#After almost 200 applications
Literally forgot an organization I am a part of has an alum program that will help me find a job.
My advisor from there texted me this morning asking me how my job hunt was going and if I was going to reach out to the alum dept. about getting help.
I’m p sure they’ll just tell me to do the shit I’ve already been doing! But hopefully they at least have jobs they know of I can apply for, too.
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be-events · 13 days
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hey wannabes, it’s almost time for chuseok! 
chuseok, also known as hangawi (한가위) or korean thanksgiving, is one of the most exciting and important holidays of the year! this year, chuseok falls on the 16th-18th of september. 
the roads of seoul will be filled with traffic and packed with excited faces as people all over korea will be heading back to their hometowns to celebrate this festive holiday with their relatives. it’s a whirlwind of food, family, and fun!
as a reminder, trainees (including project green participants) do not have any mandatory classes on national holidays.
have a happy chuseok!
this mini-event is for all muses and will run until october 9 at 11:59pm. any threads or solos posted after the deadline will not count toward points. please send in your points submission before this deadline.
please use the hashtag #BE:CHUSEOK2024 for all posts relating to this event.
chuseok is an important time for south koreans and as such, we want to celebrate it by encouraging more character building and creativity. last year, we had you post a moodboard about your character and a playlist. this year, we’d like to take a look into your character’s phone!
FOR +3 POINTS IN PERFORMANCE OR ANCILLARY SKILLS, you can post one of the following:
an edit or headcanon of what’s in your muse’s phone! there is no word count for this, and you may use the following prompts to get a sense of what you may want to share – who’s their most contacted person? what messages do they usually send? what’s their favorite playlist? who’s the last person they texted? do they have any personal photo albums on their phone? what are their most used applications? etc!
what was the last meaningful conversation your muse had on their phone (text or call) and who was it with? please write a solo with a minimum of 200 words about this conversation and the impact it had on your muse.
a headcanon or solo of your muse during this or any previous chuseok period! there is no word count for this, and it can be about just anything at all: does your character go home every year for chuseok, or will they stay in seoul and make use of the empty training rooms? do they help with cooking or does their family order in? do they participate in the more religious aspects of the holiday? do they enjoy wearing a hanbok? and so on!
you may do the phone template/edit or headcanon and conversation solo once for +3 points each, and you may write the other headcanons/solos for +3 points up to 2 times.
when you’ve completed all options that you’d like to participate in, please send the following form to our points submission blog:
Phone Template/Edit Headcanon: +3 points to distribute to any performance or ancillary skills [ link to thread ]
Conversation Solo: +3 points to distribute to any performance or ancillary skills [ link to thread ]
Solo/Headcanon 1: +3 points to distribute to any performance or ancillary skills [ link to thread ]
Solo/Headcanon 2: +3 points to distribute to any performance or ancillary skills [ link to thread ]
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berylcups · 2 months
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Heres a big dump of pt 3 oc trash for ya! This is where my name comes from- Beryl Cups. I named it after the first stand I ever made. Please forgive me for this massive info DUMP. I haven't have an idea who to ship Katherine with. 😭 they get 2 ships because shes a ho, because she needs a before SDC ship and during SDC ship. She deserves a 2nd chance ship, she was fleshbudded for 13 miserable months!😭
Name: Katherine O’Riordan
Allias (if applicable): Beryl
Namesake: The Cranberries; Dolores O’Riordan 
Nicknames: Bear, Beryl, Cranberry, Berry, Wallflower, witch, dear child,  Kit Kat, Kat, Kathie(don’t call her that)
Nicknames for others: Terry boy, Danny boy, Whore-Horse, Pompous Dan, Gran,  Av’, Avvie, Avvie-boy, grá, mucker
Age: 20
Birthday: June 30th
Gender Identity: Cis Female 
Height: 5’5
Weight: 200
Handness: left
Hair Color: brown)
Eye Color: gold 
Type of Voice: monotone, low, soft. High pitched and banshee like when she screams or yells. Sligo accent 
Eyesight: 20/20
Race: Caucasian ; Irish
Hometown: Connaught, Ireland
Current Residency: Dios Mansion, Cairo Egypt
Moral Alignment: lawful good (after being freed from brainwashing) neutral evil (
Medical & Dental Health: has a fully matured fleshbud in her body. 
Mental health:  Before the fleshbud matures she becomes lucid and goes into fits of panic and needs to be sedated. She's forcibly put inside the void with Vanilla until she calms down, drugged, or DIO is able to take care of her himself.
Past Experience: Her father gave her a cat for her 13th birthday. A black kitten that would give her “good luck”. She named her new friend “Duran”. She and her kitten became fast friends but odd things started happening after Duran became part of the family. Things seemed to move in odd places. Chairs would be on the ceiling, water flowed upwards out of the sink, and falling off a ladder felt like a feather gently floating to the ground. This cat truly was more lucky than her father let on. 
Katherine and Duran hid in her bag , went on a family trip to Egypt when she was 19. She got separated from the group by being enthralled by the street markets only to be lost in the unfamiliar streets of Cairo.
In Egypt she was lured by an old lady who claimed to be able to read her fortune, this where Beryl Cups and Feldspar Pentacles got their names. Katherine has a soft spot for elderly people so she trusted her without much questioning. This would be a very terrible mistake. She was brainwashed by Dio, it wasn’t too difficult due to her naive and nihilistic mindset.. Being highly receptive to being brainwashed, she becomes incredibly loyal. Being a loyal servant of DIO has made her extremely apathetic towards anyone that isn’t herself, the small few she’s allowed in her circle, or DIO himself.
Extreme apathy -
She doesn’t seem to care that her parents are worried that she’s missing. She doesn’t seem to care about what the women she lures to Dio for his food/pleasure. She knows Dio doesn’t have good intentions for her and she doesn’t care. She just enjoys herself smoking hookah, napping, terrorizing others, and sleeping around. She doesn’t care what the other agents of Dio do for fun or what they do to their victims and she sometimes joins in the torment and likes to watch. She’s known amongst them to be incredibly apathetic. She’ll let Dios victims think they’re almost free as they run away. Soon as they reach the door her stand trips them or drags them back as she laughs cruelly and muttering that this “never gets old”
Once shes free from DIOs influence her true nature shows which is a 180 from what the SDC encountered. They are very skeptical of her at first. Katherine is a shy, mild mannered, empathetic individual. They feel haunted by what they do remember doing which usually comes out in dreams. She has no memory of the inhabitants of DIOS mansions or its exact location in Cairo. 
Sexual History (for characters 18+ ONLY): 
Thoughts on love: Her whole dream is to fully live life peacefully without strife. She wants to find the place and group of people where she truly belongs. She wants to find a soulmate that is able to help wear down her defenses and allow her to trust again. She wants to experience the world and make many memories with her soulmate. Also indulge in a few of the same hobbies as she does - arts and crafts, and video games. She would like to fall in love with someone with a different culture/background than her because shes so interested and fascinated by different countries.
Sexual and/or Romantic Identity:  Demisexual Demiromantic
People they like:  People who aren’t overly loud. She wants a partner who has the same or similar hobbies as her and has a quiet or laid back demeanor. She can’t handle being with someone who is overly opinionated or rude. She likes people who are open minded and are accepting of others. She loves people with a sense of humor.  Being part of the SDC opened her up and was able to show her true self- not the manufactured self that DIO wanted. 
People they hate:  People who are too loud, arrogant, or rude. 
Dreams for the future:  She wants to have her own art studio, and have a partner that will travel the world with her experiencing all kinds of different cultures together and making happy memories. 
Quotes (what do they say often? What’s their life’s motto?): 
“You know every time you lie your penis gets shorter. I don’t make the rules.”
“The shadow pools mimic the deep blue-you know the oceans abyss. You can’t hear, can’t breathe, can’t see…just a void. I can stay in there longer because of air pockets that form when I go inside…I can stay in for about 5minutes. But it’s very cold too. Anyone who gets dragged in can’t come out without me… they will suffocate or freeze to death. It’s a cruel way to go out.”
“It’s so hot… I sure wish I had some vanilla ice cream… no not you Vanilla Ice… unless you have an ice cream for me”
“Well..? Look at the mess it’s making. It’s so hot out it’s melting too fast. Lick it. You heard me, lick my hand clean before it gets all sticky from the melted ice cream . Duran can’t do it, he’s lactose intolerant. Make my hand squeaky clean now ~ tastes good doesn’t it? Good boy ___~”
“If you don’t get that creepy ass doll away from me I will behead it and shove it up your ass Terry boy. I will ruin your beloved collection.”
