#And they have names that the king of negativity *would* call a cat (Killer. Horror. etc.)
somegrumpynerd · 4 months
I think it would be so funny if Nightmare had been going to Ccino's cafe for years and casually talking about his boys but Ccino thought they were cats the whole time.
Like I'm picturing at the start him describing Killer like "There's an overactive beast in my castle now, he shreds almost everything and gets distressed when I'm out of sight for too long" so obviously Ccino thinks he got a pet or something. He suggests maybe getting another one to keep him company so he won't be so clingy and Nightmare takes the idea on board.
Then the next time he comes in he's got a bone to pick (pun not intended), that he got another one - this one sleeps all day and hates doing work but they hate each other and won't stop fighting. Ccino nods along because he's been there before and kinda motions to some of his shop cats. "Whenever I bring a new one in here, I always introduce them slowly, you need to give everyone a chance to get used to each other y'know? Understand that the new one isn't a threat". Nightmare assumes he's just using the cats as a metaphor and also takes this in as good advice.
He comes in a while later telling Ccino how he got another one, introduced them more carefully like he said, but this one has a strange relationship with food. He goes on saying how he came from a place where there was very little so he understands, but it's hard manage his eating needs and the whole time Ccino is just really surprised Nightmare is taking in all these poorly stray cats.
He comes in to tell him he took in another one ("another one?? Nightmare, is this four now?" "(sigh) Yes") and he was all alone and such a pit of negativity Nightmare couldn't bring himself to leave him. How the others took to him much faster and he seems so much happier just to have a home again.
This has been going on for years and neither of them realise. Nightmare thinks Ccino is the most knowledgeable mortal out there because he always seems to know what his boys need. Ccino thinks Nightmare has a huge soft spot for 4 little cats who sound like the toughest pets in the multiverse.
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Omen's ref Info post about his group
More info on Omen under the cut:
-Uses He/They/It
-Head canon voice: 
-Is more so based off of Fanon!Nightmare rather than Canon!Nightmare, fanon dadmare he's based off of mostly.
-Isn’t as ‘active’ as OG Nightmare. Tends to be in the background of a lot of things happening in the multiverse. Half the time if he’s caused a problem no one knows it was him since he’s worked on it over a long period of time. 
-Is more of a silent observer, will be in the background watching things go down. Doesn’t mind his team being more chaotic than him, but would prefer them to just hang in the background too.
-His Name is Nightmare. But due to monsters seeing him then something bad happening monsters have started to call him Omen, as they see him as a bad Omen. 
-Fairly quiet person. Minds his own business when it comes to most things. If something is happening, he wants nothing to do with it.
-Writes a lot, often he will observe an au he knows is going to die/disappear and record anything interesting about the au and its people, capturing it all in writing, including moments of humanity within the au. Things you wouldn’t expect a king of negativity to care writing about. 
-Collects a lot of items within aus, tends to collect items with negative feelings/emotions attached to them. He cares a lot for these items, including if he finds someone's item, if he knows who they are he may return it if he can sense it’s a precious item to someone. 
-Omen is rather relaxed in reference to his group. He does spend quite a bit of time on his own, but from time to time may spend a little bit of time with them. He doesn’t fully understand emotions, but through writing stories about what happened in the aus, learning about emotions and companionship through learning of the aus he is working to understanding others better, in his own weird way 
-Can feel short bursts of positive emotions if he has items around him that have positivity attached to them, it does hurt him slightly to get positive emotions from these items, but he will do this for the sake of his group.
-He does try to be good for his group, since he has a feeling a lot of them if not all come from bad situations, so doesn’t want to be another bad situation since they came to him to escape that. 
-May spend time with one member of the group from time to time, either it be Soot (Dust) chilling alongside him in the library napping, or cooking something for Cleaver (Horror), maybe going through the archives talking about aus with Orca (Cross), or spending time with the cats with Alloy (Killer). He may try to keep an eye on their emotional state, to try to make sure they’re all okay, and does like to spend one to one time with them just in case they want to talk to him about things. 
-May bump into things due to only having one eye. Normally Orca (Cross) tends to hang around on Omen’s right side to prevent him from walking into things. But this means him and Orca tend to bump shoulders a lot due to this. Orca never complains to Omen though, and actively will keep Omen close. Also due to having one eye he’s sensitive to light. 
-Even though Orca (Cross) is the newest in the group, Omen already spends a lot of time with him. Mainly because Orca bugs him into talking about the archive of all the aus. Orca doesn’t read through them himself always gets Omen to read it out loud for him. Omen was quick to realize it’s because Orca struggles to read. 
-Other than Orca (Cross) he will spend a lot of time with Soot (Dust) since Dust may come to hang out quietly in the same room. Or Soot (Dust) will nap in the same room as him, normally the library. 
-Wears a large coat/jacket. Isn’t seen much without it, on rare occasions his group will see him without it, but Omen doesn’t like people staring at him without it, so the first few times he quickly left and was later seen with it on again. But after a few times they left him alone about it, so they see him without it on a bit more.
-Half the time a mouth isn’t visible on him, but he will still be able to talk even if it’s not there. 
-Can shapeshift, may shapeshift into animals to spy on/look around aus to scout aus out and get information and such, uses this to get information he may write about. 
-Has more sympathy for kids than what he does for adults. He tends to have a lot more patience for kids as well. 
-Loves the ocean, though he never really talks about this love to anyone. Gave Orca (Cross) that new name because he reminded him of orcas, both in colour scheme and somewhat in behavior. 
-Half the time he doesn’t control his tentacles. So leaves them to do what they want, each of them seemingly having a mind of their own, and will act without Omen’s input on things. E.g. wrapping around someone's arm when standing next to them.
-Omen struggles with his emotions and growth as a person. Due to being abused before corruption and then becoming a threat after corruption, he never wants to feel weak ever again, and will do anything in his power to be the strongest. If somehow he is made to feel weak it will mess with him and make him flip out. But after getting his group he’s realized that having power doesn’t equal growth, that power doesn’t equal personality. That you can’t just magic yourself into feeling good about yourself, that through working hard and caring for others to improve yourself in factors of your life that need work is how you can feel better about yourself, and feel worthy of things. Through his group he’s able to realize his own flaws, and try to work through them with their support. Sure sometimes he doesn’t want too, as it’s hard, but he knows they’ll help him when needed.
-His design, specifically his coat is based on Zodyl from Gachiakuta. And his team symbol is slightly based on the cleaners logo from the same manga
-glow in the dark stars (lmao ik), I just like the concept of the blue on him glowing slightly in the dark
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lolsonic-idk-man · 11 months
Talk to Me: Part 2
(I still do not know if it's a chapter-)(@sfdsds I did it :D) Part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 I almost hit 4000 this one! also, good news. My sister helped edit this one, so there should be way less spelling mistakes.
It had been 6 long years since Dream had gotten out of his stone prison, and Nightmare still had to put up with his nitwit of a foe.
Nightmare could remember his greeting to Dream when he broke free of the stone that once encased him. It was saddening to know that Dream would never know the sneers that Nightmare had spat at his statue, but perhaps it was better that Dream had to learn everything after he got out of his penitentiary, Nightmare got the chance to watch Dream's torture.
It was sad that he had gotten over it in the first few months, Nightmare would have loved to savor it.
He would have loved to kill Dream shortly after he woke up, but alas Dream's magic pulled him away before Nightmare got the chance.
Nightmare had managed to find him an hour or so after, but Dream had gotten lucky and ran into Ink and the nuisance Blue, resulting in a battle.
Blue was well known as a general in the Omega Timeline, namely for his idea to assemble a group called the Stars, who more often than not get called The Star Sanses due to the overwhelming number of Sanses that would volunteer. The Stars' main goal is to ensure the safety of the people in their respective AUs, or defend against threats like Nightmare and his gang.
Blue would usually take the lead and fight off Nightmare on his own as whoever had volunteered to help Blue at that time took care of his gang or evacuated the people of the AU.
Ink would on the rare occasion join the Star Sanses or the Stars would help Ink fight off entities that tried to destroy creator-made AUs.
Ink had even worked with Nightmare in the past, no one in the Omega Timeline was exceptionally thrilled about it, and many still aren't, calling Ink a trader to the AUs and the Omega Timeline. The only reason he was still allowed to visit the Omega Timeline was that they literally couldn't stop him and he had proven on multiple occasions that he had no intentions of purposely threatening them or taking the side of the Bad Sanses, (another name for Nightmare's group.)
Speak of- well, think of the devil and he shall come, the gremlin of an artist Ink emerged from a black splotch that had grown on the wall.
" Yes, Ink? " Ink's visits have only gotten more common when Nightmare decided he needed help in spreading negativity. The Guardian of Negativity had picked up a few skeletons in the past that now made up his crew and Ink had thought that they were just the perfect people to hang out with, their murderous tendencies only made it better for him.
" I'm BORED "  Ink winded as he trotted to lay his head on Nightmare's desk. 
This is why Nightmare more often than not hated when Ink chose to intrude, it was either to continue his prank war with Nightmare's men or pester the King of Negativity. " Error said I already overspent my time today, Horror doesn't want me in the kitchen, " Nightmare held back a relieved sigh " Killer's too busy with his cats, and Dust said 'No' "
But he couldn't deny that he sometimes had interesting ideas or confusing, to say the least. " So you've come to me, I doubt that I will be any help in cessing your boredom so farewell Ink. "
" You've got to be doing something! " Ink wined.
" Yes, I am. " Nightmare hoped that Ink would lose interest if spoke as little as possible.
" Then what's cha doing? " Ink pressed.
" Work. "
" What kind? "
"Getting rid of Dream kind. "
Why did he say that? He could feel the oily sensation of Ink's yellow vial draining. The artist was far too expressive for someone without a soul and far too excited to talk about ideas to get Dream out of Nightmare's way.
Then again Ink had already drilled the fact that Nightmare wasn't allowed to kill Dream or do anything else that would keep Dream away forever. It would throw off the balance of positivity and negativity after all. And Nightmare had already learned his lesson about pushing the balance too far.
A few years after he had started his reign of terror on the multiverse he had figured that Ink was over-exaggerating about the balance, and chose to push it in his favor.
That was probably the thing he will forever regret, seconds after he tipped the scale further than he ever had Ink was upon him. Nightmare had spared with him before, but he had not realized how much Ink had held back.
However, he does forget that sometimes, just due to the fact that Ink would show up and talk to him casually as of today.
" Soooooo, what the plan! " Ink Chirped
" There is none currently, " Nightmare sighed.
" No ideas? Absolutely none? "
The goopy skeleton groaned, " I've thought of one, but I doubt it would work, " The gremlin at the edge of Nightmare's desk stared intently waiting for him to explain further. " A tracking device, but I fear that would work due to the quality of the Omegatime's defenses. "
The artist's grin only grew at the idea for some odd reason that Nightmare would never understand. " You positive? " Nightmare nodded unimpressed. " I don't think you can be. " Ink giggled
" Ink, that was a terrible joke. " Nightmare groaned and messaged his nasal ridge already done with the dumbass of a protector.
