#Carmilla Night in Canada
canadachronicles · 7 years
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Carmilla: [about Laura gleefully accepting gingerbread cookies from creepy Mama Klaus when she wasn’t in a festive mood before, a tad jealous maybe] “Oh, really, so when I offer it’s all: ‘You don’t understand, Carmilla. Oh, you can’t kill people for Christmas, Carmilla!’ But some old diner lady hauls her creepy gingebread and--”
--in Carmilla: The Christmas Special
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frayderike · 3 years
Around the World in 80 Books (2022)
Reading challenge for 2022: Read books that take place in 80 different countries of the world. You have to visit countries within the following 8 regions: North America, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Oceania/Australia.
More info: Goodreads group
legend: want to read (subject to change) | * currently reading | ✔ done
Countries: 13/80
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North America
Untied States: An Emotion of Great Delight ✔
Canada: The Testaments ✔
the Caribbean
Jamaica: A Brief History of Seven Killings
Latin America
Brazil: Where We Go From Here ✔
Venezuela: It Would Be Night in Caracas
Mexico: Gods of Jade and Shadow
Germany: Die Schwarze Madonna: Afrodeutscher Heimatkrimi ✔
Poland: Schindler's List
France: The Gilded Wolves
Austria: Carmilla
Slovakia: Samko Tále's Cemetery Book ✔
Norway: The Mercies ✔
England: Loveless ✔
Finland: Blaue Frau ✔
Ireland: Angela's Ashes
Spain: The Shadow of the Wind
Sweden: Anxious People
Ukraine: Voices from Chernobyl
Greece: Ariadne
Zimbabwe: Nervous Conditions ✔
Sudan: Who Fears Death
Tanzania: Afterlives
Morocco: Daughter of Smoke & Bone
Nigeria: Noor or The Girl with the Louding Voice
Ethiopia: My Soul to Keep
Libya: The Return: Fathers, Sons, and the Land in Between
South Africa: Sugar Town Queens ✔
the Middle East
Israel: Israel - eine Utopie
Turkey: Black Powder War
Iran: The Stationary Shop
Kuwait: Against the Loveless World
Qatar: Love from A to Z ✔
Japan: Confessions ✔
South Korea: Our Happy Time or Kim Ji Young, Born 1982
China: Dream of Ding Village
Taiwan: The Membranes *
India: The Widows of Malabar Hill or Blue-Skinned Gods
Vietnam: The Sympathizer
Malaysia: State of Emergency
Hong Kong: Second Sister
New Zealand: Quiet in Her Bones ✔
Australia: A Million Things
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afy2018 · 4 years
Escape to a Memory
1976- Toronto, Canada
“Do you have everything you need, babe?” Danny asked.
“Almost. You have the camera?”
“No, check under the bed.”
“Thanks.” Carmilla smiled, going back to their bedroom. “Found it!”
“Good, was it under the bed?”
“No, on the nightstand.”
“Now are you ready?” Danny asked.
“Yeah, I think so.” She check all over again in her green suitcase, and closed it.
“Let’s load up the Chevy.”
Carmilla kissed Danny’s cheek, and picked up the suitcases as Danny held the door open. The gate was open, so she continued until she reached the garage. Carmilla set down the cases, and unlocked the door, opening it and throwing them in the back. Danny followed close behind, standing close to her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around Carmilla’s front. The vampire looked up and kissed the fiery haired girl.
She smiled and hopped into the bed of the chevy. Danny smiled, and got into the front, starting up the car. She drove to her friend’s house, who was going to drop them off at the airport. Once they arrived at the house, Danny went over to the bed, and picked Carmilla up, swooping her over her shoulder.
“Danny!” Carmilla laughed. “AH! Babe!”
Danny set her down, and walked to the front door, knocking. “Mark? You home?”
“Yeah, sorry.” Mark said opening the door, his boyfriend in the kitchen.
“It’s okay. Good morning Charlie.”
“Morning Danny, Carmilla! Have fun on your trip.” The Gym Rabbit said.
“Ready?” Mark asked.
“Yeah.” Carmilla answered.
“Okay.” He turned around, and said “Bye sweetheart.”
As the three walked to the truck, Danny swooped Carmilla into a bridal carry. and asked Mark, “So how’s it going with you and your oracle?”
“Great. He sees everything, but he’s been acting strange for a while. I don’t know.”
“Well, I hope it’s nothing bad.”
Carmilla kissed Danny as she was set into the truck. She smiled and buckled her seat belt, watching Danny form into a wolf and climb into the bed of the truck. She laughed when Danny slipped. Mark laughed a bit, and got into the front seat.
“So has the feeding been kind?” Mark asked.
“Yeah.” Carmilla answered. “Thanks again Mark for driving us.”
“No prob. You know, you and Danny are such an adorable couple. how long have you two known each other?”
“Since about 1951. What about you and Charlie?”
“About 6 years now. We met in chess club.”
“Was he a good player?”
“The best.”
“How about you?”
“I was good, but I got some tips from Charlie to help me out.”
Carmilla looked back at Danny, and smiled. “What’s it like being normal?”
“Normal? I’m dating an oracle. He knows everything I do. It’s not that normal.”
“True, but what about before you met him?”
“Well, I slept in, played board games, and hung out with my friends. What do you miss?”
“Aging, my family, Austria. I don’t mean to be a downer.”
“No, it’s okay. I wanted to know. I asked.”
“But if I had died when I was supposed to, I wouldn’t have met my wolf.”
