#Amaterasu Hokama
askthedespairkids · 1 year
The Night Belongs to Us
*In Naomi’s room, Amaterasu sits behind her, quietly putting in the finishing touches to Naomi’s hair. It’s just far enough off a bridal bun to still look suitable, but not neat enough to draw suspicion*
Amaterasu: ...there. Looks good.
Naomi: It does. I didn’t think you were so good with hair, Amaterasu-san.
Amaterasu: One of my many talents.
Naomi: Clearly. But are not already running a little late? We should hurry up. *She smooths out her dress and stands up* ...I’m worried. Don’t I look a little formal just for us all getting together.
Amaterasu: Considering the circumstances, why not allow yourself to look a little more formal. Besides...*She checks herself out, in the dusty pink tailored suit* It would a shame to let Maemi-chan’s designs go to waste. (Even if the colour washes me out).
Naomi: True to that. Should we go?
Amaterasu: Yeah. *She puts her hand in her pocket, clicking a button on a remote inside*
*At the wedding venue, everyone has arrived in their outfits. Junpei has a buzzer is his suit trouser pocket that alarms*
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That’s Amaterasu-san’s signal, everyone! Which means Naomi’s gonna be here soon!
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Alright! Places, everybody! This is it!
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*He walks up to Junpei* How’s Graves doin’?
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Orochi’s calming them down in the back. I think we’ll be okay...no turning back after all this anyway.
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...hey. Thanks.
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Huh? What for?
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Y’gotta ask? You’ve done all this for my niece. I’ll always appreciate you for all the work you’ve done. And you’ve been her friend for all these year...to be honest, because of her connections to Hope’s Peak, she didn’t always have the most healthy friendships in school...so thanks for that as well.
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...of course. Naomi’s been taking care of me all this time. It’s the least I can do for her.
Naomi: Oh man, how far down the beach is this?
Amaterasu: Not too much further. They must’ve really wanted the décor to be a surprise.
Naomi: *She spots the flames of some torches up ahead* Ugh finally. *She reaches the torches and finds that boards have been placed down on the sand to make it easier for Naomi to walk in her heels* Well, they had the sense to this much at least.
Amaterasu: Go ahead.
Naomi: Huh?
Amaterasu: *Gestures down the road of boards* I’ll be behind you. Just go ahead.
Naomi: You’re being weird.
Amaterasu: ...
Naomi: ...*She sighs* Alright then? *She continues ahead, as she moves along the path, music starts to become audible in the distance. Soft piano music that enhances the evening atmosphere. The torches become bigger and the decorations become more noticeable. White and pink ribbons on the torches, small arrangements of balloons along the path*
*Naomi eventually turns a corner made by pots of greenery and white arches, coming around to the ceremony itself. The boardwalk is decorated with a white carpet and on either side are assortments of chairs. Her whole class, her uncle, and Kyouko and Makoto are present, all dressed up for the occasion. Kyoji stands at the end of the white carpet underneath the balloon arch. Off to the side, Kaede is delicately playing on the piano next to an extravagant four-tiered cake*
Naomi: I...*She almost laughs* What is all this...? It’s looks like-
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A wedding?
Naomi: ...*Her faces turns to realisation* This...this-
*Karma walks out from behind some of the shrubbery decorations, dressing in a pink and light blue tuxedo with a tailcoat. Their baseball cap is still sitting proudly upon their head, with a white rose attached to it. They walk down to the top of the aisle up to Naomi*
Karma: ...hi there.
Naomi: ...this is a wedding? For us?
Karma: Surprise? *They grin sheepishly* Junpei coordinated all of it to make a surprise...
Naomi: Junpei-kun?
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Karma wanted to get married before...
Karma: Yeah...I’m sorry! If you hate all this, then I totally understand! I promise you don’t have to count this at all! Once the fighting is over, we can have another wedding - an even bigger one that you can have complete control over! We’ll have a traditional Japanese wedding! Or a traditional Jewish wedding, if you’d prefer...honestly, I don’t know much about either-
Naomi: *She starts to giggle and then breaks into a laugh*
Karma: Wh...what’s so funny? Is it the suit?!
