#Angus Macgyver & Thornton
hoss-acm · 2 months
My Sister asked me to make her a MacGyver wallpaper so I might as well share it to you guys too.
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simplysummers · 7 months
Summer’s headcanons: Faves sexualities! ✨
I realised I’ve never actually confirmed my headcanons for my faves and their sexualities! Of course I know with the Glee kids most of their sexualities are confirmed, but I still wanted to include them in this list. I also just want to clarify I’m only including my absolute FAVES on this list, I do have HCs for other characters who may not make that list. (IE: Quinn Fabray is a lesbian and in this essay I will-)
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Patricia Thornton - MacGyver (2016).
Kit Walker - American Horror Story (Asylum).
Henry ‘Hank’ McCoy/Beast - X-Men series.
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler - X-Men Series.
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Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver - X-Men Series.
Angus ‘Mac’ MacGyver - MacGyver (2016).
Riley Davis - MacGyver (2016).
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto - X-Men series.
Alexander ‘Alex’ Summers/Havok - X-Men Series.
James Patrick March - American Horror Story (Hotel).
Sister Judy Martin - American Horror Story (Asylum).
Han Solo - Star Wars.
Fennec Shand - Star Wars.
Nicholas ‘Nick’ Duval - Glee.
Homo of the sexual
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Luke Skywalker - Star Wars.
Charles Xavier/Professor X - X-Men Series.
Jeffrey ‘Jeff’ Sterling - Glee.
Kurt Hummel - Glee.
Sebastian Smythe - Glee.
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Boba Fett - Star Wars.
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars.
Angus ‘Mac’ MacGyver - MacGyver (2016).
Token straight/is a CHILD
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Omega - The Bad Batch.
Hunter - The Bad Batch.
Kate McCallister - Home Alone.
Kevin McCallister - Home Alone.
Jack Dalton - MacGyver (2016).
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nade2308 · 1 year
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Mission Impossible (1996) and MacGyver (2016) parallels
Part 1 || Part 2
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dinosaurswant2rule · 1 year
More whump!
Jack has rescued MacGyver after a six month absence, he returns him home, his father insists his son is dead and that the man in front of him is not Angus.
Oversight orders 'tests' to be done.
Mac agrees to his father's demands to protect Dalton and the others from being punished
Basically James is earning his asshole badge of AO3, happy whumping!
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No matter how logical someone’s thoughts are, panic turns even the most prepared into a mess. Thoughts get scrambled, planning goes awry and primal fear takes over. Most people have things that set off this reaction and take active steps to avoid situations that might induce that level of terror. Unfortunately for me, my trigger kind of comes with the job.
‘Lilia,’ Mac said, drugged voice bordering on reasonable and snapping my spiralling thoughts away from the attempts to make sense of it all. Still, I tugged fruitlessly at the handcuffs as if it might suddenly change my situation.
My arms ached. While Mac was cuffed to a chair, IV taped into his arm, my arms were over my head. I could hear the long length of chain rattling like something out of a pirate movie. There wasn’t enough give to get to Mac, though. If I tried, I’d probably be a hair’s breadth away. Another little torture.
‘Breathe.’ Ewan’s soft voice, a memory of long attempts at learning escapology tricks, came to me. Right now, however, all his lessons evaporated. Fear, the fear of being caught, of being helpless, squashed any logical reasoning.
‘Lilia, it’s all right.’
‘How?’ I snapped, chest heaving as I focused on Mac. His head lolled back against the chair. Who knew what was being pumped into his system and there was nothing I could do about it. ‘How?’ I repeated, but this time my voice was little more than a desperate whine.
‘Because it’s us,’ he reasoned, voice almost normal. It was as if the drugs weren’t affecting him at all. As if everything was –
I shook my head, a sense of hopelessness bloomed inside my chest. My gaze drifted up to the chains holding me in place. Trapped. We were trapped and powerless and –
‘You’re shuffling cards,’ Mac said, pulling my gaze his way.
‘No, I’m not,’ I said, completely missing the point by the expression on his face.
‘Think about the sound,’ he continued. ‘The feeling.’
Forcing myself to swallow my panic, I tried to follow his lead. I imaged shuffling, the snickering sound of cardboard against cardboard. The constant rhythm that changed as I waterfalled the cards.
‘Dislocate or pick, your choice, Lil.’
‘Yeah, let’s go with picking you psycho.’
‘I need a clip,’ I said, trying to cling to the calm place, and the memories of Ewan. Escapology was his game, his attempts at bettering me in the dramatic arts of magic.
