#Anime Summit Teaser
geekpopnews · 8 months
Anime Summit Teaser | Burnout Syndromes e Hiroaki Tommy pela primeira vez no DF
Pela primeira vez no DF, a banda Burnout Syndromes e o icônico cantor Hiroaki Tommy Tominaga, são presença confirmada no Anime Summit Teaser. #AnimeSummitTeaser #BurnoutSyndromes #HiroakiTommyTominaga
Abrindo o calendário dos eventos geek em 2024, o Anime Summit Teaser trará duas grandes atrações internacionais para Brasília. A banda Burnout Syndromes e o cantor Hiroaki Tommy Tominaga desembarcam na capital pela primeira vez para shows únicos. Subindo aos palcos no sábado (3/2), a banda Burnout Syndromes conhecida por interpretar temas de muitos animes famosos, como Haikyuu!!, Dr. Stone,…
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
Hi! Any thoughts on the 'hidden track' at the end of the Bonus DLC Tracks for the new Dragon Age Vinyl set? "D'Read Koda" can be interpreted so many ways but 'dread bear'? Coda, the musical notation? (Do you suppose there's any connection to the bear and maiden graffiti art we see several places in Inquisition [or any connection between that mural and the one from The Missing {moon atop the bear and halla horns on the maiden?}])
Hi! Thanks for the ask! :D And yeah, I've been super curious about this as well! (And also the pre-sale for the vinyl now starting at the same day that the final volume of The Missing is coming out, May 10th 👀 but ALSO everything about the cover, like the GOLDEN CITY (omg???), the enormous DRAGON (Mythal???), the vines/tree branches (like Mythal's vallaslin/visions of her conquering in Trespasser??), the ECLIPSE in the background (according to Dalish mythology Mythal "created" the moon/"An Eclipse as Fen'Harel stirred"??), the summit/mountain beneath it (!!) and that single hooded person (with a staff resembling the headpiece of one of the two figures in the 2020 teaser mural/symbols in the new cinematic)?? The potential LORE revelations on this thing are absolutely bonkers, but I digress! 😂)
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Anyway! I actually thought something similar when I first saw that mysterious hidden track name, that it has to be some kind of anagram or wordplay, given how much BioWare LOVES to do those and also with the musical term "coda" being spelled with a "k" for some reason, but what stood out to me especially was the random apostrophe that's in there, since the devs are also known for their (internal) "disputes" about the extensive use of apostrophes in DA for the elven language and names. lol
So to me the odd spelling plus the random apostrophe points more to it being an anagram for a specific elven term, but I have yet to decipher what it could be. 🤔
My second thought was if this "hidden track" could actually just be the final part in the "extended version" of the Lost Elf theme (starting at about 10:13), but then I looked up the game's files and noticed that this specific tune actually plays (though only once) when you first get to the Darvaarad and the full piece is about 2:40 minutes long (the hidden track being only 1:08), leading me to think this is probably what's titled "Qunari Atmosphere" on the tracklist. And after going through all the Trespasser music files I could find, there was nothing hinting at something like "D'Read Koda" either. :/
But you're right, "Koda" is also a term in the Dakota language meaning "friend/ally" or "little bear", but I'm completely at a loss as to what that could refer to. For all we know, it could be a reference to frigging Storvacker. 😂
As for your second question though, since you brought up "The Bear and the Maiden" painting/mural in connection to the mural in volume 3 of The Missing, there are actually a few other interesting aspects to this that I've been thinking about, but before I start rambling get to that point, let me just put the rest under a cut so people don't get spammed with an exhaustingly long text post. lol
First off, for reference, this is the painting we're talking about, featured in various places throughout DAI!
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People have made quite a few speculations about this imagery over the years. For one, given that it is not exclusively found in elven ruins and filed under "Fereldan art" in the game's files, some people assume it could depict an old legend of the Alamarri. Others have suggested that it's actually just a little easter egg in reference to the "The Bear and the Fair Maiden" song in ASOIAF. lol
But by far the most popular take on this, is that this is depicting the elven gods Dirthamen and Ghilan'nain. Based on Ghilan'nain's sacred animal being the halla and the lady with her all white appearance and her antlers kinda resembling one as well. And Dirthamen's sacred animal being a bear (among others, I think). Which would pose the question though, why these two are portrayed in such a way, when there's nothing in the lore that could give us an explanation?
To me, it almost looks like the maiden is trying to calm the bear down/keep him in check, who has gone out of control and is now turning into a wild beast (that can apparently also breath fire? lol). With what we know of Ghilan'nain now, it's definitely possible that her horrifying experiments and creation of all kinds of freaky creatures might have inspired such imagery.
So, while I can see how you could draw a parallel to the mural in volume 3 with the way they're positioned/embrace each other, I don't know what else to derive from this, other than that it would point to the bottom "red one" being Ghilan'nain and the "green one" being Andruil and not the other way around, or that Andruil was maybe able to shapeshift into a bear? lol But if we're going with my assumption that the bear is losing control over itself, maybe it could refer to the stories of Andruil succumbing to madness from hunting the Forgotten Ones in the Void. As opposed to the mural in the comic, where they seem to be rather peacefully in love (to me at least).
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But while we're at it, let us go back to Ghilan'nain and Dirthamen's potential connection real quick (because I've been thinking about it 😶)! What's interesting to me, is that these two have actually been mentioned together in the lore, too, looking at this ancient elven writing for example that is only revealed to you when using Veilfire at the Temple of Mythal:
"His crime is high treason. He took on a form reserved for the gods and their chosen, and dared to fly in the shape of the divine.The sinner belongs to Dirthamen; he claims he took wings at the urging of Ghilan'nain, and begs protection from Mythal. She does not show him favor, and will let Elgar'nan judge him."