" Thank you! But I'm not kidding, you can't be sure till you try! " The artist cheered.
Suspicious if you asked Nightmare, Ink was fully aware of the defense of the Omega Timeline, Nightmare was fairly sure Ink helped work on them to make it.
So what was he planning? Whatever it was, Nightmare would have no power in stopping it, he knew that for sure. Ink had the beings that created the multiverse behind him, and everyone who knew of the Creators knew how much they loved stories. It's why the multiverse was made, after all, one was not enough.
Could Ink be starting another advent for his dear Creators? Ink had done such a thing in the past before, but it was impossible to know the end of it. Nightmare was relatively positive that Ink hadn't even known the change it would bring last time.
There's a high chance it would be a " Happy ending, " but that leaves the question of whose happy ending would it be?
There was no point in overthinking it anyway, the artist would get this rolling one way or another.
" Very well, I'll talk to Sci about it later " Nightmare deflated.
" YAY! " The gremlin celebrated, " Anything else " his arms now folded on Nightmare's desk as he rested his head.
Nightmare slapped on an over-expatriated (Maybe not) smile and stared directly at the artist, " Paperwork. " Ink's smile quickly morphed into a frown, which only drove the embodiment of negativity to continue. " It's genuinely not that bad Ink, I just sit in one spot all day, reading things that could be summed up in a singular sentence, but are spread out to be 5 pages long. " Ink had lain down in fetal position in front of Nightmare's desk and released a drawn-out squall of despair as Nightmare continued going into detail on how he filled out the paperwork he had to do regularly.
Ink made his way out not even a fourth of the way through Nightmare's lecture, saying he was going to hang out with Error. Hadn't he come here because he overspent his time with Error?
It didn't matter, Nightmare wasn't completely exaggerating what he had to do anyway.
To be honest, Nightmare had been putting this off, he did not want to gather the easily aggravated bloodthirsty mongrels that he adopted more than he had to, they got together by themselves more than enough as it is.
Killer was either in the TV room or his room with the large number of cats that he had picked up thinking Nightmare wouldn't know, (he knew.) The only reason the goopy guardian had yet to say anything was that killer was doing an exceptional job at keeping them away from the main part of the castle, and out of Nightmare's sight, – He'd always hated cats. –
Dust has had a multitude of places he'd hide; random places in the quarters, the TV room, the living room, or his chemistry lab he made deeper in the dead forest surrounding the castle. It had become a normal thing for Dust to come back from said place with a poison he was prepared to shove down Killer's throat, only to be stopped by Horror.
Speaking of the skeleton, Horror would spend his time reading a recipe book in the dining room or kitchen, sometimes he'd be found working in his garden on the roof of the castle. Horror was a magnificent cook, and considering how little food Horror's AU had, what he could do in the kitchen was impressive. It was impossible to say no to Horror when it came to eating together, reason one being the massive skeleton wouldn't take no for an answer, and reason two, his cooking was just that good.
And that's the reason why Nightmare was not about to get them together himself, two of them would kill each other if Nightmare didn't forbid it and Horror would get around to it for him, so why should he do it?
A knock rang through his office shortly after the clock hit 6:00, a moment or so later his office door creaked open revealing a large skeleton with a large glowing red eye-light and a gagged hole above it.
" Boss, time for, dinner. " Nightmare stood from his desk and nodded, acknowledging Horror as he made his way to join his men at the dinner table.
Horror and Nightmare walked in comfortable silence down the dimly lit hallways that led to the dining hall.
Nightmare's Palace was exceptionally large, and what do you do with large empty spaces? You fill it with the most expensive things you can find. The stone brick walls of the hallways held paintings from AUs that only made some of the finest art, some walls even presented some of Ink's works. There was the every-once-in-a-while table with some form of decoration that sat beneath the paintings between doors.
A feeling of calmness lingered in the castle regardless of his oppressive aura, the soft warm glow of the torches left light on the tranquil paintings of scenery that lined the walls, the light scent of lavender that rested in the air, gentile purple tapestries, lined with gold that hung by doors, the same carpet stretched to the end of every hallway.
The doors to the dining hall were a grand spectacle, the dark brown wood carved to showcase mountains of food beneath the radiant full moon in a sky full of sparkling stars.
The dining room was, well, more of a wide hallway with a long table. It was unnecessary, to say the least, but if you're going to own a castle you have to go all out, do you not?
His men sat at their usual seats near the west entrance, Killer claimed the seat right to Nightmare at the head of the table, and Horror sat across from him with Dust by his side.
Nightmare had to only sit before the rambunctious gremlins that he cared for started to clear everything Horror made off the table, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, peas, and roast, all being added to the non-existent stomachs of the skeletons.
" Before you all run off to do whatever you do without me looking, I wish to discuss the next attack. " The King of Negativity announced. 
Horror nodded and went back to his larger portion of food, Dust grunted an affirmative, and Killer said something through a mouth full of roast.
His men were already halfway into their meal and dinner had started only a minute or so ago, there was no point in waiting for them to finish, they would all be done and waiting by the time he concluded, " Our next operation is not that complicated, it will take place in two to three days, and our main goal will be to place a tracker on every star in hopes that we find the Omega Timeline. "
Nightmare's right-hand man Killer shoved another spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth and pointed his spoon at his boss, " Don't they have, like, defenses that are impossible to get through? "
" Indeed, but I have confidence that this will yield interesting results. " Nightmare pushed the utensil out of his face with one of his appendages. " I will be taking my leave to speak with Sci after dinner. I will be gone for at most an hour, so I swear to Toby Fox if I come back and something or someone is on fire, injured, or broken you will be punished regardless of who did it. Understood? "
" TOO LATE FOR THAT BOSS! " Killer jumped out of his seat and ran out of the room.
" If it's Killer that does something then neither of you get punished. " Nightmare groaned, ignoring how sly Dust was feeling, standing so that he could make a portal to Sci's and get this over with quicker, only to be stopped by a growl coming from behind him.
Right, he hadn't eaten yet. The Guardian of Negativity did not need to eat, he got his strength from the negative emotions of others, alas that was not something Horror would put up with. Nightmare sighed as he filled his plate with what little remained of their meal, reclaiming his seat at the head.
Dust disappeared with his dishes in tow. Horror started to clear the table as Nightmare finished his plate and handed it off to the large skeleton. Now nothing stopped Nightmare from going to Sciencetale, so off he went.
Sciencetale was filled with many futuristic clichés of the creators. Nightmare would normally spend the time to find a more original AU, but this world was already informed of the multiverse, was the best when it came to any form of science, and was willing to work with the so-called villains of the multiverse. So there was not much point in looking for one that had a better story.
Nightmare placed himself in the office of the sans of the universe in hopes that he could find him in his desk before the scientist got into a coffee high. Sadly, it appeared that would not be the case today. The coffee addict was nowhere to be found.
The Negative Guardian scanned for the feeling of coffee that Sci somehow managed to create. He wasn't kidding. Sci had littoral made a feeling that could only be described as coffee.
Said feeling was basically flooding the break room. 
Grand. He was already in a coffee high. Well, there's no getting that skeleton to sleep for the next 3 to 8 days, so may as well abuse the hyperactivity in the scientist's head.
So began the wait. The embodiment of negativity was not about to wander the halls of a neutral AU. He did not want to put up with the monsters who had a dislike for him. The AU may be neutral, but the people still tend to have strong opinions on whose side they should be on.
Sci was one of the few who completely stopped caring about who asked him for help. Littoral Death had asked him for help before and the scientist didn't even bat an eye at the fact that a god was in his office but instead asked if he could study said god's magic. It wasn't even because it was a god's magic, but because it was a random thing he'd never seen before. Nightmare swore Sci had no fears.
The highly caffeinated skeleton appeared a few minutes later, each hand holding a full coffee pot. He placed himself at his desk, gulped some of the coffee right out of the pot, and looked Nightmare in the singular eye-light, " So what do I owe the all-powerful guardian of Negativity for his visit? " Sci sneered, clearly tired regardless of the amount of caffeine he had consumed.
" Respect for one thing, " Nightmare growled. " and I would like to know if you could possibly make a tracking device that would still work even in the Omega Timeline. "
Sci reframed from spitting out the gulp of coffee, " The Omega Timeline? Heh, and here I thought you didn't have a humorous. "
" I am serious Sci,  " He was not about to acknowledge the joke. " I will be needing them soon. "
" We both know I can't do that, " a coffee pot was waved at Nightmare.
" I am aware, but I have reason to believe something may come from it. "
" Like what? You and your brother go to therapy and the multiverse lives in peace? "
Sci really was trying to anger the embodiment of negativity, wasn't he? " No. Why would I ever try to reconnect with that- that hornet! "
" So my first assumption was right, " Sci grumbled. " Is there any particular reason I shouldn't ignore your request other than you're the oh-so-powerful king of Negativity? "
A growl came from Nightmare as his extra appendages lashed behind him, " Ink, Ink was fairly persistent in getting me to use this course of action. No, I do not know why, but there's no point in prolonging whatever the Brush has planned. It will happen regardless of what we do. " There was no point in wasting time for Sci to ask the question "why."
" So some oddly big event it is then. " The coffee addict shrugged as he finished one of the pots. " I'll get to work on making some more. "
" More? You already have something that may work? "
" I doubt it will work, but it's the best one we have, bonus, it has a mic~ " The enthusiasm died just as fast as it came. " Plus, you probably want them within the next two days. There is no way I could design and make a tracker that would work in that time anyway. "
" Good to know you figured out the drill. " Nightmare growled for the last time as he left through the swirling black void that made his portal.
Sci had in fact delivered. He had managed to make five trackers and a device that would display the location of each one, and play what the trackers could hear.
The placement of the devices went as planned, they caused a spike of negativity large enough to warn Dream of their presence and fought the Star Sanses long enough to plant every tracker on multiple of their personnel. Just like Nightmare had planned. An in and out mission, after all there was no point in letting his men get injured for nothing.
They waited a few hours before looking at the trackers' statuses, everyone knew the Stars would stick around after an AU was attacked to help its residents either evacuate or get back in order. So, there wasn't exactly a point in looking at it immediately.
When the time did come though no one had any expectations for it to work. Why would they? The only people who could possibly break into the Omega Timeline would be Ink, – who is already allowed in – and Error. That next question would be why did Error break in? He and Ink had a truce, it would be stupid of even the destroyer to infringe it.
The point is no one was going to break into the Omega Timeline in any form. So why were they doing this? Ink. Everyone knew that when the Creators wanted entertainment they would use their Protector of Creation. And even if the first attempt didn't work they would always find another way to get an ending to their stories.
