#Musings and rantings
ALSO something I put on the yj server but I want to share, I’ve never really understood why it’s so upsetting to people that Bernard isn’t upset about Tim not telling him he’s Robin. Like I get it theoretically, they think it makes them boring, but I can’t see it that way. Because being a hero—being Robin—is so important to Tim, and it’s such a huge part of who he is (he doesn’t really know who he is outside of Robin) that isn’t it kinda amazing he found someone who understands that? I think it’s telling, actually, that Bernard still loves and trusts Tim wholeheartedly despite knowing he’s keeping that secret. Because he understands that yeah, sometimes the city has to come first, and yeah, it’s dangerous. He gets that better than any other civilian because he’s already had fucked up things happen to him because Tim is Robin even BEFORE they were together (Darla coming back and using him to find Tim, for example) and he’s been through enough to understand the severity of it. And he also knows Tim doesn’t want to leave him when he has to do Robin Things, but they both understand that there isn’t a choice. THATS SO INSANE TO ME because Tim found someone who understands it’s an obligation, not necessarily a choice. Tim can’t look away when people are getting hurt, and Bernard doesn’t even consider it an option. LIKE DAMN LET THE TWO LOSERS UNDERSTAND AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER god forbid Bernard trusts, respects, and understands his boyfriend 😭😭😭
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anxiety-banana · 7 days
hello i would like everyone to know that sometimes you can sob your eyes out and have an existential crisis one moment and then suddenly you're booking your driver's test and applying for jobs and crocheting a blanket and maybe life isn't so bad anymore!! maybe you can feel awful and fix your life anyway!! maybe you're allowed to be a wreck and still be good enough!! i am a full on adult and have avoided getting my license for years but now i'm finally doing it because i've grown around the fear!!!! the world didn't crash and burn when i was fifteen!! i did this for myself and i'm going to be okay!!
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kittydoremi · 2 months
Let 👏 Magical 👏 Girls 👏 Keep 👏 Their 👏 Glasses!!!
So often when a girl with glasses transforms into her magical girl form, she loses her glasses. As someone who wears glasses, it bothers me because it's almost like the show is saying you can't be pretty, fashionable or a hero if you're wearing glasses, or it somehow makes you "less cool" or "less beautiful" and I hate it
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the only magical girl character i can think of off the top of my head who still keeps her glasses when she transforms is Hazuki Fujiwara from Ojamajo Doremi
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(If there are other magical girls who keep their glasses, please let me know 🥺💖)
Also, I know she's not technically a magical girl, but special shoutout to Bayonetta who is fighting against the "glasses are ugly/uncool" trope. She really helped me appreciate my glasses, be more confident with them and embrace them more.
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We need more magical girls with glasses 😭 If I ever make a magical girl series, I'm giving the main character glasses, and she WILL keep them after she transforms
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bibliophilliqueee · 1 year
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immortal-dreamer · 7 months
how the fuck do you make a free web series that's been available for free for the past 20 years on youtube and now it's suddenly paywalled
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and it's not even available to pirate because it's been free for so long im actually going to fucking break something
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sioneve · 2 months
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Today marks the 10th anniversary of Nicomaki duet song "ずるいよMagnetic today" release! 🩷❤️
At this point I treat the song’s release date like nicomaki couple anniversary 💀 i mean!! a duet song!! WITH VERY PERSONALIZED LYRICS ABOUT THEM TOO….. pls let me have a long life so i can make it every year 😇🙏
the last time i made anniversary art for zurui yo magnetic today was in 2019! It’s getting the biggest number i’ve ever posted on tumblr lol (but that is definitely cuz of the wild almost-to-kiss-tension-pose lol)
enjoy the meal for every nkmk shipper if you’re still breathing?? nicomaki will be forever my top, it surpasses all my ships across the universe. I love you both my dumbass magnet 🩷❤️
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imagine applying physics reference to your art
process (lots of skipped parts i forgot to save)
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sotwk · 3 months
It's 2024 and I can't believe fanfic readers/writers are still witch-hunting for "Mary Sues". I hated that term back when I started in 2003, and it makes me irate to hear it still being thrown around Ao3 now.
