#Amethyst octagon
redstonedust · 11 months
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gets octagon flashbacks from vines and amethyst in a ren build /hj
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convexicalcrow · 8 months
Hermit Horror Week 2023 Day 1: s8/game mechanics
what if the one hermit who consistently gets his ass possessed also got his ass possessed by moon big. what if that happened.
The moon was big. Cub was very certain of that fact. Whether that was due to it coming closer, or growing bigger, that he was less sure about, to be honest. He was also floating into the air, and he'd constructed a Very Scientific instrument to measure it's progress. It was definitely getting worse. Perhaps anyone else might have gone mad from not sleeping, but not Cub! He thrived on insomnia! Even the phantoms made him laugh, the silly creatures. They were just weird flying dogs, right? Yeah! Nipping at his heels, just being a nuisance, nothing to worry about!
He'd needed no real convincing to join the Mooners. Mumbo's explanation made as much sense as any as to why the moon had decided to crash into their world. And it was definitely crashing, right? Sure! Why not? Made about as much sense as anything else. Of course the moon would be lonely and sad about all the Hermits sleeping the night away! So if sleeping was what the moon detested, then he wouldn't sleep! Easy! He could do that without even thinking. And he'd have more time to work on his projects. The enchanted desert still wasn't finished yet.
The shadows dancing in the corner of his vision didn't seem weird. Why would they? The moon being so huge in the sky had messed with the shadows and everything looked weird. Simultaneously too bright and not bright enough. Everything looked like the colour had been drained from it, like the world was now in monochrome.
It definitely couldn't be the not sleeping, though. Sure, it had been weeks now, but he was fine! He didn't even feel tired anymore! Just a bit of Vex magic and some regen potions here and there and he was fine. Never felt better!
…his name is cubfan135…
The Octagon seemed…
Cub blinked. Thought he'd seen something- but there's no way it moved, right? No, of course not. That was silly. It had legs, sure, but it couldn't walk. Nah, nah, he was just seeing things, that's all. Just the weird-
The Octagon screamed-
Cub shook his head. No. He was seeing things. That wasn't right. There was no swirling mass of deep blackness there. There was no vortex threatening to swallow the world. The amethyst wasn't singing because there was no amethyst. It wasn't a black hole, it was just the deepslate not reflecting enough light to-
"Cub? You okay, my dude?"
Ren's voice shimmered through the air. Cub closed his eyes. Perhaps he was falling-
No. He was floating. The moon had come to reclaim her child and Cub reached for her eagerly. The moonlight was all he could see; faint whispers filled his mind, but he was so used to that it didn't even bother him. Probably just the Vex again, they did that a lot. Nothing to worry about.
He was lying on a cloud, dripping moonlight from his fingers. They fell to earth, making the ground shake. He smiled serenely as the moon whispered all kinds of things to him. This was just a dream. He was fine. Nothing to worry about.
Cub was placing sand in the hot sun. He was digging up sand in the hot sun. He'd grown used to the strange visions he was seeing now. If he looked at the sun, it turned into a falcon. His mind was running a million miles an hour with the most absurd thoughts he could come up with. Was he going mad? Probably. Didn't matter, though. He just thought of one of the ancient Pharaohs putting minigolf in their pyramid and burst into a fit of hysterical laughter, sand slipping through his fingers as he wandered elsewhere into his mind.
…his name is cubfan135…
…his name is cubfan135…
Cub was gazing up at the moon. Ren was beside him. He had joined some other moon cult, or so he'd said. Cub didn't really understand his ramblings about moon rocks or potatoes, to be honest.
"She's demanding heads, Cub. She wants- heads. I can feel it, bro. It's what she tells me to do," Ren murmured.
"Then I guess that's what you gotta do, Ren," Cub said.
"It feels like she's…" Ren paused. "I don't want to say possessed? But maybe- maybe she's possessed me. I don't know. You know what that's like, right?"
"Possession? Maybe, maybe," Cub said.