‘Your bun?’ questioned Mac, voice slightly dazed again.
I nodded, moved to stand on tiptoes. It was difficult, manoeuvring to get a clip, but not impossible. Once freed, it was a case of not fumbling, of getting the mechanism…
The cuff fell away and in an instant my arms were down. Every fibre of my being wanted to get rid of the metal from my wrists, the feeling of it there was making me sick, reminding me of the situation and threatening to bury me under the fear again. But Mac needed help, so I pushed the desire away.
Despite knowing he could do it, I unhooked the IV with one hand and picked with the other. It was stupid, but once both hands could work on the lock it was easier and he was freed in a couple of seconds.
‘Five minutes,’ came Patricia’s voice from over the intercom once Mac’s wrists were free.
I let out a sigh.
‘Pause,’ Mac said, voice alert and his attention on me. It was unlike him to break the character of the training. Concern pinched his brow, but by the little red light going off in the corner of the room, I knew Patricia had obliged. After all, today was about testing me, not putting him through his paces.
‘Are you all right?’
‘Sure,’ I said, trying to sound causal. I could hear the waver to my voice though, the fear that still clung to me. The longer we paused for, the longer the cold metal would bite into my wrist.
‘Lilia,’ he said, but I shook my head before he could go any further.
‘Honestly, I’ll survive. Can we finish?’
Mac surveyed me for a moment, probably trying to read the lie. He might’ve been good, but he’d not been taught about human psychology, about the nuances of people, by Patrick Jane. I had. I knew how to school my features into something of a determined mask, to push aside the fear for the moment now that it wasn’t completely all encompassing. I knew it was something I’d have to learn to manage eventually, but at the moment all I wanted was to be out of the training room.
After a second, he nodded and knocked on the wall. The light in the corner flared red again and he settled back into the mockery of being drugged.
Sometimes I hated these training sessions, but hopefully it would all be over soon. Just one more lock stood in our way, and then I could relax.
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h0ur-glass · 1 year
MacGyver: Brothers AU
Hey here's just a little world-building for my AU where the original and reboot MacGyvers are brothers.
They both go by their last name. 1985 hates his first name more because that's how it was in the shows.
2016 can have the first name Angus because he actually gets called that in the show. 1985's first name is Stacey because that's what it was in the pilot episode script.
1985 is the older brother, of course. They have an age gap of about 5-8 years.
Modern setting but OG MacGyver dresses like it's the 80s and also just has a bunch of 80s stuff.
Pretty much everything that happened in the first reboot episode with Helman is canon in this AU, except Helman is named Murdoc, he's the age he was in the original, and it was his sister, Ashton, who was killed not his wife.
Dennis took Murdoc's favorite alter ego name and also goes by Murdoc now just to piss him off.
Jack Dalton:
Also brothers.
Their father didn't know 1985 Jack was born. Both of them were named after their father and unknowingly given the same name.
They didn't know each other existed until later in life.
Reboot Jack doesn't really like original Jack.
The other characters:
I'm not adding original Bozer or reboot Penny because they were both barely in the shows. I think reboot Bozer and original Penny would be friends though, because they are both interested in show business.
I'm not adding Patricia Thornton because I'm still mad that they rebooted Pete to be a villain while making Matt Webber into a hero.
Matty and Pete are friends and sometimes share tips on how to keep their respective MacGyvers from getting hurt or dying (they are both struggling).
Other stuff:
It is set in the modern setting. I'm definitely more of an OG MacGyver fan but I wasn't around in the 80s so modern setting is just easier for me.
Phoenix is both a think tank and also a secret government agency. Both the MacGyvers work in different buildings but sometimes are called in to help each other out.
I don't really know reboot MacGyver that well so if any of this seems way out of character feel free to let me know and I'll change it. Also, feel free to add any ideas! If anyone wants to use this AU feel free! You don't need to follow this list at all!
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Violent Psychopath + Abnormal Psychologist = Loving Relationship?
Fandom: CBS MacGyver (2016 reboot)
Pairing: Murdoc x Emmett Becker (fan character)
CW: uhh none? I think? Lemme know if anyone sees anything that should be tagged!!/gen
“Damn, poor Emmett’s ‘bouta get eaten alive in there!” came the very encouraging remark from Jack Dalton, a fairly new coworker of Dr. Emmett Becker.
