#Am excited to play him once I can get that fanta and name change for Seire
humblemooncat · 1 year
I'm gonna call the poll since it looks like Vikesh won by quite a bit.
I'll write up a post for him tomorrow (the urge to just not exist for a while has taken over so I'm gonna go watch videos). However, I do have a sneak peek since I made him a crimes model for now.
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Enjoy the bun. 💜
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Between the Ink and Papers Ch. 7
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Summary: Steve and Peggy have been divorced for a year and Sarah is still starting to find her groove in it. However, it becomes a lot easier when she and Typhanie realize it might be time for her dad to start dating again.
Pairings: tattooartist!dad!Steve x Reader, Typhanie x Sarah, Peggy x Logan, Bucky x Natasha
Between the Ink and Papers Masterlist - Masterlist to Other Works
Word Count: 1691
Warnings: Teenagers plotting
Death’s “Politicians In My Eyes” blared over headphones, threatening to deafen her poor ears. Not that she cared. Instead, Typhanie twirled around the kitchen and rocked from one foot to the other while waiting for the toaster to finish its attack on her poor bagel.
However, the awesome 70’s song grew quiet when her headphones were tugged off her head. She spun around, grinning when Sam held out her very burnt bagel. “Eating this will kill you.”
“Life’s all about risks.” She snatched the food right out of his hand, taking a bite before grabbing a Fanta from the fridge.
“Why’re you in such a rush?” Sam grabbed her backpack from the kitchen table, holding it out of her reach as Typhanie paused her song.
“I have a meeting with the school counselor.” With a mouth full of bagel, she shoved the last of her papers into a messy stack and shuffled them until they resembled something akin to order. Then, turning to her dad, Typhanie held out her hand. “Backpack, please.”
Sam silently raised a brow, waiting for some sort of elaboration. When none came, he shook his head and handed it over. “Be safe! And let me know if you’re hanging with Sarah after school.”
Already out the door, a muffled “got it” was the only sign she heard him.
He chuckled, looking out the window. His crazy teenager grabbed her skateboard and was already taking off. The pep in her step never wavered and god, he loved to see her smile like that. Sam pulled out his phone, taking a second to glance at the time before he muttered a soft, “Shit!”
It looked like his kid would be early, but Sam would mostly definitely be late.
“Ms. Y/L/N! Ms. Y/L/N!”
Y/N looked up to her open door, wondering who would be shouting her name this early in the morning. She caught sight of Typhanie sliding past the door and immediately scrambled to her feet. “Typhanie?” Y/N poked her head out as Typhanie kicked up her skateboard and tucked it under her arm. There was a giddiness to the teenager, something Y/N saw so rarely in the students she worked with. It made her smile. “You’re here because of our conversation, right?”
“Y – Yeah. I just have Speech and Debate practice later, so this is really the best time.”
Y/N’s smile faltered. Concerned, she asked, “What other school activities are you a part of?”
“Um…” Typhanie’s brow scrunched as her teeth caught her lip. “Band and StuCo. Plus I take duel credit where I can and Mr. Rogers hired me to help out at the shop when I have the time.”
“Wow.” Y/N leaned against her desk, hands braced against the edge. “Typhanie, I’ve looked at your grades. That and what you just told me, you’re doing amazing. I’m not sure why you’re worried about college. If anything, I’d be worried you’re overworking yourself.”
“I can manage this last year. That’s not a problem for me, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Yeah, you mentioned.” Y/N walked around the table and flipped through her notes. “You’re worried about affording it, right?”
Typhanie nodded, sitting on the arm of the nearest chair. “Dad tries his best and I love him for it. I just – “ She swallowed the lump in her throat, twisting one of the many rings around her fingers. “I want to ease any sort of financial burden if there would be one.”
Y/N watched her carefully. She loved Typhanie’s determination. Her drive was impeccable. She knew exactly what she wanted and she wasn’t going to let anything get in her way. Nodding, Y/N pulled a file out of one of the desk drawers. “Then, let’s see what we can do, hm?”
