#And making Adrian not explicitly rich.
We CANT lose the diplomat/CEO Of A Peace Business backstory for Peacemaker we cant ok not before Al Ewing gets to it
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unchataparis · 9 months
Adrien Agreste
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So, in Chat Blanc, it was revealed that Adrien's fifth name is Athanase. And it had been a running joke ever since what all four of Adrien's other middle names are.
This apparently canon German game card reveals Adrien's full name as Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste, which has some pretty interesting connotations.
All information was taken from the Bump, except for Agreste, which was taken from the Cambridge Dictionary.
Adrien: The French form of Adrian. The name has Latin origin, meaning "son of Adria", with relations to the Hadria province and former Adria River, both located in Italy. Adrien also has Greek roots, meaning "rich".
Émile: A classic French name, Émile means "eager". As in full of zest for life, enthusiastic, and willing to meet the day heads-on.
Gabriel: Apart from being an obvious namesake to his father, Gabriel most powerfully have Hebrew and angelic roots. It is the name of the Archangel Gabriel, who delivered the news of Jesus' birth to Mary in Christainty and inspired Muhammed to write the Quran in Islam. Gabriel means "man of God", and while Adrien is never explicitly religious, he has been shown to celebrate Christmas, and had been making some damning similarities between himself and (fallen) angels.
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Donatien: Could be derived from the Italian name Donatello, Donatien is another Biblical name, meaning "given" or "gift from God". In this case, the givee is Gabriel and the 'God' is Emilie.
Athanase: My favourite of Adrien's middle names, Athanase derives from the Greek word Athanasios, meaning "immortal". If rumours about Sentibeings are right, Adrien might possibly already be immortal. Otherwise, Adrien had already made living history by being the in-world Black Cat, and outwardly, one of the most famous and beloved Miraculous Ladybug characters.
Agreste: A last name that Gabriel made up, if Revelation is leading us right, meaning rural and rustic. Which honestly cannot be right, but who am I to challenge the declarations of the Cambridge Dictionary? Thing is, since Agreste is a new name that Gabriel adopted for himself, wouldn't he have chose something more grand and imperious, something that'll distract his new social circle from his humble roots? Or maybe it's a reference to how Gabriel, at the base of it all, is animalistic and yearns to return to the simpleness of what he once had.
If we are to combine Adrien's name together, it would mean a wealthy and immortal gift from God with a penchant for the rustic. Which is an awkward explanation, but strangely fitting for Adrien.
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aliensmoon · 4 years
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it starts from a tattoo, one that alice had designed a while ago. what they didn’t expect was getting a roommate, a job and potentially also metting her new favourite person in the world.
status: outlining, first draft, rewriting, a bit of all 
genre: long story/novel
themes: self discovery, finding your path, found family (is someone surprised?), neon, bit of sci-fi elements, gender identity issues, platonic love
characters: i’ll be making a proper introduction post for them, but for now
alice: aroace, nonbinary, constantly deciding the color to dye their hair with, a bit lost but trying not to think too much about it, coffee lover
alex: tattoo artist, also coffee lover, a man of few words but he knows how to make them count
will: if he wanted he could hack everything, but fortunately he’s also a gentleman, gay, rich, seriously don’t make him angry
theo: potentially a-spec, ghost hunting addicted, kind of a crossover character, art lover, knows the pizza place phone number by heart
adrian: trans boy, new in town, definitely not helping his aunt because he gets a supply of neon binders, cat dad
isabella: fashion designer and aunt, has the house full of paillettes, parenting books and now cat fur, lesbian, she’s better than you and she knows it
leo: actual dad and dog dad, how can he be always organized is a mystery to everyone, hosts the best dinner parties, bisexual
marley: nonbinary, adrian’s friend, works in a bookshop and spends there their free time too, wants to be loved by adrian’s cat
alice had noticed it, even before will could tell them. will had escorted them to the main room of the shop, where alex was finishing a tattoo on the forearm of a woman. at first alice thought they had seen wrong, maybe that the neon lights had played a trick on their eyes. but no. they looked again and again and by the time the woman walked out, her tattoo now safely wrapped, alice had little to no doubts. 