“I think that is adorable.” Mark said grinning. “You two are perfect for eachother.”
“Je peux dire la même chose pour toi et Charles.”
“Oh bon?”
“Merci aussi.”
“Carmilla, je vais soin pour sa voiture. D’accord?”
“D’accord, merci Mark.”
Carmilla slept in the front as Mark listened to the radio. Danny rested but didn’t sleep. Mark smiled at the thought of Carmilla and Danny together, maybe even married...someday. As he neared the airport, Mark woke Carmilla up, and parked the car to unpack. Carmilla struggled into the bed of the truck, and kissed Danny awake. The wolf morphed into a human, and kissed Carmilla back, laughing at the shocked vampire. Carmilla broke the kiss and grabbed the suitcases.
“Thanks Mark.” Danny said waving the human good bye.
“No problem girls. See you.”
Danny and Carmilla walked into the airport, bought their tickets, and headed for the plane. Once on the plane, Carmilla cuddled into Danny and slept. Danny smiled and brushed the hair out of the smaller girl’s eyes. The wolf slept, dreaming of their travel. ‘Her and the vampire had arrived to the port, it was dark, but there was a pungent scent in the air. Drunk Americans walked around like toddlers taking their first step. But they were able to get on board easily.’ Carmilla shift around. ‘Her and the girl got to their cabin, and set down their stuff. They walked out, hand in hand, onto the deck. There was Mark, Charlie, and some of her co-workers. They were having a party with a cake that had confetti like sprinkles on it. They greeted them, and they ate. Carmilla kissed Danny and Mark told jokes. Danny blinked, and the boat turned into-’
“Babe, wake up. We’re landing.” Carmilla whispered excitedly. “You ready?”
“Yeah.” Danny yawned in reply.
Danny cuddled into Carmilla who wrapped her arms around the tall girl. Once they landed, Carmilla woke Danny up again and they walked off the plane. The airport was large and loud. There were people yelling and talking. Danny winced at the noise and grabbed her girlfriend’s hand. They grabbed their bags quickly bypassing the people who stood like barriers. The two exited the airport and hailed a taxi. They climbed inside and told the driver where to go. Danny looked outside, there she saw hookers, police, and beggars as one large group. They seemed to act like friends. Danny looked away as one of the girls stared at the stopped car. Carmilla rested her head against the wolf’s shoulder and purred. They arrived at the boat about 3 minutes later. Danny grabbed the cases and waited for Carmilla.
“Can you get the tickets out of my jacket?” Dany asked.
“Yeah.” Carmilla reached into Danny’s jacket pocket and picked out the two tickets. “There.” “Thanks babe.”
“Ready?” Carmilla asked.
Danny nodded in response and they walked onto the boat, Carmilla right behind. She handed the tickets forward to a young man who wore a nice white suit. He smiled a toothy grin and greeted us, taking our tickets. He said something in a thick cajun accent.
Carmilla pulled ahead, and answered “Merci, garçon.”
The boy nodded and handed her a schedule. “Vous avez un bon voyage Madames.”
“Merci beaucoup.”
As they walked away, Danny asked Carmilla, “You speak french fluently?”
“Yeah, you didn’t know that?”
“No, you only speak english or german around me.”
“Let’s put our stuff away.”
Danny checked in, and got her key from the front desk. They looked back up to see the numbers on the door. When Danny found their suite, she unlocked the door. Carmilla rushed in and jumped onto their large bed. Danny smiled, and set her stuff down, closing and locking the door behind her. Carmilla motioned for the wolf to come closer. The ginger walked over and kissed her girlfriend. The vampire pulled Danny on top of her and unbuttoned her jeans. She kissed the wolf’s neck. Danny quickly rid of Carmilla’s clothes. She reached a hand into the vampire’s underwear, and rubbed her fingers through her slick folds. Continuing to tease and pleasure her girlfriend. Carmilla tore at the wolf, holding tight as she came. They kissed and held each other as the smaller girl fell down from her high.
“Danny.” Carmilla laughed. “I need a moment.”
Danny moved, away from Carmilla and grabbed the camera. She brought it up to her eye, and focused on her angel. Carmilla peaked over and smiled, taking one of the pillows and throwing it at her. They laughed as the vampire posed. Danny got about five pictures before Carmilla crawled over pulling the camera down, and kissed her. Danny broke the kiss and placed the camera back onto the nightstand. Carmilla backed off, and checked the paper given to her.
“There’s going to be a concert at 18:00.” Carmilla read slipping her glasses on.
“When’s the food served?”
“In 4 hours.”
“Okay, isn’t there a dance on the deck?”
“Yeah, it’s an hour before the concert.”
“We should go to that.”
“Yeah, that’d be fun.”
“Vous laissez cette salope blonde danser sur vous!” Carmilla yelled.
“Calm down babe.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down vous putain de gingembre!” She slapped the taller girl.
Danny grabbed her wrist and commanded, “Do not hit me again Mircalla.”
Carmilla hissed and pulled away. She walked to the bathroom and locked herself in. She sat up against the door and curled her fists up. The dark haired girl cried, pulling her legs up so she was in fetal position. Danny’s sharp ears heard the sobbing, and she hit the bed with fury. She was so enraged with herself. She walked out with one of the keys and walked to the bow of the boat. She cursed to herself and looked at the night sky. Her tears started rolling once she compared the sky to Carmilla’s eyes. When she returned, Carmilla was no longer in the bathroom. She was on the couch in her panther form, she was asleep. Danny clenched her jaw, and picked up the dark furred animal, setting her gently on the bed. Carmilla stirred and opened her eyes. Danny caught her glance, but laid down on the couch. ‘She’s so chivalrous.’ Carmilla though. ‘How could she hurt me like that? How?’ She turned her head away from Danny and slept on the bed. Danny, however, continued to look at the sleeping panther. She closed her eyes letting a single tear fall.
