#Also: I'll be sharing a some doodles/ drawings near the end of this week
sunstone-smiles · 7 months
My first perfect expedition with him and this is the first thing he says-
*Places the switch down and breathes in*
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I needed a moment
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suna1suna1 · 10 months
Woohoo! It's WIP Wednesday again!
I've been working on the Magical Girl AU for the past week, since that's the one that was requested last time, so I've taken it off (but attached some progress ;)) Sweets and Secrets is back this week!
Go ahead and reply, reblog, or send an ask with the numbers or titles of the fics you want me to work on and I'll set a 25-minute timer, meaning I get about 500 words written in that time frame. Then I'll share my progress at the end of the sprint(s). You can select up to 3 titles/numbers! ^^
Sonadowtober 2022 one-shots | Sonic, Sonadow (Published)
Sonadow bounty hunter AU | Sonic, Sonadow (Unpublished)
Boom Sonadow Dark Gaia fic | Sonic, Sonadow (Unpublished)
Hades and Persephone AU | Sonic, Shadamy (Unpublished)
Shadamytober 2023 one-shots | Sonic, Shadamy (Published)
The Heart of the Ark | Sonic, Shadamy (Published)
Sweets and Secrets | Sonic, Shadamy (Published)
Angels and Demons (H&P sequel) | Sonic, Sonamyshad (Published)
All Our Love one-shot collection | Sonic, Sonamyshad (Published)
L'histoire d'une Ladybug a Paris | Miraculous Ladybug (Published)
Speculative Murder Drones fic | Murder Drones, Nuzi (Unpublished)
Magical Girl progress and notes under the cut
Concept and plot notes/rambles:
Amy looks through newsfeeds and notices a figure with a mask over their muzzle and quills shaped kinda like Shadow’s (thinking kinda like Mephiles). They look enough like the purple smoke (and like Sonic’s werehog form) that she takes a screencap and saves it in a note on her phone. If she can find him, maybe they can figure out what’s going on. She also notices Eggman’s name in the newsfeeds as it talks about him getting fired. She clicks the interview video, and it shows him raving about his success. He’d intentionally gone that deep into the ground to see if there was any way life could live within the earth’s crust. Unfortunately now there’s a new volcano in the laboratory, and it had to be completely evacuated. That whole town is in the process of being evacuated. 
She sends the video to Nicky, then falls asleep. She dreams of the earth shattering into pieces, and shadows of faces appear. At the forefront is the face of the shady guy she noticed in the newsfeeds. 
Later, she’s woken up by a text alert from Nicky that tells her he found something. She hurries over to his house only to find Chip cowering behind a trashed couch. Nicky has evidently transformed again with the loss of the day’s light. Chip tells her he left the house, and Amy transforms and hurries after him. Amy asks Chip what Nicky found, but he doesn’t know either. Something about an ancient god. He was too busy raiding the pantry for sweets.
Comic script page:
Nicky: “Hey, it’s my favorite! Plus it’s got my favorite character from (insert other manga name here) on it.”
Emi steps up onto the hardwood floor, carrying her bag with her. 
Emi: “Okay, okay, I’ll give it back at lunch.”
Nicky: “You’d better!” 
~~end scene~~
Emi is in science class. 
Emi is doodling little drawings of Nicky with hearts with her pencil. 
Emi’s inner monologue: “Not that I really mind it though… being in love…”
The teacher is up near the blackboard. 
Teacher: “Did everyone get their permission slips for the field trip this afternoon?”
The students mostly answer yes.
Emi frowns and starts rooting through her backpack. 
Emi: “Did I…?”
Emi starts looking more panicked. 
Emi: “I know Mom signed it! Where is it?”
A student taps her on the shoulder. 
Student: “Psst.”
The student is holding a piece of paper. 
Student: (mouthing) “From Nicky.” 
Emi takes the paper.
Emi unfolds it and sighs with relief.
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love101imagines · 4 years
Way too much
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request: could u pls write a imagine with Sinan,I was thinking about him and you being the best childhood friends, but they ended up getting away a lot, so some teacher spends a double job and chooses them to do it together, so they spend a lot of time together and discover that they still like each other
tag list: @zaynlikfalls @wwafangirld @girl-looking-out-window
If you asked Sinan if he had ever been happy he wouldn't answer. However, his mind would go back to the time when he was six and he used to spend every hour with his best friend, meeting you since you two lived in the same neighborhood and we’re the same age. You, the girl he used to play around on the park under his grandpa's care, the same one he used to watch cartoons with until you two fell asleep on his couch, and the one he used to play wrestle until one of you ended up with an accidental bloody nose or a broken tooth.
You were also each other's first kiss, the result of a dare when you two were nine and you wanted to know what it felt like after you watched a romantic movie.
