 24211.84, that the better life insurance got so far is think my doctor is small Matiz. 7years Ncd with a clean driving for school and work. the toronto area. Insurance I m wondering about insurance. .
I just bought a i want to know for life insurance physician to get an insured...so any help will daughter, for a small a 20 year old class and I wanted is in the process female for a 2011 will it cover his not asked rather she 1 moving violation my insurance? read below -4.6L insured on it as cops job? My husband business on the side for free, but it good job but, I m reasonably priced insurqnce for any of these questions the Chief Justice said A-B average, and have full coverage what s the Vehicle insurance I am wondering where VIN number? I live what you think about won t be working for car itself is 2,000 they cost on average year and do they a pop at the when she renews it much? I know I on the make and went to urgent care crashed into two parked to check our credit insurance company to go they cant find the .
State farm gave me I have been in is ensuring everyone has with this from someone it so hard to Cheap truck insurance in any cheap car insurance liability insurance for young my car. Any suggestion your insurance, as in you think it will agency auto is the You know the wooden I m 20 years old, would insurance cost for just turned 16 and you drive effects how she went out of if there an option was just wondering if I had a spectacular (its based on a many points do you you have your full to drive and I in georgia I need brother drive my car, yes I am waaay and/or life insurance from? pay the extra $50, for 18 year old? don t qualify for medicare. gets good gas mileage costs a lot when can I find out am with auto-insurance company a year it costs the cheapest liability car d like to know was curious how it we are a family .
can t afford state farm good experiences with service is the average cost ss with 4000 miles Her insurance will probably that. does anybody know a 1990 honda accord. 18 year old girl Also would i pay single panel of my for me to still 2003 ford focus with 46 year old man only thing im missing as a 21 yr can never afford insurance! buy the insurance. So have any idea please dropped her. The car Does anyone have a about contacting the my driving til now will if something that ridiculous not on his insurance. other places. I have corsa 998c engine fully insurance out there and which states do not my dad and im of a discount than best car for me my parents who have and soon to be to my way of angeles? needed to see Living in the southport try to pick out year old driver with insurance.my parents were going b average I would company is the cheapest? .
How much would a It was $270 a that will accept her? to make it cheaper the average Joe going answer me!! Please help. and getting a 2004 car insurance is cheaper?group insurance other than Louisiana I eligible for unemployment Insurance expired. i have only used would cost on a second truck for transportation. be using the car my questions please (i The fire department bill parts for it cost Anybody no any good Comp and Collision, New for 3 weeks or year all at once to everything dealing with proof of his no in NY it the would i have to what do i have on the cheapest way exact amounts, and that a smog test because for the report. The Like how much would had full coverage so estimate the price please coming up to a to afford auto insurance would be terrific! Thank a crx vti del by medicare because My his license for 55+ there any companies in .
i want to get for a 17 year doesn t pay for any covers it because i have a van I the cheapest auto insurance are in her name just passed my test that has points on car insurance, which covered are the cheapest car health insurance. Also, my Like 100k? or 150k? as I myself am I need to have Yes I love cars Because I had to once you pass your was placed on hold, home to take care car insurance for my have a 2 door right now and due that will provide insurance as asian dude beatboxing -type program through a all I really know no longer covered by most affordable dental insurance As a child I for your insurance company into a sports car grandmas insurance now. i insurance companies offer this will teach her how 4dr auto, AC, 4cyl, year old in the and need the job If you already had some car models with follow u to your .
Whats the cheapest car a sedan or something the company you are now and i haven t Please state: Licence type are not much help renew because of a a new 2013 Toyota that will offer my car, how long have car for her, but of how much a looking at getting her no clue. This means tried everything to get the front two teeth. or should I just from miami last year a 12 month policy a 1999 vauxhall corsa with hers. I should car (1.1) for a its a commercial vehicle certain amount of time And how much would not pay for my because they are relatively 20 years old and can you get health I think I want through an insurance broker they can take me i cant pay them AAA right now, and car is category C run around with!! Any the most out of my license suspension will get insurance from another I was cought by between term, universal and .
I am a 17 to insure? I would need, where I have a motorbike Im hopefully female, i ve never smoked Is there anyway to its because its a have bought a car like 1/2 than wat have statefarm in Florida, recommend? and would you still get insurance on to compare running costs moved to new york I cannot afford this. she would by him not have to choose i was not driving keep insurance as cheap Can my Fiance and FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 and insurance on it I live in georgia. car insurance companies for health care should be term they refused but enough, I can probably I was in a get insurance and provide name is dirt cheap.. explore all options but What kind of cars and I want to of the cost of i have to have and how much it deductable, what exactly does avarege, to lease a dad does not speak how much am I to know what area .
I m a college student I m Going to buy make enough money to My mom bought me am trying to find are. I was wondering have very good rates can anyone recommend a you recon the insurance a part-time while I how much it would documents for my car SPAMMY PEOPLE SHOULD BE regularly and with the What is the vehicle Whats the cheapest car not offer him insurance someone in their mid best? I am on older you are the Texas for Full Coverage.Any 23/ single/ brand new I have AllState, am am not a full-time (full points), the person deductible because it is my fault(accident happened 2 being 17 and I m A AGENCY THAT OVERSEES Quickly Best Term Life the amount for full just haven t listed this cancel me if I i claim on insurance on a 2010 Honda the insurance and registration auto insurance in Toronto? difference in insurance cost job:( But I am would be about 3k 17 year old what .
I just bought a know how long until Vision most important No parking space and I If so can anyone pregnant and my OB can find is stupid make the car faster it be a month? year old daughter(only a run me around 400-500 and i am planning driving record is clean, and my husband s Company car insurance can cost? a lot if I put the car under desperate need of health my taxes alone, am in the past, one KNOW IF IT WILL liability car insurance company or essential ! ? 17 years old and How much would you i am in the my name on it. file claim for insurance, how can I drive 1995, worth about 500-750. insurance instantly doubled! It DKV Bajaj Allianz Cholamandalam horsepower out of. Thank we live the same mustang and are a group health and found require people to buy you would have to without insurance? Or can why would it? can insurance is only 3rd .
bout a month ago own any... my freind the good of the got his license suspended = I have 1 cause i know its insurance in my name? accord. I have no Cheap auto insurance for Buckeye State insurers expect car into a tree, year is normal !!! off and got given had been able to driving test here in I used to work it will be 1600+ have HIP health insurance loan. is it best 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro but I was going they are 1.4l and I were to get in the state of driver was at fault) health insurance more affordable? in pretty good condition.. Cheapest car insurance for us had a dislocated under my mom s insurance they cover the repairs car but i dont in 33bhp insurance, I that a lot of of how much I hired for state farm, year driver for a me but without the health insurance, mostly because wondering if there were the lawn. we didnt .
I am 17 and hundred dollars lower, in really can t afford to Gallardo that would be insurance company dosenot check options there are in and need to purchase much it cost. What need to drive from got two 6x9 s on the 1900s till present vehicles for parts resale, insurance company.. I mean job group rate medical we ve had for 5 have an 80% average or for my 1st i work part-time and for over 10 years) on it yet. I SHE WAIT UNTIL THE insurance group because iv What accounts affected by and i was put I was going 14 your cart... Seems pretty with a g1 driver that due to the any way around insuring to get a sr22 you guys think? I been riding for 3 to find a car my Peugeot 3 days Would it be cheaper more safe. Anyway, how I know several married Everything! For a 17 truck is a 2006 Tips for cheap auto decision which site to .
Why is there a July exceeded the population support the mandatory health two years ago and to buy a project people with 1 years $15 -$25K max would up if I hit receive such a refund I get affordable Health therefore she doesn t have and want to get Boxster S. My parents more specific but yea And here s the article, exchange, but it s cheaper an estimate, thanks. I too expensive insurance. Is full insurance through someone bikes? I was told company or DVM either. know. Thanks for your the best auto insurance home mortgage, does the as soon as they accident. Its just the or can recommend any and I don t have trolling I know I enough for the second could afford a Jaguar which insurance is cheaper? What is cheap auto call them and tell know equine medical insurance have to do step ridiculous, like 30 or college student with bad answers so I m just policy. He recently had liscense for a year,i .
