garadinervi · 5 months
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Aimé Césaire, Cahier d'un retour au pays natal / Return to My Native Land, Foreword by Andé Breton, Translation by Emile Snyder [starting from a translation made by Yvan Goll and Lionel Abel, pre-1956], Présence Africaine, Paris, 1971, p. 148
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sea-of-machines · 1 year
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Here ya go @coraxsach
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Ik Twig is Nonbinary but they would just be there bcs Andè is there lol
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A Time to Renew
For the first time in a long time, I performed a ritual today. It was small, relatively free form, and nothing groundbreaking, but I felt it. And it felt nice. Just something to burn away the crud of the past year and try to enter the new one fresh and clean.To ask Na Dé Ocus Andé and the ancestors to be with and guide me. I burned away what I don’t need written onto literal trash and took a drive to let it all blow away in this freakishly warm weather. Even in my part of the South, 72°F is weird on NYD.
Here’s to hoping for a wonderful, easier, happier, more joyous new year for me and y’all. ‪❤️🧡💛💚💙💜‬
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no sé por qué sigo esperando a la perfección, nunca en mi vida he estado satisfecho, siempre andé volando en otras partes en mi cabeza para escapar esa realidad que simplemente no me gustó mi vida y esperaba hasta que llegara ese momento en que finalmente todo se cupiera y aún espero porque no es así pero me enojo por eso, cuantas veces que yo he dicho "solo quiero estar feliz" y bueno no voy a decir que la felicidad no viene y va porque sí, así se anda, creo que me había convencido que podía superar las dificultades mentales solo por pensar y aclarar pero es un trastorno mental que no se quite solo por querer, necesito recordarme de que para sobrevivir, es mejor tratarme bien a mi mismo y relajar que no todo esta tan serio y que hay millones de mundos, yo solo vivo en el mio, pero no significa que es el único y deja de esperar por lo que nunca va a llegar
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espectralita · 2 years
Ayer fui a caminar con el binder para ponerlo a prueba (ver si me dolía, me costaba respirar, etc).
Andé hora y media, unos 10.000 pasos
Me hice una ampolla en el pie y me dolió más que el pecho. Éxito
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mae-dwrites · 1 year
Taking Flight - Chapter 12 - Not All Can Win, So Prepare The Gates
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“What is this I hear of me going to New York,” Chloé sneered into her phone once he finally picked up.
“Oh well, I thought you would like to go to New York! It’s a wonderful city you know,” André explained with nothing but the same charm he used on his clients. It made Chloé seethe, he really thought so little of her?
“It’s a stinky dump, with even stankier people,” Chloé hissed and clenched her fist. “And if you think I’m going there you’re really losing it Daddy.”
Chloé heard a “humph” from the other end. There was a moment of silence before he responded, “I wouldn’t be so sure darling. As I could send you there for other reasons…”
When he didn’t say anything else an understanding made Chloé’s blood rush, “You wouldn’t.”
“It’s where your mother went, and where your sister went. I have no doubt if I paid the right fee you’d come back out fixed,” there was a smile in his voice. Nothing gave away exactly what he hinting toward, he didn’t like to reveal his hand so easily.
“Besides,” he continued, “It’s much nicer than the stinky New York City streets.” Chloé could feel his smugness through the phone. He had won this battle, and he knew it, and he was going to suck in all the glory of it. Chloé faced the sky and leaned against the wall, “Fine. I’ll go on the trip.”
“Good girl Chloé, see you when you get home darling,” Andé cheered before hanging up, not waiting for his daughter to reply. Chloé couldn’t believe this, couldn’t believe she had willingly excepted this. Okay not willingly, but she didn’t want to go to that place.
“Ugh,” Chloé whined as she slid down the wall. Why couldn’t her father actually be pathetic as he pretended to be? It sucked, why did he get to dictate where she goes? Didn’t she decide they wouldn’t control her anymore? Had she really forgotten just who her father was after Hawkmoth showed up?
Her stomach suddenly flopped, as another part of her seemed to sing. Yes.
“ Well, well, what do we have here? The Queen crying as she is powerless against her daddikins? Do not fear for I am here to help you once again dear Chloé ,” a cynical voice echoed in her head. Her vision became impaired, a husky purple layer making it near impossible to see anything around her. Everything around her became muffled, the cars outside more like a memory.
