#It has a little aquarius symbol in the front and has aquarius written on the back
gschamig · 3 years
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
rose: favourite scent on a person? 
red: describe your favorite shirt
blue: preferred type of weather?
Hope all is well with you 🌹❤️
Pecan: God Is a Woman - Rett Madison
Rose: On a person oooh that's tricky. I don't have a specific scent I like on people. I guess it also depends on the person. Freshly washed clothes is a nice smell lol. Also sunscreen smells nice on people.
Red: I have a ton of band shirts and I love most of them and am extremly passionate about them. The One Direction or Harry Styles related ones are my faves. I also have a ton of graphic shirts and I'm equally passionate about those. One of them says "Gay villain" in the front, that's one of my faves. My fave in general might be a shirt I got for my birthday last year that was specifically made for me based on something I talked about.
Blue: oooh I can't decide. It's either a snowy winter day, so cold the snow actually lasts for some time and it just doesn't stop snowing. Or a really stormy day, either with an extremly dark, cloudy sky or with a purple-ish sky, lots of lightning, thunder, wind, rain. All the good stuff. Both below 17°C.
Thank you babe! Hope you're well as well 💕
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astrallines · 4 years
The Crumbling Tower of 2020
Notes on the Triple Conjunction
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Hello friends. What follows is a short introduction to the incredibly rare and historical astrological conditions of the year 2020. This was written with the intention of accessibility first and foremost; I believe it’s important that people have some idea of this moment in a historical context, and the tools to evaluate the themes and stories that are emerging currently and in the near future. To my eyes astrology is at its most useful when it is neither prescriptive nor prophetic. It is foremost a tool of psychological midwifery; reading the meaning of the world and its events.
So it’s in my interest to be painting in broad strokes. If you want concrete predictions or exact dates for orbs of conjunction now and in history, then there is a vast field of mundane astrology for you to Google. The myths I’m unfolding here are only for context and consideration—I hope you find them helpful.
Also, there will be a major western bias in my evaluation of history, which sucks, but that’s the milieu I grew up in and can speak to, and it remains the information most easily available. But of course astrological conditions are affecting the entire world. We can still trace the vibe through western examples.
Our Axial Moment There are two incredibly rare astrological events happening this year. One event is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius. These two planets come together routinely, mechanically, every 20 years. But the rhythm of their waltz is such that each meeting takes place in signs of the same element for 200 years at a time. So when they conjoin in Aquarius, in the last weeks of 2020, that will be their first time together in an air sign since the 14th century.
Since 1802, all of their conjunctions have been in earth signs. (Much more on the significance of this later, but some may already notice this 200 period’s coincidence with the industrial revolution and the age of capital). In the 200-odd years before 1802, they would join every time in fire signs—and for the 200 years before that, water. One waltz more brings us back to the 1300s and 1200s, the previous epoch of air signs. Returning to the present day, we should realize that since an age like this persists for two centuries at a time, it is essentially impossible for someone who witnesses such a transition, to have ever even known anyone who witnessed the previous transition. That is, the 100 year old person in December 2020—even if they had, as a newborn, shared a breath with a 100 year old person—would not reach far back enough in history to have even a dim, second-hand knowledge of the epoch of fire (1603-1801). These periods are effectively the frame edges; the curtains around the drama of the world stage.
Rare as it is, the other historical aspect of the year is much rarer: the fact that Saturn and Jupiter will also conjoin Pluto in Capricorn before they dance their first step together in Aquarius. Though these 3 will never occupy the exact same degree together, they will come very close, on and off throughout 2020. Of course a triple conjunction of planets will always occur in more unpredictable intervals than any pair of planets because of the 3 separate orbits. Famously—well, famous among astrologers—it last happened in the sign of Capricorn during the founding year of the city of Babylon, 1894 BCE.
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History of the Elemental Epochs Because the Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle is so regular, and because we didn’t know about outer planets til the 18th century, the dance of these two planets through the elemental stations is by far the oldest astrological tool for determining epochal periods. It has long been assumed to be the basic attitudinal/affective backdrop of the zeitgeist. (Now that we know about Pluto, we have a new vibecheck every 12 years! But isn’t it funny that generations didn’t have names until we noticed Pluto in 1930?)
I would be remiss not to mention that there are overlaps between these periods. For instance, Jupiter and Saturn were briefly conjunct in an air sign (Libra) for a few months in 1981. So toward the end of each epoch, humanity gets a little multi-month preview of the coming age. 1981 and the transitional period is a whole other topic in itself, but that’s all I’ll say here.
Even though these elemental ages have been observed for so long, we don’t have a ton of historical examples to draw upon to get a sense of the nature of a particular epoch. As for the air age that we’re entering into, we can refer to the high medieval period as the last instantiation, but to get a third example we have to go into history 6 centuries before that! Soon the world starts to look so different from the current day, that we have to stretch the imagination that much farther. So let’s just a get a brief summary of the previous cycle through the elements.
Earth 1802-2020
This is the epoch we are still in as I write this. It began during the industrial revolution, and the earth themes are undeniable. Human begins have had a resolutely atomic understanding of the universe; materialism is rampant; and it feels that capital and capitalism are catalysts of most human drama. We take things literally and concretely: instead of speculating about other realms, we want to drive our spaceships to big slabs of land like the moon and Mars. We have discovered how to build and make so much STUFF!