The X-event being an excellent example. All through Ink had blabbered to him about how it could've been much worse if he hadn't made a truce with Error all those years ago. And the fact that Ink was able to share it in the detail that he did caused the Guardian of Negativity a large amount of concern and fear.
Truly that was just one example of Ink pushing a change in the universe, – or a prank. – Honestly, most of them were pranks. 
When the time came expectations were not. And so far they were correct.
Tracker One: OFFLINE
Tracker Two: OFFLINE
Tracker Three: OFFLINE
Tracker Four: ONLINE
LOCATION: UnderPeace#846328
 Nightmare couldn't even care about the fifth tracker. Who was it? Why weren't they in the Omega Timeline? " Who placed that tracker!? " Nightmare snarled the question aloud.
" That would have been you, Boss. " Killer chuckled, spinning in a random office chair he had snatched from an AU.
It was the tracker that Nightmare had managed to throw on Dream, grand, but what in all hell was Dream doing in a random UnderPeace!? The AU had a simple concept, what if the humans and monsters didn't fight each other, but another force? They technically lived peacefully, but there were tensions between the two races so more often than not the AU was declared neutral. This one was no exception.
He disliked that he had to look further into the AU's history to find out what made it special. But he especially didn't like the answer.
The thing that made this UnderPeace different wasn't anything drastic, it was just a legend, a myth, a story. A tale that Nightmare loathed with all of his soul, his narrative. Or more precisely his and Dream's.
They were never actually there per se, but the story was thought of in the AU. But once again the story was told wrong. Well, less wrong and more of… some details were left out.
Without much of an explanation as to why Dream was even in the AU, they checked the audio. After all, if Dream was still in the AU instead of the Omega Timeline something important had to be happening.
Soft hics could be heard if someone listened close enough, Otherwise nothing. Looking at the history of the tracker it was online for a little longer than an hour before going offline for a few minutes and coming back in UnderPeace. The sound consisted of choked sobs, quiet whimpers, a thunk, and the rustling of fabric.
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weerd1 · 5 years
Star Trek DS9 Rewatch Log, Stardate 1909.03: Missions Reviewed, “Blaze of Glory,” Empok Nor,” “In the Cards,” and “Call to Arms.”
“Blaze of Glory” has Sisko receive a coded message intercepted by the Klingons sent from the Badlands.  It would seem to be a last ditch effort by the Maquis. The message is meant for “Michael” whom Sisko believes to be Michael Eddington, and talks about a missile strike launched as a last ditch effort against Cardassia. Sisko goes to Eddington’s prison, and brings him along to find out the story of the missiles. 
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 Eddington tells him he has no real desire to cooperate, and after all, they would need to go to the launch site to stop them. Sisko convinces them to take him there, and after some tense close calls with the Jem’Hadar, they get to the base. They find out the Dominion is already there.  Slowly infiltrating in, they initially find a group of Maquis corpses, but in the main launch room about a dozen survivors, including Eddington’s wife Rebecca. 
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The entire set up was a code to allow the Maquis to escape, playing on the fact Sisko would bring Eddington along. He agrees to evacuate the survivors, but they are ambushed on the way out.  Eddington stays back holding off the Jem’Hadar so the others can escape dying a hero.
I don’t like Michael Eddington, and I’m glad he’s dead.  There I said it. I’ve been waiting for him to go since he showed up to take Odo’s job.  I didn’t like him when we were supposed to like him. Good riddance.  This does though bring some closure to the Maquis storyline.  They won’t really come up again aside from Voyager, though they missed a bet in their finally when they sidestepped the question of how their Maquis crew would be received back into the Federation.  As a larger point, it is time to let the Maquis go though, as worse things are gathering on the horizon.
“Empok Nor” has a crew visit another abandoned Cardassian station, a sister design to DS9 (Terok Nor) by that name.  O’Brien, Nog, and four victim…uh, engineers go with Garak to the station to gather parts to make some much needed repairs to DS9.  
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Garak is there to deal with all the booby traps the Cardassians have doubtlessly left in place.  What no one is expecting is two Cardassian special forces operatives left in stasis, woken up by the team’s arrival.  Neither does anyone expect they are juiced on a powerful psychotropic drug to make them more violent…and Garak has been affected as well.  The Soldiers take out three Starfleet officers before Garak takes each of them out, and then he takes out another officer.  
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He kidnaps Nog and begins a game of cat and mouse with O’Brien, which O’Brien only wins by engineering a booby trap of his own. Back on DS9, Garak is recovering, but also mortified by what he has done. He and O’Brien reach an understanding that both of them have violent pasts…perhaps best left in the past.
This episode is written by Bryan Fuller who will later go on to write “Hannibal” and create the outlines for the first season of “Star Trek: Discovery.” Indeed there are similarities between this episode and the Disco episode “Context is for Kings” and Garak as he becomes more manipulative feels like a proto-Hannibal.  The whole episode is filmed, effectively, like a horror movie, and it is bold to actually have Garak, under the influence or not, actually kill one of the officers. Andrew Robinson is of course fantastic here, as is Colm Meaney.  Aron Eisenberg’s Rom has been used to great effect this season as the cadet, and continues to shine here.  Perhaps a stand alone diversion from the larger plot, but a worthwhile one.
“In the Cards” starts with the single most morose officers’ mess in the history of Star Trek. Sisko has his whole senior crew over for dinner, but negative news about the Dominion has everyone down. Worse, Sisko finds out Kai Winn is coming to the station to meet with Weyoun and discuss a non-aggression pact between Bajor and The Dominion.  Meanwhile Jake and Nog find Quark is auctioning off a bunch of crap, but among the useless items is a Willie Mays rookie card from the 1950s. Trying to buy it at auction as a gift to Sisko, the lot instead goes to a mysterious Doctor Geiger, whom they find is trying to build an immortality machine, and being chased (supposedly) by the “soulless minions of orthodoxy.”  
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Though they think he’s crazy, he wants a list of things for his work which are harmless, and he is willing to trade the card. To get the items needed, Jake and Nog begin helping out the crew in trade.  Meanwhile Winn asks Sisko as Emissary what she should do and he recommends stalling the Dominion talks by referring the treaty to the Bajoran council of ministers. Weyoun hears the machine Geiger is working on and investigates, and believes Jake and Nog are involved in some plot against him.
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 When he learns the truth, he let’s them take the card and listens intently to Geiger. Jake gives the card to his dad who notes the crew has cheered immensely, due to the help Jake and Nog provided for their assistance.
A fun episode, well crafted in its layering, and light hearted enough to miss the fact that Winn is basically negotiating Bajor into the Dominion’s hands.  This comes into play next episode, but here we get a good Jake/Nog buddy episode, as they work their way through the station in pursuit of their goal.  I almost wonder if Weyoun took Dr. Geiger with him into Dominion custody to continue his research?
In “Call to Arms,” the situation with the Dominion has come to a head. Reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant have been flooding into Cardassia through the wormhole, and the Federation wants it stopped. Sisko tells everyone that they can’t get new Starfleet reinforcements right now, but he wants to mine the wormhole.  O’Brien, Dax, and Rom design cloaked, self-replicating mines but it will take some time to deploy them, during which time the Defiant will be vulnerable; they know there is no way the Dominion will let them try it without an attack on the station.  Sisko advises Bajor to sign the non-aggression pact, and then starts laying mines, and evacuating Bajoran personnel.  Along the we, before she evacuates, Leeta and Rom get married under Sisko’s command. 
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The Dominion fleet however is on its way, and Dukat and Damar plan to take DS9 and then Bajor; Weyoun tells them they WILL follow the Dominion’s treaty with Bajor, and first…they need to actually capture DS9. The minefield is almost in place when the fleet arrives, and DS9 and General Martok have to work to defend them. They hold off the Dominion fleet as the Defiant completes the minefield, cutting off the Gamma Quadrant. With the Dominion regrouping, Sisko bids the Bajoran crew farewell, telling them he will return to this place “where he belongs.” He also tells them that Starfleet could not send more reinforcements because while the Dominion was engaged here, a joint Federation/Klingon fleet attacked Dominion ship-building facilities in Cardassian space.  The war between the Federation and the Dominion has begun.  As the Rotarran (Martok’s BoP) and Defiant cloak and escape, Dukat lands on DS9, welcomed by Kira, Quark, and Odo.  Sisko however has booby trapped the station himself, leaving it barely functioning, much as when Cardassia handed it over five years before. 
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Rom goes back to work for Quark, but to act as a spy for the Federation, and he finds Jake has stayed on the station as a correspondent for the Federation News Service. Dukat goes into Sisko’s office to find he has left the baseball on his desk. Weyoun is puzzled, but Dukat knows it is a message that Sisko plans to return. The season ends as the Defiant and Rotarran take their place among hundreds of ships in the joint Federation and Klingon fleet. The Alpha Quadrant is at war.
Again, you needed those lighter episodes leading up to this to get things going to hell here.  The war is on, Starfleet has lost DS9, Bajor is if not allied, at least in treaty with the Dominion.  Things are grim, and this is not the way one expects a Star Trek show to go.  It is incredibly compelling though, and for those who might still throw up the argument that DS9 isn’t “Star Trek” because Roddenberry’s Trek was about a bright future, I would counter that GR never truly shied away from conflict in the future (just ask Spock and McCoy) and he often had flawed humans struggling with one another in order to examine the human condition. As sad as it may be, there is no way to truly turn a magnifying glass on humanity without talking about humans at war.  Even Kirk said, “we can admit that we’re killers, but we will not kill today; that’s all it takes.” (“A Taste of Armageddon.”) Starting with TNG, Star Trek shied away from examining humankind at war except perhaps with little glimpses: “The Wounded” and “Chains of Command” on TNG.  The Klingon war that was mostly elsewhere on DS9. Now though with the Dominion War, Trek is going to look our darker nature right in the eye, pick up a mirror and hold it up to our violence. It’s going to make for some of the most compelling television ever filmed; it’s also going to make sure we get a good look at us when we don’t decide “not to kill today.”
NEXT MISSION: Season six opens with the war going poorly for the Federation allies, and Sisko decides it’s “A Time to Stand.”
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stevefoxe · 8 years
Everything I Read in 2016
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For the third year in a row, I logged every novel, short story collection, poetry compilation, graphic novel, and collected edition of monthly comics I read, excluding individual monthly comics (on which I continued to fall catastrophically behind) and anything I read (and reread, and reread again) for my day job. My only big change? A lot of these books were read on my iPad Mini. And a good number were for my gay book club (you can guess which ones). 
If you don’t yet keep track of your reading, you should start in 2017. It’s your best bet for hitting a reading goal, and for folks like me who read a ton, it’s a nice way to recall books that otherwise departed your memory.