Naomi: No no, love, you look wonderful. It’s all...*She takes in, and breathlessly says* Wonderful...
Karma: You’re not mad then?
Naomi: Oh, I definitely will be having a redo after the battle. But this? It’s just...beautiful. You all...you all look amazing as well. And thank you, Maemi-san, for the dress.
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*Maemi is dressed in a pale blue dress with darker blue detailing, her hair pulled back in a ponytail* No, no. Thank Muro-kun for that one.
Naomi: I shall.
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And let’s not forget the most important part- go on, kiddo.
*Madoka walks around in a dress the same shade of pink as Naomi’s dress’ details, with a small basket of flower petals. She looks up at Naomi and then reaches into the basket and throws a handful of petals at her*
Madoka: Bwam!
Naomi: *She laughs and crouches down to Madoka* Aw, Mado, you look beautiful. Definitely more beautiful than mommy.
Karma: So, um...Naomi.
Naomi: *She stands back up* Yes?
Karma: Do you wanna get married...?
Naomi: *She giggles* Like you need to even ask.
Karma: Okay...okay! *They run back down and stand at the arch.*
*Kaede takes her cue to start playing again. With some encouragement, Madoka walks down the aisle, clumsily throwing the petals down onto the ground before going to the side.*
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*He offers his arm* If I may have the pleasure of walking you down?
Naomi: Of course. *She takes Koichi’s arm and the two walk down*
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...I’m sorry this is all happening without your parents...
Naomi: *Her smile shakes bit* I know...but they’d be happy, right?
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Overjoyed. And very proud.
Naomi: Then that’s enough.
*The two reach the arch and Koichi lets Naomi go and she stand opposite Karma. Koichi takes his seat as Junpei and Sadao stand and join Karma’s side, in similarly designed tuxedos. Similarly, Kyouko and Orochi stand to join Naomi’s side...in matching dusty pink dresses*
Naomi: *She stops herself from chuckling* I should’ve know you’d try and out dress me.
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As if I could.
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*She presents Naomi with a bouquet of her favourite flowers* You look beautiful, Naomi.
Naomi: You do too. I better be the maid of honour at your wedding.
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Naomi: *She turns her back to Kyouko with a sly grin* Alright...I’m ready.
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Then we’ll begin.
We’re gathered here today to celebrate the love and union between Naomi Kizakura and Karma Graves. Before we begin, if anyone should have any reason that these two should not be married-
Karma: Keep it to yourself.
*A few people laugh*
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That works too.
Now, usually this is the part where we would go through the story of how the two met, and how they fell in love and how their story got to this day. Though with such short notice, and with it being a surprise to one of our parties I couldn’t exactly get a rounded story.
Naomi: Well, we were all there for the king’s game.
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So...I’ll pass it to our couple. They can tell us their story through their own words.
Naomi: Just...off the cuff?
Karma: Sorry.
Naomi: No, it’s fine! Not a hard topic to talk about.
Karma: Then, will I...?
Naomi: If I could?
Karma: O-of course!
Naomi: I don't have my vows planned out, because someone didn't bother telling me I was getting married until… What, thirty seconds ago? And despite my many skills, coming up with speeches on the spot is… Not one of these. So I'll keep it short. *She takes a breath and looks into Karma’s eyes* Anyway, Karma. I loved you for years, we have a kid together, and I promise to love you and to care for you for the rest of my life. I'm sure there should be like three more sections of things I promise, but I don't remember them now, so I'll just go with those. I think those are the big ones. And now I'm rambling, so I will stop. Love and care. Let's stick to these.
Karma: *They’re grinning like an idiot* I love that. Very you.
Naomi: Would rather get it out of the way than stand thinking ‘Agh, what to say?’ *They both giggle*
Karma: *They take a breath, nervously taking out a piece of paper* Sorry, I just...I’m worried I’ll forget something I wanna say.
Naomi: Go ahead.
