#Doi Kurohiko
askthedespairkids · 2 years
What about your love triangle Doi
Doi: ...*His face heats up* A-ahahah...w-well...*He clears his throat* Amaterasu-san has a lot of emotional turmoil to work through. Until that happens I don't really think you resolve that, er...si-situation...
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dkronpa · 5 years
Meet the Students #5
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Name: Doi Kurohiko
Gender: Male
Height: 5′10″
Birthday: November 14th (Scorpio)
Likes: Roses
Dislikes: Creepy Peope
Talent: Ultimate Romance Expert
With a handsome face and talent like his, Doi is usually mistaken for being a player though the opposite is actually true. The boy is quick to get nervous in most situations and is easily frightened. He claims to have awful luck with women, saying he is doomed to always embarrass himself around them including wardrobe malfunctions or falling down stairs. He tries to remain optimistic and tries to see the best in people, and of the group, is the best at recognising other people’s emotions.
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askthedespairkids · 2 years
Doi as an expert who do you think will get married next and who do you think will be last in your class
Doi: Oooo~ This is finally something I can talk about! Now, if we're talking who's gonna get engaged first, I'd stake my money on Okanaya-san and Nagata-san. I'm, like, 99% sure Okanaya-san already has a ring on him to give him.
Doi: Of course getting married is totally different so if we're talking that- well, I'll exclude Graves-san and Kizakura-san because whilst this is a practice wedding this is also like...a wedding-wedding. So...I'm gonna say Kamisaka-san and Yokozawa-san will get married first!
Doi: As for who will be last...? Hmm...Kirishima-san and Pekoyama-san will probably come soon after Kamisaka-san and Yokozawa-san, then Okanaya-san and Nagata-san, then maybe Irunami-san and Hachi-san will have figured out if they're platonic or romantic by then...it's possible that the last one might be Sly-san since he'll have a lot of relationship stuff to figure out before he actually gets around to proposing or, indeed, marrying anyone.
Doi: Uhhh...yeah! That's the short version!
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askthedespairkids · 2 years
I can respect that idea. Though I also get Graves and wanting this now. We’ve all been put into a sudden situation where in a week we may not have these opportunities with the people we care about. Puts our issues and relationships into perspective and makes things a lot more complicated while possibly a lot more meaningful. -Sly
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Hmm? Kurohiko-kun, could you excuse us for a moment?
Doi: Huh? *He looks between the two* Um...sure. See you guys around. *He heads off*
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That viewpoint seemed a little...inspired. Something going on? We haven't spoken since you got back.
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askthedespairkids · 2 years
Speaking of Yokozawa, it’s actually pretty surprising that you and Yokozawa aren’t the first to be married from our class. Definitely had my money on you two. -Sly
Doi: Right? I was thinking that as well. Hell, I can't believe you guys aren't even engaged. You were the first couple to get together and you've know each other the longest by far.
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O-oh, come on now. You guys are too much.
Doi: Do you think you'll get married soon? Come on, I know you. You're totally desperate.
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Heheh, alright, alright. Enough now. Honestly, there's been plenty of times I've wanted to ask him, but...
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When Junpei looks back on his wedding, I want him to be able to think of it without associating it with a time where he was fighting in a war.
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askthedespairkids · 2 years
Ah I should mention, if you speak with Kurosaki and he’s acting differently than you’re used to… *He takes a bow* Please give him a chance. -Sly
Doi: Huh- h-hey now, there's no need to ask something like that so seriously...!
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I did think the air around him was a little different when I saw him earlier.
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I'm sure whatever it is will be good for him. And besides-
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I've been making sure to keep a steady eye on him ever since he first flirted with Yo-chan.
Doi: Even if you say it with a smile, your tone is definitely terrifying. But if he's changing himself, then we'll support him with all we've got!
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Yes. Exactly so.
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askthedespairkids · 2 years
Ya know I think this is the first wedding I’ve been to that wasn’t part of a mission. Participating in a positive way is kinda weird. Though with the people in attendance I’m sure it wouldn’t be normal anyway. -Sly
Doi: (Did you kill the happy couples?!)
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You're right about that. Though hopefully any damage caused will be minimal.
Doi: *Flatly* So you're expecting damage...
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I have that prickling on the back of my neck right before something bad usually happens. Still, nothing so far seems to be cause for concern.
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askthedespairkids · 2 years
So what now? -Sly
Doi: Hmm...I'm not too sure, if I'm honest.
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What's this? Did you get roped into babysitting, Sly-kun?
Doi: Huh?! Just say 'Hello' like a normal person!
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Oh, I'm only kidding around. I just finished my part of the preparations. Just waiting on the word that the venue is all set up and we'll be good to go.
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askthedespairkids · 3 years
Anyone ever been to a wedding?
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I've been to a couple for my cousins. Two traditional for Japan and one that's more traditional for the west.
Doi: I've been to plenty as well, so I have a good idea of how the proceedings should go.
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askthedespairkids · 3 years
HQ bound, Nagata!
*The class gather at the landing area as the helicopter sets down*
Kobo: Heyooooo!! *He leaps off of the helicopter* Who’s missed me?!
