#And I've put myself through almost 2 weeks of suffering from being unable to do basically anything other than lie in bed and stare at the
umilily · 5 months
I've been trying to get this fucking degree for 7 years, suffering basically nonstop, taking part in all my classes, even taking extra ones, I think at this point I more than deserve them just giving me my bachelor's. I've done ENOUGH.
#lily talks#it has been a day#Have what might be my last exam ever on Friday and ahahahhah#I only got one attempt to pass it or I'll have to do an oral one and I would much rather die than do that#And I've put myself through almost 2 weeks of suffering from being unable to do basically anything other than lie in bed and stare at the#ceiling bc I am so stressed but enemy number 1 aka my brain refuses to let me sit down to properly study but at the same time i'm not#Allowed to do anything else because I'm not studying like I should be and I just am miserable#Anyway I've been a mess this entire time and NOW 2 fucking days before the exam the professor announces there will be another date in late#To take it instead#COULD YOU HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS ANY EARLIER??????????#I am so tempted to switch the date because I barely studied and I feel like shit but i already suffered so much for this and then I would#Just have to do it all again#But I really can't afford to mess it up either bc I don't think I would recover from that. Genuinely.#I am so unbelievably done with all of this. The degree. uni. Constant stupid pressure from everyone about when I will finally be done.#Not even daring to think about the financial aspect because I would just cry#I feel so dumb for having a meltdown before any test situation I ever found myself in because you would expect that AT SOEM POINT my brain#That at some point I would learn to deal with it and cope somehow#Unfortunately I'm starting to doubt that this is going to happen in this lifetime
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hildagirl99 · 5 years
The lovers of the night
Scarlett and Aaron
(part 3)
2 weeks go by, Aaron and Scarlett always saw each other in the evening, during the day, they gave each other almost ambiguous accomplice looks. They talked about everything and nothing, getting to know each other a little more, even though Scarlett remained mostly silent, preferring to listen to the Sheriff. Tonight, there was a good opportunity to meet again, the rodeo party, it is certainly not a very romantic place to declare his flame but they should not miss this opportunity.
"Tonight ?" she asks, surprised.
"Yes, if you don't mind."
"But will there be people?"
"It's the principle of the holidays, inviting people."
"Oh ... I don't like the crowd ..."
"Don't worry, we will step aside, we will be quiet."
"Well ... I'll think about it."
"I really hope to see you tonight, Scarlett."
When evening came, Aaron was already there, 3 guards stood in front of the entrance, inside, it was crowded, alcohol and cigars smelled like noses.
Scarlett was still at home, not knowing what to wear for her date. Half of her wardrobe was mostly black. Did she have to dress in a simple way? Extravagant? If she put on lace, the Sheriff would take her for an easy girl, well what she doesn't want. She finally opted for a dress with a small black neckline, decorated with small diamonds. Watching her hair in battle, she decides to style and curl it, leaving her long curly lock in front of her eyes.
"It should be enough ... Come on ... I can do it." she thinks.
She puts on her black shawl and heads for the saloon.
"As long as she comes ..." thinks Aaron, in front of his small glass of whiskey, until he hears the guards' voices becoming imposing.
"You can't go back!"
"What? But it's not free to enter?" asks Scarlett, shocked.
"No, but to go back, it's 20 dollars!" asked the guard.
"Stop, I invited her!" said Aaron, arriving in time between the two guards.
"Sorry Sheriff, we didn't know that." said one of the two guards, embarrassed.
"Scarlett, come on, I've been waiting for you." said Aaron, holding out his arm.
She grabs his arm without hesitation and lets herself be dragged to the bar.
"I thought I couldn't go back. I didn't know it paid off." she said softly.
"I should have warned you, forgive me, but as I invite you, we have free rein." he said, looking at her.
"Fortunately you are Sheriff otherwise ... I will not have passed."
"Hehe, come on, come and have a drink."
"Since time. But I have no money ..."