Or rather, Dr. Becker was the new coworker to Jack, really, having only been working at the Phoenix Foundation for a month or so. It was, as usual, Angus MacGyver who served as the social glue that held their little friend/colleague group together, and it was Mac who had recommended Emmett be picked up by the Foundation to work there as their resident psychology expert.
In the short time that Emmett had been working at the Phoenix Foundation, they had found quite quickly that most situations escalated very fast here. One such situation was probably a week ago, during which a highly trained and very lethal assassin, dubbed by intelligence Suspect 218- and later revealed to have adopted the name Murdoc- had been sent to kill MacGyver and the rest of the crew, including Riley Davis, Jack Dalton and even Director Patricia Thornton.
It was a team effort of course, but the crew were more than willing to admit that Emmett’s astonishing psychological expertise as well as their highly attuned empathy may very well have helped save their lives by allowing them to get inside of Murdoc’s head and get him arrested.
Now, standing inside of one of the nation’s most secure supermax prisons, before a steel door, Emmett would soon have to face the man who almost killed four of their closest friends and colleagues.
They were here to glean further information of Murdoc on a number of things from his past kills to any associates still out in the field. He was a veritable treasure trove of information and Emmett knew that.
It didn’t make it any easier or less terrifying to step through the door as it clicked to unlock and the guards swung it open.
As Emmett stepped through and into the small room, they instinctively and very immediately noticed everything about it: the gray concrete walls, the stark and harsh lighting coming from the light fixture above the steel table in the center of the room. And sitting at that table was Murdoc.
“Well, well, well” he started in what Emmett couldn’t tell was a delighted or mocking tone; maybe it was both, “What kind of little present has been sent to me now and perhaps more importantly, by whom?”
“Hello Mister Murdoc, I’m Dr. Emmett Becker. I’m a psychologist with the Phoenix Foundation. I’ve been assigned to your case. Or rather, I was assigned to your case when you tried to kill my colleagues. Let’s talk about that, shall we?”
Murdoc looked down at the table, chuckling a bit before raising his head again to meet Emmett’s eyes. They looked at the wall behind him, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“Hello, Dr. Emmett Becker!” he said, chipperly, artificially, and a little more loudly than necessary, “As you well know already, I am Murdoc. We can dispense with the formalities on my end, Doc, it's just Murdoc, no ‘mister’ necessary, mhm’kay?”
He paused after that, making a show of openly eyeing Emmett up and down from where they were sitting across from him. “Say, you really don’t look like a Phoenix agent… or really, any type of intelligence operative… you’re new aren’t you?”
He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
Emmett notices. They can see it in his body language, hear it in the languid voice he uses, this man really is a predator.
They respond in kind, giving up just enough information to gain some trust and repertoire with Murdoc.
“Alright Murdoc, you got me, I am indeed new to working at the Phoenix Foundation. And yes, I’m also new to the intelligence world in general. But, I assure you, I am qualified; psychology undergrad at UCLA, graduate and doctoral degree in abnormal psychology at Stanford, multiple years of research in academia at-”
Murdoc cut them off saying, “impressive, impressive.. Very impressive… but, Emmett- may I call you Emmett?- but what exactly makes you think you have any chance at all to get me to cooperate? Seeing as all of the previous therapists, psychiatrists and psychologists in my life have failed, of course. They were all wildly intelligent too, just like you. And I killed every last one of them.” he smiles darkly, “What is it that makes you believe you’re special?”
Emmett blinked owlishly at Murdoc before answering simply, “I don’t. I don’t think I am much of anything special. But I think you are. I think there are things worth hearing, worth learning trapped in your head. I’m just here to do that, just listen, listen and learn, Murdoc. Is that alright with you?”
Murdoc looked a little taken aback at Emmett’s honesty, genuinely surprised at how forthcoming they were being. Most professionals in their field were lying, cheating, backstabbing assholes that were master manipulators. In fact, one of Murdoc’s interests was in psychology for that very reason. They were exploitative tricksters. And yet, this one was so very unlike the others, so … charmingly candid.
Murdoc looked contemplative for a moment, the malice present there in his eyes before, now fading. He gazed at Emmett thoughtfully before speaking in a soft voice, “You…really mean that don’t you?”
Emmett simply nodded in response. They weren’t entirely sure what to make of Murdoc’s apparent change in demeanor yet but he quickly confirmed what they were guessing.
“Perhaps we will be having some more little chats in the future…but for now, I’m tired and want to take a nap, go on, run along now Doc, can’t wait for our next little conversation…”
Something about the way Murdoc had said it; it reeked of sarcasm, and yet, Emmett could tell some part of him was being sincere, he actually was looking forward to talking again. And that, that was something Emmett could leverage.
