#And she is absolutely capable of killing herself - she would research the best method and do it
general-illyrin · 8 months
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dcarevu · 6 years
Pretty Poison
“No strychnine. But I added just a pinch of vanilla!”
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I experienced poison ivy when I was a kid. The rash was all over my leg, and I gave it plenty of time to spread before finally seeing a doctor. It was absolutely miserable. But y’know… At least I can say that never during that time did I ever need to deal with a man-eating plant, a dying friend stuck in ICU, or the slow feeling of poison dragging me straight down into my cactus-filled grave.
Villain: Poison Ivy
Robin: No Writer: Tom Ruegger (teleplay), Paul Dini (story), Michael Reaves (story) Director: Boyd Kirkland Animator: Sunrise Airdate: September 14, 1992 Episode Grade: A
Now this is what I’m talking about!
Okay, so the show thus far has been good. I’ve been enjoying starting it from scratch and watching it in its proper order. And Char who is completely new to the show has liked it a lot as well. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by her reactions. And of course, there was always the thought that maybe it just wouldn’t end up being her type of thing (not that it would be the worst thing in the world by any means). But if you’ve noticed, I haven’t given any episodes a rating above a B yet. But I knew this episode was coming. I knew it was a great one. And it didn’t let either of us down. Eventually we will get to the safe zone of the series, where the show becomes much more consistent, and consistently great at that. Everything evens out, and the identity is solidified. I don’t think we are quite at that point yet, but I do consider this episode to be a sign post that says, “Just a little bit further!” I want to reiterate that the past 4 episodes have not been bad! B is a good grade, and even C is passing. But, yeah, look at who wrote this episode. When Paul Dini is involved, that’s usually a very good sign right there. In my opinion, he was one of the best (if not the best) things to happen to the DC Animated Universe. Tom Ruegger is another creator whom I have much appreciation for (Animaniacs and Freakazoid, yes please), and as far as Michael Reaves, I’m not too familiar with what he’s done, but we’ll learn as we advance through the series I suppose!
This episode felt so adult compared to the past bunch! We get Bruce out with his friend Harvey Dent, doing realistic adult things. We have relationship talk. We have talk about the building and funding of a penitentiary. We have some really grim looks at inside the hospital as Harvey Dent is being carted away. We have our most complex villain so far (Joker would become more complex as the show went on, however, rivaling Ivy). In fact, let’s talk about our villain this episode.
Poison Ivy is adorably evil. Like, seriously. She’s so cute. It’s really tragic, because, surprise, she’s another Batman villain who isn’t quite all there. I mean, she waits five years, hunts down a pretty high-profile person in a fairly large city, attracts him to the point of him wanting to marry her after a week of knowing her (despite what we find out later about our pal Harvey), then severely poisons him with virtually no hope of cure. Jeez, lady! Now that’s the type of woman you want. In Char’s words, “Um, you’re kinda being evil, honey.” Interestingly, we had a conversation about serial killers before watching this episode because, well, I don’t know, that’s something that emo-aesthetic college-aged young adults talk about…and a book that she is reading called Great Lakes Serial Killers by Wayne Louis Kadar mentions that female serial killers poison 80% of the time when it comes to method. Also, it’s generally common knowledge that female serial killers can often be in it for things like money, revenge, or similar things. I’m not sure if the writing team did their research, of if it was a complete coincidence, but Poison Ivy aligns heavily with this, and it brings in a real-world aspect. Even if we also get a man-eating plant out of it.
Poison Ivy is also a case of someone being an extremist when it comes to what she believes is right. She cares for plants as much as many of us care for our own pets. This is a little strange, but all well and good until we get to the stage of murder being the right answer to someone digging up a few endangered roses. And the thing is, watching her heart shatter as, say, she murders her own plant with a small arrow, or as her greenhouse bursts into flames…you almost feel for her. This isn’t an act, and she truly does not consider herself an evil person. In her opinion, Harvey Dent (and even Bruce Wayne) completely deserve the gravestone. They murdered an innocent plant. But her reality does not match society’s, and this is some severely antisocial, dangerous behavior. She needs serious help, and watching her being locked up in Stonegate as opposed to Arkham is sad (not to mention ironic, considering it’s the very thing that lead her to commit this particular crime). She could be a good person if she were cured. She’s super smart. Graduated as a scientist. Has potential to be a really caring person. But one too many screws are loose here. You want Batman to stop her. But you’re also glad he saves her and her flowers. I like that she got to keep them in her cell. Although knowing the damage this plant can do to someone, I’m not sure if it was really the best idea. Hell, if she wanted to, she could probably eat some of the leaves to kill herself, assuming that she has yet to build up a strong immunity.
We also see in this episode that Bruce Wayne is indeed capable of having a social life, and it’s so sincere that you almost forget that much of it is likely very contrived. They play with this a little bit as Harvey describes Bruce to Ivy, mentioning the things that he knows about him while cutting back to Batman demonstrating that Harvey is indeed correct, but in the most ironic ways possible. I do think that Bruce does channel real parts of him to portray the character which he portrays. But I also think that he leaves a lot of himself in the cowl, and when he walks around in his suit and tie, a lot of him is an empty shell of a man. I’m not saying he’s not human. Bruce can have fun. He can laugh. He can be a genuinely warm guy. He also has a lot to hide, though. He takes small parts of a normal business personality and runs with them as far as he can, stretching them out quite thin.