"I'm the one paying, since I invited you." said Aaron with a charming smile.
While they were drinking, Aaron watched Scarlett from top to bottom.
"You're beautiful tonight, Scarlett ..." said Aaron, shyly.
"Oh… thanks… does that mean that on other days, I look like a rag?" she asks, suspicious.
"Huh? No, no, take it as a compliment! I'm sincere, now or on other days, you're ravishing."
"You have to say that to all the women you know."
"I'm not interested in other women, you mean the most to me tonight." he said, placing his hand gently against her shoulder.
Scarlett feels a shiver run down her back. Why was he doing this for her? She flees her gaze, not knowing what to do or how to react. In the distance, three women, provocatively dressed, call the Sheriff in the distance, then they start to walk towards him.
"Looks like you have company." whispers Scarlett to Aaron.
"Ooh dear Sheriff! You here? We weren't expecting it!" said one of them.
"Stay a little with you!" begs the other, resting her chest against him.
Aaron looked very embarrassed and couldn't help but blush.
"I would like to, but I'm already busy, ladies, but can you do us a favor?"
"Oooh? Which one?"
"Try to distract the guards, a little bit of your company would do them good." said Aaron, praying that it would work.
"Your desires are orders, Sheriff! Hihi! Come girls!" said one of them, jumping on the guards.
"Come on, Scarlett! Let's go outside!" said Aaron, taking her hand.
It was a diversion, the two of them rush out and sit at a table outside in the light of the lanterns.
"But why did you do this?" she asks, exhausted from this race.
"I didn't want to be locked up in this place with her crazy people… I saw that you were embarrassed. Outside, it's better, just you and me."
"Hehe, you're right, I was starting to suffocate, I don't like the crowd."
"I know it ... are you hungry?" he asks.
"Not too much ... Maybe a few aperitifs." she replies, touching her hair.
Once the aperitifs are there, Scarlett asks a question that was running through her head.
"Tell me ... Do you like what you do? Well, I mean, as a Sheriff." she asks.
"You know, being Sheriff was not a vocation for me." he replies, taking a square of cheese.
"What do you mean ?" Scarlett was starting to be interested.
"Since childhood, I had a dream, to go around South America. But I was brought back to reality by my father. I was very close to him, but the only one I did not like at his place was his authority and his arrogance. He himself was Sheriff before my turn, I had to be ready to succeed him because he was getting old. He said that traveling was for the gypsies and the Indians. instead, I saw the sea, as I told you before. The sea was my only comfort, I found peace. "
"It must be wonderful ..." sighs Scarlett, listening to him attentively.
"I will take you there, I promise you." he said, looking her in her eyes.
"You don't have to do this for me, there are other women who would dream of seeing the sea with you."
"You are the only woman I would like to take." he said, putting his fingers on Scarlett's hand.
She withdraws her hand a little, blushing.
"Why are you interested in me? I'm boring, and other women are better than me, they deserve you. One day, you will have to find a woman to be your wife."
Hearing this, Aaron wondered if it was the right time to tell him what he really felt for her. Suddenly, soft music cuts him off before a sound even comes out of his mouth. A slow… nothing better to get closer to the one who won his heart.
"Would you like to dance ?" he asks.
"I don't know how to dance ..." she replies, closing in on herself.
"Come, it's easy." he said, taking her hand.
They stand up and put his hands on her back.
"What are you doing ?" Scarlett jumps.
"Put your hands on my shoulders."
But being small, her hands land on Aaron's chest. Which makes him blush more and more.
"Let yourself be lulled and guided by me and the music." he whispers in her ear.
Scarlett was mesmerized by her words and her reassuring voice. She lets herself be entirely done. She sticks against him, Aaron felt like immense happiness in his heart and thousands of butterflies in his belly. Scarlett felt reassured in his arms, their dance turns into a passionate embrace. They cuddled for a long time until the music stopped.