Sarah had been hopeful ever since she and her dad had spoken about her anger. The fact that he believed in her, in Ms. Y/L/N helping them work through this, it brought a pep to her step that even her teachers noticed. They knew better than to question her about it. After all, no one wanted to be the reason for its disappearance.
However, the one person she wanted to talk to about it was Typhanie. And the girl was no where to be found this morning!
She had tried catching her at Sam’s, but she wasn’t there. Tried seeing if she’d be at the subway and there was no luck. Tried and tried and tried.
So there she was, totally surprised to find her girlfriend leaving her counselor’s office.
Definitely not something she expected to see today.
“Hey.” Concern etched her features. The pep wavered just a moment as Sarah approached Typhanie. She wasn’t even paying attention to the fact that Typhanie had a bunch of papers in hand or that she was smiling.
Girlfriend + Counselor = Concern.
That was all there was to it for Sarah. “What’s going on? Are you okay?” Sarah’s eyes flitted from her to Y/N who was pouring herself a cup of coffee and back.
Typhanie was already laughing. Sarah was too much like her dad. Protective and asking the wrong questions. “I’m fine,” she assured. “Ms. Y/L/N was just helping me with…” She shrugged, fiddling with the papers.
Sarah’s eyes drifted to the stack. On top, a list of colleges and scholarship opportunities. The wires finally connected in Sarah’s head. “You finally talked to her about college.” It wasn’t a question. It didn’t need to be. “Oh my god, you finally did it.” A cheek-hurting, face-splitting grin tugged at Sarah’s lips as she squealed. She tackled Typhanie in a hug, earning a startled laugh.
“Sarah! Oxygen,” she wheezed. But instead, she was only squeezed tighter. Startled laughter and an another attempted, “Sarah,” and yet still, there was no use. The bell rang, signaling the actual start to their day. “Babe, the bell!”
Sarah begrudgingly let go, making a point to give Typhanie that look. “We are not done with this. I swear, we are going to celebrate.”
“I haven’t even applied,” she reminded.
“I don’t care. As long as I’ve known you, this is what you’ve wanted. I’m not going to ignore it and nothing you can say will change that.”
Before Typhanie had a chance to comment on Sarah’s excitement, or even why she was in such a good mood, the blonde was kissing her cheek and running off to class. Typhanie stared for a long moment. Shocked. She looked over her shoulder - at the office that had given her so many answers. A thought crossed her mind. A rather valid one that had her wondering. Was Ms. Y/L/N was a bigger influence than any of them were realizing?
It wasn’t until lunch when Sarah and Typhanie actually got another moment together. Now, Sarah was much like a cat. Head in Typhanie’s lap, letting her play with her play with her hair as the much more responsible one flipped through paper after paper.
“I should’ve known you would go straight into the work part of it.” Sarah took a bite of her way-too-greasy cheese pizza. A long string stretched from food to lips before she finally gave it a good yank.
Typhanie glanced down at her. An unbecoming snort made her shoulders shake when she saw tomato sauce splattered on Sarah’s chin. She flicked her nose, earning an adorable scrunch as she teased, “And I should’ve known you’d pig out.”
Around a mouthful of food, Sarah declared, “’M hungry.”
“She’s always hungry.”
Typhanie looked up as Sarah half-assed an attempt at peering over the table. “Cassie!” Grinning like the cat that ate the canary, Sarah swung herself around so she could properly sit up. “Did you finally get a break from that stupid boyfriend?” Reaching across the table, she stole one of her friend’s French fries and shoved it in her mouth before it could be snatched right back.
Cassie rolled her eyes. “Stupid boyfriend is stupid ex-boyfriend now.”
Sarah’s nose wrinkled once more. “Gross.”
“I’m sorry, Cass. You want to talk about it?”
She shrugged, shaking her head and finally digging into her lunch before Sarah could eat it all. “Not really. Ned was a sweet guy, but there’s not really room in his whole friendship with that Parker guy.”
“Oh, yeah. Isn’t that the kid interning at Uncle Tony’s?”
