#Makes me wonder how when we finally get an aroace character that actually explores these things how their gonna be treated
unleashed-salt · 4 years
Elaborating on the last post about this issue:
theres a real issue with relagating sex repulsion as stereotypical, in a world where theres just about no ace visbility there are no "norms" of how asexuality is represented, and not to mention describing what many in the community are as simply nothing more than a stereotype serves no other purpose but to hurt. (id say its a bit off the same issue when it comes to being aroace and this percived view off how were represented when theres barely any represention to begin with not to mention the issues off non ace aro rep being non existant).
Yes not every ace is sex repulsed, that should be shown and represented, but if you do it by parroting acephobic talking points about sex repulsion somehow being this big bad thing that somehow is the "negative part" off the ace community then it solves literally nothing and just throws a lot of aspecs under the bus. Same with insiting that sex repulsion is "just a loud minoriety" and that for some it cant be connected to their asexuality cause thats once again reinforcing these traits as inherently undesirable when its allready heavily looked down uppon by society as it is.
Ive seen way to many not give a single fuck how aphobes talk about us and would rather reply with "not all" instead off actually challenging the negative views against sex repulsion specefically. Ecspecially when its talked about as something that needs to be "cured", its gross as hell.
Like idk about you but i dont see this overaboundance off "stereotypical" rep anywhere, in fact i dont think ive ever seen an ace character be explicetly sex repulsed who openly aknowledges that they are that and its treated as an integral part off their aceness along with having no attraction. And if they are its just about always erased at some point cause its "boring" (and no im not talking about ace characters who arent actually confirmed to be sex repulsed, as ive said theres just about no ace characters who are)
At some point it starts to sound like the "we can still love" point which btw is an pretty arophobic talking point. And as someone who allready struggles with feeling "human" due to being both a sex repulsed ace and romance averse aro its not a great feeling seeing these traits being constantely put down both within the ace community and outside it.
Tdlr: with how little aspec rep there is to begin with declaring certain traits that is very much a thing within the apsec communities as stereotypes comes across as incredibly hurtful and its fully possible to discuss the visbility needs off sex favorable aces without putting down sex repulsion as something negative. (not to mention sex repulsion is not a monolith and theres multiple unique experinces you can represent within sex repulsion in asexuality, its not any less diverse than sex favorable asexuality are)
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amachja-moved · 4 years
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SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: I don’t typically tend to have OTPs that are not canon; I don’t spontaneously ship characters on a show that are not an actual canon pairing, even less so when there is no sign of them being the possibility of a pairing. I would say there are fandom-made ships whose aesthetics and possible dynamics I gravitate towards, or that I can see making sense, more than proper OTPs (because part of me also appreciates seeing platonic relationships, blame my lil aroace heart that doesn’t see enough well-developed, important friendships, for instance - doesn’t stop me from loving fanarts and pairings I stumble upon or am introduced to, like Mikasasha or Berusasha!). For Sasha specifically, Sasha & Niccolo is the main one, precisely because it is canon and makes complete sense - there really is no better match for Sasha than a cook, and the fact that he is a Marleyan doubles down on the Braus’ themes of tolerance and open-mindedness.  And of course, I have my ultimate BROTPs, namely the trio Sasha & Connie & Jean, and Mikasa & Sasha & Historia. Bffs and roommates Sasha & Mikasa. And since the train track episode, Sasha & Armin. 
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: Pretty much anything goes! Except non-consensual stuff, abuse, things such as incest, paedophilia etc - nobody can ever convince me to include that in any ship whatsoever. I rp to have a good time and be full of feels, I love me a good angst, but those things I would not consider good angst. What I’m willing to rp includes pretty much anything else: fluffy ships, angsty ships, soft ships, tragedy, fun stuff, evolution from friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, and all and any nuance that we can think of. I like variety in my ships! And I like to go deep into the development, so the upside is, if you choose to ship with me, you will always have a partner willing to discuss the relationship at length and imagine all the details of it all, and start ten different threads (note that this goes with platonic ships too - friendships, family, etc). The possible downside you may find, depending on your own preferences, is that it takes me a little while to find my footing, and I like to put in the time to find the right tone so that the ship doesn’t just... jump out of the blue, if that makes sense? And sometimes I wonder if it may deter people or make them think I’m not as enthusiastic or involved in the ship, when in reality it’s the opposite. Shipping on tumblr also feels very different from my experience of shipping on a forum, where it’s all about long-term development  and commitment, and where I’ve had the same three ship partners for three years now, so maybe I need to adjust to the more ephemeral format of tumblr too. (what do you mean I completely derailed from the original question?)