"To answer your question before, I don't need to search among all the women who are here, because the only woman I love is in front of me." he said, taking her hand.
"Huh? What ... what did you say?"
Scarlett understood perfectly, but she refused to believe it. It was too much for her, she wanted to escape from this awkward moment. Aaron was waiting for her reaction.
"Um ... I think you are wrong, Aaron ... I am not the one you think ... or the one you want ..."
"Why do you say that ?" asks Aaron, who did not expect her reaction.
"Excuse me, I have to go back ..." she lets go of his hand and runs away.
Aaron is left alone and taken aback, what did he do wrong? He sets off in pursuit. She was opening her door.
"Scarlett! What did I do? Did I hurt you?" he wrote, joining her.
"Leave me alone, it's better for you and me that we each stay on our side. You have nothing to do with me." she said coldly.
"Scarlett, I don't understand, I just confessed that I love you! I thought that…"
"Well, think no more! You will never love me! I will make you suffer!" she writes.
Aaron didn't understand why she said that. He follows her to the kitchen.
"Get out of my house!" writes Scarlett, her eyes filling with tears.
"Scarlett, calm down… we can explain…" said Aaron, taking her in his arms.
Scarlett brutally pushes him away and grabs a knife, pointing it at him. Aaron steps back in fear.
"Ho! Scarlett! Put down that knife!"
"I will not make you happy! I am a monster! I will no longer trust a man!" she yells, hysterical.
Aaron closes the door to prevent his screams from attracting the attention of a villager.
"Scarlett, we can talk about it calmly, please, drop that knife." he said, advancing cautiously.
"Stop! Otherwise I will kill myself in front of you! I deserve it! I would rather die than surrender!" she said, turning the knife against her.
"SCARLETT !! No !!" he rushes over to her and grabs her wrist, removing the knife and letting it slide further to the ground.
"AAAH !! LEAVE ME! Kill me!" she yells, struggling.
Aaron holds her tightly in his arms until she calms down and she bursts into tears, falling to her knees, still in Aaron's arms.
"Shhhh ... calm down ... what's this story? Why should I stop you? Want to talk about it?" he asks silently.
She nods to say yes. He covers her with his coat and goes to the living room sofa.
"I don't come from here, actually. I'm from town. I was training with my mom so I was ready to inherit the business."
"I see ... but what is wrong with that?"
"In the meantime, I was forced to be with a man just to make me descendants. I was unable to conceive ... He ..." she stops in her sentence, feeling the tears come to her eyes.
"Shhhh, take your time ..." said Aaron, thinking about the worst that could have happened to her.
"He ... he raped me! Saying it's my fault ..." said Scarlett, bursting into tears.
Aaron was shocked by this revelation, he could never have thought of it, he cradled her in his arms.
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"You know why I have this scar on my cheek? It was beating me too! One day, it was one time too many, it hit me again and ... I grabbed a knife, and ... I wanted to defend myself but I ... I stabbed him ... "she said, whispering the end of her sentence, still bursting into tears.
Aaron finally understood why she was so scared and that she never went out. He continues to listen to her.
"What happened next ?" he asks.
"I ... I was tried, but I was released because I used self-defense. Half defended me and the other called me a murderer ... I left town to settle here after the death of my mother. I prayed that no one would recognize me when I went outside ... I didn't want it to end like that. " Scarlett replies, drying her tears.
"I'm on your side ... you defended yourself and this junk deserved it, no one has the right to hit a woman!"
Scarlett was amazed that the Sheriff was part of her terrible past.
"You have to stop me ..." she said.
"No ... I won't do it. I understand why you don't trust me ... rather men ..."
"I ... I didn't say I don't trust you. I need time for that ... you're the only one who really seems to want to take care of me ..."
"For the moment, I will make sure that no one does you harm ... for my part, I will never harm you, I will never leave you, we will take our time." said Aaron, hugging her.
"Aaron ..." whispers Scarlett, hugging him too.