“What’s the point of having these dolls if they can’t feel pain? I want to hear them cry and scream for mercy Terry boy…how disappointing .”
“What kind of grown man collects dolls? Can’t tell if you’re a wuss or a perv. Be a doll and go make a doll out of Hol Horse.  Why? Because he looked at me the wrong way. Aka-my eyes are up here and you aren’t even trying to hide it dumbass cowboy yankee ass. That’s why. How he gets chicks is beyond me. They must be dumber than dirt if they fall to his ‘charms’ *gags*” 
“Welcome to my deadly gaff Joestar and company. I’m Katherine and this is my mucker Duran. It’s so lovely to see you stick it out so far enough to make it to Saudi Arabia. Alas, this is where your journey ends. I’m not in the mood to really kill today *yawn* so I have a nice tea brewed specially made for ya that will take you out quickly and painlessly. Be a dear and take yourselves out so I don’t have to. Thanks a million.”
SDC dialogue: 
“I lived under Dios influence for 13 months… I separated from my family and got lost. Then I met a grannie with 2 right hands who told me my future. That’s when I found out my special power along with my buddy Duran had that thing called a stand. We were very “valuable” according to her and could be in serious danger because we embody the minor arcana. She named my stand Beryl Cups after the Cups Suite. And Durans Feldspar Pentacles after the  Pentacles Suite. She took us to Dio and I can’t remember the rest”
“Make him pay. PISS IN HIS MOUTH.”
“So in your culture you live quite modestly. Have you ever had a shift before, hm? Oh you know—makin out! Haha calm down Grá, I’m jus coddin ya.”
Likes to collect lamps and other mood lighting effects. Also has a big collection of plushes on her vanity and bed that she likes to cuddle with and use as decoration 
Loves to play video games. Likes puzzle games and platformers. Kirby is her all time favorite, she will fight you to the death if you talk bad about her favorite pink puffball. Likes playing with D’Arby younger if he isn’t cheating, and kakyoin. 
She loves sleeping even though she doesn’t really need to. She’ll nap with Duran during the day hours. Don’t bother the 2 while napping, Duran is very protective of her and will threaten whoever is trying to wake her. The only exception to that is Dio(if he somehow decides to summon her himself, hasn’t happened as of yet), Enya, Vanilla, or Petshop(Katherine has a soft spot and respect for animals especially animal stand users). If she lets you nap with her then it means she trusts you greatly and has some affection for you. 
She also enjoys running errands/looking for new victims for Dio. He gives her a generous allowance when she’s out in the shops of Cairo getting whatever he wants/needs. 
Loves to draw and paint in her spare time besides video games. The low humidity makes it easy for her to do her projects.
 Katherines favorite place is the sun room. She’s usually lounging with Duran and maybe another loyal follower of Dio smoking hookah. She easily stays cool by submerging herself into the shadows, the “shadows pools” are very chilly about 32F. 
Speaks very softly, will put a hand on your shoulder when she wants to say something. Don’t bother telling her to speak up unless you want to a death stare that will chill you to your bones. This habit dies off once she’s more comfortable around others- except Enya or Dio out of respect. 
Her private quarters are completely upside down. Duran did this as a permanent way to keep Katherineand himself safe and isolated from others while she’s in her most private area. To come into her room means at least a 7 ft drop so anyone who comes in uninvited is going to have a nasty fall. She’s able to leave freely via her stand or Duran altering gravity. It’s very common for her to use her stand in her daily tasks besides doing Dios dirty work. 
Doesn’t really call anyone by their name when talking directly to them. She’s pretty bad at remembering names. Accidentally referred to Steely Dan as Jim once. Only explanation was that he looked like a Jim. 
Will call D’arby younger “”Terry” sometimes .He’s probably going to take what she says out of context as flirting with him. When he returns the affection it backfires on her making her all shy and flustered herself - which causes her to go hide inside the nearest shadow. 
She tries to hide her smiles and giggles by covering her mouth. 
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🎃 Spooky Bang FAQ
Please click here for the NSFW FAQ.
What is Spooky bang? 
A bang is an event in which writers write a fic and artists claim it, creating art based on that fic. Spooky Bang operates on the theme of autumn and autumn events, such as Halloween. Ideally, the creators who are paired would keep in contact and work together, at least minimally, throughout this process. All the content will be posted around the same time, so it’ll be like a big content party. It entails joining a discord server and posting your final work (i.e. AO3, Tumblr, Instagram, etc).
How does it all work?
Your lovely mods will handle almost everything. Your job is to create!
Writers: You are the beginning of the bang. You will come up with your idea and start writing. You will need to include an example AO3 rating, major warnings (if applicable), content warnings (if applicable), up to 5 example AO3 tags, a maximum of 100-word outline, and a maximum of 200-word “visual elements section” (this is to include things not anywhere else, but that you think an artist might be interested in!) Please note that this does not have to be the final idea, but this is what will attract an artist to working with you, so we ask that you both discuss any changes and agree on them, as we don’t want anyone to be in an awkward situation.
Artists: Once the claims open for viewing, you will have one week to view the fics & decide on your personal top 5 choices. The day that the form to submit your claims opens, you will have three days to submit those choices. This will work on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Once claims are over and teams are announced, you will work with the writer (as little or much as you want to) to complete your art.
Everyone: We will likely have a second round of claims, until everyone has a team. After everyone is teamed up, you will work together (at both of your desired collab level) and complete regular check-ins with the Mod team. You will be expected to keep discussion about your WIP contained to only your collab partner, or your respective Discord Zones – i.e. writers can discuss their WIP in the Writer Zone. Joining the Discord server means you will have support available throughout Spooky Bang.
What does ‘spooky’ entail?
Autumn-themed activities or events. For example:
Events - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Harvest, Mabon, Bonfire Night, Day of the Dead, Oktoberfest, Diwali
Activities - pumpkin-picking, hay rides, autumn coffee shop au, apple-picking, back-to-school 
Spooky - Monster hunting, Witchcraft, Avaunt Foul Demon (demon hunting), Zombies, Witch-hunting, Seances, Summonings, Paranormal (general), Ouija board
If you’re unsure if the topic you want to write about fits into this category, we’re here to answer your questions via Tumblr Asks or Discord ask-a-mod chat.
Can I be an artist and a writer?
Yes, you can be an artist and a writer. Please note that you will not be involved in the first round of claims for the sake of fairness. You will also not be able to claim your own fic as it is a collaborative event. It’s expected that you will keep both works private except to your respective teams and Discord Zones.
When am I __? 
Please check the timeline in Discord timeline chat. If the answer to your question is not there, send us an Ask or message in the Discord ask-a-mod chat.
Will you give us a prompt?
No. Writers will come up with their own prompt which artists will create based on the fic.
How will claims work?
Claims will be on a first come, first serve basis. Further information will follow before claims open on July 3. Claims will be handled by your Mod team. Claims may go through two or three rounds until all participants are teamed up.
How much information can I reveal about my WIP & who can I tell about it?
We ask that you keep your WIPs secret. You can discuss your WIP in your respective Discord Zone, and with your team (after claims).
Can I sign up late? 
If you have not completed Signup between May 9 - June 10, please contact the Mod team. Please note that we will not accept new signups after July 3.
What if I get paired with someone who I don’t get along with?
We expect you to be a good team-player and work with them in a friendly manner. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, please contact the Mod team.
How much control do I have over the artist’s creation? 
The artist may want to collab closely, however they can create art based on any scene or theme within your fic. It’s a collaboration, not a commission.
What’s a beta reader?
Beta readers proofread your work and can support with 'problem areas'. It’s completely optional, but if this is your first fic or you’re not confident in some of your writing, it might help you feel happier with the finished product. In Discord, our @/Beta Reader role can be pinged if you need help! All they can do is suggest things to you, you do not have to take their word as an edit. It’s optional, so don’t feel pressured to use one if you don’t want to!
What’s a britpicker?
A britpicker is like a beta reader, but to make sure specifically that your fic (if it's set in the U.K. or with British characters) contains terminology that the characters would use. This can be helpful for anyone not from the U.K.
What’s a pinch-hitter?
If you’re willing to create more than one work, you may be recruited to make a second fic or art for: 1) any writing that goes unclaimed, or; 2) replacing anyone who has to drop-out due to unforeseen circumstances. You can sign up to be a pitch-hitter as an artist or writer! This is an optional role.
