#And he's always like :D :D whenever he runs into the inspector
kiaroscuro · 5 months
Continuing my trend of sorta-watercolor backgrounds, have a thief in his natural habitat. Like many birds, he is decked out in his most prized and shiny possessions and is trying to elicit the attention of a possible suitor, though the suitor appears to be unamused. Oh, the poor thief; maybe next time will work out better.
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(otherwise known as: Ganimard isn't being paid nearly enough for all of the hairs he's loosing while chasing Lupin)
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rose-edith · 3 years
How about some fluff with Father Brown and reader that helps him solve crimes? Please make it so sweet that it'll give cavities. :D
Hope you like it!
Helping Father Brown solve crimes would include:
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•first and foremost you’re a distraction that he uses- if he needs to get past the Inspector to creep into a closed crime scene he calls you his ‘Angel’ when you put your best foot forwards and go and flirt with the Inspector until he’s so focused on you that the Father can get into the scene.
•and if he needs to smuggle something out of the crime scene he gets you to run with it, or to hide it in your bag or basket or something.
•Mrs M lives in fear when you and the Father have your heads bowed together in thought as you try to put together the pieces of the puzzle to solve the murder.
•you and Sid are two of a kind, when Father Brown needs to break into a safe or a car ride somewhere he can always rely on you. He may have learnt how to pick locks from Sid, but the Father learned how to jimmy windows from you- thanks to you he can open locked windows without any sound.
•fortunately you and the Father have very similar intellects- you just happen to be more modern and up to date values and attitudes, so together you make a great team!
•however, when things get tricky and you’re both stuck for ideas as to who, or why a crime was committed, you end up making a whole lot of cups of tea. A cup (and what I really mean is several cups, more like a whole pot) of the old Rosie Lee gets his brain ticking over nicely.
•you also share the odd sweet treat when Mrs M isn’t looking- you either swipe some award winning strawberry scones when the matriarch isn’t looking, or you’ll make or buy some for you two to share privately.
•you often end up helping Father Brown with re-enacting crimes, which you find to be supremely helpful yourself! He encourages your curious mind, guides your studies and thinkings.
•and the first time you solve a crime before him? He’s SO proud of you!
•he’s borderline terrified when he sees you getting along with Flambeau, he’s not sure if the world is ready for a duo such as the two of you!
•there are no secrets, no bad ideas and no stupid questions when you’re attempting to work out the truth behind a crime.
•whenever he gets in trouble, caught by the murderer as he tries to get them to confess you’re right by his side. And he always feels so guilty that you’re potentially in harms way…but you wouldn’t have it any other way! You certainly wouldn’t want him to face mortal danger alone.
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cry-stars · 4 years
Rhythm Thief for the fandom and Raphael for the character ask?
Thanks!! :D Sorry, this is so long!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: It’s probably Charlie? Or Raphael? But it’s very hard to choose, honestly.
Least Favorite character: I thought it was going to be Jean-Francois, but he’s honestly so hilarious I couldn’t find it in myself to hate him. I honestly like everybody! All the NPCs are great; I love how almost everyone in the town treats you like family.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Oh man… I haven’t given this much thought yet! I mostly just like Raphael/Marie right now, but I might like other ships in the future once I think about them more.
Character I find most attractive: Um… I’m honestly not sure.
Character I would marry: Again, I’m not really sure, haha... Maybe Duchess Elisabeth? She’s pretty cool.
Character I would be best friends with: Charlie!
a random thought: I absolutely love the mix of genres of music in this game! It’s so cool to see Baroque music getting some love. I especially love the harpsichord getting used in Phantom R’s theme and throughout the game. 
An unpopular opinion: I don’t know if it’s unpopular? But I really like Marie. She reminds me a lot of Espella from PLvsAA, who I always saw getting a lot of hate, and whenever I see a character getting hated a lot, I automatically love them out of spite, haha. 
My Canon OTP: I guess Raphael/Marie is canon? I was surprised at how much I liked the pairing; usually I don’t like canon romance, but, as you said in your ask, I also really enjoyed the sincerity of it. I feel like they’re really good friends too, and they just seem to really care about each other and want the best for each other.
My Non-canon OTP: I guess I do kind of like Raphael/Charlie? More as friends than romantically, but I really liked seeing Charlie begrudgingly grow to respect Raphael as the game went on. The moment when Charlie rescued Raphael was awesome too, and really got me invested in their relationship.
Most Badass Character: There’s a lot of those in this game! I’ll say Charlie for how insanely strong her arm is to be able to save Raphael and Marie at the same time, but Inspector Vergier and Duchess Elisabeth are very close behind her.
Most Epic Villain: Whoever built the Hanging Gardens, haha… Graf and Napoleon were kind of epic, but they also made me laugh a lot, so they don’t get to be “most epic.”
Pairing I am not a fan of: I don’t really have a good answer for this one… just… anything I don’t ship, I guess? I can’t think of any pairings I’d hate.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): No one in particular… I guess I would have liked to learn more about Elisabeth’s past, but overall, I feel like everyone was treated pretty well.
Favourite Friendship: I really like Marie and Josette! I wish we got to see more of them together; I really liked the stories of them growing up together in the convent.
Character I most identify with: Raphael, I think. I have perfect pitch like he does, and music’s a huge part of my life too, even if I don’t dance much, haha. I’ve also always been a nerdy “nice kid” in public too, so I understand how he likes switching between his two personas for different situations.
Character I wish I could be: Charlie, haha… she’s super cool, and I wish I had her self-confidence to just dress the way I want and be adventurous like her.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: I love him so much. He’s such a good boy. From the moment I saw him, I knew he’d be my son. I love how he’s so musical, and how he’s a great cook, and how much he cares about his dad and his dog and his friends. I really love how he just loves to dance and how he turns everything he does into a dance or performance. He’s just amazing and adorable.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Marie, and maybe Charlie.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Charlie when I’m not shipping them, Fondue when I am. I also wish we could have seen more of Raphael with Michel and Emile! I think the three of them had a lot of potential for friendship.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I can’t remember his name, but Raphael really should have helped that man near his apartment with running his store. Raphael kept promising him and not actually helping… 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’m just mad that his dramatic ‘getting shot’ moment wound up being ‘only a scratch.’ I was robbed of my Charlie and Raphael hurt/comfort moment! :’D I’m glad that he didn’t die, though.
Favorite friendship for this character: Probably tied between Raphael and Charlie and Raphael and Fondue.
My crossover ship: I’m not sure if I have one… I’ll leave this blank for now.
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merrykidgemas · 5 years
Pep Talk
Marie can’t help but feel a little nervous for her violin competition but there’s no need to fear when your red-headed crush- I mean friend comes by and cheers you up.
Read on AO3
Clink, clink, clink.
Marie adjusted the glass of water in her hand sighed for the fiftieth time as if that would stop her from tapping on the cup.
Performances was no stranger to her; it was easy to play when everyone enjoyed the music. It was another story when she was being judged. The stares, the frowns, the awkward silences-
The girl shook her head. She couldn't let this get to her. Her whole scholarship, education, and even most likely her career rested on this competition. Marie lifted the cup of water to her lips when she felt her throat go dry again. The duchess's daughter was a kind soul but unfortunately the others in the room were not so much.
Rumors had already began to spread of the young heiress. The judges will always favor the wealthy and powerful. Who was even sure she had skill? This was especially a popular thing to whisper about among the students that came to Paris. Try as she might to tune them out, the small murmurs still reached her ears. On particular snicker made Marie turn around. Malice glittered in the dark eyes of a girl sitting across the room with her friends.
That was the last straw.
The chair screeched as Marie sat up and fled from the waiting room. Pushing the door open, she ran into the red carpeted hall. Not many cared to lift their eyes when the door slammed closed.
Balconies was something she was naturally drawn to. Maybe it was the fact there was an open sky or how the breeze seemed to dance lightly near the railings. Sun high in the sky, Marie raised her hand to shield her eyes from the light which gave her the view of the city. For the first time that day, her small frame relaxed.
"What's got you so worked up?"
Thinking it was one of the workers, Marie spun around on her heels with an apology already coming out of her mouth.
"I'm sorry! Was I not supposed to lea- Raphael?"