Fire 1603-1801
This period is famous for the enlightenment and the French and American revolutions. The time of great sparks! Reason, brilliance, luminance ... self-validation and self-determination. This is really when human beings began to appreciate the value of the idiosyncrasy of a particular thinker. “THIS dude’s contribution” etc. Rights, laws, freedom, were all in vogue. “Here I am!” say the fire signs.
Water 1425-1602
Just as materialist scientism was born out of the liberating thought of the enlightenment, so were the insights of the enlightenment enabled by the world-broadening discoveries of the renaissance. During the water epoch, everyone was sailing everywhere, being introduced to new cultures, and the “new world” was reached by the Europeans. At home, classics of antiquity were being rediscovered and the world was broadened in that sense. Shakespeare was poppin off in a big way. The concept of the stage is essentially water; water is the idea that there is an affective component to reality at all.
Air 1226-1424
Is it a coincidence that the least widely known stage of the cycle is the one we are now entering? Or is that just the nature of history, as it fades further into the past? This period was called, in the West, the “high medieval” era. It was marked by civic demarcations that more or less persist to this day—the previous few hundred years saw constantly changing borders, but now people grouped more firmly into ethnic or national identities drawn to territories. This is also where we got chivalry and the first real rights for women in a long time. And there was the discovery of an actual social life and leisure. “Hanging out” was invented, thank God.
Reality itself received a major patch update: we invented mechanical clocks, which caused people to relate to the passage of time in a totally new way. We used to just slice up the sunrise-to-sundown period into 12 equal parts; now hours were a constant length throughout the year. Common folk had glass windows in their homes for the first time, and the elite even wore glass in front of their eyes to correct their vision. Music became much more complex, as people had more time to take it seriously and form theories. People could go to libraries; for the first time ever there were more books in cities than in monasteries. Cities were finally the place to be. We invented the compass, the game of chess, and the printing press. The astrolabe, like the compass, allowed us to orient ourselves to something that was formerly hopelessly abstract (the stars). Most of this cool shit came from the Arab world, which was flourishing.
Air Epoch 2.0 That’s the historical overview. Obviously there is much, much more there for any anthropologist or history of philosophy ass person. But we are beginning to see some idea of the relation between the qualities symbolized by the elements and the respective periods. Now we can begin a more informed speculation.
The movement from the previous earth age to the previous air age seems to be one of dramatically more complex social relations. Less emphasis on the riches of a kingdom, and more emphasis on its culture, civility, and sophistication. Abstract things became the treasures. As we look to our own incoming air epoch, it is easy to envision a world that places more emphasis on networks instead of objects. Social media, gig economy, and blockchain all appear to be prefigurations of this. In terms of philosophy, it no longer seems very radical to conceptualize oneself as part of a universe whose essential composition is not defined by particles (nouns) but relations and processes (verbs).
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What Was Babylon? I ain’t no student of ancient culture. Until a few months ago, I didn’t even know Babylon was where Iraq is. Of course I think it would behoove all of us to research as much as possible the previous instantiation of this astrological aspect, but I also think it’s valid to speak about its cultural impact through a layman’s osmosis.  As far as I can tell: what is Babylon best remembered for? The miraculous hanging gardens, the Tower of Babel, and the law code of Hammurabi. Hammurabi’s code, inscribed onto a stele about a century after the founding of Babylon is celebrated as the first known written laws, some 190 edicts long—and by the estimation of modern scholars, supremely humanitarian for its time. What is the modern equivalent of the ancient innovation of codified laws? Hard to fathom, but something for us to consider as the new age dawns.
More famously, there is the story of the Tower of Babel. A persistent image of human hubris, even today people respond to the tower motif as a symbol of defiance of God or of nature, and it is routinely invoked when artists and pundits comment on the ecological folly of industrial enterprise. Human beings tried to use their intellectual capacities to reach the position of God. Without reading the Bible, I can tell you that the punishment for this was the diversification of languages. All of a sudden people couldn’t speak to each other, because there were so many ways to speak.
Today we take for granted the many languages of human beings, so what is the modern equivalent of this event? Taken as a metaphor, the variation of languages could represent a variation of worldview. Styles of interfacing with reality. Because the element of air is so closely associated with concepts like perception, the structuring of thought, communication, and virtual realities, we might imagine that in the new age we will begin to understand just how deeply diversified our mechanisms of interpreting reality are. Phenomenology seems like a pretty fringe field in our current world, but AI is certainly not; and content creators have increasingly brought phenomenological themes to the center of their work over the last couple decades. Just as the previous air epoch (12/1300s) saw the advent of movable type, perhaps we will soon develop novel means of recording our impressionistic realities.
Finally, Babylon was host to the famous hanging gardens. Supposedly built by king Nebuchadnezzar to please his wife who missed the natural beauty of Iran, it is still unclear whether this wonder of the world ever existed in physical reality. In any case, the story is relevant: a ruler, in the midst of tremendous infrastructural expansion, and with it the inevitable subjugation of nature, finds that his greatest cultural influence across the centuries is ecological restoration. Looking at these three legacies of Babylon together is rather interesting: the law code stele, though purportedly divine in origin, is unquestionably real to our materialist sensibilities—you can go and see it. The Tower of Babel, taken from the Bible, was probably not real in the same fundamental way; though there was without question a great ziggurat in Babylon, the Biblical account is not literal. The hanging gardens is the most mythological. So between the three we have different concentrations of myth and historical fact.