What if I have to drop out?
This is obviously not ideal. We’d really appreciate it if you did not sign up if there’s a good chance you will need to drop out. Obviously, unexpected things happen and we understand that you may need to drop out. Please contact your Mod team urgently.
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bloodanddiscoballs · 2 years
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Meet my 3rd Disco Elysium OC: Danny the Entroponeticist aka a Pale Scientist
Name: Daniel Arden Naveen
Nickname: Danny
Age: 33
Gender: Male (Trans)
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 150lbs
Race: Semenese
Danny grew up in Oranje as an only child to a single immigrant mother. He grew up poor, his mother working as a house cleaner for the wealthy homes in the nice neighborhoods and singing at night for some extra cash. Danny's father had been a Paledriver, but never came home after a trip, leaving his mother and Danny alone. From a young age, Danny was a curious child, always wanting to know how things worked and constantly on the move poking his nose into things he shouldn't. He because fascinated by the Pale from the time the basics were taught in elementary school. Danny would fantasize about traveling the Pale, hanging around the loading stations down by the ports for a chance to speak with the drivers and watch the Coalition airships take off. In high school, he ran track and field, seeing it as a way to help train his body and get fit for the goal of traversing the Pale. He had a high school physics teacher who took a shine to him, feeding his hunger for knowledge by getting him access to any and all books he could, and mentoring him one on one. At the age of 17, Danny built his own version of a Pale Latitude Compressor as well as his own suit using scrap from a friend in the autoshop class and old radios he had thrifted. He borrowed an old row boat from a friend of his father's and set out to the part of the Pale that hung off the coast, eating away at the sea ice. He completed 4 successful trips into the Pale, but his Compressor failed him on the 5th attempt. When he didn't come home, his mother contacted the Coalition Guard and, after a few hours, they located him and took him in to be questioned. Danny spent the entire night and half of the next day being questioned and evaluated before he was offered a scholarship to the University in Graad, making him one of the younger applicants of the Entroponetics program. At 21 years old, Danny graduated with his doctorate and has worked as an Entroponeticist for the last 12 years.
Most of what Danny does is the experimentation that others will not do; the dangerous acts that put one smack dab in the middle of the fray in order to know if something will work or not. He tests the updates to the equipment, proves or disproves theories, and pushes past the limits in order to see what is on the other side. It has earned him some scars, the strange swirls on the back of his hands from when a suit failed and began to be eaten by the Pale. It's also earned him quite the reputation, being cited in over 200 studies over the past 12 years as well as being published on his own three times.
Danny is constantly bouncing from Isola to Isola, never in one place longer than a few months. As a result, he was single for most of his life, not bothering to worry about anything other than his job. He finds people confusing, always feeling like he doesn't know the rules of social interactions. Danny wishes that people would just say what they mean instead of dancing around everything. As a result, he is rather to the point, and though certainly not rude, he does often hear this behavior can be rather jarring to those who aren't expecting him to be so honest. When he gives you his attention, he gives you all of it, which can feel a little intense sometimes. Danny is an incredibly bubbly person, easily excitable and almost always smiling, even when he is working on a problem. Making friends is rather easy for him, though he always seems to keep people at arm's length.
Aside from his experimentations, Danny is part of the division of scientists who investigates isolary entroponetics: the idea of the Pale being able to form from inside an Isola. It is part of why he is constantly on the move, though Revachol is often on his list. He has bounced in and out of Jamrock over the last 12 years after earning his degree. It was on one of these trips that he first met Jean Vicquemare ten years prior. It was a brief meeting, one that Jean remembered but that Danny had forgotten due to other major things that had happened at the same time. Their first meeting had been rather poor, Jean mistook Danny for a criminal; as a Junior Officer at the time, Jean went undercover at a gay bar in order to flirt with the young scientist. Danny had already been teetering on the edge of giving up on dating, so when a young Jean had made a fool out of him and grilled him for information, it was the switch that Danny needed to simply shut off that part of his life for good. The two men ended up meeting ten years later when Danny had been called by Trant in order to come on as a secondary Special Consultant, Danny already having been in town to investigate the Dolorian Church of Humanity. Danny didn't remember Jean, but Jean certainly remembered him, feeling guilty over his behavior all those years later.
Ultimately, the two men end up pursuing a relationship and Danny laughs about the situation, releasing Jean from his guilt. They complement one another well; Danny's bright and happy nature with Jean's sarcastic biting own. They work well, Jean needing the honesty that Danny provides and Danny very much appreciating Jean not allowing Danny to shrug off being cared for. There are some ways in which their relationship might now be "healthy", but it works for them; Danny loving when Jean gets possessive and Jean finding Danny's petty streak very flattering. The depression that Jean deals with and how he deals with it- pushing people away- does clash with Danny's fear of rejection, but they find a way to make it work. It helps that both men are fiercely loyal, those feelings driving them to the extreme when either is at risk. Both have helped the other come out of their shell in different ways, finding comfort and safety in one another even with everything else strives to be chaotic.
Danny is trans and began testosterone at 18. That is also when he got his top surgery, though he got his tubes tied at 21 as a "graduation gift" to himself. His mother was not supportive, being incredibly religious, and when she died when Danny was 23, they hadn't been speaking. It is one of his biggest regrets and is part of why he shut himself off to the world. He is not religious but he was raised in Dolorianism as a child.
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stuckinthe00s · 3 months
Nail salons and their pricing, press-ons, and how-to:
As we all know (and if you don’t, well now you do) press-on nails are the hottest beauty trend…as if they ever went out of style 🤭 Press-ons are taking over the nail salons as people are leaving the salons and resorting to doing their nails & toes from the comfort of their home, I know I most certainly am. Press-ons are just so convenient within a day-to-day life. Depending on your schedule, press-ons are a time-saver.
Transitioning from the salons to doing my nails has saved me so much time and money, and it just allows me to spend more time with myself by adding it to my self-care routine. I’m not sure what’s going on with the pricing in the nail salons nowadays but the prices are not how they were back in the 2000s. I got my first acrylic set when I was 16 years old and I remember my mom only paying $30 for a full set + toes which was an extra $40, so only $70 + tip for a full set and pedicure. If you go to the nail salon today and get that, you might as well saw off an arm & a leg. No, but seriously, why is a full set + pedicure almost $200 & it doesn’t make it any better that they don’t display the prices anymore.
I used to be so excited going into the nail salon, being pampered and just being a girl now, it feels like a chore. Depending on how long you get your nails and what services you get, you’ll be in the salon for up to 3-4 hours. Not me though. I usually kept it basic with a medium-length French acrylic set and the most expensive pedicure. I would go in early in the morning and be out an hour and a half later… just enough time to complete my other services that were scheduled for that day (if any).
Now since we know all the girls are switching to press-on nails, here’s a tutorial on how to achieve your desired look and make your nails last up to 2-3 weeks.
Prep: To get your press-on nails to last for up to 2-3 weeks, you want to ensure that your natural nails are prepped to the gods. This step is crucial as it is going to determine how long your nails last. You don’t want to put all this time and effort just for your nails to pop off the next day. That’s not sexy babes.
Push cuticles back with a cuticle pusher
Apply cuticle remover oil/cream
Remove cuticles and/or any hangnails with a cuticle clipper
Remove cuticle oil/cream with a cotton pad
Free natural nails from all oils (natural, lotion, body oil, etc…) by using a cotton pad soaked in 100% acetone
Buff and file nails for extra longevity
Push cuticles back once more for a natural look
Application: Next is the application, this is going to be the fun part. Getting to decide how pretty you want your nails to be for the next 2-3 weeks. Are you going long or short? Square of coffin? How about almond? The choice is yours…
Choose which brand of press-on nails you will be using (I recently just switched to the BARTBOX NAIL BRAND, however, I was a KISS girlie at heart… still am 🫶🏾)
Size your press-ons to the size of your natural nail (ensure there are no gaps as this will cause lifting)
Choose your favorite nail glue for durability
Apply press-ons by applying glue on your natural nails first, then the press-on itself (this will cause longevity), apply at a 45-degree angle starting at the base of your natural nail for that seamless look
Repeat on all 10 fingers
Filing: The filing step is the 2nd to last step to ensure that you have the perfect press-ons, this will determine your shape. How sharp do you want your square or coffin? How round do you want your almond? File to your heart’s desire girl.