SO I’m reposting this (as of now, unfinished) series bc I posted it a looong time ago and basically I can’t find it 😭 so here it is again and for the newcomers ig!!
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/selfindulgentfandomstuff/757378264425725952/violent-psychopath-abnormal-psychologist
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bloodfromthethorn · 1 year
Some Assembly Required
Filling in a few of the prompts for @rosieblogstuff's June MacGyver Flashfic Writealong.
Also on Ao3
For a genuine, certified genius, Jack didn't think he'd met anyone as goddamn stupid as Angus Macgyver. The kid had brains and statistics and sheer, unstoppable determination in spades, but even after eight weeks in the field as a government agent he still hadn't quite picked up the habit of not charging headlong into active gunfire. He'd been warned about it repeatedly and occasionally with diagrams and yet, here they were again. Sure, Mac had insisted that he had a plan and, yes, technically his actions had been directly responsible for both neutralising the gunmen and incapacitating their target ready for capture, but it was the principle of the thing.
He genuinely didn't seem to grasp that the mission didn't matter to Jack if it got Mac killed.
Bizarrely, it made Jack think of flat pack furniture: the kid had all the right parts to become an incredible agent – clever, bold, determined,  good  – but getting it all to come together just right was still going to take some work. Some assembly required, as the saying goes. Which, on reflection, was pretty ironic considering Jack was sure Mac could put together an IKEA bookcase the same way that math whizzes could solve Rubik's cubes. All he'd need to do was blink and boom, there'd be a Kallax in the middle of his living room. 
…He might be getting off-topic.
The point was, the kid had the potential to be good. To be great, even. Jack was damn near certain that with the right guidance and a long enough lifespan to get some experience behind him, Mac could become one of the finest agents the US government had ever seen. The only problem was, he didn’t seem particularly invested in living long enough for that to happen. 
If it had been the first time, Jack might have been willing to let it go as youthful inexperience but if twice was a coincidence and three times was a pattern, then what did that make six times? In Jack's book, nothing good. Certainly nothing that he could allow to stand any longer. It had been a pressure point of their partnership ever since Mac graduated from spy school – with flying colours, needless to say – and it was long past time they sat down and dealt with it like adults.
At least, that's what he would have said if Mac hadn't rabbited the second he had the chance.
To be fair, hours later and more level-headed, Jack could admit that Mac was having a rough day. He’d had to tolerate Jack yelling in his face in the field, followed by getting the silent treatment the whole flight home, despite Mac’s multiple attempts at having a civil conversation. Then he’d arrived back in LA only to be absolutely reamed by Thornton for a solid twenty minutes, locked at Attention, staring straight ahead as the words washed over him. He hadn’t complained, he hadn’t flinched. Hell, he’d barely even blinked. 
And then, entirely unsurprisingly to anyone who’d been paying the slightest bit of attention, he’d done the one thing Jack hadn’t wanted him to: he’d taken himself home alone, and hadn’t been heard from since. 
In hindsight, he should have expected it. Mac was more open and pushy with Jack than with just about anyone, but he still had moments of doubt. Moments when Jack's rough edges had him concerned he'd somehow overstepped a line and ended up with him backing off like he was afraid he'd only do more harm if he stuck close. In their year and a half together, Jack had seen it a handful of times and it never failed to make him feel like an ass. Mac's trust in Jack's abilities was immense and nearly unbearable, but at the same time his belief in Jack's affection for him was fragile and gun-shy. All it took some days was a few harsh words, and the kid would retreat into himself like he'd been hit. 
After a long, stressful mission that was capped off by Jack kicking off over Mac's repeated failure to watch out for his own safety? Of course he'd make himself scarce. 
It was, coincidentally, the exact same reasoning for why Jack wasn't about to let him shut himself away.
He showed up at Mac's door roughly two hours after they'd landed back in LA. He'd been able to use the flight time to write most of his after-action report since he'd been looking for distractions to avoid talking to Mac, and debrief had been pretty short and sweet from his side. A quick detour to the showers to wash off the worst of the grime, and here he was, ready to mend some bridges. All he needed to do was keep his cool, the way he hadn't out in the field. He could do this.
On opening the front door to find the house eerily still and an opened first aid kit scattered across the kitchen counter, Jack rapidly started revising that statement.
