#Ana plays Elsword
chibiisukee · 6 years
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Laby is way too cute! Her interactions with Gaia are lovely too hehe
Maybe tomorrow I'll finish getting to 99 with EW. Might promote her to my 2nd sub (sorry Grimurei, got tired of you)
Chozi and Metchim are the other two lineages~
If only I could actually buy cute customs for her...
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bad-end · 8 years
dps mercy | elsword: pro gamer au | luciels | 605 words
i, uh, was enabled by my friend to write this
They're finishing up the last round of their placement matches when Royal Guard mumbles over voice, "Can't you play support for once in your life?"
Dreadlord leans back as all the placement matches on his screen light up green, and turns his head to grin at Royal Guard. "If we need a second healer, Demonio plays Ana really well, doesn't he?"
"That's not the point," Royal Guard sighs.
"Then what is?" Dreadlord asks, pulling off his headphones while waiting for Noblesse's next order.
"The point is, you should try it once to understand how stressful it is."
"I'll think about it."
Royal Guard doesn't think he'll do it.
As they turn back to do their first match outside of placement on Hanamura, Dreadlord's grey marker immediately clicks into Mercy. Royal Guard turns to look at him with an incredulous look, and Dreadlord just shrugs. "It can't be that hard, right? Just point and click and press q once in a while."
"I can't believe you," Royal Guard hisses.
"Then pick another support, if Demonio doesn't lock in Ana you got Lucio and Zen, still. Maybe he'll finally get to play Widow."
A second later, Royal Guard's marker lights up with Ana for the first time in his life. Demonio makes an audible gasp in their Discord chat. Although Royal Guard mutes himself, Dreadlord hears the sigh Royal Guard makes. He's sure Royal Guard hears him chuckle, too.
It turns out Dreadlord has no idea how to play healer, or maybe he does and is being exasperating on purpose.
Diabla screeches at Dreadlord to put away that pistol, and Chiliarch scrambles all over the place to protect them. For a brief minute on defense, Demonio had to grab Lucio just to cover the healing gap left behind by Dreadlord's insistence on DPS Mercy, and the whole formation goes to shit as everyone tries to figure out how to accommodate an attack Mercy in competitive.
They don't come out of Hanamura unscathed, but they just barely edge out the other team by a few seconds. Diabla is still shouting, like she's stopped this entire game, yelling about how they could have lost if it wasn't for her tanking and Royal Guard's healing. Dreadlord's laughter, when he knows he's the cause of all their problems, doesn't calm any nerves.
"You could have taken your staff out at least once during the entire damn game!" Diabala shouts, "I had silver! Silver healing!"
"I got bronze elims, though." Dreadlord replies back nonchalantly, "And got those big rezzes off and saved the game didn't I?"
"Well," Chiliarch finally inputs while poking her head from across the desktop monitor to gauge Dreadlord's reaction. "I don't think we'd have to worry about that if you picked Genji like you usually do."
"Royal Guard told me to play a support."
Royal Guard shoots him a glare; Dreadlord grins back innocuously in return.
"If you're done arguing," Noblesse's commanding voice jolts them to attention, "We have to keep playing. I'm going to put us back in the queue."
Everyone in the chat mumbles something of consent. As the ticker turns purple to indicate they've found a match, Royal Guard says something only Dreadlord can hear.
"Please, don't ever play Mercy again."
Dreadlord laughs, and as they prepare to attack Anubis, he clicks into Genji as usual. The entire discord chat sighs of relief as Dreadlord and Chiliarch prepare for a dive-formation.
Not even twenty seconds in, however, the "I need Healing" messages are lighting up in the corner of the window.
As if there was any doubt, it's Dreadlord spamming x at 199/200 health.
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elsword-imagines · 8 years
What would each member of the ESP use as their main on OverWatch?
Elsword: Genji. Chances are you can hear him cheering if he lands his ult.
Aisha: Mei, god spare anyone on the enemy team
Rena: Depending on what the team needs, Widowmaker or Ana. The salt is strong with this one.
Raven: Reaper. Just… Reaper.
Eve: D.Va. She insists it’s not because of her cute skins.
Chung: Reinhardt. Matches with him and Eve on opposite teams get tense.
Ara: Jack of all trades. She’ll play whoever’s needed, and she’s oddly good at it.
Elesis: Junkrat. No one is safe.
Add: Either Bastion or Sombra, because he’s a little shit.
Lu: Roadhog.
Ciel: Pharah or Tracer. 
Ain: Symmetra or Mercy. He’s having one hell of a time keeping all the kiddos alive.
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chibiisukee · 6 years
Thanks KOG for being evil once again and dropping this bomb on the BR server days before the game’s birthday
Really?! You’re going to drop us in the INT server now?! Thanks for nothing in advance!
Dammit, the only thing I want is to not lose my nicks. I’ve been playing for years and people were already starting to know me by my chars nicks
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chibiisukee · 6 years
I finally managed to record a good run on Void!
It’s funny because I recorded the run to show a friend how Lu’s voice sounds in Korean, and ended up beating my best time on Void.
Hope this can help people who might be struggling in the dg (and also to prove that the BR server doesn’t fall back in the void competition!)
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chibiisukee · 7 years
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Yay! I finally managed to solo clear a hero dungeon ^^ (normal hero but still hero)
I’m so happy!!!! ^^
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chibiisukee · 6 years
That moment when the guild members gather together to blow stuff up...
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Blowing stuff up in Vanimir is a nice passtime~
Group members are me (AnaDragneel, CaT), guild master (Colossws, IM) and guild official (Forbis212, IM)
It was story mode, but we somehow made this work with only 3 people. All of that with a ping higher than 200 e.e
First time facing the second Vanimir raid, we spent all of our revives, but we managed to pass it. Those thorns sure are annoying!
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chibiisukee · 7 years
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That happy moment when you manage to solo Hennon in normal mode for the first time. (The Eltiers were trash, but hey, I soloed Hennon on normal finally!)
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chibiisukee · 8 years
R.I.P. Requiem
Just what was this freaking nerf?! In PVE nonetheless!
So yeah, today I logged to see the changes, then I was playing with my cutie Grimurei (aka: my EE) and I used Requiem Rein. When I saw the thunderbolt... no words. And where’s my map-cleaning damage?! It seems like KOG once again forgot that bravery skills are supposed to be hella strong and can be map cleaning ones (Requiem is a bravery skill and costs 300mp) Just to see if my skill was dead I also used Requiem Mut (this time I didn’t get DCed after using it, so yeah, it was nerfed) and Requiem Wille (I have no way of comparing the damage because I only used Rein) T.T
So, the joke here is that the funeral song is now dead. Great job KOG, you just killed a good skill in pve!
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chibiisukee · 8 years
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It seems the pressure of school was too much for Lu...
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chibiisukee · 8 years
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Well, well. I guess the teacher caught someone playing with eids during class, right? Or was it throwing echo lict at the classmates, uh?
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chibiisukee · 6 years
Last day of the BR server, tomorrow we joint INT.
So, it was a really long time that brought me so much happiness and joy, those 4 years were really something special.
I just recorded a random gameplay in 10-7 because it’s one of my favorite dgs in the game. Playing with my TW, who was my first character in the game and who’s my fixed sub (I main CaT).
Funny fact about the dg name: In PT-BR it’s called ‘Memórias do Sol Corrompido’, which translates to ‘Memories of the Corrupt Sun’. Quite different from the official English name, right?
I hope we get along well in INT, even though my ping will be around 210ms... which is like, almost 10 times what I get in BR server.
See you all in the INT server!
Chibi out~
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