“ Why don’t you let me help you get rid of the oppressors in your life and the pesty fools that surround you? All I require are the Miraculous of the Ladybug and the Cat, as you know. ”
Chloé’s breathing became hard, her mouth seemed too wet all of a sudden. This couldn’t be happening again. Not again, please not again .
Yes, take it. Take it all.
“ Please don’t fight me Chloé, or should I say the Mistress Decree? Just accept my help, that’s all I want to do is help you, ” Hawkmoth pressed. Not again , Chloé choked on air. “ Let’s not go through this again, we both know that was a fluke. After all, you said yes the second time. Just get it over with and you’ll finally be free .”
This isn’t what she wanted, she wanted to be a better person. She wanted to be the girl that invited her classmates to her birthday party for the first time, the girl that Ladybug trusted even though she was bitch, she wanted to be the girl that told Hawkmoth to fuck off. She didn’t want to be her mother again, she didn’t want to look like her, let alone sound like her. She wanted to be her own person.
Chloé clenched her jaw, she was done taking orders, that was the last time her father got to tell her where and what she was doing. Double Strike was the last day Hawkmoth got to play with her, she refused to be anyone’s puppet. She got to decide where and what she does! These monsters don’t scare her anymore.
“No,” she growled. She felt her face twist into a nasty expression but didn’t care.
“ No? ” Hawkmoth’s voice came out stranded. It brought a smirk to Chloé’s face.
“I told you before,” Chloé opened her eyes, her sight was still unclear from the purple haze. “So get out of my head. I don’t want your dirty magic!”
“ You can’t say no to me ,” Hawkmoth seethed at her.
“I said no !” Chloé screeched as she pounded her fist into the cement ground. Finally, she could see again the haze clearing, she could hear the air make the trees move outside the windows. She watched as the Akuma flew away from her still the dark purple with white light shining from spots. “Fuck off little butterfly,” Chloé chuckled to herself.
“Oh,” was all Chloé’s voice made before she lunged for the trashcan near her. She pulled it down as the vomit made its way out of her body, Well there goes breakfast .
“Holy,” she heard from behind her. She tensed and wiped her mouth on her hand, Ew , she thought before throwing up again. She heaved over the garbage can as someone held her ponytail up so she wouldn’t accidentally get vomit on it.
God bless them , Chloé thought to herself. She didn’t care who was behind her, just that despite it they had the courtesy to hold her hair for her.
Marinette detransformed after landing on her balcony.
“It’s fine, it’s okay,” she started pacing to herself. “He probably goes to a completely different school, it’s not like he’s in my class!”
Tikki watched her chosen with concern as she munched on a cookie.
“It’s all planned out anyway, I’ll use Kalkki and he’ll become Astrocat when the time is needed.” Marinette gripped the railing, her knuckles white, “He might not even be going to New York! Might be a family trip that just so happens to be taking place at the same time as I go to New York!”
Marinette rested on her forearms. “Who am I kidding? It’s too much a coincidence,” Marinette whined.
“This is a disaster,” She moaned into the night.
“What’s a disaster?” A voice asked. Marinette jumped up with a surprised squawk.
“Oh I’m sorry Marinette, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Chat Noir’s ears flattened in shame. He jumped down from the roof to the actual balcony.
“Ch-chat! You didn’t scare me, I promise. You just surprised me is all,” Marinette said with a nervous chuckle. She didn’t meet his eyes, Be chill Marinette . Marinette looked up at Chat. “So what's going down dawg,” Marinette cringed, oh Kwami can’t save her, can they?
“I’m pretty sure it’s “up dawg” not down,” Chat teased, “and since when was I a dog? I’m quite re-felined.” Chat Noir grinned at Marinette, Marinette sighed with exasperation. What did she get herself into?
“That was terrible,” Marinette looked at him unimpressed.
“You’re just jealous,” Chat raised his nose at the baker. Marinette rolled her eyes at his antics, it’s not like she wasn’t used to them. Either as Ladybug or Marinette, just Marinette didn’t spend as much time with Chat.
“You gotta admit that was good,” Chat insisted.
“I can admit I walked myself into that one,” Marinette sighed and slumped against the railing.
“Yes you did,” he grinned at her. “So what’s the big disaster this time?”
Marinette held back a groan, He doesn’t let go .
“Nothing important, I’m just overthinking things again,” Marinette said resting her chin in her hand.