The dark clad thief gracefully jumped off from the railings and took a few steps towards her with a smug smile, obviously enjoying his triumph in giving her a surprise. "The one and only!"
He took her hand and placed a small peck on it, noting the lack of warmth. Raphael felt her inquisitive eyes on him and her hand he was holding as he stood up straight again, awe evident on her face. She was too cute to be legal. Good thing he was a thief.
"What are you doing here?" Marie finally asked while observing his attire. He was on the run, again. Her pressed lips upturned into a small smile at the thought of the inspector and his daughter chasing her friend around Paris with the Roller Skate Brigade in tow.
Using his other hand, Raphael clasped her hand that he took between his and feigned a voice of despair. "You couldn't have forgotten our promise, have you Marie?"
Hiding her smile with the back of her hand, she managed to answer him with giggles in between, "What promise? I don't exactly remember you promising me that you'll drop in unannounced whenever you wanted. You scared me back there! I thought you were one of the workers."
"Well luckily it was just little ol' me!” he laughed, “You looked a little sad so I decided to give you a early pep talk. Are you alright?"
So he had noticed. Remembering what happened earlier, Marie nodded her head as she averted her gaze away from him. "Y-yes I'm alright. Just a little nervous."
She felt him squeeze her hand lightly for a second. "You look more than just a little nervous." Looking up, Marie met his worried eyes.
They weren't that close yet, due to all the different places they both had to be, but Raphael thought that maybe they would have been close enough to at least tell each other their worries liked he did when he told her about his parents. He knew that the girl didn't mean to lie, but he didn't care whether she thought he would burden him. Voicing his thoughts, he pulled her closer. "You can tell me. I know I'm not around much but I still-"
"No, no you didn't do anything wrong! I just..."
It was hard to sum up all her thoughts under two minutes. After glancing at the clock, Marie began slowly walking towards the door followed by Raphael.
He had no right to push her to say anything but Raphael still felt a little twinge of guilt as he felt Marie starting to walk away from the balcony. Maybe he wasn't the right person she wanted to talk to.
The two stopped at the doorway. Not really sure how to answer, the red headed boy just nodded for her to continue. Raphael watched her eyes fluttered down as she pulled on the hem of her dress shyly.
"D-do you have some time after the competition? I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while. I didn't mean to hide anything from you or-" she managed to stammer out until he interrupted her with a chuckle.
"So it's a date?" he said with a grin spreading on his face again.
He only laughed and tipped his hat as he finally let go of her hand, something she seemed to have completely forgot about. Standing on top of the railing, Raphael leaned his head to the side to give her one last smile before he saw her again. "See you later in my civilian clothes! Unless you spot me in the shadows of the auditorium, that is. You’re going to do a great job Marie, I know it. Adieu!" With that he jumped off, leaving Marie grasping the railings as she watched him run into the guest hall.
He was even cheeky enough to turn around to wave back at her as he ran.
Marie held her hands together. One cold and one warm. She lifted the warm one to her face to find out that her cheeks were heated as well.
When she reentered the waiting room, the majority of students had already began tuning their violins. Marie made her way to her own case with a hum, not even realizing some stares were directed at the her.
Annoyed by the change of mood of the blue eyed violinist, the previous girl who had snickered at her looked away in petulance.
Marie heard her name called and picked up her violin with care. She really hoped her mother would like this piece. Well, she already did since the duchess heard her practice everyday so maybe Raphael will like it too. Her heart beat a little faster at the thought of his name. Dismissing the thought she walked through the backstage and readied her bow.
Keeping true to his word, Raphael and Fondue hid in the shadows in the upper level. He felt himself beam with happiness and pride as he watched Marie walk onto the stage as the audience clapped. But what really made him giddy was the plans she had proposed for later.
Just the two of them, like old times.
For @snowlillyyukino and @pandadoesawrite if they remember me dfshkdf 
maybe I should do headcanons next
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arwenkenobi48 · 7 years
The Feral Opress Headcanon Masterpost
Now updated and expanded!
Canon Star Wars Timeline:
Feral was the youngest son of Mother Talzin. He was born almost two months premature and had a twin who died at birth. Feral himself almost died because he was very weak. Talzin rejected him because of this. However, the Nightsister Kycina believed there was hope for him and raised him in secret. Once he was strong enough, she delivered him to the Nightbrothers, directly to Savage Opress.
Feral was very quiet and shy as a child, preferring to stay Savage’s side. He would cry at the slightest thing, resulting in his peers calling him a crybaby. Savage would defend him every time.
There are a large number of blue moth-like insects that live on Dathomir, in the caves surrounding the Nightbrothers’ village. Feral watched them when they come out at night. They often settle on his nose and/or horns.
Feral was a late bloomer when he reached adolescence. He even still had four of his milk teeth. As a result, his markings developed later than other Nightbrothers and it made him very self conscious and physically uncomfortable. Poor little babby </3
Feral, like most Nightbrothers, was illiterate until he became a tribal leader, alongside Savage. Even now he can barely count past 23.
Feral was born on a leap year. Technically, although he should be 20, he’s only 5 years old. <3
AU: A Galaxy Far Far Away
Feral is never choked by Savage. Instead, he tags along with Obi-Wan and Anakin, is taken to Coruscant and starts a new life as a Republic officer. He becomes friends with Ahsoka and gets along very well with the Clone troopers. He and Rex also happen to fall in love, as well. <3
Feral has a crush on a fellow Nightbrother, Lash, but doesn’t meet him again until the latter becomes a bounty hunter and finds work on Kamino training Clone cadets.
On one occasion, Feral is captured by Separatist spies, frozen in carbonite and transported to the remote system of Tau Cheti. The planet of Tau Prime - located on the edge of Wild Space - is home to a race of hostile bird-like aliens who have a deep hatred for Zabraks.
Feral barely makes it out of there alive. Lash teams up with Rex, Ahsoka and Anakin to rescue him and they succeed! :D
After finding Savage again, Feral stows away on board the ship that takes them to Lotho Minor. He and Savage have a tearful reunion.
When he finds Maul, Feral is horrified, to say the least. He’s even more shaken up when he realises his home world is in ruins. After Maul is healed, Feral is further frightened by his lust for revenge.
After Obi-Wan is captured, poor Feral finds himself torn between his loyalty to his brothers and the Republic. In the lightsaber fight between Jedi and Sith, Feral loses his right hand to Maul’s lightsaber. He would have lost more if he hadn’t escaped with Obi-Wan and Ventress.
Feral later receives a prosthetic hand, but the poor bab is still very upset. He can’t stop thinking about Savage and Maul. During this difficult time, he meets Yoda and discovers that he is Force sensitive like his brothers. Although he is too old to begin Jedi training, Feral gets an idea of what it’s like from Ahsoka.
After having a vision of Savage’s death on Mandalore, Feral travels to the war-torn planet, much against the will of everyone else. There, he tries to persuade Savage to join him and the Republic. However, he is shot by a Death Watch Commando. The shot doesn’t kill him, but he loses consciousness and Savage, grief-stricken, believes he is dead.
Taken back to the Republic by Obi-Wan, Feral remains comatose for a few weeks. When he regains consciousness, he is heartbroken to learn that Savage is dead. He constantly blames himself for not being able to save his brother. Try as they might, neither Rex nor Ahsoka can console him. </3
When Ahsoka travels to Mandalore to fight Maul after leaving the Jedi Order, Feral goes with her and Rex. There, he and Maul fight once again. Maul ignores Feral’s pleas to join him. Feral bravely states that he has no hatred for Maul and forgives him, hoping that they may meet again someday.
Sure enough, Maul and Feral do meet again by the time of the Rebellion. After Maul’s redemption, he joins Feral in Phoenix Squadron. In that same Rebel cell, Feral reunites with Rex, Ahsoka and Lash, who has become an A-Wing pilot.
Feral survives the Battle of Scarif, the Battle of Yavin, the Battle of Hoth AND the battle of Endor! :D He and Rex are overjoyed that the Empire has fallen and they both live peaceful lives.
