#And I’ve been ghosted on 15 interviews thus far
Literally forgot an organization I am a part of has an alum program that will help me find a job.
My advisor from there texted me this morning asking me how my job hunt was going and if I was going to reach out to the alum dept. about getting help.
I’m p sure they’ll just tell me to do the shit I’ve already been doing! But hopefully they at least have jobs they know of I can apply for, too.
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Today's comics?
An unusual week: while I got plenty of stuff, over half of it was non-Big Two. Would have been even more if not for the tpb for Bang! not showing up at my LCS, I’ve heard good things about that; hopefully soon.
Dark Nights: Death Metal #5: I’m still largely enjoying this, but it’s weird that after a prior event and a run leading into this that perfectly balanced pure comics bullshit lore and wild comics bullshit fun, it’s the absurd maximalist finale with the Chainsaw of Truth and an evil Darkseid arm and a zombie army commanded by Batman in a trenchcoat that it goes all the way into Lore as the heart of the thing.
Batman #103: I’m really enjoying the hell out of Ghost-Maker, the idea of the 90s globe-trotting uncompromising ass-kicker superhero with all the resources, guns, katanas, smooth self-assurance backed up by ruthless competence, and badass one-liners contemporized, made as cool as you always wanted it to be, and taken to its horrific logical conclusion. Also his name is Ghost-Maker because he kills people and that’s how ghosts work, never gonna get over that. I would for real read an ongoing about this dude, or at least legit hope somebody takes some inspiration from his new model of the template.
Catwoman #27: A lot of fun! The logistics were more than I could fully follow on a casual read, but bit-by-bit this does feel like it’s turning the Brubaker paradigm into something uniquely its own.
Rorschach #2: I very much liked it. I wonder if the stuff with how it played with time visually might have been influenced by Pax Americana, and I cracked up at the bit you’d assume I cracked up at. Again, “I liked it/didn’t like it” and maybe one or two comments are all you’re getting out of me with this one.
Ice Cream Man #21: Great as usual, but I can’t say I grasped the purpose of the riff.
Stillwater #3: This feels like it’s tending back up towards what I really dug about the first issue.
We Live #2: Didn’t quite measure up to the first issue - there’s a storytelling choice here that wasn’t entirely clear at first and left me confused for the back half of the issue, I needed to reread it to get it - but I’m still quite pleasantly surprised by this one and would recommend it even if you’re tired of the post-apocalypse.
DIE #15: I assume either next arc is the end or it completely changes up after #20, given the countdown on the back (and of course how that matches up with the physical die). Totally lost, still loving it, glad I have time to reread it and make sense of things.
Once & Future #13: Tidily answered a question I’ve had for awhile, and as much as I’ve moaned that while this is good it hasn’t been fully clicking with me, that opening was an all-timer.
Die! Die! Die! #13: Still an extremely dumb hoot.
Commanders in Crisis #2: Once again reviewed it for AIPT! And also once again would recommend checking out the site’s exclusive ‘interviews’ with the members of the team courtesy of Ritesh Babu and Orlando, this month’s being with Sawbones.
Marvels Snapshots: Avengers: Aside from the Chaykin Spider-Man one I skipped, this was the first one to leave me ‘meh’. I’d say pass.
The Immortal Hulk #40: Some of the more recent forays into more traditional superheroic territory in here - while still great - haven’t hit me as hard as its pure horror, but this is as Marvel-ass comics as the book’s gotten thus far and it’s a total blast. And among the volumes that will be dedicated to this book when it’s over, some of that writing better be dedicated to how hard each and every issue’s title fucks month in and month out, because damn.
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vgperson · 5 years
What Did I Do In 2019?
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my-yuujin · 5 years
Ryusoulger Solo Interview from Mynavi: Kishida Tatsuya
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Ryusoulger has been running for four months since the start of its broadcast in March 2019. How you are feeling about it?
When the Sixth Ranger Kanaro (Hyoudou Katsumi) finally appeared in episode 14, I thought, “Ah, we have come this far. Time sure flies.” Even so, the feeling that I’ve played my role as well as grasped that distance we’ve gotten through between every episode up until now, is still very strong.