"For one moment there is an image of a shifting, shadowy mass with blazing eyes, whose form may be one or many. Then it fades."
So there we have the two being involved in what appears to be a judgement on someone serving under Dirthamen, because of Ghilan'nain's actions. While we don't know how much of this actually happened, it definitely makes you wonder about their intentions here. Why would Ghil do this? And why specifically to someone serving under Dirthamen? What was the outcome? And what does this tell us about their relationship? (And now that I think about it, what if this sinner was actually the bear in the mural? lol)
As for the sinner himself. Now, I don't know about you, but when I reread this codex again after several playthroughs, particularly the “shifting, shadowy mass with blazing eyes” at the end, I thought “Wait. That kinda reminds me of something......”
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Look, I know it doesn't appear that way when looking at my blog for like five minutes, but I certainly don't think that every single codex entry on elven myths should be automatically assumed to be about Solas. 😂 That being said, I can't help but feel like there's a connection to be made when looking at this other ancient inscription, that can be found in the final chamber of the Solasan Temple:
Faintly carved into the stone is a figure bound in chains. Two other figures have turned their gaze from the central image.
The script below the image is ancient, though Solas is able to provide a partial translation:
Pride in our accomplishments and in our hearts. That same pride became (a word meaning corrupted or altered) within him, he sought to claim (indecipherable), cast from favor and so he was bound.
Hidden from mortal eyes, death lies within.
To me, this text always seemed to perfectly match up with the ancient writing in Mythal's temple. A person being judged for claiming (godhood?)/daring to fly in the shape of the divine (a dragon?), put in chains and "bound" as punishment (by Elgar'nan?). And again, there are two figures involved. If the events of these writings do connect, was this "sinner" the one belonging to Dirthamen, taking wings by the urging of Ghilan'nain and them now silently accepting Elgar'nan's judgement, making those two the "figures turning their gaze"?
The thing is, if I'm presented with an ancient elven text about someone's PRIDE being corrupted in a place called SOLASAN temple, how in the world am I NOT supposed to draw an immediate connection to Solas here? 😂 I'm not saying that the sinner in this story had to be him per se, but if the age-old theory about Solas having been a spirit of Wisdom once who somehow turned into Pride is true, then there's still the question of how or why exactly this corruption occurred? And, if anything, the story of this sinner would provide at least one possibility for what happened to someone who had been corrupted in ancient times.
"Cast from favor and so he was bound."
If Cole's cryptic comments in Trespasser are actually about Solas (and Mythal?), then it's safe to say that Solas was himself bound ("He left a scar when he burned her off his face"), which does make SO much sense, considering that he values free will above everything, his furious reaction to the Well of Sorrows is SO telling, oh and also, he lead a motherflippin Slave Rebellion. 😂
But if we're looking for further potential connections between Dirthamen, Ghilan'nain and Solas... Well, Dirthamen is not only called the Keeper of Secrets, but is also always associated with sharing wisdom, knowledge and giving counsel to those in need. His symbols also include two ravens. Wolf and raven being known for pretty cool 80s synthwave music having a special bond in many real life myths and legends.
And Ghilan'nain is the only elven god we know of who was a "huntress of the People" before she ascended to become the youngest of the elven pantheon (possibly because of her relationship with Andruil or her ability to "create" things). As far as we know, Solas was also one of the People before he "became" Fen'Harel. So they were very much alike in that sense.
There's also the tale in which Fen'Harel gets captured by Andruil, because he had angered her by “hunting the halla without her blessing”. Some people have taken this to mean that Solas made a move on Ghilan'nain or that they had something going, so naturally, given that Andruil and Ghilan'nain are believed to have also been lovers, she was not very amused about that. lol (Which would make the rest of the story even funnier, where Andruil declared to “punish” him by making him “serve in her bed for a year and a day to pay her back”. lmao)
Which brings us finally back to the mural in The Missing volume 3, that could depict Andruil and Ghilan'nain embracing each other, perhaps even romantically (btw, if you want to know why I think so, check out my post on volume 3. :D).
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I kinda joked about it at first, but if we assume that this mural was actually made by Solas as well, then you do have to wonder why he would even choose to paint such an intimate moment between Ghilan'nain and Andruil, people he arguably despises? Though it'll be interesting to learn what their relationship was like before his rebellion and Mythal's murder. I mean, who knows, maybe the before-mentioned tale actually happened and all three of them made out afterwards (willingly or not). 😂 (I mean, we're still talking about immortal beings here, so what else are they gonna do all day? lol) Or maybe Solas was just the Evanuris' personal portrait/mural painter at one point. lol
Anyway, to conclude, all of this is partially why I assumed for the longest time, that the two figures seen in the 2020 teaser mural could be Ghilan'nain and Dirthamen (also the fact that Dirthamen's vallaslin matched up perfectly with the silhouette of the right figure and obviously everything about Ghilan'nain and her horrifying experiments in Tevinter Nights).
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...but with everything we've learned since then, I'm now actually leaning more towards it being Ghilan'nain and Elgar'nan (if you want to know why, I highly recommend watching this fantastic analysis!).
The only thing that still kinda irks me with this, is the fact that the only elven god that's known for wielding a spear like this is actually Andruil.