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: I absolutely will not rp a ship where one character is a minor and the other is not. When it comes to AoT, I also will not ship Sasha with anyone who is already an adult when she is still a Cadet, including post-timeskip - for instance, I will not ship Sasha with a Levi, even when she is an adult. It just doesn’t sit right with me. 
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Aye I am. I’ve never shipped a lot (I’m pretty sure this blog is where I’ve shipped the most, ever), partly due to being selective, partly due to not necessarily being very good at understanding the tumblr shipping etiquette because I’m a wee bit of a simpleton. But basically, I will not ship unless I have talked ooc with the mun of the other muse, and we’ve had a few interactions pointing towards compatibility of writing styles and personalities. I just want to get along with the people I ship with and enjoy their writing, and hopefully that they enjoy my writing too and want to interact regularly too! (what’s the point in shipping, otherwise) (or interacting at all, for that matter!)
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: Eeeeeeh clothes go off and/or mentions are made of what happens below the belt?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ time to whip out that nsfw tag. WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: As of the writing of this post, Sasha is shipped with free-us​‘s Niccolo, gerichteter​‘s Bertholdt, and libartes​‘ Porco (you should check out their blogs, they’re awesome muns and muses). All three are very different ships in nature, which is always my main concern when shipping with multiple muses, so I am very grateful to them for writing those stories with me, building these relationships, and exploring very different dynamics that I find super compelling to write! DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: Yes please, though I believe this has become common standard in the rp community, so, yay!  HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: I love shipping, but I would rather have fewer ships that I have the chance to explore and develop in depth, through ooc talk and ic interactions and threads, than have many ships and not get to write them or very little. The interest of a ship, for me, lies in development. I also need balance with other kinds of ships (friendships etc), so all of you out there writing intricate friendships and other relationships with me, know that you have my love and gratitude and that you keep this blog going and my heart happy. ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: See answer above. I don’t know that I’m ship-obsessed, but I would say I’m ship-committed (good lord I hope I’m not scaring anyone away with this). And that goes for all kinds of relationships, not just romance! I’m always happy to trade headcanons and tailor our muses’ relationships, regardless of nature, so that it feels unique and can develop over time. Or just gush about our characters because if we’re threading/interacting, it means that I love them. (also platonic ships are awesome) ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: Yessir I am - though I do tend to ship with only one iteration of any given muse, because of my preference for variety I already touched upon. I don’t know that I would be interested in shipping with another Bertholdt as long as I’m shipping with Lani’s, for instance. Just a preference on my end, that absolutely does not constitute a requirement for my shipping partners - unless of course we decide to be exclusives, but that’s a different matter of etiquette. 
WHAT IS ( ARE ) YOUR FAVORITE SHIP(S) IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: Aaaaahfgdh Sasha & Niccolo, Reiner & Bertholdt (yeah, remember what I said about not shipping pairings that are not official? They’re the exception), Annie & Armin.  Also Reiner & a good therapist, this man needs help. 
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Write with me, see if you like what you read, and shoot me a message so that we can discuss it :)
TAGGED BY: a friend on a different platform! TAGGING: if you want to do it, say I tagged you!
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drsallygrissom · 6 years
Why We Love ars PARADOXICA
Back in 2016, the fandom made a list of 43 reasons why we love ars PARADOXICA in honor of the 73rd anniversary of Dr. Sally Grissom’s first audio diary on October 29, 1943. When I learned that the podcast was going to end after its third season, I decided to pull together another list that was double the length of the first. 
However, the fandom was so passionate that we blew past our goal, and reached triple the length of the original list!
Without further ado, here are the 129 of the reasons why we love ars PARADOXICA:
Helen Partridge, my beautiful, beautiful wife
I just love Kristen’s laugh and it never fails to make me smile.
Mischa’s outros! “Brought to you by the internet:” 
The TimeSwimmers episode. That whole thing was a masterpiece
Sally and Nikhil's friendship
Petra, my sassy troubled daughter
The effort that went into making such a truly unique and ambitious take on time travel-based fiction
Sally, my favorite disaster ace
All of the characters are just so beautifully flawed in their own ways and are so well depicted it’s hard to pick a favorite
Every episode makes me feel SO MANY EMOTIONS
The sound effects are just so well done that I feel like I’m right there with the characters
The subtle yet mind blowing foreshadowing
The way it endlessly inspires me to create fan content
The decryption team, who I don't understand yet love to watch unravel codes
The ability to make us both love and hate a character at the same time as much as we do Esther Roberts.
Jack Wyatt
The sass, and in general wonderful interactions with the fan base on social media.
The schoolyard brawl!
Very obviously not being afraid to have fun with ads/sponsored content.