"You deserve happiness, everything you told me stays here, your secret will be ours." he said, looking at her.
Gently, he approaches her face, his lips brush against hers, Scarlett turns her head slightly, everything was going so fast for her. But she couldn't help smiling after this delicate gesture.
"I'll wait for you, Scarlett ... take the time it takes." said Aaron, taking her hand.
"You don't have to keep more secrets between us." he finished, kissing her forehead.
"I will come to see you as soon as I can." said Aaron, getting up.
"I prefer the night, I like it when you see me at that time." said Scarlett smiling, then she continues.
"And thank you again for trusting me."
Aaron turns around, he comes back to her, puts his two hands gently on her cheeks and kisses her tenderly. Scarlett remains frozen as if someone had cast a spell on her, she doesn't protest and relishes this kiss.
He breaks the kiss and says to her:
"I love you…"
Scarlett didn't know if she should answer him, she didn't want to rush, yet her feelings were mutual. She answers him with a simple smile and Aaron leaves in silence.
To be continued...
Part 2 :
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z3i3ra · 5 years
Abu: she is. She is going to Iraq. Who does that?
Me: someone who really cares about you
Abu: oh someone that is going to save me from myself?!
Idk that i was ever askedto go as an adult before. I said it was time when Obama brought van loads to my actual fucking house. I still don't know,what the fuck he thought. I haven't fully processed the memories. But I was all, i think this is enough people for an army to fight back now let's go.
And he was all uhhh we aren't going back to Iraq we just got here
And me and Abu were all uh hello, yes because now it's time to start the war. Every One got energized to go home so now,we give them,weapons and,say kill or stay. And,let's go back home to our families!
Like literally that went back through my head twice.
But really I said I had to go get my daughter (who was home) and I was freaked the fuck out cause i had amnesia and so I was gonna go around to the back door and try to get back inside through the back door by getting my daughter to open it, as i had locked the front door on purpose.
I never told anyone, i think, that but it was quite a sight all those vans and all these military and some President Obama look alike.
My first instinct was to lock my door and close it. Having only a phone it was easy to text or call her.
But instead the President Obama was all uh no what you mean you locked your keys,in the door?
And he told me to,text her and i was all ok so i text "help me please, unlock the front door it's been all a mistake"
But i didn't send it. In my mind i was all text is like write. He said text but not send
I was on challenge to this dude "Hello i am the American President, is Sabrina home"
Uhh. No the President shoukd know 2 people live here and what we look like before he just shows up knocking. Nope noooope nope. I am not home. "Yes, how" door lock activated and first step outside the door "may i help you?" Door slams shut.
I mean he knew i hadn't sent it. Some dude with a laptop was right there and all. It was a literal on my porch war with the fucking President, in my mind, who was getting to,my daughter first.
"This is the stand off. Mr President, sir!!"
"Would you look at her, ready to attack me"
"Look here, her twin brother predicted it. She doesn't know you and You just arrived on her porch like a God send but she is looking at you like a wolf who has stolen her babies and instead to steal more"
If a war can be spoken with facial expressions, I won.
"Okay what else do i need to know"
"The name of the game is who can get in the house first. Ready set go!"
"Dont send the text message. What ever you do. I got everything under control here" dude had no clue, he was the enemy.
I already hit send as soon as,he said Go like,those Chinese crazy,games you gotta go through obstacle courses... Yeah I was already winning. I'm all getting cheers just at the very end, could i make it???
My breath is a fucking war. Obama is belting out commands but all i can hear is my own breathing but all i needed was the tiny rattle of the lock of the door knob.
I heard the dead bolt lock me out "SHIT!" Then it unlocked "OH MY GOD, YES!!" "Now one more please baby come on"
Obama turned to the laptop guy to see whst the Hell i was on about because Matt had said that was our only tool and brain and i was staring at my screen praying. "Idk sir, all I heard--"
"CHEATA!!" I flew past Obama and stood in front of the door that my daughter not only unlocked but also turned the knob to crack it open so i just had to push it all the way.