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However, it is super suspicious to me how the "goddess" seen in this concept art seems to break out of what looks like huge ocean waves and how this "grey sludge stuff" from Ghil's ancient "pools" in Tevinter Nights was described to have "smelled like the ocean" AND the mention of (capital P) Pride in elven myths having "stopped Ghilan'nain's hand when she was about to destroy her creatures of the deep sea". 👀👀 (Also, is it just me or does the figure in the 2020 mural look like she's having algae hanging down her headpiece? Not to mention the tentacles. lol) So there's that.
Also, and I know this is the silliest reason, but I don't know if BioWare would expect new or casual players to keep up with all these long "complicated" elven names, since "Ghilan'nain" and "Elgar'nan" do sound kinda similar and people might get them mixed up. lmao So having Elgar'nan and Andruil might be a bit more distinguishable, just for the sake of making it a little easier for new players lol (I mean, they have changed names before to avoid this problem, like when the Tevinter city "Qarinus" was turned into "Ventus" because it sounded too similar to "Qunari", I think? 😂).
I don't know if any of this actually answered your question, I feel like I got carried away by like a mile. 😂 I don't know how I got from "D'Read Koda" on the vinyl to tentacles, but here we are. 😂 Those are my thoughts on.... a lot of stuff. lol
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simsply-challenges · 2 years
Okay... so... couple of things. This is probably going to be a long post but I'm typing on my phone so I don't know how to put a 'keep reading' or if you can.
First thing: I am aware there have been no LEPacy Gameplay posts for over a week. Life has been chaotic! As I said in another post, I started my masters and, since it is a design course, the work load is insane so I have been trying to spend all of my time on sketchbooking and doing the written work (yeah, I didn't think there would be that much writing in a design course either).
I should have some spare time this weekend so I am going to go CC shopping and maybe try to fix my CC/mods that are broken in my game, then play some more LEPacy Challenge! So there should be some gameplay posts soon!
Second thing: I am expecting the High School Years pack to be in the Black Friday Sales so, if it is, I will buy it and play with it before writing the High School Years generation of the LEPacy Challenge. If it is not, I will post the current update that I have for Werewolves then will have to try and write a High School Years generation based on what I've seen on YouTube. Any suggestions for any of the challenge or generations will be helpful! Just drop me a message, I will always reply.
My lovlies we are going to do some conspiracies...
INFANTS: baby update or new lifestage? I'm really hoping it's a baby update because, if its a new lifestage, what's the point? Like we already have toddlers why would we need infants too, babies would still be useless? But I really hope they do it right and they don't come out the womb crawling. Maybe the first day, they need feeding more and their sleep cycles not regular - I don't know. I trust they've done it well considering the Sims 4 toddlers are the best toddlers.
NEW PACKS/WORLDS: so they confirmed we are getting 2 new expansions next year and showed 2 pictures of worlds - does this mean there is 1 world per pack, or 2 worlds in 1 pack or were they both the same world? The thing I spotted was a kid on a bike and a baby in a back pack so... I think we may be getting Generations!! I'm not sure if it will have as much as the Sims 3 Generations since the Sims 4 already has Parenthood, My Wedding Stories and High School Years. But the Sims 4 is really good at doing smaller packs really well rather than doing bigger packs poorly. This will have to be after the infants update for the baby backpack to work so I'm not sure which pack we will get first but I am so excited!!
Lastly... PROJECT RENE!! We are getting a new sims game!! Did anyone else think that build/buy teaser looked a lot like Paralives? Like even the animation style looks less Lego than past Sims games and more 2d style. I can already tell you I am going to get confused trying to build houses.
Anyways... thank you all for coming to my TED talk. I know this is a really long post but I just wanted to clarify what is going on with my LEPacy gameplay and the challenge.
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aftereffectsprojects · 9 months
Business Timeline Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/business-timeline/48081008
Corporate Timeline Slideshow is a great option to tell your business story, highlight your company’s achievements, or promote a business event. This particular template suits a multitude of uses and offers advanced transitions and title animations to effectively promote your business.
This template is the perfect solution for:
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bilovddump · 4 years
Annecy Animation Festival is beginning today !
And the 1st teaser of the 2d feature "SUMMIT OF THE GODS" is finally released. This wonderful adaptation of Jiro Taniguchi's manga is currently in production. I was recently happy to lend a hand on the layout posing/key poses.
The feature will be truly awesome !
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gebo4482 · 3 years
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Exclusive preview of "The Summit of the Gods" (Le Sommet des Dieux) french animated movie by Patrick Imbert, based on Jiro Taniguchi's manga. Screened today at Cannes Festival, and coming to french theaters on September 29 (Wild Bunch).
Directed by Patrick Imbert
2020 Official Teaser
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recentanimenews · 2 years
The Summit of the Gods Anime Film's Japanese Dub Edition to Open in Japan on July 8
    The French-produced anime film adaptation of The Summit of the Gods manga illustrated by Jiro Taniguchi (Kodoku no Gourmet) will be released in Japan on July 8, 2022, in a Japanese dub edition. The film directed by Patrick Imbert was released in over 300 theaters in France in 2021, selling 130,000 tickets.
    Teaser trailer:
  RELATED: Netflix Releases Trailer For French "The Summit Of The Gods" Animated Film Adaptation 
    The manga was based on Baku Yumemakura's (Garouden, Onmyoji) 1998 novel of the same name, which on the 11th Shibata Renzaburo Prize. Taniguchi's manga adaptation also won the Excellence Prize of the 5th Japan Media Arts Festival's manga category in 2001. The novel was previously adapted into a live-action film in 2016, directed by Hideyuki Hirayama (Sword of Desperation).
