#Alternate of CRISPR
thethingything · 1 year
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Alien Encounter
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Forscher erhalten 9 Millionen US-Dollar Zuschuss, um zu untersuchen, wie „springende Gene“ die Alzheimer-Krankheit beeinflussen Wissenschaftler haben eine Handvoll Genmutationen identifiziert, die den Ausbruch der Alzheimer-Krankheit verursachen oder dazu beitragen. Viele Wissenschaftler vermuten jedoch, dass andere DNA-VerĂ€nderungen dazu beitragen könnten, Alzheimer-bedingte SchĂ€den an Gehirnzellen voranzutreiben und bei Patienten zu Symptomen von Verwirrtheit und GedĂ€chtnisverlust zu fĂŒhren. Insbesondere wollen die Forscher verstehen, welchen Einfluss DNA-Abschnitte, die im Genom herumhĂŒpfen ... #Altern #Alzheimer_Erkrankung #Audiologie #Bakterien #BeschĂ€ftigungstherapie #CRISPR #DNA #Duchenne_Muskeldystrophie #Entwicklungsbiologie #Forschung #Frucht #Gehirn #Gen #gene #Genetik #Genetisch #Genom #Gesundheitspflege #HĂ€mophilie #Haut #Hautzellen #Kinder #Krebs #Medizin #Mikroglia #Muskeldystrophie #Neuronen #Pathologie #Physiotherapie #Psychiatrie #Stammzellen #Studenten
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With the fast fashion industry
 how it is
 finding sustainable ways to make fabric is super important.  Fibers from synthetic fabrics make up 35% of the microplastics that make their way to the ocean.  Natural fibers sourced from plants or animals are much more environmentally sound options, including silk.
Currently, the only way to get natural silk on a large scale is to harvest it from silkworms.  You’ve probably heard about the strength and durability of spider silk (it is 6x stronger than Kevlar!) but as of yet there hasn’t been a good way of getting it.  Raising spiders the way people do silkworms isn’t really an option.  Spiders need a lot of room to build their webs compared to silkworms, and individual spiders don’t produce that much silk.  Plus, when you put a whole bunch of spiders in captivity together, they tend to start eating each other.
Attempts to artificially recreate spider silk have also been less than successful.  Spider silk has a surface layer of glycoproteins and lipids on it that works as a sort of anti-aging “skin”- allowing the silk to withstand conditions such as sunlight and humidity.  But this layer has been very tricky to reproduce.
However, as scientists in China realized, silkworms produce that same kind of layer on their silk.  So what if we just genetically modified silkworms to produce spider silk?
That is exactly what the researchers at Donghua University in Shanghai did.  A team of researchers introduced spider silk protein genes to silkworms using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing and microinjections in silkworm eggs.  In addition to this, they altered the spider silk proteins so that they would interact properly with the other proteins in silkworm glands.  And it worked!  This is the first study ever to produce full length spider silk proteins from silkworms.
The applications of this are incredibly exciting.  In addition to producing comfortable textiles and new, innovative bulletproof vests, silkworm generated spider silk could be used in cutting edge smart materials or even just to create better performing sutures.  In the future, this team intends to research how to modify this new spider silk to be even stronger, and they are confident that “large-scale commercialization is on the horizon."
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Epigenetics anon, just to say you answered it 👍 by "alternatives" I meant in explanatory power, but it seems we agree both that it's the best for "how organisms work" broadly, & that recognizing it doesn't suddenly mean we can better target genetic "improvements" (ie, increase an organism's profitability). But now I'm curious about the Yellow Wallpaper critique? High school taught it was an epic clap-back against hysteria diagnoses and views of (upper-class) women as fragile.
gotcha. but yes this is a great post from najia gothhabiba about the yellow wallpaper:
it's important i would say for anyone to learn to recognise these ideas and contextualise them as eugenic, but esp if your work bumps up against ideas of heredity, epigenetics, biological improvement, &c. the idea of changing an organism thru action on its environment, for example, has a history; there's clear transposition from animal and plant breeding in the 18th century to schemes for social control and improvement in the 19th and onward. this sort of discursive & cross-disciplinary slippage absolutely still occurs today; it is never politically neutral when we start hearing about ways to improve organisms, whether thru crispr-style genetic engineering, or cross-breeding, or efforts to control bodies thru environmental meddling (u can see this latter in, for example, theories of the 'obesogenic environment' in public health/nutrition sci).
& i also have to say here: yea, this story IS a response to the hysteria dx and the idea of white female 'fragility'; it IS ALSO a eugenic argument. those two things are not in contradiction; again there is a massive history here of feminist (& socialist!) eugenic projects. feminist discourses are not only capable of engaging with eugenic and racist logic, some have historically and presently grounded their arguments on these very points. in fact part of the argument of gilman's feminism was always an appeal to white men that it would be in their interest to improve their own racial stock and position in the social hierarchy by attending to white women's biological betterment, such as by turning against things like locking their wealthy wives up in the attic. the demonstration of the 'barbarity' of such treatment is an appeal to the fear of degenerating the race thru mistreatment of wealthy, otherwise respectable / capable women. the story is both feminist and eugenicist; the two don't contradict. this is a really good example of how 'white feminism' is not just a feminism that 'lacks' attention to race and racism; rather, it is feminism that makes its appeal for women's liberation explicitly on racist & racialising grounds, & at the direct expense of racialised people.