I covered the doorway by spreading my arms out "MINE"
"Its locked anyway" obama turned away, the boys heifted out the air conditioner at the same time. I spun all ballerina and shut the door and locked it, bent over at the window and said "hiiii" the military dude peeking in, fell into my house onto the floor cause i had him straight fucked up.
"Could you put the air conditioner back in please?"
The bewildered Military dude, secret service was all "if you tell me how you did that"
"Mothers instinct, maybe"
"Well, I'll put it back in anyway"
"But could you do it from the outside? I want to see if you could. Thank you"
He obliged and i locked myself in the house. Until they called Matt and asked how to get me out to talk. He said "call her cell phone"
So they did and i saw Obama out the window. "Stand on one leg" i said while unlocking the door as silent as possible (I randomly practice) "like a flamingo"
"Is this how a flamingo stands? His head turned away from my house, so i slipped out and held the door knob behind me,not all the way closed but it looked like it.. But I could push it back in and escape.
Secret service turned around in shock "how did she...."
I won. When you surprise secret service at least 2x in less than 10 minutes... You win. Especially when everyone on the porch's jaw drops open.
"5 out of 5. I guess i won this place. Yall can close your mouths now"
Obama does not like to lose. I think especially to a girl.
"Oh you'll get used to it. Watxh the video"
So they watched the video and all and the most shocked secret service had figured out how i knew when to go in but said it wss all shocking the same. The other one doing the heavy lifting hadn't noticed anything.
And Obama was so mad
"And yes Obama that was the flamingo"
"Alright, I'm done here, let's go. We will talk to the coty and see if they can stay here and we will get something sanctioned. Come on Abu, lets get you to a hotel"
"Uhm, really?!!? But no i want to know why first or i let them out the van and the first one that dies is you" replied an ecstatic Abu.
"I know I'm not about to die I tell you what" I muttered under my breath "and there's just two of us here and one is a kid"
"No, i want to know we will be free and you will not send us back to Iraq. Then, i will go with you"
"Oh Abu that paperwork is already being processed"
I still didn't know whst was going on but this dude all up on the President with a heavy accent all 'bitch i aint doing shit, yo' i was all dam that was way sexier than I ever expected to see on the porch of my house.
My face was on a new war, winning this young stud. I don't know who could tell but i think he could.
The observant secret service said for me not to continue to drool but I was all okay I'll stare dreamily. Total sexual harassment out my face. And Abu was not going to resist apprehension. And his pants were becoming to small at the waist.
So all these secret services and the President all just sat there and watched the young stud gain a boner and i heard the front door open.
I threw the white flag, my kid didn't need to see that. Oh but Abu was not done with the war, being at the far end of the porch, furthest away from me, he threw jealousy down.
Now Today 10 and half years later he doesnt bother to open any door to his house for me.
Anyways. So Jeremiah had agreed the year before that if i could outwit the secret service somehow in under 25 minutes then every one could be set free. But it had ti be the secret service and it had to be 21-24 minutes for everyone in Iraq and for everyone in the vans. At 25 minutes, no one. And under 21 minutes anyone already set free including the vans.
1400 had already been released on escaping terms and 5000 remained in the cells.
I had to beat amnesia to get the rest out. At least 3 pregnancies and finding my mom at her location.
So I did it.
All those greedy selfish people i had to yell at at the NHRA. I had to. I worked every single day. Every single day to repair my brain 99% on my own. It had to be 85% not including legal drugs.
Even the Queen agreed but stated she must be dead before any press releases could be stated about her involvement. And i had to pick her successor.
So yay!!! I did it under 12 years.
But also I wish I could done it sooner.
I fought every single day.
Every single day. My mind wss on my mind.
No matter what it took. I always felt that. It was the most important thing in the world. An urgency that took over my entire being.