Karma: *They nod* Naomi... God I had a hard time writing this, not because of anything bad, but because there is so much I wish I could say. I just don't have the words. From our first kiss at the Christmas Party, all the way to now, I've loved spending my life with you in my arms, and I will continue to. Naomi, you help me feel safe and grounded, and I only hope to provide you and Mado with the same sense of love and safety. I adore you, and have nothing but hope and excitement for our future together once the world is back in order. I promise to look out for you and Mado, and to bring joy into your lives, as you have done with mine. You fill me with nothing but love and happiness, and I am so happy to have you in my life. I wouldn't trade our time together for anything. You're my light in the dark, and I promise to treasure that. Here's to our future, come what may. I love you Naomi, and that's never gonna change.
Naomi: ...*She clears her throat, clearly struggling to stop herself from tearing up* I love you, too.
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Do you, Karma Graves, take Kizakura Naomi to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Karma: I do.
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And do you, Kizakura Naomi, take Karma Graves to your lawfully wedded partner?
Naomi: *She grins* I do.
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Then by the power vested in me by...
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Junpei? *A few people laugh*
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I hereby pronounce you officially married.
*Karma and Naomi come together for a final kiss as the ceremony attendees break out into cheers. From the sides, Rina and Amaterasu throw rose petals over the two. Naomi and Karma giggle and look across the party*
Karma: ...I love you.
Naomi: ...I love you more.
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dkronpa · 5 years
Meet the Students #10
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Name: Amaterasu Hokama
Gender: Female
Height: 5′11″
Birthday: April 20th (Aries)
Likes: Shiny things
Dislikes: Security Guards
Talent: Ultimate Thief
A girl whose family was evicted when they were young and forced to live on the streets. To her provide for her family, Amaterasu would steal food from stores so they could eat. Eventually, she fell in love with the thrill of the heist and began taking on bigger goals though she would always return anything important i.e. museum items, people’s wallets. A stoic girl that very rarely shows any emotions. Though she comes across as childish, personality wise, as she strikes idol poses and cracks jokes all whilst holding her same disinterested expression.
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askthedespairkids · 3 years
HQ bound, Nagata!
*The class gather at the landing area as the helicopter sets down*
Kobo: Heyooooo!! *He leaps off of the helicopter* Who’s missed me?!
Sadao: Naga-chan! *He zips past Kobo and hugs Ryuu*
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E-easy now, Irunami-san, lemme get off the helicopter properly first!
Sadao: Huuuh? *He pokes Ryuu’s arm* Did you get buffer? Those definitely feel like muscles starting!
Amaterasu: *Suddenly behind Ryuu* Congrats on the strength upgrade. *Pats his head*
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Nice to see you as well, Amaterasu-san.
Kobo: Oi, what about me?!
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Don’t worry, *He pats Kobo’s back* Irunami-kun’s just messing with you. (Probably).
Mami: Indeed! We’re glad to have you back as well, Okanaya-kun.
Naomi: As long as you don’t-
Sly: *Approaching with Doi* Ah, it seems they’ve already arrived.
Kobo: Sly! When are you gonna spar with me!?
Naomi: -do that...
Sly: Later.
Kobo: *Grins* Fuck yeah!
Doi: ...are you actually gonna spar with him?
Sly: I think I might bruise his ego if I do.
Doi: Is that so?
Rina: *Bursts through Doi and Sly and runs at Kobo and Ryuu* You’re here!
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W-wait, Rina-san- *She tackle-hugs the pair of them and nearly knocks them over*
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Didn’t you only see them the other day...?
Rina: That doesn’t matter! I’m just happy they’re here! That we’re all here!
Naomi: Not everybody...where are Junpei-kun and Karma?
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I passed by them on the way here. They said they’re dealing with refreshments for the party.
Naomi: By themselves...? They should’ve asked some more people to help out.
Tsukiko: Ah, do not worry. I’m sure the pair of them shall be plenty to deal with the workload.
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Right. We’ll see them both later. For now, I think Kobo-kun and I should dump our stuff in our rooms.