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darkmaga-retard · 9 days
Story at-a-glance
Scientists warn about new gene-editing pesticides that could unintentionally affect nontarget organisms, including pollinators, soil organisms and even humans
Their study reveals that CRISPR-edited pesticides could disrupt up to 155 metabolic pathways across 12 species, with the majority of effects observed in human genes
The rapid development of gene-editing technology outpaces our understanding of its long-term health impacts
Gene-editing pesticides could have far-reaching ecological impacts, affecting keystone species like earthworms and potentially altering the genetic makeup of entire ecosystems
Regenerative agriculture offers a sustainable alternative to both chemical and gene-editing pesticides, focusing on soil health, biodiversity and natural pest control methods
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deancasswitchbang · 1 year
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TITLE: Variance AUTHOR: Tiamatv ARTIST: Sketcheun (@crispr-cas​)
PAIRINGS: Castiel/Dean Winchester MAJOR ARCHIVE WARNINGS: N/A TAGS: Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters; Lawyer Castiel; Baker Dean Winchester; Dating; Contracts; Misunderstandings; Self-Worth Issues; Strangers to Lovers; Fluff and Smut; Top/Bottom Versatile Castiel/Dean Winchester
SUMMARY: Castiel might work with kitsune, demons, fae and incubi, but he’s content to be just what he is: reliable, responsible, and wholly human (well, with a few paltry drops of angel blood, or so his workplace pre-screening informed him).
Some might say he’s boring. Saying “Yes” when the cute bakery owner asks him out on a date—for no apparent reason other than that Castiel is there—isn’t reliable or responsible. It’s impulsive.
Letting the cute bakery owner seduce Castiel in the back seat of his ’67 Chevy Impala is definitely impulsive.
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d1gitald0llhouse · 22 days
So say I’m invested in this whole thing. How realistic is your whole grand prize gimmick? Can you uhhhhh get access to a crispr machine? I have some genes I could use rewriten

Alternatively can you get me a self-sustainable cabin in the middle of the woods? With wifi? How outlandish are we talking here?
- đŸș
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henry-blogs · 10 months
Navigating the Complexity of Alternative Splicing in Eukaryotic Gene Expression: A Molecular Odyssey
Embarking on the journey of molecular biology exposes students to the marvels and intricacies of life at the molecular level. One captivating aspect within this domain is the phenomenon of alternative splicing, where a single gene orchestrates a symphony of diverse protein isoforms. As students grapple with questions related to this molecular intricacy, the role of a reliable molecular biology Assignment Helper becomes indispensable. This blog delves into a challenging question, exploring the mechanisms and consequences of alternative splicing, shedding light on its pivotal role in molecular biology.
Question: Explain the mechanisms and consequences of alternative splicing in eukaryotic gene expression, highlighting its role in generating proteomic diversity and the potential impact on cellular function. Additionally, discuss any recent advancements or discoveries that have provided insight into the regulation and functional significance of alternative splicing.
Answer: Alternative splicing, a maestro in the grand composition of gene expression, intricately weaves the fabric of molecular diversity. Mechanistically, this phenomenon employs exon skipping, intron retention, and alternative 5' or 3' splice sites to sculpt multiple mRNA isoforms from a single gene.
The repercussions of alternative splicing resonate deeply within the proteomic landscape. Proteins, diverse in function, emerge as a consequence, adding layers of complexity to cellular processes. Tissue-specific expression, another outcome, paints a vivid picture of the nuanced orchestration of cellular differentiation.
Regulating this intricate dance of alternative splicing involves an ensemble cast of splicing factors, enhancers, silencers, and epigenetic modifications. In the ever-evolving landscape, recent breakthroughs in high-throughput sequencing techniques, notably RNA-seq, offer a panoramic view of splicing patterns across diverse tissues and conditions. CRISPR/Cas9 technology, a molecular tool of precision, enables the manipulation of splicing factor expression, unraveling their roles in the intricate regulation of alternative splicing.
In the dynamic realm of molecular biology, alternative splicing emerges as a linchpin. Specific splicing events, linked to various diseases, beckon researchers towards therapeutic interventions. The complexities embedded in this molecular tapestry underscore the perpetual need for exploration and comprehension.
Conclusion: The odyssey through alternative splicing unveils its prominence as a cornerstone in the narrative of molecular biology. From sculpting proteomic diversity to influencing cellular functions, alternative splicing encapsulates the essence of molecular intricacies. For students navigating this terrain, the exploration of questions like these not only deepens understanding but also propels us into a realm of limitless possibilities.