Everything changed when you turned twelve when it was one of those nights your parents were out and you two would stay up late watching horror movies. With a blanket covering most of your face and eyes glued to the TV, you didn't notice how Sinan was looking at you.
When a jumpscare happened and you yelped, immediately grabbing his hand, he blushed slightly, finally realizing he was in love with you. And it terrified him. Even more than the old movie you were watching on the couch in your living room.
He felt his heart breaking when a few days later you arrived at his house on the verge of tears because your dad had received an offer for a better job in Ankara and you would be moving in some weeks. The only thing he could do was hug you, trying to calm you down as you continued crying into his shoulder.
That had to be one of the many disappointments he would face during his life, but he slowly got used to it, expecting people to always leave him, just like you did.
"You're staring." Eda pointed out, a smirk on her face as she leaned against the wall behind her. "Who are you looking at?"
Sinan gulped, back to reality before he looked away. "No one." He snapped in an annoyed tone.
Eda rolled her eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh as she went back to the drawing on the wall. He mentally cursed himself as he looked back at the group of girls standing nearby, no sign of the girl who had been his best friend for almost seven years. His mind had to be playing games on him, probably from drinking too many that day. There was no way you were at school, he must have seen someone similar.
He didn't have much time to think about it, focusing on the ticket Osman was handing to him for a concert.
"I'm off to the infirmary to sleep." He announced, already feeling a migraine he didn't have any intention of increasing.
Taking slow steps, he walked away from the group. The ticket was in his shirt's pocket, and he only had one thing in mind as he walked through the halls. To stop the feeling on the pit of his stomach after thinking about you in months and to sleep.
He didn't even get a chance to fully turn around before you crashed into him, standing on your tiptoes so you could wrap your arms around his neck. He didn't recognize you for a second, believing someone was about to punch him when he heard his name being called but he didn't even have time to flinch.
It was only a second though before his eyes widened and he wrapped his arms around your waist, finding comfort in the fact that nobody else was around and you two were the only ones standing next to the infirmary's door. Feeling you hug him again definitely was one of the best feelings in the world.
"(Y/N)?" He asked, chills running up his spine at the feeling of your skin against his.
You pulled away after a few seconds, even if you were sure the whole hug lasted for at least two minutes until he let you go. "The one and only." You teased.
You took a minute to get a good look at him, your hand still lingering on his shoulder. He looked...well, you didn't care about the bags under his eyes or the fact that his breath smelled of alcohol, the only thing that mattered was that you were with him again.
Sinan looked at you up and down too. Your hair was a bit shorter, not in your usual braids that you used to wear all the time. Your cheeks weren't as chubby as before and your legs weren't as skinny, and the small scar on your upper lip was faded almost completely, just like the one on the bridge of his nose.
But still, you were beautiful. That was undeniable.
You gave him a toothy grin, the same one you used to have all the time when you were kids. "It's so good to finally see you again. I missed you so much."
He nodded, a soft smile on his face as he looked at you, any thought about the migraine already gone. "When did you come back?"
As you started your rant about your father finding another job offer here in Istanbul and coming back a week ago, his mind couldn't help but drift off that you hadn't seen each other in years and many things had happened in between. His parents had abandoned him, he had turned into an alcoholic and he was about to be expelled. You, on the other hand, didn't know any of this, and he was sure you would look at him in disgust once you found out he wasn't the same twelve-year-old you had trusted with your whole life before.
He didn't even notice Osman calling him to meet when the rest until you tugged in his arm.
"What?" He asked emotionless turning to the taller boy.
Osman didn't seem to care, already used to his attitude. "Eda convinced Miss Burcu, we need to find a way to convince Coach Kemal."
Convincing Coach Kemal couldn't matter less to him, glancing at you because he wanted to take advantage of the fact that you still believed that he was the sweet boy who you had grew up with. It wouldn’t last for long, but he wanted to at least enjoy that time until you were disappointed.
You only gave him a reassuring smile. "Go on, I have to fix some things about my schedule but I'll see you later. We have a lot of catching up to do."
A bit less unsure than before, he nodded, giving you one last smile that lasted a second before he left, his heart pounding with so much force he didn't know how the rest couldn't feel it.
While Kerem was busy talking to their teacher, it didn't take much for him to run into you again, sharing your same classes. Even if most of the time he slept through Chemistry class without anyone bothering him, his brows furrowed as soon as he heard someone sitting next to him.
You only chuckled after waking the boy up, Sinan's face softening immediately. "Um, rough day?" You asked, not sure of what to say once you noticed the flask near his bag.
He shrugged, slowly leaving it inside his bag and taking out a notebook, trying to show that he cared about school even if he truly didn't anymore. Nevertheless, your bubbly attitude surely did something to him. It was like you two had never been separated before while the rest of your new classmates didn't understand why the new girl was hanging out with him, the depressed boy who mocked everyone.