For the tl;dr crowd, here are my Top 13 for the year, in the order in which I read them:
On Writing, Stephen King
Binti, Nnedi Okorafor
The Girls, Emma Cline
I Am a Hero Vol. 1 & Vol. 2, Kengo Hanazawa
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Hero: Book Two, David Rubín
Night Sky With Exit Wounds, Ocean Vuong
Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders (I read an ARC)
A Choir of Ill Children, Tom Piccirilli
Habitat, Simon Roy
Prez Vol. 1, Mark Russell, Ben Caldwell, Domo Stanton
Bones of the Coast, edited by Shannon Campbell, Jeff Ellis, Kathleen Jacques
(New X-Men Omnibus was a re-read, or it would be up here.)
The rest is below the jump!
I don’t really feel like dumping on anything this year. I definitely got burnt out on comic anthologies, and I hated A Little Life, but the good outweighs the bad. Below is the full list, divided by month, followed by a few statistics and an evaluation of my 2016 reading goals as established last January. 
[A note on comics: I feel guilty that I’ve left off colorists and inkers, as they contribute so much to a book, but I defaulted to cover credits while logging my reading and don’t have most of these books on-hand to fix it now.]
The Amazing World of Gumball: Fairy Tale Trouble, Megan Brennan, Katy Farina, Jeremy Lawson
Adventure Time: Masked Mayhem, Kate Leth, Bridget Underwood, Drew Green, Vaughn Pinpin, Meredith McClaren
Sir Edward Grey: Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland, Kim Newman, Maura McHugh, Tyler Crook
On Writing, Stephen King
Binti, Nnedi Okorafor
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016, edited by John Joseph Adams & Joe Hill
The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps, Kai Ashante Wilson
Planet Hulk, Sam Humphries & Marc Laming
Future Imperfect, Peter David & Greg Land
Hail Hydra, Rick Remender & Roland Boschi
House of M, Dennis Hopeless & Marco Failla
Marvel Zombies, Si Spurrier & Kev Walker
Old Man Logan, Brian Michael Bendis & Andrea Sorrentino
The Girls, Emma Cline
The Gilded Razor, Sam Lansky
Civil War, Charles Soule & Leinil Francis Yu
New X-Men Omnibus, Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Phil Jimenez, Ethan Van Sciver, Igor Kordey, Marc Silvestri, Keron Grant, Chris Bachalo, John Paul Leon, Bill Sienkiewicz, Leinil Francis Yu
The Eye of the Cat, Elejandro Jodorowsky & Moebius
All the Birds in the Sky, Charlie Jane Anders
Beyond Anthology, edited by Sfé Monster & Taneka Scott
A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara
Balloon Pop Outlaw Black, Patricia Lockwood
 I Am a Hero Vol. 1, Kengo Hanazawa
The Nameless City Vol. 1, Faith Erin Hicks
Ody-C Vol. 1, Matt Fraction & Christian Ward
Lovecraft Country, Matt Ruff
Husk, Rachel Autumn Deering
New World: An Anthology of Sci-Fi & Fantasy, edited by C. Spike Trotman
Chainmail Bikini: An Anthology of Women Gamers, edited by Hazel Newlevant
Broken Frontier, edited by Frederik Hautain & Tyler Chin-Tanner
Love in All Forms: The Big Book of Growing Up Queer, edited by Serafina Dwyer
Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 1, Grant Morrison & Yanick Paquette
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Hero: Book Two, David Rubín
The Girl With All the Gifts, M. R. Carey
Regular Show: Noir Means Noir, Buddy, Rachel Connor, Robert Luckett, Wook Jin Clark
Night Air, Ben Sears
Revenger: Children of the Damned, Charles Forsman
Magic for Beginners, Kelly Link
Dark Engine Vol. 1, Ryan Burton & John Bivens
Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird, Brandon Seifert, Karl Moline, Filipe Andrade
The Girl in the Flammable Skirt, Aimee Bender
Every Heart a Doorway, Seanan McGuire
Mr. Splitfoot, Samantha Hunt
Fire Shut Up in My Bones, Charles M. Blow
Revival Vol. 1, Tim Seeley & Mike Norton
The Fireman, Joe Hill
Colder: Toss the Bones, Paul Tobin & Juan Ferreyra
The Fly: Outbreak, Brandon Seifert & Menton3
Faker, Mike Carey & Jock
What If? Infinity, Joshua Williamson, Mike Henderson, Riley Rossmo, Mike Norton, Jason Copeland, Goran Sudžuka
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool, Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, Jacopo Camagni
Outcast Vol. 3, Robert Kirkman & Paul Azaceta
Lady Killer Vol. 1, Joelle Jones & Jamie S. Rich
The Fiction, Curt Pires & David Rubín
The Amazing World of Gumball Vol. 2, Frank Gibson, Tyson Hesse, Paulina Ganucheau
Arcadia, Alex Paknadel & Eric Scott Pfeiffer
Black Market, Frank J. Barbiere & Victor Santos
Dream Thief Vol. 2, Jai Nitz, Greg Smallwood, Todd Galusha
Contest of Champions Vol.1, Al Ewing & Paco Medina
The Infinity Gauntlet, Dustin Weaver & Gerry Duggan
The Amulet, Michael McDowell
The Dark Half, Stephen King
The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Steve Moncuse & Art Adams
Steven Universe: Too Cool for School, Ian Jones-Quartey, Jeremy Sorese, Asia Kendrick-Horton, Rachel Dukes, Josceline Fenton
Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare, overseen by Loren Bouchard
Bob’s Burgers: Well Done, overseen by Loren Bouchard
Zombie, Joyce Carol Oates
Kare-Kare Komiks, Andrew Drilon
Night Sky With Exit Wounds, Ocean Vuong
The Witcher: House of Glass, Paul Tobin & Joe Querio
X-Men: No More Humans, Mike Carey & Salvador Larroca
Cold Moon Over Babylon, Michael McDowell
Black Hand Comics, Wes Craig
Disappearance at Devil’s Rock, Paul Tremblay
B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth: The Devil’s Wings, John Arcudi, Mike Mignola, Lawrence Campbell, Joe Querio, Tyler Crook
B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth: Flesh & Stone, John Arcudi, Mike Mignola, James Harren
Abe Sapien: Sacred Places, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Sebastian Fiumara, Max Fiumara
Abe Sapien: A Darkness So Great, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Sebastian Fuimara, Max Fiumara
Hellboy & the B.P.R.D. 1952, Mike Mignola, John Arcudi, Alex Maleev
Lobster Johnson: Get the Lobster!, Mike Mignola, John Arcudi, Tonči Zonjić
Green River Killer: A True Detective Story, Jeff Jensen & Jonathan Case
The Witcher: Fox Children, Paul Tobin & Joe Querio
Children of the Night, John Blackburn
Frankenstein Underground, Mike Mignola & Ben Stenbeck
My Best Friend’s Exorcism, Grady Hendrix
The Well, Jack Cady
Angel Catbird Vol. 1, Margaret Atwood & Johnnie Christmas
Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders
Fellside, M. R. Carey
The Twilight Children, Gilbert Hernandez & Darwyn Cooke
Veil, Greg Rucka & Toni Fejzula
Negative Space, Ryan K. Lindsey & Owen Geini
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 1, Alex De Campi, Chris Peterson, Simon Fraser
Bitch Planet Vol. 1, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Valentine De Landro, Robert Wilson IV
Ody-C Vol. 2, Matt Fraction & Christian Ward
Tampa, Alissa Nutting
Clive Barker’s A-Z of Horror, compiled by Stephen Jones
The Missing, Sarah Langan
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 2, Alex De Campi, Federica Manfredi, Gary Erskine
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 3, Alex De Campi, R.M. Guera, Chris Peterson
Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight Vol. 4, Alex De Campi, Mulele Jarvis, John Lucas
Audition, Ryu Murakami
Mr. Arashi’s Amazing Freak Show, Suehiro Maruo
In the Miso Soup, Ryu Murakami
Ghosts, Raina Telgemeier
Anya’s Ghost, Vera Brosgol
One Week in the Library, W. Maxwell Prince & John Amor
A Choir of Ill Children, Tom Piccirilli
The Bloody Chamber, Angela Carter
I Am a Hero Vol. 2, Kengo Hanazawa
The Beauty Vol. 1, Jeremy Haun & Jason A. Hurley
The Creepy Case Files of Margo Maloo Vol. 1, Drew Weing
Gerald’s Game, Stephen King
Call Me By Your Name, André Aciman
Invisible Republic Vol. 1, Gabriel Hardman & Corinne Bechko
Roche Limit Vol. 1, Michael Moreci & Vic Malhorta
What Belongs to You, Garth Greenwell
Roche Limit Vol. 2, Michael Moreci & Kyle Charles
Roche Limit Vol. 3, Michael Moreci & Kyle Charles
One-Punch Man Vol. 9, ONE & Yusuke Murata
One-Punch Man Vol. 10, ONE & Yusuke Murata
Habitat, Simon Roy
Beowulf, Santiago García & David Rubín
The Oath, edited by Audrey Redpath
Star Wars: Tales From the Far, Far Away, Michael Moreci, Tim Daniel, Ryan Cady, Phillip Sevy, etc.
Prelude to Bruise, Saeed Jones
Grief is the Thing With Feathers, Max Porter
Tomie Deluxe Edition, Junji Ito
Krampus!, Brian Jones & Dean Kotz
Fantasy Sports Vol. 2, Sam Bosma
The Beauty Vol. 2, Jeremy Haun, Jason A. Hurley, Mike Huddleston, Brett Weldele, Stephen Green
Prez Vol. 1, Mark Russell, Ben Caldwell, Domo Stanton
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe, Ryan Q. North & Erica Henderson
Love is Love, edited by Marc Andreyko
Joe Golem Vol. 1, Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Patric Reynolds
Baltimore: Cult of the Red King, Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Peter Bergting
Abe Sapien: The Burning Fire, Mike Mignola, Scott Allie, Max Fiumara, Sebastian Fiumara, Tyler Crook
Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire, Neil Gaiman & Shane Oakley
Bones of the Coast, edited by Shannon Campbell, Jeff Ellis, Kathleen Jacques
140 Books (up from 128 in 2015 and 87 in 2014)
39 Novels or short story collections (down from 43 in 2015 and 44 in 2014)
98 Graphic novels/collected editions of comics (up from 84 in 2015 and a measly 42 in 2014)
3 Books of poetry (triple the 2015 and 2014 counts!)
About 35 Books written or edited by female authors (up from 20 in 2015 and 16 in 2014; note that I’m only counting writers and editors, not artists, and I’m counting books, not unique authors)
Roughly 19 books by (known-to-be) non-white authors (down from 30 last year but up from 9 in 2014...but both this year and last were inflated by multiple entries from manga creators)
...and at least 16 books written or edited by queer and trans authors. 
So...any suggestions for 2017?