Red eyes stared at him across the enchanted desert. Every night they were there, like a predator stalking prey. But not stalking, just watching. Red eyes and a dark shadow. Perhaps a wolf. Perhaps a Rendog, Cub thought and laughed.
Was it a portent of bad things to come? Well, maybe. But the moon was still insanely huge in the sky, so like, maybe there were other more direct warnings, you know? Anyway, the red eyes didn't move. Didn't approach. Made no sound. Just watching. Weird. But as long as it left him alone, Cub decided he really didn't care.
Thunder. Lighting didn't really seem all that impressive with all the moonlight drowning it out. Cub was standing on top of Pearl's base, watching Boatem. It was quiet. He didn't know how long he'd been up here. He just knew the moon was filling almost the whole sky, and the levitation effects had left him with sore legs from falling back to earth so often. He felt… paralysed. Been a while since he felt this scared. The moon was whispering; his stomach growled. It had been a while since he'd fed the moon the Vex. She They hungered for blood.
…his name is cubfan135…
…his name is cubfan135…
…his name is cubfan135…
There was one cavern carved into the canyon that Cub didn't remember building. It was tucked away behind a lot of dripstone; you couldn't even see it from the outside. But he'd fallen into it, and found himself looking at some kind of shrine. Something - a conduit? - floated above it, giving off a powerful energy that drew him in. Images flashed into his mind: the moon crashing, rabid dogs hunting, the ocean turning red, his sword covered with blood. Then, whispers, whispers, the moon was whispering to him. Feed me. Bring me their heads. Feed me. I am. Moonatrix Octa.
There was a section of wall in his main base where he'd carved a notch in the stone for every day he hadn't slept. There were so many now that his initial neat tallies of fives had devolved rapidly into marks that had no organisation whatsoever. He'd tried counting them once, but he'd got lost around 54, and started again, where he'd got lost at 81, and then again at 43. Honestly, he wasn't even sure they were actually the right tally marks, even though he remembered coming in here every night to carve another one. Fuck, he was tired.
He heard chanting as he flew over Boatem. Saw Ren and Doc circling Mumbo chanting his name. You know, just normal Hermit things. They were wearing some weird robes, but that's all Cub really took in before he crashed into Scar's mountain and had to pretend like he hadn't actually done that as he brushed the snow off and steadied himself on the wall of Grian's observatory. He watched the scene before him, seeing Ren and Doc throwing potions and wielding axes. Man, those moon cults must be getting worse if they're dancing around Mumbo and dropping spiderwebs at his-
Cub respawned, having no memory of how he'd died. He lay in bed, and he didn't notice anything weird until he turned his head to see Doc sitting by his bed, clearly holding Ren back as he growled and bared his teeth at him.
Cub pulled back. "Hey, no, you-"
"We left your stuff in a chest. Sorry about the murder, but we needed your head," Doc said.
"What- wait, what happened? Why's he-?" Cub said. "Do I even want to know?"
"Moon's big." Doc shrugged, as if that was that.
Ren snarled. "Moonatrix Octa thanks you for your sacrifice."
Cub stared at his hands in the moonlight. He was sure they'd turned purple. That's definitely a thing that could happen, right? He laughed, and it was the kind of laugh that masked deep fear. He closed his eyes as the ground shook, steadying himself against a tree. When he looked again, his hands were covered in blood. He looked up. Red eyes watching. Sharp fingers clawed his shoulders. Harsh whispers. Feed me. Bring me their heads. I am nearly here. Not long now. I must have them. You can save them all. Behold my wrath, I am Moonatrix Octa.
Cub held a Vex head in his hands. Didn't know why. Didn't know how he'd even got one. He didn't remember raiding a mansion. He wouldn't kill Vexes for one. He was better than that. But clearly it meant only one thing: the Vex were calling.
"So your moon rock possessed you, hey, Ren? Well. You know nothing of possession," Cub said as he put the mask on, his body transforming into his Vex form.