Tomoe: Oh, I can send that stuff over for you if you want! It’ll be taken care of in a jiffy!
Kobo: Hell no, god knows where you’ll end up sendin’ it to!
Tomoe: For that, I’ll send your stuff into the ocean.
*A few of the classmates laugh at Kobo and Tomoe’s argument whilst Yuuki exits the helicopter on the other side, grabbing his bag as he tries to sneak around the group.*
Sadao: *Tackles him from behind* Saki-chan~! Where you think you’re going~?
Tsukiko: Oh dear, I hope you didn’t think you could sneak past us all without a proper greeting.
Saori: Rude, dude. Ooo~, love the man-bun as well!
Yuuki: H-huh? *A few of the classmates surround him, much to his surprise* Oh...thanks. I guess I kind of need it cut.
Naomi: You should keep it long. It looks good.
Yuuki: Oh...m-maybe I will. *His eyes glance to the side and he sees Sly off to the side, Sly nods at him and he smiles back and chat away with the group*
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*Standing a few steps behind the crowd, avoiding looking directly at Yuuki or Sly*...
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Watanabe-chan? Aren’t you gonna say hi to him?
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Oh...later on, I will. I’m sure he’s tired from the journey.
Sly: *His eyes pass over Maemi and he sighs*
Doi: Sly-san?
Sly: Nothing. Don’t worry about it.
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
“Yup yup! It’s for....” Tomoe looked around, then leaned in and whispered. “The wedding~ Kamisaka-kun asked me to make something grand!”
Sadao: Ooo~! Yoko-chan said to me and Ammy-chan earlier!
Amaterasu: Don’t light anything on fire.
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
“Irunamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” Tomoe ran over to their table. “I have an idea for the great, brightest, most dazzling, most puzzling, most destructive, most fiery fireworks show ever! And! It’s not gonna use ANY fireworks! That way I won’t leave burn marks on the side of the building again! Oh hi Amaterasu.”
Amaterasu: *She flashes a peace sign*
Sadao: Ooooo! An amazing fireworks show?! I love it already!
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
“Cafeteria, cafeteria, gotta go to the cafeteria~” Tomoe sings as they prance around towards it.
*In the cafeteria*
Sadao: -and that’s why I think I could totally save Christmas if given the chance.
Amaterasu: Cool.
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
"He wasn't telling me what it was. It must be... Big. We should absolutely go." well, she got her distraction well enough, probably.
Amaterasu: Right. *the three of them start to head to the meeting point*
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
Naomi personally thought that asking pepole out was probably a really strange thing to spend all of your free time doing, but okay. Doi as nice, and he was supposdly 'a romance experet', whatever that meant, and honestly, she didn't actually care that much. "It's kind of funny, seeing how different everything is now."
*Koichi’s announcement played*
Doi: Yeah...really different. Never had an announcement like this before.
Amaterasu: Must be important. Let’s go.
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
"Fair enough." She shrugged. "Sounds like a better way to spend your time then doing extra math courses and reading fanfictions, which is how i spent my afternoon in middleschool, anyways."
Amaterasu: Doi-chan, what did you do after school?
Doi: H-huh...? O-oh, normal stuff, I never really had any particular hobbies or anything so-
Amaterasu: Did you fail asking out girls most days?
Doi: ...*Dejected* Yes...
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
Naomi looks intrested, but it's Madoka who sends her hands to try and grab the shiny thing. "How do you steal something and then lose the owner? ...Actually, do you usually steal things and then *look* for the owner? I feel like it's not how this should work."
Amaterasu: I stopped keeping stuff after I made enough money to house my family so they could live comfortably. After that I just stole stuff for fun, never kept it. Made it look like they just dropped whatever I took.
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
"I know, I know. but i get rambly when im nervouse. Ignore me, it'd pass. I just need distractions."
Amaterasu: Look at this cool shiny thing. *She shows Naomi a Sapphire* It’s my lucky gemstone. I stole a long time ago but I never found its owner again so I just ended up keeping it.
