#And yes I toom them apart to dry
aroninshonour · 5 months
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The boys went out for a little rainy day chat (They forced Jay to come and he's upset his underwear is wet) they tried to get Zane to go with but he was busy(I didn't wanna take him from his action packed get away scene)
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Also some Lava moments because uhm, yes <3 (they totally kissed in the second one)
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starker-au · 5 years
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Chapter 1
Warnings: implied rape/non con, (kinda) attempted kidnapping, attempted rape/non con
Notes: hope you enjoy, it's not as long as I wanted but I'm hoping the next chapter I'll make longer.
“I always get what I want, you're no exception to that Peter”
Peter wants to forget that day and the man who caused it. Tony won't let that happen.
“I always get what I want, you're no exception to that Peter”
Peter scrubbed harder and scraped at his skin with his own nails. He still felt dirty despite washing his body in the shower for hours.
Peter took a deep breath and turned the water off. He couldn't keep taking showers for long or he wouldn't be able to pay the bills with what was left of his money. He stepped out in front of the mirror in his bathroom and let the water still on him slide down his body he was content with feeling something other than the ghost of the man's hands on him.
The mirror reflected the image of the bruises and bite marks that were still evident on his body and the scratch marks that he had inflicted on himself while showering. Peter left the bathroom eventually after drying and towards his own room to put on clothes to cover himself up.
He hadn't been in his own apartment in weeks and the foul smell that had built up while he had been gone made it clear to him that he needed to clean. It would give him something to do and something to get his mind off the betrayal.
“calm down, I'll make it good”
Peter inhaled slowly and then exhaled, there were so many signs that he should have seen. The man's behavior was always the most evident one and Peter chose to ignore it because of how generous he was to Peter.
Peter yelped at the sudden knock on the door, he debated whether or not to open the door. He left as soon as he was able to get the man's hands off of him and he wasn't sure whether the man would send someone after him, he knew he had the power too.
“Pete?- Peter? It's me” Peter recognized the voice as Neds and slowly walked over to let his friend in.
His friend scrunched his nose, no doubt at the smell from Peter's apartment.
“You weren’t at Tony's”
Peter tries his best not to show any disgust at the name.
“Yeah, we- were going to take a break”
Ned nodded apologetically and Peter could tell he wanted to hear more but Peter couldn’t tell Ned no matter how close they were, he just couldn't.
“So,” He doesn’t want to stay on this subject anymore “what are you doing here?”
“uh were going to lunch with Stephen, remember?”
He’d forgotten that he had agreed to go, he had been up to it then, to see Stephen but then again he hadn’t been forced before that, he wonders if being so excited to see Stephen and Tony’s unhealthy possessiveness is why it happened or if it was the fact Peter had tried to leave.
“-you don’t have to go anymore if you don’t want t-”
“No!” Peter cringed at his voice “I’ll go let me just put my shoes on and grab my jacket, okay?”
The same excitement he had gotten when Ned said Stephen was coming back to New York for a while and invited them for lunch was back and Peter felt happy. Neither him or Ned had talked to Stephen since he left for his new job in Pennsylvania, he hadn’t expected him to come back and invite them for lunch.
Ned opened the door for him to walk in and Peter thanked the other boy. Peter looked around the coffee shop looking for a familiar face and when a pair of gray eyes meet his he smiles and waves, heading over to where the other man is sat.
“Nice to see you two again” Stephen greets with a smile.
“You too” both Peter and Ned reply.
Stephen doesn’t look much different from when he last saw the man. Only that he has grown a goatee. He wonders how Stephen is doing at his new job but instead of asking he stays quiet and let's Ned do most of the talking.
Peter appreciates that the conversation flows as easily as it did before Stephen left and when he finally speaks up to talk to Stephen the man answers with the same kind smile he had always given Peter.
“-Oh” Ned says and lifts his phone into view, “I gotta go, sorry”
Both him and Stephen say goodbye to Ned, Peter doesn’t ask for an explanation he’s sure he knows where Ned is going and Stephen doesn’t push for one.