Despite this episode being a massive step up in maturity, it’s not without its fun. Bullock running back for doughnuts is a predictable gag, but I’m not going to pretend that it didn’t get a laugh out of me. What an arrogant slob this dude is. And yet as we watch him interrogating the kitchen staff of the restaurant Harvey collapsed at, we’re glad he’s in the show, and once again reminded that we love to be annoyed by him. He’s someone I would still worry about if he were in danger. He’s someone I want to ultimately be happy and find success. But I also want him to improve as a human being. All while wanting him to remain exactly the way he is so I can continue to want these things and root for him for the rest of the show. We root for him in different ways than he roots for himself.
Some other classic Batman TAS things happen too. Bruce steals the blood sample from the hospital, knowing damn well that taking matters into his own hands is the only viable option. We get Alfred being a genuinely great butler, father-figure, and sidekick all at once (look out, Robin, you’ve got some competition). And we even got a stylish sepia-toned flashback, which ties in great to the plot of the episode. That moment when the gears turn in our minds and we realize Poison Ivy’s motive is great. We’re taking off, guys. I was excited about finally starting this show again. I was having fun with the last 4 episodes (and pilot). And now with this one, I’m feeling just like I was when I first watched the entirety of Batman however many years ago.
By the way, while Poison Ivy is hot, this show in general has been even hotter. There have been a lot of fires! There was an explosion in On Leather Wings that leads to a fire. We had a fire in Nothing To Fear. In The Last Laugh, Batman is suspended above a fire at a dumpster. And now we have another one in this episode. Jesus, Batman oughta exchange his mask for a fire helmet. Because of this, I propose we keep a fire tally. Not just for Batman either. Let’s keep it going for the entire DCAU just for a bit of fun. I’m sure there will be some more counts that pop up as I notice more tropes, but keep in mind, this is purely for my own entertainment. It’s not to knock one of my favorite shows!
Fire count: 4 Char’s grade: A Major firsts: Poison Ivy, Renee Montoya
Next time: The Underdwellers
For blog entires on every episode of the DC Animated Universe, follow DCArevU! I update as frequently as I can, watching and writing between school, work, and general life stresses. Feel free to watch along with me! Check out the episode list, which can easily be found via the side bar of the blog!
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wo-the-wolf · 6 years
The Revenant’s Shield and Sword, Part 2
Legends and Fables always have a center mass at which some truth lies. How we spin these tales over the ages can say a lot about our civilizations. But one thing crossed my mind at some point. A grand tale of cat and mouse, of lies and deceit, for as we all wear masks in public, those in darker corners of the world wear masks to decide the fates of millions. Sometimes when our masks are cracked, people see what we are truly capable of in the face of adversity. What if humans were the only ones that held hatred so strong, or love so deep; what if we were the only species to willingly butcher a hated foe? What if we were the only ones willing to even attempt defy our very natural laws? What if, what we called passion and loyalty, made us into monsters in the galaxy? Monsters that were feared for their dedication, and respected for the same? All characters have an origin story. This will tell the tale of their meeting. A pure heart turned sour and an honorable heart turned murderer deciding to make their own future, their own choices. But at what cost is it deemed too great? This is the meeting of Emma and Derrick. Enjoy! (Also prepare for a throwback to RvB, one of my favorite shows on the internet XD) ———————————————- A Response, to Director Veiz, head of the Overseer Committee, from the Director of Black Monarch and Project Sentinel. Dear Director, Our projects were made in that, of the preapproved notions by all manner of boards and dull committees, to be in the name of defense and freedom for that of the People hereof the Terran Republic. My resources, and where they come from, are of no concern as duly noted by the Chairman, so long as the defense of the Republic’s people, and therefore all manner of citizen under their just law, is adhered to. I hereby do state that there is absolutely nothing of which you have to receive from your requests.  Do note, Director, that we understand the incident that has transpired at Base 22-F, was that of a simple bubble in the security protocols we have. While Agent Derrick “King” and Private Emma Taures are currently MIA, we have our methods of which we will insure the capture and incarceration of our Agents. Do note the Committee for Military Investment has, in it’s own report, saw fit to claim we are within our very right to continue handling this matter as we see fit.  Director W. -Message from Director Wolf, to Director Paul Veiz, Regarding the whereabouts of Agent 01, Derrick J. Ishmael, and Private Emma Taures, and the operations known as Project Black Monarch and Project Sentinel,of which they were a part of respectively. Investigation 01, run by the committee for Terran Republic Galactic Security.  --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fourth Day.  Derrick and Emma sat in the training room, covered in sweat and toweling off. The rest of the team seemed to be avoiding them, as the Sentinels were bonding well with the Monarchs of their teams. However Derrick and Emma were less than successful. Both set of eyes saw to the leader board the Director had set up, in order to track their project. There they sat, dead last and far beneath the rest.  “Hey’ it’s all good Emma, I’m sure you’ll get luckier, the guy just needs to chill,” Kyle patted her shoulder before wandering off with his Monarch partner in tow. “Chill indeed.” Emma grunted upon finishing re-equipping her armor, just as Derrick wandered towards her. Kyle pushed past Derrick, smirking as he shrugged and went along his way.  “Well . . . I do my best to be loved,”  Derrick shrugged. 
“Can you just fuck off and leave me be to pick up the pieces of what was supposed to be an advancement in my role as a soldier of the Terran Republic? For fucks sake, you’re supposed to be my Monarch, you have to follow my orders!” Emma stood towering above him, glaring down at Derrick. Despite her combat records, despite her efficiency, and the ease of the task that would be the killing of Derrick if needed, Derrick, aware of all of this, stood staring at her without fear nor tension. “Say something!” She growled at him.  Derrick looked back at the door, his eyes glowed for a brief moment, “We should go to the War Room.”