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firstdraftpod · 5 years
Real Life Villains with Stephanie Perkins and Sarah Enni
First Draft Episode #206: Stephanie Perkins and Sarah Enni
I was thrilled to do an event with Stephanie Perkins, New York Times bestselling author of Anna and the French Kiss, editor of My True Love Gave to Me, and many more. We met at Malaprop’s, Stephanie’s local bookstore in Asheville, North Carolina, to discuss villains in contemporary stories, our favorite podcasts, and the upcoming Netflix movie based on Stephanie’s most recent novel, There’s Someone Inside Your House!
Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode
In Tell Me Everything By Sarah Enni, the main character Ivy uses a Post Secret type app called Veil and is faced with the moral ambiguity of social media apps. Ivy deals with the negativity of social media and twisting herself into knots trying to defend something that is special to her.
The first time that Sarah was in Asheville she was interviewed Beth Revis (Author of Across The Universe, listen to her episode of First Draft here), Meagan Spooner (Author of The Starbound Trilogy , listen to her episode of First Draft here), and Megan Sheperd (Author of Grim Lovelies, listen to her episode of First Draft here) for First Draft and she was able to reach out to them through Twitter. She believes that social media is morally gray because sites like Twitter have helped her make friends and connect with people but have also dismantled other peoples lives.
The creator of the app Veil is a villain called Rake Burmkezerg which is an acronym for Mark Zuckerberg. Rake creates an app that fosters a lot of negativity but wants to take no accountability for it which is what makes him the villain.
During her writing process, Sarah got the chance to explore her feelings about the people who have created the systems that are in charge and so much apart of our lives now e.g. Larry Ellison (Founder of Oracle Corporation) , Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook) and Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter). They manage a huge part of their lives and are met with almost no accountability.
Stephanie was previously seen as an exclusively Romance genre was always interested in True Crime, Horror and Thrillers. There’s Someone Inside Your House is her first thriller.
Scream (movie), was very influential to Stephanie as a child and turned her from a very frightened child into someone who saw how fun they could be and how they could be a safe place to explore your fears.
Most of Stephanie’s horror background comes from Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton as well as Stephen King novels.
There’s Someone Inside Your House is a very traditional thriller but Stephanie wanted to keep the killer's point of view out of it. Since our society celebrates villains like Hannibal Lecter and Freddy vs. Jason (movie) she wanted to take that element out of the story and focus on the victims.
Netflix has purchased There’s Someone Inside Your House and year ago and Stephanie has received the script! Henry Gayden is the screenwriter for the project and also the screenwriter for Shazam! (movie) as well as the Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse sequel (movie).
Judy Blume’s books talk about Belted undergarments and are dated but still end up being universal and timeless. So Sarah doesn’t worry about her books becoming dated and writes about what is relevant to her book now.
Sarah Enni’s First Draft Podcast episode in which she talks about her positive high school experience which also inspired the high school in Tell Me Everything.
In the eighth grade, Sarah realized her favorite movie Rushmore was her favorite movie and Radiohead was her favorite band. And she still goes back to that person to check in to make sure she’s still in touch with it and that’s were her pull to the YA genre came from.
Sarah loves NPR and started this podcast because she always wanted to be Nina Totenberg.
Sarah and Stephanie podcast recommendations: How Did This Get Made, Welcome to Nightvale, Truth and Justice with Bob Ruff, and My Favorite Murder.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis was very influential to Stephanie to the point where she named her cat Mr. Tumnus.
When writing Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door and Isla and the Happily Ever After, Stephanie wanted to take elements of fairy-tales and even paranormal romance and pull that off with a realistic ending. She wanted the idea of two teenagers who are meant to be and will be together forever.
Have a question about writing or creativity for Sarah Enni or her guests to answer? To leave a voicemail, call (818) 533-1998. You can also email the podcast at [email protected]
Every Tuesday, I speak to storytellers like Veronica Roth, author of Divergent; Linda Holmes, author and host of NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast; Jonny Sun, internet superstar, illustrator of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Gmorning, Gnight! and author and illustrator of Everyone’s an Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too;  Michael Dante  DiMartino, co-creator of Avatar: The Last Airbender; John August, screenwriter of Big Fish, Charlie’s Angels, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; or Rhett Miller, musician and frontman for The Old 97s. Together, we take deep dives on their careers and creative works.
Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. It’s free!
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sjohnson24 · 6 years
Paranormal Disturbance in Oak Park
Date to be there: January 5, 2019 / Time to be there: 2pm.  Address to be at: xxxxxxxxxx Sacramento, CA. Occupant: Ms X.   Confidential Investigation.  Activity: Daughter being attacked by a demonic force. Daughter sees man in hallway, the man is a dark shadow. The man tells her to hurt herself and tells her many terrible things. Emergency investigation.
Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner and Psychic Medium did a walk through.  Deanna felt a feeling of sadness.  Deanna felt that the daughter that the demonic force is focused on is an empath and there may be another entity trying to relay a message to her.  As an empath she is a beacon of light that esoteric entities are attracted to.  As an empath a demonic force may be utilizing her energy for its own dark agenda.  Later on in the investigation Deanna picked up on a side bed by the bedroom window.  Deanna felt that whoever sleeps on that side bed may be receiving nightmares or vivid dreams.  Deanna felt we could capture an EVP at this location.  We tried a few EVP sessions, no luck, so we decided to go outside of the bedroom window, because Deanna still felt there was something there.  I managed to obtain an EVP of a man saying: “what do you want me to say?”  Very clear EVP, Class A.  Deanna and I, believe there is portal in this area.  Oak Park is very old and has a lot of history, some of that history is very negative, such as murders.  
Some Negative History in Oak Park In fact the Oak Park Rapist aka Marcus Thomas roamed this area.  He is the brother of Miami Vice star Philip Michael Thomas and is serving a 27 year sentence at California Soledad Prison.  The fear, pain and horror that the Oak Park Rapist caused, lingers in the atmosphere as residual negative energy.  Another monster was the Homicidal Handyman of Oak Park aka Morris Solomon Jr.  He was your local serial killer.  Deanna picked up on the name Daniel who was addicted to alcohol that was haunting this family.  She saw that he wore a 80s style black leather jacket and hung outside close to the bedroom window.  Deanna did some research and she did indeed find a Daniel, who was an alcoholic and drug addict.  This Daniel died in 2007.  
We learned that the daughter is also cutting herself, because the demonic entity is telling her to hurt herself.  Deanna felt strong negative energy in the bathroom and then it dawned on us, that the daughter may be cutting herself in the bathroom.  We suggested a full submersion baptism (a basic form of exorcism) to get rid of the attachment and the daughter was adamant not to receive a baptism. Deanna conducted a metaphysical cleansing of this home and I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing.   Since the daughter refused the baptism, the entity most likely is still there and the house blessing is a temporary fix.  When we were conducting our investigation, we did obtain a far away sounding “no” EVP.   
Below is my true encounter of 2 werewolves..read on…. What is Lycanthropy you may ask? According to The American Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 134, No. 10. published in October 1977 it states: 
“Lycanthropy, a psychosis in which the patient has delusions of being a wild animal (usually a wolf), has been recorded since antiquity. The Book of Daniel describes King Nebuchadnezzar as suffering from depression that deteriorated over a seven-year period into a frank psychosis at which time he imagined himself a wolf. Among the first medical descriptions were those of Paulus Aegineta during the later days of the Roman Empire. In his description of the symptom complex, Aegineta made reference to Greek mythology in which Zeus turned King Lycaon of Arcadia into a raging wolf. Thereafter, references to lycanthropy appeared in the ancient literature. Many medieval theologians envisioned lycanthropy as a consequence of the evil eye.Delusions of being a wolf or some other feared animal are universal and, although rare in the industrialized countries, still occur in China, India, Africa, and Central and South America. The animals in the delusioned transformation include leopards, lions, elephants, crocodiles, sharks, buffalo, eagles, and serpents.Not infrequently, bizarre and chaotic sexuality is expressed in a primitive way through the lycanthropic symptom complex. Patients whose internal fears exceed their coping mechanisms may externalize them via projection and constitute a serious threat to others. Throughout the ages, such individuals have been feared because of their tendencies to commit bestial acts and were themselves hunted and killed by the populace. Many of these people were paranoid schizophrenics.” 
Thoughts of werewolf movies may come to your mind from: The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Blood, Bad Moon, The Curse of the Werewolf, Death Moon, Face of the Screaming Werewolf, Teen Wolf, The Wolfman, Project: Metal Beast – DNA Overlord and Ginger Snaps. But, we’re not here to talk about good werewolf horror movies, we are here to talk about two real werewolves! Lolita Moonshadow and Katrina Kanine! 
I get a call from Lolita Moonshadow and Katrina Kanine. They are self-proclaimed werewolves. What the? Okay Lolita and Katrina, where can I meet you at? We first met at the Avid Reader at Broadway and crossed the street over to Starbucks for a refreshing frappachino. Lolita and Katrina are cousins, they claim to be of Romanian descent. They claim to have a long history of werewolves in their family. I asked them, how do you know you are werewolves, besides the Romanian descent and thinking your family members are werewolves? They said they both crave raw meat. When a dog, cat or a rabbit crosses their paths, they have the urge to ‘chase’. They feel domination over men, physically and mentally. When the full moon rises, they feel the urge to hunt. They must suppress their dark desires. They said they have a lot of dark desires within their inner souls. 
I asked them to elaborate on their dark desires and they asked me if I ever saw An American Werewolf in London and they left it at that. I pondered…do they have the desire to kill? They both feel they have a chemical imbalance during a full moon, but feel they have everything under control. They both showed me their unusual long canines. I don’t know if they were unusually long, or if they stood out more. They said that during a full moon, they get more hair on their arms and legs. They said that they have a keen sense of smell and after they get used to my smell, they would be able to sniff me out a block away. 
Katrina took my arm and dug in a bit with her fingernails and looked at me and said…”Paul, I have a hunger!” Okay, okay, just as long as it is not me! We discussed if silver bullets can kill werewolves and they said that a real werewolf can be killed by any bullet, that is a myth. They told me that their eyesight changes over to seeing everything in black and white during a full moon, they feel greater strength and are quite agile. They claim that if they are with their boyfriends during a full moon, their sexual desires are greatly heightened and their boyfriends are not able to handle their wild frenzy. They describe it as throwing a bull carcass in the Amazon river and watching piranhas go into a feeding frenzy. They said that their love life had dwindled, when anytime their lovers discovered the true essence of their beings. They said that last week, their boyfriends left them and they are single again.