  Its story follows a lone climber, Joji Habu, and a cameraman, Makoto Fukamachi, as they attempt the oxygen-free solo ascent of the Southwest Face of Mount Everest in winter, which is considered impossible, while approaching the greatest mystery in the history of mountaineering, "Did the mountaineer Mallory succeed in making the first ascent of Mount Everest?"
  The Japanese dub edition features Kenyu Horiuchi (Mashymre Cello in Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ) as Makoto Fukamachi, Akio Otsuka (Batou in Ghost in the Shell) as Joji Habu, Ryota Osaka (Nariyuki Yuiga in We Never Learn: BOKUBEN) as Habu's junior, Buntaro Kishi, and Asami Imai (Kurisu Makise in Steins;Gate) as Buntaro's sister and Habu's lover, Ryoko. 
    Japanese poster visual:
  RELATED: BELLE, Nikuko, Pompo, The Summit of the Gods Nominated for Annie Awards' Best Indie Feature
    Source: "The Summit of the Gods" Japanese official website
  (C)Le Sommet des Dieux - 2021 / Julianne Films / Folivari / Melusine Productions / France 3 Cinema / Aura Cinema
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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animemakeblog · 3 years
Yama no Sususme: Next Summit
Emiri Iwai will play Koharu in the fourth season of Yama no Susume, according to the teaser trailer. 8bit will develop the television anime, which will premiere in 2022.
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chihiro20 · 3 years
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animationandmup · 4 years
Teaser for the French CG animated film of Jiro Taniguchi's The Summit of the Gods (Kamigami no Itadaki) manga, coming 2021.
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Harrison Ford: 2019 summary (I)
Sorry I´ve been a bit late but the summary of the year 2019 is finished. Here you´ll find all the news about Harrison or related with him throughout 2019. I hope you all enjoy it!
6th: Harrison presents the Golden Globes Awards 
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With Jeff Bridges:
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Harrison and Michael B. Jordan
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With Bill Murray and Gary Oldman
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22nd: Harrison biking on the streets of Los Angeles (more really worthy images here)
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26th: Amazon´s Alexa teaser ad:
26th: Harrison Ford accepts the Society of Camera Operators´s Lifetime Achievement President´s Award
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2nd: Alexa commercial at the Super Bowl 
10th-14th: Harrison attends the World Government Summit in Dubai
“Elect people who believe in science”: Harrison  Ford criticizes the Trump administration's stance on climate change, saying "the current government is bent on dismantling all of the gains we've made in the protection of the environment."
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“Leaders who deny climate change are 'on the wrong side of history'”:  Actor attacked Trump and other leaders at World Government Summit for denying science to justify not facing the ‘moral crisis’
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Harrison Ford tours the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve. United Arab Emirates
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20th: Harrison Ford´s first animated role in The Secret Life of Pets 2 is extremely Harrison Ford
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20th:  Harrison attends the Bob Hoover Trophy Awards (video with Harrison´s speech at minute 26:00)
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Mid-end of March: Harrison starts to grow a beard :D
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Beginning of April: Harrison goes on holidays to New Zealand with his wife Calista Flockhart and his son Liam. In the picture, Harrison lands just after skydiving
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On board to Auckland, New Zealand:
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Mid-April: suddenly out of nowhere a bunch of never-seen-before pictures of young Harrison Ford emerges and illuminates the world with his stunning beauty (More pictures: x, x, x x) 
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25th: Harrison Ford at the Nature Champions Summit, Montreal 
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“What you’re doing here is showing leadership, showing visit, showing commitment that is sadly lacking in other places,” the 76-year-old actor says of Canada while speaking on the importance of conservation and environmental protection. (...) “We are in the middle of World War III, raging on every front and every person is a part of this conflict. We have to win. For our survival on this planet,” he says, urging young people to vote, urging political leaders to take action on climate change. “It’s time to be all-in.”
With Canada´s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:
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30th: Peter Mayhew, former Harrison´s co-star in Star Wars, pass away
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Harrison remembers Peter Mayhew (The Hollywood Reporter):
Peter Mayhew was a kind and gentle man, possessed of great dignity and noble character. We were partners in film and friends in life for over 30 years and I loved him. He invested his soul in the character and brought great pleasure to the Star Wars audience. Chewbacca was an important part of the success of the films we made together. He knew how important the fans of the franchise were to its continued success and he was devoted to them. I and millions of others will never forget Peter and what he gave us all.
22nd: Harrison spotted at the JKF International Airport, New York [x]
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22nd: Harrison Ford remembers Peter Mayhew on 'The Tonight Show':  "He was a really sweet man; nice man. He had a hard time physically. It was really hard for him to do what he did for us, all of us, and he did it with real dignity and class. He was a really neat guy. I miss him." 
He also discuss his first animated role in “The Secret Life of Pets 2″, reacts to Mark Hamill´s impression of him and tells dad jokes
23rd: Harrison tells People magazine he was delighted to play Rooster the dog in The Secret Life of Pets 2 
24th: Harrison Ford in NBC´s Today Show talks about The Secret Life of Pets 2 and who should play Indiana Jones after him: ‘Nobody! When I’m Gone, He’s Gone!’  
24th:  first trailer for Harrison Ford-narrated ‘Armstrong’ documentary 
A documentary about Neil Armstrong directed by David Fairehead is told through interviews, home footage, and Neil’s own words (narrated by fellow pilot Harrison Ford), Armstrong has all the makings of a great viewing experience to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing.