Feral, Maul and Rex all pass away on the same day. About twelve years before the events of The Force Awakens, all three of them die peacefully in their sleep. (sry if this is too sad)
AU: Legend of the Night Watcher
Feral and Savage both live relatively normal lives on Coruscant, running a small delivery service.
However, Feral dresses up as a vigilante every night and goes to fight crime in the Coruscant underworld, earning himself the alias of the Night Watcher.
Nobody else knows the Night Watcher’s true identity except for Savage and Maul, who is the ruler of Mandalore. Maul is openly proud of Feral, whereas Savage is very protective and wants Feral to be safe, despite his risky job.
Feral is notably more confident and sassy in this AU, but he’s still the cinnamon roll we all know and love. <3
He and Rex are married as well :D
AU: At Home With The Zabrak Brothers
Feral lives a normal suburban life with his brothers and spends his days playing the guitar in the streets, singing Ed Sheeran songs and the like. He hopes to become a professional musician someday. <3
He is obsessed with Luke Skywalker and watches the Original Trilogy on an almost daily basis. He even has the Jedi’s name tattooed onto his abs in Korean script. XD
Feral vapes frequently, mostly just to annoy Maul when he’s reading so he can blow a huge cloud of steam into his face. :D
His relationship with Mother Talzin is shaky, to say the least. She barely even knows his name half the time.
Feral has a red panda plushie named Luke Skywalker, which he sleeps with every single night <3 In addition to his, he still uses a pacifier and Savage reads and/or sings to him at bedtime.
Feral loves Disney movies and listening to trap music. He always sings in the car when he and his bros are travelling somewhere. Savage now has A Whole New World stuck in his head for eternity XD
Feral has two exotic shorthair cats named Nightwish and Starset, after his favourite bands. Yep, Feral listens to some pretty hardcore music XD Those cats are spoiled rotten and Feral pampers them and pets them so much that he’s basically turned them into bratty sentient pillows that follow him around demanding treats 24/7.
Feral is addicted to junk food. When Savage bought a giant box of cookies, Feral snuck into the kitchen in the middle of the night and ate them one by one for about three months solid before he was busted.
He once mistook wasabi for guacamole, which eventually led to him and his brothers being thrown out of Itsu.
In this AU, Feral is basically a big kid. He eats messy, is super innocent and loves playing and having a good time.
AU: YouTuber Life
In this AU, Feral and his bros are youtubers, of course :3
Feral has his own solo channel, called Forever Feral. It’s basically a little like dangmattsmith. Video topics include mini-vlogs, reactions, life hack experiments and LEGO Star Wars gameplay. Feral has his plushie with him in every single video :D
A number of Feral’s videos contain little skits in which he plays three different characters: Luke Skywalker, (the plushie), Inspector Whitby, his Sherlock-esque British alter-ego and Tariq, a blue dragon that speaks in verse and lives in an Arabian magic lamp.
Feral also has a channel that he shares with his brothers, just called The Zabrak Brothers, which has vlogs, Battlefront 2 gameplay and sketch comedies.
Feral has a habit of making cute commentaries on everything and has become famous for his catchphrase: “Sheesh-kebabs!” which he says whenever something dramatic happens.
AU: Nightbrothers: Ghosts of Dathomir
This AU is basically an alternate ending for the Son of Dathomir comics, tied in to A Galaxy Far Far Away in some aspects, as Feral and the other Nightbrothers are all relatively safe there (well Feral is anyways) until the Shadow Collective and Separatists bring the war back to their world. Instead of being exterminated, however, the Nightbrothers simply escape and try to find their own place in the Galaxy.
During the age of the Empire, Feral returns with his brethren to Dathomir, only to find the entire place populated with Nightsister Ghosts. After Brother Viscus resurrects Savage via an eerie blood-theme ritual, Feral explains what’s been happening to his brother as best he can, but the poor bab is pretty much traumatised by all the spooky stuff happening around him. Nonetheless, he joins his fellow Nightbrothers as they basically become the Star Wars equivalent of Ghostbusters and seek to purge Dathomir of the Ghosts and leave the past behind. 
Feral is rather skittish and meek in this AU, but has something of a boastful streak despite that. He’ll claim to be hard to scare, then cling to Savage screaming “Mommy!” Not ideal when you’re a ghost hunter XD
Misc/General Headcanons
Feral is gay and asexual. He’s been questioning his sexual orientation since he reached puberty and it’s taken him some time to come to terms with it, but he’s happy with it <3
Feral is also a demiboy and only feels vaguely connected to the male gender. He’s pretty much always known what he was feeling, but couldn’t find the words to describe it until recent years. Sometimes he worries that he ends up supporting the ‘flamboyant gay’ stereotype, but Savage and/or his S.O. reminds him that he’s perfect just the way he is <3
Feral will always be a kid at heart. He might have brief moments of cynicism but overall he has a very innocent and optimistic outlook on life.
Feral is on the autism spectrum (possibly Aspergers, but nobody’s really sure). He also has a bit of social anxiety, but the stronger his connection to someone, the easier communication is :)
Canon fact about Feral that few people know: 
He was only 20 when a certain event happened... </3
So yeah, this is it, finally completed! Yay! :D Hope everyone enjoys this! <3 May the Force be with you, always :)
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fifteenstrawberries · 7 years
You have one piece fic I know you have one piece fic please post a one piece fic :D
I still don’t know why you like this one so much?
For those of you who are not my twin sister and beta reader, this is a scene from a One Piece/Castle crossover I wrote a couple years ago, basically imagining how the Water 7 arc from One Piece would happen if it was set in the Castle universe. 
Castle is a police procedural show where a wealthy and eccentric author and a hard-nosed by the book detective team up to solve murders. One Piece is crazy anime pirates getting into crazy shenanigans in a crazy world.
If you’d like to see something else, check out this post for the full list.
And without further ado, here’s the fic!
“Are you sure we shouldn’t be going after this guy without more backup? I mean, he is a pirate.”
“He’s not a pirate, Castle. He just has a pirate flag on his boat. Plenty of people do that without actually being pirates.”
“But what if that’s just what he wants you to think? Maybe he’s just waiting for us to get up there and as soon as we do, the rest of his pirate crew will come swinging over from the next building with cutlasses between their teeth— maybe we could hire some ninjas instead–”
“Castle, are you going to take this seriously?”
“I am taking this seriously!” Award winning author Richard Castle pouted at his partner, Detective Kate Beckett, as the two of them climbed the stairs to the hotel roof, “You’re the one who’s dismissing the very real possibility of a pirate attack.”
Detective Kate Beckett of the NYPD paused on the landing, sighing and rubbing at the tension headache that inevitably formed whenever Castle got stuck on one of his ridiculous theories. “Castle. For the last time. We are here to question suspects in the attempted murder of Thomaso Ghiaccio. Not to accuse them of piracy. That’s the coast guard’s jurisdiction, not ours.” She continued climbing, “I’m still not sure why we’re on this instead of Major Crimes.”
“The chief probably just wanted his best detective on it.”
“That’s what he told me, but I’m homicide. I don’t usually get cases where the victim is still breathing.” She grimaced, remembering their trip to hospital to get witness statements from Ghiaccio’s teary secretary and the rest of his shaken employees. She’d seen the doctor’s report. The guy was lucky to be alive.
“It makes a nice change. To be able to stop a killer before they’ve actually killed someone instead of hunting them down after the fact.” Castle offered.
“It does,” Beckett admitted, “But still, this case! A prominent Italian engineer gets gunned down in his apartment without any sign of a break in. His employees are split between accusing a rival ship-building company or their most recent disgruntled customers, and are ready to lynch both of them, just in case. The rival company apparently has mafia ties, the customers sailed into town a week ago flying a pirate flag—they’re not really pirates, Castle, don’t even start. It sounds like something you would write, honestly…” She stopped dead, looking at the man beside her—the wealthy, well-connected, best-selling author, who had installed himself in her precinct and her life in search of ‘inspiration’ without so much as a by-your-leave—with growing disbelief. “Castle. You didn’t.”
Castle at least had the grace to look guilty. “You said so yourself, it’s a really interesting case.”
“Castle. Tell me you did not use your influence with the chief to land us this case because you wanted to investigate pirates.”
“Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.”
“… I hope your pirates make you walk the plank.”