Choose the file with the grit of your desire (my personal favorite is 100/180)
FILE, FILE FILE!! No, but fr, file until you have that shape you are trying to achieve
Dust away any excess nail shavings
Finish: At last, the last step… you now have beautiful press-on nails that look seamless and natural. Now, you just want to oil your cuticles and moisturize your skin after doing all that filing and using the acetone
Choose your favorite cuticle oil
Oil your cuticles with the oil’s applicator on all 10 fingers
Choose your favorite moisturizer
Rub hands together to ensure you are getting the moisturizer on your hands as well as the cuticles
And there you have it… a nice, beautiful, and affordable nail set.
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middletone · 5 months
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Introduction Post
Spring – Year 1: Week 1- Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Summer – Year 1: Week 1- Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Current Goals:
Fast-track Blue Chickens
Fishing Level 10
Weekly Summary: Leander’s connection with the Valley grows! The Valley saw fit to gift our farmer with a Track Jacket, which was graciously accepted even if the color clashes slightly with Leander’s hair. Once again the Fae saw fit to bless the crops of Aurora Fields, allowing for an additional round of crops before strawberry season.
Though we were unable to defeated Abigail at the Egg Festival, Leander can take solace in other victories. Through perseverance & Willy’s guidance Leander has all but mastered the art of fishing, now being able to harvest roe from some of his catches.
A week of gentle progression and small accomplishments.
Daily summary & donation checklists under the cut; mod list in the Introduction post.
Day 08:
Spent most of the day clearing the farm as it was a bad luck day
Found a Track Jacket in a tree; not sure it fits Leander’s vibe since it’s like creamsicle orange, but it’s like… illegal? to not wear shirts you find randomly??? Maybe it’ll grow on me
Egg for Shane
Completed the Linus trash cut scene.
Not applicable here, but as an aside: This is like the worst cut scene to get in multiplayer because it triggers so late in the day and time doesn’t stop in COOP. You can’t just skip it since your decision affects Friendship with Linus & I almost always end up passing out lol
Cleared Cindersap Forest before heading to bed
Day 09:
Cleared trees near coop so seeds wouldn’t drop in grass growing area
Cracked 3 geodes: 2 rocks & a Limestone; lackluster finds, thanks Clint
Made donations to the Museum & Community Center
The 200 Fiber for the Forest bundle is tough since weeds don’t always have drops. I only just managed to get enough after clearing Cindersap Woods and most of the farm
Still better than the Sticky bundle
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Received a visit from the Fairy! That’s twice in 9 days‽ Truly we have been blessed by the Valley
Day 10:
Received the Furnace Blueprint from Clint; this will be useful eventually
Spent the day fishing; treasure: magma geode, rice shoots
Kept the “art o’ fishing” alive by catching 2 largemouth bass for Willy
Gave Vincent cookies for his birthday
Received 12 carrot seeds from Mayor Lewis’ ticket machine
Did some foraging before heading to bed
Hit Farming level 2 & Fishing level 7
Day 11:
Found & returned Robin’s axe
Spent the day fishing; treasure: iron ore, deluxe bait, bait, diamond, fire quartz
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Hit Foraging level 3
Day 12:
Nothing good at the Traveling Cart
Wanted a book from the Bookseller, but was unable to gather enough funds (books are expensive!)
Spent the day fishing; treasure: Bone Flute, Rusty Cog, gold ore, geodes
Fished up & read Jewels of the Sea; fishing chests now have a chance to yield roe
Foraged some before heading to bed
Hit Fishing level 8
Day 13:
Prepared for strawberries! Felt comfortable committing to 60 bushes with our basic watering can and unincreased energy bar
Egg Festival! Purchased my strawberry seeds, a decorative banner, & a seasonal plant. Found 8 eggs and was, therefore, unable to defeat Abigail; we’ll get her next year
Planted and finished watering our strawberries before heading to bed; 20 planted with Speed-Gro from the Community Center & another 40 without
Day 14:
Did not have enough funds to purchase the book I wanted from the Traveling Cart
Gave Haley a daffodil for her birthday
Egg for Shane
Spent the day fishing; treasure: Amphibian Fossil, fish roe
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Community Center - Crafts Room 1/6:
4/4 Spring Foraging: Wild Horseradish, Daffodil, Leek, Spring Onion
0/3 Summer Foraging: Grape, Spice Berry, Sweet Pea
0/4 Fall Foraging: Common Mushroom, Wild Plum, Hazelnut, Blackberry
0/4 Winter Foraging: Crystal Fruit, Snow Yam, Crocus, Holly
1/5 Exotic Foraging: Coconut, Cactus Fruit, Cave Carrot, Red Mushroom, Purple Mushroom, Maple Syrup, Oak Resin, Pine Tar, Morel
2/3 Forest: Moss (10), Fiber (200), Maple Seed (10)
Community Center - Pantry 1/6:
4/4 Spring Crops: Parsnip, Green Bean, Cauliflower, Potato
0/4 Summer Crops: Hot Pepper, Blueberry, Melon, Summer Squash
0/4 Fall Crops: Corn, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Yam
0/1 Rare Crops: Ancient Fruit, Sweet Gem Berry
2/4 Garden: Tulip, Summer Spangle, Fairy Rose, Blue Jazz, Sunflower
0/4 Brewer’s: Mead, Wine, Juice, Pale Ale, Green Tea
Community Center - Fish Tank 0/6:
2/4 River Fish: Sunfish, Catfish, Shad, Tiger Trout
3/4 Lake Fish: Largemouth Bass, Carp, Bullhead, Sturgeon
1/4 Ocean Fish: Sardine, Tuna, Red Snapper, Tilapia
2/3 Night Fishing: Walleye, Bream, Eel
2/5 Crab Pot: Lobster, Crayfish, Crab, Cockle, Mussel, Shrimp, Snail, Periwinkle, Oyster, Clam
0/2 Master Fisher’s: Lava Eel, Scorpion Carp, Octopus, Blobfish
Community Center - Boiler Room 0/3:
0/4 Geologist’s: Quartz, Earth Crystal, Frozen Tear, Fire Quartz
0/5 Treasure Hunter’s: Amethyst, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, Aquamarine
0/3 Engineer’s: Iridium Ore, Battery Pack, Refined Quartz (5)
Museum - Artifacts 3/42:
Dwarf Scroll I, Dwarf Scroll II, Dwarf Scroll III, Dwarf Scroll IV, Chipped Amphora, Arrowhead, Ancient Doll, Elvish Jewelry, Chewing Stick, Ornamental Fan, Dinosaur Egg, Rare Disc, Ancient Sword, Rusty Spoon, Rusty Spur, Rusty Cog, Chicken Statue, Ancient Seed, Prehistoric Tool, Dried Starfish, Anchor, Glass Shards, Bone Flute, Prehistoric Handaxe, Dwarvish Helm, Dwarf Gadget, Ancient Drum, Golden Mask, Golden Relic, Strange Doll, Prehistoric Scapula, Prehistoric Tibia, Prehistoric Skull, Skeletal Hand, Prehistoric Rib, Prehistoric Vertebra, Skeletal Tail, Nautilus Fossil, Amphibian Fossil, Palm Fossil, Trilobite
Museum – Minerals 1/53:
Emerald, Aquamarine, Ruby, Amethyst, Topaz, Jade, Diamond, Prismatic Shard, Quartz, Fire Quartz, Frozen Tear, Earth Crystal, Alamite, Bixite, Baryte, Aerinite, Calcite, Dolomite, Esperite, Fluorapatite, Geminite, Helvite, Jamborite, Jagoite, Kyanite, Lunarite, Malachite, Neptunite, Lemon Stone, Nekoite, Orpiment, Petrified Slime, Thunder Egg, Pyrite, Ocean Stone, Ghost Crystal, Tigerseye, Jasper, Opal, Fire Opal, Celestine, Marble, Sandstone, Granite, Basalt, Limestone, Soapstone, Hematite, Mudstone, Obsidian, Slate, Fairy Stone, Star Shards
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missladora · 1 year
Now Open for Commissions!
For the sake of being short and sweet, let's get some details here! I focus on fanfiction and will also write smut. I will write almost anything in these categories, but here are some certain guidelines.