Though the question was innocent enough, Typhanie turned to face Sarah. She pointed at her, a determined, “No,” putting a stop to any schemes Sarah could come up with.
“Just no.”
Sarah huffed, shoulders slumping as Cassie giggled. An irritated whine left her lips, but everyone knew that Typhanie had won the non-argument.
“Jeez, you two are too good together. It’s gross.”
Typhanie shrugged, smiling. “I don’t mind it.”
“Well, yeah, of course you don’t! Everyone wants someone they can share – “ Cassie gestured to…well, all of them. “- That with.”
It was meant as a joke. Simple teasing between friends, really, but Cassie and Typhanie could practically see the lightbulb blip over Sarah’s head. “Cass, you crazy genius.”
“What’d I do?”
Sarah turned to face Typhanie this time. “Ms. Y/L/N really helped you with the college thing, right?”
Typhanie shrugged, taking a sip of her water. “Yeah, I guess.”
“And she’s helping me with my anger. She’s already met my whole family and knows their shit. Dad actually thinks she’s cool. In fact, Dad thinks she could be a huge help for us.”
Cassie waved a hand in the air, feeling very much like the kid in class who simply didn’t get it. “What am I missing here?”
And like always, Typhanie was quick to catch up. “No.  Don’t you even – “
“I’m evening. I’m going there. You can’t stop me.” Sarah was already gathering her things and getting up.
Typhanie had no choice, but to watch as the dominoes lined up and chaos prepared to unfold. It was then she saw it. That pep in her step. Excited and unwavering, Sarah headed inside like a woman on a mission.
“Typh, what’s going on?”
She spared Cassie a glance and shook her head. “Believe me, I’m not even sure I want to know.”
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Got to admit, you pretty much had us at his middle name, Haley. Your application screamed Amycus to us, capturing every aspect of him so incredibly well - we immediately fell in love with it. The names you used were beautiful, his relationship with Alecto was so wonderful to read and the fact that he’s of the chaotic evil allignment just added that final touch. Overall, we loved it and are super excited for Amycus to join the gang.
Check out our acceptance checklist right here on what to do next!
I’d say that I’m like a 7/10?? Anyways, y'all know how active I am.
Amycus Anaxos Carrow. And no nicknames, he’d be very angry if anyone called him less than his given name.
He is seventeen currently and will turn eighteen on March 23rd, making him an Aries.
Bisexual, Aromantic. Amycus doesn’t have room to love anyone else but his sister. He will, however, have sex with just about anyone (worthy) as long as they can handle it.
Beater for the Slytherin Team. Dueling Club. These are both fine!
Hot Headed: Amycus is extremely quick to anger and has a hard time restraining himself once his temper is lost. He is liable to be violent and aggressive at the drop of the hat and without apology.
Impulsive: Amycus does things without thinking. He acts first, ponders second. This manifests in a variety of ways. It can mean that he doesn’t think twice before cursing a fellow student. It can also mean that he might hop into a fight he could never win.
Reckless: Branching off from his impulsive nature, Amycus is also quite reckless. Consequences don’t matter to him and the ends always justify the means. His father encouraged this trait and is the reason that this part of his personality is so strong.
Self Preserving: There is only one person that Amycus values more than himself and that is his sister. He is selfish through and through and will happily sacrifice anyone and everyone if it means he makes it out to the other side. He’d even abandon those on his own side, if it meant a chance to live.
Cunning: What he lacked in skill, he made up for in smarts. He had a knack for finding the best route through any situation, and when paired with his sister’s talent and ruthlessness, the twins were a force to be reckoned with.
Amycus Anaxos Carrow came into the world exactly how he wanted to leave it; one minute behind Alecto. It was storming outside the day the twins were born. Perhaps it was omen for what was to come. Born to Adrastos and Fanta Carrow, the two children were given high expectations fit for children of their birth. The Carrow family was not the most lucrative of the Sacred Twenty Eight. They didn’t have as much power as the Malfoys, nor as much money as the Blacks. They were not renowned like the Lestranges, nor were they popular like the Rosiers. Adrastos wanted to change this. He had high hopes for his house. He wanted the Carrow name to rise to glory. He wanted to command the respect that he had been forced to give for most of his life. Upon the birth of his twins, Adrastos finally could see a path towards greatness and the key laid with his son and heir.