“Hey—! Wait, do you think Alexis would avenge me? She takes fencing. And she’ll probably bully you into helping her track them down… I can see it now. ’Allo, my name is Alexis Castle, you killed my father, prepare to die. No Alexis, don’t give in to the dark side—!”
“Focus, Castle.” Beckett instructed, rounding the corner of the final flight of stairs. “The roof’s just ahead.”
“Sorry,” Castle dropped his arms, running a little to catch up with Beckett, “You really think they’ll be on the roof? And if they’re not, ooh! Could we start a man-hunt? Because the only thing that would make this case better than it already is would be a city-wide manhunt for the attacker.”
“The manager saw one of them headed up these stairs.” Beckett said, deciding to ignore the bit about a city-wide manhunt for the sake of her sanity, “It’s as good a bet as any. Though why the alarms wouldn’t sound—ah,” She frowned at the wires hanging loose in front of the door, yanked out of the roof alarm, “They’re lucky we’re not building inspectors.”
“Thank God. Can you imagine trying to write a book about building code violations instead of murders? ” Castle said, and opened the door.
The first thing Castle noticed about the teenager leaning against the air-conditioning unit opposite the door was his hair. How did he even get it that color? It was a bright, almost glow-in-the-dark green. Combined with three piercings in one ear, cargo pants, ratty white wife-beater, and sullen glower, he looked like every boy he’d ever warned Alexis about, distilled into the archetypical punk.
The first thing Beckett noticed about the teenager was the unsheathed katana in his left hand.
Her hand dropped to her holster, drawing her gun and clicking off the safety in one move, “NYPD, drop your weapon.”
The teen glanced at her, his gaze dropping to the badge on her belt before he grunted in acknowledgement. “Yes. Choto, I am almost done.”
Beckett stiffened, about to demand that he put away his sword now, not when it suited him, but the teen had swiped a piece of thin paper along the edge of the blade and sheathed it before she could do more than open her mouth. He shifted onto his knees slowly and placed the sword on his far right, just out of easy reach. Then he leaned back again, slouching against the air conditioning unit, and raised an eyebrow as if to say, happy?
Castle was impressed. He wasn’t sure if it was teenage insolence or straight up arrogance, but either way, it took major guts to bait Beckett when she had her game face on.
Beckett twitched, eyes narrowed, looking like she still had half a mind to arrest him on general principles. But she holstered her gun, the only concession to still-twitching nerves the hand she rested on the grip. “We’re looking for Lufisacio D. Monkey.” She said, “Do you know where he is?”
That earned them a sharp look that even pulling a weapon on him hadn’t gotten. But his gaze shifted somewhere behind them, to the billboard toward the front of the building, and he yelled, “Oi, Luffy!”
“Hã?” Another boy’s voice called out, somewhere above them.
“Satsuyo?” Beckett asked under her breath, not really expecting an answer as she looked for the owner of the second voice.
“Japanese slang for the police,” Castle replied, just as soft. He was still watching the green-haired teen, eyes alight, “You know, I think this guy might actually be yakuza! Well, no maybe not, no tattoos and he still has all his fingers. On a more important note; why didn’t you tell me that our prime suspect’s name was Lufisacio?”
“Because I knew that you wouldn’t shut up about it if you knew and it was a long drive.” Beckett muttered, then called louder, “Sir, would you mind coming out please?”
Gravel exploded beside them. Another teenager—shorter than the first, wearing a red basketball jersey and cut-off jeans– landed in a crouch. He straightened, placing the straw hat hanging around his neck back on to wiry black hair.
Beckett noted bandaged limbs and wondered where he had gotten the scar beneath his left eye.
Castle noted the sixteen foot difference between the top of the billboard and the roof, and wondered if the young man made a habit of jumping from high places.
Lufisacio D. Monkey glanced between the two of them, “Zoro said you are a polícia?”
“Yes,” Beckett said, “I’m Detective Kate Beckett, this is my partner Richard Castle.”
The teen, somewhat surprisingly, brightened, “Richard Castelo? O autor?”
“If, by that you mean the famous, best-selling author that has been translated into dozens of languages around the world, then yes, that’s me.” Castle smirked a bit, holding out a hand.
“Que barato!” The teen grinned widely, seizing Castle’s hand and shaking it enthusiastically before turning back to his friend. “Zoro, mee-te!”
“Ah, ah, wakkatte.” The green-haired teen waved lazily, then linked both hands behind his head and closed his eyes.
Unperturbed by the lack of enthusiasm, he turned back to face Castle and Beckett with the same wide grin, “Nami and Robin read your stories all the time to us. They are very good!”
“Glad you enjoyed them,” Castle was matching him grin for grin by this point, “It’s always good to meet a fan.”
“You will sign our books?”
“Unfortunately,” Beckett broke in, “I’m afraid neither of you will have time for that.” She was immune to Castle’s reaction at this point, but she wasn’t quite prepared when they both turned puppy eyes on her. She had to steel herself before continuing, “We just have a few questions for you, Mr. Monkey—”
“Vovô?” The teen interrupted, looking around in alarm.
His friend snorted, mumbling something that sounded vaguely like, “aho, teme-ga.”
Whatever it was, Luffy relaxed, turning back to them with a grin, “My name is Luffy. Mr. Monkey is my vovô, my grandpa. Entendes?”
“Luffy is a lot better than Lufisacio.” Castle said, with a sympathetic smile at the awful name.
“Sim.” Luffy made a face, and glanced at Beckett, “Detetive, you have questions?”
“Yes.” Beckett said, pulling up a picture on her phone. “Do you recognize this man?”
“Avô Tom. Yes, I know him.” Luffy nodded. “He looked at our ship when we brought it for repairs.”
The president of the entire company personally evaluates a ship for damages? There’s got to be something up with that. Beckett nodded, making a mental note, “And were you satisfied with his work?”
Something in Luffy’s face shut down. Aha, Beckett thought. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Castle lean forward.
“Sim … talvez.” Luffy stared down at his feet, “Não.”
“English please, Luffy.” Beckett said, a touch impatiently.
“He said Allons-y Allégrement could no longer sail.”
“Is that your ship?” Luffy nodded, “Did you have an argument?”
“Sim,” he shrugged, “I wanted Avô to fix her. We brought lots of dollars to show we could afford the repairs, but he said it did not matter how much money we had, it was impossible.”
“Why was that?”
“Allons-y Allégrement is a wood ship. Her quilha, her keel … he said it was broken.”
“Did you believe him?”
To Beckett’s surprise, that question made him rally, He lifted his head, looking her in the eye. “I do not know how to fix ships,” He told her, “Meu tripulação does not know how to fix ships. If Avô Tom and his friends say she cannot go on, I must trust him.”
Which was not a ‘yes.’ Definitely something to look into.
“Still,” Castle interjected, “That must have been pretty difficult, just giving up on your ship like that. We saw pictures of her; she looks like she’s been through a lot.”
“Eh,” Luffy shrugged again, uncomfortable, “We need to keep moving. We need to buy a new ship. I wish it was not necessary, but it is what we must do.”
“Speaking of moving,” Castle said, “According to our records, you’re docked down at Liberty Landing Marina.” At Luffy’s nod, he continued, managing to sound only curious about a detail he was convinced would crack the case. “I can understand wanting to see the Big Apple, but what are you doing all the way in Brooklyn?”
“Cheap hotels.”
… Damn. Luffy can’t lie at all, can he? Beckett thought. If he was closed off before, he was positively stony now, and the contrast between that and the cheerfulness he had greeted them with made his reluctance to answer painfully obvious.
Hiding or not, Castle’s pet theory was going to have to wait. It was time to get down to business. “When was the last time you saw Mr. Ghiaccio?” Beckett asked.
“Yesterday.” Luffy glanced at her curiously. “Why? Is he lost?”
“Mr. Ghiaccio was shot last night in his home.”
“… Heh?” Luffy was staring, eyes wide and shocked, “Avô Tom was … fala serio!”
“He was shot twice in the front and three times in the back.” Beckett had to squash an instinctual rush of sympathy at Luffy’s expression, bearing on brutally. “He’s still alive. But only barely.”
“Não.” Luffy shook his head in denial.