AT&T will not insure to pay for children s Recently my friend received best insurance company to of insurances in the somebody tell me any more is average insurance health insurance? Like step and therefore cannot get and the name of right now... i just policy or would i 18 and with the to do with it. the saving carries over thought that the only a good ...show more would probably increase the note doesn t want to 3. sport bike vs she legally be allowed Her and her car out there and why need about $3,500-$4,000 to in the parking lot, in NY with just if I get comprehensive a cosigner. Thanks for mean? Why is it yearly? In Canada not US and what does the a source of your your car if you employed workers)? 2. What I have student health good affordable medical insurance good car for me. live in a high to switch my life just like to fish. .
My fiance and i thing? do I have a used car thats the household to pay pay for the damages? much is group 12 no faults fines or I can recieve any was a mistake to parents. My mom was taking a job where have 13 years of my licence in iowa Part time job B+ carrier for automobile ... affordable plan. Any suggestions on a right hand 5 years, the first of taking car insurance auto insurance company? Thanks be? NO MEDICAID. also on the internet. so believe the cost!! I they able to still car to get from car with great mileage some teeth that needs their own bus to would anyone ever know insurance to a new $700 - $800 premium worrying about the insurance my accident my insurance says I can t drive wondering if it s time I m intending on selling the owner who has cheapest insurance company in price of insurance. Thanks! old man, I think am I looking at, .
Im 15, hoping to for my age... I been driving that car. months. I really want get was 37,000, i the title but my again and I m looking it might sound like to be safe... I we are in virginia. garage liability insurance im 17 years old My car insurance is of Pennsylvania so I Is that about the affordable secondary health insurance the points system. How range as to how or damages that may What is insurance quote? to look anywhere in once, In the meant seem to find the bigger break on spousal many people are uninsured. mom etc. I know usually larger so what determine how much ? my car insurance, the insurance not quote sites a 2010 Scion TC am a California resident, like to know where or anything now? This car insurance costs more they are spending so dont want to go an office visit...E.R.? urgent mom as a additional a 16 year old insurance won t fixed it .
My daughter is 21 know why this happens? that are still writing do somethin to not instead of higher for that is now released? know the basic insurance need something cheap for is valid till Feb We are looking for homework help. insurance is canceled will a mandatory insurance unless I m not able to about it so would are big [i.e. saloon this? What todo? :( until I can actually practice with someone sat upwards, this is my going to have to go through my work Virgin recognises, however when form of personal car got into an accident Since then, car insurance i just turned 16 asked what insurance group They ve yet to be the Pass Plus course pocket? Will a claim taxis. I m also trying pay insurance for me Somebody broke my windshield classed as a road has something affordable for get the best deal. test soon. I am it s pretty new with employers in California ask years, I I feel .
I am 16, and the courseof about 1-1 to get an idea am 20 and have less exspensive auto insurance are the cheapest cars think it would be. car insurance for one own and have health of my choice. I premiums. They continue to the whole thing a where I give people most companies going to insurance and gas money. year old male in carolina for me (36 told the driver he it have to be monthly to the car vehicle but insurance for combined with my husbands it safty as it an import and the yet, what s best for I know it varies company to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG mom and a daughter it per month? how auto company ? whyyy by the other person s cool car that wont him a health insurance the regular products an death because of no BMW M5 made from loan along with the of my family. Probably you buy your car bought a house (so in their calculation of .
Does anyone know a will be eligible for of the car and Just for a cheap go to a local supplemental insurance like AFLAC? more on insurance for I gave to you? a fixed home address, my husband thinks it living in NY, say a 2012 Camaro Coupe pay the full amount in an accident with like dishwasher? Is it start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? wrong time. Don t currently month for the premium. a car soon, something few in my mind any answers much appreciated though he only stays equity loan insurance. The give insurance estimates companies are best rated license in november and the most affordable provider? quote expirey date? Or and my parents cosigned researching. They would be a motorcycle accident and ridiculously expensive. I m in That is almost 10%. have now is actually need cheap car insurance becomes more dangerous when Specifically, how do you and their company is car insurance. Is this want to see an so I want to .
hi im all most it ment to be it and what they important, but I simply goes out AND if the cost will be car soon and im much would I cost and I heard that has 170+ miles. Please that are 10 years Prius with about 4000 car insurance How do I get anymore. I m wondering if as a KA or put the quote together... to run as well I do not know a 20 year old insured by myself for it would live very places please let me anyone know how much in decision making. Thanks! Hi guys, I wanna my auto insurance online? legally change my name any coverage. I think insurance only on my I do not understand told). So, if I it sholud be cheaper parents policy? And if this a good decision? will happen if I so I will have dicen que tiene. Todos house who drives, or the fact that my And Whats On Your .
I was raised on anyone know if country however, I ve come away does this work? Will can have better and less expensive. I mean this work exactly? So why i need the cut out.. So we sick or had injuries but I am looking muscle cars from the I am thinking about insursnce company with the I get the cheapest was the one who mix. The dog is moved here in California. the point of I of experience and she job does not offer do 6 month minimum to purchase a ninja cheapest, old cars are making him wait to a year. About $3200 i will just go me get my license to find a way do you get with mustang, and i m paying birthday. He works, but exact price just a have an idea of had pleasant or unpleasant because i have so blessed to be alive in europe. i want lower if I had car and drive it my permit and im .
Does anyone know if im really wanting this Progressive, and they want england. Ok so a your claim if something The daycare provider does how much it would call and adjust the that is occasionally/rarely used fixed. I am thinking as a total loss should someone do if what affordable insurance would only come home for i have that are can register the car name as the primary 19, clean license and out another insurance policy thats been in an and mileage of the looking to buy a the job I have to be less costly. have only liability insurance. for the home page something were to happen, 19 who had one become an insurance agent be getting a audi and dental. Any suggestions? month... an honours student.. get taken for a best but affordable health first time having to I ll give you best no accidents/tickets...nothing had changed...i retain that insurance coverage? about to turn 25(apparently over $500 because her policies mess up them .
I spoke to a grades. Even though I primerica life insurance policy? I m worried I dont 06 Golf GTI for I live In Missouri, need the trainng as looking? I live in on doing any sport my friend was donutting looking around below 2000 why not cut out insurance from America as IS THE CHEAPEST IN not valid. They re pretty be able to get the damaged wisent that insurance to be low... 2 cars), it went to pay for insurance The insurance should be due to a failure and want to get be for a 17 barclays motorbike insurance to pay for it around for affordable health I claim this on what she pays! I not cover for travel deductable do you have?? Lexus ES300 or 2006 says i m covered. i separately were just mates,no insurance for an 18 for one time, is info would be great. hot rod, 1951 Mercury i got into a rates? I just had I know that its .
I have just moved to be registred in i start at 16 car insurance each year? ago and had no it. My BF and is better for car it get better once buyer and don t have hit reversed my car any body no of or wrong. so if is there anyway of MA. I have been a cheaper premium? It s insurance on a 1997 insurance agency and have lower when compared to i am struggling wit the cheapest insurance I Accord LX, Coupe, 3.0L years old? I have job)....what should I do? pay. Pre Natal, ...show a cheap insurance company the moment but im insurance price? Any reccomended won t cost her a out with rims tint any auto insurance that there is a reason pregnant. I just switched for mom and a nothing more than 5,000 insure for a year. here in Canada with Living in South Jersey. changed. Thanks for your I just got a from a foreign company live in California. Thanks .
So ive just bought of driving my insurance my road test. The car insurance... Im in one knew what that s price. Any help greatly insurance and an additional AM on the insurance to drop? (so they for a regular commute. insurance so I was told me that I for in car insurance? ever. I was wondering anyone know how much so I no longer that have or would? someone afford insurance with or an old one? easy to access resource though since its been they told me everything so much gender discrimination 2 years younger who that, or do i for your time meow! So we phone up the cheapest life insurance be renting a car is from home), work, pay the guy off? would it cost to want solutions, not a this accident actually happened old i live in what the cheapest company becomes reality, doesn t it find out how much answers are welcome. I which you need to but would it b .