At this point of time, I noticed a bead of sweat dripping from my brow. I knew I better end this interview as quickly as I started it. I noticed that Lolita had purchased a werewolf book from Avid Reader. Yes! These girls were truly into lycanthropy. Before, I left, we discussed werewolf sightings in Placerville and the Sierras. They said, that at times they feel a calling for the Sierras to find their brethren. What is so unusual, after I met them, I have been contacted by another werewolf girl in Fremont and I plan to interview her too. She claims that there are werewolf sightings in Antioch. She has a very interesting story to tell also! When I stood up from Starbucks, both were eyeing me strangely and both stood around me, as if they were blocking me from the entrance. Lolita grabbed my shoulder and said…”Paul, remember one thing, doctor up our photo, we do not want to be identified for this article and make sure not to identify us in anyway in this article. We know where you live!” I looked back at Lolita and Katrina and said…”sure, no problem, no problem at all!”
As I left Starbucks, I thought how safer it would be to just hunt ghosts, they don’t make threats! Before I close this article, I met Tanya Filer, a clerk at my local Bel-Air and she told me about an abandoned house in Elk Grove that she wants me to investigate. The house has been abandoned for 7 years, because no one will purchase the home, its reputed to be haunted. The story goes that a builder of the house, killed himself with a nail gun. People who have entered the home, claim that the phantom builder looks at them and is holding a nail gun in his hand. Okay, Tanya, where is this house? I am willing and ready to investigate! As I rode home tonight on the lightrail, Julie Surjan a good friend of mine, who knows I am a ghost hunter, had me all hooked on her story. She said, that a strange thing happened to her last night. She was watching TV and saw something at the corner of her eye, it was dark and black. I asked…”was it a shadow person?” She looks at me and laughs…”no, it was a black widow spider! I had the hardest time killing the thing!”   
Videos from the Investigation: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfA50f9OnAc&feature=youtu.bewww.youtube.com/watch?v=JBZpzzutlOE&feature=youtu.be www.youtube.com/watch?v=sItJfYN3-ng&feature=youtu.be www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q5-cWVm3nk&feature=youtu.be
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI’s Esoteric Detective Halo Paranormal Investigations Sacramento Paranormal Help www.facebook.com/HaloParanormalInvestigations/
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
David L Tamarin writes extreme and brutal hardcore horror with a jet black sense of humor. He also writes in the crime genre, and is fascinated with the concept of snuff films. He is also a non-fiction writer whose work has appeared in publications such as Rue Morgue, Girls and Corpses, Serial Killer magazine. He is a student of true crime and incorporates his knowledge of crime and killers into his fiction. At least three people have suffered fatal heart attacks reading his fiction so beware and read with extreme caution. He uses words to assault the reader. He is married with a young son, five cats, one gecko, and a poltergeist. Aliens watch his every move.
  Please welcome David Tamarin to Roadie Notes………….
  1. How old were you when you first wrote your first story?
I started writing pornography when I was a fetus in the second trimester in my mother’s stomach.
Actually, I was probably six or seven, and I wrote obscene parodies of The Brady Bunch, involving incest, abuse, rape, murder. When I was 13 or 14 I wrote my first book. This was mid 1980s so I wrote it on a Brother word processor not a computer. I no longer have it on disc but do have a print out of it. It involved a schizophrenic man who believed he was god and wanted to recreate the universe- the same plot I used in my first book, Hurting My Toys. The first time I submitted a story to a horror magazine I was in my teens. I wrote a lot back then. In high school I wrote for both school newspapers and in my free time wrote for various punk rock fanzines, so I am always writing something. Before I started getting my fiction published I published a legal article (my day job is as an attorney) on the use of torture in US prisons. The article went up on several sites and was quoted on several more. I wrote an article on refinancing homes, one on legalizing drugs, I started doing book reviews, and finally started submitting fiction on a regular basis. About ten to twelve years ago I started writing seriously for publication. I first started submitting a lot of stuff and getting published in 2006. I also write non-fiction, and write for Girls and Corpses magazine, and have written for dozens more. Some of my favorite publications have been in Rue Morgue, Diabolique, Serial Killer magazine, Cannabis Culture magazine and many more. After writing for a short time I self-published some short story books and had a small press release a short collection of short stories by me called Let Them Eat Snuff.
2. How many books have you written?
My most famous book is called the Bible and I am working on a Third Testament.
I self-published a few books when I started writing full-time in 2006, but won’t count those books. My first publication was Let Them Eat Snuff, which was released by Meat Hook Press, it is a short collection of my short fiction, it is only about 30 pages. In the last few years, I have had three books published. Hurting My Toys: Spiritual Suicide is a novella. BOLO: Sociopaths on a Rampage is a novel and This Book Hates You is a short story collection. I have also had a lot of short fiction published in a lot of anthologies, magazines, websites, etc. I am more of a short story writer than a novel writer. I have been published in at least 100 fiction publications, I am in about a dozen anthologies. I will name just a few I can remember- Rue Morgue, Red Scream, Verbicide, The Independent, New England Horror Writers, Serial Killer magazine, The Dream People, bloodcookies, deathbus, corpsefuck, wretched and violent, Chimeraworld 2, Chimeraworld 3, Insidious Reflections, Purpleverse, The Unholy Biscuit, Sinfully Twisted, GOREmet cuiSINe, the Death Mook, Trails of Indiscretion, Escaping Elsewhere, VividHues, Diabolique, Girls and Corpses, Bizarro Central, Butcher Knives and Body Counts, Sex Drugs & Horror, withersin, Whispers of Wickedness, Dark Karnival, Scars, horrornews.net, alt.sex.stories, Justus Roux, Bust Down the Doors and Eat All the Chickens, Other Things Other Places, Splattered, Stabbed Tortured Dismembered, Splatterpunx, prisonwall.org, Cannabis Culture, Night to Dawn, two of the Six Word Memoirs books, Blood Reign, Cyber-Pulp’s Halloween Anthology 3.0, Theatre of Decay, Sinfully Twisted, Project Contagion, Night to Dawn and many more that I cannot remember.
In addition, I have helped write several screenplays, and I have several screenplays I wrote that I have been trying to get made for years.
3. Anything you won’t write about?
I will write about anything. I used to have a rule about not writing about animal violence, as I write what I would like to read and I do not like reading about animal violence. However, in my latest book BOLO there is a lot of extreme cruelty to animals which I included because it was essential to the story line, which involves an abusive father who makes his son torture animals to death. So that was my one taboo and I not only broke it but through it out the window as the descriptions of torturing of dogs is absolutely revolting. It was hard to write it, and then hard to re-write it through a dozen or so drafts.
4. Tell me about you. Age (if you don’t mind answering), married, kids, do you have another job etc…
If you change the letters in my last name they spell Martian. That is my true identity. I came to your planet many of your centuries ago. As for David L Tamarin, he is 43 years old and his day job is an attorney, focusing on both entertainment law and disability law. I have been married 14 years and we have a 21-month old baby. I also volunteer at an animal shelter, working with the cats. I have five cats and a gecko. A lot of my recent fiction involves child abuse, because I deal with my fears through writing. I am terrified something bad will happen to my son, that he will be kidnapped and tortured. So for the past few years I have written a lot of short fiction involving those fears. The results are often brutal. My day job is as an attorney representing disabled individuals, although I practice all types of law including entertainment law and have worked on several films in that capacity. For my job, about half of it is representing the disabled and the other half are all types of cases- criminal cases, contract disputes, tenant rights.
I write and I am a lawyer but I am not like John Grisham and don’t really write about the law, although if I get a good idea I might, like a lawyer hired to investigate a snuff movie ring or something.
5. What’s your favorite book you have written?
Hurting My Toys: Spiritual Suicide. The book evolved over the course of ten years. It began as a short story of about 4,000 words which was first published around 2007. Then I re-wrote it as a longer story of about 10,000 words, which appears in my short story collection This Book Hates You. I sent the story to Comet Press, and they said if I could turn it into a 40,000-word novella they would publish it, so I did that in 2014 or 2015. It was hard getting it down to 40,000 words because I had originally envisioned it to be about 100,000 words. So I am not completely happy with the ending, and would like to write the sequel at some point to give the story closure. It is the story that has gotten me the most infamy, including death threats and accusations of me being a serial killer, etc. The book deals with schizophrenia which I find to be a fascinating condition. Also, as I mentioned it is somewhat based on a book I wrote when I was fourteen or so and I have never forgotten that book and the ideas in it and the specific scenes and after 30 years percolating in my head I finally got it down for Hurting My Toys. I have to write a sequel to it, because my awesome publisher, Comet Press, wanted a novella of 40,000 or so words and I had about 100,000 words worth of writing, so I need to write the sequel to tie things up. The book has a scene where a man rips a fetus out of a woman and uses it as a crack pipe, – and then things get sick! It is one of my favorite scenes I wrote and a favorite of my readers, I can’t tell you how many people have commented on the fetal crack pipe scene. The story I am working on now, about Pornocchio, actually has a scene that out does the fetus crack pipe scene in Hurting My Toys. I won’t give it away, but something much much worse happens to a fetus in my Pornocchio story, so if you liked the fetal crack pipe scene in Hurting My Toys you will love the even sicker fetal destruction scene in Pornocchio.
6. Who or what inspired you to write?
A few years ago my parents were kidnapped and I got a note saying they would be killed unless I started writing the most unimaginably grim, gruesome, negative, nihilist, brutal violent fiction, so everything I do is just to keep them alive. I hate what I write, but they’ll kill my parents if I stop- and then they’ll come after me. It’s really a touchy subject for me. Would you like a serious answer? There is something in my head, not unlike a tumor, that is always creating stories and coming up with ideas, and if I don’t write them down my head may explode. Writing is a compulsion. I have tried to stop at times when depressed and found I could not. So part of the reason is this inner need or desire I have to write, which probably results from my lifelong love of reading
There are a couple of answers to that but answer number one is Stephen King. When I was in fourth grade I read Christine, which was my first ‘adult’ book, and I fucking loved it! It had me hooked, and I have been reading King since then. I used to be able to say I had read all of his books but I fell behind with the last volume of the Dark Tower series, and have not read his last ten or so books. I recently started Mr. Mercedes which was creepy as the villain drives his car into a crowd of people, killing many, and I read this the day when that really happened, when that maniac mowed down all those innocent people with his vehicle. This is the second time something like this has happened to me while reading a Stephen King book. In one of his novels, I forget but think it was Insomnia, someone goes on a shooting spree in an abortion clinic, and as I read it, a guy in the Boston area, where I live, John Salvi, went into a Planned Parenthood and murdered and injured a bunch of innocent people. He later died in jail but this is Boston I heard he was murdered in jail. People who commit suicide don’t shove urine soaked socks down their throat, then tie their hands behind their back and then hang themselves without the use of their arms.
The relates to my second inspiration, my fascination with true crime, violence, serial killers, abnormal psychology and abnormal behavior, and behavior and drug-induced bizarre and threatening behavior, and mental illness and personality disorders, snuff, and torture. Around the time I read Christine I read a book about terrorism and torture tactics used by terrorists. I read about terrorists who put insects into women’s vaginas and I was freaked out and disgusted but couldn’t put the book down. I have been reading true crime books for over thirty years. I have written about serial killers for many publications including Serial Killer magazine. I am fascinated by serial killers, mass murders, killing sprees, abnormal psychology, sexual sadism, sociopaths, schizophrenics, the effects of hard drugs like crack and meth, and also drugs like LSD that mimic schizophrenia.