The moon whispered eagerly, egging him on. He took his sword, stomach hungry for blood, and flew straight to the Octagon. This would be easy.
…his name is Renthedog…
…his name is Renthedog…
…his name is Renthedog…
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beagleboysinc · 3 months
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Got a haircut yesterday! My hair sooo purple!
(ve/vir & it/its)
[Image Description: Two selfies of the same white person who is wearing a desaturated purple sweater and a pink lanyard and red octagon shaped glasses. Ve has amethyst purple hair that is slightly curly. In the first image, it poses with its hand under its chin. In the second, ve shows that the left side of vir head is shaved, tucking hair behind vir ear. End Description.]
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What gemstone/gem tail that associate and meaning with Fairy species?
👑Oberon👑; Sunstone: it is said to be a stone of leadership, encouraging the wearer to be open, benevolent, and willing to bestow blessings upon others. French cut, there is no meaning.
👸Titania👸; Redish-Pink Ruby: The ruby gemstone symbolizes love, passion, vitality, and strength. Princess cut, well it's obvious.
🤴Preston🤴; a mix of blue and yellow Star Sapphire: This gemstone is often called the 'gem of heaven' and symbolizes hope, potential, and dreams. Round or circle shape, there is no meaning.
🧚Sebille🧚; Spirit Quartz: it is a crystal of Harmony and Alignment, the is crystal of Harmony and Alignment. Long octagon cut, there is no meaning.
🌈Amitola🌈; Rainbow quartz: Some people refer to rainbow quartz as a "manifestation stone," meaning that it can help you turn your dreams and goals into reality. Same rhombus shape as Kazumi's gem.
⚡Munja⚡; Pietersite: it is believed to be a stone of vision and can be used for a vision quest or shaman journey. The cloud shape represents the weather.
🪄Jinx🪄; Labradorite: known stone of magic and northern lights. 4 luck clover as good luck charm.
✨Fabian✨; Lapis Lazuli: associated with royalty, strength, courage, wisdom, intellect, friendship, and truth. The oval shape is associated with unity and completeness.
💎Diamond💎; Pink Diamonds: associated with femininity and romance often symbols of tenderness, and sweetness, while representing gracefulness and elegance. Diamond shapes are often associated with royalty.
❇️Emerald❇️; Emerald: they are a symbol of truth and love while symbolizing royalty, but also with, eloquence, and foresight, their personality traits are loyalty, faithfulness, love, as well as peace, harmony, and balance. Emerald-shaped or rectangular shapes represent stability.
💠Moonstone💠; Blue Moonstone to represent the Blue Moon. Round shape to represent the full moon stage.
🌕Mizuki🌕; mix of Rainbow Diamond and rainbow Quartz: same info about rainbow quartz, but there is no info about the rainbow diamond. Unique Gem design which would be the rarest out of fairy species.
🌸Kazumi🌸; a mix of Rose quartz & pink Diamond: Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love, the stone of universal love Pink Diamond gives spiritual freedom by providing clear thoughts. The rhomb shape is a symbol of strength, and invulnerability often associated with royalty, with the apex symbolizing illumination and the four sides embodying the four elements of a successful relationship: trust, understanding, honesty, and communication.
❄️Cryo❄️; Angelite symbolizes soothing and peaceful energy. Snowflake shaped to represent his ice powers.
☠️Doku☠️; Ruby Zoisite: there is no meaning. Stringer tail or the tension to represent the Scorpion tail so, he can use toxic to paralyze, put them to sleep, and poison them but he doesn't want use that.
🌪️Fuji🌪️; Amethyst: a symbol of peace and unification, the amethyst's personality is multi-talented, courageous, and liked for your honesty. Feather shapes represent her wind and air powers.
⛰️Daichi⛰️; Jasper: they are sacred of physical and spiritual protection, it's considered to be strong-willed and determined, they can be strong of self-confidence, and they aren't afraid to express their opinions, they are known to be passionate, enthusiastic about their in interests and pursuits. Triangle-shaped is a symbol of spiritualism and enlightenment.