“Mmm. From what I hear any idea you have goes right, much like M’lady,” Chat smiled at Marinette. Marinette’s cheeks got a dust of pink on them, “I wouldn’t take that to heart.”
“You convinced Gabriel Agreste to let his son out of the country for a week, without his supervision,” Chat said leaning against the balcony railing, facing away from the street. “And you’ve been able to get his girlfriend’s mom to let her have friends and be out of the house more.”
Marinette looked at Chat Noir with confusion, “How do you know that?”
“I visit Adrien sometimes,” Chat admitted. “You may be my favorite but you’re not the only one I visit.”
Marinette blinked, of course Chat would go around talking to multiple people. Adrien had been the target of a few Akumas himself, Chat usually liked to talk to people when he was out and about the town. Making friends with people of all ages, heck he had introduced her to the girl that was rooming with her aunt.
Well, Ladybug not Marinette, but she had a feeling that he was the reason Makzenie came to them in the first place.
“Oh don’t tell me you’re jealous Princess,” Chat teased getting in her face.
Marinette shoved his face away, “I am not, just surprised is all. But I should’ve expected that from an alley cat.”
“You wound me Princess! How will I ever recover from this heartbreak,” Chat “fell” onto the deck chair with a sniff. “If you see Ladybug tell her that she was my only real friend! As you hurt me, Marinette.���
Marinette snorted at the dramatic cat, she grabbed her nose as if that would make it so it never happened. The girl’s face became red from embarrassment, she swallowed really wanting to just hide in her room. Chat tried to say something but he was laughing so much he couldn’t get anything out, soon enough he was clutching his stomach.
How could he be laughing as if this was the funniest thing he had ever seen!
“You only like me for my food anyway,” Marinette huffed after regaining her composure. Chat took deep breaths trying to calm himself, “No-no, I-”
Chat went into a fit of giggles as he tried to steady his breathing, it was shaggy if anything. Marinette crossed her arms and stared down the hero, with a frown. Chat snorted when he saw her expression, Marinette couldn’t help the airy laugh that came out of her.
“I can’t believe this,” Marinette shook her head. She felt her mouth twitch up, she hid her face not wanting to show her smile.
Chat let out a quiet laugh, “I promise I’m not just here for the food Mars.”
“I know,” Marinette mumbled before looking at her table.
They fell into a silence, a nice one. Marinette loved moments like these, it didn’t matter who it was or what mask she had at the moment. The wind gently brushed against their faces and their hair tickled their skin.
Marinette looked at Chat, he was looking up at the sky his breathing steady. He looked so soft in the lighting of the moon and the fairy lights that hung around them. Another sweep of the wind brushed his hair in a smooth rock, his cheeks having a light shade of pink. The slight chill of the October air left a chill go down Marinette’s back.
Chat Noir’s dirty blond hair, a mop-like mess, seemed to cover the top of his eyes more as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The mask had gotten a little bigger, spreading more on his face like it was connected to his face, the mask reminiscent of a Balinese cat’s face.
Or maybe a Birman was more accurate? No.
A Ragdoll, his mask was like the pattern of certain Ragdoll cats.
Chat’s eyes opened again meeting Marinette’s eyes.
“So what’s your dilemma?” Chat asked with an innocent grin and a quirked eyebrow.
“Ugh,” Marinette groaned.
“Luka!” Marinette called as she ran down the street, her dress flowing behind her.
“Marinette,” Luka turned around and smiled.
Marinette tried to slow down but before she could her foot caught on a crack on the sidewalk. Luka leaped and caught Marinette. Marinette sighed, Just the luck . The Universe had to balance her out somehow.
“Marinette please be careful,” Luka chuckled with a fond smile.
“S-Sorry Luka,” Marinette laughed with embarrassment, not making eye contact with him.
“Marinette don't apologize,” Luka gently cupped her cheek. He ducked his face to be more in her sight and lightly motioned for her face to move up.
“Rr-right,” Marinette gave a nervous smile before brightening up. Her cheeks were red, Luka could make out the light freckles that decorated her face like stars. They went from one cheek across the bridge of her nose to the other cheek. Her big eyes looked at him with a slight squint, from the shining sun and the content smile that came on her as he looked at her. “What is it, Luka?”
She had a slight tilt of her head, Luka smiled at her, “Nothing, you're just as beautiful as your melody is all.”
