#Also sorry for the late reply :(
mediocreshake08 · 6 months
Wanna hear my art request?~🪲
It's K...............
-Kotal Kahn :3
(yeah, i want a art of this silly sunny emperor plz)
You almost had me there
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cuntchuck · 1 month
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anon…. you’re actually scaring him.. gooberchuck is getting really stressed out man
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linterteatime · 4 months
hey its me again I just have a question
what are your rules on like, using your art for like a dnd character? I know it's a stupid question but I'm curious because some of your stuff gave me a really good idea for a character and since you made the art I thought I'd ask before possibly using it.
(Also thank you for drawing the Knights Shade in your style all of your art is absolutely amazing)
For inspiration and things like that, it's fine! If you're going to use the designs/art as it is with no changes, I guess it's fine as long as it stays privately in the game? Y'know not posting it online and stuff, and also not claiming it as yours, etc.
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wombrion · 8 months
your art feels like a kind of popcorn i make sometimes. melted, caramelized sugar, a bit of salt, and then powdered milk on top. the texture. it's the texture. and also the flavor. i just think it's neat (haven't stopped looking at it all day)
thank yu! i love descriptions like these, theyre always so sweet, very domestic-like
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lxkeee · 4 months
Hey hey!!
Look what i made:D
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Francis and [name]!!!
Kimda tried drawing it like fpe.
Fpe is Fundemental paper education!
It's little animation video on youtube:3
Btw i might make this au lol:33
Have a nice day/evening/night!<33
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piinfeathers · 8 months
Absolutely in love with your art style and your captain swan fanart!!
oh my gosh thank you!! i really appreciate that 🥹🥹
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ask-winston-zeddemore · 3 months
Have you heard from Louis at all in the past after the ghostbusters broke up? If not do you have an idea of what you think he’s doing at the moment?
((OOC but this is such a kick ass Account))
I heard from him once, when he congratulated me on my marriage, but other than that, I don't know where he is or what he's up to
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magicalmyths · 3 months
I FINALLY FINISHED IT YAY! anyway enjoy this monster of a one shot i need to send it in 3 parts cause of character limit
Polites goes about his day greeting everyone with a bright smile and small talk like he doesn't feel the void inside trying to consume him. He has had plenty of practice pretending so everyone around him sees nothing off. He keeps his well formed mask firmly in place because if he lets the cracks and tears show they will worry about him. He doesn't want to worry them unnecessarily. He is fine, he really is. He notices an agitated crew member at the railing and something was obviously wrong. Polites debates what he should do. On one hand helping others has always helped lighten the darkness inside even if only a little but on the other hand he is still worked up from the dream so if anything goes wrong he can’t guarantee his mask will stay intact. He sighs who is he kidding he has never been able to refuse people help. He heads over to the crew mate and greets them with a smile “Hello my friend what's wrong?” They turn to face Polites with a scowl. “What's it to you?” Polites feels a tiny crack in his mask at the obvious anger in their voice. “I just wanted to see if you're okay” the crew mate snaps at Polites “Well I'm busy, don't you have anything better to do? I don't need your help!” 
Will you stop bothering me? I'm busy! I don't need a nuisance like you right now!
Polites does his best to suppress a flinch at the angry words so much like his mothers. He can feel the tiny crack start to widen and his smile starts to waver. “Of course I'm sorry to bother you.” Polites walks away slowly at first before speeding up the pace a bit. He needs to go to his room and be alone. He needs some time to fix the mask he wears. More words fill his mind as the crack keeps growing. He doesn't notice the worried eyes following him.
I regret giving birth to a child like you!
Leave me alone already, I don't want to hear your voice!
He is almost to his room just a little longer-
Why are you always such a disappointment?!
Stop your crying, it's giving me a headache!
He feels tears forming in his eyes but he pushes them back just a bit more-
I could never love a burden like you!
You are a burden and that's all you will ever be.