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winters-tales · 2 years
Writing Advice
Befriend Scientists
No, really. if you don't have Actual Scientists (tm) in your friend group you should go out and find some because I had the time of my LIFE this evening while aksing for help with a couple of points in the worldbuilding of my novel:
Me: "Microbiologist Friend, I found this thing that said e-coli can be used to clean up radioactive contamination, is that legit?? It doesn't expand or offer sources."
MB Friend: "Here are several other sources that seem to back this up, a couple of them list different bacterium but that just gives you more to work with. Also, be aware of these specific limitations when working with bacteria."
Me: "Incredible, thank you!"
Me: "@heavymetalscientist nuclear power plants gone wrong vs nuclear warheads: what's the difference in after-effects? Also could there theoretically be radioactive fire?"
@heavymetalscientist: "Fascinating! Not only will I answer this with sources but I'll also solve a plot hole you didn't know you had using a video of a guy picking up a cube of material heated to 2,200 degrees celsius with his bare hands. You can have a video of Cherenkov radiation as a bonus."
Me: "... do you all just have this stuff in your back pockets ready to go for the right absolutely batshit question?"
Seriously, befriend a scientist or three, ask them a hypothetical, and then just sit back and enjoy the information dump.
Alternatively: befriend scientists, then sit down and watch a film that uses CRISPR as the plot point (like RAMPAGE). Just as entertaining for very different reasons!
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maxksx · 1 year
Everything Is Computation
These days see a tremendous number of significant scientific news, and it is hard to say which one has the highest significance. Climate models indicate that we are past crucial tipping points and are irrevocably headed for a new, difficult age for our civilization. Mark Van Raamsdonk expands on the work of Brian Swingle and Juan Maldacena, and demonstrates how we can abolish the idea of spacetime in favor of a discrete tensor network, thus opening the way for a unified theory of physics. Bruce Conklin, George Church and others have given us CRISPR, a technology that holds the promise for simple and ubiquitous gene editing. Deep Learning starts to tell us how hierarchies of interconnected feature detectors can autonomously form a model of the world, learn to solve problems, and recognize speech, images and video.
It is perhaps equally important to notice where we lack progress: sociology fails to teach us how societies work, philosophy seems to have become barren and infertile, the economical sciences seem to be ill-equipped to inform our economic and fiscal policies, psychology does not comprehend the logic of our psyche, and neuroscience tells us where things happen in the brain, but largely not what they are.
In my view, the 20th century’s most important addition to understanding the world is not positivist science, computer technology, spaceflight, or the foundational theories of physics. It is the notion of computation. Computation, at its core, and as informally described as possible, is very simple: every observation yields a set of discernible differences.
These, we call information. If the observation corresponds to a system that can change its state, we can describe these state changes. If we identify regularity in these state changes, we are looking at a computational system. If the regularity is completely described, we call this system an algorithm. Once a system can perform conditional state transitions and revisit earlier states, it becomes almost impossible to stop it from performing arbitrary computation. In the infinite case, that is, if we allow it to make an unbounded number of state transitions and use unbounded storage for the states, it becomes a Turing Machine, or a Lambda Calculus, or a Post machine, or one of the many other, mutually equivalent formalisms that capture universal computation.
Computational terms rephrase the idea of "causality," something that philosophers have struggled with for centuries. Causality is the transition from one state in a computational system into the next. They also replace the concept of "mechanism" in mechanistic, or naturalistic philosophy. Computationalism is the new mechanism, and unlike its predecessor, it is not fraught with misleading intuitions of moving parts.
Computation is different from mathematics. Mathematics turns out to be the domain of formal languages, and is mostly undecidable, which is just another word for saying uncomputable (since decision making and proving are alternative words for computation, too). All our explorations into mathematics are computational ones, though. To compute means to actually do all the work, to move from one state to the next.
Computation changes our idea of knowledge: instead of treating it as justified true belief, knowledge describes a local minimum in capturing regularities between observables. Knowledge is almost never static, but progressing on a gradient through a state space of possible world views. We will no longer aspire to teach our children the truth, because like us, they will never stop changing their minds. We will teach them how to productively change their minds, how to explore the never ending land of insight.
A growing number of physicists understand that the universe is not mathematical, but computational, and physics is in the business of finding an algorithm that can reproduce our observations. The switch from uncomputable, mathematical notions (such as continuous space) makes progress possible. Climate science, molecular genetics, and AI are computational sciences. Sociology, psychology, and neuroscience are not: they still seem to be confused by the apparent dichotomy between mechanism (rigid, moving parts) and the objects of their study. They are looking for social, behavioral, chemical, neural regularities, where they should be looking for computational ones.
Everything is computation.
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Lipid Nanoparticles: A Game-Changer in Gene Delivery
Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are emerging as a revolutionary tool in gene delivery, transforming how therapeutic genetic material is introduced into target cells. With advancements in gene therapy and the increasing importance of personalized medicine, lipid nanoparticles have taken center stage in ensuring safe, efficient, and targeted delivery of genetic materials like DNA, RNA, and siRNA.