🌊Eimi🌊; Aquamarine: symbolizes youth, love, and hope, also represents happiness, hope,e, and everlasting youth, also be associated with tranquility, serenity, clarity, and harmony. Pear/Waterdrop to represent her powers of water.
🔥Kazuya🔥; Carnelian: it's symbolic of the warmth, strength, courage, and creativity. Fire shapes represent her fire powers.
🌿Chikao🌿; Jade: it's a symbol of purity, serenity, and nurturing. Leaf shapes represent his plant powers.
💓Aiko💓; Spinal: it believe to encourage great passion, devotion, and longevity, it symbolizes health, revitalization, and connection to infinite spiritual energy. The heart shape represents the center of emotion, affection, and love especially romantic love.
📖Keitaro📖; Purple Diamond: they are associated with spiritual, enlightenment, and pride. The Eye shaped represents his psychic powers.
☯️Hikari☯️; Red Ruby: it symbolizes passion, protection, and wealth, they are thought to be protective of home, possessions, and family also can seek power, exude charisma, and passion, have a harmonic, hard-working nature while bursting with life. Flower shape, thanks to Inaaya for giving me an idea.
⛓️Tsuyoshi⛓️; Snowflake Obsidian: meaning conquering the unknown, and it can encourage you to identify unhealthy behavioral patterns. The spear tip shape represents a weaponized tail that he'll use for the occasion.
🔮Li Jing🔮; Pink Sapphire: they signify love, elegance, compassion, power, strength, and wise judgment, sapphire rules characteristics like energy, likeness, power, courage, vigor, and passion. Star-shaped represent divine guidance and protection while they symbolize excellence, professionalism, quality, and imagination.
👻Shen👻; Black Obsidian: symbol of power and resilience. Ghost shape to represent his ghost powers.
☀️Kira☀️; Citrine: they can associated with abundance, prosperity, and success. Sun shaped represent her sun powers.
🌙Getsumi🌙; Pale Blue Moonstone: it can channel hope, sensitivity, and abundance. Crescent-shaped represents his moon powers.
Li Jing, Shen, Kira & Getsumi belong to great pal @muncho1234.
Aiko, Keitaro, Hikari, & Tsuyoshi belong to my lovely little sibling Inaaya/@multiverseleaderxxx.
And rest of pure and hybird fairy belong me/@mild-secret-au
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watadere · 2 years
thinking about how at the end of s8 the hermitheus’ corruption is made of amethyst. in s9 quest crystals are renamed/recolored amethyst crystals. ren the king. octagon, the hermatrix. he’s at the helm of it all. just something to think about
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mikaharuka · 1 year
Last Lines... for Jan 10, 2023
Well, you know the drill! With my 500+ words/day resolution, figured I'd continue posting the last part of whatever I wrote that day because 'fun' and 'accountability'... so here I am! Fair warning, though, that these are basically zero-edit, raw-draft lines :)
[From Prithvi]
Logically speaking, Beau was definitely within the shrine. He’d never left at any point in between - not that he could’ve done so, not with all of those eyes keeping track of his every move. And yet, there was no way this beautiful bath could possibly be within the shrine.
The space spanned much farther than the aquatic center he regularly frequented. There were several columns interspersed throughout, rising at least two stories to the series of domes and skylights shining strangely bright light into the center of the pool.
Bright light… but wasn’t it still rather foggy outside? How could that be?
The walls and columns were made of that same marbled white stone that adorned the exterior of the shrine, but it was as if it had all been polished - brought back to its former glory. Smooth surfaces that felt endless in their elegant, spacious feel.
Elegant… but why only the bath? Why not also the exterior of the shrine?
Intricate geometric patterns lined the surfaces in brilliant emeralds, sapphires, and amethysts, with that lotus pattern embedded into the floor of the octagonal pool. The colors lent a cooler sensation contrasting the steam rising from the surface of the water.
Vibrant colors… but only within those the flowers? Why were they so… bewitching?