Beckett and Castle shared a glance. Neither of them had understood all of what Luffy had said, but Beckett had broken the news of a loved one’s death to enough families that she could guess.
Which begged the question. Luffy was a suspect. The only possible suspect, according to Ghiaccio’s main foreman and quite a few employees.
Why was he acting like a victim?
“Quem—” Luffy began, stopped himself, and began again in English. “Who would shoot him? Why? He is a nice man, todos o amam. Who would shoot him?”
Beckett raised an eyebrow, letting her silence speak for itself.
When the silence crossed the line from ‘telling’ to ‘awkward’ and Luffy looked no closer to getting the message, Castle coughed slightly. “We were hoping you could tell us.” He said delicately.
Luffy gave him an exasperated look. “How can I know? We only come to town a week ago!” He crossed his arms with a considering frown, “Castelo tells good stories, but maybe he is not so good with real life mysteries?”
Beckett had to bite her lip to keep from laughing as Castle swelled indignantly. “I am too!” He all but squawked, and abandoned all notion of subtlety. “Why do you think we’re here talking to you? You’re the suspect!”
“Hãããããã?!?!?!?!” Luffy’s jaw dropped and eyes bugged as he gaped at them.
It would have been funny if they weren’t accusing him of attempted murder.
Any humor she felt at the situation evaporated. “Luffy,” She said, catching his attention, “Where were you between nine and eleven pm last night?”
“By a marina. Maybe in the park? Then walking to the hotel.”
“Is there anyone who could verify that?” Beckett asked, opening her notebook to write down names.
“Sim. My friends. We had lost one, but …” Luffy trailed off, looking positively grim before he shook himself and finished answering, “Todos de meu— all of my friends were there but her.”
Castle stayed quiet as Beckett asked the questions needed to complete Luffy’s alibi, considering the dark look that had crossed the boy’s face. It actually took some real effort for him to snap out of that, Castle thought, intrigued.
What are you hiding, Mr. Lufisacio D. Monkey?
Beckett was looking rather grim herself, though she hid it well under a layer of cool professionalism. “Would you mind coming down to the station while we check out a few things?” She asked.
“À delagacia?” Luffy blinked.
“Is he arrested?”
Castle started, glancing over at where the green-haired teen was no longer asleep.
The teen glowered suspiciously at them, “Is Luffy arrested or no?” He demanded.
“We just want to verify a couple parts of his alibi.” Beckett said smoothly, “He’s not under arrest.”
Yet, hung unspoken in the air. The teen’s eyes narrowed, trying to stare Beckett down.
Castle was rather glad that he wasn’t on the receiving end of that glare. From either of them. The green-haired teen was brimming with suspicion and hostility, and looked frankly dangerous despite his young age, while Beckett watched him with all the calm assurance of a senior detective of the NYPD, hand on the grip of her gun as if daring him to try something…. Darn it, why is there never popcorn when you need any?
“Dai jo bu, Zoro,” Luffy said easily, cutting through the tension in the air. The teenager broke off his staring contest with Beckett to give Luffy a worried scowl, “Even if I am arrested, está bom. We did not think to look in prison.”
“That woman would never allow herself to be caught unless she meant to be.” Zoro shot back.
Luffy shrugged, “Sim. But maybe a polícia know what we do not? Either way, I will go.”
Zoro scowled deeper for a moment, before sighing, “Shi, capitao.”
Luffy nodded, satisfied, then seemed to think of something and turned to Beckett in alarm, “Do you think Zoro is a killer too? His a-lee-by is to be with me, and if I must come with you—”
“Your friend isn’t under any suspicion.” Beckett assured him. Giving Zoro a look askance, she added “But if he wants to come with you, that would be fine.”
“Hmmmm.” Luffy crossed his arms, considering. He made a decision, going to crouch down beside his friend. “Zoro. You want to come?”
“… No.” Zoro rubbed his face, suddenly looking tired in a way that had nothing to do with his recent catnap. “No. I will wait.”
Luffy nodded, then stood up, walking to Beckett and Castle without hesitation, “Vamos!” He yanked the roof door open and ran down the stairs. His voice and footsteps echoed up the staircase as he called up to them, “You have a police car, yes? With sirens and lights? You will turn them on, yes …?”
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dgm-headcanondream · 7 years
Yay, a new dgm blog! Welcome, and good luck to you! I was wondering if we can get some headcanons/imagine for the main four + Link where they for some reason hug their s/o(a surprise on Kanda's part, I know), but the s/o gets all tense and stiff, and when they ask whats wrong, the s/o admits they've never been hugged before, but that its a nice feeling, so they hug them back? Sorry if this is complicated! 😅
Thank you so much! Hopefully they tuned out okay? xD Kanda turned out a bit angsty…I hope thats alright /D
AllenHe had to go for a mission, that they already called a long one - even if none knew for sure. They expected it to take at least a few months. So…Allen wanted to hug his s/o before he went out. Beeing away for such a long time wasn’t unusall however he doesn’t liked it. Leaving you behind  for such a long time. Sure you would have something to do yourself but it’s not the same.
“I’ll be back soon!” Smiling his usual innocent smile as his words just shot out with so much positively. He straight forward hugged you before he intended to head out, until he realized it wasn’t really responded from you. Just losening his grip around you a little bit to lean back. “Are you alright?”
A slight wave of worry shimmered in his eyes as he searched for an answer into your face. The explanation that you aren’t used to hugs slowly found it’s way too Allen as you smiled at him. “However it feels nice. ” Your words result into a bigger smile from the white haired excorcist, as he closed the distance between you again. “I’ll make sure that you get used to it once I’m back!”
He had to see you soon. He had to make sure you were alright. Know for sure that you are stil real. He was encountert with a Noah on ths mission he just finished. This damn Noah showed him that he lost his s/o. That they suddenly vanished. Vanished in thin air. he gritt his teeth as he was walking way to fast and to stoic through the hallway.
Just to soon see you entering your room - which he also entered to the fact that he suddenly pressed your body onto his while his face where hiding into your hair. It was all he needed to proof that it was just a Noahs dream. That they played with his mind - however the slowly stuttering word that happened to be his name and the tense body that he held made him blink.“What.”
“N-Nothing- I’m just not used to…this” You were standing there for a moment, as you could make out the words ‘stupid’ and something about ‘shouldn’t get used to it' from him as he seemly relaxed the longer his arms were keeping you trapped against him. Maybe you should ask later - however for the time beeing your arms shot up around his body to as you too relaxed into the touch.
it got quite the habit to hug others when he came back from his long missions. However the only one who always seemed to get out unhugged was his own s/o. You always greeted him before you got dragged away from someone because 'you had work to do’. But not this time. This time he would get you for sure.
So as he got home he left the others beside and just focused on you. Practically running up to you, as soon as he reached you his arms where already around your waist as he tried to swirl you around. However since you body stiffen completly his attempt were in vain. You weren’t moving a bit. Confusion in his eye as he looked at you, before a slowly sentence found it’s way out of his mouth.“What’s the matter?”
Your hand found its way inside your hair as you smiled a bit while explaining that you aren’t used to someone hugging you - or even trying to swirl you around. A little nervous laugh forming in the back of your throat. Only to get a grin of the redhead who proudly claimed that you would have to change that and he would happily help with that. And so he was hugging you again, in which you slowly relaxed. 
You just told her something that made you quite happy. And she didn’t wanted to hug you. Her s/o never initialated a hug from themselves, so she wasn’t sure if she should go with it. However sometimes she  just wanted to hug you - so this time as you were talking so happily  she just couldn’t help herself. Her arms flung around your shoulders.
However the laugh that could be heared from you stopped and your body tensed, causing the girl to basically jump away from your body with a paniced expression on her fa­ce. At first you were a bit confused however, as he excused herself for her behavier you had to shake your head.
“No! It’s not that…I- just haven’t been hugged that much sooo…” Smiling resuming at the excorcist as she looked at you for a minute. “it felt nice.” That was all that she needed so that she would be back to normal and started to hug you again, this time without you tensing up.  