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Harrison Ford working as a narrator for the documentary about Neil Armstrong´s life, Armstrong 
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darkzorua100 · 6 years
So @breakdawn-avenue asked me if I could go into more detail about why I liked the season 2 episodes of Vrains that I did. Finally have enough free time to do that so here we are. Since there are 17 of them (47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 58, 59, 61, 64, 68, 69, 70, 75, 78, 81, and 84) out of the 38 that have aired (if I did that math right), I’m just going to try and make this brief without trying to fangirl so hard about the ones that I really enjoyed. I’ve went into more in depth reviews about all of these I believe so just go through that long list if you really want me to go into detail about these episodes.
Episode 47: Playmaker Returns I honestly don’t know why I loved this episode as much as I did. It was just a really good introduction to season 2. I loved the tour that Brave Max did of Neo Link Vrains. It felt like I was being taking on a tour of a anime convention and it just made me so giddy. I liked how we start the episode of Ai returning to the Cyberse World only to find it in ruins, setting up right away the mystery of who destroyed it, and his reunion with Linkuriboh was just adorable. Seeing Yusaku finally being able to move on after season 1 by working in the Hot Dog Truck was just nice and his interaction with Aoi was also just really nice to see. I love the real life introductions in Vrains. The introduction of characters like Blood Shepherd by killing a freaking troll penguin and Bohman who did...well THAT to Jin, setting things into motion. Ai returning to Playmaker’s duel disk after Playmaker told BS that he didn’t have an Ignis anymore was hilarious. There was just so much to love in this episode for me that honestly, it has to be in my top ten favorite episodes of season 2 without a question.
Episode 48: Judgment Arrow The duel between Playmaker vs Bohman wasn’t that bad. I think it was the most enjoyable out of three that we have had so far because this was the episode where we got out first Summoning Method that wasn’t Link in Ritual and our final Code Talker in Shootingcode Talker. But the thing that really took this episode was the official introduction of mother f*cking Soulburner and Flame. We got a teaser of them in the first few seconds of the episode and then how do they officially show up to help Playmaker? In a freaking fire tornado. Are you kidding me boy? Looking back at it, how in the world did he even do that? We know Takeru sucks at programming so did Flame do that just to be flashy? I don’t know but my god that was badass.
Episode 49: Duelist Clad in Flames Soulburner’s debut duel was pretty good. The dynamic between Soulburner and Flame was what really made this episode just so good in my eyes. Burning Draw was amazing to see and I liked how the end established that Soulburner’s skill hurts him by using it. I mean we haven’t seen much of that in practice but it is still an interesting concept. The end of this episode made you want to know more about this new character and if a episode is making you want more, then that right there means it was a good episode.
Episode 50: Transfer Student Takeru Homura Takeru became a fan favorite just like that. This boy is adorable. It was also so interesting at the time because this was the first time we got a Lost Child who could relate to Yusaku. Jin was MIA for season 1 and Spectre is well...he’s Spectre. Flame was also an amazing addition at the time because this was the first Ignis we had the pleasure of meeting after Ai. The freaking Ferris Wheel scene...just who through that was a good idea? Firestormshipping just took off as soon as that screenshot was revealed. Yusaku made a friend who could understand what he went through and wanted to help him and that right there just made me happy. Our boy made a friend. That right there made it great.
Episode 51: Man Who Gave Up Charisma I could talk about how Go just lost his mind during this episode, comparing his life story to the Lost Children and all that and while that is another reason why I enjoyed this episode so much, the main reason why I love this episode so much is because mother f*cking Soulburner roasted Go alive and it was glorious. I’m still laughing at that dialogue to this day.
Episode 55: To the Unknown World Windy man. This little troll. Getting to meet another Ignis was amazing but what made this episode so great was this was the first Ignis that we met that was super anti-human and boy was the foreshadowing real. I also liked the little moment at the beginning of the episode where Soulburner and Playmaker reunited and Playmaker was surprised to see him back. I mean after what happened during the Tower of Hanoi, I wouldn’t be surprised if Yusaku thought Takeru was going to lose. The ending though...yeah...let’s not talk about that disaster but at least this episode had come good development for Aoi.
Episode 58: Soul of Replica Yeah no one cared about the Playmaker vs Bohman duel. The only thing people cared about from this episode was the interesting idea of the Lost Children having back ups and Yusaku being replaced by his and the infamous Datastormshipping scene. Yusaku used Ryoken as a way to find out that Bohman was lying and the fangirls went wild. Plot wise, it was interesting to find out that Ryoken was the reason that Yusaku was kidnapped and MY GOD RYOKEN WAS THE REASON YUSAKU WAS KIDNAPPED! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!
Episode 59: Hanoi Returns It was a recap but who cares, the Knights of Hanoi were back and they were back with style! Kogami “Extra” Ryoken ladies and gentlemen. Our meme lord knew how to make a return. I also think the Backstreet Boys memes really helped me to enjoy this episode so much more. On another note, I also loved how Revolver ordered his Knights to stay away from Yusaku and Takeru in the real world and when Spectre asked the question “but why hasn’t an Ignis comes to me? :( “ Boy.
Episode 61: Despair from Darkness Takeru’s backstory was just really well down. I loved him and Flame’s meeting and how Takeru was so really to throw down with those bullies. Like this guy actually knew how to fight and I’m still waiting for the day when we actually see Takeru beat the crap out of someone. Just good stupid boy content before the trauma kicked in.