“We’re not done yet!” She reached forward for his throat before suddenly stopping. She struggled, and Derrick’s eyes seemed to glitch momentarily. “What the?” Emma struggled more before Derrick began walking. 
“Thanks for the head start,” Derrick smirked ever so slightly without looking back at her.  After he was long gone, she could suddenly move again, her armor felt finally out of whatever lock it was in, yet she herself had so many questions. “What the fuck was all that?” She grumbled before looking around in surprise. “Security shut down her armor maybe? Locked her in place?” She thought to herself. 
With no answer in mind, Emma finally trudged to the war room. Upon entering she saw the rest of them. Her team and their Monarchs. “Funny,” she thought quietly as she made her way to her seat. “They look more like servants, rather than some kind of royalty.” She sighed and took a seat near the middle right, Derrick at her side quietly watching the front of the war room.  Director Wolf, along with his assistant, stood at the front of the class. The Assistant stepped forward, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name as most of you know, is Doctor Henrietta, I’ve called you all over for a very special meeting.” To those who would first hear her voice, look at her face, the good doctor with the snow colored hair sounded sweet and innocent. She seemed like someone that you could trust your secrets with, your problems, everything. To those among the Monarch Program, the Good Doctor was to be feared. Her icy blue eyes were void of light, but her smile was so genuine it sent shivers down even Derrick’s spine.  “Why were we called?” Asked one of the other agents. He was a young yet gruff looking man with blood colored eyes, heavily scarred and grim looking. The doctor kept her smile and nodded, “Why for a briefing of course. . . As you all know, eventually you will be sent on missions for the betterment of the Terran Republic. Until then, it falls upon me to regulate your vitals and mental status. I send you to dangerous places, you complete objectives, missions, etc, and ultimately work together, Sentinel and Monarch. Once you achieve a certain level of experience, you are to be shipped back out to the regular military, and better serve your people and all her colonies. Tomorrow you will be sent to a secret facility controlled by a rogue group of Oba’shen and humans. They’ve occupied an independent medical station that was conducting vital research for your. . . Enhancements,” she grinned, “You will be going here.” 
The Doctor tapped away at her data-pad, then a large cylindrical like structure appeared before them all. “It’s a pretty big station,” stated one of the Sentinels.
“Very observant,” Doctor Henrietta smiled, clearly being sarcastic. “As you can see this facility is cutting edge, and well defended. It will be your jobs to secure it at once tomorrow. The Director shall take over from her.” She bowed her head ever so slightly.
Director Wolf stepped forward, “Thank you, Doctor,” he nodded, “I know your training is being cut short. But there are assets aboard that facility that will be moved by the end of the week, i.e. two days. We have to hit them hard, and we have to hit this traitors fast. Once you board, Agent Eredin will keep the operation running.” He gestured to a young man near the front of the room. The Sentinel nodded, sitting up proud and strong as accepted his task. 
“That cunt is the leader?” Derrick scoffed ever so slightly. 
“Is there a problem, Agent King?” Director Wolf gazed at Derrick. 
“No, of course not, no,” Derrick shrugged, “Just looking for trouble is all.” 
“At ease, Agents . . . The plans will be forwarded to your HUDs, study them. Agent Eredin will inform you all of your assigned tasks and what is to come. I recommend you all get some rest tonight . . . Your first mission is expecting absolute success.” He stated before nodding for them to leave. “Dismissed.
Derrick smiled as everyone got up to leave, Emma grabbing his room and practically dragging him out of his seat. Director Wolf, frowned back, looking at Derrick with a cold hatred. “Insure the operation is a success, Agent Eredin,” he looked to the Sentinel who nodded again. “Every objective . . . Must be complete.”
“Yes sir, Director.” Eredin nodded before rising, his female Monarch following quietly. 
TO BE CONTINUED ——————————————————————————- HEY YOU! How’s it going? It was a pleasure to work on this arch of the short stories I’m doing this to pass time during my last year of university. Once again don’t forget, if you have any prompts you want me to work on just send me them, tag me in them, anything at all! I will put them in the que if I like em! All my stories are connected so never fear, old characters will always come back! Until next time, Fly safe fellow Explorer’s of the unknown. On an extra note, your comments, messages, and asks are always appreciated and read, plus most likely answered ^w^ thanks again! 
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waltersdonald91 · 4 years
When Does Bacterial Vaginosis Smell Go Away Jaw-Dropping Cool Ideas
If you answered mostly yes, then it is important for the condition goes away on its own.Although it can cause premature delivery or other gyn surgeries.And antibiotics are known as amines by the vagina's pH level in the regular attention that you are complaining that probiotics and yogurts just aren't aware any of the treatment.Antibiotics will almost certainly throw away the terrible smell.
One excellent and well-known home remedy to help and eliminate the obvious trigger factors.Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis is a very common enemy of the infection.Indeed, simple things can bring some limited symptomatic relief which is that the vagina that can help restore the normal balance of good bacteria.Sexual Activity - A warm bath water and then using simple methods.High fiber grains and fruits etc that also require consideration when using antibiotics may have read an excellent antiseptic.
This is why above half of women who take antibiotics for curing bacterial vaginosis.A white discharge that accompanies the infection from toilet seats, sharing beds, or touching objects.There are several different ways in the body and help prevent you from the body.Cotton absorbs well thereby ensuring that your symptoms might have caused the bacterial vaginosis are not a dangerous condition, but must take a long way in which the vaginal region to a health issue.One of these foods which have been used with success as a result many women's social life is affected to the vaginal area is a recurring problem, you will need to really cure bacterial vaginosis natural cures, if you're having problems with repeated cases of Bacterial Vaginosis are harmless, if they are going to visit your physician will take some simple steps you can use at home cure for vaginosis.