How in the world can we tolerate celebrating perfect male characters while telling people not to make female OCs "too perfect"?? Please stop. Just stop.
Let female characters be as beautiful, brave, skilled, and intelligent as their creators want them to be.
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kaalboishakhi · 9 months
its tragic how so many hopeless romantics on tumblr and none is my soulmate
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Not to be a total asshole here but if I get one more "I need more! give me more!" comment on my Platonic Sugar Baby Buddie AU, it's going away. It has literally been two weeks since my last update, during which time I've been working on another fanfic, finishing up my second part-time job, working a full-time job, and being an adult with a full life.
I have never experienced this amount of whining in my entire time in this fandom and I can only presume that it's new people to the fandom who have an appalling lack of etiquette.
It's literally people just saying "give me more! I want more! hurry up!" And while none of you are at all entitled to my personal business, it sure doesn't help the depressive episode I'm in that y'all are doing this.
I love sharing my fics with you guys, and I love the enthusiasm and joy that you have for my writing. But the sudden influx of demands for sequels, for specific scenes in fics, unprompted fic, smut, and chapter suggestions, and now just outright demanding like a toddler for an update is disheartening, annoying, and the opposite of encouraging.
Please stop. Please. Please stop.
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actiiasluna · 12 days
can I just say
making fun of trump is 100000% valid
however don't spread racist and anti immigrant rhetoric while doing that please. bc like calling people "illegal aliens" is. not good. ever. and also trump's bs about haitian immigrants eating pets is dangerous and racist and. all around bad. so like yes make fun of trump all you want but please be aware that his comments have so much hateful rhetoric behind them and don't say things that spread that kind of content or rhetoric
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my late night rant reminded me of an event that still grinds my gears lol.
My friend was having some issues and asked me to sain him. I agreed, he brought his new age friend, I’ll call him whisper, along. the ENTIRE time, from gathering the juniper to the rite itself whisper did not SHUT UP.
Tried to speak to me as I was uttering the prayer for gathering the juniper and the water.
Got miffed when I asked my friend for dairy, as I had forgotten to bring offerings with me. Why did he get miffed? Because I told him I don’t believe it’s the intent that matters, I need dairy to offer.
Tried to speak to me and my friend the duration of the rite. While I was reciting the prayers. While I was saining my friend and his home.
Then made stupid remarks about why he didn’t want to participate because he’s an “energy vampire”.
He seemed upset that a saint was involved?
Called me a “Druid” for being able to identify juniper on the walking paths.
I am never doing this again lmao. MANNERS AND ETIQUETTE PEOPLE.
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I was talking about this with the yj server but I’m moving it here because AGH. Every time someone calls Bernard “just a normal guy” it takes 5 years off my life span because yeah, sure, he’s a civilian, but he’s not normal. Nothing in his life has ever been normal. He has a shit home life with parents that don’t care about him, and at school, he doesn’t fit in anywhere. He’s an outcast. But he was in a school shooting and watched Darla die in front of him, and he couldn’t even fully process or grieve that because Darla came back and used him to get to Tim (and it was supposed to be funny which is the story of his life, I think). And after that, after Tim left, he joined a cult. He did that because no one accepted him as he is (because he’s queer, because he’s different, because he’s loud and opinionated and he’s never really belonged anywhere, has he) and there he was taught that pain was the only way to make things better. And, in the end, the goal was always really to die. He was happy to be a sacrifice, maybe because it gave him a purpose, but hell if I know. And he meets Tim again, and yeah, he’s not a hero, but he’s still not normal, either. He has nightmares, and he feels empty and sticky and kinda like shit without Tim (he’s the first person to accept him, the person who made him want to get out of the cult, and the only one who really accepted him), and he’s healing, but he gets KIDNAPPED. AGAIN. Strapped in next to a ticking bomb. He gets out. Tim gets him out. But he keeps a bat by his window and he’s angry. He can’t talk about the cult or any of the other fucked up things that happened to him. He just can’t. And after all that, Tim gets kidnapped too. By the same chaos monsters that took him. He saves Tim because of course he does, how could he not? He’s loyal to his core and he will never hesitate to fight if it comes to saving someone he loves. So he saves Tim, and to some degree it’s helpful to him, to start to heal, but he never really gets to heal. It’s horrible thing after horrible thing for him and none of that is normal!!