~ “Carmilla, they’re serving breakfast.” Danny whispered to the sleeping form.
The vampire murmured something but slowly got up.
“I’ll be there.”
The panther nodded, and started to shift back into a human. Carmilla walked over to her clothing and slipped them on. Danny walked out to the deck. She got a table and waited for Carmilla to arrive before she ate. The sleepy girl walked out and got her food. She found the wolf, and sat on the other side of the table.
“Sorry about hitting you Danny.” Carmilla said.
“Maybe not here, Carm.”
“Oh, yeah.”
They ate in silence, not really looking at each other. Danny was the first to leave, going back to their cabin. She went to go take a shower as she waited for Carmilla. The dark haired girl entered, sitting on the bed. When Danny got out, she only bothered to wear the towel. Carmilla smiled a bit as Danny sat next to her.
“It was my fault. I should have told the girl that I was already taken.”
“I over reacted though.”
“It was all on me, Carm.”
Carmilla looked away, glancing at the maroon shag carpet. “Pouvons-nous embrasser et le maquillage?”
“For now… the second part.”
Carmilla nodded and hugged Danny. The ginger held the black haired girl’s hips and the arm that was slung over her shoulder and around her neck. Carmilla nuzzled the ginger’s neck and smiled. Danny whispered a gaelic saying to Carmilla making the girl smile at the ancient language.
Carmilla opened her eyes, a film of tears still in her eyes even though she’d been here before. Many times before. The girl next to her put an arm around her shoulders She read the stone. ‘Danielle Lawrence ? - 2023: Tendre Mèrè, Copine, et Femme.’ The girl next to her rubbed the vampire’s back. A tiny girl in a black dress tugged at Carmilla’s skirt. Carmilla looked down and smiled, picking the girl up.
“Maman, pourquoi pleures-tu?” The little girl asked.
“Ma cherie, je me souviens. Je me souviens.” Carmilla answered
“Rentrons à la maison, maman.” The other girl said.
Carmilla nodded and walked to the black car.
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weirdletter · 5 years
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The Global Vampire: Essays on the Undead in Popular Culture Around the World (Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy), edited by Cait Coker, afterword by Amanda Jo Hobson and U. Melissa Anyiwo, McFarland, 2020. Cover image by Ruta Production/Shutterstock, info: mcfarlandbooks.com.
The media vampire has roots throughout the world, far beyond the shores of the usual Dracula-inspired Anglo-American archetypes. Depending on text and context, the vampire is a figure of anxiety and comfort, humor and fear, desire and revulsion. These dichotomies gesture the enduring prevalence of the vampire in mass culture; it can no longer articulate a single feeling or response, bound by time and geography, but is many things to many people. With a global perspective, this collection of essays offers something new and different: a much needed counter-narrative of the vampire’s evolution in popular culture. Divided by geography, this text emphasizes the vampiric as a globetrotting citizen du monde rather than an isolated monster.
Contents: Acknowledgments Preface (and In Memoriam) Introduction—Texts and Contexts: The Global Vampire in Popular Culture – Cait Coker     The Americas and Canada Biting, Sex and Blood: The New American Vampire Narrative – Candace R. Benefiel “I’ll give you blood to drink”: The New Vampire in Novels About the Salem Witch Trials – Marta María Gutiérrez-Rodríguez Wes Craven’s Vampire in Brooklyn: A Passing Narrative – Kendra R. Parker The Transmediated Lesbian Vampire: LGBTQ Representation in a Contemporary Adaptation of J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s – Carmilla Natalie Krikowa Éternelle Colonization: The Figure of the Vampire as Colonizing Factor in 21st-Century Québec – Maureen-C. LaPerrière and Julien Drainville     Europe and the Mediterranean “The creatures of the night, what bad jokes they make!”: Racism, “True” Humor and the Nationalistic Vampire on Film – Simon Bacon Amid and Beyond Gender(s): The Vampire as a Locus of Gender Neutrality in John Ajvide Lindqvist’s Let the Right One In – Marie Levesque The Economic Miracle and the Italian Undead in Tempi duri per i vampiri – Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns “Time is an abyss”: The Role of History in Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu (1979) – Thomas Prasch There’s Water Here: Cities, Safety and the Global Environment in Jim Jarmusch’s Only Lovers Left Alive – Karen E. Viars     Asia and Australia From Sunnydale to Seoul: The Vampire “Fan” in Korean Dramas – Cait Coker “Don’t adjust your life to mine”: Moon Child, Homoeroticism and the Vampire as Multifaceted Other – Miranda Ruth Larsen Aboriginal Australian Vampires and the Politics of Transmediality – Naomi Simone Borwein “In need of vitamin sea”: The Emergence of Australian Identity Through the Eyes and Thirst of Kirsty Eager’s Vampires – Phil Fitzsimmons     Globalism: Real and Virtual Worlds? The Ecohorror of The Strain: Plant Vampires and Climate Change as a Holocaust – Tatiana Prorokova-Konrad “Set to drain”: Vampirism as Mechanic and Metaphor in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – Trevor Dodge Afterword – Amanda Jo Hobson and U. Melissa Anyiwo About the Contributors Works Cited Index
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wolfgangism · 5 years
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hello!! im kavi, he/they, 19, and im in the est timezone. i’m usually in class or in the lab during the day but i’ll be here in the night and i’m always accessible on discord! this is my kiddo, wolf. if you wanna plot just smash that like button and i’ll IM you here ( but i prefer discord ( so if you wanna shoot me a message instead, my username is greedling#3129 )) . ok lets get into this but before i start rambling: TRANS RIGHTS !!