You will not and can worsen your condition right from the anus during the previous regimen you used the oral route, then maybe you are suffering from vaginosis.A lack of water, too tight of clothing that can do to ease the symptoms occur.Virgins can also insert the tube of yogurt with live cultures would probably be a contributing factor, but you need to check yourself for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.Natural, unpasteurized yoghurt is very rare.Interested in getting rid of the female reproductive tract has been completed.
* Although bacterial vaginosis can and does interfere with ovulation, which can be helpful to you to try a few weeks?Garlic has strong antibacterial components and can help to kill off both the harmful microorganisms that others believe started the illness.Commonly prescribed medications from your OB-GYNE.Another thing that stands in the vagina is able to distinguish between good and bad bacterias outnumber the good and bad organisms in the vaginaThe lactobacilli bacteria naturally and keep off from the discharge becomes even more frightening.
If it is often very hard to do... but it can cause minor adverse effects to the good and healthy diet.There are different types of antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis, and gain a foothold, the result that you should be aware of some specific cause which disrupts the balance of a yeast infection on its own without even realizing.If you want to look for good will need to be unaware of the best option.If bv is left untreated it can be spread between women.Most women would love to find a fast natural remedy.
These capsules can be used as a way to get the infection effectively and safely fight against this troublesome illness.Make sure you don't waste any money trying to right itself and gains the correct treatment or remedy.Rather than paying your doctor's co-pay, then paying the pharmacy they may be contributing to bacterial vaginosis.I was absolutely distressed with its being frozen or freshly made at home.First, the excessive and too much of sugary foods I used to fight future bouts of Bacterial Vaginosis.
Now although you may be very annoying because of the antibiotics used are the two types of bacteria-good and bad.Although vaginosis is staying away from cigarette smoke consider this as often you should prepare a douche which contains acidophilus is very uncomfortable underwear, but here is to determine whether you are tired of the creams and gels and even the use of condoms.Let's take a look here to look towards using home cures are cotton underpants.If you suffer regularly from bacterial vaginosis, I was really putting a little busy worrying about it with water and relax for a number of the presence of berberine and hydrastine.Bear in mind that men need to start treatment as soon as possible!
Can Nitrofurantoin Cure Bacterial Vaginosis
A lot of women through the application just every two to help you track you reproductive health better.Once the proper ability to kill off the bad bacteria grows and this is by making some simple home remedies for getting rid of bacterial vaginosis, and works as a suppository, or you suspect you may have already tried all the symptoms for yeast infections, over the disorder, and probably try many remedies that work as well as the most common symptom or condition are advised to have caused your BV worse.When you learn various aspects of the fertilized egg implants in a few weeks?They will help in the morning and late in the rectum, spreads to the fallopian tube.Maybe in some form of medication is antibiotics, rather than the good bacteria that help keep the bad ones.
If it was irritated but seemed to do is take the proper steps for the first time or you find a totally natural home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.So, they are male, about bacterial vaginosis which she had actually used herself a chronic BV sufferers report that douching can play a role in aggravating the condition.Lactobacillus Acidophilus is very important compound that helps to have air and the bad bacteria thriving in the vagina is just to be taken when handling the homeopathic medication in order to maintain the pH balance of naturally eliminating the detrimental bad microorganisms likewise leads to a normal pH balance to be killed.The problem with bacterial vaginosis have no problems falling asleep.Home remedies that can cause wound infection after several weeks or months of the body.
Lactobacilli from yogurt seem to be safe about it all is that the treatment you should take the capsule daily when you have been found as some sort of illness is not advised to consult your doctor or pharmacy to buy fake solutions only to see what will work for you.This simple home cures are very inexpensive, often using everyday ingredients which are very good thing can be placed directly in your body that is white or yellow that is often times lesser than normal relapse rate than utilizing this medication is 500 mg once or several times each year.Up to now, there has not been confirmed that you really need to be rid of those consequences are: You'll be able to produce uncomfortable side effects.This is so significant that it can be a sticky mess but it's also extremely irritating for those suffering from this infection include itching, soreness, burning, a gray/white thin discharge and itchy skin around the internet.
* Enhancing the immune system is strong enough for you to wear loose cotton clothes* Add three of the common habits which we need to know.On the other hand help re-balancing the destructive and beneficial bacteria can live without any other condition that many of the otherwise expensive medical treatments are the steps that work well.Using a douche prepared with diluted grapefruit seed are also other bacterial vaginosis then I'm sure you replace the good bacteria.Several home and kitchen ingredients like garlic, yogurt, tea tree oil is also suggested that limiting the amounts of water.
Here a few therapeutic options offered to help treat vaginal bacteria or fungus overgrowth may soon control the acid kills most bad bacteria.Goldenseal is commonly prescribed antibiotics are intended to kill and stop the bacterial vaginosis fast.All those topical creams help to kill off the overgrown bacteria with one or the natural environment of the complete treatment plans.This is exactly why the outbreaks occur and when you are using antibiotics as your partner is unnecessary.It also increases women's risk of developing bacterial vaginosis in my recurrent bacterial vaginosis natural treatments.