Second Second Life I write this in the first few weeks of social isolation during the coronavirus pandemic. There is much more to be said about the connection between this unprecedented social condition and the imminent radical astrology—maybe the subject of some other essay. But off the dome, we can see plainly the defaulting of Capricornian things: governments, businesses, economies, and social infrastructure. Without much of a choice, we are withdrawing our energy from the material to which we are accustomed. We’re cooped up in our houses, where the merciful currents of the internet continue to draw us on, to operate in cyberspace as normal. New social functions and vocabularies are already emerging as we are forced to reconsider the online networks that have seemed so toxic for the last few years. People find themselves operating “peer to peer” out of necessity. Some “inessential” products may no longer be available on amazon, but your neighbor might have them. More importantly, people are reaching out to each other for nothing more than human contact. We’ve been wringing our hands about the importance of human connection, but capitalism—through spectacle or stranglehold—has drawn us away from putting it first.
Social service is (along with certain essential aspects of the internet) ruled by Aquarius. Saturn, governor of concern, has already ingressed into this sign, but will retrograde back out in a few months; and then at the end of the year, it will be joined by Jupiter, who greases the wheels, expands the potentiation of Saturn’s concern, and affords prosperity to those who take social service seriously. And together they will inaugurate the new age.
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priscillarubin · 4 years
about priscilla.
NAME: Priscilla Rubin. AGE: Thirty-four - 18th February, 1987 PRONOUNS: She/her. ZODIAC: Aquarius. MBTI: INTJ (The Architect).  PLANET SYMBOLISM: Mercury. INSPIRATION: Yennefer of Vengerburg, Cookie Lyon, Santanico Pandemonium.
+ ambitious, resilient, clever. 
- cunning, cold, vengeful. 
tw parental death
As the child of a mistress, Priscilla is born with the vehement violence of a star; hauntingly beautiful, too difficult to hide in the shadows. Whilst her mother is as clever as a fox - hiding the truth of her infant away from the father’s darkest and most deranged eye - the gradual distance she expands between their illicit affair prompts further questioning. Still, the man is no more foolish than he is holy; built with a notch at the base of his skull that aches at the first sign of deception.
You see, dear reader, her father is infamous under all light; consuming the glow like black asphalt. As an unmarried man with several equally wicked sons to carry on the heir, his poisonous tongue and the gun in his desk drawer both equate to the life he so desired to have. (There are rumours his hands are more accustomed to the feeling of blood than that of rain water.)
Priscilla’s mother, on the opposite hand, is deemed a lady of the night and is beautiful in the way no one should be. She steals hearts before their wallets and is as quick-handed as she is quick-witted; a talent which keeps her and her beloved new-born well-fed. When both parents meet, they are lured beneath the vibrant lights of a strip club and she steals what she believes to be his beating heart. What she will discover, however, is that the only thing she could seize was his attention - diminishing overtime.
When Priscilla recalls her childhood fondly, she envisions the moments in which she’s perched at the foot of her mother’s bed, overseeing the makeup she applies at the vanity. It’s like witchcraft in those hours, her mother’s face set with rouge and powder, observing the evolution of her mother into something of a proud creature - more untouchable than the one in the beginning. When she slinks out into the dead of night, Priscilla never questions the thick handfuls of banknotes that accompany her home. She never questions much at all, really, until her mother fails to return one morning.
In her place, the most unfamiliar man arrives at her front door, telling her of what she knows to be a truth and what she does not know at all: her mother is equal parts prostitute and thief. A stealer of trinkets, of hearts, of children. These things are explained within a brief clause which prompt no further question. She doesn’t understand much - her childlike mind can only muster the words he spills between his lips - but she sees his hand reach outwards and she takes it with haste. Perhaps mother will see her in the evening, perhaps she’ll never see her at all.
From this point, her mother is no more than an echo. A collection of rumours, all beginning and ending with the same two parts. She still exists, somewhere, clinging to her daughter’s stuffed bear.
As she grows with the seasons, her father teaches half the tricks he teaches his sons -  it’s all particularly primal; a euphoric cruelty of sex, violence and stolen goods. Death becomes a most familiar friend, Priscilla held at the centre, a juvenile heart that is chiselled down until it is nothing more than ashen dust; weaned on something all too terrible.
One would suppose it was particularly dangerous to exist as Priscilla did. To make a heroine out of her own monstrous terror. Where her brothers were all thunderous and bloodied knuckles with their rage, she was all lipstick planted on the napes of pretty boys and sweet nothings into the ears of those who reached out to listen. Their foolish endeavours were done with a wrongful belief that she was far less poisonous than the men who declared themselves family, simply because her violence was not outwardly barbaric. It was perhaps why her brothers envied her entirely - she was better than them in the way men do not speak of. How they tried to squeeze out her voice, to brand her useless within the world she had once been sculpted for.
It seemed to be hereditary and she detects her mother in every sagacious choice she makes. After all, her mother did teach her that it was all for the taking if she so desired. All she had to do was contort herself in hopes of consuming the world entirely. And, in the time where Priscilla does thinks of her, she considers how this male hatred could reunite them once more. How she’ll never be alone.