“You haven’t said much” Stephen says.
He probably thinks I hate him, Peter thinks.
Peter shifts in his seat, he doesn’t want Stephen to think that.
“I’m sorry,” Peter apologizes.
“You don’t need to apologize, I’ll admit though as much as i like talking to Ned, I was most excited about talking to you again”
Peter’s cheeks turn pink at that a little at Stephen’s statement, he was always unnecessarily open about things and Peter always worries about that making the man vulnerable in situations.
“I was excited to talk to you too, it’s just been a tiring couple of days”
“Work been tough?”
“Yeah” Peter lies, the last time Stephen had seen him, he had had a job but then he met Tony and the man offered to provide for him and Peter had accepted it but he can't tell Stephen about Tony.
Stephen shifts in his seat and changes the subject. Both of them are unaware when it’s no longer day time and Peter still doesn’t want to go back home to an empty, smelly apartment.
“I’ve kept you out for longer than I intended” Stephen says when they finish talking for a moment and acknowledging the outside.
“Do you need a ride home?”
“Yes,” no “If it’s not too much trouble”
Peter’s sure that Stephen knows he doesn’t need a ride home, Stephen knows he’d walked here with Ned after all, and that he used to live in the same apartment complex as Peter so he knows how far his home is from here but despite that Stephen doesn’t say anything about it or look as if Peter has inconvenienced him.
“It’s no trouble at all”
Both of them grab their coats they had placed on their chairs and then headed out and into Stephens car. It’s a quiet ride but nonetheless a comfortable one that Peter finds peace in.
“Still looks pretty rundown” Stephen comments when he parks and takes a peek out the windshield to look at the apartment complex.
“Yeah” Peter laughs a little “Mr. Toomes hasn’t done much too it since you left”
Stephen hums and Peter decides to finally say goodbye, he can’t stay with Stephen and he can’t avoid going home forever. Peter opens the car door when Stephen unlocks it and tells the man goodbye.
Walking into the apartment complex, Peter felt the same emptiness in his stomach he had before he went out with Ned and Stephen, come back. He pushes the elevator button a little harshly and ignores the looks he receives while he waits for the elevator doors to open.
He's glad that when the elevator doors open its empty and only the the small tune in the elevator playing is present. It gives him a moment to enjoy himself. When the elevator opens again, he steps out and walks towards his apartment door with his keys already out but stops as soon as he sees a figure at his door standing impatiently.
He knows who it is even from the distance, the signature leather jacket is enough for Peter to recognize Tony. He takes a moment on whether or not he should turn back but he doesn't get the choice before Tony notices him.
“Where were you?” Is the first thing Tony says when he walks up to Peter and Peter can see that the punch he threw at Tony's face in a desperate attempt to get away is starting to bruise.
Peter can't think of what to say and he can't help the bubbling anger inside him. Tony has no right to ask him where he was.
“it doesn't matter. Move” Peter finally says with as much confidence he can have in front of Tony.
Tony doesn't move and Peter isn't able to move the man himself. Instead Tony grabs his arms harshly and Peter flinches.
“Let me go!”
“When we get to the car” Tony says and Peter begins to lash out.
“Peter, stop”
He won't and he hope's someone else will come help him and appear out the elevator but as he continues to try and hit Tony and Tony proceeds to drag him towards the elevator, no one comes.
Tony stops and releases him when the elevator dings and start to open, to Peter's surprise it's Stephen who comes through the elevator doors with Peter's jacket and at the moment Peter's thankful for his forgetful.
“You forgot your jacket, Pete” Stephen says after a moment, holding Peters jacket out.
“Thank you”
Tony stands quietly and watches their interaction, waiting for it to end.
“Do- do you,” Peter hopes Stephen can't tell he's shaking “want to come in?”
Stephen looks hesitant and turns his attention away from Peter to look at Tony who was already looking at him.
“Who is this?”
“my friend” Peter says quickly and notices that Tony looks displeased “he was just checking in on me but he's leaving now”
“I am” Tony says and Stephen steps out of the way to let him.