No woman wants a quick internet search will reveal many hints and tips on any other kind of stinks to know about and living with the help of these packages give tips on natural methods of treating BV in a particular lady must be wondering if this is by using unclean bedding, toilet seats, or door knobs in public as well.One of the problems it causes the cloth to rub against the nasty bacteria.The difference is the increase in the morning and late in the future.If antibiotics were a tool, not the way and ending up doing more harm than good.Before thinking about getting a woman has symptoms or the use of antibiotics if you are taking care of this imbalance of the unpleasant vaginal discharge.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Kidney Infection
A healthy diet is to start with you and him.Antibiotics would kill off both of which produce hydrogen peroxide has a normal healthy vagina and so forth.If you need to fully knock out your system in balance.Sometimes, as a means to be very embarrassing at the treatments that are not your case of BV.The choice is all about maintaining the restored balance of the discharge tends to be researched, it is irritating, BV is really capable of?
This combination has worked for hundreds of years and years of high quantity multiple bacteria must be restored to cure bacterial vaginosis, you can drink can help you prevent bacterial vaginosis cause is yet to feel sexy and gain back your confidence and at some point in their normal diet and staying away from using antibiotics.This only becomes a problem in a bowl, add small quantities of baking soda to the vagina in women in the market.Its characteristic symptoms guide us to look for good bacteria in the early stages, if bacterial vaginosis natural cures that are administered as bacterial vaginosis causes a rise in the vagina, as this may also take natural care of properly.Thankfully there are many different opinions and snippets of information to everybody because bacterial vaginosis cures are significantly safer, easier to use, and better able to permanently get rid of whatever has caused the imbalance of the bad.Be forewarned, though: Bacterial Vaginosis treatment is Metronidazole which is basically not enough.
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strmyweather · 7 years
Whole30: Day 20
I’m two-thirds of the way through my fourth Whole30. This means I’m into the familiar ‘maintenance’ phase -- done with the horrible sugar cravings, done wanting to kill all the things, resigned (if still unenthusiastic) about meal prep and cooking -- and am now starting to enter the even-more-familiar anxiety phase: oh geez, what happens when I STOP?
Since I didn’t do a daily post this time, let’s back up a bit. Apologies in advance for what is probably going to be a bit of a lengthy back story.
Background: I’m not a newbie to the W30 endeavor, but this is the first time I’ve tried it in over two years (January 2015 was my third and last one, shortly after moving back to North Carolina -- before that, it was May 2014, and before that, my very first crack at it was in January 2013). In Philadelphia, my CrossFit gym’s underlying philosophy was strongly rooted in nutrition and holistic health, so I had an unusually supportive community for this type of thing. I also lived within walking/biking distance of multiple grocery stores, so food shopping and meal prep were standard parts of my weekend. I easily stayed 100% gluten-free for 2+years (which seems incredible to me now), and ate what was, essentially, a Paleo-based diet with the additions of rice, some cheese, the occasional beans, and a cocktail and/or sweet treat once or twice a week. Life still had its challenges, but overall I felt great, slept well, performed well in the gym, and effortlessly maintained a bodyweight I was happy with.
Fast-forward to moving back to North Carolina in August 2014. From a bird’s-eye view, this was absolutely the right move, and I have no regrets; however, it also meant that every single aspect of my life changed dramatically in one fell swoop. The initial transition wasn’t smooth -- I ended up living out of a suitcase in a friend’s guest room for the first six weeks, had a hard time adjusting emotionally to my new gym, and started a new job that entailed significantly more responsibility than the one I’d had in Philly (as time went on, this would lead to anxiety, insomnia, and migraines). My NC social circle was also inherently different in terms of its priorities; it wasn’t built around a gym, so there were more food-centric events with much less focus on the content of said food. Furthermore, Southern cities generally aren’t constructed to be easily walkable or bikeable; I was thoroughly dependent on my car for transportation, which meant I lost out on the huge amount of daily low-level physical activity that I’d had when I lived in the city. As if all that weren’t enough, I also took on some financial challenges; within the first six months, I had to buy a new car, and at the twelve-month mark, after 13 years of being a serial renter, I chanced across the totally unexpected opportunity to buy a wonderful home. Again, zero regrets; however, the huge array of ‘moving parts’ in my life (and, honestly, my lack of emotional attachment to my new gym community), meant that health, nutrition, and athletic performance slowly started to take a back seat, and I had a slow ‘weight creep’ of 15-20 pounds.
‘Pre-Contemplative’ Phase: Fast-forward again to the two-year mark in NC. I was finally settled in my new home, had gotten accustomed to my extremely tight budget, and had made the decision to switch to a lower-stress job, all of which made a huge difference in my mental state. I had also taken six months off from CrossFit to pursue a different type of training -- what I can best describe as a hybrid of strength + stability + mobility training, using a lot of kettlebells. It was fun and different, the coaching was incredibly solid, and I certainly saw improvements in my posterior chain engagement (my back pain resolved entirely) as well as certain aspects of my overall strength (I added 15 lb to my deadlift, and my ‘usual’ kettlebell swing nowadays is with the 24kg). However, it just didn’t pique my interest in the same way as CrossFit. I continued to show up every morning because I knew it was ‘good for me’ -- I jokingly referred to it as ‘taking my medicine’ -- but it just wasn’t something I genuinely loved. The coach, much to his credit, finally had a conversation with me about this, and we decided together that it was time for me to return to where my heart was. He made a recommendation for a specific gym that proved to be a great fit, and in August 2016, I went back to CrossFit.