∽∕  [ JEON JEONGGUK, AGENDER, THEY/THEM ] hey! you must be that [ TWENTY-TWO ] year old player people were talking about! they kept saying your name is [ WOLFGANG JAEGAL ], but that you go by [ WOLF ], and that you’re a [ INTRIM ] and from [ LOS ANGELES ]. oh! and also that you’ve been working as a [ HORROR WRITER ] while you’re in here. I really hope it’s true, ‘cus i’ve also heard that you’re [ IMAGINATIVE ] & [ COURAGEOUS ], but i’m not going to lie that some say you’re [ UNORGANIZED ] & [ IRRESPONSIBLE ]. wait a second…now that I think about it, you kind of remind me of [ BLINKING NEON LIGHTS, FRUSTRATED TYPING, AND HEARTBEATS QUICKENING AT A JUMP SCARE ], which is pretty cool! see you around then!  ∕∽
► basics;
birth name (f, l): daeun jaegal legal name (f, l): wolfgang jaegal age: 22 birthday: may 16 gender: agender (afab) sexual orientation: pan occupation: horror author main realm: they don’t really have a main one, they go everywhere. ► background;
place of birth: canada current residence: los angeles, california education: bachelor’s in creative writing ► physical;
faceclaim: jeon jeongguk eye color: dark brown-black  hair color & style: dark brown, that long-ish haire that jjk has rn.. yea height: 5′9 weight: 153 lb tattoos, birthmarks, scars, etc: scars on chest where they had top surgery. in game: everything is the same except they have ‘typical’ cismale anatomy. they are interested in modifications but haven’t really found anything that interests them yet.
► personality;
positive traits: imaginative, courageous, adventurous, persuasive,  negative traits: reckless, unorganized, irresponsible, stubborn alignment: chaotic good more: wolf is not one to feel regretful. they live in the moment and stand by every statement and action they make. act first, think later. willing to try anything once. will never back down from a challenge. pits themself against their own mortality. facade of being fearless. high spirited mischief maker. 
► misc;
hobbies: gaming, watching/reading horror movies favorite book: if asked directly, they would say their own first published novel, but really it’s carmilla by joseph sheridan le fanu favorite music genre: wolf is the type of person to listen to game and movie soundtracks pets: can barely take care of themself, you think they’re going to have a pet?
wolf was born daeun jaegal. their biological mother wasn’t prepared for children, not when she had college to finish and when her boyfriend (& wolf’s biological father) was flaky at best. she gave wolf up to her older cousin who couldn’t have biological children of her own. she took wolf in with welcoming arms and raised them as her own child. wolf grew up calling her mom and her husband dad. their biological mother visited often, and eventually told them the story.
when wolf reached the age of five, they began to feel very uncomfortable with themself. when they told this to their mom, she took it seriously and they began to discuss what was going on. around this time, she started referring to them with they/them pronouns and noticed that they were a lot happier in general.
for financial reasons, wolf was unable to go under puberty blockers. instead, when they reached 12, they went with their parents to get their first name legally changed. due to their recent fascination with classical music and wolves.... they decided on the name wolfgang. their mom only agreed to it because they would be able to shorten it to wolf (which they do. the only place their full name appears is on the cover of their books. theyre sort of embarrassed by it but much too lazy to actually go and get it changed again or to even come up with another name).
at 16, their parents surprised them with testosterone. they actually cried. 
at 18, their first boyfriend (who was filthy rich) surprised them with the money that wolf needed to get top surgery. they cried equally as much this time, if not more. 
while all this was happening, at fifteen, wolf actually began on the first draft of their first book. it was really really rough but it was a start. they had an interest in horror since they were a kid. before they started the draft, writing had been one of their only outlets in life. they’d tried singing and music but unfortunately, they were tone deaf and couldnt hold a note for their life. poetry and songwriting wasnt their calling either. what they excelled at, however, was scaring his classmates to death with their short stories.
their first book was published when they were nineteen. it got very popular very quickly and is currently being produced into a movie.
their second book was published just last year right before graduating college and was just as popular as the first. they actually had little to no inspiration for this one. they took lsd a few times at parties, which helped them come up with some ideas. they havent told anyone and they intend it to stay that way.
right after that, they ended the relationship with their boyfriend since highschool (the same one who got them top surgery). their relationship for the past few years had been on/off at best due to wolf suspecting him of cheating, which he was doing. the break up was messy and ended with wolfgang crying for the third time in their life. 
they were thrown into a pretty bad depression, and tried writing again but it was fruitless. nothing they were writing was clicking and people had high expectations that they were afraid they couldnt meet. this also influenced their dysphoria. drug use and drinking increased, and mixing with testosterone was not good at all. they ended up in the hospital after a particularly bad night.
they refused any and all treatment.
wolf decided to use utopia as an escape from life and a way to enjoy themself without worrying about real life. they are also using it to gather inspiration for a new book because they are nothing without their writing. their mom is taking care of their real body.
that’s really all i have. i can’t think of anything else but im surely missing something that i’ll add at a later point. i’ll upload a connections page later. if you made it this far then congrats! heres a gif of them thinking very hard.