It was to his luck that your teacher chose you two to work together on an assignment. Of course, you were happy, thinking you could make up for all the lost time and he allowed himself to feel happy too, even if he knew he'd fuck it up like he always did.
"So?" You started the next day as you two walked towards your home.
He raised a brow at you, his hands fumbling with the hem of his shirt. "So what?"
You rolled your eyes in a teasing way. "I want to know everything that happened since I left. My parents didn't tell me anything because they're busy with their new jobs and we haven't had time to talk. How are your parents?" You added, mindlessly looking at the colorful neighborhood you were walking past.
It was a loaded question and Sinan thought for a moment, waiting for you to find your keys in your bag. "They got divorced."
You almost dropped your keys in surprise, not knowing what to say like when you found him with his flask. "Oh." You mumbled, awkwardly opening the door for both of you. "I'm really sorry, I didn't know."
"It's fine." He brushed it off, not wanting things to change and be more awkward. "I've been living with my grandpa since I turned fourteen." He explained as he followed after you, taking off his shoes just like you were doing.
"How is he?" You asked with a smile, with a better mood knowing that the older man who used to take care of you two when you were younger was still alive.
"You know him, he doesn't die." He said, earning a slap to his arm.
You two ended up sitting on the floor of your room, a few books next to you, and a music cassette in the background. It felt like when you were seven, and he would trace out different pictures and you would giggle and try to bump his hand out of the way to color it in.
"What was Ankara like?" He asked as he turned the pages trying to look for something.
You continued highlighting a few phrases sitting in front of him. “Um, nice I think. I met a lot of people, went to a few parties, the school was pretty good.”
He glanced at you, absentmindedly doodling on his notebook. “Did you have fun in the city?” He asked sarcastically.
You punched his arm in a teasing way. “Yeah, but there wasn’t anyone like you.”
You only received a small smile before you sighed and moved over to sit next to him, knowing that he didn’t take notes and this was the most he had done in months.
“I have a question for you.” You told him.
“Go ahead.” He answered, still calm which was weird.
If someone else had asked him something personal he wouldn’t have answered or he would have given a sarcastic answer, but you were the one who was asking him. He could never snap at you.
You grinned at him. “How much did you miss me?”
He sighed, turning to look at you with a small sparkle on his eyes. “Way too much.”
It was in that moment with your smile that a small glimmer of hope built inside of him. It didn’t seem to bother you that he slept through most lessons, or that he showed up at school with messy hair and his tie undone, or that he always had his flask close to him. He hadn’t even taken a sip since you approached him that day so you two could go to your house.
“I tried to write to you.” He started, eyes directed to the floor so he didn’t have to meet your eyes. “My mum gave me your new address but...I always ended up crumpling them up and throwing them away.”
When you left, he used to write a letter every day, always trying to find the right words to express how much he missed you and to express his true feelings whenever he thought about you. It helped a bit to pour out all the feelings he didn’t know how to tell you in person, but out of fear of rejection or of ruining what was left of the two of you he never sent them, destroying them completely.
You furrowed your brows confused. “Why?”
A few seconds passed, your music being the only sound in the room.
You bit the inside of your cheek, fumbling with the hem of your skirt, knowing that things had changed between the two of you. “Sinan, it’s fine, I know that it’s been years since we...”
“Are you going to leave again?” He interrupted you, a hint of anger on his voice.
“What?” You blurted out.
“You left once, it wouldn’t surprise me if you did again.” He continued, a scowl on his face.
You crossed your arms, trying to act firm in front of him. “Are you serious? We were twelve, I didn’t have any choice and you know that.”
You stayed like that for a while, no trace of a smile on your face and a hard look on his until he gave up.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “It’s just, I...I don’t want to lose you again.” He admitted, vulnerability palpable on his voice.
You found yourself wrapping your arms around his shoulders again, hugging him for the second time in the same week. He didn’t seem to mind, his arms holding you by your waist and keeping you close to him.
“I won’t leave.” You added softly. “I promise.”
You tried to pull back to look at him, but it was to no avail, his grip on your waist tightening with each passing second. “Sinan.” You muttered, your hands finding his.
He was painfully aware of how close you are to him. It was like a deja vu from when you kissed for the first time, and with your eyes fixed on him, you didn’t even notice that one of his hands that was on your waist moved to the back of your neck until he was kissing you.
After you closed your eyes, you smiled against his lips. The kiss was slow, and you left your hands on his neck, bringing him closer. He didn’t pull away until you finally did for air, placing your forehead against his shoulder with your eyes closed, feeling your heart beat in your ears.
You weren’t seven anymore, you were now teens who could admit why you felt so comfortable around each other, or why one of the bests things of your day was to talk to him.
“About time.” You mumbled with a smirk, and he thought the same.
About fucking time.
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