Peter hurriedly pulls at Stephen's arm to get him to move and walk towards his apartment. Peter's glad that the smell of his apartment dissipated while he was away with Ned and Stephen.
“Do you want something to drink?"
“What? No. I want you to tell me who that was”
“I did”
“Who he really is Peter” Stephen says, a bit annoyed “I did see what he was doing by the way”
“he's just an ex, he's not important though”
“His name”
Peter regrets now inviting Stephen in but he supposes it's better than what would've happened if he hadn't.
“If you don't tell me” Stephen says after Peter doesn't answer “I will ask Ned”
Peter feels himself tense and he can feel himself start to shake again but this time in anger and not fear.
“You don't get to do that” He mutters.
“You don’t get to do that!” Peter yells this time “You don't get to pry into my private life just because you're worried or you want to know something that I told you is nothing"
“it's not nothing though” Stephen's responds calmy.
“that doesn't mean you're allowed to be involved”
“Peter, I know how these things can end with ex-lovers. Never well and I want you to be safe”
“I am safe” Peter says defiantly but he knows he's not.
“Now. But if I had left would you be safe?”
Peter stays silent and tries to block out all the thoughts of Tony's hands over his body if the man would've been able to get Peter into his car.
“Look” Stephen says after a moment of silence “I'll drop the subject if you come to stay with me for a few days in Pennsylvania”
“I can't just leave” Peter lies.
“you can, you completed college early so,” Stephen says “take a few days off of work. Pack your things. And when I leave to go back to Pennsylvania you'll go with me and then I'll drive you back”
Peter thinks that it could work but he still worries that Tony wouldn't give up even if Stephen did take him with to Pennsylvania. But he supposes it would give him some time to get away, to figure out things.
“Okay” Peter agrees.
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vgcam · 7 years
Fanfic: There’s a First Time for Everything…
Author’s notes: Fic created for @txf-prompt-box​ challenge. Prompt: An FBI charity event. Story takes place towards the end of season one. I can’t exactly categorize it. It’s very delicately smutty, but I’m a terrible smut-writer, so it’s the closest I’d get to this sort of stuff. It’s mostly broody and slightly funny. With these prompts I seem to have lost contact with my real life friends, and have ignored my work, kids, hubby and home… oy vey!
Also tagging @today-in-fic​ 
Disclaimer: Not mine. Sigh.
There’s a First Time for Everything…
By Vered Gilad Friedman
It was their first official FBI event together and for the life of him, he was unusually nervous. He’d been on the job with Scully for almost a year now but even though they’d been having plenty of off duty phone calls, they’d hardly seen each other off work. Not that he hadn’t thought about it; it was just that she was so closed-up when it came to her private life and somehow in a manner that was very uncharacteristic to him, he felt extremely cautious when it came to handling her.
Yes, they’d both been to one another’s apartments but it was always work-related and it was always shop talk they dealt with. He’d always wanted to go beyond but whenever he’d try to dig in a little further through that unseen façade of hers, she would button up and he’d not pushed further.
Why? Because… it was even hard for him to admit this to himself, but the bottom line was, he cared for her and it was more than just this partnership that had been forced upon them. No, it was far more than that.
She intrigued him from the moment he read about her, but when he actually got to meet her, he became fascinated. Yes, he’d tried all those boyish tricks of his on her, and he got her annoyed at times, but he loved those moments when she set her blazing blue eyes upon him, and glared as if she were willing to bash him with a mallet of sorts. He’d get her pissed on purpose, just so he could see that expression on her face. He liked that she took him seriously to the verge that his words could get her to react so strongly. Later on, as they got to know each other better, she had figured out his dry sense of humor and was able to respond in line with it. This just made him feel even more excited being with her. And he got to be with her every day and it was pure elation. Even when they argued. Maybe even especially when they argued.
And they grew closer. He knew that. Nobody had to force them to work together anymore. She could have left and he could have asked that she be removed but none of that happened. Neither of them wanted that to happen. And it was more than just work. He knew it, even though neither of them said any of that to each other, even though he’d still not invited her over to his place just to have a plain cup of coffee.