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What Are Lipid Nanoparticles?
Lipid nanoparticles are tiny, lipid-based carriers designed to encapsulate and protect genetic material as it moves through the body. These particles are composed of various lipids, including cationic, ionizable, and neutral lipids, which enable them to form stable structures around their cargo. Their small size and composition allow LNPs to evade the immune system, extend circulation time, and improve the efficiency of gene delivery.
Why Are LNPs Important for Gene Delivery?
Delivering genetic material into cells is a complex task. Naked DNA or RNA can be degraded by enzymes in the bloodstream, fail to reach target tissues, or trigger immune responses. Lipid nanoparticles offer a protective and non-toxic alternative to traditional viral vectors used in gene therapy. They can be engineered to deliver their cargo selectively to specific tissues, such as the liver, lungs, or muscles, improving the efficacy of treatments while minimizing side effects.
Key Advantages of Lipid Nanoparticles for Gene Delivery
Enhanced Protection: LNPs shield genetic material from degradation in the bloodstream, ensuring that the cargo remains intact and functional by the time it reaches target cells.
Efficient Cellular Uptake: Lipid nanoparticles can easily fuse with cell membranes, allowing the enclosed genes to enter the cells and initiate their therapeutic action.
Reduced Immune Response: Unlike viral vectors, LNPs do not typically provoke strong immune responses, making them safer for repeated administration in gene therapies.
Scalability and Versatility: LNPs can be scaled up for large-scale production, which is crucial for the development of gene therapies and vaccines that require widespread distribution. They can also be adapted for various genetic payloads, from mRNA to CRISPR-Cas9 components.
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Applications of Lipid Nanoparticles in Gene Therapy
LNPs have shown significant promise in various gene therapy applications, such as:
mRNA-based vaccines: The success of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines was largely due to lipid nanoparticles, which delivered the genetic instructions to cells to produce the spike protein, stimulating an immune response.
CRISPR-based therapies: LNPs can carry CRISPR components to specific tissues, enabling precision gene editing for the treatment of genetic disorders.
RNAi therapies: For conditions where certain genes need to be silenced, LNPs can deliver siRNA (small interfering RNA) to block the expression of harmful proteins.
Challenges and Future Directions
While lipid nanoparticles offer tremendous potential, challenges remain. For example, achieving precise targeting in tissues other than the liver can be difficult, and understanding the long-term effects of LNP-based therapies is an ongoing area of research. Despite these hurdles, innovations in LNP design and functionality are paving the way for new breakthroughs in gene therapy.
Lipid nanoparticles are poised to play a pivotal role in the future of gene delivery, offering a safe, efficient, and scalable option for treating a variety of diseases. As research and technology continue to advance, we can expect LNPs to unlock new possibilities in the fields of gene therapy and personalized medicine.
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mordormr · 6 days
The Future of Stem Cell Research: Insights from Mordor
Stem cell research holds immense promise for revolutionizing the field of medicine. These unique cells, with their ability to self-renew and differentiate into specialized cell types, offer potential for treating a vast array of diseases and injuries. According to Mordor Intelligence, the global stem cell research market is expected to reach a staggering USD 44.20 billion by 2029, reflecting a CAGR of 11.84%. Let's explore the exciting advancements, ongoing challenges, and the promising future of stem cell research.
Driving Innovation and Progress
Therapeutic Applications: Stem cells hold the potential to regenerate damaged tissues and organs, offering new approaches to treat conditions like Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and spinal cord injuries.
Personalized Medicine: Stem cells from a patient's own body can be used to develop personalized therapies, reducing the risk of rejection and fostering a more targeted approach to treatment.
Drug Discovery and Development: Stem cell-based models can be used to test the effectiveness and safety of new drugs, potentially accelerating drug development timelines and improving outcomes.
Disease Modeling: Stem cells can be used to create in vitro models of human diseases, allowing for a deeper understanding of disease mechanisms and facilitating the development of novel therapies.
Advancements in Gene Editing: Technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 offer the potential to precisely edit the genomes of stem cells, correcting genetic mutations and paving the way for new treatment strategies.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite significant progress, stem cell research still faces some hurdles. Ethical concerns surrounding the use of embryonic stem cells require careful consideration and responsible research practices.
Furthermore, the long timeline required for translating research findings into clinical applications necessitates sustained funding and collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and pharmaceutical companies.
Additionally, ensuring the safety and efficacy of stem cell therapies in clinical trials is crucial for gaining regulatory approval and public trust.
A Bright Future on the Horizon
As research continues to address these challenges, the future of stem cell research appears bright. Advancements in areas like cell reprogramming and the development of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) offer alternative sources of stem cells, alleviating ethical concerns.
Furthermore, increased funding and international collaborations are accelerating research and development efforts.