When the hate for her father uncurls behind her third and fourth rib and can no longer be supressed, she takes what little she has in possession and flees to London; picking up menial jobs in local bars and surviving off the tips at the end of each shift. It keeps her afloat for the time being, but Priscilla has always longed for more. Longed to be revered, to be feared, she does not care which.
That is, until, everything happens at once. With the swing of one act to the next, destiny rears its often merciless head. He appears in the form as any other customer, when he comes through the door, though his suit sets him out of place as one would presume it could both buy and sell the very walls which contain them. He’s a quiet man, a man who carries himself in a way that has once predisposed him to all answers, and he pays little mind to the offered pint of beer placed before him. As the hours transcend into the next, he still sits, rubbing at his temples as one phone call laps into another. All of which possess an air of importance. When he finally looks upwards, the phone pressed firmly against his ear just about slips between his fingers when he sees her - carting out an unruly man almost double her size. Only then does he smile.
It begins as much a duty as anything else: moving up the ranks with a feverish passion. Whilst each rank possesses its own challenges, strangers attempting to lick the poisonous salt from her neck, it is only when she steps foot into the realm of Pest does she now know that this is what she was made for. Though she is meant to step upwards with everyone else, they are unaware of the third option - to move sideways. Thus, when there are whispers of promotion - to go beyond the Virtue that she is - she simply declines it. The four walls of Pest would crumble if she left it entirely. Whilst she is yet to learn of whether this was a foolish choice, she remains certain of this: she would never ask to be queen, they were going to beg it from her.
Contrary to what was told to her so many years ago, her mother never became of a deathly fate. She was, conversely, offered a large sum of money to send her child to her father. Priscilla, as of now, is unaware of this - but it is something I do wish to explore.
She believes in alternative medicinal techniques, such as crystals and other stones as conduits for natural healing and cleansing energy. They exist as her signature - for gifting and for her own garments.
Priscilla is not so much of a dog woman as she is that of cats, birds and horses. Whilst she does not own either one, she does have an affinity for them and does occasionally slip the stray cats behind the club her leftovers.
She has written many unsent letters to her birth mother; many of which encompass questions surrounding her location, if her heart is as empty as her daughters and why she left her for the taking without attempting to reach out. The mystery surrounding her exists as just that and is perhaps why there is an anger which pulses with each beat of her heart.
Her weapon of choice is always a blade; the sharp kitchen knife, the needle point in her leather sleeve and the dagger placed on display. She prefers the subtlety, the secret that she’s armed.
see here for application/expanded about.
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lasercruz · 4 years
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@quarterdollar​ fuck you and im sorry that i took so long to answer and i hope that im mostly coherent because i am. very tired as im typing this
1: Full name Nicky Jackie Marie Cruz !!
2: Age 21
3: 3 Fears Mold, tall heights if I’m not secured (like, I’m not scared of rollercoaster heights but I’m scared of like, cliffs), and balloons esp balloon animals
4: 3 things I love I love so many things uhh hh h. Jjba, adventure zone, and my friendssss 💞
I know turn ons/offs aren’t inherently sexual but i never know what to say for them so im skipping them :0
7: My best friend you 🥺🥺
8: Sexual orientation bi
9: My best first date ive never really been on a actual date :0
10: How tall am I 5′3
11: What do I miss being with my friends physically and just watching stuff or goofing around on the floor 😭
12: What time were I born 11:02pm
13: Favourite color Dark blues
14: Do I have a crush yes shh
15: Favourite quote there so much sappy quotes that are on uquizzes a lot that i like a lot the first that comes to mind is “ You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he loves you, but he loves you.” and so on and also “if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more”
16: Favourite place As far as just physically and not like people or other stuff that comes with with a place, I miss VT campus a lot tbh more than I thought I would. To pick a more specific place, the gazebo at the duck pond cause its where I’d go if I wanted to be alone or like if my roommate was sleeping or working and i didnt want to worry about being quite and it was always super peaceful
17: Favourite food I dont really have One favorite food it just depends what I’m in the mood for but my go to answer for favorite food category wise is either chinese or seafood
18: Do I use sarcasm Depends who I’m with ?? Generally no not often but if im close with someone and just goofin yeah
19: What am I listening to right now My love song playlist. its my go to thing to listen to cause my playlist with all my music has so much on it that i end up skipping half the songs until i find something im in the mood for and this one has a lot less that i end up skipping. the current song its on is day without you by keep for cheap
20: First thing I notice in new person It depends on the person like if they have something that stands out about them, thats what I tend to notice but like. How they carry themself i guess ? cause i feel like thats a easy way to get a read on somebody before talking to them
21: Shoe size 5 mens / 7 womans
22: Eye color Brown
23: Hair color Naturally dark brown but currently dyed black with rainbow bangs
24: Favourite style of clothing this question is on so many ask games and quizzes and I never know how to answer it cause i feel like i dont really have one specific style,, I like colorful and fun stuff i guess ?
25: Ever done a prank call?  No and if you prank call a place of business youre annoying. i used to answer phones at work and we didn’t get them super often but GOD i hate prank callers
27: Meaning behind my URL emu is an old nickname and what i mainly went by until i settled on Nicky and this. is my blog.
28: Favourite movie Baby driver !!
29: Favourite song my go to answer for this is community gardens by the scary jokes
30: Favourite band THE SCARY JOKES
31: How I feel right now sleeby,,,,
32: Someone I love i love , my friendz ,, 🥺🥰
33: My current relationship status single ✌️
34: My relationship with my parents im close to my mom but i dont really get along with my dad ,
35: Favourite holiday Christmas !