My fandoms I have familiarity with and actively have interest in are Touhou Project, Homestuck, Hollow Knight, Final Fantasy XIV, OMORI, and Night in the Woods. I will be able to write these without research due to my amount of exposure. If you want something featuring characters that are not in this list, I will research the character and setting/gameplay if applicable, so that I may write adequately. If you want OCs, I will need to ask questions to make sure I have an accurate grasp of your character's background and personality! I would like to be accurate, and make you happy with your character's portrayal. I will write smut, even fetishes that I do not have! I do not judge or kinkshame in the slightest, as I believe in the freedom of sexual expression through fictional text, and I enjoy helping people fulfill their interests! Woo-hoo, pro-kink!!! However, I will not write pornography or otherwise explicit content for those who are under 18. I will ask a few questions to verify your age upon the request of smut, check your profile, etc. Upon request, I am more than happy to show you work in progress versions of your requested story, so you can provide suggestions or simply see that I am making progress. Your commission will not be published, unless I am particularly proud of it - even still, I will ask you if I may publish it on Ao3 before I do. My work is for non-commercial use. I reserve the right to deny any request, and also reserve the right to charge Tier 3 at whim, if I deem it necessary!
As another note, I do not know when I will be closing these. Here are the payment tiers and some other information below! Tier 1: $1 for every 200 words of Non-Sexual content ($5 per 1000 words) Tier 2: $1 for every 150 words of Vanilla Sexual content ($6.6 per 1000 words) Tier 3: $1 for every 100 words of Non-Vanilla Sexual content, such as gore or scat. ($10 per 1000 words) As these are my fetishes / hyperfixations, I provide a 20% discount for works that meet any of these criteria -
Physical Transformation, although the discount does not apply to inanimate object TF Body Swap Mental Change/Transformation Showing the ramifications of the transformation / life after TF Homestuck Touhou Project
Here are some examples of my work! You will find more than what is listed by going to my Ao3 profile. These provided links and examples contain spoilers for Homestuck, and some of them may rely on background knowledge to understand. My long fic, Ectobiology Accident. With 27k words and 6 chapters, this is my longest piece. I consider this piece to be Tier 1, that while one chapter features an ending that implies sex, it does not show any smut. Note that if you are a minor, I will not even include hints of sex. A long smut piece, Jade Vacillation. This is an incest piece with a lot of mood setting and foreplay. I consider this to be Tier 3, because of the incest, as well as alien physiology. A series of vignettes, dove strider: vignettes and coming out. This has a lot of angst but does have a happy ending. I consider this piece to be Tier 1. Some shorter Hurt/Comfort, fleeting. This piece relies on background knowledge of Homestuck, and is my first work. If you'd like to get to know me a little better, I have a link to my introduction post right here!
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The Millionaire. The Tax Cheat & The Child Snatchers.
Is the title too dramatic?
Almost as if I'm pursuing a career in right wing press.
As catchy and inflammatory as it is, it is true.
Our Millionaire Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has had a tough couple of weeks. Bless his little Harrod's premium Egyptian cotton socks.
From the Scottish Government trying to give Trans people in Scotland a route to self acceptance and societal approval to dealing with questions over what GP surgery he uses and whether it be private or public services him and his family use regularly.
Whatever you took from his vague answers just always remember: His Dad was a doctor
Moving swiftly forward to our ever loveable multi-millionaire chairman of the Conservative party.
How could the public possibly turn on a man who ensured the ambient temperature of his horses accommodation was that or higher than the average UK families living room?
Well he might want to turn down the temperature on the thermostat of his and his horses gaffs.
Nadhim Zahawi, the man once charged with taxation regulation on behalf of a tory government just happened to commit a few 'errors' which resulted in him essentially 'forgetting who owned the shares and therefore who owed the tax bill'.
It appears that forgetting figures of tens of millions is quite easy for a few privileged. Comforting to know that this is the chairman of the current ruling party which is led by another more successful and wealthy gentleman who is married to an almost billionaire non dom resident.
Again moving swiftly on before my brain suffers a serious malfunction due to an overload of hypocrisy and corruption.....
The child snatchers.... I must admit, I giggled when I came up with that even though the title is probably the most fitting.
Somehow, the Home Office has managed to lose 200 children.
You read that correct, don't adjust your screens as they say.
200 children have been trafficked by unknown individuals from the care of a home office approved hotel accommodation in England. The fact that the general consensus of tory MP's like Jonathon Gullis is that 'they shouldn't have come here illegally' is a worrying sign of the depths extreme right wing members can plunge to.
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After comments like wee jolly Jonathon's, social media is alight with false statements about the actual age of the children in question. Some claiming that as many as 70% of male asylum seekers are 18 and over and fraudulently claim underage status to enhance their chances of a successful asylum application.
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These statements are clearly untrue and with a quick search of the ONS figures its closer to 11%.
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Others simply don't deny the age of the children and claim that they deserve to be trafficked because they came here illegally.
The least offensive assumption from the right wing commentators is that the children have illegally re-united with relatives who are already settled within the UK.
Illegal to do so or not, I can't help but think 'go for it wee one, find your family'. Its tough having compassion for strangers in a world that's becoming so populist at a working class, grass route level.
I feel sorry for the people of England.
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librarycards · 1 year
Hey I was a contributor for the trans youth folio you edited and I was very moved by all of the work youve put into it alongside your editors note! I really can’t thank you enough for the lovely opportunity. If it’s alright to talk about, how did you work out a name for the literary community and what to write about in cover letters? Ofc you shouldn’t give any specific advice if you’re not comfy but to shed light on my situation I’m closeted rn, not planning to change my name legally but (1/2)
(2/2 contributor anon) still want to participate in publishing events and a physical literary community while in college. Do most people not question the use of pseudonyms? Please feel free not to answer stuff if you’re not comfortable but I would find any answer to be illuminating as your blog and previous answers are already filled with delightful insights on writing and literature. ^-^ hope you have a wonderful day!
thank you for sending this and for your wonderful contribution! <3
here are a few thoughts on my experience with names, etc. and submitting:
I began submitting / publishing when I was 17 and still using my full legal name. This is still how most of my publications, academic and nonacademic, are listed based on, like, google metadata. I used this name between 17-21 (aka from the start to end of undergrad) because this was the name I used on campus, and had used all my life.
when I was 21, I started grad school, and made a bit of a "fresh start" by beginning to go by my legal surname. soon after, i began experimenting with different ways to style my legal name, including omitting my first name, using brackets/lowercase, using an initial, switching the order of my names, etc. if you go through my literary publications here, you can see a variety of different versions.
any literary publication worth their salt will accept a different name than your legal one for your byline, end of. i have never once had a problem with this, and using a pseudonym, especially in the case of marginalization, is a longstanding practice (I mean, George Eliot!). As an editor, I have published a variety of modifications for peoples' names: initials, nicknames, full on pseudonyms or very obviously constructed names/terms. Basically, published names matter only inasmuch as a magazine can create an archive for your work so others can find it. You will have to give a mag your legal name for legal reasons (contract, payment, shipping of print material) but there's no reason they'd ever have to share that with readers.
For the cover letter: short and sweet is always the way to go, unless a mag explicitly states otherwise. I generally use the template of:
introduce myself (name, pronouns - these are for the editors to use when corresponding with me)
intro to my work: title, wordcount, is it a reprint, is it a simultaneous submission
content warnings, if applicable
thank the readers/editors for their consideration, provide any extra info that has been requested on the submission guidelines
below your sign off - a short, third person bio with previous publications/professional associations/anything else you want published with your work
rarely are my cover letters more than 200 words + a <100 word bio.
Apex Magazine formats theirs very slightly differently, but offers another excellent template.
if it is not safe for you to have your legal name connected to your work, tell the editors upon acceptance (usually, when your work is accepted, you'll be asked for an updated bio and/or other materials). Unfortunately, this is almost certainly a situation that the editors have dealt with before –– queer/trans people, people in countries with heavy restrictions on expression, people experiencing or fleeing abuse/in precarious housing situations, etc –– may all ask to use pseudonyms.
In the case of your college mag, I recommend talking to established members of that specific literary community about your situation, if only for your peace of mind. i can almost guarantee you are not the only person to have that experience. a faculty member who has been there a while might have a better idea of what other students in that situation have done in the past.
Lastly, and I cannot stress this enough: if a mag blames, coerces, forces, or guilts you into doing anything you're uncomfortable with, drop them. no exceptions. basic principles of enthusiastic consent apply for mags as well as with people, because mags are made up of people. i promise you, no publication, no matter how prestigious, is worth a violation of your comfort and consent. same goes for if a magazine treats you badly for any reason, or honestly, just gives you a bad feeling. chances are, they ick you out for a reason. trust your instincts and be confident with your needs: as a writer, your safety matters, and dozens of magazines out there are excited about publishing you in a way that feels good for everyone involved (and, notably, these are also the mags who will retract your work/edit your bio if needed).
hope this helps!