Stem cell research stands at the forefront of medical innovation, offering unparalleled hope for treating some of humanity's most challenging diseases. By addressing ethical concerns, overcoming technical hurdles, and fostering collaboration, the future of stem cell research holds immense potential for transforming medicine and improving the lives of millions.
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health-views-updates · 7 days
Biotechnology Market Outlook: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
The global biotechnology market, valued at USD 2100 billion in 2023, is projected to expand at a robust compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.29%, reaching an impressive USD 6430 billion by 2032. With innovations in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and bio-industrial applications fueling this growth, the biotechnology industry is set to experience unprecedented expansion over the next decade.
Biotechnology, a key player in modern science and technology, has revolutionized multiple industries through innovations in genetic engineering, biomanufacturing, and medical therapies. As the world faces increasing demands for sustainable solutions to health, food security, and environmental challenges, biotechnology will remain at the forefront of driving these global changes.
Key Market Drivers
Advancements in Medical Biotechnology Breakthroughs in gene editing technologies such as CRISPR, the rise of personalized medicine, and the growth of biopharmaceuticals have positioned medical biotechnology as a critical growth driver. Therapies derived from biological organisms, such as monoclonal antibodies and vaccines, are seeing increased demand, particularly as the world navigates new and emerging diseases.
Expansion of Agricultural Biotechnology With the growing global population and the subsequent demand for sustainable food production, agricultural biotechnology plays a vital role. Genetically modified crops, pest-resistant plants, and precision farming technologies are helping to enhance food production, improve yields, and reduce the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. This sector's growth is essential for addressing food security challenges.
Environmental Biotechnology and Sustainability Biotechnology is increasingly being applied to address environmental challenges, including waste management, pollution control, and the development of biofuels. Innovations in bioprocessing and synthetic biology are leading to the creation of biodegradable materials and renewable energy sources, positioning the industry as a leader in sustainable solutions.
Rising Demand for Bio-based Industrial Products Industrial biotechnology, often referred to as "white biotechnology," is growing rapidly due to its application in producing bio-based chemicals, enzymes, and biofuels. These eco-friendly alternatives are becoming essential in reducing dependence on fossil fuels and lowering carbon footprints across industries such as manufacturing, textiles, and transportation.
Government Support and Regulatory Approvals Governments worldwide are supporting the biotechnology industry through favorable policies, research funding, and regulatory approvals for new biotechnological products. Initiatives aimed at boosting innovation, especially in healthcare and environmental sustainability, are expected to accelerate market growth in the coming years.
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Market Segmentation
The biotechnology market is segmented based on application, technology, and region.
By Application:
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals The healthcare sector dominates the biotechnology market, with biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, gene therapies, and regenerative medicine leading the way. Personalized medicine and the development of targeted therapies based on patients’ genetic profiles are driving the demand for biotechnological innovations.
Agriculture and Food Agricultural biotechnology is seeing increasing adoption due to the need for improved crop yields, pest resistance, and the production of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The industry is also focusing on producing sustainable and healthier food options.
Industrial Processing Biotechnology’s role in industrial processing includes the production of biofuels, biodegradable plastics, and industrial enzymes. This segment’s growth is closely tied to sustainability efforts and the demand for environmentally friendly alternatives to petrochemicals.
Environmental Biotechnology This sector focuses on bioremediation, waste treatment, and pollution control, utilizing microorganisms and biological processes to solve environmental challenges. The creation of bio-based materials also falls within this category, further emphasizing sustainability.
By Technology:
Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering, which involves the direct manipulation of an organism’s genome, is a cornerstone of modern biotechnology. The development of CRISPR-Cas9 technology has revolutionized genetic engineering by enabling precise gene editing, driving advancements in both healthcare and agriculture.
Fermentation Fermentation technology is used extensively in bioprocessing to produce bio-based products such as pharmaceuticals, biofuels, and industrial chemicals. The adoption of fermentation technology is increasing due to its efficiency in large-scale production.
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Tissue engineering is growing rapidly, with applications in developing artificial organs, regenerating damaged tissues, and creating biologically compatible materials. This field is crucial for advancing regenerative medicine and personalized healthcare.
Bioinformatics Bioinformatics involves the use of computational tools to analyze biological data, particularly genetic sequences. As genomics and proteomics data grow exponentially, bioinformatics is becoming essential for drug discovery, disease research, and personalized medicine development.
By Region:
North America North America leads the biotechnology market, thanks to strong investments in research and development, advanced healthcare infrastructure, and a well-established biopharmaceutical sector. The U.S., in particular, continues to dominate the market, with major biotech hubs such as Boston and San Francisco driving innovation.
Europe Europe is the second-largest market for biotechnology, with significant growth driven by advancements in healthcare, environmental biotechnology, and bio-based industrial products. The region’s strong regulatory framework and support for sustainable initiatives are key factors in market expansion.
Asia-Pacific The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the highest growth during the forecast period, driven by rapid urbanization, population growth, and increasing investments in healthcare infrastructure. Countries such as China, India, and Japan are becoming key players in agricultural biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals.