36: Tattoos and piercing i have no tattoos, 3 piercings in each ear (2 on each earlobe and 1 on the top on each side)
37: Tattoos and piercing i want I want a interrobang on my wrist and an Aquarius symbol on my ankle and MAYBE the joestar birthmark, i wouldn’t mind more ear piercings and i want a septum piercing but ive seen videos of them getting done and they make me squirm i dont know if id go through with it
38: The reason I joined Tumblr sdklgkjgh i had a my little pony roleplay blog before i made my personal account
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? no we’re good friends !!
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? no not regularly at least
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? no
42: When did I last hold hands? my mom tried to hold my hand when i was half asleep on the couch the other day but like i was so out of it so like it was more our fingers together and the rest of my hand just loosely dangling so if that doesnt count, you
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? i give myself about 2 hours if im doing full makeup but thats purposefully longer than i need so i dont have to worry about rushing and i can relax and take my time
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no i only shave them if they’re gonna be showing or if the Urge to be Smooth comes over me
45: Where am I right now? my room at home on my bed
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? probably Kaylie cause she doesn’t drink and i assume if im drunk with other friends there she’d be the only sober one
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable, if i have it too loud i cant think so the only time i  have my music loud is if im doing nothing and want to Not Think
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Ye
49: Am I excited for anything? short term im excited for the ai crushes all banks stream tonight and long term im excited to move into our apartment 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? no im not a tell everything to someone type of person .
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? i smile most of the time like, at work (before we wore masks) id always be smiling to look nice and like. just in general if i want to Not Look Unhappy or whatever
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? my mom probably like, yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? ive never kissed any1     .
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?  nope i don’t think i really trust easily so like this doesnt rlly happen,
55: What is something I disliked about today? i woke up late cause i was up late last night so ive been tired all day I dont like the feeling
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? language barriers aside itd be super cool to meet hirohiko araki
57: What do I think about most? Whatever media im currently most into so right now adventure zone and magnus archives
58: What’s my strangest talent? umm i dunno im kinda flexable i guess ? not like ~contortionist~ level but like enough that i can freak people out sometimes
59: Do I have any strange phobias? i mentioned balloons as a fear in an eariler question so yeah that but im a lot better about it than i used to be
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? in front tbh
61: What was the last lie I told? i was on phones for the last hour and a half of my shift on friday and like. when people call and ask if an item is in stock and i can’t confirm it i, just tell them its not. like, someone asked if we had a specific kayak and i usually just search the walmart app or run over to where itd be to check but the kayaks are to far for me to run to and the app said limited stock which usually means little to none so , i just put it on hold for a bit then tell him we’re out.
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? i like video chatting in theory cause its nice to see people visibly react to stuff but i tend to get too self conscious about how i look so i  just do audio only
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes to both !! i am both
64: Do I believe in magic? yes in some ways i suppose
65: Do I believe in luck? yes im v superstitious
66: What’s the weather like right now? its a pretty good day its sunny but not too hot :oo
67: What was the last book I’ve read? its been ages since i last read a book in full 😔  i honestly dont knwo what the last one would of been 😔 😔
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? yes !!! love it
69: Do I have any nicknames? not anything i get consistently called no
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? ive never gotten super hurt that i can think of ??
71: Do I spend money or save it? save it
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? doppio bean plush ,,,,
74: Favourite animal? hedgehogs!!!!
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? on my phone probably on tiktok or something waiting for jojo to come on toonami
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? I? dont think he has one i guess ??
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? butterflies by samsa but it makes me happy in the “im crying now” kinda way itss cute
78: How can you win my heart? just by being nice and respectful tbh ,
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? idk i dont really want anything fancy just my name (chosen name please god im so scared of dying and geting my birth name on my tombstone if that happens i WILL come back as a vengeful ghost) and my birth and death dates
80: What is my favorite word? saccharine
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr by my tumblr crushes (which its been YEARS since i looked at) ; frostios, 27names4tears, smollpurrito, happynaru, and warpedlamp
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? if we being real id just get so scared dsjkfsldjglg  theres so much i could say i dont know :((
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? not ? that i know of 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? why are all the questions worded super basic except this one skdlskdjfj. Shape shifting
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? i can really think of anything really as long as a friend is asking i tend to answer truthfully ?
86: What is my current desktop picture? Sobble BUT this reminded me that i wanted to change it to a xenoblade pic so its this now :
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90: Failed a class? no
91: Kissed a boy? no
92: Kissed a girl? no
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no but oh god just thinking about that im 🥺🥺🥺🥺 id die id melt 🥺🥺
94: Had job? ye i was a cashier for a year in highschool and then i work in wamlart apparel in the summers
95: Left the house without my wallet? not when I know ill need it no, but ive left it home if im just going to a friend or family member’s house or i have my mom’s card or some cash in my pocket
96: Bullied someone on the internet? no !!
