#Amogus horse
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firefly-g1 · 2 years
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Fizzy 🫧 mlp g1
And a little amogus bubble🌚😏
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witchtaunter · 2 years
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Wow, what a cute lyra. Absoultely nothing sussy here.
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mr-cosmic-11 · 1 year
Horse amogus
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The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe — beating a dead author since 2022
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as-de-spadas · 1 year
Ok so just to sum up the craziest happenings of JUST THIS WEEK:
Grian was busy one-upping Mumbo in an impractical copper-aging structure competition when Impulse, Gem (who are having an all out prank war with Pearl) and Scar arrived to absolutely bully him into building the back of his base, giving him twenty four hours to build it before they explode his base, later installing a giant TNT dispenser above his base set to explode regularly the front of his base after 24 hours. However, he was too busy accidentally exploding Doc's tunnel bore machine with Scar, later trying to rebuild it, leaving gifts as apologies and blowing a hole through the ceiling to escape when breaking the news to Doc, which just worsens his mood when he finds out not only that, but that Grian has been stealing copper from the walls of the Perimeter for months. Keep in mind, Doc is in possesion of an anvil launcher, a slimeblock moving mecha-goat which launches TNT, a charged creeper launcher and something even worse in the works. He then procedes to make Grian's nether portal one single portal block to haunt him. All of that just for one-upping Mumbo with an Amogus meme, who, by the way, created the Button 2, which dispenses the hermit's diamonds back to them, but if they wait to much to press it, it explodes them all. Also, Cleo, as a british person, built a museum with his friend's prized possesions and a lot of the king's memorabilia the day of King Charle's coronation irl, and also, Scar hawkeyed Bdub's day one horse "Mi Amore" ("My Love" in italian) just after he built a whole ranch in a custom horse head shaped mountain just for him.
So yeah. May is gonna be an interesting month it turns out.
Edit: Ok, so as @orangekingfisher pointed out, "Mi Amore" actually translates to "Me Love", which actually does not surprise me at all, the hermits have a history of messing up foreign languagues lol.
(See Bdubs calling Pearl a bitch in spanish by accident)
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wild-moss-art · 4 months
I’m going to see caligulas horse :3 also amogus tat appointments have been booked!!!
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dykebeckett · 1 year
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cyanocoraxx · 2 years
did anyone ever toold yyyyyyyyyyyyyou that you know . you literally know metal sonic and silver sonic and mecha sonic so good... you know them better than rest of these BITCHESSSSSSS!!!! i think you are a good . i think you KNOW them and are so brain huge... i think um. they should give you like a reward . or 10 rewards!!! did you know?
if i'm brain huge you're brain HUAMONGUS. (heheehehehe. amongus. amogus. get it?)
anyway here's some thouhghts and feelings i have *rattles my cpu and random bits fall out onto the table* o__O
mecha is totally ambivalent to gender. he, she, they, it, xe, whatever. its all fine. the way others perceive them has no bearing on who they are internally. silver is a they/he king but sometimes sprinkles in a she here and there for good measure. metal is he/they/it royalty. its enemies have called it an "it" in the past and it's reclaimed it unconsciously.
silver sees partly in infrared and they think everyone else does too. they dont know its "different" until someone is like what do you mean i'm glowing????
mecha's field of vision is more limited. think of like a horse with blinkers. it was supposed to keep him from distractions in battle so that he could focus on the MURDER DEATH KILL of that certain blue hog. now it just makes them hyperfixate on things even more because the Thing He's Interested In is all he can SEE.
anyway mecha is autistic coded. they struggle with effective empathy (not so much cognitive empathy), they find it difficult to bond with new people due to lack of understanding of social cues - but when they do bond with someone its very strong - and they come off as quite factual and blunt without meaning to be. when they're comfortable with someone they infodump a lot, not to sound smart or anything but just because Hey this person might appreciate this knowledge because I know I Appreciate It. *becomes a functioning wikipedia farticle*
silver is the adhd king. it's a sonic t hedgehog thing. disregard for authority? check. sitting still? don't know her. easily distracted, really enjoys music for the sensory input. etc.
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glitchyanimations · 1 year
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Welp. I couldn't help it but I had the urge to draw the Amogus horse.
I'm not sorry for this, @innerslothllc lol
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smartie-ya · 2 years
Every time I see another fucking "how to use an amogus as a base for a drawing" it kills me inside a little more. That hellsite runs jokes into the ground so mercilessly there literally is no more dead horse left to beat.
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tired-demonspawn · 2 years
people who follow my reblogging side-blog have to have such a tonal whiplash while scrolling
like i can reblog a very serious thing about the recent overruling of roe v. wade and then the next post is "amogus morbin time in the horse plinko with all the blorbos, cats will be involved"
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unpleasant-ghoul · 1 year
Sometimes I play Different Strokes.
Usually my drawings in it end up being either not exactly improved (bits misinterpreted, or altered by someone with even less skill than I have) or vandalized (I spent a good bit of time on my first portrait of a harpy. And someone erased it and drew a shitty amogus in its place. Dude, there's empty canvas all over the place, why pick my painting if you don't plan to work with its idea?)
But there's that one artist, hurdle_turtle. Altered my works twice, and oh boy! THAT'S what I like to see in Different Strokes! Takes what's already there, makes it better. Not a single line misinterpreted. Rooster horse? It was okayish when I did it, hurdle_turtle made it great. Second harpy portrait? Holy shit! Finer lines, yes. Shading. All that. I was going with a sinister and maybe a bit seductive expression, hurdle_turtle made her Disney villain levels of both.
I mean, check it out
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goldpilot22 · 2 years
hows about the fandom ask thing for your amogus ocs?
blorbo - probably rösz although recently mályva has been rotating in my mind a lot too
scrunkly - citrom. theyre literally stabby the space roomba
scrimblo bimblo - tbh I don't give remora enough time to shine but he deserves more
glup shitto - as far as obscure goes kaisla is probably the most considering how new they are. I think I need to give them cool impostor abilities and also make them more gnc
poor little meow meow - citrom again I think. roomba that ran away from home and joined the crew of a spaceship and then realized that its new physical body was identical to another crew member's so the first thing it did was kill them and try to take their place
horse plinko - well obviously rösz and mályva. I love to hurt them (it's fine they're flesh robots they can take it)
eeby deeby - bianca 100%. first crewmate in history to actually get fired
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boy-armageddon · 2 years
thank you!!!!! can we amogus today too 🥺
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