galliversary · 4 months
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Gallifrey Zine: Pre-Orders Open
In honor of the 20th anniversary of Big Finish’s Gallifrey audios, we are thrilled to present Pride & Politics: A Gallifrey Fanzine.
The zine features 100+ pages of new fanart and fanfiction, celebrating every series of the show!
*If you are from Russia and are unable to buy via the main shop, you may purchase the zine through Boosty. (Please note that Boosty prices are slightly higher due to Boosty's higher processing fees.)
Our Terms of Service also apply to Boosty orders.
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⭐️ Stretch Goals ⭐️
Sales of Academy, Heartshaven, Citadel, and Presidential bundles count towards our stretch goals!
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⭐️ Promo Special ⭐️
If you reblog this post, retweet our Twitter thread, or share the link to our posts/store on another social media site, this Trey postcard will be added for free to each physical bundle in your order—yes, even the Academy bundle!
To claim this reward, please fill out THIS FORM, so we know which order is yours.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 30 days
I'm rewatching The Invasion of Time right now and I'm sorry, but whenever I see this
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All I can think about is something like this
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georgiacooked · 4 months
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Gallifrey sticker sheet #3! Venturing into (semi) headcanon territory. Featuring Darkel, Torvald, Andred, Omega and Arkadian.
I knew exactly what Omega was going to look like in my style. I knew exactly what was going to happen. And yet...
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gawayne · 9 months
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honestly fix yourselves. christ
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boytoyandred · 5 months
Love the fact that after Andred died, Narvin just looked at the vacant Gallifrey's Boytoy position, went "is anyone gonna do anything about that?" and didn't wait for an answer
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The Doctor: I just want you to know that I used to think there was no one in the universe good enough for Leela. Andred: [smiles] The Doctor: ...and I still think that.
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It’s apparently torvin brainrot hours
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natequarter · 2 years
andred is a hilarious character because he appears exclusively in a serial designed to marry leela off, a book which implies he's the doctor's dad (and calls him leela's boytoy), and an audio series where he kills a guy, fakes his death, fucks narvin, calls romana a liberal, and then dies. no explanation is ever given for his actions
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thenugking · 2 months
going insane about Andred Gallifrey again.
he discovered the free time plot. he resolved to single-handedly stop the free time plot. he killed the guy responsible for the free time plot. He could've stopped there, he could've been the hero who saved the planet!!! If he'd just waited, he could've seen that without Torvald, there was no more free time movement on gallifrey!!
But he was convinced narvin was the traitor, but he didn't wait, but he took on another man's identity before his own personality had a chance to establish itself post-regeneration, because he was so committed to stopping the plot.
Did he ever realise that Narvin was innocent? That the reason he couldn't find the traitor among the other CIA opperatives was that he'd already taken them out? Or did he refuse to believe that? Did he refuse to accept that he was impersonating a dead man, destroying his life, being so cruel to Leela, for nothing at all? He knows too many classified CIA secrets to confess now. All he's got is carrying on, long after there stopped being an end goal, or any way out.
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stephadoo · 2 years
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6-and-7 · 7 months
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Time Ramvent Day 11: Saturday Super Stor It's Peter Davison's 'The Invasion of Time', and the Doctor has finally lost it. He's returned to take up the mantle of the Gallifreyan Presidency, a plotline which hopefully can be woven in at some earlier point. Tegan's been expelled from the Capitol, Turlough's gone on the run, and Nyssa's fallen in love with Maxil Andred! At least the TARDIS scenes look a bit better, even if Gallifrey's come over all beige.
Alt. versions under the cut
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galliversary · 4 months
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Presenting two gorgeous badge sets by our merch artists!
SERIES 1-3 BADGES: Pandora by @juliasfanart, Wynter by @juliasfanart, Darkel by @romanathree, & Andred by @thebyrdsthebeesandthemonkees
SERIES 4-6 BADGES: Trey, Interrogator General Leela, Daydream!Brax, & Chancellor Narvin by @ouidasart
Excited about these badges? Keep an eye out for our Citadel & Presidential Bundles!
Citadel Bundle: Will include one random badge set
Presidential Bundle: Will include both badge sets
(Full details on what is included in each bundle will be available at that time.)
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gallifreyanhotfive · 29 days
Spot the Difference
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That moment when Andred was going to give his identity as Torvald up in Weapons of Choice, even if it meant blowing his own cover because he genuinely thought Leela was going to kill him in front of Nepenthe because he loved Leela despite everything he's done he wanted her to know the truth of who he was.
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cleowho · 2 years
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The Invasion of Time - season 15 - 1978
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raspberry-gloaming · 7 months
Oh! So Romana is talking about Brax! I know this bit the main thing I know about him is his art collection!
...oh so it wasn't him who did it?
ik this bit ik the lore that regenerated Andred is impersonating Torvald, but I didn't realise it would come up so early in the show. Ik it and then stuff has stuff with someone called Pandora? who possessed Romana and got Romana to kill Andred? but I thought that wasn't until series 2 and 3, but perhaps I'm mistaken
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