#Also no im not talking about tma people bs about Jon and fanfiction are wrong cause he isent actually confirmed to be sex repulsed
unleashed-salt · 4 years
Elaborating on the last post about this issue:
theres a real issue with relagating sex repulsion as stereotypical, in a world where theres just about no ace visbility there are no "norms" of how asexuality is represented, and not to mention describing what many in the community are as simply nothing more than a stereotype serves no other purpose but to hurt. (id say its a bit off the same issue when it comes to being aroace and this percived view off how were represented when theres barely any represention to begin with not to mention the issues off non ace aro rep being non existant).
Yes not every ace is sex repulsed, that should be shown and represented, but if you do it by parroting acephobic talking points about sex repulsion somehow being this big bad thing that somehow is the "negative part" off the ace community then it solves literally nothing and just throws a lot of aspecs under the bus. Same with insiting that sex repulsion is "just a loud minoriety" and that for some it cant be connected to their asexuality cause thats once again reinforcing these traits as inherently undesirable when its allready heavily looked down uppon by society as it is.
Ive seen way to many not give a single fuck how aphobes talk about us and would rather reply with "not all" instead off actually challenging the negative views against sex repulsion specefically. Ecspecially when its talked about as something that needs to be "cured", its gross as hell.
Like idk about you but i dont see this overaboundance off "stereotypical" rep anywhere, in fact i dont think ive ever seen an ace character be explicetly sex repulsed who openly aknowledges that they are that and its treated as an integral part off their aceness along with having no attraction. And if they are its just about always erased at some point cause its "boring" (and no im not talking about ace characters who arent actually confirmed to be sex repulsed, as ive said theres just about no ace characters who are)
At some point it starts to sound like the "we can still love" point which btw is an pretty arophobic talking point. And as someone who allready struggles with feeling "human" due to being both a sex repulsed ace and romance averse aro its not a great feeling seeing these traits being constantely put down both within the ace community and outside it.
Tdlr: with how little aspec rep there is to begin with declaring certain traits that is very much a thing within the apsec communities as stereotypes comes across as incredibly hurtful and its fully possible to discuss the visbility needs off sex favorable aces without putting down sex repulsion as something negative. (not to mention sex repulsion is not a monolith and theres multiple unique experinces you can represent within sex repulsion in asexuality, its not any less diverse than sex favorable asexuality are)
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