God gave me great pain so i was unable,to leave my bed so i could focus and break all barriers and do it even without his help.
I even became suicidal, homicidal, crazy feeling, all sorts of horrible things
Yet I cannot compare it to the intensity of being kidnapped and broken. Tortured nearly constantly. And having to work for a slave labor.
In words it seems the same. But in my still somewhat broken mind i dont see it that way.
Because what I did was break free. And i see these people in shackles. Giving up as i did multiple times. But bot just giving up for a day or week while still looking and,grasping. But i see people who lost hope.
How coils they not? I know i would, just keep my head down and work, stay out of trouble and try the best i can to keep shelter over my head and food in my belly and have,the faith that that would work to,keep,me,alive another day.
Again, in words, it sounds almost the same. But i had a job I picked,a house I picked, my own child, a car.
I had freedom. I had freedom to stop, i had freedom to quit. I could do anything in the world I wanted. And no one could stop me, beat me, or anything.
I had full control over my life and it's contents. Over what i ate or didn't n wheere i got it from.
So,while on paper it sounds as though our struggles are the same, the struggles of the human trafficking victims and their families do not compare; theirs are much greater.
Doing what i did on my own the way i have. It has brought extreme advancement to the medical community.
But when I look at the sea of faces, my heart and mind connect and tell me, it is not over. My eyes tell me, what you have suffered, they will, too.
And I know i can't take that pain they will have in the future away. It hurts my heart to know what I've gone through, mentally, in my life and know they Likley will as well.
But I just hope and pray that we are different enough, the human trafficking victims and I that they will have the happiness I have sought for myself and my own daughter.
And when i do, i see people hugging, i see people holding each other through some of the toughest best times of their lives. I see people together.
And i know, im likely an over protective mother, seeing all these people as her babies with all the last instructions about not forgetting to turn off the stove, or turning the pot handles in so you don't accidentally hit it and waste your food if you dont have a dog or a small child dumping boiling water on their heads.
Its not like sending them to college... Its like sending them home.
Homes that .... I've lived in nearly 40 houses. And None were the same. Except the constant battles and abuse from relatives that weren't mine.
That is why i am so thankful to London for sparing DNA kits that have been administered to all victims and will be administered to families all over the world. ASAP
Abu for hiding away Money and buying things for celebrations.
The governments for really listening, finally and helping all these families.
I know this is the first stage and so much more needs to be done. But as I put my head down to work, I know it will. Get done.
Because I've worked too hard,for too long for it to stop now.
Abu reminds me how i had a fear od public speaking. How i refused to fight. Others tell me how I was mute for years.
I came from nothing. And we're not throwing these victims out a plane without a parachute.
I've always known everyday my work wasn't just for me. It went beyond me. Beyond any thing i could see.
Know i know why
So twin matt splice this up into this,mornings email and then snoopy add this song.
VA contact my dad. He still,needs to pack. I probably have to repack my kid for warm weather clothes.
We got shit to do. What yall sitting looking at me for?
Add nickleback far,away and photograph. Doug has,these practiced so snoop sings along and alter some slight phases like the demand to stop breathing.
Wanted you to say to "stay" Steph also knows the words.
Photograph add in "when I get home" between the lines like how we do Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Batman wheels and all that. ... Will the school throw me out? No.
So,Snoop pick you want the songs or the add ins., I wanna push you to meet the tone of the songs original way to sing it So that it's US understanding the victims pain.
Then the victims reassure us woth the add ins that every thing will be okay.
So ALL the victims ...
"Criminal records broke 2x" a haha from the band then a repeated haha from the crowd so a repeated chord from Doug or jist a pause. His choice.
Should I try to go back and graduate "we ARE Free to CHOOSE"
"Wouldn't let me back in" go online!
Abu, Matthew. Hondo. Gherie, you already know. But some of you all need to understand "Far Away" from nickleback.
It was written for you.
Many songs were thanks to my great influence in the 90s on the music industry.
Thank you
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