“you see,” will had said, “alex’s tattoos are peculiar, you can say.”
oh, alice had seen. they could have a confirmation now that alex had rolled up his sleeve a little bit more and what seemed a tattoo of brushes of different colors swirled, lighting up in an explicitly neon way.
“they move,” they said.
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kaspgaytozier · 5 years
ok, I’m not gonna pretend like I know everything about these characters because I only joined the fandom and I haven’t read the book, neither watched It 1990
But I’m seeing people saying ‘’fuck Andy’’ (yes fuck him for having the opportunity of make it better and still choosing to kill Eddie and Stan) but people are mad and saying he supposedly stole Eddie's arch to give it to Richie ?! and um hello? I don’t think that was the case, because the subtext is there, Eddie is a repressed gay. he even cast a look-alike for Adrian Mellon, a gay man. also the parallels x x 
no, they aren’t perfect movies, no, he isn’t the best director, yes he made mistakes, and the movies (itch2) could have been better, the final cuts didn’t do justice to certain characters and that sucks, but it isn’t like Andy had the 100% of the power of decision, he still had to answer to warner brothers, he even said they made him cut and cut the movie because no-one would watch a 4hr movie, and even after he cut stuff and the movie was ok for him they still asked him to cut another 7 minuter or so, but he refused to delete more scenes so he literally went frame by frame deleting one here one there through the whole movie without deleting any other scene, just a bunch of frames that equaled those 7min x 
and about [ I got a sense- a very subtle sense of Eddie being gay and Rich reading the book umm but it’s definitely something that was never consummated with Richie. I, in the process as I said before when you’re translating this huge piece it has a lot more layers and nuances into something that is a little more compressed and given that Eddie had a strong uh, y’know, history of trauma with his mom and overprotection and germaphobic and he marries his mom and Richie didn’t have much. You know you can see even in the book that we don’t really know what Richie’s family was like ...] x
some people went mad saying ‘’he’s crazy thinking Eddie had already a lot of traumas and it’s stupid of him that he didn’t make him explicitly gay because it was too much to Eddie's arch? so what? he instead give that to Richie wtf ? there are people that have more than one traumas blabla’’ , idk but that didn’t seem to me what he said, I understood it like there’s just certain time they can use to present the traumas of a character and they didn’t get to explore’s Eddie's sexuality because he had already the other issues, yet again I agree that the issues Eddie has are intertwined with his struggle of sexuality and SHOULD HAVE BEEN explored side by side, yes that’s for sure 100% right 
yes it’s sad that in 2019 we still crave for lgbtq+ representation that actually gets to be not sad
yes it sucks he decided to kill Eds 
yes it sucks he filmed ‘n’ versions of Eddie's death just to let the least meaningful for the fans one
yes all of other bunch of complaints we have
but also I am grateful because at least we got one explicitly gay character in a big film like the It franchise, can you imagine if the movies were given to another whoever director fanboy of Stephen King that didn’t have Andy’s vision? I’m grateful that Andy read the book and went ‘’yep reddie’’ idk much about the 2010 script but what if Andy didn’t get the opportunity? and today we would have been talking about how ‘x’ director decided to actually put the orgy scene in the cinematographic adaptation instead of making Richie gay?
there’s also the other possibility that today we could have reddie with actually both of them alive but what were the chances of that?
before fully complaining I'm waiting to see the supercut to see if there’s more to Eddie's sexuality (I really hope so) 
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Thoughts on the flashbacks like “How tf is Vega in this 200 years before he was born?”
Out of Character:
There are so many errors in BB2, I’m starting to wonder if it’s even the same people writing!!