98: Played on a sports team? no lmao i dont do sports
99: Smoked weed? no
100: Did drugs? i had a weed brownie like once but it was such a small piece i didnt really feel anything
101: Smoked cigarettes? no
102: Drank alcohol? Ye
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? not currently i was vegan for a little bit to encourage a friend that was doing it though
104: Been overweight? no
105: Been underweight? no
106: Been to a wedding?  yes three, my grandma’s when she got remarried, and both my brothers
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? probably yes lmao often
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? not TV TV but if netflix and the like count then yes
109: Been outside my home country? no :(
110: Gotten my heart broken? not ? really no
111: Been to a professional sports game? ive been to a handful of Yankee games
112: Broken a bone? no
114: Been to prom? yes i went to my highschool’s and a friend’s highschool’s my senior year
115: Been in airplane? no
116: Fly by helicopter? no
117: What concerts have I been to? none :((((
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? ye
119: Learned another language? i took 3 years of Spanish in high school but i wasn’t any good at it and dont really remember much of what i did learn
120: Wore make up? yes i do often :0
123: Dyed my hair? ye a lot
124: Voted in a presidential election? yes ever since iv been old enough to i vote
125: Rode in an ambulance? no
126: Had a surgery?  dental surgery yes
127: Met someone famous? Not anyone i’d count no
128: Stalked someone on a social network? depends on what you count as stalking i guess but like not ever in a creepy way like ive been on people’s social media to find out stuff about them like. if theyre in a relationship or especially after highschool ill wonder about someone i havent talked to in awhile and ill see what theyve been up to and what theyre doing with their life and stuff
129: Peed outside? no
130: Been fishing? yes like once
131: Helped with charity? donation wise yes
132: Been rejected by a crush? ive never confessed to anyone and been rejected but once a friend told my crush i liked them and they confronted me about it and rejected me but it made me more mad at the friend that told them than it made me sad about being rejected because i knew it’d probably go like that  and it justmade thing awkward between us for awhile  😔
133: Broken a mirror? ive broken the little mirrors inside eyeshadow pallets but i havent broken full ones
134: What do I want for birthday? usually just money lol or something thoughtful and cute
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? i aggresivly do NOT want kids BUT hypohetically Elliot or Xander for a boy and idk what i’d nam a girl
136: Was I named after anyone? no
137: Do I like my handwriting?  its messy so no not really but if im writing something for myself like a not or whatever i dont mind as long as i can read it
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? even as a little kid i always played computer games but other than that, this guy :
Tumblr media
139: Favourite Tv Show? Jojo
140: Where do I want to live when older? New york or japan
141: Play any musical instrument? i can kind of play harmonica
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? i burnt my thumb kinda bad on the oven a while ago its still kinda healing but right now it looks like its gonna stay a scar
143: Favourite pizza toping? i like everything/suprieme pizza but if i have to pick one single topping pepperoni
144: Am I afraid of the dark? yes :((
145: Am I afraid of heights? mentioned it earlier but yes if im not strapped in or secured etc
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? no im so scared of being caught doing something bad that i just. dont
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? i mean yes but thats life babey
149: What my greatest achievments are ive gotten awards for grades and stuff but that boring BUT i got the english department award or whatever that was called im very proud of that
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery i donate some and save the rest tbh
152: What do I like about myself i can be pretty  sometimes 👉👈 im cute or whateva ,,,
153: My closest Tumblr friend i dont really havent “tumblr friends” aside from friends i know irl and also tey have tumblrs ,,
154: Something I fantasise about just. growing up and having my own place maybe with someone and. being comfortable and  okay and not having to worry ,,
155: Any question you’d like? dkfjhdskhf japan :000
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pjstafford · 7 years
A Moody Blog
This blog was requested by a fan back in March but it took me a while to think about what I wanted to write about Hank Moody.  This week-end my life has taken on some twists and turns which makes me think of the crazy scenarios in Moody’s life.  So it seems appropriate to write this.  Unlike my other blogs about the work of Duchovny, it takes a little bit of strange, a couple of beers, a shot of Tullamore Dew in me to feel like I might brave the complex and challenging task of writing about Californication.  Tonight is the night for me to write about Moody.  
As I write this Warren Zevon is playing.  I have to disclose up front that as I was working on the final version of my (yet to be published) novel “Blue Dreams” I agonized as it got close to finish over what tradition I would establish for finishing a novel.  I assume there will be many more finished novels before my life is over and I wanted to really think about the tradition.   I  love Moody’s Whiskey, Weed and Warren.  Alas, I am not in a legalized marijuana state.  So for me it was Cabernet, Cigar and Clapton.  I am a person who love the rituals of food and drink.  Moody doesn’t seem to me to be a character who appreciates tradition or rituals, so the fact that what he holds Holy is the ritual of his completion of a written project - which, of course, has to be alliterative, touches the writer in me.  If I love Moody it is mostly as a fellow writer with the fantasy of a writer’s life that is so extreme that I will never experience it.  I was saddened by reading “ A Crazy Little Thing Called Love”.    The Moody writing in my dreams is a combination of Bukowski,  Hunter S. Thompson and, since there has to be a bit of the feminine perspective in Moody’s writing, some Erica Jong.    Until I knew of Moody I never thought of a ritual for ending a novel. Now I kind of feel my ritual is locked in stone.  Cabernet, Cigar and Clapton.  How does that change my writing from if it was Whiskey, Weed and Warren?  Anyway, tonight as I write about Moody I have two of the three going for me - Whiskey and Warren!   Most importantly, though, I have the strange going on and if you love Moody, you love the strange.  