Episode 64: Turning Point The backstory we should have gotten during season 1 but hey at least we got it and it was good. I just loved it mostly for the fact that Yusaku and Playmaker were 100% done with everyone in this episode XD Also Yusaku’s hood. I need more of the hood. The hood is your god now.
Episode 68: Secret Meeting Oh hello plot. Oh hello Windy. Oh hello Lightning. OH HELLO REVOLVER! YOU GOT AN UPGRADE! DAMMMMM! No seriously this episode I think everyone can agree was just so good. Plot, plot, plot, freaking Revolver still being a extra piece of sh*t. It was a good day.
Episode 69: Mission That Must Be Accomplished Playmaker being a hypocrite to Revolver. Revolver continuing the traps memes, and the first part of the duel was just not that bad. It was just nice to have Revolver back in the show. 
Episode 70: Tuning Bullets I loved the fact that so much happened in this episode that the very first Synchro Summon of Vrains got overshadowed by the fact that Windy almost got murdered and that we essentially got the reveal of all the Lost Children and their Ignis partners in the form of Jin being confirmed to be Lightning’s partner and that Windy tried to kill his kid. Vrains, you need to chill. Again just another episode that I think no one in the fandom hated.
Episode 75: The Demon Possessing His Heart The episode that aired on Halloween gave us the death of an Ignis. Just wow. Go officially lost his mind when it was revealed that he allowed SOL to put an A.I. in his brain, the duel was just great overall, the fact that Go beat Earth was shocking and again, the fact that Earth was actually killed was just so jaw dropping. Also Spectre’s reaction to his Ignis’s death. Still not over that.
Episode 78: Rebellious Bounty Hunter Revolver went full on alpha male on Blood Shepherd and it was just amazing. That’s really all I have to say about this episode.
Episode 81: Arrived at the Summit I just found it interesting how far Go really let himself go in order to take down Playmaker. Like he looked bad before during his duel against Earth but man. SOL even put Earth’s data into his A.I. and that just hurt, especially Spectre’s reaction. This was just nice buildup that had a really stupid conclusion in the next episode.
Episode 84: A Turbulent Past This episode is still fairly new so I think you guys still know how much I really like this episode in terms of development for Ryoken and Takeru and the return of the Tower of Hanoi was just epic. 
13 notes · View notes
hmhteen · 6 years
HMH Teen Teaser: ONCE A KING by Erin Summerill!
 The holidays are right around the corner, and do we have a gift for you: an excerpt of ONCE A KING, the new standalone fantasy from Erin Summerill publishing 12.4! While fans of EVER THE HUNTED will find some nice easter eggs in this book, it’s a total standalone about the noble journey a young king takes to ensure lasting peace in his kingdom. (It’s also about falling in love with someone you really, really shouldn’t.) 
Scroll down to read the first two chapters!
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I lean against the dusty elementiary shelf crammed with books and jars of animal bits, and stare at my father’s letter. His nearly indecipherable scratch strikes me  with swift disappointment. Gods, the All Kingdoms’ Summit happens only every five years. It’s not as if Da hasn’t had time enough to arrange his schedule.  The  remainder  of Da’s  message is blocked by another letter. It’s sealed in my father’s wax and addressed to someone named AC. My heartbeat slogs through my ears, muting  the chatter of mismatched accents and clatter of carriage wheels outside the Elementiary. What a fool I am for thinking this time Da’s priori- ties would include something other than busi- ness. Having worked for my father for five years, I know better than to be hurt by this news. Just as I know, without reading further, Da needs me to deliver the letter to AC.
I suppose it also shouldn’t be surprising that there’s no note here for the littleuns or Eugenia, my stepmother and worrier extraordinaire. Overwhelmed by black-market trade and valuable secrets, Da tends to forget all else.
“Lirra, you done?” Orli’s clipped tone echoes from the other side of the shelf.
I fold Da’s letter, intending to finish it later, and squeeze my fingers along the parchment seam. One, two, three sharp slides.
“Almost,” I call out, and shove the now-empty box back into concealment behind a jar of rat tails. To maintain our family’s anonymity and safety, Da sends correspondences here for me to retrieve in secret. He trusts few people more than Astoria, the Elementiary owner and my former magic teacher.
“What’d he write?” Orli asks when I come into view.
My best friend is standing by the door, trapped in a stream of dusty light, right hand strangling the doorknob, the usual tawny tone leached from her knuckles. Despite her unease with Channeler magic, she’s accompanied me here every week since Da left.
“He won’t be returning for a while.” I pick at the broken seal.
“You mean he’ll miss the start of the tournament, right? He’ll return for the jubilee and the other summit festivities.”
I shake my head.
Raven brows shoot up. “He’s going to miss your jubilee performance?”
My nail wedges under the last bit of red wax and frees it from the parchment. “Aye.”
Astoria has one hand on her cane and the other clutch- ing a pile of books, going about business as she usually does whenever I slip inside the Elementiary to pick up Da’s mail. She ambles out of the backroom to her desk, where she deposits the stack. I’m not entirely sure she’s noticed me until she lifts an age-spotted finger to shove her spectacles higher and then points to the letter in my hand. “Not what you were hoping?”
I slip it into my satchel and force a smile. “That’s the way it is with Da’s business.”
“Oh, dear girl.” She frowns. “And it’s your first year enter- ing the jubilee.”
The sadness magnified in her watery blue eyes sours my mood.