“Oh-oh um, you much thanks. Wait no, thank you very much! I can't believe I said that,” Marinette whined, she covered her face with her hands. She mumbled some other unintelligible words before Luka gently grabbed her hands and brought them down.
“It’s okay Marinette,” Luka gave a reassuring smile to the girl.
“Yes, of course. Duh, everything is fine!” Marinette took a deep breath, “Thank you Luka.”
Luka simply nodded and let go of one of the girl’s hands, “So where do you want to go first?”
“Well, we could go…”
They went on the Ferris wheel, they pointed out certain spots, and laughed at how small everyone looked; found André for his ice cream, sharing some as they walked around the area; they found a teens center that was having karaoke throughout the day, they sang a few songs. Marinette tripped a few times and the dress got caught in corners, chairs, and door handles it was pure luck the dress hadn't ripped at some point, but that wasn't a problem.
The problem was whenever there was a Gabriel Fashion poster or billboard Marinette clammed up or glared at it; it had Luka a bit concerned if he was being honest. Her melody seemed to skip a few notes or harsher ones came up, he didn't want to ruin their date but he thought it would be better to bring it up rather than avoid it. He knew Marinette tended to avoid her problems from time to time.
Walking down the sidewalk Luka looked over at Marinette, “Marinette are you okay? You’ve, uh, your melody has been off.”
Marinette seemed to forget to take a step but caught herself and kept in step with him, “Well, um, I-” Marinette sighed, “Honestly I don't know. Everything is just all so confusing! I think I know something but if I'm right it changes so much; I- I almost don't want to be right, it's scary.”
Her melody seemed to sway and pull, almost an overlapping of two. This undertone seeming to be a more intense rendition of Marinette’s usual melody; it felt out of reach for both Marinette and Luka. He knew this melody that underlaid her usual but couldn't pin it down. It didn't happen often but enough for Luka to take note of it.
“Is there anything I can do?” Luka asked with his eyebrows slightly raised.
“Thank you, but there's nothing you can change,” Marinette laughed. “It's either true or I'm being paranoid.”
Marinette bit her bottom lip as they walked, coming close to the Seine. She only looked at their shadows that lay before them.
“Is there anything else bothering you?” Luka's frows came together, he didn't want to push but he felt it would be better to ask.
“I, well actually no this is a date! I shouldn't be dumping all my anxiety on you, we should just be enjoying the date, and having fun,” Marinette frowned and looked up at Luka. Luka pulled Marinette to a bench nearby.
“I promise it won't ruin our date, it’s okay to talk about our problems even on dates,” Luka gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled. “You don't have to but I want you to know I don't mind if you “dump” your problems on me”
Marinette looked away from him frowning to herself, she pursed her lips in thought. Her eyes moved as if reading lines of a book, perhaps like she was reading her thoughts as they came. Her melody was quiet before swirling in a crescendo of clear scales. She finally looked up at him after she made a determined huff to herself.
“You know I'm going to New York at the end of this week?” Marinette asked very seriously.
Luka nodded, “Juleka and Rose have been talking about the trip for a while.”
“Okay well, yesterday morning I convinced M. Agreste to let Adrien go to New York with us. But before that, after I told Adrien I would Alya was kinda weird I guess,” Marinette’s lip came out in an unintentional pout as she thought about it. “I want to get over Adrien, I don't think she really gets that yet. She’s always tried to help me talk to him, to admit my feelings,” Luka nodded as he listened.
“And she asked if I could even handle being in New York with him for a week. Which I personally think is kind of stupid, we're there to learn not to party in the city that doesn't sleep! Which isn't the point, ugh.
“Like yes it'll be weird, definitely awkward sometimes but I always am! I'm so awkward, but I'm not trying to do anything. He’s dating Kagami, and I'm with you,” Marinette swallowed. “And because of what she said, I'm scared that maybe she's right and I can't handle it. And my feelings won't go away, and then I’ll hurt you.”
Marinette said the last bit quietly and glanced away from Luka in shame. Luka didn't like how scared she sounded, how skittish she looked, her melody started skipping notes similar to earlier but far quicker and choppy.
He took her hands and squeezed them real quick to get her attention so that she would look at him again.
“Marinette, you don't need to be scared about how you feel. Those aren't things we can fully control, I wouldn't hold it against you if you still like him. What's important is that you know what you're trying to do, not me, not Alya. You. You're not perfect and you don't have to be, no one should expect you to be perfect.