Another thing is events that have happened in my own life. I have seen and experienced a lot of pretty insane things in my life. I started writing my autobiography but certain parts got too intense for me and I stopped writing. I have seen death up close, and that informs my writing. When I was younger I found my best friend’s dead body. I’ve met a lot of crazy people and witnessed a lot of crazy things, many of them illegal. And I’ve had my own problems and still do have problems, and I feel the need to write about these things, in the form of either horror stories or stories of very dark humor.
Then there is the fact that I have a pretty strange imagination and a lot of ideas, and I am always coming up with story ideas. I tend to have pretty odd thoughts and I think that is clear in my writing. I look at things in a different way than other people. Some people see Octo-Mom and think of the beauty of childbirth. I look at her and want to hang her from a tree and use her as a piñata, smashing her stomach open with a bat while little candy babies fall out of her. I even have a story, Octo-Mom and the Projectile Birth Contest. I always thought projectile birth should be an Olympic event.
I am a huge movie fan, in particular horror and transgressive films, and have been as long as I can remember. The first movies I remember seeing that shocked me included Videodrome, A Clockwork Orange, Last House on the Left, which I saw when I was very young. Horror films have definitely influenced my writing. However, I enjoy zombie movies but don’t write zombie fiction. There’s too much of it and too much of it is the same. I do have an idea for a zombie story, but it is slightly different from the typical zombie story, it is about a guy with a sexual fetish for zombie chicks and dead girls.
7. What do you like to do for fun?
Unauthorized surgery. Basically I carjack ambulances, abduct the patient, take him or her home and then perform procedures on them with no anesthesia. I torture them and perform experiments like how loud a man screams when you cut his penis in half. I like to pick random people and follow them for months, stalking them, recording their every move, before killing them then posing as them.
As for reality, the first answer is writing, but besides writing, my favorite thing is playing with my son and my cats and spending time with my wife. Which I know is pathetically normal. I know a lot of people think I am a monster and I think they would be disappointed if they observed my life. But that’s what I like. I like horror movies, my family and pets, true crime, bizarre and weird information, reading and writing, punk rock and grunge and stoner metal and death rap.
There’s nothing like spending a few hours curled up around the latest Amnesty International report of torture worldwide, or the FOIA declassified FBI files on snuff films, drinking coffee, vaping, watching movies with head explosions in the background while blasting Slayer and taking notes on my next torture scene.
I love film, and I love music, and I love art in all its forms. I didn’t mention reading because to me that is implied. I read, therefore I am. I have spent more time in this life reading than doing just about anything else. I remember reading my first Richard Laymon book, Endless Night, and how much I enjoyed that.
I like sex but that’s a given.
8. Any traditions you do when you finish a book?
No. I do have one interesting tradition though. For people I particularly hate, like Jerry Falwell, I buy a bottle of champagne and write their name on it, then drink the bottle when they died. I recently had some champagne to celebrate the death of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia. I write a lot of things at once so when I finish a book I just turn to the next project.
I’m thinking of starting a new tradition that when I finish a book I chose a slave from my dungeon- just one- and let him or her escape- but just as they get out the front door I shoot their kneecaps out and drag them back to the dungeon.
Actually it is hard to tell when I’ve finished, as I always feel like if I give it another read I will find ways to change the story and improve it. Even when it is done I think of ways to change it to make it better.
If I do think I am done I try to use the three-week rule, where I do not look at what I wrote for three weeks, and in that time try not to think about it and work on other projects. Then, when three weeks has passed and I do read it again, I get a fresh perspective and pick up on mistakes that I would miss if I had just written it, because at that point you are seeing what you want to see, often blind to blatant errors. So I try to go a good time and forget about the story or book and then when I read it later it is like reading it for the first time and I pick up on a lot of ways to improve the story. I don’t always do this, for example if it is a flash fiction story.
9. Where do you write?
I have a great writing space. I live in a 100-year-old house, and the basement looks like a dungeon from a torture movie or snuff film. The walls are rock, making it feel like a cave. Behind my computer are my speakers, writing instruments, a plastic skull, a skull candle, an old-fashioned bottle of embalming fluid, pictures on the wall of JFK’s corpse and Lee Harvey getting shot, a South African spear, Godzilla and Leatherface figures, my autographed poster for Bloodsucking Freaks, and a lot of drug paraphernalia.
Unfortunately, my work room is also where we keep the five boxes of kitty litter for our cats, so sometimes it stinks down here. If you read my work a lot of the stories have people with captives in their dungeon like basements, which are modeled after this room I write in. It is also storage space for all my books.
But I write whenever I get a good idea. Before the smart phone, I always carried several notebooks and pens with me and was always writing wherever I was. Now I use an app on my phone and I write when I am stuck in traffic, when I am in line, and any other spare time I have. A lot of my stories began on napkins or things like that when I would be out at a restaurant or something and didn’t have my notebooks and an idea would hit me. So I literally write anywhere and everywhere I go. One of my more recent short stories was written entirely on an iPhone mostly while stuck in traffic.
But if I have my choice I write in my dungeon where I have my computer set up and my slaves tied up and my speakers.
10. Quite or music?
Music. At the end of This Book Hates You I list all the music I listened to when writing the book, which ranged from Ministry to GG Allin to Triple Six Mafia to The Beatles to Black Sabbath to Primus, Melvinsand Slayer.
Sometimes I put on a YouTube documentary on crime or torture and listen to that.
Right now I am listening the Misfits, the album 12 Hits From Hell.
I get so into writing that I sometimes go into a trance, and when the album I am listening to ends I don’t even notice and just write in silence.
11. Anything you would change about your writing?
No, nothing. I have written some garbage but have learned from the experience so I can’t say I would change anything. I would like to change how many people buy my books, and how publishers felt about me, but won’t change my writing to sell more books- and besides, I don’t think if I made my writing tame my few followers would still appreciate what I do. What I write makes me an outcast, gets me criticized, banned, harassed, etc, and none of that bullshit will change how I write. If anything it encourages me to think of new ways to make my critics and enemies sick, to go with words as far as one can go. I use my words as weapons, and they are lethal. I would never want to change that.
12. What is your dream? Famous writer?
Being a famous writer is not my dream. I attended a writers’ boot camp about a decade ago and the teachers were best-selling writers like David Morrell, who created Rambo, Douglas Winter, F. Paul Wilson, and all three had serious day jobs. One was a doctor. Douglas Winter, like me, is an attorney. So what I took from that is that writing does not pay the bills except in extreme cases like Stephen King. I fully acknowledge my writing is too brutal and extreme to ever become mainstream. I have been told I write for a ‘niche audience’ that is very small. The writers in my genre for the most part are not famous like Clive Barker or Peter Straub, but writers like Wrath James White and Monica J O’Rourke. They are the fucking best, and their books have very limited commercial potential. People who write extreme writing like I do know that we will never be rich or famous. I have been involved in the film industry for some time, and have co-written a few screenplays. My dream is to write screenplays and get paid for it. My dream is to sell enough books that people in the horror community know who I am so that maybe I can’t get rich but maybe I can make even a small amount of money writing.
I love anthologies. My goal is to be in an anthology (or a magazine) with Stephen King, Clive Barker, Peter Straub, Ray Garton, John Skipp, Gregory Lamberson, Bentley Little, Thomas Ligotti, John Shirley and a few other authors I admire. I have an essay in the book Butcher Knives and Body Counts, and there is also an essay in the book by Gregory Lamberson, so I can check that one-off the list.
13. Where do you live?
North Andover, Massachusetts. It is right near Salem, except that my town actually executed more witches than Salem during that era. I am about an hour from Fall River where Lizzy Borden is from, and about a half hour from Boston, home of the Boston Strangler. For various films and television shows I have traveled to Montreal, Buffalo, NY, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut and most frequently Rhode Island.
I grew up in the Massachusetts area. I am a movie extra, and Adam Sandler is from my area and frequently shoots his films here. I have been an extra in four of Adam Sandler’s films. Mark Wahlberg also makes a lot of local movies but I have not been able to get an extra role in any of them. The closest I came to success was a recent Boston-based film THE FIGHTER, in which Christian Bale, who plays I think the brother of the main character, plays a crackhead. Anyway I auditioned for the role of Bale’s crackhead friend, and I actually got a callback. I impressed the casting lady by telling her I grew up in a crackhouse. When she believed I admitted I was lying and she was very impressed and told me to come back for a second audition in a week. She told me, come back here in a week. Do not shave, shower, sleep or eat. Watch YouTube videos of people smoking crack all week. You are playing a crackhead, you need to look like one and know how one acts. A little later I got a call that someone else had been cast in the role.
I lived in Colorado for a few years when I was in college and like it there much better. Better skiing.
14. Pets?
Absolutely! Five amazing cats! One eleven-year-old gecko. The cats own the house, not my wife and I. Three of my cats are seven years old and two are about 18 months old. I also volunteer at an animal shelter where I work with the cats. I don’t have a dog because my backyard is pretty tiny and dogs need a place to run around in. Eventually I would like to move to another house with a bigger backyard so I can get a dog or two. I have a young son and I think it is important he have a dog. He is really great with the cats, very gentle, but all but my little black cat isscared of him. One of my geckos got sick and the vet showed me how to force feed him for two weeks. This was right before my wedding. When force-feeding the little guy, he closed his mouth with my finger in it, accidentally biting me. My finger blew up grotesquely, like nothing I had ever seen. The day before my wedding I had to go to the doctor. The day after my wedding, it got even bigger so I had to go to the doctor, who literally went and got a bunch of other doctors and a camera to show off my swollen finger and take pictures of it. They had apparently never seen anything that fucking swollen! I looked away as they slit it open and drained it and drained it and drained it. During my marriage ceremony I had a band-aid over the big swollen lump, and the next day when I removed the band aid to change it I was shocked to see how much it had grown. That type of shit freaks me out and grosses me out. It is the BODY HORROR of David Cronenberg and Clive Barker, but it was my real life. I wrote about the incident in detail in some document I can’t find. That, and the multiple tumors that have been discovered in my body, has made me fear and feel disgust towards my body, my flesh- as I said I feel like a character in a Cronenberg movie. I think that is why I love him as a director. His films like The Fly remake detail the human body breaking down. I think he is a genius, I already mentioned Videodrome as a huge influence on me.