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Tag game
I was tagged by @tonksandlupin thanks hufflebuddy!
Nickname(s): Ari, Ari Berry, Nubs, Ari-Jane
Gender: Female
Height: 4’11 (I know I know tiny as hekk)
Time: 6:36 PM
Where I’m from: Nevada/Arkansas
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!! 🦡💛🖤
Favourite show: Carmilla, Black Lightening, The Flash, Supergirl, and so many others
Favourite animal: sting ray
Favourite Band/artist: King Princess or Hobo Johnson
Song stuck in my head: Typical Story by Hobo Johnson
Last movie I saw: Toy Story 4
Last thing I googled: Betty White
Other blogs: nope!
Do I get asks?: no but I’d like to!!
Why this username: because I’m super gay, I love One Day At A Time, and I wanted to include the day I started dating my amazing girlfriend ❤️
Number of blankets: Always two. Comforter and a throw blanket
Followers: 383
Following: 632
Average amount of sleep: 8 or 9 hours on a good night
Lucky number: 28
What am I wearing: a white shirt with mustangs on it and black basketball shorts
Dream job: Best-selling author (but I gotta work on finishing what I start!)
Dream trips: CANADA
Favourite food: potatoes
Instruments I play: I’m not musically inclined
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Aesthetic: most days I want to say stud but mostly it’s just comfortable college student
Languages I speak: English and dork
Most iconic song: goofy goober rock and all star
When I created this account: uhhhhh 2014? Maybe ?
Why I created this account: I thought people who had tumblrs were cool
Best memory: going to Florida with my girlfriend and her family and everybody laughing when I got hit in the face with waves because I’m a lot shorter than everyone else that was in the water
Best pun: Why has my mind drawn such a blank on these last two????
Random fact: I literally cannot think of any facts at the moment
I tag: @lorenda-the-llama @howellduh
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a-wlw-reads · 7 years
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Hi tumblr! Since my most popular post by far was this Read Across the United States map, I felt I should stop acting like the US comprises the entire world and make an equivalent map of wlw books for the countries of the world. This list includes novels, anthologies, and memoirs that take place, and often are written by natives of, countries across the world. And again, I need some help filling in the blanks. Some areas of the world I really struggled with, and others I could see were replete with options, but the only lists I found were in the native language (sorry to say I’m a stereotypical monolingual American). 
Afghanistan : Ask, Tell by E.J. Noyes
Argentina : Edge of Glory by Rachel Spangler, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Australia :  The Flywheel by Erin Gough, Amelia Westlake by Erin Gough, A Story of Now by Emily O’Beirne, Points of Departure by Emily O’Beirne, Here’s The Thing by Emily O’Beirne, The Monkey’s Mask by Dorothy Porter, About A Girl by Joanne Horniman, May Day Mine by Verity Croker, Not-So-Straight Sue by Cheyenne Blue, Clancy of the Undertow by Christopher Currie, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Austria : Küss Mich, Libussa by Sophie Strohmeier, Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
Bangladesh : Bright Lines by Tanwi Nandini Islam
Belgium :  The Princess Deception by Nell Stark, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Botswana :  Queer Africa: New and Collected Fiction by Karen Martin and Makhosazana Xaba
Brazil : Tempo ao Tempo by Olívia Pilar, Dia de Domingo by Olívia Pilar, Entre Estantes by Olívia Pilar
Canada : Landing by Emma Donoghue, That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston, The Dirt Chronicles  by Kristyn Dunnion, Tomboy Survival Guide by Ivan Coyote, Gravity by Leanne Lieberman, The Young in One Another’s Arms by Jane Rule, After the Fire by Jane Rule, 96 Hours by Georgia Beers, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
China :  When Fox Is A Thousand by Larissa Lai, Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon by Ken Liu, Red Azalea by Anchee Min, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Cuba :  The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Cyprus :  The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Democratic Republic of the Congo : Everfair by Nisi Shawl
Denmark :  The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Egypt : A Smokeless Flame by Aziza Amador, A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar, Felucca Dreams by Natalie Debrabandere, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
England : Another Life Altogether by Elaine Beale, Disobedience by Naomi Alderman, The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters, Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters, Affinity by Sarah Waters, The Night Watch by Sarah Waters, Fingersmith by Sarah Waters, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal by Jeanette Winterson, I Can’t Think Straight by Shamim Sarif, Radio Silence by Alice Oseman, The Dark Victorian series by Elizabeth Watasin, Days of Grace by Catherine Hall, The Daylight Gate by Jeanette Winterson, She Rises by Kate Worsley, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Finland : The City of Woven Streets by Emmi Itäranta, Fair Play by Tove Jansson
France : The Last Nude by Ellis Avery, Last Words From Montmartre by Qiu Miaojin, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Germany : The Music Box by Elaine Atwell, Aimée & Jaguar: A Love Story, Berlin 1943 by Erica Fischer, Snapshots of a Girl by Beldan Sezen, Paper Love by Jae, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Greece : My Best Friend, Maybe by Caela Carter
Hong Kong : Fool for Love by Harper Bliss