Actually making me want to listen to the version with ads even though I'm a patron
The outro music is simple but so, so good
Lemon drops and Limestone
My curiosity about what Esther wrote in the letter
Golden boi and his devils lettuce
With three episodes left it felt like there was so much story left to be told and such little time to tell it
The generosity to keep us entertained between seasons
The subtle symbolism of Esther's mind being represented with card games
The heart-wrenching ups and downs of Esther and Bridget's relationship
Esther and Sally’s lesbian/aroace solidarity
Bridget, my mom
Sally's #relatable ace anxieties and Nikhil's comforting response
The super cool theme song by Mischa "i do not play piano" Stanton which they apparently HEARD IN A DREAM?!
The found footage pieces between scenes
The amount of detail put into it, and being able to notice new things on each relisten
Easter eggs like QDAM
Seemingly infinite pop culture references
The commitment to posting a transcript for each episode
The GOLDEN BOY smokes the devil’s lettuce?!
The Super LUminal Recursive Processor
All of the machine code names really
Mischa’s wonderful sound design that makes me feel like I’m actually in the location the episode takes place at and made me realize how wonderful podcasts could truly be.
Sally Grissom. The wonderful disaster ace and the first ace rep I ever found.
The sound design of the show, especially the tapes adding to world building, all those clunky sounds.
Sally Grissom, ‘I wonder what would happen if I...’, Mad scientist.
This show has the most complex, humanistic portrayal of aromanticism I’ve ever experienced
I appreciate the aP creators’ dedication to nuanced portrayal of and discussion about violence
All of Curses, of fucking course
Keeping the humanity of people who do bad thing while not trying to justify them
Their commitment to “all killer, no filler”
Reminding me that science is cool, dammit!
Petra is a lovely and nuanced, complex character that I adore with my whole heart and soul.
[BLUE BLUE 09 13 18 15 26 08 04 12 20 24 05 18 14 09 17 04 05 12 01 05 The weather in Tulsa today is: Drought. At the tone, the time will be: 5400 hours]
The creators are so so fantastic and fun! I love that they interact with fans.
Sally is the disaster stoner physicist we all need in our lives. also she’s relatable as hell
The show is not afraid to tackle issues like race, gender, or sexuality and it doesn’t overstep its bounds.
The codes are so fun (even if I don’t understand all of them)!
I love how excited scientists get when they’ve discovered something-it feels like real scientists I know
How Bridget criticizes Sally for making puns under pressure even though she does exactly the same thing
The way characters interact with one another, and grow, and learn, and develop is so fascinating and beautiful.
Plasticity might have been the first podcast episode to make me cry.
I love Sally “I only know anecdotal biology and chemistry” Grissom and how her science knowledge actually makes sense??
As a huge huge physics nerd and aspiring computer scientist, I love love love the way Sally talks about science! It’s like Kristen DiMercurio is narrating my inner monologue!
The thrill of trying to keep up with the diverging timelines
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The consideration and dedication shown in not only writing an aro-spec ace character, but addressing issues and worries often faced by people in that community.
The mind-boggling task of trying to piece together everything that’s happening when for all we know every scene could be from a different, rewritten version of the timeline.
Anthony Partridge, the most melodramatic math nerd to ever play Tetris in a bubble outside of time.
The optimism of the show and ultimate faith it shows in both science and humanity, despite all the characters’ failings.
Sally giggling over meeting her future self both times that it happens
Sally’s book (and her attempts at pronouncing NaNoWriMo).
Maggie Elbourne, because as much as I love all my the more morally ambiguous scientists it’s nice to see one who actually stood up to ODAR’s shenanigans almost as soon as she figured out what was up.
Everything about the road trip.
TimeSwimmers was already mentioned but specifically TIME DOLPHIN RYAN LOCHTE
Characters that grow and change and learn
The 77s getting name dropped in Plasticity, way before we knew who they were
Sally calling out the English language for being problematic (“oh, you mean like morally upstanding?”)
“The weather in Tulsa today is: uhh I dunno”.
It has been quite possibly the most human exploration of time travel I’ve ever seen/heard.
Reaching a happy ending I couldn't even imagine
The weather in Tulsa is: sppoookyyy
The ever changing ways the codes were presented in season 3. Giving the feeling that the anchorites were both on the run and broadcasting these messages from different points in time.
Sally’s ace representation is the best I’ve ever seen and it makes me feel so #valid.
The sound design and detail in the writing make me feel like I’m truly immersed in the story, and it feels so authentic. Are you sure you don’t secretly have a timepiece?
The characters are people I CARE about and wanted to cry over during work all the time because they’re all wonderful and I love them.
The integration of the different storylines into Sally’s, especially Petra’s, is amazing.
Petra’s characterization was really well done, and it made me really care about her, even as she was trying to more or less destroy the world.