Key Market Players
Several key players dominate the global biotechnology market, including:
Amgen Inc. A pioneer in biopharmaceuticals, Amgen focuses on discovering, developing, and manufacturing innovative therapeutics based on advances in cellular and molecular biology.
Gilead Sciences, Inc. Known for its leadership in antiviral drugs, Gilead Sciences is a major player in biotechnology, focusing on transforming the treatment of serious diseases.
Biogen Biogen specializes in neurological treatments, particularly in multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Roche is a global leader in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics, with a focus on personalized healthcare through biotechnological innovations.
Novozymes As a leader in industrial biotechnology, Novozymes produces enzymes and microbes for industries such as agriculture, bioenergy, and waste management, driving sustainability through biotechnology.
Future Outlook
The biotechnology market’s rapid expansion is fueled by technological advancements, growing healthcare needs, and increasing global efforts toward sustainability. Innovations in genetic engineering, biopharmaceuticals, and agricultural biotechnology will continue to drive growth in the coming years. As industries across the globe integrate biotechnological solutions to address pressing challenges, the market is expected to experience sustained growth, potentially reshaping healthcare, food production, and environmental sustainability.
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marketingreportz · 9 days
Water Treatment Technology Market Report - Forecast (2024–2030)
Water Treatment Technology Market size is estimated to reach US$82.7 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period 2024–2030. Stringent regulations and Growing industrialization are expected to propel the growth of Water Treatment Technology Market.
The shift towards decreased groundwater pumping reflects a growing awareness of the importance of sustainable water management practices. Instead of solely relying on groundwater sources, industries and municipalities are increasingly investing in water treatment technologies to utilize alternative water sources such as surface water, reclaimed wastewater, and desalinated seawater. Another one is the focus on infrastructure improvements in water treatment systems. Aging infrastructure, coupled with increasing water demand, has led to investments in upgrading and modernizing water treatment facilities. This includes the adoption of advanced treatment technologies, automation, and digitalization to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and resilience of water treatment processes. These trends are shaping the market growth in the water treatment Technology.
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Water treatment technology is an essential line of defense to eliminate bacteria and contaminants before the supply of potable and #clean water for consumption. It includes several stages such as collection, screening & straining, #chemical addition, coagulation & flocculation, sedimentation & clarification, filtration, disinfection, storage, and distribution
Market Growth and Trends:
Driven by the rising incidence of cancer, increasing investments in biotechnology, and advancements in gene-editing technologies, the global Engineered T Cells Market is projected to grow exponentially in the coming years. According to market analysts, the market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30–35% over the next decade, with North America currently leading in terms of both market share and innovation. The growing interest in cell-based therapies, particularly in oncology, is further propelling this growth.
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Key factors influencing the market include:
Advances in Gene-Editing Technologies: The development of tools such as CRISPR and other gene-editing platforms have accelerated the creation of more precise and efficient T cell therapies.
Regulatory Approvals: In recent years, therapies like Kymriah and Yescarta have gained FDA approval, setting the stage for a wave of new products.
Partnerships and Collaborations: Pharmaceutical companies are forming strategic alliances with biotechnology firms to co-develop innovative engineered T cell therapies.
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Challenges and Opportunities
While the potential for engineered T cells is vast, there are several challenges that must be addressed. These include:
High Cost of Treatment: Current therapies can cost up to $500,000 per patient, creating a barrier for widespread adoption.
Safety and Efficacy: Concerns remain over side effects like cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and the long-term durability of T cell responses.
Manufacturing Complexities: The production process for engineered T cells is time-consuming and complex, which may limit scalability.
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Competitive Landscape
Major players in the Engineered T Cells Market include:
Novartis (Kymriah)
Gilead Sciences (Yescarta)
Bristol-Myers Squibb (Breyanzi)
Bluebird Bio
Autolus Therapeutics
The Future of Engineered T Cell Therapy:
Looking forward, the potential of engineered T cells extends beyond oncology. Research is underway to explore the use of these therapies in autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, and even some neurological conditions. As the science evolves, it’s clear that the Engineered T Cells Market will remain at the forefront of cutting-edge biotechnology, offering new hope to millions of patients worldwide.
The engineered T cells market is on the cusp of tremendous growth, fueled by technological advancements and the urgent need for more effective treatments in oncology and other disease areas. Companies investing in this space are not only pushing the boundaries of what is possible in immunotherapy but are also setting the stage for a future where personalized medicine becomes the norm. The next few years will be crucial in shaping the market as more therapies move from clinical trials to commercial success.
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Innovations in Water Treatment Technology: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future
As the global population grows and industrial activities expand, the demand for clean and safe water has never been greater. Water treatment technology plays a critical role in ensuring that water resources are purified and made safe for consumption, industrial use, and environmental protection. With increasing concerns about water scarcity, pollution, and environmental sustainability, the water treatment industry is undergoing rapid innovation to address these challenges.