India :  Love Bi The Way by Bhaavna Arora, Babyji by Abha Dawesar, Kari by Amruta Patil, Falling Into Place by Sheryn Munir, Out! Stories from the New Queer India by Minal Hajratwala, Facing the Mirror: Lesbian Writing from India by Ashwini Sukthankar, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Iran : If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan, Moon at Nine by Deborah Ellis
Ireland : Hood by Emma Donoghue, Stir-Fry by Emma Donoghue, Fionn:  Defence of Ráth Bládhma by Brian O’Sullivan, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Israel : A Small Country About to Vanish by Victoria Avilan, The Rosebush Murders by Ruth Shidlo, Israel/Palestine and the Queer International by Sarah Schulman, Dearest Anne by Judith Katzir, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Italy : Summer Heat by Harper Bliss, Sword of the Gladiatrix by Faith L. Justice
Jamaica : The Other Side of Paradise by Staceyann Chin, Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Y. Dennis-Benn, Bliss by Fiona Zedde, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Japan : The Teahouse Fire by Ellis Avery, A Darkly Beating Heart by Lindsay Smith, My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nagata Kabi
Jordan : I Can’t Think Straight by Shamim Sarif
Kenya : Not Yet Uhuru by Dolar Vasani
Kuwait : A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar
Lebanon :  Bareed Mista3jil, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Malawi :  Not Yet Uhuru by Dolar Vasani
Mexico : The Two Mujeres by Sara Levi Calderon, Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders by Alicia Gaspar De Alba, Sor Juana’s Second Dream by Alicia Gaspar De Alba, 24/7 by Yolanda Wallace, Our Own Private Universe by Robin Talley, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Monaco : The Princess and the Prix by Nell Stark
Nigeria : Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta
New Zealand : Tahuri by Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, Dare Truth or Promise by Paula Boock, The Shattering by Karen Healey, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Norway : The Four Winds by Gerd Brantenberg, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Pakistan : Nightingale by Andrea Bramhall
Palestine : Israel/Palestine and the Queer International by Sarah Schulman
Peru : The Copper Egg by Catherine Friend
Philippines : Before the Rain: A Memoir of Love and Revolution by Luisita Lopez Torregrosa, Don’t Tell My Mother by Brigitte Bautista, Women Loving: Stories & A Play by Jhoanna Lynn B. Cruz
Portugal : Seasons of Love by Harper Bliss
Russia : Sophia Parnok: The Life and Work of Russia’s Sappho by Diana Lewis Burgin, Love in Revolution by B.R. Collins, The Revolution of Marina M. by Janet Fitch
Saudi Arabia : The Others by Seba al-Herz
Scotland : Valhalla by Ari Bach, Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron, Once the Clouds Have Gone by K.E. Payne, Four Steps by Wendy Hudson, The Crazy Jig: Gay and Lesbian Writing from Scotland by Joanne Winning
Slovenia : The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
South Africa : The World Unseen by Shamim Sarif, Black Bull, Ancestors and Me: My Life As a Lesbian Sangoma by Nkunzi Kandile Nkabinde, The Invisible Ghetto: Lesbian and Gay Writing from South Africa by Matthew Krouse, Kaleidoscope Song by Fox Benwell, Porcupine by Jane Bennett, Reclaiming the L-Word: Sappho’s Daughters Out in Africa by Alleyn Diesel, Queer Africa: New and Collected Fiction by Karen Martin and Makhosazana Xaba, Not Yet Uhuru by Dolar Vasani, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Spain : The Spanish Pearl by Catherine Friend, The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Sri Lanka : The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Syria : Cinnamon by Samar Yazbek
Taiwan : Last Words from Montmartre by Qiu Miaojin
Tanzania : Queer Africa: New and Collected Fiction by Karen Martin and Makhosazana Xaba, Not Yet Uhuru by Dolar Vasani
Thailand : The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi
Trinidad : The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
Uganda :  Queer Africa: New and Collected Fiction by Karen Martin and Makhosazana Xaba, Not Yet Uhuru by Dolar Vasani
United States
Uruguay : The Vintage Book of International Lesbian Fiction by Naomi Holoch and Joan Nestle
US Virgin Islands : Hurricane Child by Kheryn Callender
Wales : Poppy Jenkins by Clare Ashton
Zambia : Not Yet Uhuru by Dolar Vasani,
Zimbabwe :  Queer Africa: New and Collected Fiction by Karen Martin and Makhosazana Xaba, Not Yet Uhuru by Dolar Vasani
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my-mechanical-heart · 6 years
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✖️ C A R M I L L A . k a r n s t e i n #Carmilla >> #CarmillaKarnstein { @natvanlis } This is a speedily made special piece of artwork in honour of @natvanlis ‘s birthday which is already today (3rd) in the UK! I know it’s not yet the 3rd in Canada but I cannot stay up as I’m flying to Vegas tomorrow for ClexaCon 🙌🏻 So she probably won’t see this but it doesn’t matter; I want to wish her a beautiful day with lots of love and laughter and I cannot wait for the opportunity to actually meet her in a couple of days (internalised fangirl freaking out), I just pray that my anxiety doesn’t get in the way and keeps me from enjoying the moment. Thank you Natasha for being a constant inspiration in my artwork and other areas of my life that are otherwise lacking without Carmilla! So without further ado, this little Creampuff is going to bedski. This time tomorrow..... I’ll still be on the plane! 😂😂 night y’all 😘 This is a Photomanipulation made in Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 with a Wacom Intuos Draw tablet.