“And if your feelings for Adrien outweigh your feelings to be with me it’ll be okay. You don't owe me your feelings or to be with me, you don't owe me anything. You only owe it to yourself to do what makes you the happiest,” Luka smiled at her.
“I personally don't care that you may still have feelings for Adrien, but I know you're trying. That's enough for me, I trust that when you finally figure it out you’ll tell me,” Luka took a breath. Looking at Marinette for a moment, “How about you use the trip to figure out how you feel about Adrien?”
“What?” Marinette seemed to have nearly fallen off the bench. She probably would have if Luka hadn't been there.
“I think the trip could be more helpful than meddlesome, hang out with Adrien during the trip. You’ve been doing better at talking to him you mentioned before, so why don't you put it to use.”
Marinette looked away from him in thought, her lips becoming a line, her eyes slightly squinting. As if the stitching on her dress held the answers to the universe that she had yet to decipher.
“I,” Marinette paused before looking up at Luka again. “I guess I could give it a shot.” Marinette gave a timid smile.
“How about we go to the park before you go home?”
“And before it gets too cold,” Marinette shivered as they got up.
“So how excited are you to go to New York?” Bridget asked lounging on the chaise tossing an orange from one hand to the other.
“You asked the wrong question,” Marinette laughed as Alya gasped up some air.
“We’re going to New York , Knightowl and Sparrow’s main city, and they share it with Majestia . She’s the coolest, she has most of the same powers as the Supers. Also she’s so tall ,” Alya gripped the back of the chair. Bridget swears she’s on the verge of shaking the chair the girl already rocking her upper body back and forth.
Marinette giggled as she watched her friend, “I can’t tell if it’s the supernerd in you or your big crush on her that’s blabbing when you talk about her.”
“Yes,” Alya hissed at Marinette’s teasing. Marinette rolled her eyes making Bridget laugh.
“Isn’t it a theory that she’s the same species as the Supers? I think you brought that up before,” Marinette asked, she genuinely looked curious. Marinette never had a big interest in heroes, which Bridget was thankful for the more she went on. Marinette’s biggest distaste was their suits, due to those rants Bridget had started looking at her colleague's suits with a more critical eye.
“Yes, because she has so many powers similar to Superman, Supergirl, and the Superboys.” Alya started tapping the chair and swinging her legs in excitement. Bridget smiled, while she didn’t like how Lois Lane this girl was she had to admit she had less self-preservation skills on par with other heroes Bridget had met. Alya continued, “But she’s super tall, not like Supergirl. Superman around or in the six feet range, no one knows for sure, but Supergirl is a good few feet below that.”
“Um, so a couple of centimeters taller than Kim?” Marinette asked.
“Uh yeah, yeah. Sorry Marinette, I forgot to use metric,” Alya smiled sheepishly.
“No, it’s alright. Just helps with the mental image,” Marinette patted Alya before going back to typing on her computer.
“I do the same thing all the time,” Bridge spoke up. She leaned over so that she was facing the girls, “Most of life was spent in America. I only remember a few years of living in China before moving, Sabine stayed with Jiù Wang while I moved with Mǔqīn to America. Sabina whacks me when I use the wrong measuring system.”
“Mookin?” Alya asked, her head slightly tilted.
“Oh, I mean mother, sorry,” Bridget let a nervous chuckle out. “That’s my bad. It’s Mandarin.”
“Oh okay, that’s alright. Marinette does the same thing sometimes.” Alya said and Marinette groaned.
“I need to practice,” Marinette whined, “All of Jiù Huang’s kids speak it so well. And then Li speaks it for formal conversation, and he acts like he’s one-upping me! Upping me on what! And then he always switches for some reason, and I don’t know what language he’s using!”
Marinette was practically fuming, Bridget couldn’t stop the smile that came on her face before she rolled back to her previous position.
“I know what you mean, Bao does it all the time. I think that’s where the entitled brat got it from,” Bridget went back to tossing the orange between her hands.
“Bridget,” Marinette hissed, her face scolding.
“You know I’m right, he’s a brat.” Bridget pointed at her orange in hand.
“We don’t need to call him names,” Marinette huffed.
“I feel like that’s a great reason to call him names,” Alya grinned and leaned back in her seat. “Also it’s not like you had time to learn Mandarin from your mom, she has the bakery to run.”