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Orgone Octagon Shaped Pendant with Purple Amethyst Crystals.
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shahidjewelsblog · 10 days
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millioncharmsog · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 925 Sterling Silver Rhodium Emerald-cut Amethyst & Diamond Charm Pendant.
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masterscrafts · 5 months
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Antique Siberian Amethyst Ring 💜
Antique Siberian Amethyst Ruby Diamond Platinum Ring
Circa 1910s
This early Art Deco octagon-shaped platinum ring features an excellent Siberian amethyst (approximately 16.32 ct, 17.8 x 10.8 mm) of a deep royal purple color framed by diamonds and calibre cut rubies.
The octagon top is 24 mm (15/16 in.) wide.
Weight 12.83 grams
Ring size 8 (18 mm) sizable
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theshadytree123 · 8 months
The Necklace of Viernar
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The Necklace of Viernar is a very important item in Behind the Veil. It has been described as a having a simple silver chain and baile, with a small, trapezoid amethyst embedded into it. The pendant itself was a large, flawless sapphire, that was cut into an octagon. It was gifted to Princess Eliora Rosesorrow for her 150th birthday, when she came of age. She treasured it, and when she went insane and murdered both her entire extended family and herself, it is said that her last act was to curse the necklace so that anyone who tried to directly touch it would be stuck in a coma, gaining strange injuries as they slowly wasted away. This seems to be true, as this has happened to several people. It was sitting in Castle Rosesorrow with the rest of the national treasures and Crown Jewels before being stolen by the Noble House of Vernis. It is now the Lesteras’ job to get it back.
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eye4jewelry · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Modern Octagon Amethyst & Cubic Zirconia Rose Gold Plated 925 Sterling Pendant.
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As Per Astrological Purpose Why Should You Wear Cats Eye Stone?
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Introduction Emeralds are one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world. With their rich green color and stunning sparkle, they're a popular choice for jewelry lovers around the globe. If you're considering investing in emerald gemstone jewelry but aren't quite sure if it's right for you, here are the top 5 reasons why you should wear emerald gemstone jewelry: 1: Emeralds are Timeless Emeralds have been a popular choice in jewelry for centuries. Their timeless beauty makes them perfect for any occasion, whether you're celebrating an anniversary or just want to look your best on a first date. Emeralds are known as "the stone of courage," which may explain why they've been so popular with warriors throughout history--from ancient warriors like Alexander the Great to modern-day soldiers who wear emeralds while serving their country overseas. 2: Emeralds are Unique If you're looking for something that's truly unique, emerald gemstones are the way to go. Emeralds come in all different colors and can have a variety of different shapes. The best part is that each stone has its own unique cut and shape, so you can create one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces with them! 3: Emeralds Have Meaning Emeralds have been associated with many different meanings throughout history. They have been used as symbols of love and friendship, health, strength and wisdom. In fact, you could say that emeralds are one of the most versatile gemstones in the world because they can be used to express feelings and values in almost any situation! 4: Emeralds are Versatile Emeralds are versatile gemstones that can be worn with a variety of styles and colors. They look great when paired with other gemstones such as diamonds or rubies, making them an excellent choice for those who want to add some sparkle to their wardrobe. 