“Mac?” He called out, automatically putting one hand on the sidearm tucked into the back of his jeans just in case. “You in here, bud?”
There was a long, tense pause. Then, quietly from down the hall, “Bedroom.”
Jack was moving before Mac had a chance to reach the end of the word. He didn't sound distressed or in pain, though there was definitely a lowness of tone that spoke of despondency, or perhaps resignation. He sounded a thousand miles from being happy that Jack was there.
Mac’s bedroom door was ajar, so Jack pushed it open with light fingers, still battling down the swell of adrenaline and panic so that he could at least try to start this conversation from a rational position. The room beyond was empty. “Mac?”
Fortunately for everyone involved, Mac didn’t give him long enough to freak out further before he appeared, whole and seemingly well, in the doorway to the ensuite. “Here,” he said lowly, raising one hand in a vaguely sarcastic wave. “What are you doing here? I thought you wanted to head home to get some sleep.”
“I– uh,” Jack started haltingly, automatically scanning Mac for anything that would justify someone scavenging the first aid kit and coming up empty. The dissonance between what he’d feared and the truth of what he could see before him clanged hollowly in his gut. “Uh, yeah. But I wanted to make sure you were alright first.”
Instead of rolling his eyes like Jack had expected him to, Mac just sighed. “I’m fine. Tired.”
“I’ll bet.” He paused, evaluating how he could push without forcing Mac to retreat even further. “Sorry, I’m not trying to get all up in your business, I promise, but– I saw the first aid kit and I thought… I dunno. Maybe something happened?”
Considering he’d walked up to Mac’s front door with a firm plan in mind, this was already going terribly. In all the time since they’d been back in the States, Jack had never felt so viscerally unwelcome in Mac’s home, and his own confusing jumble of emotions was certainly not about to help matters. Mac looked… exhausted. Worn down. Like Jack was just another in a long series of things Mac had had to put up with, when his daily quota for dealing with shit was already maxed out. Abruptly, Jack wondered if he hadn't actually made a huge mistake in coming here.
“It's nothing,” Mac responded woodenly. “Just a scratch.”
Jack's eyebrow crept up. “You trip and fall on your way through the door or something?”
“No, it's– Look. Why are you here? You seemed pretty keen to be rid of me earlier.”
It was Jack's turn to sigh, mentally rallying all the talking points he'd cued up on the drive over. “That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I owe you an apology. What you did back there was reckless as all hell and we do need to have a conversation about how you handle yourself on missions, but I shouldn't have yelled at you, and certainly not when we were still in the field. It was a shit way of handling my own panic and worse, it was absolutely the wrong way of trying to correct you. I'm sorry about it. I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again.”
The apology felt lessened somehow, delivered as it was across the wide emptiness of Mac's bedroom. Neither of them had moved from their posts by the room's respective doors. It was a far cry from the friendly chat around the firepit Jack had half-expected. 
The strain of it compelled him to continue. “You know, I forget how new you are to this. When we're out there and you're doing your thing, it's so hard to remember that you've only been doing this a few weeks. I shouldn't be surprised when you make a bad judgement call because you don't know any better yet. That's my bad, and I'll work on it, I promise.”
Mac still stood, unresponsive, gazing back at him with a faintly blank expression. He looked surprised, to a certain extent, but anything more was guarded away too carefully for Jack to parse. It was more than a little unnerving considering how easily Jack was usually able to read him.
“Mac?” He asked gently, caught off-guard by the complete lack of response. He’d expected either anger (likely) or warm relief (substantially less likely), so the absence of both felt out of place. Mac wasn’t usually one to take things like this lying down. “You okay bud?”
That drew a reaction out of him, finally, though not entirely the one Jack had hoped for. A line appeared between his eyebrows and he bit his lip for a moment, evidently weighing up what he wanted to say. And, of course, it was only now that Jack properly registered the kid didn’t just look tired – he looked pale. Alarm bells sprang into life so loudly, he nearly missed it when Mac finally responded. 
“There’s something I should have told you. You’ll be mad.” That was the only warning he gave before Mac reached up to tug at his loose-fitting shirt – one of Jack’s, he realised distantly – pulling the neck wide enough to reveal the neat line of stitches marching over the rise of his trapezius. The skin around it was red and puffy, freshly irritated. “One of those bullets got a little closer than I’d thought,” he explained before Jack could demand answers. “It’s shallow and it’ll be fine, but I know I should have told you about it.”