I’m unsure how to handle Pradam until now, because in flashback 1 he treated her like a possession, in flashback 2 he treated her like he loved her more than anything on Earth, in the file he Turned her “mostly out of affection” and PB themselves says they were “only hooking up”???
What was that? Was that a toxic relationship? Did he love her, but she used him? Did she love him, but he played with her? Did they both love each other? Was it only friends with benefits? I have no idea. It could have been anything at this point! They could have met once a week to get it on or they could have lived together for decades!
They messed up Jax’s past so badly (How is he an adult in the 70s when he was born in the 70s?), and now Vega’s.
To be fair, they never explicitly stated when Vega was born or Turned. They just said that “only 300 years ago he was a Spanish lord who was famous for his cruelty and tyranny”, which could have been in his human life or not, but it’s weird to think he did that as a vampire.
Honestly, I’m happy we got anything. I couldn’t believe it today when a friend sent me the pic of his artwork. I just stopped walking, stared at my phone screen and gaped (I wonder what the people near me thought 😂).
Some friends told me they couldn’t stop laughing when looking at his... Is that an outfit? 😅😂 I feel similarly. Not that I laughed, but I feel a bit... embarrassed to be stanning him? 😅😂 I mean, I love him no matter what he wears, but it still looks a bit much. 😅 Regardless, I think back then it was on fleek and it definitely shows he’s rich af and noble. 👌
What bothers me most is HIS HANDS. You know, I’m that kinda person that finds hands really attractive and... They couldn’t have ruined him more by giving him these hands. 😩 Idk, maybe I’m weird, but his fingers are so thicc (👌) and his nails are too long and... Nay. Not my cup of tea. 😩 WHY DID THEY GIVE HIM LONG NAILS? I’M SO UPSET
But I am SO HAPPY we saw him!! I must tell you all my thoughts about the content. 😃
First of all, I think this is finally confirmation that Gaius Turned him. I mean, he called him his “newest protege”, which I think implies he ‘created’ him. I’d assume at this point, Adam was Turned a few weeks ago (meaning, if we follow this timeline, he was either born in the 1400s or 1500s - which makes me wonder if they confused his age with Lester’s). I also wonder if his Turning was involuntarily or not. 🤔
Secondly, Adam is so friendly and polite. Manners were taken more seriously back then, but I feel like he takes it to the next level. So first, he bows. Then, he kisses her hand. And the way he speaks!! “It is truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, fair lady” is only topped by “Will you do me the great honor of a dance, my lady? I am sure to keel over with jealousy if I so much as see another man look your way”!! 😍
That is so extreme. Maybe it is because I focus on him more than on others, but I feel like no one else talks that way. It is like he wouldn’t even know how to talk to a woman differently, like it was beaten in to him (for lack of a better term) from early childhood on. Like he was drilled his whole life.
It’s so obvious he grew up at court. I bet that his parents were the most authoritarian people on Earth. I imagine they’d yell at him if little Adam used the wrong spoon for his gazpacho, and beat him if he spilled it in his lap... 😥 Parental warmth at 0%. Like, can you imagine they’d even hug the little guy? 😞
I am sorry to be nasty and make this weird, but... It does get me thinking about bedroom stuff. 😳 Like, I always pictured him to be rough af, and now I don’t know if he would talk dirty or spank his lover’s ass at all. 😳😅😂
Can we talk about “Sir Adam Vega”??? Because yes!!! That is so sexy!!!
I like that Serafine and Adam were flirting a bit. Of course, he asked her to dance, it only underlines his lady-killer reputation that he’s supposedly always had. I actually wonder what developed between them, if anything? I mean, the moment I saw Serafine, I knew she was exactly his type. And apparently, she liked Adrian? Maybe that’s part of the reason Adam and Adrian had this rivalry?