My gaze drops to the ring of dirt darkening the hem of my day dress.
There’s a shuffle thump of steps on the wood floors, and then Astoria’s arms come around me, squeezing me to her wonderfully round body.
“Your da knows it’s important to you.” The love she radi- ates makes me feel like a cat basking in the sun. “He’d be there if he could.”
Astoria has been Da’s friend and closest confidant since before my birth. She offered us a safe place to hide at her home in Shaerdan after we escaped Malam’s Purge — the Channeler eradication that would have seen me killed for my magic ability. We have lived near her ever since. She understands Da better than anyone, but I don’t want to hear her talk him up right now.
“She knows,” Orli says. “All set to go, Lirra?” Her despera- tion to leave the Channeler school is as potent as the scent of lavender here.
“You don’t have to leave so soon.” Astoria returns to her desk. “Come away from that door and sit down.”
“We need to run by the docks. Getting through all the visi- tors’ carriages will take time.” Orli points to the blown-glass windows. Outside, a rainbow of fabric has assaulted Shaer- dan’s capital city of Celize. Passersby wear their kingdoms’ colors like a shield. Usually, the northern edge of town, where the cliffs climb up from the docks, sees little traffic. Travelers have invaded all of my hometown, even the quiet roads stretching east into farmlands and forests. Scores of people from the four neighboring kingdoms have been  arriving for days in anticipation of the All Kingdoms’ Summit and festivities — the Channeler Jubilee, the Tournament of Cham- pions, and the Kingdoms’ Market.
“Orli is right,” I say. “We need extra time to look at the crowds.” I have things to pick up for my jubilee exhibit that can’t wait until tomorrow.
Astoria fiddles with the wrist button of her dress sleeve. “See you next week?”
I nod, even though it’s uncertain if she’s referring to the jubilee showcase or my next mail visit. My head is stuck on a memory from five years ago. At the last jubilee, Da and I watched from the sidelines. Channelers from across the king- doms showed displays of magic. Breathless and awed, I confessed my dream to perform at the next jubilee.
Next week’s jubilee.
Da said he wouldn’t miss it for all the world.
Silence is the sweetest sound in the Barrett home, and such a rare thing to be had. It’s alarming how loud the boards creak underfoot as Orli and I sneak inside the back door, both of us carrying packages from the dock market. Packages that could be easily snapped in half by my younger brothers’ grubby fin- gers.
“Where is everyone?” Orli mouths.
I shake my head. The kitchen is filled with the usual mess, minus my family. Dirty dishrags lie heaped in a pile on Grandmother’s table beside a discarded, half-finished drawing of a pig — or an owl. I cannot tell. A stale odor lingers in the air like a haunt of last night’s leek-and-carrot soup. And then there’s the crock of Eugenia’s morning pottage, still sitting on the sooty hearth.
“Eugenia?” Never one  to miss a Monday  service,  my stepmother drags the littleuns to the cathedral on the cliff each week as penance for Da’s profession.
No one answers.
I abandon my protective crouch around the wrapped wooden dowels. “The carriages on the road must’ve slowed her travel.”
“Do you think it’s odd that Eugenia will make peace over Millner’s sins and then spend his earnings the next day?” Orli asks as we head down the hall toward the attic ladder that hangs in a permanent lowered position.
“When you talk about my da’s business like that, it sounds wicked.”
“It’s not exactly saintly. Your father sells secrets to the high- est bidder. Not produce or pelts.”
“He’s an information trader.” I shrug off her comment, not eager to discuss my father.
Orli’s head falls back, and she explodes with laughter. “That’s a new one. Though a bit much for Millner Barrett. Maybe something like high ruler of the black market would be more accurate.”
I laugh. At least she didn’t call him Archtraitor, the infamous title he earned for defying the Malamian regent, evad- ing capture, and building a secretive life in Shaerdan. It gets under my skin.
“My point is, she repents one day and spends his money the next.” Orli follows me up to the attic room. She flops on my bed while I sit on the floor and arrange the dowels from largest to smallest. “It doesn’t make sense.”
Was that a note of irritation? I leave the packages lined up like soldiers before their captain. “What’s this about?”
Gone is the easy smile she wore after leaving the Elementiary. Was today too much for her? Were the crowds over- whelming?
“I know what you’re thinking, and that’s not it.” Orli slides her dark braids out of her face. “It’s nothing. Forget I said anything.”
“Nothing is nothing.” 
“That makes no sense.”
I pinch her toe. “It means if something’s important to you, it’s important to me. No secrets.”
She points to the packages. “Don’t you want to finish un- wrapping those before your brothers get home?”
I don’t even glance down. “Subject change? Beginner’s move. You know I have more self-control than that.”
She guffaws. “A fox in a henhouse has more self-control than you.”
“Is it?” A little light brightens her stormy eyes. “I’m sore over Eugenia’s soil order, is all. Satisfied?”
“The one for cabbage?” Wasn’t that weeks ago?
“You know how the growing season is. Mum hasn’t been able  to enhance the soil.” Late spring  to summer means increased hours on Orli’s family farm. Especially for her mum, who earns extra money by selling magic-infused soil for growing vibrant, pest-resistant plants. Altering the soil drains her energy, a cost all Channelers pay, which slows production.
“Has Eugenia been pestering her?” Even though Eugenia isn’t a Channeler, she knows Channelers need time to restore energy.
I tear the packaging off the dowels to feel their notched ends, all sanded to a silken texture. The largest dowel, bal- anced on my open palm, is impossibly light. Almost weightless. The wood’s scent is balsa and musk. A humid summer day and freedom.