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carmillaseries · 7 years
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May we present to you the official poster for The Carmilla Movie!
Not only are we excited to bring you this awesome new artwork, photographed by the incredible Ashlea Wessel, we also have a few more exciting pieces of information to share about how YOU can see the film!
Firstly, we are thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with Cineplex Events to bring the film to the big screen for a one-night-only event, taking place in 30 cities across Canada on October 26th. This screening will feature exclusive footage that you can’t see anywhere else, so we hope you can make it! It’s going to be a really special night. Head to https://www.cineplex.com/Movie/the-carmilla-movie to purchase tickets!
Not in Canada? NEVER FEAR! The Carmilla Movie will be available globally on October 26th through VHX - so if you’ve pre-ordered the film, or are planning to purchase the film in the near future...Mark. Your. Calendars! (If you haven’t already 😜 ). Head to www.carmillamovie.com to see the different bundles available.
Additionally, we’re super pumped to be partnering with Fullscreen as our exclusive streaming home for The Carmilla Movie, available on their platform as of October 27th. Also awesome? This streaming option is NOT geoblocked and will be available to global audiences!
And of course, don’t forget that Carmilla is coming to New York Comic Con October 5th! The lovely Elise Bauman, Natasha Negovanlis and producers Steph Ouaknine and Melanie Windle will be on a panel from 1:45-2:45 (room 1A24), as well as a meet and greet from 3-5pm at Autograph Table 21.
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sowhatisthisfor · 3 years
Movies 2021
Movies I watched in 2021 (doesn’t mean they’re released in 2021)
A Ghost Story (US)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (France)
Noche de Fuego [Prayers for the Stolen] (Mexico)
Memoria (Colombia, Thailand)
The Worst Person in the World (Norway)
Titane (France)
Pig (US)
Shiva Baby (US)
Deux [Two of Us] (France)
The Father (US)
Minari (South Korea, US)
Drive My Car (Japan)
Benedetta (Belgium)
Another Round (Denmark)
Midnight in a Perfect World (Philippines)
My First Summer (Australia)
Saint Maud (UK)
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy (Japan)
Nomadland (US)
Cargo (Australia)
Lamb (Iceland)
A Quiet Place Part 2 (US)
Spencer (US)
Happening (France)
Passing (US)
Annette (France)
Don’t Look Up (Us)
Belfast (UK)
The Girl and the Spider (Switzerland)
Dandansoy (Philippines)
The Power of the Dog (US)
The Night Eats the World (France)
The Unknown Saint (Morocco)
Dune (US)
I Care a Lot (US)
Loco Por Ella / Crazy About Her (Spain)
El Caja (Mexico)
Pray Away (US)
Un Monde (Belgium)
The Hand of God (Italy)
Our Ladies (Scotland)
The Lost Daughter (US, Greece)
Fan Girl (Philippines)
Straight Up (US)
Antigone (Canada)
Summerland (UK)
Ride or Die (Japan)
Sorjonen [Bordertown] (Finland)
Squared Love (Poland)
Spoiled Brats (France)
Black Rainbow (Philippines)
An Easy Girl (France)
What We Wanted (Austria)
Deep (Thailand)
Soul (US)
Swallow (US)
37 Seconds (Japan)
Carmilla (UK)
Lingua Franca (Philippines)
Peninsula (South Korea)
The World to Come (UK)
Dance of the Forty One (Mexico)
Fierce (Poland)
Blood Red Sky (Germany)
Gameboys the Movie (Philippines)
Sounds Like Love (Spain)
Friends The Reunion (US)
Forever Purge (US)
My Amanda (Philippines)
Black Widow (US)
Vinterviken [JJ+E] (Sweden)
Yesterday (UK)
A Classic Horror Story (Italy)
Kiss Me Before It Blows Up (Israel, Germany)
Hypnotic (US)
Alive (South Korea)
June & Kopi (Indonesia)
The Four of Us (Germany)
T-Bird at Ako (Philippines)
Atomic Blonde (US)
Fear Street 1994 (US)
To The Stars (US)
One Night in Miami (US)
Fear Street 1666 (US)
Into the Beat (Germany)
Patay na si Hesus (Philippines)
Fear Street 1978 (US)
Full Out (Canada)
Yellow Rose (US)
Sa Balay ni Papang (Philippines)
Selva Tragika [Tragic Jungle] (Mexico)
Ma (US) Awake (US)
A Perfect Fit (Indonesia)
Blind Date (France)
This Little Love of Mine (Australia)
As Above, So Below (US)
Salog Ning Diklom (Philippines)
Despite Everything (Spain)
1000 Miles From Christmas (Spain)
13 Feet (Philippines)
Just Say Yes (Netherlands)
Family History (Philippines)
Dancing Queens (Sweden)
Dos (Spain)
Bad Trip (US)
Till Death (US)
Break (France)
Happy Death Day To U 2 (US)
A California Christmas: City Lights ( US)
The Secret Diary of an Exchange Student (Brazil)
To All The Boys Always and Forever (US)
Full Out 2 (US)
Driver (Thailand)
A Second Chance: Rivals (Australia)
Alter Me (Philippines)
A World Without (Indonesia)
Lockdown (Philippines)
The Annulment (Philippines)
Army of the Dead (US)
Day of the Dead: Bloodline (US)
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xx-creampuff-xx · 7 years
I wonder how many people who have never seen Carmilla before will walk into a cinema somewhere in Canada tomorrow night and have no idea what's going on.