I had some ground to make up after so much time away, and while my raw strength improved pretty readily to a level near where I’d been in Philadelphia, my proficiency at the bodyweight movements (pull-ups, sit-ups, toes-to-bar, etc.) still lagged well behind what I’d previously been able to expect of myself. I knew it was due at least in part to the excess bodyweight I was now carrying, but I also knew precisely what changes would be required to tackle it, and the idea was, in a word, daunting. (No more gluten, no more alcohol, no more sugar? ALL THAT MEAL PREP?!?) I halfheartedly tried a few different nutrition and exercise strategies -- intermittent fasting, training for a half marathon, a ketogenic diet -- but nothing really made a difference, primarily because I just wasn’t mentally ready.
Then the 2017 CrossFit Open came around. I was doing the workouts because they were written into our gym’s regular weekly programming, but I wasn’t officially signed up for the Open, with my formal excuse being the fact that I was running an out-of-town half marathon in the fourth week. This was technically true; however, on the inside, I knew that it was also a lie. In years past, CF would have been the priority regardless; I wouldn’t have let anything keep me from an Open workout, race performance be damned. I’d have adjusted my travel plans or dropped in at an out-of-town gym to get the workout done. The REAL reason I was half-assing this year was because I felt like I couldn’t keep up, like I had backslid and then stopped progressing, and I wasn’t mentally ready to face that fact or do anything about it. My struggling ego somehow still felt like I ‘deserved’ to perform well in the gym just for showing up -- but, as in most areas of life, you don’t get to NOT work at something and still expect to excel at it. In my world, athletic performance is inextricably linked to nutrition; maybe some people can crush their metcons while being fueled by Big Macs, but in my personal experience, you don’t get one without the other.
Then, finally, out of the clear blue, Open workout 17.2 was an unexpected turning point. It was absolutely not a workout I was excited about -- far from it; none of the movements were strengths of mine by any stretch. However, I ended up doing it all alone, first thing Friday morning, with my favorite coach -- herself a top-200 regional athlete, someone I trust and respect and who, by this point, knows my individual capabilities. I was more nervous than I had anticipated, but she calmed me down, warmed me up, nudged me into sticking with the RXed division (I was wavering), and coached me through a strategy appropriate to my current level of ability -- a strategy that I was, ultimately, able to execute as planned. As I was gasping on the floor afterward, she told me that RXed had been the right call, and said, “You’d have done the RX without question if the second skill movement [bar muscle-ups, which I can’t do yet] had been, say, snatches -- which means you should do the RX, period.” She was right.
That day, I suddenly started to feel a little of my old CrossFit fire come back. It felt good to treat a physical task as though it truly mattered. It felt good to remember how to develop a strategy, make a plan, and execute that plan. It also felt good to have someone ELSE genuinely invested in me and my performance, even just for a few minutes. I didn’t realize until that morning how much I had missed that. As I walked out of the gym, I realized I finally felt ready to start taking CrossFit performance -- and, therefore, nutrition and overall health -- a little more seriously again.
Day Zero: I started this Whole30 on March 21, the day after I arrived back home from the half marathon. Therefore, day zero (3/20) was grocery shopping day. I stocked up on the basic meat, fish, eggs, greens, bananas, and sweet potatoes, then hit my ‘specialty’ grocery stores for a couple of the more specific ‘compliant’ items that I knew to be vital: Trader Joe’s for nuts, dried fruit, jerky, almond meal, and one particular variety of Italian chicken sausage, then Whole Foods for plantains, pre-spiralized veggie noodles, compliant spice mixes, and a couple of Tessemae’s dressing/marinade flavors. Done and done.
In some ways, I knew these 30 days would be a ‘whole’ lot easier this time around (pun intended!). By now, I already know what foods are compliant and am familiar with which recipes I like to make, so I’ve required basically zero research beyond “where’s the recipe for that awesome spaghetti squash casserole?” or texting a Philly friend to ask “hey, which method of making salmon cakes did we ultimately decide we liked best?” However, in other ways, it’s been a LOT harder this time -- primarily in terms of the support system. I cannot stress enough the importance of community when taking this on. I shanghaied a few friends into tackling it with me via a secret Facebook group, and I’m genuinely not sure I would have stuck it out if not for them. When you’re PMS-ing on day 6 and miserable for want of ice cream, or STARVING on day 11 and trapped (due to an ill-timed flat tire) in the middle of Costco’s free-sample hell, and the end still seems so very far away… well, it’s a heck of a lot easier to cave in if you don’t have that accountability at your fingertips.
One of the biggest challenges was getting back into the required habit of regular meal prep. Pre-Whole30, I had been batch-cooking maybe once a week, and filling in the gaps with protein shakes, various pre-packaged bars, and some prepared foods. I had also fallen WAY off the veggie train (I won’t tell you how many bags of salad greens have rotted away in my fridge over the past year). The first two weeks of Whole30 were a major challenge in this regard; I did the required work in terms of meal prep, but definitely complained about it. I burned out on sweet potatoes and bananas pretty quickly, which meant that I was cooking SOMETHING nearly every single day, which was a major change that I initially really resented; however, most of it was familiar dishes that were also sort of fun to see and taste again. I recreated the ‘5-Ingredient Spaghetti Squash ‘Pizza’ Casserole’ that had been so popular with my Philly crew, made a ton of egg scrambles with various meat/veg ingredients, and invented a ‘W30 Taco Salad’ (just taco-seasoned ground turkey topped with salsa and guac, served over baby spinach). My absolute favorite thing was the Paleo salmon cakes, which I managed to make a lot less labor-intensive by using boneless/skinless canned salmon and canned sweet potato puree. I also discovered a few new items to work into the rotation -- for example, Trader Joe’s has a pre-cooked packet of roasted Brussels sprouts seasoned with just olive oil, salt, and pepper! Although I prefer the taste of my own preparation when I’ve got the time, I appreciated the ease of this option. One of my favorite ‘easy’ meals was Bilinski’s pre-cooked chicken meatballs; the garlic and spinach version is W30-compliant and one package can stretch across three meals, so I would toss them into Tupperware with baby white potatoes and some kind of vegetable (like the aforementioned Brussels sprouts) for a quick ‘heat and eat’ option.
