#And yes this my opinions don’t judge them 👍
dragon-fly34 · 5 months
Thank you for the answer yesterday, I really appreciate it! I can tell you more headcanons for my Bowseila ship if you like. Here they are:
During the time Bowser and Sheila got married, Sheila’s father, King Marcos— alongside her nana, Luna the Ram of the Spirit Animal Kingdom— have visited to see what was going on, but as they end up finding Sheila, they were full of happy tears. Sheila notices them and she was in so much happy tears as they all reunited together, much to Bowser’s astonishment, but he was given gratitude from Marcos and Luna for taking care of Sheila— who had told them about Bowser.
Sheila’s past bullies— Fang the Tiger and Karen the Zebra— saw the whole thing at the marriage and they all regretted for how they’ve been treating her in the past before she met Bowser for the first time. They apologized to Sheila, revealing that they also lived in the Spirit Animal kingdom— much to her astonishment— and the three made friends.
Sheila is Bowser’s second wife and queen of the Darklands years after the death of his first wife and queen— Queen Clawdia Koopa. Sheila is still the former princess of the Spirit Animal Kingdom and she still lives there.
Ever since living in the Darklands as queen, Sheila was curious on why Bowser hated the Mario Bros. so much. She doesn’t care that much, but on the other hand, Sheila makes friends with Princess Peach and Daisy and they all hang out like ladies.
While Sheila makes friends with Peach and Daisy, Bowser always mocks Mario and Luigi nonstop— just the fact that the two plumbers are not kings or princes— which shows that he still hates the Mario Bros.
When Bowser and Sheila spend their nighttime together in their room, Sheila is more of a very light sleeper, while Bowser is a very heavy sleeper and he can be quite loud, much to Sheila’s annoyance. But in the few days, it takes Sheila time to be comfortable while sleeping.
Sheila was annoyed on why Bowser always acts flirty with Peach. She can be angered out when he attempts to kidnap Peach like last time he, Junior and the Koopalings did until they all failed their plans.
Sheila has anger problems, but not as much as Bowser does.
Junior and the Koopalings admire their stepmother Sheila as a very kind mother like their late mother Clawdia was. Bowser pictures Sheila as beautiful as his first wife, but mostly as pretty as Peach was.
Sheila was very emotional since her mother— Queen Zoey of the Spirit Animal Kingdom had died years ago— just when Sheila was 4. Bowser, Junior, and the Koopalings were upset to see Sheila in her sad state and they all come to show her support. Bowser tells Sheila what it feels like years ago before they met. He comments that he met Clawdia when they were young and they got married before adopting the Koopalings and raising their son Junior— and that a week went by, Clawdia died of an unknown illness, shattering the hearts of Bowser, Junior, and the Koopalings. Sheila was nearly emotional on hearing Bowser’s story of his first wife, and she showed support to him and his children. But most of all, she gets all the comfort that her mother will be in her heart, and this helped Sheila get over it and feel better.
I hope you liked more Bowseila headcanons I came up with for the Super Mario Bros. AU! ;) 💚💖🔥❤️
@marioandsonicfangirl793-art is headcanons are good, but in my opinion there are 3 headcanons that to change a little:
On 1º headcanon, in my opinion Bowser this surprise was already being prepared for Sheila, in this case before he asked her to marry him, he traveled to the Spirit Animal Kingdom to meet Sheila's father and reunite with Sheila.
The headcanon of Jr and Koopalings I already see on Bowuigi posts, in my opinion Sheila was the only person that understand Jr & Koopalings, because Peach also hate they.
Bowser bullied Mario & Luigi not only because they are plumbers, because they are “princesses’s pets” and the brothers are both bi (That's where my AU comes in).
In my AU, Bowser didn’t tell the story of how Claudia died to Sheila, in this case he just commented that she died, but Sheila asked Kamek and King Boo how her death happened, in this case King Boo and Bowser have been partners for years, soon after Bowser told the full story.
I really support that Sheila is very emotional, Bowser could have hired a psychologist to help her because of her past.
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peronasghosts · 1 year
I would LOVE to hear the zoro lecture
zoro lecture!! not three hours long bc i value my time & sanity but it is unplanned 👍 like all of the posts here at transdykezoro
actual ramble is under the readmore. bc it got LONG.
ok so zoro is fascinating as a character to me bc he’s got three main factors directing his behavior: his grief and subsequent extreme loneliness, his refusal to ever be the weakest person in any given place, and his pattern of being incredibly devoted. take into consideration i am only just finishing skypeia
his grief and loneliness are fairly easy to spot. it’s the root of his dream, and why he follows luffy in the first place. however!! it also shows up in other places.
the first example that i can think of is when nami went back to arlong park. luffy is certain that she’ll come back with them, that she wants to be with them.
zoro isn’t.
zoro consistently casts doubt on luffy’s confidence, and switches from liking and being friendly with nami to acting like he hates her.
you might be asking how this connects to his grief and loneliness. it does, albeit in a roundabout way.
don’t take this next section as fact, because i’m a teenager and not a psychologist. but judging from how zoro was a kid when kuina died (and he was already an orphan), and a young teenager when he started bounty hunting, he’s definitely traumatized. and his particular trauma is caused by his grief.
grief, especially when the death happens when you’re a kid, changes the way you see the world and how you see other people. based on his past, i’d say that zoro probably made that huge switch with nami partially because of her betrayal (sadness can appear like anger, but he still didn’t trust her as much after as far as i remember) and partially because he has a history of losing people. at least subconsciously, her betrayal made more sense than her coming back.
the next instance in which his grief shows up is when robin first joins the crew. nobody really trusts her (for good reason imo) but zoro is the one who goes on record multiple times (in the manga) in saying that he’s keeping an eye on her and will fight her if she tries to betray them.