Next is... Adam tripping Banner. Did you get that? 😂 I felt it was a bit unnecessary? I mean, Banner was a lot stronger than Adam at this point and he probably barely knew him. Why risk a fight? It wasn’t exactly well-mannered either. Adam seemed a bit too careless to me, laughing and not thinking much. Also, pretty sincere. 🤔
I don’t really get what happened in the end. He just ran away? I mean, it’s smart, he wasn’t strong being newly Turned, but why did he shove Kamilah away? Was that to protect her in some way? Or was she in the way of his exit? If yes, does that prove the whole ‘gentleman from court’ thing was just an act to get some pussy? I mean, a gentleman from court would protect a lady and not shove her away.
Another thought I have, besides that Vega must actually speak French, is that his family, wife, kids or whatever, were most likely alive at this point in time, meaning he freshly separated. 🤔 Seems like a pretty careless father and/or hubby - also, probably not a colonist, as Gaius seemed to have Turned him in Spain, and then brought him to France.
...Whew. Somehow I started writing and now it’s 3 am. 😃
Need me a topless Vega before I can die in peace. 😩🌚👀
Do you guys think we’ll see him again? ;-;
Either way, feel free to share your thoughts by reacting to my thoughts!! ❤️
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odysseys-blood · 2 years
I like Logic Chess, I guess it is just an skill issue... have you considered getting good mayhaps?
Anyway, it truly is wild when girlies misinterpret so much about Edgeworth like... the literal characters who have made him grow the most are Kay, the character who forced him to stop being a spoiled rich kid, and Gumshoe, the character who he stablishes a genuine friendship throughout the games.
And as I said, it is also ignoring that... Edgeworth is a cunt, even by Trials and Tribulations he is still a bitch even if not a cruel prosecutor who only cared about his record, which showed us how immature he was and added on Rise from the Ashes how he could not handle seeing such truth, and on Justice for All where a lot of his actions during that trial are... he basically makes it about himself.
Put it next to how characters like Lang, Badd and Justine are explicitly very much aware that their jobs are not as black and white as the law would entail, they are very much mature enough about the grey morals they need to have about such line of work which culminates on Raymond... Raymond explicitly saying that he has put guilty people of the hook and showing Edgeworth the proper work of a defense attorney is still the most pivotal growth of Edgeworth on the lawyer stuff. Literally no other game in the franchise puts their protagonist on the ropes as much as Investigations 2 puts Edgeworth through the game as he finally accepts how fucking messy law is.
Like... without Investigations? I would never want fucking Edgeworth as chief prosecutor. He was heinous to Adrian Andrews...
investigations takes place at a much needed time too bc its like. at a v critical moment in the aa timeline! it takes place maybe a few months or so before phoenix is disbarred and the dark age of the law comes about and the edgeworth from aa1-3 wouldnt have made it as a prosecutor at all if he hadn't learn to take his morality into his own hands instead of leaving it up to his job and his badge much less been able to earn the office of the chief prosecutor.
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augiepets · 2 years
About Caru Food Industry
Caru is a Cat and Dog Food Company known for creating top-caliber, human-grade pet food varieties. Every one of their items includes USDA-examined poultry or meat with mindfully obtained leafy foods. Their recipes are created in little clumps and made in the USA.
The brand was established in 2010 by Pamela and Adrian Pettyan, both Canadian clinical experts who went through numerous years running a medical care place for families in their neighborhood local area. Their energy for medical services in people continued into their lives as pet guardians when their adored Golden Retriever, Caru Pet Foods, started experiencing persistent medical conditions.
Utilizing what they realized through their clinical practice, the Pettyans started taking care of Karu a hand crafted diet. He improved rapidly and decisively. Roused by this astonishing change, the couple started working with a creature Ph.D. nutritionist to make a total line of sustaining Cat Foods & Dog Foods
Obtaining And Manufacturing
Caru is a family-possessed business situated in the United States yet show to two Canadian clinical experts. All items are created in the United States except for Daily Dish Smoothies which are made with human-grade fixings in a Human Food Plant in Thailand.