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newstfionline · 1 year
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Thousands evacuate from Nova Scotia wildfires (AP) Wildfires in Canada’s Atlantic coast province of Nova Scotia have caused thousands to evacuate. The Halifax Regional Municipality said late Monday that preliminary estimates indicate approximately 200 homes or structures have been damaged, based on initial visual inspections by first responders. Halifax deputy fire Chief David Meldrum said an estimated 14,000 people were told to flee their homes, most of which are about a 30-minute drive northwest of downtown Halifax.
Police agencies are desperate to hire. But they say few want the job. (Washington Post) The San Francisco Police Department is down more than 600 officers, almost 30 percent of its allotment. Phoenix needs about 500 more officers to be fully staffed. The D.C. police force is smaller than it has been in 50 years, despite troubling gun violence and carjackings, as officers leave faster than they can be replaced. Police departments across the country are struggling to fill their ranks, creating what many current and former officials say is a staffing emergency that threatens public safety. They cite an exodus of veteran officers amid new police accountability measures that followed the 2020 murder of George Floyd, increased hostility from the communities they police, and criminal justice laws that seek to reduce the number of people in jail. Advocates for police reform see the moment as an opportunity to hire a new generation of officers and reimagine policing. But as agencies seek fresh recruits, they are getting fewer qualified applicants than in past years—leading some to make the risky move of lowering the bar for hiring to fill their ranks.
Gun violence rages with at least 20 mass shootings recorded over Memorial Day Weekend (USA Today) Gun violence erupted across the U.S. over Memorial Day weekend: At least 20 mass shootings left 16 people dead and over 80 injured. The Gun Violence Archive, which tracks mass shootings, logged 20 incidents in which at least four people were injured or killed, not including shooters, from Friday afternoon through Monday night. The bloodshed started with a spree in Arizona, where a 20-year-old man was accused of killing four people and injuring one in five different shootings in the Phoenix area. Over the next three days, people were killed and injured in Virginia, Mississippi, New Mexico, Illinois and more. And Monday evening, as Memorial Day revelers in Hollywood Beach, Florida, celebrated the holiday, nine people were injured by gunfire along a boardwalk.
Drought-struck Barcelona quenches thirst with costly desalination (AP) Where once the population of Barcelona drank mostly from its rivers and wells, Spain’s second city now relies upon a labyrinth-like mesh of green, blue and purple pipes inside an industrial plant to keep it from going thirsty amid a prolonged drought. Water is pumped from two kilometers (1.2 miles) into the Mediterranean Sea to where the Llobregat desalination plant sits on an isolated stretch of beach. After journeying through several cleaning and filtering systems it reaches its final stop: the twisting and turning multi-colored channels that squeeze every drop of water free of its salt. Barely used after being built in 2009, Europe’s largest desalination plant for drinking water is running at full throttle to help the greater Barcelona area and some five million people adapt to the impact of climate change, which has contributed to the drying up of southern Europe’s fresh water reserves through heat waves and drought. In April 2021, before the drought, rivers provided 63% of Barcelona’s drinking water, wells provided 34% and desalination just 3%. Two years later desalination makes up 33% of Barcelona’s drinking water, while wells provide 23% and its shrinking rivers just 19%, according to Barcelona’s municipal water company.
Paranoid atmosphere (Washington Post) Parishioners have denounced Russian priests who advocated peace instead of victory in the war on Ukraine. Teachers lost their jobs after children tattled that they opposed the war. Neighbors who bore some trivial grudge for years have snitched on longtime foes. Workers rat on one another to their bosses or directly to the police or the FSB, the Federal Security Service. This is the hostile, paranoid atmosphere of Russians at war with Ukraine and with one another. As Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime cracks down on critics of the war and other political dissenters, citizens are policing one another in an echo of the darkest years of Joseph Stalin’s repression, triggering investigations, criminal charges, prosecutions and dismissals from work. In March last year, Putin called on the nation to purge itself by spitting out traitors “like gnats.” Since the invasion began, at least 19,718 people have been arrested for their opposition to the war, according to legal rights group OVD-Info, with criminal cases launched against 584 people, and administrative cases mounted against 6,839. Many others faced intimidation or harassment from the authorities, lost jobs, or had relatives targeted, the organization said.
Russia says drones damage Moscow buildings in pre-dawn attack (AP) Russian air defenses stopped eight drones converging on Moscow, officials said Tuesday, in an attack that authorities blamed on Ukraine. The attack caused “insignificant damage” to several buildings, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said. Two people received medical attention for unspecified injuries but did not need hospitalization, he said. The attacks have raised questions about the effectiveness of Russia’s air defense systems. A senior Russian lawmaker, Andrei Kartapolov, told Russian business news site RBC that “we have a very big country and there will always be a loophole where the drone can fly around the areas where air defense systems are located.”
30 international peacekeepers injured in fierce clashes with ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo (AP) The NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo, KFOR, on Tuesday raised the number of its troops injured in fierce clashes with ethnic Serbs to 30. The Serbs had tried to take over the offices of one of the municipalities in northern Kosovo where ethnic Albanian mayors took up their posts last week. A statement said that 11 Italian soldiers and 19 Hungarian ones “sustained multiple injuries, including fractures and burns from improvized explosive incendiary devices.” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spent the night with his troops on the border with Kosovo. They were placed on the highest state of alert on his orders last week. Vucic said 52 Serbs were injured in the clashes, three seriously. Kosovo and Serbia have been foes for decades, with Belgrade refusing to recognize Kosovo’s 2008 sovereignty.
Erdogan continues divisive rhetoric following victory (Washington Post) President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sang and smiled, reveling in the applause of the supporters he addressed Sunday after the toughest election of his long career. In victory, though, instead of soothing the nation, he lashed out at a familiar set of villains, in remarks that may set the tone for his next term. He was dismissive of his opponent, Kemal Kilicdaroglu. “Bye, bye to Mr. Kemal,” he said. And he ruled out any release for an imprisoned Kurdish political leader, calling him a “terrorist.” As the country moved on from the election, Erdogan would not easily abandon the bitter rhetoric, analysts said, setting Turkey on a divisive and turbulent course for the foreseeable future, even as Erdogan juggled a need to stabilize the economy as well as Turkey’s often stormy relations with allies in the West. In fact, “I think he is going to harden” his rhetoric, said Berk Esen, a professor of political science at Istanbul’s Sabanci University. “We are going to see him adopt a very polarizing discourse using ethno-religious themes” to maintain his “winning coalition” of voters. The value of the Turkish lira sunk to a record low on Tuesday, just days after Erdogan entrenched his authority into a third decade.
Chinese police clash with protesters over plans to demolish mosque (Washington Post) Residents of a majority-Muslim town in southwestern China clashed with police over the weekend as they tried to stop the demolition of a domed roof from a centuries-old mosque, part of the Chinese Communist Party’s expanding effort to control religion. The incident appeared to be related to a court judgment from 2020 that ruled some of the mosque’s most recent renovations were illegal, and ordered demolition. With a history that may stretch as far back as the 13th century, the Najiaying Mosque was expanded many times over the years to add buildings, as well as four minarets and a domed roof. In 2019, part of the structure was listed as a protected cultural relic. In recent years, however, Communist Party restrictions on the pious have escalated sharply. The country’s top leader, Xi Jinping, has demanded absolute political loyalty of faith communities and the “Sinicization” of religion. Surveillance of religious leaders has also intensified. A nationwide database of officially approved Islamic, Protestant and Catholic religious teachers was launched this month. The campaign has focused on Islam and Christianity because of the party’s deep-seated fear of faith being a vector for foreign influence.
North Korea says it will launch its first military spy satellite in June (AP) North Korea said Tuesday it would launch its first military spy satellite in June and described space-based reconnaissance as crucial for monitoring the United States’ “reckless” military exercises with South Korea. The statement came a day after North Korea notified Japan’s coast guard that the launch, sometime between May 31 and June 11, might affect waters in the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and east of the Philippines’ Luzon Island. Japan’s defense minister warned its forces to shoot down the satellite or debris, if any entered Japanese territory, and its coast guard issued a safety warning for ships that would be in the affected seas during the expected launch, citing a risk of falling debris. While North Korea’s rivals have condemned the country’s planned launch as a banned test of ballistic missile technology, it’s less clear whether the satellite itself is advanced enough to support the North’s stated goals of tracking and monitoring U.S. and South Korean military activities in real time.