The blonde always wondered if it was alright to hug you. he never asked if it was. Something about you was just giving off the vibe that you don’t like hugging. Maybe it was the fact that whenever the others hug the ones that just came back from missions, you stand there watching the situation and waving the others as welcome. Never had the inspector sen you hugging someone.  Or was it just him overthinking?
However as much as he thought about it, he was to sleep depriven to give it a second thought as his arms snaked around your waist while his ponytail fell over your shoulder as he leaned his cheek on your shoulder. Your tensing body threw him back into reality as he himself suddenly standing straight like a candle again, letting go of you.
“I-I’m Sorry…”, the words that escaped his mouth where unsure. Had he stepped over some line here? So it wasn’t alright to hug-
“Ah…its alright! I’m just…suddenly getting hugged, that surprised me.“ Links thoughts were interrupted by the smile and words his s/o just beamed at him, while a relieved sign escaped his lips, before his gaze got questionios at the new attempt for a hug. This time with both parties hugging.
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
Law Unto Themselves (2/??)
Summary: An AU in which the Gosho Boys are the criminals, the B.O members are police officers and everyone’s alignments have changed.
The art of good business, is being a good middleman.
It’s bringing people together, talking them into deals they would have never thought to accept before sitting down on the other side of the table. It’s manipulating a situation until there’s no doubt that it’s beneficial to the leader, it’s being a good talker.
Above all else, that’s what Kudo Shinichi is: a good middleman.
According to his many… associates… he’s the best in the business. He’s got the temperament for it – he’s calm when he’s forced to stare down the barrel of a gun, is apathetic at the sight of dead bodies. He doesn’t enjoy it, not the way some of his other members do. His eyes don’t reflect the flash of muzzle shots, but they don’t contain disgust either.
He’s sat in the back of a car, waiting for Hattori to climb in beside him, as soon as he’s finished his phone call to the correct authorities. For a police officer – soon to be police inspector, Shinichi believes – he’s quite good at ignoring the rules.
Despite his best interests, Shinichi’s fond of the Osakan, has come to think of him as his best friend. It’s amusing, seeing as business like this isn’t focused around friendships, just results, but well – he’s known Hattori since he was a teenager playing at being a detective.
The door opens, and Hattori Heiji slumps into the seat beside him, nodding towards the driver in the front, an indication for him to drive. Shinichi thinks it’s horribly cliched, sitting in the back when he’d much rather be driving, but well, if any cameras pick the car up at the scene, he doesn’t want anyone to zoom in and see his face driving.
“I wasn’t expecting that,” Shinichi says, as the car rolls into motion, rejoining the main road. He glances over his friend, watches as the man runs a hand through his hair – Hattori’s been tired recently, he’s almost in half the mind to give the Osakan time off from all of the illegal operations they have to oversee.
“Expectin’ what?” Hattori asks, and he rubs the tiredness from his eyes, smothering a yawn. He’d been alert inside the warehouse, has practically had it ingrained into him not to let a single fact go out of his notice, but now that they’re sat in the car he’s lowered his guard.
Shinichi would scold him for it, if he didn’t have trust in Hattori’s ability to flip the switch between alert and off-guard at any time. Or maybe it’s his fondness that keeps him from treating Hattori like his other underlings, because if it was anyone else letting their guard down for even a second, he’d call them out on it…
“Pisco,” Shinichi says, turning to look out of the window. He leans his cheek against the palm of his hand as he stares out at street lamps, the lights burning against his eyes. They’ll be dropped around the back of the police station, in the CCTV cameras’ blind spots, where they’ll then make their way back inside and down to the car park in the basement floor.
Hattori hums, and while he’s not openly saying anything about it, Shinichi knows that he’s going to spend time thinking about it. Hattori’s always been like that, he knows, has been quiet when it comes to thinking about the darker elements of their job and maybe there had been a time when the motion had seemed suspicious, but not any more.
“It was weird tha’ an old man like tha’ was able to sneak inside…” Hattori says, after a while, and Shinichi resists a small smile. His lips curl upwards anyway, and he tries to smother it, but ultimately, he fails. Each trip to warehouses, removing the lids from weapons, is the same – none of it ever changes.
Pisco’s appearance… well, while it hadn’t got his blood pumping, while he’d still been as collected as ever, it had been a little interesting. It’s not often that Shinichi’s work provides him with something out of his expectations, something that doesn’t fit within the carefully orchestrated plan he’s thrown together, chess pieces set awaiting checkmate, but sometimes…
“It is interesting,” Shinichi says, drumming his other hand against his knee. “I wasn’t aware that he was actively seeking us out.”
Hattori hums again, and he pulls out his mobile from his jacket pocket. Unlike Shinichi, who has two – one for ‘work’ and the other for his personal life – he’s only got the one. Not that it really matters, he doesn’t need to hide any phone numbers, not when he’s constantly working by Shinichi’s side. The light from the screen illuminates his skin as he unlocks the phone. From the way his shoulders relax, uncoiling from the previous tension, it’s obvious that the text is from his fiancée, Toyama Kazuha.
“We should probably look into him,” Shinichi continues, although his words are fairly empty. They’ve been looking into Pisco for years, but just hadn’t found it necessary to kill him from what he’d known. Maybe they should’ve, maybe Shinichi has been too lenient because he hadn’t thought that Pisco was any closer to moving in on them.
“You want me ta get a guy inside his house to get th’ disk Gin was talkin’ 'bout?” Hattori asks, turning. The sound of him shifting forces Shinichi to glance over at him as well, offering his 'friendliest smile’. When he’s not wearing the mask of neighbourhood police investigator, his expressions always come off as distant, faraway.
“Kuroba’s already on it,” Shinichi says, and he ignores the way Hattori’s nose scrunches at the mention, forces himself not to chastise him on a conversation they’ve had several times before, “we’re done for the night.”
Hattori nods, glances back down to his phone and smiles. Shinichi feels almost tempted to ask, but there are some things he can’t ask when they’re in the company of other organisation members. Not when they already talk about favouritism – God, if Shinichi even hears rumours about playing favourites again, he might just shoot someone.
“Good,” Hattori says, “and the weapons, they’re headin’ to Osaka?”
The expression he receives is nothing short of chilling. Hattori’s expression shifts from its usual calm, to sheepish as he rubs the back of his neck. He says, “it’s just my father’s runnin’ a new system on random searches comin’ off th’ Daini Hanna toll road, Otaki-han told me when he phoned earlier.”
Shinichi’s lips form a tight line as he turns away. For a moment he has to smother the hot resentment that twists inside his lungs at the mention of Hattori’s father.
Hattori Heizo – Shinichi grits his teeth at the thought of the man. When it comes to making sure his transactions with Osakan gangs run smoothly, the superintendent always makes things difficult on Shinichi’s end.
First it had been with the placing of undercover police by the pier. Then it had escalated to searches of vehicles in which Shinichi had been forced to persuade three of his men not to tell the police anything when they’d received prison sentences.
All terribly frustrating. And now he’s creating another policy that Shinichi’s going to have to counteract. If it wasn’t so fucking aggravating, Shinichi would thank the man for giving him something to actually think about. It’s about as interesting as his job seems to get these days.
(There is a lot Shinichi would do for his job to stop being boring. Criminal activity is about as listless as paperwork when you do it enough. There’s no noticeable thrill to it any more, no adrenaline – he’s too desensitised to weapon and drug trades.)
“You could have said before we sent them off,” Shinichi sighs as the car stops outside the station. “Send me what you know, and I’ll talk to the driver about it on my way home.”
He steps out of the car, smooths the creases from his suit and suppresses the urge to slam the door behind him. So maybe he’s a little angrier than he’d have expected, but he’d spent his shift collecting statements instead of solving murders, and then he’d had to attend an arms trade with complete, utter, morons. And now, now, the entire deal might be for naught.
Hattori trails after him as they make their way across the street, falling into step beside him as they stride toward the precinct car park. He’s quiet for a moment, and then, the Osakan opens his mouth, and attempt to explain, “listen I-”
Shinichi turns to him, raises a hand and stops him before he can start. “No, you listen Hattori. You’re one of my closest friends, but if you forgetting to tell me about your father costs me 7 million yen, I will have to use you to send a fucking message to everyone else. You understand?”