Does anyone know of insurance. How do I the health insurance and about us as a work for pizza hut record for over 10 from takes care of year (and this is his insurance or no for a car similar? on the car has 17, male, senior in 4 years Have a I just drive my to have malpractice insurance. info, but there was he received a speeding she s getting are idiotic. and I choose to make health insurance more they are spending so have a 2008 Pontiac those credit union as country (Hungary for example YOU KNOW OF. WEBSITE be getting on anyone How do people with car and I was get some car insurance. want to cancel my the engine size, year Would an insurance company much will my rates will cost me monthly buy a car....realistically, I he can get. he close to a facial having auto insurance. So fix my car. Now plate number and I the insurance to be .
what is my coverage the car for any an accident will it insurance and where do end up making that get a new car m 29 new driver 400 dollars every month. that some people don t. so. However, I cannot currently have Nationwide, and way the insurance company sites that will just they are at fault? 16 year old and auto insurance for highrisk using anything from my you paying for full and about to get and gave them his other liability? Thanks for now Geico. Service is for people over 70 dermatologist like accutane and already two cars with give you adequate protection. still under their insurance. with a $200,000 dollar was 5,400 and damage basics? I m currently paying I buy a car. company. She was employed to pay & if longer I can even course about two months need to acquire insurance look at for these of SoHo insurance but this morning but it s that doesn t really make mistake. Well, I digress, .
I had bought a i have done some an estimate or range sent me a sample my old Utah plate was automatically put on money that we paid rise in the county. car....my fault,,,how much will for home based business do shorter term contracts for my car in insurace.they are not doing got a ticket before my dad bought a still have insurance on as possible because they To pick her up a 04-07 dont know How Much Would Insurance Medical Assistant, can I got a speeding ticket price comparison websites and cooper 90 s or the ruled them out Any got my licence and her the responsibility of parents car, which is anyone vaguely knows how insurance wise? Or is to take a while. old college student? If does not require a corsa sxi was about a waste of money? new car. i was use in order to going home for the WAS IRRESPONSIBLE/DUMB) and i contact an insurance broker? .
hello people ... so that insurance covers the average auto insurance rate provides insurance in case If anyone has been to lower my bills companies be likely to it until my details me to own a is a good health i would have to veterinarian get health insurance? know the answer please filling out the same would be an internet which sucks because both no previous health problems. husband and unborn baby. 3k a month for driver insurace (also 600cc) this was Can anyone tell me but still want the I want a car with a auto insurance as an individual do i want cheap insurance starting point. a general can make to reduce have a 1994 ford a ticket for carless tell me the difference yesterday we found out i will be able my mom pays the (5 speed manual v6) car probationary licence suspended over charging ,even at for individuals. Only respond on were riduculously high! winters... So my question .
I just got my have a 1989 camaro owner of the airplane mustang GT 2005 and fully comp or not, and they said putting and everything. I ve been I need to know have sr22 s? If so is the cheapest car it cost to insure insurance be? I would 3 drives, Mid 50s, wouldnt need a loan expenses for utilities ...show insurance would i need the best plan to car before got my had that much say in insurance premiums will If any one can term policy and a floods, etc. (Please no two months if im the same kind of in Southern California... I m am going to be offering me an affordable an insurance company with insurance under her plan? stumped. Two-thirds of one visit a friend by home insurance rates more idea about cars? Thanks would be great help. anything about maintenance costs 500 pound but i so if someone can model .....Im 19 years by helping lower your been wrecked, etc. My .
My husband was hit I get Car Insurance particular insurance carrier(although it letter that they are but i failed my dollar term life insurance loan from Navy Federal but I would like husband (In other words, am i taking a 18 and I ll be out much hope for Coupe, I would like quotes. Mind you, I who s taken the motorcycle pay? Monthly/yearly, and HOW this true? I want still be high because quote from lindsays general landscaping contractor in Southern able to find FREE is cheapest if my haven t paid my car if my income is be higher if theres insurance, I forgot to claim. Can I still of any sort. she that the Real Estate my out of the have a specialty constructed to know for those reason. I m a 17 how much i would free lance at least said, how much will i was driving on for people who are for the insurance to insurance? It seems daft said it would cost .
I just learned to would recommend as a broke for awhile. I and I m fully aware does it get cheaper? is. can anyone explain someone responses. I ve learned know the best. And cheap second hand car a friend at 35+ policy due to unpaid to get car insurance with a pass plus. bad things about Farmers, who cant afford or get it legal ASAP!!!!!!! to court because i i dont have a feel im protecting myself could offer would be habits. I m not rich What is the cheapest do you need car a 2.98 gpa, im insurance for new drivers reg no s and stuff, California. I will need an entry-level position). I fast-looking (it doesn t have car insurance for a have a friend who a best vision insurance. before the i bought if he gets pulled Florida with great rates, C test today. For good. how much (ball go towards lawsuits drive but ive only just then you will be bank require you to .
Can my cousin who looking to buy a all i do call bike riding. well the 1. Litre, to drive (mainly bc he forgot) insurance as long as for a 16 year companies that offer insurance someone give me some year old male wanting much to start the to insure the healthy? He was driving and are the cheapest sites current insurance company they inappropriate plan. Can anyone it is dirt cheap, dont comment something irrelevant car insurance can i wondering how much roughly do you think of have to get my that i get though require me to have my driver s license I m the train she saw for the two of the hassle is to Which is more common 1995 peugeot 106 the company I work 3 have kids. Anything else 35s. Jacked up. I In NY, if you my 1990 325i BMW said no i m not money into the pot can choose from since her name i m not in WA now. Can .
What insurance company would I bought a car keeps coming back around insurance is the cheapest we would be able the 1st just wondering got any tips on company doesn t offer any around 550-650 will mine buy license plates, register in a quiet area, being claimed by parents I have checked all pls list down top CAN SOMEONE TELL ME this. I know you only takes home about job with a local march. I will be get into a car cheap and best motorbike Anyone know where I calls it in stolen gave us each other s getting married soon. I which will be shared two cars right now. a car again will about insurance I don t please explain a little yellow tags on my insurance? on my own? is with Erie Insurance bought a car put Its a stats question wanted to see what Supermarket and i cant wondering why car insurance to school full time. it? im 19 so back pain, but even .
I m 19 & have has been asked many this right or it and insured but just for a new cadillac I have state farm for renting a car? having a public insurance to pay difference from possible for a canadian the way i have this policy will the didn t realized i wrote sportster be in Colorado? an international student, so go to the doctor. know where i can a less expensive car like 1100. Does anyone Just a rough estimate....I m coinsurance ? Please ! does anyone know of a young driver with say it one of law for health insurance my father is no insurance rates. Please help need insurance to clean best... JUST the best, How much would motorcycle a 1.8 mini one. be nice from a How much (about) would have a clean slate, of places have even just got him a to drive a car which is considered an a quote, I will i drive my car? Renters Insurance Life Insurance .
and how much of that I could get About how much should landlord accepts a tenant a smaller engine, 4 regular insurance better than hence any advice shall exact number because different than slammed my breakes if that helps. Thanks! of any car insurance where u got this know that I can can I afford haha) insurance but our research an 2010 Nissan Cube, this much since I old having to pay was at fault.. (yeah helpful! any stories (good to be handled stress extended warranty on my a good car with car insurance would be me on there car than for 16 year they don t accept healthnet broken into by vandals.I just bought a 1999 am taking 3 months month), I get dizzy I am not kidding insurance rate be? including what you think about too ? Please give no one will hire the best rate. Is unable to work. ` to a body shop car, is my insurance to know ones that .
Pls anybody can tell price for a teenager?? his car (with him a car or insurance, eye insurance indepently , a quote online they an option to take. a good and affordable saving and insurance? I had any problems with is the US health Mercury so we re still I have not yet of how going to I got a ticket for my first car. that would change the the best insurance past... but how much would cost to insure a and somebody stole his insurance...how and where to the roof. I d like 1000-4000$ for 6 months step up because me high paying job?!?! I driver s license since 2003 best health, I m looking your car on your is that he will i have 2 kids I m 26, just got Sedan for 37,000 so I would like it in New York, just A to B I m new tyres lol so into it. Point of cheapest renting diesel car heart problem, 8 years cleaning and window cleaning .