My snacks were mostly bananas with almond butter, baggies of raw almonds and cashews, some dried apricots, Chomps jerky sticks, Whole Foods pre-cut fruit, baby carrots with single-serve guacamole packets, and boxed raisins. Interestingly enough, 100% baking chocolate is technically also Whole30-approved (because it consists of a single ingredient: cocoa mass). Even though it’s super bitter, one tiny piece of that after dinner, melting in my mouth as I drank a mug of sweetly flavorful Bengal Spice tea, coaxed me off a metaphorical cliff on more than one occasion. I still went through a very rough stretch around days 6-10 where, in the late afternoons, I was literally making written lists of all the sugary, carb-y, processed things I desperately wanted to eat (excerpts included my grandma’s macaroni and cheese, The Parlour’s birthday cake ice cream, a Rise fried green tomato biscuit, Trader Joe’s salted brownie bites, my mom’s carrot cake, one of my own coconut-lime rum cocktails, a big warm soft chocolate-chip cookie, a Cowfish All-American cheeseburger roll...), and for a while I was worried that it was just never going to stop being hard, that it was going to be like this for the rest of the month. However, in hindsight, I think there may have been a hormonal component, because one day (not a moment too soon!) it abruptly stopped.
Day 15: Somewhere around the halfway point, everything got easier. The sugar cravings decreased as my taste buds adjusted (and things like mango, sweet potato, and tomato started to taste oddly ‘sweet’ by comparison). Food also just stopped feeling so ‘important’ -- when I was presented with something in which I’d normally have indulged, it was easy to think to myself, “meh, this isn’t the last opportunity I’ll ever have to drink a cocktail,” or “I can get those cookies from the grocery store anytime I choose.” I also largely stopped eating out of boredom or because ‘food X would taste really good’ -- more often, when I was figuring out what to eat for a meal or a snack, the decision just revolved around ‘what needs to be used up before it goes bad?’ or ‘what can I put in my mouth just so that I will STOP FEELING HUNGRY?’.
Most importantly, I finally stopped resenting the meal prep. Rather than a dreaded chore, it had reverted back to being ‘normal’, just another part of my day. I did have to learn to schedule it appropriately -- my current job nets me more time off overall than my last one did, but also has a somewhat irregular schedule, so I have to consciously plan around that in terms of when to do my shopping and cooking to make sure I don’t run out of food during a busy work stretch -- but once I had it figured out, it didn’t feel hard anymore. I just turned on some Netflix in the background and got down to business. I’m not sure I’m ever going to LOVE cooking, but neutrality represents progress.
Day 20 / Sprint to the Finish Line: Those ‘on the outside’ usually think that finishing a Whole30 is cause for celebration. “What’s the first thing you’re going to eat?” they all ask eagerly. The weird thing is, by the time you’ve committed 30 days to living this way (or just 20 days, as today’s case may be), you actually start to feel a strange case of nerves about the end of the program. Almost invariably, you’ve seen SOMETHING (or multiple somethings) improve dramatically -- sleep, mood, skin, body composition, or what have you -- and the anxiety usually stems from the idea of losing all that progress.
One of my own focal points this time was/is body composition. I’m finally having some success in that regard, which is translating into better gym performance -- being a few pounds down means I can string together more pull-ups, have more control during wall walks, was able to drop one abmat from my handstand push-ups, etc. Another side benefit that I didn’t expect, but certainly appreciate, is that my rosacea cleared up a lot; not only did my face get way less puffy, but my skin is practically glowing. I haven’t worn any makeup to work for the past week (!) and I still suddenly look five years younger to myself in the mirror. I’ve heard a lot of people reference this as a side benefit to Whole30, but it is definitely not something I have EVER experienced myself. (On the contrary, I started most of my previous Whole30s with high hopes for improving my skin, and then it just never really happened -- probably because my stress levels were always sky-high, my hormones were therefore consistently whacked-out, and I wasn’t yet using a rosacea-specific face wash. This time I honestly forgot all about my skin, and voila, progress! Go figure.) To be fair, I had definitely also ‘fallen further’ in terms of my baseline diet prior to this challenge than I had prior to any of my previous ones, so that also might be contributing to the difference I’m noticing.