I do not currently own any snakes, but since college I have owned several snakes, all ball pythons. Unfortunately, they seem to have a short life span of maybe five years or so. I have probably had seven snakes, and when my son is older would love to get another one. My favorite was Pretzel. I took him with me everywhere. I kept him in my shirt pocket. He was called Pretzel because he would wrap himself tightly around my hand. He never ever bit anyone but died tragically. I used to sleep with him and in my sleep I crushed him. Even when he was dying he did not bite me. That was one of the most upsetting moments in my life. People have no idea how sweet a snake can be. I cried like a baby for months when I killed Pretzel. I haven’t been able to get a snake since him. But I would like to again. I feed my snakes frozen mice because to feed them live mice is fucking barbaric. When I first got the snake we fed him a live mouse. He bit it and wrapped himself around the mouse, squeezing him so tight that his eyes burst out of his head, and the death was prolonged and awful and the little guy was twitching. Before the snake struck the mouse was just shaking in fear. It was awful. After that we only fed him frozen mice.
My first snake was named Drexel, after Gary Oldman’s character in the Quentin Tarantino-written film True Romance.
I have six pet midgets who are lethal assassins.
15. What’s your favorite thing about writing?
Exorcising these crazy thoughts in my head.
Being God, literally creating universes the way I want them to be.
Having total creative control, creating crazy new worlds, really exorcising my imagination and having fun. I love grossing people out, making them sick, making them pass out, or cry, or just say they were seriously disturbed by my writing. A review by a reader on Amazon saying my book is the dirtiest thing she ever read or by a guy that thinks it is more brutal than Peter Sotos or Ed Lee means more to me them some highbrow review trashing me for my allegedly misogynistic violence and excessive torture.
Also, I love to make people laugh. I have been writing for Girls and Corpses magazine for over a decade and many of the articles are humor or parody. A lot of my short stories are funny or comedic horror. The great writer Elizabeth Massie called me “the rising star of horrific humor” at Borderland Boot Camp where I had her as a teacher. On the other hand, David Morrel, creator of Rambo, and someone I deeply admire, told me of my story, “I hate that splatterpunk shit” but he gave me some helpful criticism. I recommend all horror readers to read his short horror stories and his horror novel The Totem.
If I can make people laugh (or puke or cum or all three) I am doing something right. But what I really love is to make people laugh and cringe or maybe even vomit at the same time, or make people laugh but at the same time scare them a little, that isn’t easy to do but it is great if you do it right. Or make people laugh but make them feel guilty about laughing.
16. What is coming next for you?
I don’t want to give away too much, but the story is about Pornocchio. When he lies, his nose doesn’t grow but something else does, which can be lethal if he is having sex. It is a true gross out story. I wrote it to submit to the Rejected for Content series but did not finish it in time and it looks like it will be too long for them anyway, as they were looking for stories under 10,000 words.
Besides that short story, I am working on several non-fiction articles and interviews, and have written the first few chapters of a book dealing with extreme high school bullying and school shootings. I am working on a ton of short stories that I have started over the past few years but never finished.
I am seeking a publisher to release two of my books in paperback.
I have a script I wrote, that I put aside about two years ago. I want to shop it around and see if I can find a director and a studio to make it. It is a violent crime noir with psychedelic aspects called No Man Standing.I also want to finish and shop around other scripts I have written or almost finished writing.
I would like to write at least one sequel to Hurting My Toys.
I have been working for five years on the extreme international anthology film THE PROFANE EXHIBIT and hope that it will be released soon. I think it will be the last film I work on, as it has been five years of hell, and I have had tried to get several films made including a sequel to Bloodsucking Freaks written by Joel Reed and I was unable to raise money to get the film made. I also ran an Indiegogo campaign for Russian horror director Andrey Iskanov and we failed to raise enough money. He illustrated the cover of the book Hurting My Toys.
  You can connect with David Tamarin here:
a few free online short short stories:
Some of David Tamarin’s books:
    Getting person with David Tamarin David L Tamarin writes extreme and brutal hardcore horror with a jet black sense of humor. He also writes in the crime genre, and is fascinated with the concept of snuff films.
0 notes
Daily  Détournement (a series of small bits of writing and snips of poems compiled with future editing opportunities)
Give us this day our daily détournement one liners will take you far
There's a pipeline built thru my dreams Spilling crude nightmares in my sleep
your fleet, a slickened creek a man may row a little boat under cover of dawn skies peach punk wood carves lively measures depth of puddles What not to knot for naught under cover of dry umbrella opened indoors
to the stars we are dust  = ad sidera pulvis sumus we are dust to the stars  = ad sidera pulvis sumus we are the dust of distant dead stars = mortuorum stellis procul pulvis sumus
Love met Death on an unlit hunting road on the night of Thanksgiving O, I have seen you these many weeks thru slits of blinds Lo, I have shown you myself so that you may see me Hark, the pale blues and the umber shadows are beaming the start of a golden ring ends where it begins at melancholy flowers.
Love met Misunderstanding beneath brutalism
Death met Death and made Love in the most beloved of Apollo
Death met death mirrored in a cracked phone screen
The void into the Void I'd avoid Every minute is last call And I don't even have a dollar For the tip Her name is done More following than followers Edit privacy Only me Locked post The grave earth embrace
I fought the knife and the knife won
D : i's decolonize D : eyes
Your nipple is a planet with clouds of areola glow
corpse imprisons spirit in solitary confinement
take a braid chaser straight no chaser took a braid chaser straight no chaser how you like it is how you like it who am I to question dogs bay all day
I could not see in the end predicted revolver recoiled and mouthed a silver car
immodium suicide moksha
don't tell me how to sleep
at the rest stop tired
sardine spines in soup spoonful
the sound she makes like doves in mourning feo tu feo tu
we can never say where the paths we did not take would have led this shadow clings to my feet all during the day and surrounds me in drowning all the night invades my sleep with nightmares and my waking eyes in tears knows all paths end in the grave
I can't escape this thing I am, only death cures
And he smote them hip and thigh with a great slaughter He goeth down and dwelleth in the cleft of the rock Judges 15 :8
o' they hide in death for life and breath o' they hide in death (derived from Ephesians 3:18 " o the height and depth [of Gods love]"
the shadow is varied and turning atonal bars tinkle on porches torches sputtered for dark is showing he hides in death of ropes tightened and creaking
(no variation or shadow turning James 1:17)
we wear what we wore what
sheela na gig sheila NA Gig Sheila NAG ig
Hello darkness shadow umbra my imaginary best friend for life my first wife from the womb My last breath and flower strewn tomb If there is a god made me broken to hell with him
Karl May did not write about me Old shattered hands did not whinny too
three chained thurible by thurifer is swung
And give us those trespassers who trespassed against us.
The username is not unique
the rivers of her eye dries
Now a river flowed out of Eve to water the guards in nedE
Now a blood rivers out of Eve to water the avant garde
witch hazel water hazel eye of witch flower helps with vomitingblood and inflammation
in utero infection impacts the premature
I dreamt I was a minor character in a novel by Tony Hillerman
Woke up one morning on the old Chisholm Trail My rain in my hand and a cloud by the tail
My danged old slicker's in the wagon again single file in argyle, empty inside
I dreamt I was in a Tony Hillerman movie, not even a minor character, no speaking parts, I mostly just waved and sold a Snickers but they edited me out, on the cutting room floor
I was in a Tony Hillerman novel, very minor character, a shadow in the background they edited out
I was in a horror movie no speaking parts a shadow in the background
in need of a homemade therapeutic emotional massage
iron smashes ion in the end can not see
dragged into the unlight
if I wake before I die
pee me a river
Two thousand graves dug for all the days I loved you
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made no difference
ancient desert gods try invade my songs
Flesh eating god a necrotizing deity
water over the bridge
square root of negative one
the ghosts of chalcedony wildflowers scent the sugilite sujiman
On the corner of Lovecraft and Ballard
everyday the slaves building the pyramids in Egypt would stand up and say "Let's make history"
socks below seesaw
pati diem endure the day
weed killer weed
yutani = hot water valley
Fruit of a failed policy
but I really think the goal here is to find another job, so I can work as much as possible. I am hoping I can work myself to death. that would be the perfect cherry on pile of shit ice cream of a life haha
erroneous fap
rohypnol wine roofie wine
Leave the rat race to the rats
the skin of the prick is the thinnest
gentrifire destroys everything in its path
the bully says 'stop hurting my hand by making me punch you'
Why is the speed of darkness faster than the speed of light?
You can't act ironic anymore because you are ironic.
venture vultures
investor identity politics art
zombie animated by the spirit of venture capital
indian headdress made of shredded american flags indian headdress made of dollar bills
no more Red Dawn for Vladimir
vanishing Indian, extinct race, savages, primitive, tragic, noble
in revolt against commodification this will not be printed in a book. oh okay go ahead
google earth: to see all the places you will never go before you die!
gmo corn used to spell out the words 'death to america' under resin layer on canvas
you can't see the horizon/sunrise while standing/lying/laying in a grave
bread and water: its what for dinner! #starvingartist
toilet paper pythagorean thereom toilet paper rolls pythagorean theorem "Mummy Striped Bare"
47 tostadas in Pythagorean theorem 47 tacos from Siete Mares arranged in Pythagorean theorem 47 tacos from Taco Bell arranged in Pythagorean theorem 47 melted chocolates in Phx summer sun arranged in Pythagorean theorem
It's an alpha dog world and I'm a cat
Pythagorean Theorem vis a vis blood quantum Euclidean Proof of Pythagorean Theorem (EPOPT) as self-portrait etc
a deep and ugly shadow has crossed my soul, many months now, can't remember when, seems always this way, gets worse and worse, like hundreds of ants eating me it is only the pain I would cause by leaving the world that keeps from leaving, the art is a channeling of my darkness, an undug grave the shadow is a cancerous growth, a tumor feeding on bits of my soul, until I am the cancer with an oroboros halo
I cannot light fires at the bottom of the ocean
someone recently asked me to describe what my work is about in one word, I said "depression" …melancholia…sadness And who will say that I stayed much too long?
someone asked what I've been working on, spring time i started working on Window as a theme, then What do I see thru the Window, The Sun, The Moon, the grave freshly dug, a grave for the sun, a grave for the moon, the Death of the Sun, The Mourner for the Deaths of the Sun and The Moon.
I need to eat something, before I become the dead King of Anorexia
ive a man corn and you feed him for a day; teach a man to grow corn and he'll slaughter your people and take your land
On the growing of weeds
my melancholy flowers
my dreams got caught and eaten by a spider
cabbage patch kid autopsy, opened brain
if I was you I'd go home too
ill relevant
alt-abs = beer belly
Vencer o morir,” meaning “Win or die.”
pati diem endure the day
A Ridiculously Long Security Checkpoint
fake news, back in my day we called it lying
O’ Cinnamon where will you run to?
the crow is in the oven a sauce is being prepared
when people stop believing in god it isn’t that they believe in nothing; they stopped believing in nothing
false flags wave weakly
silent shoulder shrugs
tears from a cloud
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