Celebrations in Jordan ahead of kingdom’s first major royal wedding in years (AP) Several thousand cheering and flag-waving Jordanians packed a sports stadium for a free concert in the capital of Amman as part of celebrations leading up the kingdom’s first major royal wedding in years. Crown Prince Hussein, 28, is to marry Saudi architect Rajwa Alseif, 29, on Thursday at Zahran Palace in downtown Amman, the same wedding venue previously chosen by the prince’s father, King Abdullah II, and his grandfather, the late King Hussein. The nuptials come after a rough patch for the royals, including a public rift between the king and his half-brother, and are seen as a way of shoring up public support at a time of persistent economic difficulties.
Racers chase cheese wheel down a hill in chaotic UK race (AP) The big cheese of extreme U.K. sports events is back. Hundreds of spectators gathered Monday to watch dozens of reckless racers chase a 7-pound (3 kilogram) wheel of Double Gloucester cheese down the near-vertical Cooper’s Hill, near Gloucester in southwest England. The first racer to finish behind the fast-rolling cheese gets to keep it. The cheese-rolling race has been held at Cooper’s Hill, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) west of London, since at least 1826, and the sport of cheese-rolling is believed to be much older. Few competitors manage to stay on their feet all the way down the 200-yard (180 meter) hill, and this year several had to be helped, limping, from the course. Matt Crolla, 28, from Manchester in northwestern England, won the first of several men’s races. Asked how he had prepared, he told reporters: “I don’t think you can train for it, can you? It’s just being an idiot.” Delaney Irving managed to cross the finish line first to win the women’s competition, even after having been knocked unconscious. Irving, 19, said the race was “good … now that I remember it.”
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animarune · 1 year
Hi how have you been?
I am still alive! Just turned 29 too!
I just saw a trans health care person to talk about my desire for top surgery. I have an appointment in two weeks to start going over paperwork for an application!
I just started my 6th season working in landscaping, after finishing block 1 of a horticultural apprenticeship. After block 2 next year I will write the Red Seal test and I will be certified to work anywhere in Canada.
I firgured out several years ago that I'm aromantic and bisexual, and polyamorous. I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend. I've been involved in the kink community in my city for almost a year. My friend just got me a Violet Wand for my birthday which is super fun~⚡ It's a neat zappy toy and I brought it home to show my family because I knew they'd all think it's cool too and I was right! (I knew, because when I was like 17 we had this electric fly swatter with which they all took turns hitting each other 😆)
I can't remember when we last spoke, but I was diagnosed with ADHD sometime when I was 21 or so, and last year I figured out that I'm autistic as well.
I moved out to go to college in 2016 and my cat Shadow died in January 2017 and it broke my heart and I dropped out. Completed the horticulture diploma program 2017-2019. In 2018 I got my cat Harley. She is the most precious purrtato.
I've been living with my friend and work partner for four years. We live in a small apartment with my cat, and her cat and three rabbits, and a brown anole who came from a house plant and hatched in our bathtub. Also, at least 200 isopods.
I'm still friends with Shika! We don't talk as often but that's okay. I took her to the MCR concert in Toronto in September and it was amaaazing!
I'm still into writing fanfiction but I still haven't finished anything lmao Currently (for like 8 years now) I'm writing a Dragon Age: Inquisition fic. I keep changing my Inquisitor's backstory lol
Oh! And I am beyond hyped for Tears of the Kingdom!!! It looks so freaking fun oh my gosh!!!
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Women helping women
By Maddy Quon [email protected]
SUMMERVILLE — Almost 300 women have come together to build a house for a single mom as a part of Dorchester Habitat for Humanity’s annual build program, meant to inspire women to get involved in construction while helping a family in need.
The Women Build used to be a weeklong project, according to Moriah Hollander, Dorchester Habitat for Humanity development director. Starting last year, it became a monthlong program in February after 200 people signed up.
“The goal is to teach construction skills to women, to be a more open and inviting environment for them,” Hollander said. “Obviously, we do the same thing — we build on our site all year-round, but this particular time just encourages more women to come in a group where they can learn and ask questions.”
Because roughly 95 percent of the future homeowners in Habitat’s application program are women, there’s a good chance the women who volunteer will relate to the recipient, Hollander said.
“We’ve had a lot of women that come on the site and just absolutely understand what these women are going through and how hard it is to try to save money for your kids and get everybody to school,” Hollander said.
Ariell Burgess, a mother of three, is the 2023 home recipient. She said Dorchester Habitat has an application process to qualify for having a house built, and expressed appreciation at how the house isn’t just handed to her.
“You help volunteer — you build your house, or volunteer to build other families’ approved Habitat for Humanity houses,” she said. “Being inside the programit’s not a handout. They just don’t give out homes; you actually have to work for it.”
Burgess has been volunteering since January 2022, and will be participating in the Women Build to help put her own house together. She said she finds volunteering at Dorchester Habitat very rewarding.
“It’s great meeting people that don’t mind giving their time to help out with something that’s going to help families like me out,” Burgess said.
Kellie Collins is going into her ninth year of volunteering for Dorchester Habitat for Humanity. She said, as a mortgage loan officer, she’s very close to the real estate industry.
“I see the need in Dorchester County ... for affordable housing. The people who we build these homes for are all hardworking, and they have loving families,” Collins said. “I have a passion for those people, and I want to help people. This is one of the ways that I get to participate and do that.”
She said she’s done the Women Build every year and is excited to do it again. She finds the program encourages women to learn more construction skills.
“When you think of construction, a lot of women I’ve talked to, they’re like, ‘I don’t know how to do that,’ and the great thing is, you don’t need skills. You can learn the skills on site with a project manager,” Collins said. “It’s great to get women involved and empowered, because the more people that are involved and know about Habitat, the more we can grow and the more families that we can help.”
Collins encourages people to give volunteering at Habitat for Humanity a shot.
“Take some time and take a four-hour shift out of their day and participate, just to get to know some people,” Collins said. “Sometimes you even get to work alongside the homeowners, and I’ve met a lot of amazing people doing it.”
For more information or if you’re interested in volunteering, visit the Dorchester Habitat for Humanity website.
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carlwheezybaby · 2 years
Marketing Yourself
One thing I’ve learned along my journey as an artist is that it is SO important to stay on top of marketing yourself. It can be difficult to achieve if you’re leaning towards introversion, but overcoming that challenge will help immensely. It always helps to have a healthy dose of narcissism in your personality as well ;) 
One of the ways I market myself is through various social media platforms. Instagram, YouTube, and Tik Tok are all great platforms for doing so. It’s not that simple, though. Staying consistent with posting your works is vital to growing as an artist and achieving your marketing goals. I post almost every single day on each of these platforms (aside from YouTube, I’m still working on that), along with posting on more personal platforms (Snapchat, Twitter, etc.). I include videos, pictures, personal posts, and try to engage with my audience. Engagement includes running polls, asking questions, and talking to your audience like you’re having a conversation with them. The more you engage with your target audience, the better the outcome will be. Your analytics and insights after doing this will prove that.
Using hashtags in your posts is half the battle. MOST of my engagement (curse the algorithm sometimes) comes from hashtags alone. I try to use broad and niche hashtags including #artist , #pittsburgh , #pittsburghartist and #acrylicpainting. 
Two years ago I opened up my website (https://carolineheckmanart.bigcartel.com/). If you’re an artist looking to sell and promote your work, I highly recommend using a platform such as Big Cartel. Big Cartel will show you website data every day and has integrated apps that can show you the analytical side of things. My sales have increased by a decent amount since I opened up my website. Having a site allows people to view your full body of works for sale/portfolio and you can include what you’ve been up to as well as an About Me and Contact page. 
Allowing yourself to take on commissions helps to market your work as well. I almost always have my commissions open not only to increase sales, but to meet new people, increase engagement, and increase the size of my portfolio. When I started taking on commissions a few years ago I charged around $50 and now my minimum pricing sits at $200. Doing commissions allows you to hone your skills as an artist and practice different techniques and maybe even try out different art styles you wouldn’t have thought to do previously.
Another way I market my art is by being a part of various festivals and exhibits in my city. I typically find open calls and festival applications through my Instagram and my fellow artist community (I will touch base on this next). Not every festival will fruit sales, but experience is the key here. It’s difficult to start doing something you’ve never done before, but once you start it gets easier and easier every time. Vending is a lot of fun, too! I’ve been a part of several festivals/shows/pop up events since I moved to Pittsburgh and in doing so I’ve increased my engagement and online following ten-fold. I’ve met some extremely cool and interesting people/artists along the way!