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budugu · 1 year
I just saw an Instagram reel of a bride posting her wedding makeup look and all. She was so pretty and she had glasses on like any other normal person who needs glasses.
Someone commented " Why did you wearthe glasses at the wedding time tho? Your eye makeup was hidden and your whole look would've looked better in the picture without the glasses "
Trust me I saw the photos she posted. She looked like a goddess and so pretty and her groom was so in love with her. You could see all the happiness from the family and friends in the photos. The only thing unnecessary was this random person feeling bad about the girl needing glasses.
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holdmyhopeinyourhands · 8 months
After sitting down and thinking over the mercedes/ferrari/lewis team switch story, I feel angry. Angry and disappointed. Forget the car, forget the terrible design concept that has taken Mercedes out of championship contention. Forget the lack of faith they had in Lewis's vision or ideas. I could live with all that. After all, they have million of engineers and money and experience, and perhaps they knew better than Lewis in how to get the car up to snuff. No, what pisses me off? What makes me sick to my stomach is how they kept looking past him. Kept looking past the man who built them, carved them into his back, and looking instead towards this hypothetical future that they insisted would happen soon, happen soon and without him. For the past couple of seasons, Lewis has faught tooth and nail for his contract extensions to reflect his worth. Fought tooth and nail to be even considered as brand ambassador, only for them to soundly reject him as if he isn't the face, body, and soul of that team and the damn sport itself. The fact they have been screaming bloody murder and digging their heels in every time he's asked to be given at least one of his championship winning cars says it all.....They've always looked past him, through him. He was standing right there, and they've always eagerly kept looking at a future without him. How they were going to build off of his success without him. How he was the one lucky enough to have them, but they could move on at any time because, hey, who would pay Lewis what they paid him. Who would treat Lewis even with modicum of respect the way they are? They never worried because they never assumed Lewis was worth more than what they assigned him. Mercedes lost Lewis not only because they ignored his opinions. They lost him because they decided they were worth more than him, and stepping on his back to climb to their next great stage was acceptable. Fuck you Mercedes.
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riamuverse · 3 months
If yall genuinely think the victim or media they enjoy/theme after is to blame for being groomed/abused and not the abuser/groomer then there's seriously some reflecting you need to do 😭
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themosthatedbeingg · 4 days
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{{ /— ooc
So something interesting in this picture ( yes all the ducks ) have you really looked at the background , at the decorations and furniture and walls .. 2 things are very prevalent, eyes … Eyes everywhere even on the duck and they are all seem to be looking down / at him, not only that but whole room is made of sharp edges , it’s all whimsy themed and pretty with the deep golds and red and royal purples but there is very little actual softness in this room.
Most things end in sharp looking points and edges , it’s a thinly veiled threat, the room gives off vibes of trying to pass off as silly and fun but you can sense the unease the danger just underneath it .
Which I think is a great little hidden treat into Lucifer’s character, yes he’s silly and sad and making ducks but he feels he has all eyes on him constantly / his many actual eyes due to him being an Angel) and he’s actually Dangerous .. you can dress it up to look harmless but he is still a very dangerous being .
There are a lot of sharp corners and when objects in the room, look at his tools — 2 saws 1 large blade like thing and 1 sharp looking Pilar set, these tools are used to create things yes but they create by cutting into /destroying something / they are dangerous and can cause damage if not handled properly .
And again with the sharp edged theme of the room the spikes holding the tools are curved to look like claws and seem to be impaling the wall they are on .
It’s neat to note that he only has 2 paint brushes one hanging and the other tossed to the floor somewhere - paint brushes are tools that create / not so much destroy .
This could be me just rambling about nothing but I do think this is hinting at Lucifer’s character as a whole . If he’s not handled right he can and will be dangerous .. he’s capable of building amazing things but he’s also a dangerous tool in the wrong hands .
Maybe as the seasons go by we will see his room/his work room soften up as he looses his hard edges and possibly opens up more ?
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