- Banba used to have a harsh view such as “In order to save many human beings, (Minusaur’s host) one’s sacrifice is unavoidable.” But he met Kou and the others, and little by little was exposed to their kindness. So, there are a lot of episodes dedicated to this process. Surely for Kishida-san,  those episodes’ impressions are strong, aren’t they?
I’m now sticking to the part that “Banba’s atmosphere is different from everyone else”. At this stage, he doesn’t have any intention to become friends with Kou, so I’m always aware of the subtle sense of distance, such as standing alone even though everyone else is gathering.
-From now on, surely, we’re expecting that Banba will fully communicate with Kou and become friends.
I once had the opportunity to talk with the screenwriter Yamaoka (Junpei) and the producers, and at that time he said “Banba is the closest when it comes to human emotion.” You see, when humans have aged long enough, they won’t change easily in a year. That’s how I think about it. “Yesterday,he was gentle, but today, he is back to being grumpy again?” We discussed whether or not it was a good thing to have such character like that.
-In episode 8 “ Singing Voice of Miracle”, Ryusoulger successfully fools the enemy. After Kou and Towa happily do a high-five to each other, Banba only bumps fists with Kou, while his face facing the other side. Such a wonderful “Tsundere”. He’s not planning to get along, but he lets himself join their rhythm. That’s what makes Banba stand out. Am I right?
Actually, we were being let to do ad-libs at that time. I never thought it would be used (laughs). After the episode was broadcasted, I was surprised to hear a lot of feedback about that on Twitter. It was a casual scene and I played it without much thought. Because of the slow motion, I was shown moving in various ways, even though it was a quick filming. At first, I thought I didn’t have to do anything, but Kou and the others were so eager to do high-five with Banba. So in the end, I just did it without seeing his eyes.
-Even for the children who watches the TV series, Banba is strong but a little “scary”. That is the impression they may get from him.
I also think so. Like I said earlier, “Banba will not change”, but by meeting Kou and others, a slight change is unavoidable. At first, he called Kou “Omae” (T/N: means “You” but harsh), but he started to call him by his name. Although he consciously can’t forgive it, there is still a part in his heart where the intention to be friends is growing.
-It may be rude for me to say this but, Banba is unexpectedly quite popular among children. Kishida-san, is there any experience, like when you finally realized the popularity of Banba?
The thing that I feel grateful about is, I get talked to more often than usual when I walk outside. Originally, I thought Banba was intended to give appeal to the mothers and older Tokusatsu fans, but unexpectedly, I heard some young children said “I like Banba”. I was really happy about that. Not to mention that Banba also has some fans among girls. I once looked at Instagram, and found a kid wearing Banba’s costume that their mother likely has made by herself, and I thought, “Oh, it ’s pretty cool” (laughs).
- Banba dan Ryusoul Black’s costumes are based on the color black, thus giving very cool atmosphere. I can understand those children’s feeling who want to cosplay as him.
Wearing this outfit, you may feel a little restrained around your waist and look slim. On the other hand, as soon as you get a little fat, it would be very much noticeable, so I always pay attention to maintaining my body shape.
-Then, if there is a scene where Banba has to eat something delicious, it would be difficult, wouldn’t it?
The food that appeared in the show up until now, in the end, they were all eaten by everyone. Asuna (Osaki Ichika) is always shown eating something, after all (laughs). Banba is never shown to eat anything in the show, but the staffs always prepare delicious-looking food and make the studio filled with yummy smell. That’s why, even though I don’t want to, I always find myself want to eat. When the filming is over, I end up eating up a lot too (laughs).
- Who do you think has grown up the most, comparing to when you first met them?
That’s definitely Obara-kun. He is 17 years old now and it is his moments of growing up as a person. When I look at him by my side, I think “He’s doing amazing!” I’m impressed by how refined his expression now. We sometimes make pacts among ourselves, such as to arrive 10 minutes before meetings, and Obara-kun is the best when it comes to follow the rules. We have been together for a long time as brothers, and I would be very happy if Obara-kun could feel various things from me, and myself also could give him some good influence.