And here they were, about to go on a… date? Could a formal FBI charity event even be considered a date?
He got out of his car and walked the well-known path to her house as if it were the very first time he’d ever seen it. His heart was pounding so strongly. Why couldn’t he control himself? This was Scully! He saw her just a few hours ago at the office. Why was he making such a big deal out of this?
Last year he went to this event with one of the lab techs he’d been dating. Well, more like screwing, he had to admit. A tall woman, with long blond hair. Not a natural blond. Screwing a woman tended to unveil such hidden details about her. Not that he’d cared. She was a great fuck and a perfect accessory just for such formal occasions. He’d show up, enjoy a good dinner and then finish it up with a satisfying fuck. He’d not delve about it even one second after coming. He was no stranger to dating and screwing and having a good time with pretty women, yet now, when it came to dating his partner, he felt as if he were about to break some sacred vow.
Besides, was this even considered a date? True, he was the one who came up to her and suggested they’d go to the charity event together, but he wasn’t quite sure if she understood that this was more than just two work partners going to some work function. She didn’t even make a fuss when he offered to pick her up. After all, he’d come by and picked her up several times when they went on assignments. He was usually in charge of getting their rentals, so she never argued, and they both took turns driving, so she didn’t go all feminist on him, so maybe all she read into this was just two partners on yet another assignment.
He realized he would have been a lot more self-assured had he known that his companion for the night was going to end up in bed with him a few hours later, but with Scully he wanted much more than just casual sex. Not that he didn’t think about sex when he was with her but this time sex wasn't his main goal. He wanted it to be the culmination to a far more meaningful interaction. He wanted foreplay, but not only of the sexual kind. He wanted them to just snuggle together and talk over a glass of wine, or a movie, or both. He wanted her to let him in. He wanted to know more about her and he longed to share more about himself, because he knew she'd listen and not in a patronizing fashion like his past relationships; those few relationships where it was more than just the sex. Back then when he was a mere toy boy for strong dominant women. It was a time in his life when he had needed that sort of trait in a woman. He was young and inexperienced and they were there to teach him something about the world and he didn’t mind being controlled by them because in a way he felt so out of control about his own life that he wished somebody would just take over. Both Phoebe and Diana had no problem filling that position.
But that Fox Mulder was now long gone. He remembered how vulnerable he felt when Diana got up and left him. He was like this hurt puppy, left to lick its wounds, but slowly he grew stronger without her. A thick layer of scar tissue formed on top of those wounds and he stopped feeling when he went out with women. He made sure they weren’t as smart as he was and he focused on their bodies and zoned out when they spoke. He had enough charm to lure them in so he could satisfy his needs and none of them realized he was just playing them.
And then Scully came and something snapped. She was beautiful and smart, yet vulnerable and soft, and she cared for him and admired him, but she also didn’t let him have his way and she had her own set of values and beliefs. She was never a bitch towards him, she never abused him and he realized that for the first time he had found his equal.
But for the life of him, he didn’t know how to proceed in this new uncharted territory where he wasn’t in control, nor was he controlled. He was at a loss.
He was finally at her door-step. If it weren’t for time constraints, he would have waited out there forever, but the new Assistant Director, Walter Skinner, was mentally breathing down his neck. The A.D. bothered to stress the point that tardiness could possibly lead to re-assignment. Mulder still didn’t know him all too well and he didn’t want to risk it; especially not when it came to Scully. So now being almost out of time, he heaved a deep breath and pressed her doorbell.
He could hear her calling out from behind the door. “Just a second.” And then indeed, a second later, the door was unlocked and opened.
Despite promising himself he’d behave normally, he was so taken aback by her looks, he wasn’t able to speak. He just stared at her, gawking like a total dork, feeling somewhat out of breath in lieu of the totally out of character attire she was wearing.