He takes a deep breath and finally he has reached his room. He slips into his room, closing the door and sliding down onto the floor finally letting his mask shatter. His body heaves as he sobs. He wishes the words would stop but they keep taunting him. Why is he so weak? They had only snapped a bit he should be able to handle it. Besides, it's probably his own fault for being so nosy. He goes quiet and freezes at a knock on his door. No he can't let anyone see him like this! He waits for the person to leave but they knock again “Polites are you okay?” Oh gods that was Odysseus’s voice! He quickly washes and dries his face plastering a smile on hoping it will be enough. “Please answer me, I'm worried about you..” A deep breath double checking his smile before opening the door. “Hello sorry it took so long. What is it you need?” Odysseus frowns a little not seeming to believe his cracked mask of a smile. “Hey are you feeling alright?” Polites pours more effort into his smile desperate to convince his friend he is okay. “Of course I am, why would I not be okay?” Odysseus looks sad and almost disappointed just like his mother Odysseus sighs “Polites please stop. I can tell you're not okay, just tell me what's wrong.” Polites feels anxiety rising at even the thought of showing how broken he is. He can't let Odysseus know if he finds out he will leave him just like his mother. His smile is paper thin now. “I'm sorry I don't know what you mean. I am only a bit tired and I would like to take a small nap.” At this Polites attempts to close the door only for Odysseus to stop it with his foot. Odysseus has a frown on his face obviously frustrated “Polites-” “IM FINE” he finally snaps and then freezes his eyes wide “I'm so sorry i didnt- i-” Odysseus gets over his shock and shoves his way into Polites room closing the door behind him. Polites flinches. Oh gods why did he do that? How could he snap like that at Odysseus?! He starts hyperventilating, tears starting to fall. He is suddenly pulled into a hug and he tenses before finally collapsing into the comforting hold. Odysseus holds him tight whispering comforting words letting Polites calm down. Once he finally stops he feels empty “I'm sorry Odysseus you can go now. You shouldn't have had to deal with this.” He tries to pull away but Odysseus keeps him in his arms “No I'm not leaving you alone right now. You are obviously not okay.” Polites sighs the empty feeling is spreading throughout his body and he feels heavy as lead. He prepares himself for Odysseus to scold him or say he doesn't want to be friends anymore. He is shocked to feel tears on his back. Did he make Odysseus cry?! “Oh gods I'm sorry please don't cry-” Odysseus holds him tighter “How long has this been going on?”
(I wanna hug politesss)
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fttwts · 11 months
following up with laxus for the bingo?
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I need him biblically bro
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creative-crybaby · 5 months
i just saw your reon fic and thank u for feeding the girls 🤲❤️
ofc! our pretty boy is so underrated, it's sad there aren't a lot of fics for him :////
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familyofpaladins · 6 months
for the "what is your trademark" ask game,
i would say submas and ninjago?
oooo thank you anon!!
Submas!! That's nice that's a trade mark for me, despite not doing much with it lately lol
I will say I'm surprised at the ninjago! I know I've reblogged a couple things about it lately, but I havent really been in that fandom much haha.
Unless you meant Lego Monkie Kid, (understandable mixed up. They're both action lego shows) which I am a part of that fandom! :D
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talkingteardrop · 6 months
can i
can i get a drawing req from you that is not a ship,,,,,,
rubyyy 🥺👉👈
Or amy pf the infection au peeps
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butchcharliee · 1 year
hey hon, i'm a 31yo butch and shift manager of a retail store who doesn't drive due to a specific phobia. (i sometimes tell people it's for medical reasons, which is not a lie!) i promise you can be a whole adult and a whole butch without driving. it helps to live somewhere walkable, have semi-usable public transit, in my case have a lovely femme who drives me places.
i've seen so many young butches worry about not being butch enough (and been there myself!) that i'm pretty sure it's a universal butch experience. you're gonna be fine 🧡
Thank you so much 🥹 there are times when I don't tell people much about myself in fear they'll judge me for being anxious about those things, and that they'll think less of me (it's happened before </3) So thank you!!
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jq37 · 1 year
So I know this was forever ago but I'm just now getting into Dimension 20 and have been reading your recaps ... did you ever recap episode 10 of The Seven? I only saw up to episode 9 on the list.
Ah yes my great shame...
So when The Seven was airing I worked really hard to get all the recaps up in a timely manner but school got really intense right around when the season was finishing up.
I was really determined though and I took all the notes for that episode and I had every intention of doing it but then I just...never got around to it.
And believe me, it bugs the crap out of me because I was literally *one away* and I did the notes which is the *most time consuming part*.
But it got away from me and the longer it was the less it made sense to do/the more incomprehensible I knew my notes would be to me--my notes might as well be hieroglyphs to anyone but me and even I need the ep to be fresh in my head to parse them.
Anyway, that's a long way to say, unfortunately no, I didn't get to that one, though I do want to eventually put up at least a mini recap like I did for the last ep of ACOC because (1) I really liked that season and (2) I hate to leave things unfinished.
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ensanguinate · 9 months
Lmao okay okay. My bad. I'll let ya have a free shin kick
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updownlately · 9 months
I haven’t puzzled much, had a bit of a downer for myself so i didn’t do anything.
I got another milestone yesterday. Walking the stairs with crutches. I have to say my look a like wally is a saint. She is amazing and so sweet and so patient with me.
ahh i feel you. i hope you’ve done other things that bring you enjoyment though!
let’s goooo!! congrats on that!!! it seems like all wallys and wally look-a-likes are wholesome af 😆 proud of you mate!!!
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