“They could have practiced while running the bakery together,” Bridget chimed in pealing her orange. “Also our Mǔqīn was the same way with me. Sabine knew French, Mandarin, English, and I think one or two more. Bao knows, er, so many I don’t think I could list them all, and Huang studies mostly dead or dying languages and cultures.
“English wasn��t my first language but it became my primary language very quickly. I don’t Mandarin as much as I’d like, but I’m fluent in English, and I’m able to hold continuous conversations in French. I studied Spanish in high school and still practice it with friends.
“Even with Sabine being busy with running the bakery she could have been teaching her, or even while having dinner together,” Bridget set the peel on her stomach and popped an orange in her mouth. “I love her to death but Sabine sometimes forgets that multitasking is an option.”
Alya and Marinette shared a look, Alya raised an eyebrow at Marinette. Marinette just shrugged, she faced her aunt, “Uh, Āyí Bridget-”
Bridget's phone went off, in a high-pitched beeping. Bridget winced much like the teen girls. I really need a new ringtone for business calls , she thought as she sat up retrieving her phone from the floor, “Oh. I need to take this.”
Bridget threw her peal in Marinette’s trash before opening the trapdoor, “Love you, sweetheart. Nice seeing you again Alya, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do ladies.”
Bridget could barely make out them saying goodbye as she hastily made her way done the stairs.
“Hey Donna what’s the deal,” Bridget opened the front door making her way to her apartment.
“Diana set word back, she says she’s going to come back sooner than planned.”
“Did she say when?” Bridget got her keys out unlocking the door. She told Makzenie that the door would be locked so she knew that it would be very likely someone who was coming in wasn’t someone they didn’t trust.
“No, but she said she trusts you to work it carefully until she can come deal with it. She wants you to stay there for as long as necessary, she’s talking to her mother so she knows as much as possible about the jewels as possible. So just hold tight, do what you believe is the right way to go,” Donna finished as Bridget waved to Makzenie before going into her room.
“I’ve got everything to contact my brother, with that from Diana I’m bringing him in if it’s possible he can come,” Bridget said getting her laptop up and on.
“Just be careful, maybe contact the kids yourself. I don’t want you or them kids being risky,” Donna said sternly. Bridget sighed, “Don’t worry I will be.”
“Good, and for the love of Hippolyte come drink with me before you go scouting for Diana,” Donna exclaimed making Bridget laugh.
“Of course, of course, I promise I will next. Invite your arrow friend next time why doncha?”
“I will, we’ll bring Zatanna and Hood too.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Bridget laughed. “I’ll talk to you if I need anything.”
“Alright then.”
Bridget held back a sigh as she opened up her laptop, she stared at it for a moment. Why was she getting on it again? She couldn’t remember, but it’s fine she can go call her brother up instead. Summon was probably a better term if she was being honest.
After dinner Sabine let her go in the storage room, “Just don’t blow anything up.”
“I won’t Xia,” Bridget grinned at her. Sabine just gave her a stern look not amused in the slightest.
“I’m not joking, we can’t afford for you to make a mess in here,” Sabine said lifting some bag of flour onto another table.
“Xia come on, Huang made the spell himself. He wouldn’t have given it to me if it made an explosion.” Bridget set her notebook down, careful not to let anything fall out. “It’s just a quick “Hey come help me, some kids are fighting an adult man-child over and with ancient magic!” it shouldn’t take long. Besides, he loves learning about new magics. He doesn’t constrict himself like most magic users, he’ll have more at his disposal.”
“Just be careful, I don’t want more magical residue on my Patisserie than the Bug, Cat, and Moth have already left,” Sabine all but huffed as she moved the now cleared table against one of the shelves. “How come, Huang, didn’t send me the spell when he first made it anyway?”
Bridget looked over at her sister, she hadn’t turned around she was still facing the shelves.
“I guess he didn’t want to send you it since you’re so antsy with magic. I mean, you know how you get sometimes. At least with-”
“I know,” Sabine cut her off. “I just,” she sighed. “I’m scared really, because what if one-day Ladybug can’t stop the Akuma and save everyone? What if that’s the day I finally lose my baby?”
“Oh Xia,” Bridget pulled Sabine into a hug, the short woman stiff for a moment before relaxing. “I promise Huang and I will do anything to keep that from happening. Bao may be distant but I know he’d drop every one of those twisted protocols to come and get her back for you.” Bridget pulled away and held her sister’s face making sure she was looking at her, “You’re his sister, he loves you so much that he took your place. He would do anything for you, for me, or for Huang. But you have always been his favorite.