Caru's fixings are all human-grade and, on the grounds that their items are handled in human food offices, the actual items are precisely named Human-Grade Pet Food. Their items are made in plants confirmed by the USDA in little, "craftsman" clumps.
Caru sources their fixings from the United States except for a portion of their nutrients and minerals which comes from Europe as well as Japan. Their custard starch is obtained from Thailand and their Daily Dish Chicken Smoothies are made in Thailand utilizing fixings from non-China sources.
What Kinds Of Cat Food Does Caru Offer?
Caru offers various normal, sound stews for felines as well as a restricted collection of treats.
The Caru Classics Pet Foods line of stews is produced using 100 percent human-grade, non-GMO fixings including USDA assessed poultry or meat. They are wealthy in dampness to help your feline's hydration and made with a predetermined number of fixings, making them a decent choice for fastidious eaters and felines with food sensitivities.
Caru offers two kinds of squeezable feline treats in the Daily Dish Smoothies line: chicken and fish. They likewise offer three kinds of single-protein feline treats: chicken, salmon, and fish.
Caru likewise offers a determination of bone stocks for canines and felines.
What Is Customers' Take Of Caru Food?
Caru doesn't have all the earmarks of being one of the greatest feline food brands out there, so we couldn't track down a huge choice of surveys. You can buy most of their items on Chewy which is where we found the most client surveys
Most Caru items on Chewy have a 3.5-to 4-star rating with a normal of 30 to 50 surveys.
Numerous clients are satisfied with the nature of the fixings, however, some tracked down the consistency of the stew as excessively fluid. Others whined about the bundling and the huge 6-ounce volume; however, the containers are explicitly intended to be resealed and later reused.
We should investigate a couple of surveys from probably the most famous recipes from Caru.
Caru Classic Turkey Stew Grain-Free Wet Food
Made with healthy regular fixings and slow cooked at low temperatures, this is a solitary protein, dampness rich wet Feline Food. This recipe highlights turkey as the primary fixing and sole protein source.
Notwithstanding turkey, this recipe contains egg whites as a supplemental wellspring of protein. You'll likewise find a few plant fixings including custard starch, yam, carrots, and apple. We'd like to prohibit plant-based fixings like these, yet they don't seem to contribute altogether to the general starch content which is exceptionally low.
One of the principal advantages of this recipe is the high dampness content. It has an extremely fluid surface which a few felines dislike however it's an extraordinary choice for felines with dental issues and those with kidney sickness who need a lot of dampness in their eating regimen.
This is a dampness rich, High-Protein Wet Food for Pet’s with moderate fat and low carb content.
Turkey, Turkey Broth, Tapioca Starch, Egg Whites, Sweet Potato, Carrots, Apples, Natural Flavor, Tricalcium Phosphate, Choline Bitartrate, Taurine, Calcium Carbonate, Dandelion Greens, Potassium Chloride, Vitamins (Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin E Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Niacin, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement), Minerals (Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate, Iodine Amino Acid Chelate, Sodium Selenite).
Caru Classics Chicken Stew Grain-Free Wet Cat Food
Basically, the same as the past recipe, this chicken-based Wet Food for Dog is made with a solitary wellspring of creature protein and is exceptionally high in dampness. Chicken is the principal fixing which might be an issue for felines with food sensitivities, yet there are other single-protein recipes to browse.
Notwithstanding chicken, we see similar variety of plant fixings: custard starch, apples, carrots, and yam. The complete sugar content is still extremely low, under 5% as taken care of.
This is a dampness rich, High-Protein Wet Food for Cat with moderate fat and low sugar content.
Chicken, Chicken Broth, Tapioca Starch, Egg Whites, Apples, Carrots, Sweet Potato, Natural Flavor, Tricalcium Phosphate, Choline Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Taurine, Dandelion Greens, Potassium Chloride, Vitamins (Vitamin A Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin E Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Niacin Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin Supplement, Folic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement), Minerals (Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate, Iodine Amino Acid Chelate, Sodium Selenite).