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canadachronicles · 7 years
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maybeest · 7 years
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This has been an epic, blitzkrieg road, but for ONE NIGHT (for now), THE CARMILLA MOVIE, the feature film I directed, based on the 3 season web series I directed, with so many talented people involved along the way, will be on Cineplex screens in 25 CITIES ACROSS CANADA. Buckle up. There will be Creampuffs. It might sell out fast. Find a theatre/tickets near you: www.cineplex.com/movies/the-carmilla-movie
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deletevanlis · 7 years
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Oh, what's this? A movie poster and a THEATRICAL RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT?!? For one night only across Canada we will be screening the #CarmillaMovie in Cineplex theatres (with bonus footage available only at the event!) on Oct 26th. You can head to www.cineplex.com/Movie/the-carmilla-movie to purchase tickets now! Don't live in Canada and can't make the trek to the Great White North? FEAR NOT. It will available globally on VHX on October 26th and on streaming platform Fullscreen on Oct. 27th! Buckle Up. (Also huge shout out to photog-extraordinaire @ashleawessel for this shot and @aharpstagram for the makeup skillz!!) by baumanelise
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suewy-x3 · 7 years
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The Carmilla Movie will premier in a (for now, Canada only) one-night-only-screening event on the 26th of October at 7PM EST!  Which indicates that the movie will be available on VHX at THE SAME TIME.
The movie’s total runtime amounts to AN HOUR AND A HALF of glorious vampy and ghostly goodness.
In other news, look who ARE listed as cast!? 
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It’s the lovely Sharon Belle and Sophia Walker! Who would have thought!
Let’s just all try to survive until the release of the FULL TRAILER on October 5th at NYCC~!    
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wildfireornot · 7 years
tagged by @pastel-rainbow-galaxy (aka the only person who tags me in cool stuff on here lmao bless you <3)
rules: tag followers that you want to know better
name: W
nicknames: -
gender: this question again? *sigh* psa: label me as cis-female if you wish but don’t assume that means anything about me or how i feel about myself bc plot twist: it fucking does not. (edit: by “label me as” ofc i meant shut up you don’t rlly get to label me ykno? -not adressed to anyone in particular dw-)
star sign: leo (i don’t relate to it tho so eh whatever)
height: 1m71 / 5′6 (the last time i checked was probably like one or two years ago but i guess im still the same height)
sexual orientation: queer/gay/polysexual are terms i use to describe it. don’t call me a lesbian, i don’t like that term, thanks
favorite color: purple, violet
favorite animal: felines/cats/wolves
average hours of sleep: these days i can sleep 9 or 10 hours (usually from approximately 2am to 12 or 1pm), i usually sleep wayyy less on week days when im not on holidays
cat or dog person: CATS
favorite fictional characters: gonna copy/paste my previous answer to this question: ellana (from pierre bottero’s books) - salim (same books) - stiles stilinski – spencer reid - wolverine
favorite bands/singers: papa roach
dream trip: road trip somewhere i can encounter different kinds of landscapes, especially forests
dream job: storyteller
when was this blog created: may 2013
current number of followers: 719
when did your blog reach its peak: do u mean papa roach peak or mika peak? o/ but yeah my blog is kinda lame but idc
time right now: 6:10pm
song stuck in my head: -
last movie i watched: War Dogs (my dad chose it lol) and before that Gallows, which made me extremely paranoid last night lmao bad decision
last tv show i watched: orphan black (watched it a month ago and now i kinda wanna catch up on spn but idrk...)
what i am wearing right now: red shorts with moose on it (i bought them in Canada and i love them lol / edit: hahaha i googled it and that’s the ones), and a “parental advisory consent” shirt lmao remind me why i bought this?? (in my defence i was 15 or 16)
what kind of stuff do i post: (i know this should be a short answer but i feel like going into details oops) - what i reblog: cats, movies, harry potter, dylan o’brien, comics (Marvel, Wolverine...), quotes, words/vocabulary/languages, books, art, TV shows (spn, got, orphan black, teen wolf, carmilla, quotidien -french tv program), cute and motivational stuff, pictures i find aesthetically pleasing, nature/landscapes/forests, posts about historical facts/history/interesting things in general/culture, feminism, queer stuff, nonsense/funny stuff, aaron taylor-johnson, depression and anxiety etc (nothing too triggering -i think?)... i used to post a lot about mika but atm it’s on hold lmao. - what i post myself (not regularly): posts about tv shows/movies, pieces of writing/stuff from my notebook, sometimes art/drawings, personal posts, links to my concert reviews, sometimes pictures ive taken, travel/concert pics... - people/movies/shows I have posted about: Papa Roach, Mika, Fantastic Beasts, Dylan O'Brien, Teen Wolf, The Maze Runner, Matthew Gray Gubler, Criminal Minds, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Marvel, Skins, Game of Thrones.
do i have any other blogs: 2 active side blogs (one is gubleroach, the other i keep for myself), and 4 inactive ones (i use 2 of them as “redirection” pages)
do i get asks regularly: no :(
why did i choose my url: “wildfire” bc of someone whose (old, they no longer use it) username inspired me in a way (this is only one of the 5 explanations I could give for my username), “ornot” for obscure reasons
lucky number: 3
following: 1299 (wow wtf that much??)
tagging: @wosslbird @chillyls @ookaminoki @dolphindewott @this-is-not-an-inspirational-url @sleepylunas @o-misfits @catbvtt and anyone wanting to do this, really :)
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