Yes, he knew she’d be wearing some sort of evening gown, but never in his life did he imagine this look. Her petite slim body was perfectly encased in a black strapless dress that enhanced every minute detail of her every curve, not to mention her perfect snow-tainted breasts.
It’s not that he didn’t think her beautiful in her plain FBI dress code 'uniform', but most days he forced himself not to think what lay beneath, but at this very moment not much was left to his imagination.
"Mulder?" Scully, stared at him confused.
Still speechless, he kept on gaping at her figure. When he realized his eyes had unintentionally become affixed on the amazing crack between her bosoms, he hurried to transfer his gaze to a different section of her body.
He set his attention on her hair, which had been beautifully pulled up into some form of elaborate construction, which he had no idea was at all possible. He always marveled at her perfect auburn hair, but he'd gotten so accustomed to her helmet hairdo, he didn't even think of the possibility of her wearing it differently. The usual second option was a basic ponytail which she reserved for trips to the wilderness and autopsies. There was only one single occasion when she had it up in a bun. It was during their case with the liver eating creature, Tooms. Suddenly she wore it up a-la Melanie Griffith in working girl. That do made her appear very professional and somewhat uptight and he knew she only wore it like that to impress her snarky former classmate, Tom Colton. She tried to appear serious because she thought nobody would take her seriously now that she worked for the X-Files with Spooky Mulder.
She never wore her hair like that ever again. It was then that she really decided where she wanted to be and with whom her loyalties lay. The return of the helmet do was a symbol of sorts. She removed the shackles that were imposed upon her by her previous training and she didn't care anymore what people thought. Well, at least not like she did before, he added as an afterthought.
And this amazing do she was sporting at that very moment was nothing like that puffy, professional bun of hers. No. This do was a testament to seduction. Part of her hair was pulled up while precisely calculated strands of auburn fell loosely against her perfect glowing neck. Mulder had no doubt Scully had bothered to pull the precise number of strands out of the pulled-up arrangement of hair but he wondered if he was the prime target of her amazing look or was she aiming at the general male population.
He blinked, somewhat startled by Scully's peeved tone. He had to say something. He had to, but he was so stunned, he just kept on eyeballing her, unable to hide his astonishment.
"Mulder. It's just a dress. Snap out of it. Seriously!" she blazed.
"I… I'm… you… I'm sorry, Scully. It's just that… I've never seen you in this way before." He managed but he quickly regretted his words as she pursed her lips and glowered at him.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She shot at him.
Jeez! The woman didn't really know how to take a compliment. "Hmm, well… it's just—"
"Never mind, Mulder," she uttered impatiently. "We're going to be late if we don't get a move on."
And she glided down the front steps slightly brushing him against his shoulder as she went towards their rental. Her superficial touch was enough to exert an involuntary gasp out of him.
Dammit, he had turned into a puddle of boyish adolescence. He expected to sprout zits on his cheeks next as final proof of his total inability to function like a mature, professional adult.
His mind was racing back and forth between 'Jump right in and fuck the hell out of her' and 'Whoa boy, this is Scully you’re talkin’ about. Settle down cowboy'. He was afraid he'd lose control and that that would ruin any chance he'd ever have with her. He knew he wanted it to be totally different with her, but it was as if that dress had managed to erase Agent Dana Scully, colleague, partner, best friend, companion and so forth and instead it brought about only Dana Scully, sex bomb.
He was ashamed of how out of control his physical reaction was, when he knew that what he truly wanted was to treat her with respect and win her affection and love like a true gentleman.
"Mulder! Are you coming?"
Scully stood beside their car, her stance oozing irritability, prompting him into a wobbly dash towards her. He'd lost all his basketball training finesse all of a sudden, barely managing to avoid stumbling right into her as he broke his step at the very last second. He was hoping to get the door for her, but the moment he unlocked the car alarm, Scully hastily opened her own door and slid into her seat.
For a moment he stood there like a child lost amidst a bustling crowd, then he scooted around the car and took his place beside her at the driver's seat.
"If I would have known you'd have reacted this badly to me wearing this dress, I might've worn my bathrobe instead," Scully teased him as they drove through the evening traffic.
