#And overpriced coffee
teyamsatan · 9 months
The first thing i did in the uk is buy myself an oat milk pumpkin spice latte just like the gods intended
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57sfinest · 1 year
kim is such a funny little guy like he emphasizes how little the rcm salary is when you ask about it (5500 reál annually- 460/mo) but here he is with his nice electronic sports watch and his little instant camera and his fancy revolutionary cosplay for plainclothes and he's living in the GRIH which can't be cheap and he's got his fancy little mnemotechnique notebooks which are like the moleskine of elysium i guess and his fancy little ballpoints that he does NOT want to share with you which i bet is because they cost him like a week of salary. and this is the rcm he's not getting stipends for supplies or watches or housing or probably even the gas for the kineema. poor as fuck but he is going to buy himself his little treats god damn it. if he lived in our world you know he'd be out getting himself a $9 vanilla soy milk half caf dirty chai iced latte every morning on the way to the station and eating instant noodles every night to claw out room in the budget for it
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isbergillustration · 1 month
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New World Emerging Blues
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catocappuccino · 10 months
She's so eepy...
Redraw of this Snorkmaiden image because it's so cute and she's so pretty did I ever tell you I love Snorkma
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And here is the image in question!
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fizzypoison · 1 month
i love it when google maps says shit like "it's a 1 hour walk :)" nuh uh bitch i'm gay see you in 45
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Adorkable Twilight & Friends - “Coffee Joint”
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brostateexam · 3 months
Today, fate has decided is the day that I try the olive oil coffee from starbys. Everything aligned: they were doing a BoGo (vital in case it turned out to be undrinkable; functionally this caffeinated olive oil voyage is free!) for this afternoon only, I have no local friends to share a drink with on a random Thursday afternoon, work is light so if the combination of olive oil, dairy, and coffee gives me the unholy squirts I don't have to attend hours of meetings while dealing with that, and most vital of all, I have a gift card to Starbys that I can't use to buy other stuff so I may as well use it to experience the undoubtedly unparalleled experience of olive oil in coffee, something that everyone wanted and has asked for.
So yeah, here's my review of Oleato: it does not taste like olive oil at all 🤔 I think I may try it hot next time to really give the olive oil a chance to shine*
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blueteehood · 8 months
In honor of Starbucks declaring bankruptcy in Brazil, the country that drinks more coffee than the rest of the world,  here is my ranking of Brazilian coffee options:
cafézinho: 10/10
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Our blessed little coffee or the small break coffee. Usually served as a courtesy after lunch in any restaurant. You can find this one literally anywhere in Brazil. Your office’s breakroom. Hospitals’ hallways. Literally any business that has a waiting room. The only place you won’t find it is in a dentist’s office for a matter of principle, I suppose. 
Café da cantina da escola: 10/10
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The coffee you find in school/colleges' cafeterias. Usually has more sugar than advised to serve to teenagers but that’s the point. Only costs R$ 1,00 to R$ 2,00 reais. Served in plastic cups so you can carry it around with you and hug it against your chest if you live in one of the four states that has a winter season. Kept me awake during many many boring classes.
Café no copo americano: 11/10
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The one from the bakery/bar closest to your home/school/job. This cup, called ‘american’ for industry history reasons, is a staple of Brazilian culture. Does it taste good? Honestly I don’t know but habit is a powerful thing. You’re gonna drink this coffee until the day you die and think it is the best thing ever. Bonus points if comes with a pão na chapa.
Café do metrô de São Paulo: 10000/10
Literally any coffee served in the metro stations in São Paulo. This coffee keeps Paulistas - and consequently, the whole country - one step further from total collapse.
Café com requeijão: 10/10
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(sorry that's the best image I could find but it's really good I promise)
It’s coffee. And then you cut small pieces of a special type of Brazilian cheese and add to it for a burst of flavor. Makes your intestines work like crazy. Popular in the northeast region of Brazil. Not for everyone.
Café da casa da vó: 100/10
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Your grandma’s coffee. She thinks you’re too thin. You’re not escaping her home anytime soon. The coffee is only an excuse for her to feed you. Must be served in the classic brown cup.
Café com leite: 10/10
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Half and half. Popular with kids. What do you mean kids aren’t supposed to drink coffee? 
Café mineiro com pão de queijo: 1000000000+/10
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Minas Gerais’ coffee served with cheese bread. If you come to Brazil and don’t experience this combo, what are you even doing with your life? What’s the purpose of your existence? You’re gonna think about this flavor until the day you die.
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orpheuslament · 7 months
i miss paris & i miss my baby & i miss being in paris with my baby
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bigsnaff · 2 months
PSA but the last chance to buy the Mocha of the Mists coffee is April 30th. If you want the /sipcoffee emote, this might be the time to get it, because I'm not sure if anet is going to be offering it elsewhere after this.
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Link here.
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cairamelcoffee · 7 months
palestinian doctors refused to leave their patients when they could've and journalists came back to targeted hospitals from safe places so that if there was a massacre people would know
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dnangelic · 25 days
krad in my head is like a neurotic 20 yr old sometimes 😭😭😭 which isn't supposed to be the case he's only supposed to be like 16-17 too since he and dark are the same but krad's just insane kjaksdksjgj sugisaki was so right giving him a friendly totally normal (absolutely not) school doctor designation role in that one silly imaginary gakuen setting
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shoshiwrites · 5 months
If I finish this chapter tonight maybe I will get myself a cappuccino before work
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moshpitpuppyx · 1 year
i think tumblr should be it’s own state . and all my mutuals should live there
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archliches · 5 months
there's this fancy little coffee joint with great scones in this storefront at the bottom of an apartment building on my bus route. and the coffee shop has a courtyard wedged right up against the laundry room of the apartment building with a little side door, so conceptually if u lived there u could put your laundry in and then go sit in the courtyard with a book and a drink. imagine living.
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kursedmayo · 7 months
Guess who didn't sleep a full healthy 8 hours again? (hint: their name starts with k and ends in mayo. Alternative answer may start with D.)
Anyways. Have a sketch of Donnie while I suffer through my day today 💜💜
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