Watching “Californication”  requires you to have all the brain synapses firing at once.  You have to have your intellectual, creative, crass, lustful and romantic brain functions happening at the same time.  Also, you need a strong sense of smell.  Watching Californication is a little like attending a posh LA nightclub, followed by a walk down the most foul Long Beach alley, finding yourself watching an episode of Father’s Knows Best and waking up in Malibu not sure if the beach scene you’re waking up to in the morning, hung -over, is reality or a movie scene.   Its a long Hard Day’s Night to try and examine.  
It took me a while to warm up to it. As i have said in previous blogs,  until 2015 I had never seen David Duchovny in anything but “the X-Files”. In completing a watch to prepare for season ten,  interviews led me to discover my favorite Duchovny- the writer and song composer.   However, in season nine of the X-file I missed Duchovny and watched the “Californication” pilot but did not make it through the whole way.    Luckily I watched “Aquarius” - I am so lustful of Hodiak- and then watched every movie I could find; eventually finding myself back to “Californication.”  I had assumed that “Californication” was a a sex pornography comedy for men with no merit in plot.  I was wrong.  
I decided, after some time in examining Duchovny’s oeuvre, that the X-Files is actually the side step in Duchovny’s career.  It happens that Mulder made him an international sex symbol and is my favorite of his roles, but it does not fit into the progression of his work prior to the X-Files in the way that Californication does. Duchovny’s first named part was as a man unable to resist women in “New Year’s Day.”  The scene where Duchovny and Jaglom discusses “Billy’s” motives and Billy says he wants to pay back women who are nice to him with a kiss, with sex and its confusing when the conversation should stop and the kissing begins, could be a much younger Hank Moody.  He then appears as a swinger with multiple sex partners in “The Rapture” .  Kalifornia, Julia has two lovers and Red Shoes Diaries follow.  All of those movies also demonstrates that Duchovny would have no fear of being naked on film.  Even the role of the transgender Denise Bryson on “Twin Peaks” or the role as himself on the Larry Sanders show demonstrate that he is not afraid to confront sexual norms.  It makes perfect sense that he would be Hank Moody.  
It is a testament to his acting that Mulder and Moody are so different and, yet, I cannot imagine anybody else in these roles.  Duchovny is a comedic genius with perfect timing and great instincts about when to play over the top and when to play subtle.  There are so many reasons to love Californication, but people who have read my blogs know that I love the yin and yang, the lightness and dark, the sweetness around the pain. It should come as no surprise, then, that if I have to choose my three favorite things about Californication, it is all the contradictions.  
1.  Californication stretches my ability to suspend my disbelief, but is in many ways the most realistic portrayal of humanity I have ever seen.  
2.  Hank Moody is the most sexy in the scenes with  less clear nudity or sexual depravity.  
3.  Californication is an intellectual show with crass humor.  The reason it is so funny is because of the combination of the two which lends itself well to the upside down quality of the chaos.  
1.  California stretches my ability to suspend my disbelief, but is in many ways the most realistic portrayal of humanity i have ever seen.  
In much the same way that I didn’t realize Mulder was supposed to be an attractive man when I first watched the X-Files, I have difficulty thinking of Moody as all that sexy.  They both have the advantage of looking like David Duchovny (more of that later), but Moody is a man often drunk/ stoned, unhappy with his life, self-indulgent man child, who is chronically unemployed with writer’s block and always getting fired from Hollywood jobs due to being an ass, he dresses sloppily and, while he drives a jag, he doesn’t keep it clean or well maintained.  Also, he is a writer - not an A list celebrity or rock star, a fucking, boring writer.  So, the fact that women not only can’t resist him, but often are seducing him as he valiantly and half-sincerely  tries to resist them is incredulous to me and I really had a hard time dealing with it.  However, Moody finds something special about every woman that he cannot resist  and he wants to be the one that makes sure each woman know how special she is for that unique quality they alone possess.  Well, that’s extremely erotic and sensual.  It takes him from being a misogynist to a character very respectful and caring of women- the way he treats the hooker, for instance, or coming to the defense of women time and time again.  Also the fact that he is a truth teller; always telling his own truth,  that is very charming.  
As the seasons progress Moody is in some ways the most calm of the people in his circle.  So many of the scenarios seem ridiculous and absurd.  Rick Springfield portrayal of pure egotism and selfishness.  Rob Lowe discussions of taking a man in his mouth.  Bates alcoholism and his sexual exploits.  Those three guest stars stand out the most to me.  Absolutely over the top absurd !
Then there is the masturbating agent and cokie smurf.  Charlie and Marcie are my favorite couple.  They love each other through it all in a way that seems more real than the ethereal and fairy tale way that Hank and Karen love each other.  While they are immoral, depraved and the upside down version of Fred and Ethel, the fact is couples get bored with their sex lives, they find adventures in other places, they fall into addiction and they have career failures and sometimes do outrageous things to keep financially afloat.  So as impractical as the scenarios are, they seem real in the most natural of ways.  
The reason we laugh at these impossible scenarios (such as Hank accidentally going down on the wrong women) is that we know that they are absurd, but we recognize the characters and qualities in ourselves.  Every single damn one of us is a fuck up in some way. This is the truth of humanity.  We are all wonderful creatures who all have some routine and persistent way of fucking it all up.  