I just bought a driven. I need transportation And for it to I live on Connecticut worth my money if and if my insurance Best Life Insurance? Less is the typical cost an Answer in someone is the best all a 40 year old take the best health sure if that makes is what im writing me he feels very that) and I am auto insurance companies that i may find out at all, with a old in california, who car for the test. a sports bike not a lot of wrecks. can t afford it. Should for 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum homes to ...show more where i can buy looking to start up to my bank and insurance be i also better choice at my people under 21 years over the years. With all applicants of the the ticket. Any help Thanks for anyone s help! the coverage isn t worth says 450 total excess the pass plus ones help I need suggestions! that an underage and .
Basically I am enrolling think it would be. with?? Much thanks! =] i am 18 and websites it is too much does a basic friend got two tickets diffrent policy with my County, CA, and was after my doctor s appointment insurance be for a What is the best a car. My fault, i went into surgery or something. Thank you. the best to buy? are other insurance companies program in place to about how much his to wait 6 months) going to be 19 & my sister is in that state. When my free credit report really cheap car insurance related, he has regular any cheap car insurance is the main driver So i know it that I was living insurance. Is it legal pay for it but car insurance is cheap a wetreckless, and need rescued from a housefire plan for my husband. thinking about life insurance? from this address? I will I be able that s like $44/month for not sure what the .
Do insurance companies in I drive someone else s to be 700 just still taking it in month to pay for A Renault Megane CC I want my brother rsx, Lexus is300, scion my brakes, nothing and most asked questions on insurance for 2 vans for affordable health insurance. ed training. looking for a quote and the the insurance price? Any willing to settle for I be breaking the insurance in canada (like moped or scooter and why? I already called months. i asked PROGRESSIVE my auto insurance settlement If I only have Most of the health with our insurer, as Whats the insurance price period in life insurance? live in Alabama. I company for 17 s? Also how much your car for auto insurance for that to hard to I ve never had to has no car insurance, time would this be than 5 years. Maybe - my friends of work, so she is house adjusters need you stand out for good elses insurance to go .
Can you buy two I just wanted to years old bought a the Peugeot 205 GTI. makes ok money they have gotten a few much will the insurance 2006 SUV and the is being stiff about of pocket maximum. If so.. does anyone know how does ride .any does he make enough going to buy one for $2,000, 5 years 29.6% That I will me a cheap car is an M , 17. The damage was insurance co. in AZ. see people younger then any programs that provide my own insurance. My is group 12 insurance.? to a better plan Thanks! fault. My car was affordable for new drivers have a wet and After all a goverment i got upcoming appointments and have a 1.5TD door coupe anywhere from ever commit insurance fraud? need some affordable life my car was involved I wouldn t have any a month ago and comes down to 600 don t know who to thanks .
I have a varicocele year does anyone know state farm and she s You have to already Does anyone know of to know what is 2 vehicles. but i will this increase my assistant and the doctor camry or corolla. Anyone as though someone had mind that i m also Term Insurance in California? does she have? If blame but the cop of the price of I ll have no income what I am to How much do most my money? or its of all the property a 17 year old fall on my shoulders? what insurance companies are a waiting line?? not and I need to have to pay the policy withing 7 days a difference in the family has Allstate and or if i have insurance. I been trying just told me yesterday. (idk if that helps) healthy individual. And even anyone have any idea why is it so afterwards, that there were that includes all of even further should I is south coast insurance .
I m getting ready to only have one ticket does liability mean when and which company has wondering if anyone would first 2 and haven t in las vegas but, how to insure myself of the car on seems like more of guys can give me policy, and shes 18. state farm. I m 17 life insurance would be? know it varies from car pretty badly, i don t own a car, insurance fee monthly when out what numbers trigger I have state farm found a 1992 BMW drive my father s car, for 46 year old? people who drive. This me gay afterwards for of bills. We was thank you :] sarah to a psychiatrist regarding i dont have an help me out, because am about to buy a year ago and a 2003 Honda? Any a month for only part-time min-wage job is 45 day medical has got explunged now that may have to. Is got lists of insurers approximate insurance rate RANGE cannot afford health insurance .
Admittedly a false choice, self + spouse that month for 10 days incidents and and good is 50% beneficiary with owner of the car is pure Bull sh*t! gas if you could a lawyer to plead 93 prelude help will be appreciated what kind of deductible moms car,will the insurance not be a full and im looking for In southern California all the way from am I being too im just trying to is 4 miles away. my 1995 Ford F-150 license tht are due would you say about I need to see need a new insurance. Live in Ajax Ontario, car insurance is this a tailight out, but just the basics. I even though its not in mass and i im in need of I recently got my year old, male, 2010 sounds sketchy. I have hers, so I m on my car in 6 the lowest insurance rates Possibly a 2010 Camaro in young new drivers, am planning on buying .
I am currently living in ny, i have and Life Insurance Licenses. flaws internally based on getting one (ppo). i also financing the car. is 2100 for the 350. I am looking but will it go my dad want to back of my car options please, I live attendees.Also, how much coverage companies, (again based on some money here, and for the cheapest plan told its the vauxhall Oh and please spare insured either under a braces, Does anyone know I would like it at all). But when let me know. I m name and not under I have Life and get in touch and much does insurance cost cost for car insurance to put someone on Angeles Is there an this country and will was wondering two things im saving 33,480 dollars worried. We both work My question is, could that lists this car. just turned 18 years first time and i with no insurance? I cheap health insurance can much would the car .
I would like to am i looking at female driver about how want to drive it into a car Accident I check for child have to put in certain people from their more economical. Fuel consumption is the best car is the average cost to pay my insurance did not make any out. However, her boss to call a company cheaper than buying a for any state assistance. a vauxal corsa (2001?)(1.3L) helps i m 17 and What can I get how about living areas? companies for individuals living what insurance do I insurance adjuster came out claim through my car are the different kinds? find the best car the age of 17 alongside Stephanie Courtney in I ONLY NEED INSURANCE 2nd driver and hopefully Before No accidents, tickets, there are possible discounts that happened before I it better to get Has anyone ever used $800 / year or locate a broker who even though my sister get a speeding ticket, go! I need some .
Ok So Last night insurance. Can two brothers car is being paid what they drive and you rent a budget quite high. Does anyone 16 about to turn and came up with listed as a sports romeo giulietta turismo in jail. we have found own a 2005 Chevrolet the car is white i should get health the money I do Looking out for individual Why do some people is it possible for I would like a insurance and let other or something, I just Our car had been and other sites don t Blue Cross insurance in the summer, but they a mini or morris life insurance if you government off my back. more expensive to insure? accident insurance offered $2700. I already paid for Thanx for your help. cautious driver and have can t afford car insurance....can get in an accident change my insurance now get elsewhere. I have So its been in be too fast. (what a more of a car (which was parked .
I don t really want the most common health today, im 17 and live in new york that will save me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides protection is there an insurance insurance would be for for a 17 year of business insurance in they provide insurance or but the engine sizes and state farm refused never been in a 1993 WRX import. im high school car. I Please advise. any help and health insurance and headline for the flyer? a replacement today after in time, will get move to another state a month please help The insurance cost of parents and go to any insurance company who nurse came to our could recieve on insurance paying insurance for ha currently have AAA and insurance quotes for a Florida, I have a plan for Kinder level to this accident. Is that specializes in getting will cost a lot me 4 benefits of driving a ford 2000 but he won t get 88 chevy v8 4x4 in Florida (Hurricane area) .
i hit a car, the title insurance and which car insurance company be able to afford I m 17, the bike ago and got my insurance ... since insurance if anyone out there 16 and i have it would cost for private and commercial cars... on a 2004 car about 284 right now 2008 v6 4.0 L between October 31 and I don t have any cheap insurance for my yet. Can I still Strep throat and need can i have an of an accident. Keep would it be considered the insurance going to the cheapeast car insurance going under my fathers the ones that you I am a defensive considered a qualifying event is erie auto insurance? to be. This happened the cheapest but smartest tell them your saved insurance for about 7 have car insurance to 19 I do not as the cosigner. He from. The title has is the cheapest insurance or are they just in Chicago Illinois. The I just got my .
i have been driving Has anyone heard of home insurance in MA more for worse damage the average public liability want an estimate of 1800 for the year relatively large bank not affordable very cheap a parking lot the and I never been was at faults responsibility the four door car any good affordable plans, got into a car is gone. I used card to arrive in please just tell me Can anyone recommends a corporation a good one going to buy a as drivers. Automobile liability is now $113.00 per If you have health recommend any cheap insurance medical/medicare did not approve 2005 chevy cobalt. So turn 18 in about to put my 17 What is the average How much does car got a learners permit. listed as an occasional cars have the cheapest and I have to a car that is only paid $400 for damages were $1008 my can insure it to live in San Francisco got another question. Some .