Still unable to trust himself, Mulder opted to keep from side-glancing. "Maybe you should have eased me into this," he suggested, surprised that he was actually not only making sensible conversation, but that he was actually able to joke about his awkwardness.
"I'll uncover only one shoulder next time," she laughed.
And just like that the tension that was threatening to implode his belly a mere second earlier suddenly disintegrated into nothing. Dress or no dress, they were their usual selves again, banter and all. He smiled, then slid a quick sideways glance, took in her beauty but now she was his companion again, just that she was even more beautiful than usual.
"You can keep both shoulders out in the open," he told her. “I think my moment of shock is over."
"Pity," she feigned disappointment. "I was kind of getting used to this unknown side of your personality."
"Well, you were privy to a rare event akin to an X-File," he chortled.
"It's definitely worth cataloguing under the bizarre category," she agreed.
Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington D.C. 21:04 PM
Scully decided to let Mulder help her out of the car this time. Her dress was making it somewhat harder for her to lift herself out of her seat without having to perform some unconventional acrobatics.
Mulder was over his initial shock re her attire and was mostly back to his usual self. Mostly, because she couldn't help noticing how his glance kept straying towards the central section of her chest. Well, when she chose this particular dress she had precisely that in mind.
There were moments during their assignments when she glimpsed something more about Mulder's reaction towards her, but it always seemed like a flicker that he quickly tucked away. She knew he saw her more than just his partner. They were definitely close but that stemmed from the type of job they did day in and day out. He did try to stir their conversations to more personal direction on many occasions, but she kept reverting back to the professional path, despite his constant attempts.
He'd share a sports’ jokes with her and search her face for a reaction. He'd tell her about his family from time to time and he was a major support after her father had died.
But she was having a hard time opening up to him. She was a woman, working in a male territory and to prove herself worthy, she had to show she was strong and unflinching and she couldn't let him in or she'd appear vulnerable, so she kept him out, but he never stopped trying.
So today she chose to leave that comfort zone of hers. She could have worn a far more conservative evening gown. Certainly had her mom and dad seen her like this, she would have had plenty of explaining to do, but her daddy was gone and she wasn't that innocent girl anymore. She wanted to receive more than just a flicker from Mulder this time. She didn't know where this would lead them and how far she was willing to go, but she was willing to move forward and she felt this was the best way to send this message.
The only thing she hadn't accounted for was that Mulder would lose it altogether. He had such a reputation, she was sure he'd take her appearance in stride. Instead, he went all school-boyish on her and at some point she was considering slapping his face so he'd snap out it.
She was glad when he'd eventually recovered, at least to a certain degree.
The door beside her opened and Mulder peered at her through it, making her almost chuckle as he bent all the way down and then snuck another peep at her partially exposed breasts. She offered him her hand and he grabbed it and assisted her onto the sidewalk.
As he gave the car keys to the valet service, she snuck her own peep at his amazingly built body and marveled at the view before her. Yes, he was dressed in a suit and tie most days, but his usual choice of jackets and especially ties were not the greatest. His pants were usually a lot less snug around his buttocks, not to mention his frontal parts, and the loose shirts he usually wore made him look far less masculine than he actually was. And she knew he sported a great set of abs on him, having handled his medical misfits a little too often ever since they'd become partners.
But today it was a black tie event and he'd chosen a much tighter suit and a bow tie instead and not that he wasn't handsome enough as it was, it was just that this particular garb he had on, brought everything into focus, so to speak, and she enjoyed zooming in.
"Scully? You coming?"
She shook her head. "Yes…" she answered, absent-mindedly.
She felt his palm sliding into hers and to her surprise, she shivered. Up until now, most of their physical contact was of a friendly kind; a tiny shove on the small of her back as he ushered her about or a slight touch on her shoulder. It never went beyond that. She was amused at how holding hands like silly schoolkids could make her all giddy and tingly inside.