Jack’s first response was, unsurprisingly, to just about lose his shit. Finding out Mac was hurt was never an easy transition, but finding out he was hurt and that he’d purposefully hidden that fact? In any other circumstance, Jack would already be yelling. But. 
He’d already made that mistake once today. 
It didn’t help that it was obvious that was precisely what Mac was expecting from him, and that he’d already braced for it. He'd acquired that vacant, distant stare familiar to soldiers the world over who knew they were about to get the dressing down of a lifetime. Mac knew he was in trouble and he knew he couldn't talk his way out of it, so until the yelling was done, he'd checked out of the conversation. He'd just let it wash over him and do nothing more than hope that none of it was vicious enough to get through his armour. It was the same expression he’d worn when facing down Thornton. 
Except maybe Jack wanted to be done making that mistake. Maybe this time he could do what he should have done back out in the field. It wouldn’t make up for what he’d done, but maybe that wasn’t the point. 
“Ah, kid,” he said softly and tried not to wince when Mac’s head came up sharply in surprise. “What have you done to yourself?” 
He crossed the room slowly, like he was trying to approach a spooked horse, but it didn’t seem necessary. Mac had frozen in place to watch him. The view up close wasn’t actually as bad as he’d feared; as promised, the wound was relatively small – just skimming through the very top of his shoulder – and Mac had done a good job on the stitches. The wound was bad, but it could have been so much worse. 
Jack’s hand skimmed lightly over the ball of Mac’s shoulder, watching carefully as the damaged skin shifted and the stitches held. He’d still far rather that they’d been put in by a medical professional, but it was done and done well, so Jack made himself let it go with a quiet sigh. 
“You take some pain meds?”
Mac nodded. 
“And you cleaned it out good?”
“Yes. Honestly, I didn’t even know it was there until I got home and I… I just didn’t want to have to go all the way back to the office.”
Didn’t want to have to face Jack or Thornton again is what he didn’t say, but Jack fought not to let the sting of it show on his face. It was nothing he didn’t deserve. “Okay,” he said instead of arguing. Mac twitched in surprise again. “Just make sure you keep an eye on it for infection. If it gets worse, you’ll need to see a doctor, alright?”
“I can do that,” Mac said haltingly, clearly caught off guard. He let his shirt – Jack’s shirt – fall back into place, hiding the offending stitches from view. “I promise, I didn’t know about it before.”
“I believe you,” he said simply. It wasn’t the conversation he’d come here to have, and against all odds, the gunshot wound was somehow the lower priority topic. It was a testament to how badly the day had gone that Jack could admit that. 
Mac’s faint relief was palpable in the thin air between them and Jack hated to break it, but it had to be done. “We do need to talk though. About earlier.”
Instantly, all of Mac’s slack muscles snapped taut. He straightened up sharply, but didn’t speak.
All on Jack then. Okay. “Like I said, I didn’t handle it well earlier and I’m sorry for that. I shouldn’t have yelled. But we do need to talk about you putting yourself in danger like that. You can’t be doing it, Mac. Not if you want to stay in the field.”
Carefully, Mac stepped away. Ostensibly it was so he could perch on the end of his bed, but it was pretty clear it was so he could put some distance between them again. Given that they’d probably need it, Jack couldn’t fault the decision. 
“I didn’t take this job to be safe,” Mac said at length.
“You didn’t take it to die young neither.”
For the first time since Jack had arrived at his door unannounced, Mac showed a hint of frustration with a sharp sigh. “I’m not trying to get killed, you know.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re trying all that hard not to. Mac, you ran right into the middle of a gunfight. No vest or nothing. That scratch on your shoulder is nothing compared to what could have happened if you’d been even slightly less lucky.”
“I know that, but it worked, didn’t it?”
“That wouldn’ta mattered if you’d got killed doing it. Do you understand that? The mission don’t mean anything if I’m bringing you back to Bozer in a box.”
It was a low blow and the scowl on Mac’s face said he knew it. Still, he didn't snap back right away, something pensive buried in his expression beneath the frustration. The thing was, Mac knew he’d fucked up. He knew it wasn’t the first time either. Every time he put himself on the line, he saw his own failure in the abject panic that threatened to tear Jack apart at the seams, and yet he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He saw a path forwards and he took it, without ever really wanting to consider what it might mean for himself. 
In truth, he missed his own competence. He’d been a bad soldier, with his personal brand of conscientious objection and his chronic inability to follow orders, but he’d been an incredible EOD technician. He’d had some of the best stats in US Army history and he’d been quietly proud of that every day he’d woken up in the hell of the Sandbox. He hadn’t had a lot to feel proud about, lately. 