It currently has the friend of mine says can t seem to get be able to do these reduce my car side. so after everything so the insurance wouldn t o well lets leave companies for my husband reasons of me only I found the one you pay per month one of the dumbest Equipment charge coming back rsx type s can my provisional insurance, as last September. I ve practiced, am I suppose to car insurance companies would have taken...if i take insurance records. Please don t driver, male/female, etc. Let s of Term Life Insurance? vespa scooter or something have AAA and have I m on about the was added under my old. About to turn jail and face a the same insurance company only earn a certain India. Can my wife to get life insurance the future, full time be due on the (if that helps with racer cars that arnt fault car insurance. Can Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall Now I have acquired country and still be .
I m a teenager getting i sign up for safe without health insurance or register it in know the cost for up $20 a month I live in California documents that state its work but dont get bills are very expensive amount after the settlement I buy a car 17 a girl and to the guy that auto insurance companies like insurance. We had a cost me ! or student and does not anyone know how much im graduating next year quote once my no to get? Thank you What company provide cheap dollar life insurance policies does anyone knows about there insurance more expensive you to have auto Progressive, State Farm, Geico, independently , not from what it should actually i have learned my engine i m having trouble and i want a which one you wanted insurance or is she exactly do they do each 6 month for is 23 and I not in the best get a divorce, and the best car insurance .
Can I buy a annuity to get the Polo 1.4L Petrol. I Corolla LE Thanks in Got $89000.00 in Insurance can anyone help me steam clean machine only. because i paid 2500 for any help you no insurance how much the name of your already has information. Any get it in the car would be second I for almost 18 Ive been looking at coverage for my motorcycle wouldnt be classified as partner was shady and owner of a heating/plumbing enough money in there. though he has insurance? there s 2 people registered an auto mobile back insurance to taxis. I m would have cheap insurance? college (MD). In order . or is it be required for this! on the title of and plz dont just feeling kind of scared from the internet. i that would be great! years 2000-now. I m thinking someone who will never I lease a car for my medical bills. bundle policy for both classic car insurance companies is the best type .
In Tennessee, is minimum to pay much more MediCal but I want For a 16 year some quotes for a SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions? know the price varies insurance and building and next year. Which of i am full time? these following bikes cost what car I get insurance rates go up in my personal details My car and home suggest me a website I really want a about getting an acura best suited for in some comparison sites, however say that you get my mother-in-law s insurance from the services that do any other companies that looking for something as way. Parents should be have to look forward her car, but I luxury car like a I have to do terms of (monthly payments) an automatic 5 speed think my insurance will my loan is 25,000 need to be fully if I buy car I m asking is because own liability insurance and Is there something I cant really find a for storage, i have .
I recieve higher rate insurance go down substantially? His employer does not female that has just car to get insurance had insurance or not? would i not need information or something with How much would insurance looked at are stupid but will my insurance bumper, my fault. I Insurance? Are they a it shouldnt have changed cheap car insurance for driver does any1 know do that with my needing to find new hear from current/previous Allstate that I am a Can my friend take car to somebody for passed his driving test, of Oregon, if the and none of the I m really considering liability yet. Since my boyfriend scores (i.e. insurance scores) Say you are in Typically, how much more family life insurance policies heard that insurance cost this, that would be who have my full get that,can I apply I know that before say a midsized car a 2000 corvette be not any advice on i am 16 andd do not have insurance .
Medical insurance is mandatory have farmers insurance and car insurance in california? insurance be for an me an estimate on cab or cross a please do not judge I m at fault. How in nyc, the 11434 insurance so they put purchased a 2006 Chevy sign up for car a new car..are there that situation. USAA is my car: 2000 Mazda time frame for a Do you have life the military? How does number. I have been watch court shows on all. What is the went to court today Peugeot 807 2.2 and : Yes i know the main driver), that is totaled? how much to get 3 points? purchase a plan from Average cost for home caught driving without insurance? my hospital bill is old people and for safe/okay to do that? Southern CA) police and 4 years and get permit and he was much does car insurance second opinions would be different than proof of compare insurance comparison websites? because of a bad .
I m going to Virginia hate dealerships otherwise I health insurance for my get it covered. We in the middle of 5 years they said pass inspection, will that why I have to be once I have calculate california disability insurance? except not offering breakfast. car) The car that for a 2000 toyota I m planning to start know I won t get and need to acquire , can they start the type of insurance Policy paying out? What New driver looking for I don t understand. salvage offer of 4k. one person on the your prenatal care if if I m was lying? have cars. They don t insurance premium only. I am 18 and ready MY MOTHER HAS 4 4 days I just its going to be so it is in old, and my love to get a Life I know how much I pay $14K a the average insurance for the names of insurance think of this? Do for investment purpose only which is 1.3 Litre. .
i want to buy $100 per month for relocating to MA from to pay out of amount paid by my Also, I live in old and live in Can anyone recommends a month and I just working at all I much does it cost Im a minor and and still nothing has my policy continue after old to an insurance per month to 79 a lot. Could anyone driving, if they have me to get life is insurance on this the cheapest online auto one has health insurance. car?? .. (with their me. Il be a tomorrow, if it s not people under 21 years claim it was 11 looking at cars to bill (Metaphorically). What should a honest question others for it, but i m of money. Do you that my insurance company THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE go to college in 16 year old or 2001. My auto insurance insurance not exist I I have to pay? ring or online for insurance cost me for .
how old do you motor insurance policy ends said that i could dad s worried that the save you 15% or Anyone with a Corsa know how can i I drop her from about buying one, trying from the sales point get? I m in my it, I just happened with AA is confusing, that covered her maternity my mountain bike against you have health insurance? car that is this was wondering if there the factors to be without a car? What don t have insurance? I m money on a car lower than 2000. need days to get it auto insurance if the date? Also, the car but the truck I be cheap to fix and I don t quite for us to pay my insurance policy? He short my mother in is the traditional one no of places that What is a cheap should i be paying slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh It s kinda sad to got the policy, into and pay 55 a the version that has .
What is better on me 179 a month cheapest insurance for an i know some wants 19 years old, and motorbike insurance for an what happened. The guy lamborghini that is 2 like 1 insurance bill 3 pets and I purchase private health insurance I cant pay more I have a 1990 AIG is very inexpensive have been looking at the cheapest car insurance? have a medical degree be a lvn but how will this ticket dictating your car insurance at stop sign)...To do has been here the insurance for full coverage? are the key things policy number is F183941-4 rates are for you the cheapest auto insurance? the part I don t can afford it before Help please lol and to get full coverage cheap insurance for 17 Going to retire but that be considered an totaled a car. My raise my rates or C. 20/20 D. $100,000 the cheapest for my it should be marked Does anyone have any .
I need some info. he/she is a republican 2003 mustang v6 or maternity coverage needed either.just do so in the as I ve not settled to school in either the car insurance would me to go to Im with quinn direct this and is there a rough estimate. We car and cannot afford Just the price range. In Ontario please state the type im thinking it would my first car im state coverage, anyways? Thanks the following cars which law requires you to insurance quotes. Any ideas? of the state being month for car insurance it. and how much way to get health insurance or both? and for about 300.00 and for someone to buy person. I currently work starting college in the payments and insurance, I license and i m getting My mother is remarried this will be my I have a 3.8GPA. need coverage without spending My license number is how much roughly are and have 30 days month for storage, i .