Caru Soft 'n Tasty Baked Bites Tuna Recipe Grain-Free Cat Treats
Since Caru's stews are all comparable, I chose to incorporate one of their Dog Treats in my determination of top recipes. I attempted the fish recipe; however, you can likewise purchase chicken and salmon flavour treats.
These Cat Treats are made with fish as the primary fixing; however, they truly do contain chicken. I didn't understand this when I bought them, so I needed to try not to give them to one of my felines who is hypersensitive to chicken. The other two adored them, and I'm certain she would have as well.
Notwithstanding two top-notch wellsprings of protein, these treats contain chickpeas, molasses, coconut glycerin, chicken stock, and skim milk as well as somewhat salt and fish oil.
By and large, these treats are positively superior to some available however there are a couple of fixings I question the consideration of. Chickpeas are a plant-based fixing that felines truly don't require, and the beet molasses is an inquisitive consideration considering felines don't have taste receptors for pleasantness. They are, notwithstanding, low in calories and felines appear to like them.
Fish, Chicken, Chickpeas, Beet Molasses, Coconut Glycerin, Chicken Broth, Dried Cultured Skim Milk, Salt, Fish Oil, Ascorbic Acid, Mixed Tocopherols (an additive).
The amount Does Caru Food Cost?
A large portion of Caru's items appears to be estimated close to $2.00 per ounce. This goes for their Wet Food Stews as well as their treats, however, the Daily Dish Peanut Butter Smoothies are somewhat less expensive.
Following Caru's taking care of proposals, you'd take care of 1 pack for every 6 to 8 pounds of body weight each day. For an 8-pound feline, that is an expense of about $2.00 each day.
Generally, Is Caru Food a Good Choice?
Caru is one of a handful of the Dog Food Brands we've investigated that is completely human grade. This implies that besides the fact that they utilize human-grade fixings, yet their items are made in human food offices. Indeed, even the recipes that are made in Thailand are made in human food offices.
In addition to the fact that Caru uses great fixings, yet the vast majority of their items are very protein-engaged and wealthy in dampness. Their stews have a considerably more fluid surface than many wet food sources, yet a few felines might like it. It's likewise an advantage for felines with dental issues and kidney issues.
Generally speaking, Caru is modestly estimated contrasted with brands that offer comparative quality, however surely on the higher finish of the range for wet food. They offer a genuinely huge determination of flavors for their stews, however they offer no dry food varieties.
On the off chance that you're searching for a great item to give your feline a lot of protein and dampness, we energetically suggest Caru.
Where Could Caru Food Sold be? You might have the option to find Caru Dog food items in nearby and autonomous pet retailers, however, the best spot to buy them is online from Chewy or Amazon. Caru gives a rundown of their in-store retail accomplices f
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prettypaprika · 8 years
2016 Year in Fic
This year I wrote a lot (especially for me!) and wanted to take the opportunity to look back and see just exactly what I spent all that time doing…
STATS Fics: 14 Word Count: 91,174 (give or take)
Fandoms: 8 Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 4 Original: 4 (Although two of which were fake superhero, so not completely original) Misc: 6
Ships: 10 different ships m/m: 6 f/f: 2 m/f: 2 gen: 1 most written character: Poe Dameron and Finn most written ship: Poe/Finn (shocker) OVERALL:
Did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? In terms of words, absolutely! I’m a little bit in awe of just how many words I wrote this year, although I ended up doing two long fics for exchanges that pushed up the number. In terms of stories, less. Last year, I think I wrote 11 or 12 fics and thought I would write a lot more this year. But, I think that my most productive period last year was October/November and this year I was packing and moving during those two months, which really cut into my ability to write.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Gen in Over the Garden Wall--I hadn’t even heard of this wonderful, amazing show in January. I think it’s also been years since I wrote anything truly gen, so that was definitely a surprise.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? I think that my Charlie/Adam Mighty Ducks fic, “@thatduckingcharlie” is my favorite. It evolved very naturally from a fake twitter quote about one of the characters to a whole story told through twitter. I had so much fun writing it and trying to figure out how tell a story from snippets of a public life. I also really enjoyed writing the two stories set in a rip-off superhero world, mainly because of all the bad jokes I got to make in those stories. My s2b2 story was also a blast–I took a lot of inspiration and spirit from one of my favorite movies, The Thin Man, and tried to translate that into a fun slash 1930s occult mystery.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I like to think that I took some risks this year--I tried to diversify my style as well as write stories outside of my usual repertoire. I think that non-romance focused stories as still hard for me, but something that I’d like to keep working on. 