“I know,” he admitted lowly, dropping his gaze to stare hard at the floor between them. The last of his failing energy bled out of him in a rush. He slumped where he sat. “I know.”
Silence sat between them, Jack too surprised by the resigned admission to come up with anything intelligent to say and Mac too shamefaced to continue defending indefensible actions. Eventually, Mac decided that the only way forward was the truth. It couldn’t hurt more than the secrets had done, surely. 
“I don’t know that I’m cut out for this job,” he confessed. “Doesn’t feel like I’m doing all that well.”
Jack just barely refrained from snorting before he realised Mac was entirely serious. His eyebrows pinched up in strained disbelief. “Man, are you kidding? You’re the best recruit I’ve ever seen. Do you have any idea how many agencies would kill to get someone with even an ounce of your talent?”
Mac huffed, unconvinced.
“Look,” Jack pressed, caught out that this was something he even needed to say. Maybe he’d been being too hard on the kid all along. “I wasn’t joking when I said I forget how new you are to this. You’ve got some improving to do, sure, but that’ll come with experience. For someone who’s only been out of spy school two months, you’ve been doing insanely well. I mean it. I’ve never seen anyone adapt to this work better than you. There’s people who’ve been in the business for decades who couldn’t do what you do.”
He paused for a minute to let that sink in – though he had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn’t for a long time – then opted for a softer tone. “If you decide that you don’t want this job, then we’re out, no questions asked. I’ll fight Patty myself before I let her put you in the field when you don’t want to be there, but if it’s a matter of you thinking you’re not good enough? I promise you that you are.”
Mac’s whole body seemed to judder at that, eyes bright and wide. He looked lost, desperate for something – anything – to cling to. In the heat of his own anger, Jack had somehow missed just how much the day’s mishaps had shaken his partner. 
Slowly, he crossed the space between them and crouched down to put himself on eye level with where Mac was sitting. He didn’t reach out, wary of touching when it may be unwelcome, but tried to put on his best reassuring expression. “You hear me Angus? You’re doing just fine.”
There was a long, expectant pause and Jack felt his heart faltering in his chest before Mac gave a very hesitant nod, accepting the comfort if only just. Jack breathed out in a rush. Without stopping to let himself think about it anymore, he sat up and leaned in to pull Mac into a hug, pressing his head down against Jack’s shoulder and holding him there. A few heartstopping moments later, Mac reached out and wrapped his arms around Jack in return. 
“Thank you,” he mumbled quietly after a long moment. 
Jack just squeezed him a little tighter, mindful of his shoulder. It was still a long road ahead of them, but Jack had never been so certain of anything as he was that Mac was strong enough to take it. The kid had never once let a little hardship slow him down, and Jack was determined to be beside him every step of the way, ready to lend a shoulder to lean on whenever he needed it. He might have been too focused on everything else to notice the cracks starting to form in Mac’s supports, but he wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice.
“It ain’t nothing,” he told him. “We’re going to be okay, hoss. Promise.”
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ao3feed-macgyver2016 · 8 months
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rosieblogstuff · 2 years
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I posted 1,733 times in 2022
That's 1,640 more posts than 2021!
196 posts created (11%)
1,537 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,191 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#macgyver - 581 posts
#jack dalton - 142 posts
#angus macgyver - 115 posts
#fanfiction - 108 posts
#macgyver 2016 - 103 posts
#wip wednesday - 41 posts
#ask games - 39 posts
#macgyver fanfiction - 32 posts
#fic rec - 26 posts
#cairo day 2022 - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#with parenting there's always the assumption that someone else is there to babysit or drive or volunteer or whatever parent task needs doing
My Top Posts in 2022:
This crossover is canon now right?
Nothing will disappoint me less than if, in mid-April 2024, The Rookie doesn’t produce an episode in which two middleaged women steal a police car from the Mid-Wilshire Station, go on a wild joyride through LA, and disappear in a mysterious flash of light right when they get cornered. I demand this Easter Egg storyline that Star Trek has teased me with! I mean, c’mon:
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31 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Jack + Matty’s Plan (whatever it was)
Mac might be our titular hero but Jack is absolutely the glue that binds so many of the relationships in the show together. And Jack and Matty is s really interesting one. Jack was so alarmed when he found out Matty was replacing Thornton, because of… whatever happened between Jack and Matty in the CIA. And aside from the assless chaps cold open (for which I would like to send the scriptwriters my deep and everlasting appreciation), we can only guess what all went on back then. 