-Kishida-san, you seem to have so much fun being an elder brother who is proud of his little brother. I begin to think that you two are really like real brothers.
Well, aren’t we real brothers, though?(laughs) Looking closely at Obara-kun’s growth, makes me think I can’t lose to him. So, it feels like I’m being encouraged too.
Looking at Kishida-san’s Twitter, we can find two-shot photos with some actors who have appeared in the “Kamen Rider” and “Super Sentai”. Surely, these photos show us wonderful friendship between heroes, aren’t they?
Isomura Hayato and I have once appeared in “Kyou kara ore wa!”, but at that time I didn’t know that he also appeared in “Kamen Rider Ghost” (Kamen Rider Necrom/ Alan). When I was decided to appear in “Ryusoulger”, I looked up to various things about the past “Super Sentai”, and found out that I was acquainted with such amazing Kamen Rider and Tokusatsu heroes. “I should take pictures when I meet them next time,” so I thought (laughs). I get along with Inaba Yuu-kun (Kamen Rider Mach/Shijima Gou from “Kamen Rider Drive” ) , Tozuka Junki-kun (Nara Shunpei from “Kamen Rider Wizard”), and Suda Masaki-kun (Philip from “Kamen Rider W”). I took photos with them, hoping that it could make Tokusatsu fans happy.
-But now, you have joined those heroes whom the children look up to. What kind of feeling do you have when you strike your “transformation” pose that is unique to you as a hero?
It’s exciting, really. I myself used to be a child who played and imitated those heroes’ transformation poses, up to their details. I feel excited to think that there would be some children who imitate my transformation pose this time.
-Who is Tokusatsu hero Kishida-san admired as a child?
“Choriki Sentai Ohranger” (1995) and “Gekisou Sentai Carranger” (1996) were the oldest heroes in my memory. But the one that I felt most addicted was “Seijuu Sentai Gingaman” (1998). In fact, the memories of playing with Gingaman’s toys still remain vivid. Among the five warriors, red and blue rangers have different ways of transforming, and I was a child who cared for those trivial things like that. Therefore, as Banba, I’m strongly aware of things like, the movements that only Banba would do. Even in the ending Que Bom Dance, the dance actually shows the individuality of each Ryusoulger.
-Action scenes are also frequently shown, especially in the episodes when director Sakamoto Koichi was in charge, like in episode 7, 8 and 15, 16. Some scenes, such as doing Ryusoul Change while fighting against Drunn soldiers were really outstanding.
I originally love action, and Director Sakamoto is the person in charge who has spent time in various action scenes, so I feel we are very compatible. Episode 15 and 16 are more challenging than episode 7 and 8. I want to challenge more actions in the future.
-Even at press conferences and photo sessions, Kishida-san’s “commitment”, such as not showing “smile” at all as Banba, is very wonderful, in my opinion.
I always think that images are important for heroes, so I want to do my role firmly. However, it is troubling me when people greet me as Banba. Banba’s personality makes me seem to be a very cold person. Of course, I myself am different from Banba, so when I naturally tried to act gentle, the mothers reacted like “Huh? Is Banba actually such a person?” It made me rethink that he really is such difficult role! (Laughs) However, they also pointed out those as the “unexpected” sides of Banba, so it still settles me much or less when creating a solid image of Banba. I myself like children, so I want to give them a gentle approach, but about how I should do it … I just can’t find the answer. I think I have to ask those who are already seniors at being heroes.
–Banba had never smiled until now, but at the end of the episode “The Prisoned Mosa”, he cracked a little smile, and it had positive reception on Twitter. I guess, it’s enough to make more children come to Banba deliberately now.
Until now, the children never come to me by themselves. Therefore, I myself try to go closer when I have eye contacts with children.
-In the 13th episode “The Prime Minister is Ryusoul tribe!?”, the existence of Banba and Towa’s master was implied. But Kishida-san and Obara-san, were you two actually aware of such story development and the mysteries behind it?