Do you have any fanfic goals for 2017? Maybe to finish and publish some of my random WIPs that are hiding on my computer. Survive the big bang that I signed up for. I would also like to write the original story that I spent about three months researching this year but wasn’t able to write in time for the s2b2 issue it would have been for. Write more in general!
Did you meet your goals from last year? No clue. Knowing me, I probably set goals that aren’t able to be easily measured and so would deem myself has having failed them.
My best story of the year: Stylistically, probably “@thatduckingcharlie” since it was told from an interesting perspective. Technically, I would probably say “Mystery in the Adirondacks”, which I wrote for s2b2′s October issue. I wanted to evoke the banter and gaiety of The Thin Man, because it’s a film that I’ve always thought had fantastic dialogue and atmosphere. At times it was difficult to convey that luminosity on paper, but, I think that the end product turned out well and I had an amazing artist, @beili, working with me who did breathtaking illustrations. 
My most popular story of the year: Kudos-wise, it’s “Barks and Recreation” for sure (it also wins in bookmarks). Kudos/hits ratio, I think it’s “Drowning in Our Blood” mainly because it’s in a super tiny fandom.
Story of mine that is most under-appreciated by the universe: “The Violators” which was a story I wrote for the Trick or Treat challenge that featured a superhero and supervillain that fall in love without knowing who the other when they first meet playing rec league hockey. Mainly, this was a story that I cracked myself up writing as I created ridiculous fake superheroes and supervillains. I also gave a lot of blood, sweat and tears for “This Story Does Not End With A Kiss” which was a modern retelling of the fairytale Kate Crackernuts, but it’s definitely a super tiny fandom, so I didn’t expect much attention.
Most fun story to write: Probably “@thatduckingcharlie”, because of the coming up with twitter handles and figuring out how to convey fights and confessions of love without outright saying anything was explicitly happening. Coming up with the dialogue in “Mystery in the Adirondacks” was also a blast.
Story with the single sexiest moment: Toss-up between “The Priestess of Divinity” featuring dubious consent between a priestess possessed by a god and the priestess’ loyal knight and “Mystery in the Adirondacks” with Hank and Jack finally getting together after having UST for the entire fic.
Most “oh um.... uh ok....” story: Probably the closest that I got was “The Priestess of Divinity” featuring dub con all around, divine possession during sex, a threesome and...more!
Story that shifted my perceptions of the characters: This is a hard one...how I think about characters constantly changes throughout every story I write. I think that “The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep” definitely changed my perception and understanding of how Over the Garden Wall functioned as a show and how difficult it is to balance between whimsicality, appropriateness for kids but also depth and darkness. Buuuut, I suppose the answer to the actual question asked would be “Yo Helga!” because it gave me a chance to explore Helga as a character not just in Hey Arnold! but also how her experiences would continue to affect her as an adult.
Biggest disappointment: Not getting to write my epic slash story set in the 70s about two actors in New York. I really wanted to write it in time for the December issue of s2b2 but training for a triathlon in the summer and moving in the fall decimated my free time.
Biggest surprise: Deciding to write two treats for the Trick or Treat Exchange (after not signing up) and writing for the October issue of s2b2. On a whim, I decided to write those stories all around the same time period and they were done fairly quickly.