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
Naomi wonders off, somewhat distracted as she does.
Doi: Kizakura-san! Hold up!
Amaterasu: You were seeing Junpei-chan, I’m guessing. How was he?
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
Doi if there is a situation where you have to say Asano or Amaterasu who are you saving
Doi: H-huh?! H-how am I supposed to pick between either of them?! I...c-can’t pick!
Amaterasu: I would get myself out of the situation, it’s all good.
Doi: I don’t think it’s that kind of hypothetical-
Amaterasu: I could do it.
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
Naomi lifts Madoka and hugs her tightly, somewhat aware the toddler doesn't like it very much but feeling better with that "I don't like it." She says eventually, aiming it only to Doi and Amartsu to hear. "Like, I understand why it's important- but....I don't see a way it ends without far too much of a lose. I just... I dont know what I excpected, but..."
Doi: Eheh...heheheh...*He crouches down and hugs his knees* Nah nah nah, I’m having a nightmare...I’m nowhere near ready to make a decision like this...
Amaterasu: Let’s kick ass.
Doi: You’re too casual!
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
Class 79, if you would have graduated from Hopes Peak with no tragedy, where do you think you’d be now?
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Like I’ve said before, I really wanted to be a web designer. I suppose I would’ve been making a living doing that. Hopefully still in touch with my friends but I only really became friends with people because of the Tragedy so...who knows, right?
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Naturally, I would be continuing my work as a mangaka, possibly even branching out into a full one-romance story. I like to think the experience at Hope’s Peak would have given me more ideas.
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I’m honestly not sure. What do lucky students do when they graduate...? Well, I at the very least hope Kobo-kun and I would have still gotten together in that time. And that I managed to make friends with the people I have...though as for my future, I’m too sure.
Amaterasu: I would’ve continue doing my work as a thief. Not much else I could’ve done. My goal was to become the biggest outlaw the world’s ever seen. The next big bandit.
Kobo: I wanted to open up my own tour company! That’s still my dream, y’hear?! And I’m not gonna let it escape me!
Sadao: I was gonna become a travelling hypnotist and do my own national tour. As long as I got to do what I loved without being restricted, it was okay.
Doi: Ah, I wanted to make my own dating reality TV show where I’d help people find their soulmates. I know a lot of people give those sort of shows flack, but I really feel like mine could have been pretty good.
Yuuki: Probably just exploring the continents like I was before enrolment. I would have probably went my whole time at Hope’s Peak without making any connections with anybody. Still wonder if that’s a good or bad thing...
Karma: In all honesty, I’d probably be back working at some corrupt agency. Shitty, huh? In some ways, the tragedy may have done some good for people. 
Saori: I’d be travelling the world and starting up my own Paranormal Investigator business. I hope I can still do that... 
Mami: .....I’d be with my parents and back doing what I always did.... I don’t like to think of it.
Sly: It’d be easy to say I’d be the head of the Assassin world but honestly I don’t know. I was only in my first year so a lot could’ve happened. Truthfully I don’t really know where I’m gonna be after we fix the world either.
Tsukiko: I am uncertain. Perhaps I would be exploring the outermost corners of this world, meeting cultures and societies and learning of their views
Rina: Um, well, I think I’d like to have my own tea shop, with an animal theme where I could display taxidermy if I felt up to it! A-And... I’d hope that Peko would still be with me then, and all of our friends too... even the ones who are gone.
Tomoe: I think I’d have started my worldwide debut! Back at Hope’s Peak, I actually wanted to learn English so I could do my shows all over the world!.... well, maybe I still can after this mess!
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askthedespairkids · 4 years
“I can’t believe we didn’t get to prank Yokozawa... what are we gonna do with this cosplay?” Tomoe crosses their arms. “Who else is Yokozawa-sized?”
Sadao: That’s the problem. Nobody is, that’s what makes Yoko-chan fun! He’s the only one his size! Grrr...what about Kuwata-chan?
Amaterasu: Mission.
Sadao: Dangit!
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