Key Advancements in Water Treatment Technology
Membrane Filtration Technologies:
Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) membranes are widely used to remove salts, contaminants, and even microscopic pollutants like bacteria and viruses. These systems are highly efficient and are essential for desalination, turning seawater into drinkable water.
Ultrafiltration (UF) and Microfiltration (MF) systems, using porous membranes, are increasingly employed in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment to filter out particulate matter.
Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs):
AOPs are chemical processes that involve highly reactive species like hydroxyl radicals to break down and eliminate harmful organic pollutants. These methods, including ozonation and UV/Hydrogen Peroxide, are used in treating industrial wastewater, pharmaceuticals, and removing emerging contaminants like PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances).
Biological Treatment Technologies:
In bioreactors, microorganisms are harnessed to degrade organic contaminants in wastewater, making it suitable for reuse or safe discharge. Technologies like Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) and Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBR) are revolutionizing biological wastewater treatment, offering higher efficiency in smaller, more compact systems.
Electrochemical Water Treatment:
This technology uses electrical currents to drive chemical reactions that purify water. Electrocoagulation, electrodialysis, and capacitive deionization (CDI) are effective in removing dissolved solids, heavy metals, and other pollutants, making them particularly useful in industrial water treatment.
Smart Water Systems & IoT:
The integration of IoT (Internet of Things) and data analytics is transforming the water treatment landscape. Smart sensors and remote monitoring tools now allow real-time tracking of water quality, system performance, and early detection of problems. This technology enables more efficient operation and maintenance of water treatment plants, reducing costs and improving water management.
Addressing Global Challenges
1. Water Scarcity:
With water scarcity affecting millions worldwide, desalination technologies are gaining traction. Desalination plants, powered by energy-efficient reverse osmosis systems, are being deployed in water-stressed regions to transform seawater into potable water. The development of energy-efficient desalination membranes is also making this process more sustainable.
2. Wastewater Reuse:
Industrial processes generate vast amounts of wastewater, which can be treated and reused through Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems and other advanced water recycling technologies. Recycled wastewater is increasingly being used in agriculture, industrial cooling, and even for non-potable domestic purposes, significantly reducing water demand.
3. Contaminant Removal:
Emerging contaminants such as microplastics, pharmaceuticals, and PFAS are becoming major environmental and health concerns. Technologies like activated carbon filtration, advanced membrane systems, and AOPs are being developed and enhanced to effectively capture and remove these contaminants from both drinking water and wastewater.
Future Trends in Water Treatment
Decentralized Water Treatment:
Decentralized, small-scale water treatment systems are becoming more popular in remote areas, developing countries, and industrial settings. These systems provide localized water treatment solutions that can be customized to specific needs and avoid the high costs of centralized infrastructure.
Green Water Treatment Technologies:
Sustainability is driving the development of eco-friendly water treatment technologies. Innovations such as solar desalination, wetland-based water treatment, and biodegradable filters are gaining attention for their low energy consumption and minimal environmental impact.
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning:
AI and machine learning are being employed to optimize water treatment processes, predict equipment failures, and improve water quality monitoring. These technologies enable real-time decision-making, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of water treatment systems.
Conclusion: The Future of Water Treatment Technology
The water treatment sector is evolving rapidly, fueled by the growing demand for clean water and environmental protection. From cutting-edge membrane technologies to smart water systems and sustainable treatment methods, the innovations in this space promise to address pressing global water challenges. As new contaminants emerge and climate change exacerbates water scarcity, continued investment in water treatment technology will be crucial for ensuring a secure and sustainable water future for all.
For more about Water treatment techology click here
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healthcare-skyquest · 14 days
Agricultural Biotechnology Market: Revolutionizing Crop Production and Sustainability
The Agricultural Biotechnology market is at the forefront of transforming global agriculture by enhancing crop yields, improving resistance to pests and diseases, and promoting sustainability. As the demand for food security and sustainable farming practices increases, the agricultural biotechnology market is experiencing significant growth. This article delves into the latest trends, market segmentation, key growth drivers, and leading companies in the agricultural biotechnology industry, offering essential insights for decision-makers.
Market Overview
According to SkyQuest’s Agricultural Biotechnology Market report, the market is currently valued at USD XX, with a projected CAGR of XX%. The growth of this market is driven by advancements in genetic engineering, increasing adoption of biotech crops, and the need for sustainable agricultural practices.
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Market Segmentation
By Product Type:
Transgenic Seeds: Includes genetically modified seeds for crops like corn, soybeans, cotton, and others, designed for higher yields and resistance to pests.
Biopesticides: Natural or genetically engineered pesticides offering an eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides.
Biofertilizers: Microbial inoculants that promote plant growth and improve soil fertility.
Other Biotechnological Tools: Includes molecular markers, tissue culture, and micropropagation techniques used in crop improvement.
By Application:
Crop Protection: Utilizes biotechnology for developing pest-resistant and herbicide-tolerant crops, reducing the need for chemical inputs.