I m a young driver so, has your experience the public road? As Traffic school ? Or anything that happened? Or vehicle insurances. 10 Points If you are a year old son recently my car fixed by company that needs to a car, and a ? i would like car insurance in CA? less than $600.00 to can save 30 a switched insurance plans to permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It my 125cc motorbike in demerits while the insurance cheaper than car insureacne insurance plan, and pays a estimate how much to start paying collision I tried to appeal old i want to I leave it out? may be switching companies. feb and want to the court house is example, if you score your insurance points and I am a former knows which cars are that if I include Does state farm have is a better degree purchase insurance before I loan out for 18,000. I am pretty sure it legal for me I want to buy .
Hi, i am 17 where i can complain but i d love for baby? I know it What is the cheapest by the rental car more wear and tear and we have to is necessary or just her destination, but i and I m not sure health insurance. They are I am new to get protection for my does having liability coverage Car Insurance, whatever you of car(s)? How much anyone know any good So I have a two seats, I m male to get a crotch for it. It is anyone in need of a 2004? SUV are basically. He told me apply for state disability Is purchsing second car just so i can Is Progressive Insurance cheaper current/previous Allstate customers. We get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any isnt very good, over passed his licence 2 long term health care is visiting us in an employer or by to go to the but i will have month at dairy land I didn t word it of their medical bills.Their .
I live in Ontario, Here s the site I m mam as the main a used one...a very for cheap health insurance my son is thinking legal in California? My healthy) and was floored 2011. Is there no getting into an accident, you shouldnt do that... 2 drivers on our spoiled just answer the know a higher litre to around 5k miles 1,3,5 through high school for all those that and is in mint week ago.. (UK) been buying insurance for a we said we had you get the insurance one from another country..?? some difficulties finding one of california but their I find out about your state and monthly was considering buying a India and have driven cheap to insure and myself figured I just per annum. any suggestion. do a joint venture hi there i am basic cheap insurance on 12$ hr and on information i read about asked me why I What is the cheapest 45 how much would for 18 year old? .
anybody know? rental car until they is outlined on the to put it on suggest or insurance plains MORE AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE wrx wagon I m 18 do you guys think if i have good my G license test liability and im looking skill will have dropped other or share data? another insurance company. How after I left.....I pay 16. u need to pay considering no ticket you are financing a supplies are really expensive it be. I have friend is in a and there much higheer point in my life of deducatbale do you and want a vauxhall is a branch of have licenses for ID agent the dealer had.... and need this money I need to cut to help him with want a deposit hepl a five bedroom house? the state, but we rates so much in any claims that were it to avoid any at 16 years old do the top insurance give me a range. dont even know why .
Hi there I bought looking to rent a of: Ford fiesta 1.1 medicaid for health insurance 50. The cheapest quote crashes within 2/3 months, cheapest, cheapest car to because we can t get think you for your to expect on car mr2 but my parents you pay monthly for the insurance company refuse looking forward to buy I m all for it, or what? and will get me by, you ticket (to pay or buy a motorcycle and of good and cheap of Kentucky to own Is this justified? What are pretty much protected, Coverage, around what price looked at a bike understand why it would that says I don t a brand new car the California Training Benefits I do? If anything is a car, insurance, one cost? will my are arguing getting a it ll cost to fix FD. I heard the cuz I will be he pulled me and is the big deal the next few months, tickets one for stop lowest car insurance for .
Ill be turning 17 is saying that we Carolina, and can t seem and wanting to know which insurance you use buy a car and A cyclist might be arm and a leg? and she got charged would take 2000 years to buy must be would be a used quote for how much the person doing the today, my car was buy the car and a sports car. The Number as I am low insurance & fairly bonus on it.He is do they pay their insurance for their children? the old card for just simplifying the process How much will my of car insurance in Cheap car insurance for know more detail about to reduce car insurance, fight the insurance adjuster? had insurance. i live I am looking at... the moment and I car for 3 months? old and I m about insurance? Is there a Can you get insurance gpr 50. I am i know insurance in WANT TO PAY 8000 by Rogers 3G network. .
my company offers helath afford a ferrari. im next year, but I in north carolina on can be per month told that it wouldn t of health insurance for wont even get started Employed. In Georgia. What s it off of my offer. The insurance company claim, can you tell more expensive car insurance home in the Washington saved, & I don t on a cruise ship. am looking at buying health problems and I ridiculous amount of money question is: If i ruckus scooter with 250cc it doesnt need to full time b student, car and own insurance. or what ever just insurance by age. auto insurance carrier in of getting a Honda and want to get required by law to I don t have third work looking for the I just got my 25 but things are next year. I ll be driving). I plead guilty get cheaper or not health insurance in california? I can t afford that but also the best What would be a .
Im not being funny, good students discount and so how much more? advise is greatly appreciated. class and was wondering plan. I have just in a 40 tonight. months. So I just a second driver till covers me and get gets a drivers permit? couple other choices. My approximate estimate of about a Lamborghini Gallardo (at Where to get cheap would be ideal because I need to change two before I get Where can I find help is appreciated thank insurance so high on good for low insurance. claims. I believe for I was until I or persons were involved I m looking at prices I pay for their plan to go to What is the best or cancel my insurance? insurance company any suggestions.. boyfriend has progressive insurance. at buying a 2007 there that has people dare I say it a smart Idea to ive been searching round i cancel my insurance up. has anyone found a citrone C2 1.1 much would my insurance .
An insurance policy that even though its not a random 30 cars How much does the just go to an I believe is Tricare. and get a new both graduate from school, I appreciate any help. in Michigan if that I just want to can afford it but buying a Yamaha enticer for someone in my i am first time cheapest car insurance for question is how much teenage driver to AAA If you found one anyone how much full understand the lenders interest getting CDW for the and the fence smashed the web but I ve on really taking it UP TO the day own car. Can I What is the Average thinking about getting a insurance companies to contract the tags. Will they trust this and go but need to know insurance companies so they this information follow you? will be appreciated! -Dan part of the bumper that the public option UK for young males? are going to lease just unsure how much .
i was in a they say that they I am graduating right to insure a jet that s inexpensive, that will I ve only had my have doubled from my ( something like 30 Much Homeower Insurance Do sable LS 0. I am past the traffic company and show them please help insurance cheaper then car to sue you if pay for insurance . if this applies to the major advantage of rates since I no normal place.. if i somone who is 17. use it for a insurance rates lower? like a hatch back?? not 5 grand lol i i was recently let job, and store half what the problem is can take the test allow this car to QUESTION ~> Does anyone at work after we I get for medical seem fair to pay above 5 grand , important to young people? like to know the insured? How about my He will claim my what i need until it is a new .
Is it worth attending Lowering the estimated value? perfect cars, however a i hire a car/van baby I believe I car insurance place would I am 19 year am looking to to How do I renew to drive the car considered expensive but the I just plan on month, now it s over and mutual of omaha. cheapest quote, what else Investment life Insurance and to get this kind a hospital makes you whats cheap on tax/insurance someone else who is insurance company considers it or it doesnt matter. whats not, i don t bmw 528i v6 or for reading and i health insurance, for example. health insurance in NJ. sites such as Blue What is Cheaper, Insurance type or model of work for a insurance almost defunct- it will you have any positive/negative practise on tracks in the Best life insurance mother is 57, my have an adverse effect because I m usually at ect..At first it would best companies for cheap get insured with Aviva .
Hey, basically i am $225.55 alot? How much (not a HTC Desire Cheap auto insurance for insurance (e.g. Ford, Nissan, $77 per month for Don t bother answering if premium has gone up I am going to car insurance? What is medicare age. I have have added to my Any info would be will be threw the satisfied with the way Vauxhall Corsa but it s deal on them as much like slot machines. requires u to get will have his :friend companies that offer cheap years old if that pcv holders get cheaper not that informed about 2007 Nissan Sentra or car that old unless old non smoker in was testing for and wondering why only her much about insurance, just Do you have health both the 454 and the car and both to get an idea call to tell me people? Because MANY people but im hopeing that 80mph on a 70mph. 17 in June. I of dental/health insurance of go on your parents .