Being a part of a local or online art community is important to growing as an artist. A lot of artists I met are working towards the same goals as me and it helps to be a part of a community that can hold you accountable. Forming relationships with other artists can and will help you achieve your goals! In my case, I’m a part of an Instagram group and artists in the group will send out various open calls, exhibits, and fun art events around the city. Start by following local artists and engaging with their content. You’ll never know who you’ll meet and maybe collaborate with someday!
Finding a local gallery or co-op is a great way to meet these people. When I arrived to Pittsburgh I found Redfishbowl, a gallery and community of like-minded people. I formed a new relationship with the owner and have since been invited to display some work and be a part of various exhibits/pop up events. It’s one simple step that will take you miles closer to your goals!
Last but not least, it is imperative to be passionate in your work and PRESENT in your work. This includes having your own style and trusting/enjoying the process it takes. If you only think about what the final piece will look like you’re not being truly present in the creation of it. The process should be fun and flexible, allowing you to explore various styles and techniques.
All in all, creating art and not showing it off to anyone isn’t going to result in the marketing goals you may be trying to achieve. It’s important to market yourself by being present, engaging, building relationships, building your online presence, building your portfolio, and having experience in the industry. It’s imperative that you just show up for yourself.
I hope my advice helps and please feel free to DM with any questions or if you just want some website or book recommendations :)
As always, thank you for being here!
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bookssunsky · 2 years
Get fl studio free
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Download the Fruity Loops for MAC free and let us known if you face any problems while installing or trying to make it work. The only drawback about FL Studio was its non-availability for MAC OS X users but that gap has been covered now and MAC users can also get their hands on it and start working on their electronic beats right away.
Advanced yet easy to use MDI capabilities.
Great selection of instruments and effects.
Users can make all kind of their preferred electronic music.
FL Studio is currently being used by Hit-Boy, 9 th Wonder, Jahil Beats, Boi-1da, Soulija Boy, Alex da kid, MdL and Lex Lugar. After doing this the user will have the same version of FL Studio Fruity Loops software that he registered for.įL Studio is one of the best software out there when it comes to music editing and is also used by some famous Music Producers though the software didn’t get as much attention as it should have. After doing that, the user will have to browse to the location where he has saved his FLregkey.Reg file and select it.ģ. Click on the FL Studio menu and select Register FL Studio from the drop down menu.Ģ. If you are an old FL Studio Fruity loops registered customer then you can unlock this DEMO version. Paste the downloaded file here and you are good to go. After you download the Arial.ttf file, go to the specified folder here (C: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/FL Studio/Bottles/flstudio/drive_c/windows/fonts ). Download the Arial.ttf file from there.ģ. To fix this issue in Fruity Loops (or FL Studio), follow the steps belowĢ. Common issues faced while using FL Studioįor most of the users, the software works fine but a lot of users have been having this issue where the software won’t show any text in its pull down menu. Dive deep into professional project files and learn about songwriting techniques, sound design, project file organization, and get 200 free samples & loops. The first startup of Fruity Loops might take a lot of time so don’t worry and wait patiently as it loads. Don’t not worry it’s a beta version and still has all the necessary features that a user would need to install it.ĥ. Upon launching FL Studio, an image will appear on the screen saying DEMO. 37 value FREE for a limited time 100 privacy. 37 value FREE for a limited time Watch For Free. Learn how the pros get their mix radio-ready with this FREE advanced course Watch For Free. After you download the file, install it and launch it.Ĥ. Learn how to mix a track in FL Studio, from start to finish. The software is around 470 MB in size and shouldn’t take too much time to download if you have a good internet connection.ģ. How to download Fruity Loops for Mac OS XĢ. The beta version is only compatible with OS X. The program is still in its beta stages and might have some bugs but they will be fixed in time. But we will be showing you guys how to get in on your MAC if you are a MAC user. FL Studio and is a popular beat making software that is only available for Windows Platform. Therefore, to advance you towards getting the software here is a guide on how to download FL Studio free trial. For the Mac version, you need macOS 10.13.6 (High Sierra) and later.In this article, we will be going to show you how to download Fruity Loops for mac free (now called FL Studio). However the free trial does give you the opportunity to play around with almost all the features of FL Studio with no time limit. This version is compatible with Windows 8 and Windows 10. The full product can be purchased from the publisher’s website with prices starting at $99.00 depending on the package. In general, the app seems as safe as any mixing software. As always, we recommend reading the official Privacy policy in order to take note of the way FL Studio uses your data. It seems that the software has no history of security issues or abusive data collecting. How To Get FL Studio 12 For Free Full Version (2018)How To Get FL Studio For FreeDownload Link. This is perfect to seek inspiration and develop further your personal style.
Samples: Enjoy different samples with the DirectWave sampler from the software’s library.
Effects: There are more than 80 effects and plugins to manipulate, sample, compress, delay, distort and many more actions.
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Support: The program can support recording sounds from external sources to the computer, as well as the use of VST audio plugins, among other possibilities.
Tools: It contains sequencers, synthesizers, virtual instruments and several tools to make mixes and compose songs of a professional standard.
Here are some of the FL Studio software’s main features:
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
Traveling day.
Made pretty good choices. Cleaned and ate before I left, watching Gotham. So hopefully I won't be going home to a pig sty.
I have continued to think about possible hangup and how to move past this plateau. 🤔
When I was in the 230's and 240's before, the [sic] love of my life started cheating on me with an 18 year old gastric bypass patient. It was hella traumatic. I lost everything. My heart was beyond broken. I ended up selling my house to her and leaving, basically losing the family I had fought so hard for.
I have felt untethered since then.
I did eventually remarry, so someone who basically loved me more than anything ever ( & got me fatter than ever) until they didn't--and some 21 year old puppy wannabe came along.
Got divorced. It was all chronicled on a blog that tumblr deleted. So again, thanks for that. I should have written it somewhere safe, because this wasn't and there was so so so much shit you guys.
So what was my takeaway from that? That my person will leave me if I become successful at weight loss??
How is that stopping me? My gf and I are not super serious. We don't have sex. We live separately. We actually seem better over the phone than in person. I struggle with their affection signals. [Sigh]
So why am I hung up here? How is that previous experience applicable to this situation?
It doesn't matter if she breaks up with me. Granted, I will be sad and lonely.... but it won't be fucking tragic.
So I am working on doing some mind reconditioning to change my inner language. Trying to redirect myself whenever I think bad thoughts. Honestly, I am just touch starved and body lonely. I can barely have an orgasm anymore, because I often start crying during, which probably doesn't fucking help.
It is safe for me to continue losing weight. I still have a large amount of fat. I will reconsider after dropping under 200 to see where I am with muscle mass. But I still have a rather large spare tire right now. So I know it isn't because I am in a physical danger zone. Mid 240s is still high for a female almost regardless of muscle mass.
So other wins: I am trying to concentrate on foods with lots of veggies, low calorie noodles, and protein.
So back to today- mostly good choices with the exception of breakfast. Which was a snickers and an apple while I cleaned my car. I had lunch before I left- which was veggies & gravy leftover from the other night, and a vegan harvest bowl. I gave the steak to mom to lower the cals for me. The bowl thing I bought a bunch of while they were on clearance and I wanted to try it. Small bowl of chickpeas and lentils in like a curry seasoning. 360 cals. So perfect to have with a veggie.
Road snacks. Drinks-- A pink Starburst crystal light thing, dt coke, cherry coke zero, and a pumpkin apple chai with fiber. Snacks-- Sweet c jelly, snow peas, carrot chips. Hard boiled eggs.
When I got to the hotel, I just got ready right away. Played in my phone a bit. Decided to wait to eat.
Went to an awesome show! It was great. No drinking, had a bottle of water.
Walked to the grocery store after. Bought 2 bananas, a pack of pickled green beans, and a cauli pizza bowl.
Ate a banana 🍌 right out of the store. Ate the pickled beans on the way back to the hotel.
Got back to the hotel, ate a salad first- but without most of the dressing.
Then ate my pizza bowl.
Took a bath and had 3 "moments."
Out of all the ways I could have undercut my healthy diet today, I think I won. No fast food. No drinking. Healthy food. Good choices all around except for the snickers. My workout was cleaning. I was sweating during but I wanted to be able to come home to a semi clean house.
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