Hattori doesn’t even falter in his walk, keeps moving as if he’d known. Maybe he does know, maybe that’s why he’s so calm whenever Shinichi has to be stern, act like a boss rather than a friend.
“I get it,” Hattori says, when they start down the ramp. “But if you do, just don’t make it too noticeable, I don’t want Kazuha or Chi to notice.”
Shinichi pauses, supposes that it sounds fair enough and offers a nod. He wouldn’t want any of his fellow police officers to notice anyway, so it’s not like he can really afford to make any injuries noticeable. Plus – the idea of Hattori having to return home to his family and lie about how he’d been injured…
Kazuha, well – she’d understand. Hattori’s a police officer, it’d be unrealistic not to expect him to come home completely unbloodied all the time. But their daughter…
He hopes it doesn’t show in his expression how uneasy the idea leaves him.
“If you send me the information, then we won’t even need to worry about the locality of your wounds now will we,” Shinichi says, crossing his arms over his chest. They split off from one another when they reach the middle of the car park, heading towards their separate cars. “If you want to make things up to me either way though, you’ll present me with coffee in the morning.”
The drive home takes longer than he’d expected.
He hits traffic when he’s halfway, and his usual ten minute drive home is almost doubled. Five minutes of his time is stuck on the phone explaining countermeasures to the idiots driving the weapons into Osaka, and Shinichi’s pretty certain that they’ve got a higher chance of getting the firearms into the city unnoticed.
The other fifteen minutes is spent wondering how exactly he’s going to deal with the next shipment he’s going to oversee. He considers calling one of his better associates to formulate a plan, but since the shipment doesn’t arrive for another nine days, he decides he can play it by ear until later.
“Ugh,” Shinichi says, as he’s forced – again – to stop at a traffic light that’s turned red. He retrieves his phone from the dashboard, unlocking it and pressing onto his contacts. Then, he scrolls down, eyes searching for a name. It doesn’t take long.
Shinichi presses call, places his phone back on the dashboard, and he waits for the call to connect.
The phone rings four times before he gets an answer.
“Did you know,” comes the voice from the other side of his phone, “that most employers leave their workers to do their job, instead of checking in on them every few minutes?”
He clicks his tongue, the sound echoing through his speakers. From anyone else, Shinichi wouldn’t take the disrespect, but with the skill set Kuroba Kaito brings to their team, it’s almost comes hand-in-hand.
“I realised I hadn’t guessed today,” Shinichi says after a moment, as if he hasn’t been itching to know what’s on the disc Gin had asked after. He can hear the rustling of leaves as Kuroba pushes through a hedge, the sound of branches scraping against the side of his phone. “You know, about why you decided to become a member of this organisation?”
Kuroba lets out a short laugh on the other side. It’s quiet, but it echoes through the speaker. He says, “I already told you why. It’s not my fault you don’t believe me.”
Shinichi pulls away from the lights, moves the car into gear and groans. He says, “you think I’d believe you joined just because of a gemstone?”
There is a tittering sound from the other side of the phone. Like laughter, but not quite – it’s too mocking to be laughter. It’s something else, a malformed version of amusement that seems almost akin to a snicker, malevolent but not cruel.
“Not just any gemstone. The gemstone.” Kuroba says, and Shinichi bites into his tongue. “Do you really need to ask questions about my motives right now?”
Shinichi flicks his left indicator on, sighs. “I suppose not. How far are you from Pisco’s place?”
“About ten metres from his window.”
It’s probably best not to overthink the fact that he’d never given Kuroba the address belonging to Pisco. It’s one of the good things about the man; he’s efficient. He works tricks that take time to unravel, and there’s nothing impossible that he can’t put into practise – well, within reason of course.
“Burn the building down after you’re done.” Shinichi says, “mechanical failure of one of the plug sockets or something. Faulty electric lead.”
He can practically see the grin from the trickster. Kuroba says, “is it my birthday?”
Shinichi rolls his eyes. Turns right into his driveway. Through the light of one of his windows, he can see Ran, moving around in the kitchen – making tea, he realises, as she waits up for him.
“Just get it done.” He says, ignoring the light cackle that bursts from the other man’s throat. “When you find the disc, mail the contents to me.”
“Sure, whatever you say.” Kuroba says, hanging up before Shinichi can say anything else.
Pocketing his phone, Shinichi unbuckles his seatbelt. Leans his arm down to unlatch the door. There’s an almost uncertain feeling blooming in him, as he wonders what exactly is on the files, and how much Pisco had known.
[Next Chapter]
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recentanimenews · 5 years
6 Surprisingly Normal Jobs That Probably Exist in Anime Series
When it comes to anime (or any type of fiction), we're willing to suspend a lot of disbelief. That's a good thing; if we couldn't let ourselves believe that giant robots or magical girls or huge Titans could exist, we wouldn't have much fun. Sometimes, though, we can't help but have questions about the world of the anime we're watching—and not necessarily about big things like how magic or science work there.
  It's the little things that spring to mind when you're watching shows like Naruto or Pokémon: things that the characters in those worlds would likely take for granted, but that must be part of their daily lives in order for their worlds to work the way they do. Just like we have tech support to keep our computer-centric world running, the worlds of anime must have a few highly specialized jobs behind the scenes, right?
  We couldn't help but think of a few as we watched some of our favorite shows. Have you ever wondered about things like this in your favorite anime? Let us know in the comments what unusual jobs you think would be common—and necessary—in the worlds of your favorite anime!
  Ninja Headband Makers (Naruto)
A ninja's headband is an important part of who they are. It shows their dedication to their village, indicates that they are a trained shinobi, and also protects the forehead (unless their opponent uses magnet jutsu, of course). With the omnipresence and importance of the headband, clearly there must be someone—or rather, several people—making them on the regular.
  While this could be handled by blacksmiths along with weapons like kunai and throwing stars, we prefer to imagine there are headband shops that specialize in churning these out. Imagine a teacher ordering a box before graduation, or a newly-established village submitting their choice of design to make sure it isn't already taken. They already have custom fasteners; maybe they make novelty ones for parties, too.
   Rose Breeders (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
The great thing about Ohtori Academy (besides all the swordfighting and epaulets) is that it's pretty upscale... meaning that even ridiculously specialized professionals are affordable if necessary. That's a good thing when you've got an entire campus political system that requires the destruction of highly customized flowers on a regular basis.
  Tending the roses, as we've seen, is pretty much handled. But what about getting those colors just right to match each Student Council member's hair... er, theme? You could put white roses in food coloring, but we have a feeling Ohtori's Finest would prefer the real deal off their own custom rosebushes—and that means breeding and hybridizing unusually colored roses.
  That's especially impressive considering there is no recessive gene that will make roses grow naturally blue... so whatever they've managed for Miki is some high-level science.
  Pokéball R&D (Pokémon)
You know that feeling you get when you throw a Pokéball and have to wait for it to finish twitching to see if you've actually caught that Pokémon? Imagine that, but in real life and with a ball you've probably paid a fair amount of real money for.
  Pokéballs are as essential to Pokémon trainers as our own smartphones are to us. They're a bit similar culturally, after all: we take them everywhere with us, they store all our important stuff, and there's nothing scarier than thinking you've either lost it entirely or the contents have disappeared. Oh, and they're always coming out with newer, better ones.
  Considering how essential they are, we're pretty sure there are Pokéball beta testers whenever a new one comes out. We're also pretty sure they get paid in either college credits or "experience."
    Highly Specialized Therapists (Sailor Moon)
Living in the world of Sailor Moon means coming to terms with some seriously weird facts about yourself. As an innocent bystander in that series, your body would contain (in addition to the usual bones and muscle and stuff) a Dream Mirror, a Star Seed, and a Heart Crystal. Besides having those things stolen or corrupted, you could have your energy drained or be turned into a youma.
  The Sailor Guardians may keep their identities and overall mission fairly under wraps, but there's only so long a city can be under attack before people start realizing there's more putting them at risk than standard illnesses. Powers like Moon Healing Escalation take care of that initially, but you're going to find yourself with a fairly big group of people wanting answers for why they have these extra organs in their body that monsters can just take.