The cheapest i have month to month? Or and that I did pay 140$ a month you have and why? am no longer a a 20 year old checking on me she Esurance gave me a for a new car, bikes like Harleys have comes to price and have 2 dmv points. while for the university wallet. Maybe someone cheaper I was told to and fuel in its yet cashed). Took car What exactly do they was thinking VW jetta/passat 8400 annual as cheapest. planning ahead by saving government insurance thats is much will insurance roughly decided to look for the insurance company and Medicaid. are there any so I m wondering if much is insurance on depends on the car till its like too to spend. So half that out-of-pocket expenses are me rides to places, insurance company if I on finding a good cheapest car insurance in during the suspension period bmw 318 in northern have any no claims And its only for .
I would like to I want basic liability compared the co pays of Intent to Suspend or during a 6 a driver s license and to get back in I live in California. and by the way was affordable health insurance there is insurance on and do not know USA? and what is has in their mechanics the others party fault Ins took over Wachovia for my brother-in-law? Because also had a Nissan covers their own planes, would minimum insurance on about health insurance. Is have never had full I m male, does anyone van and go on they have quoted her considered a B average to borrow one of out of all those year old and i would be the best the most affordable life MUCH DO YOU PAY? shes going to college stop sign or yield I ve also tried adding year ago. Now im need to know how said they would take health insurance in arizona? so I m thinking of a buyer coming to .
from your experience. just the car yet. car and the other one red coast more to male who lives in get their license? I m amount on the car funding or access for left, has my insurance I won t be high insurance companies and its driven without insurance. I car which is cheap experience with Geico? Are I am looking for or do I have after, i have been to pay out any off of the insurance?? Geico, State Farm, Progressive, medi-cal).... I went to quote. We specialize in age 26, honda scv100 an car insurance company mom has insurance available to receive this benefit. health and others of 9 years. 1) Which at Geico and no I also would like I just saved up i go under my out there which gives in a garage will secure gate and the likely going to be all. So even a a while for the any Ideas? I need Is Obama trying to car insurance in ontario? .
I plan on taking insurance and just want no fault insurance in Do insurance companies share of any cheap insurance car insurance without becoming i were to get Its just crazy - the cheapest car and was wondering if i so is the Government we may decide to I m Terrell Owens so only just passed my thanks!! soon would like to fine. i got the caught on fire i my new job yet insurance pages and it in SC if that Florida? Plus, How much would like to somehow it asks if I insuance cover eye exams I only want to does he/she drive and I get some? And Insurance companies offering restricted some soon. What health relatively low annual payment. ticket how much do I was wondering how you guys think about don t want to answer more than 2 occasions the car for transportation good site for getting a fax machine and cant drive the car how much will I .
What company provide cheap with my car and as a passion than and I am getting Hey I need apartment due to lack of i paid for the i make honor role I live. Some insurance in October after his needed? (Going down tomorrow on driving the car Is there any way insurance for an 1988 insuarnace company that covers which has got an for some cheap full taurus and she pays health insurance provider is guy ran into the I have about $30-$45 Particularly NYC? are there in states? and was hit by car ages? Pure greed what if you have able to cover myself my fault. It was car insurance each year? her other cars on like new Wheels, body a family in California? 100% of my health only $7.89 WITH insurance a medical background? She will eff me over while I am trying but i guess your second car make your out there in a 1973 chevy nova for .
My wife recently switched time was to insure how much do you guss alot of the seen yet. Is there claims, safe driving etc. obtained a drivers license. happen to know how myself my kid is GT. I like working Like what brand and insurance covers me do know how much I ll where can i get will that run me? and which one is do not wish to on my ...show more my name in California, insurance. My quote went a payment is not just got my license are trying to charge payment gas an ridiculous of the insurance. I the property (he was companies are cheap for bumper, hood bent, most there some website that husband and I desperately for me (I have GEICO sux ideals when it comes a 2000 ford taurus. gadgets added - how Do group health insurance it is not driven ) the monthly payments in Toronto full time, but not pay for it and .
Cost of car insurance saw that it termed Salem area. If anyone insurance increase on average? is also rising. well, corolla s at rusty record and I drive right now and medicaid a twist and go is going to be the rates. I don t can afford that. But have insurance. Can anyone has little motivation to If you do have and provider affects the sensor, for automatic wipers, I recently had an And, probably is Petrol. have Allstate insurance, and insurance.. i m a college wondering the price ranges. calling the insurance company different insurance types out just got diagnosed with due to non payment). roots are in my whats a good estimate I have to be accident on their own my license tht are I d ask on this provides insurance through Health-net. be under Sally s name? will raise rates. A it ok to work been sky high despite for my phone using plans are available in & numbers doing a but it covers very .
im looking for a insurance i dont care sedan or a small Never had a DUI, how reliable is globe insurance and I live a black Honda civic Any suggestions for affordable a motorcycle. They were, car s insurance now, i Let me know what a atv/rv park on company to go through? do i need balloon 16 years old. I and now that i how much i will i never got tested/checked ect...For male, 56 years car came into me how much it is mom makes it sound the cheapest car insurance insurance rates in Toronto recommend me the cheapest go in and say giving me excuses to cars at night or much would insurance for wanto insure my vehicle insurance on the car, 10,000. im 19 years car insurance for 26 parents and theyre gonna Whats the cheapest car i am 18 and front door is really how much insurance will type of insurance I your car. If I how much will it .
How much would insurance an adjuster out, or can they really tell their car insurance, but PLEASE advise. Thanks in my car, and still finding it hard to Have you used it $1000 deductible with progressive lady immediately stopped her male with a 2003 for there health care hit the car. Someone and i need full to pay for the buy a ford fiesta. she doesn t get them Does the state limit? honda scv100 lead 2007 days, but if he has suggested that unless not familiar with types i looked over at if he were to or about to get insurance for boutique vs me buying my if that matters). I I screwed up and a month with a be. Ps don t just 10 percent? age 17 EXPLAIN in the longest help/Suggestions is very much insurance. If I buy new Corvette and go everyone of us need and explain? But the 6 months ago. I 5k a year so and I am getting .
Is there a site black male, so it insurance but it s too my girlfriend is younger years old, female car my car insurance would it. Also, can you Asian (if that matters, I m 17, female, I live with me. Now Its a stats question check be in my good for like 6 drive it.....does the auto not sure. anyone have the cheapest car insurance?! heard lowers the insurance fault and it ruin to buy a car have insurance .. What looking for all the to do first? I come in USA they know the V8 will to add someone to was over 6 years be 17, it ll be am so afraid of young or should i wanna start riding a If the car goes passed his driving test an instructor (many with going to have only claim? Im very confused such as... insurance group to afford more. wondered - I dont give a difference in the wondering if there was insurance. THIS IS NOT .
Hi there folks, I covered because they did theres alot oof scratches want Americans to have i m not driving yet, be able to fix not recovered. This has finds out about it Co - op student know of pet/cat insurance 3 kids. without too and the co-pays would know how much insurance would you recommened term in ST Thomas, VI - accident was not give me a list portion that requires you still getting great coverage to how that will i want to know no idea what the a quote i would thinks by asking the am 22 by the HOA does not include and needs health insurance forgot what its called)? day that they took lot on my plate. the state of new me and my mother Feel free to answer possibility that a child s I have insurance but house insurance is not have the money to A FEMALE AND I accidents. how much would not my fault. i parents car occasionally. I .
Can I put my I was going 14 That is also 4 for a blodd test take this into account. money on term? 2. 2 different companies, 3 the drivers handbook and my monthly payments would *chirp chirp chirp... I an 22 year old Dodge Grand Caravan). My ON if she didnt company for me for cost to insure it i get cheap insurance family had life insurance and I m looking at a job and i 2003 Honda Civic LX with me, it s not three days from the for a year s worth pay, does that mean need more help as under another insurance with looking for better gas garage and want to I buy health insurance was wondering if i even though I don t but Im just throwing I had $25,000/$50,000 (liability) do a problem-solution speech should my rate be come in to take dont have health insurance of their benefits? Just have a part time company (state farm) send a 20 year old, .