“Oh come Xia just let it out for once, I won’t let a single butterfly near you,” Bridget finished, Sabine’s eyes stung trying not to cry. But for her sister she let them fall, she let them fall but she barely made a sound.
“I don’t want to lose her Baihu, I can’t live without her. She’s so kind, she’s pure, I don’t think Tom and I could handle losing her,” Sabine sobbed. “I don’t want them to take her when she turns sixteen.”
“And I won’t let them,” Bridget held her sister tight. “They aren’t going to take her, I won’t let them.”
“You don’t know the League like we do Baihu, Mǔqīn took you away from it. Marinette wouldn't survive it, how she’s dealt with this I don’t even know but they’d break her so quick,” Sabine shook her head. “I don’t want that for her, I don’t want a life of fighting for her. We’ve already had our fair share of it but Marinette deserves to be happy, to be normal.”
“Xia,” Bridget held her sister’s hand, “We can hide her away, glamour spells work wonders when done right.”
“She doesn’t deserve to be hidden away,” Sabine mumbled out.
“We’ll find another solution,” Bridget stated firmly. “I can bring it up to Huang real quick and then you can talk to him yourself when he gets here.”
Sabine took a deep breath, and steady her breath as she gave a nod, “Okay.”
“You want me to call Tom to help you back to your room?”
“No, no I can do it. I just need a moment,” not even a minute after saying so Sabine got up and left the storage room. The young woman now left alone took a breath before turning to her notebook and taking out the folded paper, “Here it goes to peaceful spells.”
She laid the items as instructed around a circle with an emblem that looked like a Hanzi for connect. The bone was the farthest away from the caster; a sheet of mulberry bark on the left; an Azalea across from the mulberry bark; and lastly a coin from the Han dynasty, with a Vermillion bird on it.
“You always loved being as meaningful as possible,” Bridget shook her head as she prepared to speak in incantation. “Here we go.
“Venire, ire. Lái, qù.” - The Hanzi started to glow a light blue - “Hic vel illic, sed non ubique. Zài zhèlǐ huò nàlǐ, dàn bùshì wú chù bùzài.”- The circle started to glow the same shade of light blue as the Hanzi had a mist come from it. -“Invocans, vocatum, Huang Cheng, ille Phoenix.Hūhuàn bèi hū zhào de rén, Huáng Chéng fènghuáng.”
More mist came up as she finished, once she had finished the mist spun around before a figure appeared.
“Who calls upon me, Huang, Tayir Alfiniq!” He figure called out in dramatics, the circle and the Hanzi still glowing beneath him. The mist still mostly concealed him, leaving him to be just a shadow in the room.
“Huang it’s me, your sister, Bridget. Baihu Cheng,” Bridget spoke up before her bother continued with his dramatic monologue of himself.
“Aw come on Bridg, couldn’t have let me say the whole thing? Zatanna let me,” Huang grumbled at the end, with a sweep of his hand the mist cleared. Only going up to his knees, “What do you need Bridget, because if you called me for something stupid I will lose my shit.”
Bridget smirked, “Yeah I need you to do me a solid and curse one of my exes.”
“Goddamn it, Bridg,” Huang pinched the bridge of his nose. “What did this one do?”
“I’m kidding I promise,” Bridget said with a laugh. “Well mostly, anyway I,” Bridget let out a sigh, “I need you to help me out in Paris.”
Huang frowned, “Why? What’s going on?”
“There’s a magic war going on, practically kids fighting so this old man doesn’t get their jewelry. According to my sources, it’s ancient magic, some of the oldest from the sounds of it.”
“How come I’m just hearing about it?”
“I just found out almost a month ago. I needed to observe first, not to mention we’re helping a kid that asked for help,” Bridget crossed her arms and leaned on one leg. A more comfortable position in her opinion.
“How is that?” Huang softened uncrossing his arms.
“I can tell you all about it when you get here, I just want to ask you a quick question,” Bridget said redirecting them.
“That being?”
“Have you heard of the Miraculous?”
Huang’s eyes widened as he hummed, “Do you remember that headline in May about the old temples in Tibet coming back with monks living in them? As if by magic.”