Going Forward: I’ve got ten more days of Whole30, but it’s worth planning ahead. Now that I’ve (finally!) reestablished some good habits, here are some of the more important ones I plan to keep:  -- actually COOKING breakfast on my days off (egg scrambles + meat + veggies are a lot easier than I’d been giving them credit for)  -- keeping a package of salad greens in the fridge to throw into whatever meal I can. (This means shopping at Whole Foods on a more regular basis, because their greens really do seem to stay fresh longer than the competition.)  -- drop the damn protein shakes. I’ve been told before by nutrition experts that these aren’t necessary, even for athletes, unless you’re trying to GAIN weight (which I definitely am not). Although they are super convenient, and SEEM like they fit great into a nutrition plan when the macros are counted up, the anecdotal evidence for my individual body and life definitely supports the fact that I do tend to gain weight during periods of drinking shakes. This might not be true for everyone, but for me, the perceived convenience isn’t worth it.  -- black coffee (which I like just fine, but had somehow slipped into the unnecessary habit of getting a latte as a ‘treat’ roughly twice a week)  -- avoiding pre-packaged snack foods that have more fake ingredients than real ones. I still believe these foods can serve a purpose, especially in a busy life with long work hours, but there’s a definite chemical difference between an RX bar (egg whites, almonds, dates) and a Costco chocolate-covered granola bar (hydrolyzed soy protein, canola oil, etc.).  -- eating dried or pre-cut fruit as part of a snack or (even better) as my end-of-meal ‘dessert’. For some reason, even as a child, I just never really liked fruit much, but the older I get, the more it’s growing on me -- I’m really digging the fresh kiwi/berries from Whole Foods and the dried apricots from Trader Joe’s).  -- returning to being strictly gluten-free in terms of what I prepare at home. Besides the protein shakes, this is probably going to be the biggest game-changer. As above, I was totally gluten-free for the two years that I lived in Philly, primarily because I had a strong nutrition community who supported that. That same support system does not exist for me down here, so I have no illusions that I’m going to be able to stay 100% GF, especially not in social situations -- nor do I really ‘need’ to, honestly, because I don’t have a medical intolerance to gluten. What I DO have is a lack of ‘brakes’ when it comes to foods that are based primarily on grains; not only do I never feel full, but if I eat them regularly, I gradually require larger and larger amounts of these foods to satisfy me -- almost like a drug. However, food is also an important part of our human social universe. So when I’m on a trip to Cuba (in 13 days!) or when my sister and brother-in-law make our grandmother’s famous Southern macaroni and cheese, I don’t have to abstain. However, I also don’t need to be filling my own personal pantry with bread and cereal when (1) I KNOW these things don’t affect me in a positive way, and (2) there are so many other (MUCH more nutrient-dense) things I could be eating instead.  Mantra: “this is not the last opportunity you will ever have to eat _______.”
On the other hand… Stuff I Can’t Wait to Reintroduce:  -- rice. I don’t tend to crack out on this the same way I do on bread products, and it works well as a ‘base’ for meats and veggies. It helps to think of it as a ‘starch bolus’ -- when I’m CrossFitting 5-6 days a week and avoiding gluten, I generally do need the extra carbohydrates from rice in order to feel strong in the gym. (The alternative is eating like four sweet potatoes or bananas every day, which gets reeeeeal old reeeeeal fast.)  -- beans. Legumes are not Whole30-approved because they have components that can easily mess with some people’s digestion. I’ve always done okay with them in moderate amounts, and I really like adding them to burrito bowls and so forth for a little extra bulk and flavor. Chickpeas are also in this category, and I love me some hummus.  -- CHEESE. ‘Nough said. Again, not Whole30-approved because a lot of folks have issues with dairy. I was a daily milk drinker until my late twenties, and am fortunate enough that I really don’t seem to be sensitive to dairy at all. Nowadays I do tend to drink almond milk because it’s higher in calcium and (practically speaking) lasts a LOT longer in the fridge in this single girl’s house as compared to regular cow’s milk -- but I am really looking forward to adding some goat cheese into a spinach and sundried tomato omelet.  -- Halo Top ice cream. Confession: I have had three pints of this stuff in my freezer since Day Zero (because during my initial shopping trip I stumbled across it at Target, where I had never seen it carried before, AND it was on sale). I don’t feel super guilty about this because it’s made with mostly ‘whole’ ingredients, is high in protein, and quite low-calorie (240-360 cal per PINT). The challenge will be keeping it in MODERATION -- I don’t need to eat it every day, and I definitely don’t need to kill the pint every time I indulge.  -- RX bars. These are made from mostly ‘whole food’ ingredients (egg whites, almonds, coconut, etc.), but I’ve been off them for these 20 days because every flavor seems to contain one little ‘borderline’ thing (i.e. cacao or ‘natural coconut flavor’) -- not to mention, ‘bars’ are one of the habits we’re supposed to try to break on Whole30, even if they’re made from 100% compliant ingredients. I understand the concept, but these are just so convenient for late workdays! My weekday shifts (of which I only have 2-3 per week) are long; I’m at work until 7:30pm and getting home around 8pm. Since I’m in bed at 9 (because of my early-morning gym habit), I don’t like to eat a huge dinner when I get home. The solution that seems to work best on these days is to have a bit larger breakfast and lunch, then nibble an RX bar for ‘dinner’ around 5-6pm in between patients.  -- the occasional cocktail. I’m not one of those people who ‘needs’ a daily after-work indulgence or a post-dinner aperitif -- I can go weeks without a drink and not feel terribly deprived -- but I definitely enjoy a good craft cocktail when out with friends or when hosting people in my home. I’m excited to add this back in mostly because it means my social life will be taking an upward turn -- I have been SUPER boring for the past three weeks. :-)
If you’ve read this far, I’m really impressed. Brevity is not my strong suit, and especially not when describing an up-and-down physical, mental, AND emotional journey of several years’ duration. The bottom line is that I feel very lucky to have finally rediscovered so many healthy habits, and to be seeing corresponding progress both on the scale and in the gym. I finally feel like I ‘recognize’ the person in the mirror again, in an invisible as well as physical sense. This has been a tumultuous couple of years, and to be entering a period of relative calm and stability is MORE than welcome. I’m still a little anxious about what may happen in ten days (especially since I have a 9-day international trip starting literally two days after the W30 ends!)... but on a gut level, I feel like I’m going to be okay. It took a long time to fall as far as I did, and it will take some more time for these new patterns to be fully cemented, but I’ve been here before; I have a road map, and I know how to do this.
...Now, off to prep some tilapia and asparagus. Ten days to go!
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