5: Emeralds are Durable Emeralds are one of the most durable gemstones, making them ideal for everyday wear. The hardness of emeralds makes them resistant to scratches and chips, so your jewelry will stay looking beautiful for years to come. Emeralds can also be cleaned with mild soap and water or a soft cloth if necessary. Conclusion Emerald gemstone jewelry is not only beautiful, but it is also versatile, durable, and carries with it a rich history of meaning and symbolism. Whether you're looking to make a bold statement or simply want to add a touch of elegance to your wardrobe, emerald gemstone jewelry is the perfect choice. Instagram Gallery 1589 166 6280 827 4700 96 2478 57 1805 654 1754 985 2678 260 5282 339 9447 949 4135 102 1516 756 6938 696 5841 163 5552 642 8849 735 9837 985 6831 531 1860 875 Recent Posts - What to know before wearing a Garnet stone? - What is Blue Sapphire? Why Blue sapphire is the most Powerful Gemstone? - Can I wear Emerald stone (Panna) without consultation? - Unheated Ruby vs. Heated Ruby Emerald For you - Certified Natural 4.91 carat Emerald Stone (Panna Ratna) Octagonal shape Astrological Emerald ₹14,000.00 ₹7,650.00 - 3.35 Carat Precious Panna 3.75 ratti Oval Shape GII India Certified ₹20,000.00 ₹8,375.00 - 7.10 Carat Genuine Panna 8.00 ratti GII India Lab Certified ₹55,000.00 ₹24,850.00 Contact Us FIND YOUR BEST STONE FROM BELOW COLLECTION Blue Sapphire Yellow Sapphire Emerald Ruby Opal Amethyst Catseye Blue Topaz Yellow Topaz Feroza Garnet Malachite Pearl Red Coral Akik White Coral Peridot Citrine Aquamarine Round CVD Cushion CVD Oval CVD Princess CVD Heart CVD Emerald CVD Radiant CVD Asscher CVD Baguette CVD Pear CVD Marquise CVD Round HPHT Cushion HPHT Oval HPHT Princess HPHT Heart HPHT Emerald HPHT Radiant HPHT Asscher HPHT Baguette HPHT Pear HPHT Marquise HPHT 1 Mukhi 2 Mukhi 3 Mukhi 4 Mukhi 5 Mukhi 6 Mukhi 7 Mukhi 8 Mukhi 9 Mukhi 10 Mukhi 11 Mukhi 12 Mukhi 13 Mukhi 14 Mukhi 15 Mukhi 16 Mukhi 17 Mukhi 18 Mukhi 19 Mukhi 20 Mukhi 21 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Garbh Gauri Shankar Savaar Sidhha Mala Jaap Mala Indra Mala Ganesha Ganesha Read the full article
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gioiafinejewellery · 2 years
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Floral Inspired Ring Featuring a lagoon bluish green tourmaline in pear shaped, cluster design with family birthstone. Beautifully created with unique fancy shaped from octagon spinel, kit-shaped (diamond-cut) amethyst to marquise and round brilliance diamond. https://gioia.com.sg/family-birthstone-jewellery/ #gioiafinejewellery #jewellery #finejewellery #family #birthstone #heirloomjewellery #personalisedjewellery #familyring #familyjewellery #instagram #singapore #instagood #fashion #love (at GIOIA Fine Jewellery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch6pJBYO3EO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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divnishk · 2 years
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Natural Bi Ametrine | AAA Quality Faceted Octagon | Bi Ametrine For Jewelry Making. If you want any shape or size please drop us a message. https://www.etsy.com/in-en/shop/Divnishk?ref=seller-platform-mcnav https://www.ebay.com/str/divnishk #ametrine #faceted #facetedcabochons #facetedoctagon #bio #etsyseller #ebayseller #biametrine #purple #yellow #citrine #amethyst #ametrinejewelry #divnishk https://www.instagram.com/p/CcnTEwjvzFw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jewelrytrendart · 2 years
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*Stone Name : Natural Ametrine Necklace *Stone Color : As Seen As Picture *Shape : Octagon *Stone Color : As Seen As Picture *Size : 7.0x5.0mm *Quantity : 1 Pendant Necklace *Shape : Cabochon *Country Of Origin : Brazil *Quality : AA+ *Gemstone Type : Natural For Query DM or WhatsApp on +91 8739960345 JTA-168 #ametrine #jewelry #natural #jewellery #naturelover #photograph #handmadejewelry #ametrinecrystals #jewels #crystal #gems #gemstone #turquoise #crystalhealing #pendant #gemstones #ruby #quartz #amethyst #gem #jewelrytrendart #ametrinenecklace https://www.instagram.com/p/ChR6Ta-JIZU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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