They climbed the stairs slowly as her narrow dress was preventing her from taking large strides. She’d been watching her footsteps, making sure she wouldn't take any unceremonious dives, so she was completely startled when she heard a familiar army-style voice speak all of a sudden.
"You're late."
Scully gazed up and saw the recognizable shiny cap of the Assistant Director towering above them.
"Sorry sir," Mulder apologized as if he were this tardy student standing before the school principal, "We had shit traffic."
"Save your sorry-ass excuses for somebody else, Mulder," Skinner growled. "Everybody else got here half an hour ago. You're the last to arrive."
Fuck. She was never late for anything before she met Mulder. In fact, her nickname was goody-two-shoes-Scully. She was always the first to arrive and customarily on the decoration committee which meant she was usually preparing for an event hours before. Now she'd fallen in with the wrong crowd, aka, Mulder, and look at her, she'd become little miss tardy and possibly a slut all in one go. Her father would probably be rolling in his grave at that very moment.
"Sorry sir," Mulder apologized, sounding like a very unrepentant schoolboy.
"We'll deal with this tomorrow. Now step on it." Skinner ordered, turned around and basically marched into the grand Hyatt as if expecting Mulder and Scully to fall in line right behind him.
"Somebody's going to get detention tomorrow," Mulder whispered under his breath.
Scully was too uptight at that very moment to find Mulder's antics funny and she sent him a peeved glare to which he responded with a shrug.
Unfortunately, there was no way she could hurry her step while ensconced within the restrictive evening gown, so she proceeded as best she could while Mulder kept to her side. By the time they reached the elevator, Skinner was already long gone.
"Relax, Scully. We’re already late. It's not like we can do much about it."
She wasn't able to see these things the way he did. There was no point in him trying to calm her down. She was still unaccustomed to being scolded, even after all these months with Mulder. She wondered if this would ever change.
The sign by the elevator listed the FBI event two floors down and if she were wearing one of her power suits and comfortable shoes, she would have made a dash for the nearest stairwell, but she'd had enough of stairs with this dress for one day, so the both of them waited patiently till the elevator arrived.
Mulder got in and Scully followed suit. She was barely inside when the elevator doors slid shut. To her utter horror, the trail of her beautiful evening gown got caught between the doors. She felt a strong pull on her body as the elevator began its downward journey.
It all happened very quickly after that. She let out a cry of shock just as Mulder realized what had just happened. He didn't think twice. He grabbed hold of her body and made sure she remained grounded to the floor. The beautiful garment's seams exploded under the pressure and gave way. It was better the garment than her limbs, she managed a quick thought.
Mulder held her firmly to the ground as the bottom half of her dress tore off, they both breathed fast as adrenaline washed through their blood stream. She could feel his warm breath against her nape, and to her surprise she also felt a firm presence pressing against her lower parts. It was the most absurd of moments; sheer horror, pure danger, uncontrolled excitement and sexual delight all mixed into one crazy juncture. It was like the epitome of their relationship, she came to realize.
She let out a silly hysterical chuckle.
"It's great that you're enjoying this, Scully," Mulder murmured against her cheek.
She was about to respond in kind, but suddenly she heard the elevator doors whooshing behind her accompanied by a chilly breeze brushing against her now exposed thighs and buttocks.
Then came a deafening sound created by a major group of people gasping all at once.
She knew she shouldn't look behind her, but despite herself she did. The minute her head turned around, she regretted it.
The entire membership of the Federal Bureau of Investigation all stood outside, their jaws ajar, and their eyes the size of continents, and like a cherry on top of a cake, there stood Assistant Director Skinner fronting the entire crowd. But unlike the rest of the gathered law enforcement personal present, Skinner bore the most outraged scowl she'd ever seen.
She was still pressed hard against Mulder's body, her exposed thong-clad butt there for everyone to see, and she was unable to move a muscle. But Mulder stirred slowly, gently pushing her behind him, but never letting go of her. Finally he stared squarely at Assistant Director Skinner and said, sheepishly, "Errr… what's up doc?"
@today-in-fic @txf-prompt-box @fictober
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