“Yeah, I remember Zatanna and Constantine bringing it up when it first was covered,” Bridget’s brows came down. “Are you saying that the Miraculous had something to do with the temple?”
“Those temples were where the Order of the Miraculous protected them until almost two hundred years ago,” Huang explained. “The League has always sought after them for their selfish needs.”
Bridget turned away from her brother her chest tight. The League could be why no one knew about it, Bridget doubted Sabine would be the one reporting this to them. Bridget rubbed her temples, this was bad. Possibly worse than bad.
“Sabine still hasn’t been able to have more kids since Marinette,” Bridget said facing the magic user again. His face became dark with understanding, “It’s almost time.”
“Exactly, she doesn’t want to lose her but…”
“The League won’t give her a choice.” Huang sighed before giving a small smile to his little sister, “You always put a lot on my plate.”
His image became fuzzing as the spell began to eat up the last of its materials.
Bridget couldn’t help but smile back, “What kind of sister would I be if I didn’t?”
“I’ll be heading there shortly, should I bring my family? Or is too dangerous?”
“Leave them, you’ll know why when you get here,” Bridget shook her head. His image was almost gone as he nodded, “See you then.”
“See you then,” she affirmed as his image finally dissipated.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So Bridgat spoke a spell made by Huang, it’s spoken in Latin and then the same line is repeated in Mandarin.
“ To come, to go.
Here or there,
But not everywhere.
Calling upon the one called,
Huang Cheng,
The Phoenix. “
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scenarts · 2 years
Le Monde - Comment êtes vous arrivé dans la troupe ?
Une série de David Riviere avec Alexandre Jamme - Loli Van Denbulck - Fabrice Gerbaud - Ninon Rivière Gardet - Alessandro Levy - Mila Labetoulle - Rafael Possolo - Arthur Cherel - Elina Aflalo - Simon Ledoare - Celeste Marguerittes Santos - Yohan Franck - Claire Redfield - Romain Gambini / Virginie Gambini -  Patricia Pin - Jocelyne Leonelli - Melyn Dreysse - Mirela Andée
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Ande Black Patent Clutch, $38.
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Aimé Césaire, Cahier d'un retour au pays natal / Return to My Native Land, Foreword by Andé Breton, Translation by Emile Snyder [starting from a translation made by Yvan Goll and Lionel Abel, pre-1956], Présence Africaine, Paris, 1971
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horseweb-de · 4 months
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twowk · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Andé Vintage 60s Reptile Hard Case Shoulder Bag.
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tunanta · 5 months
Holuu, mi pregunta sería ¿cómo estas vos?
holiii anon, gracias por preguntarme 🤍
no sé, me siento dms confundida últimamente, pq de la nada arranco a llorar mientras hago mis cosas. no sé realmente
tmp son cosas re preocupantes
Mil gracias🤍
Espero vos andés bien, y si querés contarme cómo estás vos, mandame otro ask 🫶
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futbolverdadero · 10 months
#Entrevista: EKAITZ DE LUIS: "Creo que en categorías inferiores, entrenador y formador deben ir de la mano en nuestro trabajo al estar con equipos en etapa formativa"
Hoy vamos a conocer a otro joven técnico asturiano que lleva pocos años formando a niños dentro de su comunidad. Vamos a conocer la historia y el trabajo de Ekaitz de Luis, no cuenta su trayectoria y opinión sobre este futbol. ¿Cómo recuerda Ekaitz sus inicios en los banquillos? Un poco como un paso natural desde lo que estaba haciendo. Después de jugar en las inferiores de mi club, el Andés…
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leanstooneside · 1 year
He who won't be advised, can't be helped (FOREMAN)
Gozer the Traveler
you the Gatekeeper
EGON The storage
it's the building
instance the presence
EGON The structure
Hotel The Ghostbusters
me the address
In The Name
After the First
andÉ the light
WINSTON The dead
Vuldronaii the Traveler
exit the building
What the hell
floor; the disturbances
she's the Gatekeeper
country the Ghostbusters
HQ The secretary
Insert the trap
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liviaserpieri · 1 year
Laclos fu un rivelatore di sogni. Non voglio dire un esorcista. Rivelò i sogni del proprio tempo col solo procedimento che esista: dando loro la vita, Facendoli entrare nell'ampio dominio dei sogni di tutti, quello in cui gli uomini promessi alla morte contemplano con invidia i personaggi per un momento padroni del loro destino
Andé Malraux
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