Sadao: Naga-chan! *He zips past Kobo and hugs Ryuu*
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E-easy now, Irunami-san, lemme get off the helicopter properly first!
Sadao: Huuuh? *He pokes Ryuu’s arm* Did you get buffer? Those definitely feel like muscles starting!
Amaterasu: *Suddenly behind Ryuu* Congrats on the strength upgrade. *Pats his head*
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Nice to see you as well, Amaterasu-san.
Kobo: Oi, what about me?!
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Don’t worry, *He pats Kobo’s back* Irunami-kun’s just messing with you. (Probably).
Mami: Indeed! We’re glad to have you back as well, Okanaya-kun.
Naomi: As long as you don’t-
Sly: *Approaching with Doi* Ah, it seems they’ve already arrived.
Kobo: Sly! When are you gonna spar with me!?
Naomi: -do that...
Sly: Later.
Kobo: *Grins* Fuck yeah!
Doi: ...are you actually gonna spar with him?
Sly: I think I might bruise his ego if I do.
Doi: Is that so?
Rina: *Bursts through Doi and Sly and runs at Kobo and Ryuu* You’re here!
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W-wait, Rina-san- *She tackle-hugs the pair of them and nearly knocks them over*
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Didn’t you only see them the other day...?
Rina: That doesn’t matter! I’m just happy they’re here! That we’re all here!
Naomi: Not everybody...where are Junpei-kun and Karma?
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I passed by them on the way here. They said they’re dealing with refreshments for the party.
Naomi: By themselves...? They should’ve asked some more people to help out.
Tsukiko: Ah, do not worry. I’m sure the pair of them shall be plenty to deal with the workload.
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Right. We’ll see them both later. For now, I think Kobo-kun and I should dump our stuff in our rooms.
Tomoe: Oh, I can send that stuff over for you if you want! It’ll be taken care of in a jiffy!
Kobo: Hell no, god knows where you’ll end up sendin’ it to!
Tomoe: For that, I’ll send your stuff into the ocean.
*A few of the classmates laugh at Kobo and Tomoe’s argument whilst Yuuki exits the helicopter on the other side, grabbing his bag as he tries to sneak around the group.*
Sadao: *Tackles him from behind* Saki-chan~! Where you think you’re going~?
Tsukiko: Oh dear, I hope you didn’t think you could sneak past us all without a proper greeting.
Saori: Rude, dude. Ooo~, love the man-bun as well!
Yuuki: H-huh? *A few of the classmates surround him, much to his surprise* Oh...thanks. I guess I kind of need it cut.
Naomi: You should keep it long. It looks good.
Yuuki: Oh...m-maybe I will. *His eyes glance to the side and he sees Sly off to the side, Sly nods at him and he smiles back and chat away with the group*
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*Standing a few steps behind the crowd, avoiding looking directly at Yuuki or Sly*...
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Watanabe-chan? Aren’t you gonna say hi to him?
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Oh...later on, I will. I’m sure he’s tired from the journey.
Sly: *His eyes pass over Maemi and he sighs*
Doi: Sly-san?
Sly: Nothing. Don’t worry about it.
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askthedespairkids · 3 years
As if that means anything *He shrugs* but if you’re too scared I’m sure somebody might steal it away. -Sly
Doi: I'm not scared. With how long everybody's been together, I can probably guess who'll be next to get married...though I think he'll only do it if he catches the bouquet. He's sentimental like that.
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askthedespairkids · 3 years
Me? *He chuckles* Of all the people going, I’m probably the least likely to get married next. It’s most likely a race between you, Yokozawa, and Kirishima. -Sly
Doi: First of all, if anybody's clawing for that bouquet it's Kamisaka-san and Okanaya-san, and there's no way I'm risking my health by getting between those two. Second of all, you're the one in a relationship out of the two of us.
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askthedespairkids · 3 years
You’ve already seen what their wearing? Hmm sounds like you’re really excited for this. Though I guess given your talent, you’re really into lovey dovey stuff. Orrrrrr perhaps somebody is really looking forward to catching the bouquet *He elbows his side* Eh? Eh? -Sly
Doi: *He flushes* D-definitely the talent, y'know! Absolutely all about the talent! Wh-what do I care about the bouquet!? M-maybe you want the bouquet!
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askthedespairkids · 3 years
If you’re happy with it, I’m happy with it. Though again, I think Graves will prolly make fun of me for being better dressed than them *He says half jokingly* -Sly
Doi: It's Graves-san, so that's likely. Though I saw what they're wearing and it's perfect for a wedding, but still very them.
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askthedespairkids · 3 years
Doi: O-oh, um...sh-should I-
Mami: Of course! *She jumps up and pulls him in for a kiss, surprising Doi* Apologies for being so direct.
Doi: No need...e-eheh...
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askthedespairkids · 3 years
Kurohiko, not to hype myself up or anything but you know I’m like one of, if not, the greatest assassin in the world right? Maki and I have infiltrated some of the most high class parties in the world as guests. You’d think it make sense I at least have a suit jacket, so please refrain from disrespecting me just because you typically see me in casual clothes or our uniform. -Sly
Doi: ...sorry. I got carried away and went too far. *He bows a little* I shouldn't have said that.
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