Amycus, to his credit, tried his best to live up to his father’s expectations. He followed every command, obeyed every order, and tried his hardest for each assignment given to him. If dedication and drive were enough, Amycus would have exceeded his father’s wildest dreams, but unfortunately he was never quite able to. Alecto, on the other hand, flourished under their father’s hand. She learned every spell and performed it perfectly. Her potions were always the right color and consistency and she never had a problem with memorizing the ingredients needed. She was the perfect heir in every way but the one that truly mattered. She had the bad luck of being born a witch in a wizard’s world. Playing second fiddle to Alecto didn’t bother Amycus. He enjoyed watching her in action and it thrilled him to see what she was capable of. He was perfectly fine being the more passive and submissive sibling. As the pair grew older, Amycus realized that he would never match up to his sister, not in ability, and he was alright with that. Unfortunately, their father did not see things the same way and continued to put every part of his focus on his son.
Every day was a new lesson and every new lesson was torture. Amycus didn’t understand. Couldn’t his father see how much better she was in every way? She was sharp where he was dull. She was strong where he was weak. She was smart where he was not. It seemed so obvious to Amycus, yet Adrastos was stubborn. He refused to look twice at Alecto, not when his son and heir was there, waiting to be molded. Over time, this drew a wedge between Amycus and his father. Amycus just could not understand and it made him angry. He had never been very good at hiding his anger and this was something his father only encouraged. “Yes, Amycus!” His father would say every time Amycus lost his temper, “You’re a Carrow and you must be strong! Nobody pushes this family around.” He never seemed to mind that it was him Amycus was raging at, as long as he was raging.
Amycus tried as hard as he could to get on his father’s bad side, anything to bring Alecto to the top, where she so rightfully belonged. He lashed out at everyone; his house elves, his servants, even his own mother wasn’t safe from Amycus’s wrath. He could vividly remember her face the first time he struck her. Only, it wasn’t his mother’s face that he cared about. It was his father’s and he didn’t blink a single eye in anger towards his son, choosing instead to nurture the monster within. One day, Amycus realized that he found joy in the pain of others, and that was when he knew that his father had succeeded.
When the twins were eleven, it came time for the pair to go off to Hogwarts. This was a breath of fresh air for Amycus. For the first time in his life he was able to live away from the ever watchful eye of his father. For the first time in his life, he was given the privilege of watching Alecto thrive and succeed. Like always, Amycus followed right after his sister into Slytherin. – He often thanked the Sorting Hat in his head for not putting her in Ravenclaw. – Slytherin was a good fit for him, about the only fit really. He made allies; Joseph Mulciber and Rodolphus Lestrange. He wouldn’t go so far as to call them friends. He enjoyed their company and rather liked their shared taste for blood, but he found it difficult to form genuine bonds with others. It seemed that there was no room in his heart for anyone else except his sister. To love someone else would take love away from her. That’s how he saw it, anyways. And there was not a single soul deserving of the love meant for his precious Alecto.
There were a lot of things that Amycus would kill for. In all honesty, it didn’t take much. There was only one thing he would die for, and that was her. Amycus was a selfish person and his loyalty did not extend much farther than his other half. – It is because of his loyalty to Alecto that he has found himself a part of the Death Eaters. As much as he believed in the cause, Amycus had been resistant at first. He didn’t want to sign up to fight and die for some Dark Lord. He would, however, fight and die for Alecto. So here he was now. Seventeen, a Death Eater, and ferociously devoted to his sister in any way that she may need him.
1. Amycus is an Aries Moon, with a Scorpio sun. This combination tends to be driven towards aggression and conviction, as seen with Amycus.
2. Amycus is of the Chaotic Evil alignment. He finds amusement in causing disorder and strife and cares not for anyone else besides himself and his small circle.
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