We've yet to meet a holistic therapist who'd be equipped for that sort of thing in the real world, but we imagine after a year or so there would be some practices springing up to help with post-Star Seed extraction and coping with the fact that you were a youma for a night and trashed your own shop. We hope so, anyway.
    Police Recruiters (Lupin the 3rd)
To be fair, there are absolutely police recruitment drives in the real world. But what if you had to get a whole bunch of cops really quickly?
Fans of Lupin the 3rd know that wherever you see Inspector Zenigata, approximately 75 fully-armed police officers can't be far behind (usually as soon as the camera pans out). That's because he knows his long-time nemesis is just that good, and he's going to need all the help he can get to bring in the world's greatest thief. Never mind that he's only managed to accomplish this a handful of times in the last half century, and then only temporarily.
  Recruiting police officers is all well and good. Constantly recruiting lots of police officers specifically to go on international trips with Inspector Zenigata? Probably not so easy. Everyone already knows what he does for a living, and if you're going to work under him, you will be crammed into one of 15 tiny police cars chasing down a yellow Fiat before the month is out. Whoever can fill out those ranks (on a regular basis, since we imagine turnover is pretty high) must be an exceptional recruiter.
  Architects and Designers (The Promised Neverland)
WANTED: Fans of early 20th century history and literature to research and designs orphanages. Must be as historically accurate as possible and hold many snacks. I mean children.
  The deceptively idyllic premium farms of The Promised Neverland were designed specifically to give children the happiest, healthiest, most enriching life possible. The setting is straight out of vintage American literature like Anne of Green Gables and Daddy Long Legs, from the furniture in the orphanage to Mom's uniform.
  A lot of time and effort went into making Grace Field and other farms like it as perfect as possible. It's for horrifying reasons, but it's also pretty impressive. Clearly the designers understood both the actual design elements of the time and the fictional depictions that made homes like these so enchanting to children. Though it's probably easier not to think about why they're doing it.
  What do you think goes on in the background of your favorite anime? Give us your thoughts in the comments!
Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and interviewer with bylines at VRV, We Are Cult, Fanbyte, and many more. She is also the co-founder of Altrix Books and co-creator of the OEL light novel series Owl's Flower. Kara blogs at karadennison.com and tweets @RubyCosmos.
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airoasis · 6 years
Cool/Decent SMS, Motivational Quotes SMS
Reality of fear: U r not frightened of the dark. U r terrified of what remains in it. U r not scared of heights. U r afraid of falling. U r not scared of individuals around u. U r just afraid of rejection. U r not afraid to like. U r simply afraid of not [...]
? Ladies resemble apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones due to the fact that they r afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as great, however simple. So the apples up top [ ...]
Constantly keep expecting good. As the chinese say ... "Keep a green tree in ur heart, the singing bird will certainly come."
Loveless life resembles a fruitless tree However friendless life resembles a rootless tree Tree can live without fruit but not without roots
Romance! A mosquito & & hen fell in love wid each other. 1 day they kissed each other Hen passed away of dengue & & Mosquito passed away of bird influenza Moral: Sachi mohabbat:-)
What A Mystery A cockraoch hesitates of Rat, Rat is scared of Cat, Feline is afraid of Pet dog, Pet is scared of Male, Guy is afraid of Female, And Woman hesitates of... Cockraoch!You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with suitables and dreams. You were born with success. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so dont. You have wings. Learn how to use them and fly. (Rumi )I've constantly been scared of losing
individuals I like. Often I question, exists anybody out there afraid to lose me?In a practical Examination Inspector showed legs of bird n stated: Inform the bird's name Sardar: I do not know Exminer: U r failed.Wats ur name? Sardar: You see my legs, and tell me.A 60 years old male, sitting on a bench,
with his s-series Mercedes parked behind him, having a most current model of Rolex watch in his wrist, a thousands rupees mobile in hand, Armani suit, italian shoes, checkbook of swiss acounts, is having TEARS in his eyes Why? Due to the fact that he is seeing a gang of young [...]
Always do wat u r scared to do in life because, to the questions of life You are the response & & To the issues of life You are the option Its all in "U".:)
If you r in a dark room, You find blood all over And the walls are shaking - Don't worry buddy, U r at the safest place, You r in my heart.Y do couples hold hands during their wedding event? Its a rule much like two boxers shaking hands before the battle begins!Q: Exactly what is more painful? When an individual whom u trust, harms u? OR The person whom u hurt, still trusts u? Consider that & & reply!Nothing in the
nature lives for itself Rivers don't consume their own water Trees do not consume their own fruit Sun doesn't give heat for itself Moon doesn't ever go on honeymoon Flowers do not spread fragrance on their own Moral: Living for Others is the Rule of Nature
Which is more uncomfortable??? "when an individual whom u relied on, harms u." or "the individual whom u hurted, still trusts u." keep thinking
It was a high counsel that I when heard offered to a young individual, "Always do what you are afraid to do.) (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
I want an angel of Grace always sits Beside you & & Covers you with mild Wings So that, You walk wrapped in Allah's grace, Protected & & serene permanently
I'll walk wid u in every step of Life But assure me You'll hide your wings when we stroll together! cause, i don't desire the world 2 understand that u r. ... an "Angle"
Butterflies do not understand in what color their wings r but human eyes know how nice-it is. Also u do not knw how sweet u r however i understand how unique u r 2 me!When someone hurts u. ... Do not feel bad since its the law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets optimal number of stones
´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´,; ****, ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´, * ¨ ¨, $ ¨ ¨ *, ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´, ** ¨ ¨ ¨ @ $; $;; - $ ¦ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´-, ¨ ** ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ $) $ $- $ $ $ $ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´//, *** ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ * ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´(,( **/ * $ ¨ $ $ ¨ ¨ * ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ((, */ *;-RRB-;*-RRB- ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ * ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ((, **)*/ **/ ¨ ¨ ¨ $ ¨ * ´ ´ ´ ´, (, ****.:-RRB- * ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ * ´ ´ ´ ((, ***** )¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ * ´ ´, (, ***/ *)¨ * ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨, ¨ * ´ ´, ***/ * )¨ * ¨ ¨, ¨ * ´) */ * )*)* ¨ ¨ */ **) ** ¨ ¨ $ \ \ )\ \) */ * ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨, ...)!))! )..., ($, ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ _ )-- $-- $ ------/ _. I'm providing to you a bird of friendship now its ur duty to care it.Lost in a zoo I saw numerous animals. Mouse BIRD Monkey and ...! U 2
A baby mosquito came back after its First battle ... Daddy asked: "how did u feel?"... It replied: "Dad it was fantastic. evry1 ws clappin 4 me" Moral: Take evrything favorably
Ur sky is as much as u 'd wish to reach, ur life is as lonesome as u wants to make; Ur delight is as much as u decide to feel, ur nite is as long as you choose to wake. No one sets the limit for u, no one can etch the span of the [...]
A Bunny Runs, Jumps & & Lives Just For 15 years. While a Turtle Does Not Run Not Does Anything. Yet lives for 300 yrs. Ethical: Exercise Is Hell Simply Sleep Well.;-RRB- Good Night:-)
Not every flower can represent love however roses did it. Not every tree can stand thirst, but cactus did it. Not every monkey can read SMS but hey you simply did it! Enjoy your day, and don't forget to smile!If I had wings I would fly To accept you in a caring hug So that issues simply pass by Delighted Hug Day.
"Never ever feel sad on losing anything in your life Due to the fact that whenever a Tree loses its leaf, A new leaf is all set to take its location!"
A woman resembles a bird. The thing most pretty in this world. The childhood of women is their golden age. After that world keeps them into a gorgeous cage. This innocent creature looks like a fairy. Who loses her plumes aftr geting wed. She leads all her life in serving others. She also has [...]
If somebody comes n informs u, That u r fool, lazy & & dumb! Do not b afraid, go to him, Catch his neck, and tell him "Kisay hor noo naa dasin"
Life resembles a MOVIE ... If u r unfortunate - DRAMA If u r afraid - SUSPENSE If u r mad - ACTION When u take a look at the mirror - HORROR
Tree leaves do not look green permanently, Roses do not look fresh permanently, However I hope to ALLAH that Smile on your lips stay forever. Excellent Morning & & Have A Good Day
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