Out-of-date pop culture references that fit seamlessly into the dialogue despite being from literally a different time period and most of the characters having no idea what it meant. They just added an extra level of hilarious.
You may not actually know a single thing about tachyon fields and gluon walls (are they even real?) but you could definitely convince me that you know exactly what you’re talking about (or at least that Sally Grissom does).
The fact that the whole show is wrapped up by the revelation that the entire show is actually Nikhil and Mateo curling up with board games and snacks trying to form a story out of these tapes, patching together timelines to make it all cohesive, it just feels very right.
This story fits the medium so well, and so the fact that we don’t learn that Whickman has an EYEPATCH is absolutely wild but also wonderful because as soon as I heard that I knew that that was how it belonged, like of course he has an eyepatch, that’s a very Chet thing to have.
The ending was so perfectly, painfully beautiful. It was the ending we needed but never would have imagined.
Petra’s and Sally’s relationship being so complex and real.
Nikhil and Mateo using the archive to create the framing device for the whole podcast.
The sound the timepiece makes.
The final destruction of the timepiece.
Putting time travel in a Cold War setting makes perfect sense, and they go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
Did anyone mention Helen Partridge as a character? How beautifully she was set up and the fact that she pursued her own her life, and also, how BEAUTIFULLY Susanna Kavee can sing? Because damn.
I just. Really love this show. And everyone involved. So much.
The child characters were really well done-both the actors and the writing felt real.
To me, the show feels a bit like one of those camp friendship bracelets everyone used to make, with all these colors and threads--all of the timelines, woven together, messy but beautiful.
Grissom’s Gizmo Gals!
Mateo’s non-stop flirting, even in the worst of situations
Sally “It’s Dr Grissom”ed HERSELF.
The way both the story and the characters reflect a complex view on the world with people making horrible decisions and horrible things happening to them, and yet always maintaining a positive outlook, offering the possibility of change and improvement.
The top-notch voice acting from everyone involved, helping to create the wonderful characters we all love.
Sally finger-gunning her way out of a conversation with a pun about a friend almost killing her.
All the minisodes!!
Any time Bridget, Nikhil or Lou acts like they want to adopt Petra
The series ending with two characters who had been at odds coming together
The characterization of the different Petras, because they all seem like different people even though  in fact they are not (and Sylvia deciding she doesn't want to follow the legacy of Petras)
How Kristen can play 2 of the same character and make them sound different (how does she do that???)
Anthony’s will to save everyone, sacrificing himself, when the world didn't do anything good for him…
... and the constant struggle to save his friends (like when he was literally the only one aware of the Anchorites and the way their plan could have ended)
The way the show can go from time travel shenanigans to heartfelt character moments is a real testament to the talent of the writing team.
The Vegas episode, which I listened to after the finale and cried, because they were so happy and naive and everything wasn’t messy and bad and complicated.
The way gun violence is handled by the creators with respect and care
The way PTSD and mental health is handled (through Sally) is beautiful and respectful.
Partridge being named after a bird and living out his life in a cage. YOU GUYS ARE MEAN
Susanna Kavee’s absolutely amazing singing and Tau Zaman’s lyrics are an absolutely combination.
The ceaseless, unwavering commitment to puns
I love how important their friendships are to the characters (well, most of them anyways).
Sally’s conversation with Nikhil in season 3 reflects a lot of common anxieties of aromantic people, and his understanding responses
The entirety of the trial episode, which just really sort of showed the full extent of how terrible the Red Scare was by putting Esther, a Jewish woman, through it, and just shows you how defamed people in that time were.
In so many of the fictional and non-fictional representations of history, marginalized people have diminished, distorted, and stereotypical roles-but not in ars PARADOXICA. Thank you for making so many people feel seen.
All the amazing writers who started it all. 💜
Here are the signatures of some of the fans who contributed: 
Lindsay (ioniluna/drsallygrissom)
Khanan Abayev
SJ (your friendly neighborhood slauthor)
Dave (mondas-mania)
Noah (kindadisappointed)
Sana (i-am-delta-s)
Tina (espressonist)
Meaghan (lafgl)
Katherine (Rubywolfsbane)
Artimis (jp-blindperson/ap-blindperson)
Luke (martianboyy)
Ellie (joan-and-jane-and-esther-roberts/shewrites)
Bridge (cornerandchair)
Lem (aceparadoxica)
Esme (starsparadoxica)
Glory (mercutiglo)
Carly (guardianbob)
Emese (mse)
Ben (Q)
Special thanks to the ars PARADOXICA discord for being so helpful! From the time it was just a dozen people with a spork in a shoebox, this community was a shining star that helped me through tough times. Thank you for your silliness, cleverness, and support.
Brought to you by the internet: It’s weird! It’s fun! It loves you very, very much!
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