Jack was plenty quick to turn Thornton in even though he and Mac spent years working close with her, including in the field. He refused to believe in Nikki’s innocence, and he and Mac were even closer with Nikki. But Matty? Jack’s trust for Matty is on a whole other level, right up there with his trust in Mac. 
I love this little scene in 2x17 where the team debates why Matty tried to lie to Mac about knowing his dad and if they can still trust her:
Mac: I can’t just ignore this. She already lied to me once.
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Bozer: She can’t hide this. Jack found actual proof she was investigating your Dad.
Mac: No. We found proof Matty was compiling a dossier. We have no idea what was in the actual report.
(interrupted by Riley’s arrival but then…)
Riley: I swept through every government server and I found nothing. Either that report on your Dad is so top secret no one has access to it, or it simply doesn’t exist anymore.
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31 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Given a small amount of information about what James MacGyver has been up to for 15 years in regards to Mac, Murdoc would kill him for free. He would do it because it would fall under his “free human trash removal” policy, and he’d hope it would hurt the Phoenix. And also because, unlike the rest of the characters who ought to be trying harder to separate Mac from James, Murdoc wouldn’t mind if Mac’s upset over his trash father’s death, because you know, sometimes the things that are good for you are not things you enjoy, like going to bed on time or eating more vegetables. 
Just imagine if Matty had quietly slipped Murdoc just the right info around 3x3...
39 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Ok so we’re almost on to the next rewatch episode and before we get there....  I must confess that I LOVE 2x13 for all the Jack parts. Like everything with Jack in this episode is gold. I mean, the robot apocalypse is fun, there are some really great Mac lines, and I love that Bozer’s out there having his back for once. But I love, love, love Jack’s high school reunion. I love the hilarious, over-the-top awkwardness of the whole thing. I love it because it’s like any high school reunion. Like literally, trust me here, if you’ve never been to a high school reunion? This vibe is SO accurate. 
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High school reunions are a weird mind game. You’re suddenly stuffed in a room with people whose opinions deeply mattered to you when you were ~17 years old. And so what if you haven’t given those people one second’s thought in 9.5 years? (or maybe 24.5, if you’re Jack!) It doesn’t matter how long it’s been or if you’re never going to see those people again, you’re probably also going to have that sudden, desperate need to prove you didn’t turn out to be some kind of loser.
But of course Jack’s reunion is like any awkward high school reunion x100, because of course Jack has to stick with the whole “bathroom tile salesman” cover story. Matty made sure to remind us all about it right at the start of the story so we can foresee Jack’s troubles coming from miles away.
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82 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
While I’m still talking about 2x13 I also love the scene at the end where Jack tracks down Korman. Because here’s Jack, taking on some unknown number of potentially dangerous badguys all by himself, like the badass CIA agent he used to be. 
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110 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wntersnow · 2 years
Happy 6th Year Anniversary MacGyver
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simplysummers · 6 months
Patti and Jack (mostly Patti) being unserious lovers, friends, parents and agents for ten minutes straight
If you’re thinking ‘wait, summer, haven’t I already seen this?’ Yes you have. But I was an idiot and messed up the overlays so I had to do it AGAIN. Also I just added more clips because I forgot how fucking funny these two are.
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harpist-errant · 4 years
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dinosaurswant2rule · 1 year
Writing updates
It occurs to me that I've done quite a lot of writing in August (good or not is a separate question)
Anyway here are the last four stories I updated in August. I've done my very best to tag these, apologies if I have missed anything and feel free to hit me up on here or AO3 if I've not tagged appropriately
Jack Dalton enters prison undercover to meet a young man raised in a cult to stop a notorious drug lord (yes it's based around that episode)
MacGyver is captured by the enemy in Pakistan, tortured and trapped he fights to survive (a nod to the pilot the pilot that never was from @dashboardonfire)
I wrote a short chapter on my first Good Omens fanfic! I'm so proud of myself!
MacGyver is rescued by Jack after being imprisoned for six months. When he returns his father refuses to acknowledge him, convinced that he isn't his son
An AU where Jack and MacGyver never met in Afghanistan. They find each other later when Dalton rescues Mac from Murdoc
Mac and Desi fight for their lives after a bomb goes off on a mission
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cunninghamh2014 · 3 years
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data2364 · 4 years
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Richard Dean Anderson  1991  in MacGyver     "Hind-Sight“
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