but he trusted luffy instantly! so what’s the difference here?
the one that i see is that while robin made her first impression as a mysterious, cunning enemy, luffy’s first impression was him being dumb, annoying, and brave as hell. and also - luffy found zoro at a moment where zoro was unimaginably lonely. he’s not with johnny and yosaku, and seemingly hasn’t been for a while. he’s been traveling around east blue for a while mostly on his own, following the traumatic deaths of three people close to him.
yes, luffy technically blackmailed him, but zoro was kind of in a place where he’d take any chance that still allowed him to follow his dream. luffy understood that, and accommodated that. because he’s luffy
robin came in as an enemy and an ally to someone who mocked and almost killed luffy. and, importantly, she came in when zoro was experiencing something he hadn’t in a while - a stable, committed friend/family group
trauma also makes people hypervigilant. hyperviligance is when you’re basically always in some level of survivor mode. zoro’s in the grand line, a place he can’t survive in without his crew, and his emotional survival depends on his crew’s (mainly luffy’s) survival. robin is a threat to that. of course zoro trusts her the least
going onto the second motivation. it actually stems from the first one in that it’s rooted in his promise to kuina, but that’s normal for zoro.
zoro needs to be the strongest, or on par with the strongest, in any given situation he’s in. this changes a bit with luffy’s protagonist-ness but i think that zoro perceives himself as only a slightly worse fighter than luffy. and he’s fine with that bc it’s luffy.
in my opinion, it’s because zoro thinks that if he can’t win against someone who’s not a swordsman, how versatile is he? and if he loses to a swordsman, then he’s not on track to being the best, and then he’s not keeping his promise to kuina, which is i think his way of keeping her in his life
this factor in his behavior doesn’t stop when he’s not fighting, it’s spread to other parts of his life. i think that’s because zoro’s had a very unstable life so far, and so he controls what he can to make it more stable for him.
a side effect of all of this is that zoro seems incredibly masculine (in the traditional sense that i grew up with. i’m a white usamerican btw). this has inspired admiration and envy of some male fans. but also a not small amount of lesbians love zoro, and relate their experiences to him (like me) (from what i can tell).
i think you can kind of compare zoro to sanji and find out why. sanji’s masculinity, to me, seems incredibly performative. he’s in love with every girl he sees, he’s the one that’ll protect them, he wears a full suit on a tiny ship, but that’s not who he is when no one’s watching imo. sanji’s masculinity seems externally motivated.
zoro’s masculinity is rooted in his promise to a female friend he had when he was young. it’s incidental. his hair is short because it’s economical and easier and he’s muscular because he needs to be strong and likes being strong. it’s an internally motivated behavior, and seems like he’s just being himself. i think that that idea is very relatable to a lot of queer people and aspirational to a lot of cis guys (although maybe i’m giving some of them too much credit)
the third and final driving factor of zoro’s behavior is his loyalty. he’s perpetually loyal to kuina, and has been for about a decade. he changed his life for her when he was a preteen. that’s loyalty.
but now, he’s also intensely loyal to luffy. his loyalty to luffy and his loyalty to kuina sometimes come into conflict, but that hasn’t had a big impact yet, but i am excited for that possibility
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just finished life is strange: true colors, spoilers ahead. ⚠️
sure, it was kind of slow at the beginning and the character’s interactions with each other were kind of awkward sometimes, there were several plot holes scattered out on the surface as well like how steph got alex’s number when they didn’t talk at all inside the record shop? but the moment gabe died—the whole atmosphere went back to the ambiance that life is strange always had compared to the other games; that melancholic feeling that will always leave you wanting more to know what’s about to happen in the next episode.
as someone who has a psychology major in college, an asian kid and the youngest child of the siblings, you could say that it was bound in my blood to be a peacemaker at some point of my life like alex was. the ‘nightmare’ sequence, the part where alex continuously had to ‘play a part’ was kind of heartbreaking to me. she spent half of the years trying to keep the house together, trying to be the stronger one for her brother and her father. she was only a kid when all of it happened, and yet she was forced to be the bigger person in her young age. the game was heavy, but it personally felt like it was also a pat on my back as soon as it ended.
sure, alex’s power wasn’t as powerful as max’s or daniel’s; but alex surely put her powers to use. these powers were never meant to harm anyone in the first place; it was given to them to help others. i like how they made sure that at the end of the day, alex’s feelings are hers to feel. she’s allowed to stay or to move past according to what she wishes, her gift of being understanding is not a curse; it’s only a gift. a gift to her that allows us, the players, to see how complex human emotions can be—and how amazing it can be if you try to understand where they all root for in a deeper level—i also really liked the part where we were given an option to absorb charlotte’s anger or to leave her alone in that room and let her deal with it. aside from the fact that even alex felt like it was violating on charlotte’s part to take something so close to her out of her, how will charlotte ever deal with gabe’s death? with her anger towards ethan, ryan, and alex? how is she going to handle herself as soon as she meets her son again after blatantly saying that she hates him? yes, we can absorb that and deal with it ourselves because we have nothing on our plate unlike charlotte, we are capable of handling this problem because we have the emotional intelligence to piece things and why they are the way they are, but that decision already says a lot about you as a person more than alex and i think that’s amazing. 👍
true colors may have lost the magic that don’t nod offered to the two former games with how modern it looked, but it tried its best to keep its flow and again, retain the vibes that the first two games had—it even took several inspiration from the first game and made sure there were subtle nods to the second one as well. i’d say i judged this way too quickly after hearing half of the community not liking it; it is still overhated to this day, but we are all entitled to our own opinions and we are all allowed to enjoy we like or despise the ones we don’t so that’s okay. still, i can say that this game was good.
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