Most unintentionally telling story: “The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep” definitely echoes some of the uncertainty that I feel in my own life, including my reluctance to change paths.
untitled joseph liebgott/david webster big bang fic Joe followed David in and they both stood there for a few seconds in the entrance, awkwardly measuring each other up. Joe had been a skinny guy back in the day, army rations persistently unhelpful, but now he’d evened out a bit, muscle thicker in his arms and chest, making him less lanky and more wiry. He was paler than he’d been in the war; with a faint scar up above his left eyebrow and he was exactly as David had dreamed the other night. The resemblance was so complete, it took David’s breath away for one heart-hammering second. untitled dan/blair pregnancy fic Blair turned back to Dan and began taking off her coat to drape over a chair. “Well, you said that you wouldn’t move back to New York, so you only left me with one option.”
“One option—” Dan started and then stopped abruptly. Blair was wearing a very fashionable print wrap dress with black kitten heels. Dan would hazard a guess that the dress was probably Marc Jacobs or Gucci. The shoes, Alexander McQueen. But even clearer than Blair’s continued sartorial achievements was the fact that Blair was definitely, most certainly pregnant.
“Eleanor is embarrassed beyond belief that her only daughter is having a child out of wedlock. She is also no longer speaking to me since I refuse to tell her who the father is. Serena has promised to come out and help when I’m due, but I can’t exactly crash with her and her husband in Chicago,” Blair said, pronouncing Chicago like it was a bad word. To Blair, it probably was. 
untitled femslash mermaid story (based on this picture) When she'd been a young mermaid, every time that Adriane had gotten in trouble from skipping classes to hang out with the kelpies or learning to smoke from the selkies, her father would threaten to send her up one of the rivers where there were plenty of humans. "If you keep this up," he used to say. "They'll find you and skin you for your pelt and you'll deserve it."
untitled 28 days later fic The refugee camp is fucking depressing, which says a lot after having survived a rage virus pandemic. There are only a few hundred people in the camp. They’re told that several thousand people have been rescued since the United Kingdom and Ireland were quarantined and that the search is still ongoing, but the facts are pretty plain: tens of millions of people—entire villages, cities, metropolitan areas have been wiped out. Out of the seventy or so million people living in Great Britain and Ireland, maybe only seven or eight million remain.
On their second day in the camp, they find out that Hannah apparently has some distant family in Canada. The immigration officer comes to speak to Jim, Selena and Hannah in barely accented English about sending Hannah to live with her family, Hannah flatly says that she’ll kill herself if they separate her from Jim and Selena.
 “Jim and Selena are the only family that I have left,” Hannah says. “I’m not going anywhere without them except in a body bag.” 
untitled cinderella fic In the glimpses the woman-child had taken of her dance partner throughout the evening, a spectator watch a spark begin to deepen. It was one thing to abstractly know that such a life of luxury and wealth existed, but to have a taste—to have an intoxicating glimpse of lust and richness—there was no return from that knowledge.
Although the woman-child could not have identified the flame beginning to burn within her, her observer could. It was the deepest longing, the start of a desire that would go to the very core of the woman-child’s soul. A desire that, once it had taken root, would accept water at any cost so that it could grow.
AT THE SAME STARS by spicyshimmy -- (Star Trek) Kirk/Spock with a Tarsus IV divergence. Such Great Heights by softlyforgotten - (HP) Draco/Harry EWE where Draco has a dragon. A Year and a Day in Old Theradane by Scott Lynch -- (Original) Amazing fantasy universe heist! Sixteen Days in September by Tevere -- (GenKill) Nate/Brad AU set during the 1999 East Timorese crisis The King’s Road by Tsukizubon Saruko -- (Original) Femslash utterly fantastic story of the kidnap and ransom of a noble daughter got a million ugly words for what you are by spock -- (Slow West) Silas/Payne pre-canon
(i make no guarantees regarding when these were written, only when I read them)
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