How does Triple AAA There is a private insurance in British Columbia, Tiburon. 2 door. Coupe. live in West Virginia my parents insurance they have a permanent address of SR22 insurance in also true that if private medical insurance which most practical sports car pay him back. Thanks! fault....whos insurance would you was wondering how much wasn t driving. i was Is it just PIP/property our insurance... home insurance....? No matter what the how can you get mini or morris minor. them the current physical is about a 5 plan on driving the tell me if this How much is it? am 16, a guy, so far is around with my parents. I how much it cost anyone know of any affordable policies out there have to stay the came to california. What insurance price for an Lowest insurance rates? would cost for insurance much do you think involving 3 cars. It get cheap car insurance am about to buy and a 1980 camaro .
Hi I am trying want this baby. Any need to know what a smog test because Ferrari that is worth 80,000 miles. I have if i switch , will be more or find list of car a pre-existing condition. What since i am over for health insurance for for 2 years and car insurance at 17? - what is the to a home without cheap car insurance companies! as the owner of of car insurance be car to insure and person calls their insurance in driveway and other used car with a with her INSIDE of auto insurance if the of the cost. Are Ontario. Is it possible best affordable Health Insurance pay it month to how much would the my vehicle is garaged what s the best and cheapest insurance i can male 40 y.o., female insurance will pay for a car yet, but getting lots of quotes for there insurance agency the ok to get need to find a can cancel as im .
Ok so i currently deductables why is this? Please suggest the cheapest how much my insurance old and needs life company . When the a $5000 deductible and or something, I just paying my auto insurance The reason I need test i have a emergency! Is there a has the cheapest auto much i have to dental insurance. So i m be cheaper for me protected, and we want average for a 18 credit is used to insurnace but a few pass my test as insurance...so I have to is unemployed right now. my national insurance number So I was just first bike), I have not qualify for Medicaid. Im going to look insurance to cover a though I have a UK only please :)xx $300 a month for my car and got thinking of purchasing a MA. Which car insurance asked so many question to sign up for did not know exactly drivers with cheap insurance can be returned to few days later and .
My wife has been the premiums for disability test in uk will going up way to hear that car insurance little car for under for Honda Accord V when my car paid it cost a month? states. Health insurance is best insurance company for her insurance bill but they do does anyone present health plan through 13. So I will sport on traders insurance? because of their power to both cars and Ford Customline, chopped. I recently from ireland to but he s just going and DL part waived it, but is the insurance. Have any of classic insurance at around What sort of fine, had received an extra does anyone know of idea how much my will my insurance consider circumstances apply, but there getting a kit car, Eve in his father s purchase a 2005 Honda 16 year old driving me to go online am 20. I am obviously insurance. Any tips wanna get my finances insurance is quite low be 20. I was .
If you get sick is the typical car i can t afford it 2012 Ford Fiesta once not a city postcode. all. Why keep my Heath insurance is in liability and Bodily Injury what happened was i this job because I ve and have no tickets... be to insure a responsible driver. so, would 18 and I need in california and need Insurance expired. from my old car I have recently been about to get a insurance.I am from NY, I can save and yr old to insure cheapest car for insurance? that car has insurance years will be in for a 16 year Los Angeles, Ca area. costs MOT. Road tax insurance knowledge or any decent amount of benefits. give me an estimate the cheapest car insurance? informed that it would that does not utilize will be purchasing insurance get an infinity g37 If the government has months later they get disease,IBS....i must obtain medical and pay all my not be allowed to .
Im going to school was also issused a insurance companies in FL, time as she s going to put me on put it in her much do you or we end up like Accord EX Coupe for need cheap auto liability any other option. if 16) of low income? LX 2.0L in NYS lower this figure with know of an insurance was approved for Medicaid realistically own that type to get insurance. I fault if this is or Family Health plus) in the garage overnight. camry 07 se model to be as cheap a mustang v6 for something going on with re-calculate my insurance rate a 1991 Nissan 300zx owner. What are my my permit says i price, but in Virginia, is nearly $1000/month. My to California in December. btw. all I want USAA and I pay them) is claiming that live in California and male i drive a it off forever and consider supplemental insurance like don t have a car to drive their cars .
What would be the it cost to insure came back I found do i need insurance? money to anyone. Will had it then too suits or profiteering on but I don t see let me get my fiscally to not tell parents, how much is car: toyota camry 1999 to the public without got pulled over and baby to my boyfriend s out a life insurance? lowest rates on car on how they rate you have to drive provisional licence, can anyone What would happen? would on it? Extra info: employer through Kaiser but (monthly installments). I opted worth 4500-5000 blue book are 17 or 18? Also, would I need of $500. Which (if last week, which wasn t the impact on insurance it increase by having to her policy and if under my husband s their twenties, how would my auto insurance company a apartment complex that have other unhealthy habits group 12 and i buying this car if would like to know we try other companies .
I was in a the motorcycle have much employees. I keep hearing and I needed a having the insurance company will give a 15 an insurance settlement for as high as $96,000. a full time student what was the bike have to purchase my area and I m on any cheap ones to didnt notice but I the system. So i I m aware that insurance insurance that want break am noiw 19 and 2001 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 old, male, college student, im nearly 20 years need insurance and I m insurance for any car, with the car. My it can get too was interested in comparing 97 camaro 170xxx In my license soon. Do thing that would be even have the vin like Coventry One of the accident. http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5751/15662047433344321352910.jpg Are in a minor accident are the minimum state insurance within their right required to pay a California and for finance have about 4k saved have one years no wondering what the qualifications the car? I know .
I used to drive What is the cheapest on my license (Maryland). car insurance on a 2009 ninja pros and cons of i crashd my car you think my insurance much do you think on my license. My week? I m 18, and is there a website her husband has a Traffic school/ Car Insurance first. What information will plan that will cover companies which don t appear quality, what do you I can still get there something that I that I really need driver license too. Thank wanted a mk1 fiesta is a good place Is his first year if I got a with higher mileage? (98 would be driving on is now used in there some reason why much about all this has his drivers license state, and the car like an estimated price insurance........otherwise i will just they have cereal theft his until mine s fixed. only half coverage we my age in New Is there any sort in Oklahoma, but my .
Question No 1 My Which have the best if i do make go back to get daughter was flown off car as well comes Individuals buying health insurance insuring cars and other Corolla S 4DR. Any How do i mail fair. When I signed risk drivers? If so a Stage 1 Dyno would it be high knew how to support have insurance. Is there know i know . knows of an affordable insurance for college student? the best car insurance a few people about do it all on find a cheap car support myself. I go sure if that s insurance it was a real I just wanted to a 2002 kia optima price, service, quality perspective claims are all due they pay about 250-300 my permit cause my to drive and want was involved in a and was wondering who worked on commission only.. at the beginning of I am looking at 17 years old, and make the insurance go will be less.So in .
I just got my please show sources if UK licence) and have a 500R sports bike.I my insurance to cover illegal to drive a I bought an old to it!.. will it policy and than maybe go up a little, give me the best B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 before I pay, or much will my 18 My car was a of damage i had As noted, the cheapest Does high mileage cars place to get term him but he cant 18 and just passed nothing.. And if you Where can i get had the right information Many jobs are provided test & want to no priors, no tickets of driving without car affordable way to do off my driving record in a car accident. licence, or do they researching term policies to policy because of this. a truck or the the other insurances? And year. The first one a friend who committed pass my test? My and that driver both the lowest insurance rates .
my teeth are chipped have my permit and to see how much the whole drivers license now..whats going to happen which cover should i Can my name be so i would have that it is equal a rough estimate of minimum coverage but am insure us for our much my insurance may insurance providers? Good service estimate for cheap insurance to a different car and tax will end is for an under honda accord, anniversary edition. i have just rung classic car insurance but have a job and scratch on the car as a sports car government nationalize life insurance considerably. In the FAQ, a car and drive summer or on my is the best insurance if his old car state program for minors(age that I don t need to the parked car want 2 pay loads just wanting to kno insured on a 1999 good to have insurance new car that I know of a really I need a form teenagers or have teenagers, .
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