#Also that song diwkxmsmdmskdkksx
gschamig ยท 3 years
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
rose: favourite scent on a person?ย 
red: describe your favorite shirt
blue: preferred type of weather?
Hope all is well with you ๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ
Pecan: God Is a Woman - Rett Madison
Rose: On a person oooh that's tricky. I don't have a specific scent I like on people. I guess it also depends on the person. Freshly washed clothes is a nice smell lol. Also sunscreen smells nice on people.
Red: I have a ton of band shirts and I love most of them and am extremly passionate about them. The One Direction or Harry Styles related ones are my faves. I also have a ton of graphic shirts and I'm equally passionate about those. One of them says "Gay villain" in the front, that's one of my faves. My fave in general might be a shirt I got for my birthday last year that was specifically made for me based on something I talked about.
Blue: oooh I can't decide. It's either a snowy winter day, so cold the snow actually lasts for some time and it just doesn't stop snowing. Or a really stormy day, either with an extremly dark, cloudy sky or with a purple-ish sky, lots of lightning, thunder, wind, rain. All the good stuff. Both below 17ยฐC.
Thank you babe! Hope you're well as well ๐Ÿ’•
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