The character who most demonstrates this is Karen.  Supposedly she is the normal one, placed on a pedestal, but the genius of Tom Kapinos writing is that she is the most fucked up of any of them.  Certainly more than Moody and all because she is not a truth teller.  She marries two other men during the course of the show while never not loving Hank.  She gives Hank back his ring because he might have (turns out he didn’t) impregnate a woman she set him up with when they were apart.  She knew he had sex with her when she accepted the ring, but suddenly the pregnancy meant they couldn’t be together and she never apologizes or admits to any of her part in keeping them apart.  Hank and her both have illusions of who she is which is not consistent with her actions.  Yet, Karen is never over the top unbelievable.  The fact is that when you really consider it she is far more fucked up than any of the foursome -Moody, Runkle or Marcy-makes the show more contemplative about the human condition than in the first casual viewing.
2. Hank Moody is the most sexy in the scenes with less nudity or sexual depravity.  
Does anyone really think that the threesome scene with Hank, Charlie and the “squirter” is erotic?  It is sad and funny simultaneously, but there is no eroticism in it.  The Hank and Karen in bed scenes are beautiful but less exhibitionist than most of the scenes with Hank and other women.  When Hank cares about a woman - say Faith - he is intensely attractive and sexy, but when he is having sex for fuck’s sake, he is not.  The women might be sexy and beautiful - often at least a decade younger than Moody (which is a different blog to write), but Hank is not sexy to me in those scenes in the least.  
In fact Moody is the sexiest in the two relationships where sexuality is not a part.  The scenes where he plays a father with his innocent and confused daughter are the most beautiful of all.  I watched a scene today of Hank trying to explain to Becca why he had sex with three women on campus and his pain at her pain is so beautiful.  By the way, watch that final scene from Season 3 episode 8 and then watch the Duchovny/ Jaglom scene from New Year’s Day and tell me the rationale for why the two characters are unable to resist seducing multiple women are not eerily similar.  
The other great relationship is that between Hank and Charlie.  I often find Hank at his sexiest in those scenes because he is sincere, funny, and full of love and the voice of reason.  
Now, I said I would talk about the fact that Moody has the advantage of looking like Duchovny.  The stills of Moody are among the most beautiful things in the world.  They are essentially still pictures of Duchovny naked or mostly naked.  OMG!  His ass is so beautiful I once wrote a poem comparing it to an apple (I think I would like a bite).  His arms and abs are those of a triathlon athlete.  The man can pose nicely in a pair of black briefs and even manages to pull off a kimono.  My favorite shot is the shot when he is on top of the television chef pouring chocolate sauce on her.  A still of that scene brings all kinds of sexual fantasies to my mind (TMI?).  I start every episode thinking to myself I am going to concentrate on...., but, as a credit to Duchovny’s acting, I become so drawn into the story, the humor, the facial expressions and body language that I forget that i am looking at Duchovny’s ass.  Case in point is the hilarious dialog in the chocolate sauce scene.  It simply is not as erotic as the still, because the character of Moody, or the depravity of that moment etc. distracts from the beautiful nudity.  However, the scene where the same cook is thrown out of the car and Moody insists on waiting with her for her husband to pick her up and he tells her not to allow herself to be ordered off the television like chinese take-out, Moody is sexy in that scene; a man I could see myself falling in love with it.  
If we are all of us fucked up, the fact that Moody makes no excuses for being fucked up and tells the truth makes him the most adorable fuck ups of us all.  He owns his faults and the part of him that cares about his daughter, her mother, his best friends and women in general is beautiful.  
3.   Californication is an intellectual show with crass humor.  The reason it is so funny is because of the combination of the two which lends itself well to the upside down quality of the chaos.  
One of the things in common with all of Duchovny’s television characters is that Moody is a well read, erudite, witty and intellectual man.  Love listening to the man talk in the same way I love a long monologue from Mulder.  Tom Kapinos writes intellectually.  I like the fact that each season is a separate and distinct “arc” but the story always returns to the “old fashion love story” ,to quote Duchovny, of Hank and Karen,  I like that season two harks back to “The Great Gatsby”.  It is a show splattered with great literary and musical references.  It is a show which sarcastically asks why women don’t have pubic hair anymore and asks for people to be less shallow in how they interact with one another.  Yet it is also a show where Moody defecates on a car and where fart, masturbation and stinky finger jokes abound.  I am not usually a low brow humor type of gal, but I do believe that without this lower brow humor, Californication might seem pretentious and a little full of itself.  So in the end, even for a snob like me, the jokes such as the mangina, Rick Springfield’s name being said in its entirety every time, the falsetto mother fucker, and a man eating a chocolate bar out of a woman’s most intimate part make me laugh.  
I am glad that I gave Californication not only a second but a third chance.  Moody is my third favorite Duchovny’s character behind Mulder and Hodiak, but that is probably because I tend to be drawn more to serious drama than to light comedy.  As a self-proclaimed foremost authority on David Duchovny I can say that Moody is a role for which Duchovny’s early work prepared him and that his comedic ability is truly genius.  I hope he does more comedy- romantic comedy.  Would love to see him in a remake of the Philadelphia story but I am not sure which of the two male characters he would be better in playing.  The writing of Tom Kapinos and the great acting of the rest of the ensemble:  Evan Handler, Pam Adlon, Natasha McElhone, Madeline Martin are amazing.  
I hope a movie is made.  i would love to see a movie made with the plot that the Broadway production of “A Crazy Little Thing Called Love” finally is made.  Hope it occurs soon!  
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