-To be honest, until we get our new script, we’ve been acting without knowing what will happen next. There were times when I acted while thinking “So, it was actually this kind of story!?” It is my first experience to act under such condition, so it’s very difficult (laughs). As an actor, playing without knowing the future is anxious, but fun. However, I don’t want to regret, saying such things like “I should have done it like this” when looking back at the past after I find out about the mysterious part. For now, acting while deciding what is the best to do in various subtle situations, becomes a great lesson for me as an actor.
-Ryusoulger cast give a very good impression as a team. Do you think that good relationship with them as friends affects your acting as Banba?
Looking at these recent scene photos, it seems Banba’s expressions are somewhat gentler than at the start of filming. This also happens to everyone else, and I guess it is because of the length of time we’ve spent together. I want to be an actor who rather than becomes the source, I prefer to be “the receiver” of those plays from various people. And I think my expressions get mellowed due to having received those feelings. It is now a completely different atmosphere compared to the beginning. If I was let to say one thing, it would end up divided into 5 or 6, as we actually share the same feelings among ourselves.
-Kishida-san, as the oldest member, you also have longer experience as an actor, to the extent that everyone else admires you as their “big brother”.
-Whenever there is something they don’t understand, it’s nice to hear them calling me out “Tatsu-nii! Tatsu-nii!”. I feel to be in a position that has to warn them if they do something sloppy. But rather than saying it directly, it’d be better if I act in advance and put myself as an example. They are all honest and nice guys, and the new member Hyoudou (Katsumi)-kun is also very polite when playing baseball. He’s such a pleasant man to be involved with.
-As we know, the long-awaited movie “Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger THE MOVIE Time Slip! Dinosaur Panic!!” has been released on July 26. Is there any experience that particularly impressed you when shooting this movie?
I still remember, after shooting all day long, there was a time when I couldn’t do (acting) at all. After episode 17, Banba’s attitude to his friends has much or less changed, but according to the script, the episode has not happened yet in the movie. So I had to enter the movie setting while being aware of that. Up until now, the change of Banba’s emotion has accumulated according to the order of TV episodes. I had to act while throwing away some parts of those changes that shouldn’t have happened in the movie. It’s quite difficult.
There was also things like when I was troubled during the shooting, it suddenly went raining. I’d heard that weather in the location might change easily��, but because of raining, I became impatient to fix and catch up … Things that I thought world be worked out…, the confidence just immediately flew away from my head. That’s why, I would be happy if you can check on the theater, those changes in Banba’s expressions that have troubled me so much.
-In episode 1 and 2, Banba and Towa have not yet appeared, so Kishida-san and Obara-san met Director Kamihoriuchi for the first time in the movie version. Kamihoriuchi-san once said in an interview that he always acted strictly towards all the actors, but how exactly does Kishida-san see Kamihoriuchi-san as a person?
When a scene isn’t played well, he will immediately go “Cut!”, and make us repeat it until it is good enough to be used. Rather than strictness, I think that it is more like Kamihoriuchi-san’s “kindness”. Because in order to meet the expectations of the directors, we indeed must continue to improve ourselves as actors.
-Please tell us about the highlights of Banba that are unique to this movie.
In this movie, because Kou has to move alone, there are many scenes where Melto, Asuna, Towa and Banba are working together. Melto and Asuna whom Kou usually works together with, are trying their best until Kou returns. Their growth and how they build their bond are presented intriguingly in this movie. I myself dedicatedly played Banba as the one who supports and watches over them. Though, Banba only gets a little chance to act between intervals (laughs). I realized the hard feeling when my role is not supposed to stand out, instead of being at front and doing something. Sentai usually consists 5 warriors. With Kanaro, we become 6 members. Naturally, it’s not good to make only one person speak lines while the others are only watching from behind. Even though I still don’t know how, I want to make everyone comment on a silent scene, that “It should be Banba who speaks there.” From now on too, I always look forward to your support for Banba and Ryusoulger!
Source: https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20190729-ryusoul/
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