Animal Biotechnology: Focuses on improving livestock breeds, enhancing resistance to diseases, and increasing productivity.
Environmental Biotechnology: Involves bioremediation techniques to clean up contaminated soils and promote sustainable land use.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): The development of GMOs for improved crop characteristics, such as drought tolerance and enhanced nutritional content.
By End-User:
Farmers: Primary users of biotech crops and products for enhanced agricultural productivity.
Agricultural Companies: Invest in R&D and commercialization of biotech products for global markets.
Research Institutes: Focus on developing innovative biotechnology solutions for agriculture.
Government and Regulatory Bodies: Play a crucial role in the approval and regulation of biotech products.
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Key Growth Drivers
Rising Global Food Demand: Increasing population and food security concerns drive the adoption of biotech crops for higher yields.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in genetic engineering, CRISPR, and other biotechnological tools are propelling market growth.
Sustainable Farming Practices: The shift towards sustainable agriculture, with a focus on reducing chemical inputs, supports the growth of biopesticides and biofertilizers.
Government Support and Regulation: Favorable policies and regulatory frameworks encourage the development and adoption of agricultural biotechnology.
Leading Companies in the Market
SkyQuest’s report highlights several key players in the Agricultural Biotechnology market, including:
KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA, ChemChina, Limagrain, Nufarm, Marrone Bio Innovations, Performance Plants Inc., Corteva, ADAMA Ltd, MITSUI & CO. LTD, Evogene Ltd., Valent BioSciences LLC, Bayer AG.
Challenges and Opportunities
The agricultural biotechnology market faces challenges such as public perception and regulatory hurdles concerning GMOs. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation in non-GMO biotechnologies and expanding market reach in developing regions.
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Future Outlook
The Agricultural Biotechnology market is poised for continued growth as advancements in genetic engineering and increasing demand for sustainable farming practices drive market dynamics. Companies that invest in cutting-edge biotechnological tools and address global food security challenges will lead the way in this dynamic market. For comprehensive insights and strategic recommendations, consult SkyQuest’s in-depth Agricultural Biotechnology Market report.
The Agricultural Biotechnology market is revolutionizing the agriculture industry by offering innovative solutions for crop production and sustainability. Decision-makers who invest in biotechnological advancements will be at the forefront of this rapidly evolving sector. For more detailed insights and emerging trends, refer to SkyQuest's Agricultural Biotechnology Market report.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
BioNTech is trialing the world’s first mRNA lung cancer vaccine.
John Ellis
Aug 23, 2024
1. Antonio Regalado on human-directed self-evolution:
Editing human embryos is restricted in much of the world—and making an edited baby is flatly illegal in most countries surveyed by legal scholars. But advancing technology could render the embryo issue moot. New ways of adding CRISPR to the bodies of people already born—children and adults—could let them easily receive changes as well. Indeed, if you are curious what the human genome could look like in 125 years, it’s possible that many people will be the beneficiaries of multiple rare, but useful, gene mutations currently found in only small segments of the population. These could protect us against common diseases and infections, but eventually they could also yield frank improvements in other traits, such as height, metabolism, or even cognition. These changes would not be passed on genetically to people’s offspring, but if they were widely distributed, they too would become a form of human-directed self-evolution—easily as big a deal as the emergence of computer intelligence or the engineering of the physical world around us.
2. Doctors have begun trialing the world’s first mRNA lung cancer vaccine in patients, as experts hailed its “groundbreaking” potential to save thousands of lives. Lung cancer is the world’s leading cause of cancer death, accounting for about 1.8m deaths every year. Survival rates in those with advanced forms of the disease, where tumours have spread, are particularly poor. Now experts are testing a new jab that instructs the body to hunt down and kill cancer cells – then prevents them ever coming back. Known as BNT116 and made by BioNTech, the vaccine is designed to treat non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the most common form of the disease. The phase 1 clinical trial, the first human study of BNT116, has launched across 34 research sites in seven countries: the UK, US, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain and Turkey. (Sources: theguardian.com, biontech.com)
3. On a recent Thursday afternoon, researchers Lanuza Faccioli and Zhiping Hu wheeled an inconspicuous black and white plastic cooler from an operating room at a hospital in downtown Pittsburgh. Inside was a badly scarred liver, just removed from a 47-year-old man undergoing a transplant to receive a new one from a donor. But what if patients could avoid that fate? Faccioli and Hu are part of a University of Pittsburgh team led by Alejandro Soto-GutiĂ©rrez attempting to revive badly damaged livers like these—as well as kidneys, hearts, and lungs. Using messenger RNA, the same technology used in some of the Covid-19 vaccines, they’re aiming to reprogram terminally ill organs to be fit and functioning again. With donor livers in short supply, they think mRNA could one day provide an alternative to transplants. The team plans to begin a clinical trial next year to test the idea in people with end-stage liver disease. (Source: wired.com)
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