“It’s my mum.” Orli’s tiptoe-quiet response brings me back to the room. “She wants me to fill Eugenia’s order. She thinks I’m ready.”
“What do you think?”
She doesn’t answer. A year ago, Orli was kidnapped as part of an attempted coup in Malam. The former regent was intent on siphoning magic from Channelers and combining the sto- len energy into the ultimate weapon to use against the young king. I was part of the effort to rescue her, and ever since, Orli has been plagued with nightmarish memories and constant fears. It took months before she was able to leave her farm and venture into public. But she has yet to use her Channeler magic.
“I would help, but all I’m good for is blowing dirt around your farm.” I nudge her knee.
Channelers have influence over one energy — land, air, fire, water, or spirit. Orli and her mother have the ability to manipulate the land, while I can harness the wind.
“That’s all you’re good for?” Orli rolls her eyes. “It’d have to be a small pile. Dirt’s heavy.” “You’re full of hot air, you know that?”
“Better than dirt in the ears.”
We both laugh, never too old for Channeler puns. “Truthfully,” Orli says, more serious. “All you’ve done this year is impressive.”
Does she realize she’s come far this year too? I open my mouth to tell her as much, but she cuts me off. “Don’t be modest. I wasn’t even referring to what you did for me.” Her voice cracks with emotion.
My throat burns too. Dammit.
“I’d do it again,” I whisper, knowing exactly how hard it was to find her. To free her.
Orli rubs her eyes, and then shoves me in the leg and adds an annoyed look. “Don’t make me teary. I’d do the same for you, fool.”
I know she would.
She scoots off the bed and sits cross-legged on the floor. “What I’m trying to say is what you’ve done with your gliders is a big deal. You use your magic in a different way than we grew up learning. Everything we created was from our energy. Like my mum and the soil. She has to sacrifice herself for every batch of stupid dirt. But your gliders are different.” 
“I use my magic to make them,” I say, confused. “No, you use magic to test them. To see if they’ll fly.”
This much is true. I wanted to build a contraption that would allow my brothers to glide in the sky without me having to conjure wind.
“Anyone, Channeler or giftless, can follow your pattern and make their own glider. You’re going to show people a new way of looking at Channelers. Maybe they’ll even see that we shouldn’t be feared.”
She’s exaggerating. But . . .
“Maybe, hopefully, it’ll inspire a few people,” I say, though the possibility makes me feel like I’ve ingested a swarm of lightning bugs.
A door slams in the house, and a herd of elk rumbles through the hallway below. Eugenia shouts, “Not inside!”
“Sorry, Mum!” I hear my brothers say before the stampede alters course.
I rush to rewrap the dowels and hide them under my bed. “Do you want me to talk to her about the soil? Or are you ready?” I hate pressuring Orli, but she has to use her magic again one day. May as well be helping her mum and Eugenia.
“I’ll figure something out. I’ll be fine.” Her expression shutters closed.
She thinks my winged inventions will change how people see Channelers. Maybe she’s right. But what will it take to inspire her? To prove that her magic isn’t to be feared?
I go downstairs to greet Eugenia in the kitchen and find her plucking dirty rags off the table.
“Any word from your da?” she asks.
“No.” It’s better not to mention he wrote me about busi- ness. When Da is working, Eugenia likes to pretend he’s just taking a trip to visit friends. She won’t acknowledge his meth- ods of collecting and profiting off secrets if she can help it.
“Do you think he’s all right?”
“He’s been gone for longer stretches, and he always returns safely.” I’ve become adept at managing Eugenia’s worry.
Her hands knot in a dishrag. “Right. Of course. I’m sure he’ll return for the festiv —”
The rear door smacks against the wall, startling us both. The twins race inside, skidding into their mother’s feet.
Eugenia drops the rag, and screeches. “Boys!”
Despite her runny emotions, she lunges for them as they try to scramble away. Loren bangs into the table and upends a chair. Kiefer hunkers beside the hutch.
“What has gotten into you two?” “Sorry, Mum,” the boys chant.
“We don’t run in the home. Look at this dirt. I just swept the floor, and now I’ll have to do it again.”
Loren rubs his hip. “Wasn’t running, Mum. Just  some quick moving.”
“Save your quick movement for outdoors. Hear me?” 
“But what of Lirra?”
“What about me?” I ask.
Loren’s smile switches into something sly, like a youthful image of Da, all dimpled tanned cheeks, stocky frame, and windblown curls the color of wet driftwood. I’ve always longed to look more like them instead of a reminder of my mum, with nearly black hair so thick it could be roof thatching.
“Lirra does whatever she pleases.” Loren turns pathetic cow eyes on Eugenia. “She don’t follow rules.”
If only that were true.
“And I’ve seen her run in the house.” Little toad. “You have not.”
“Have too.”
I turn to Eugenia for support. Working for Da requires liv- ing by another set of rules, something Eugenia knows even if she doesn’t like it.
“You don’t go to church.” Loren points at me. “You sneak out at night. And sometimes you go around with mud on your face. Mum always makes us wash our faces. Doesn’t she, Kief?” Kiefer, the more silent twin, peeks around the hutch. “I seen mud on Lirra.”
“Get back in your hiding spot,” I growl at him before spin- ning to face Loren. “Don’t pull me into this. You were foolish enough to get caught, so say you’re sorry already.”
He starts to complain, and Eugenia silences him with a look. The boys rush toward freedom in the shape of the back door. That’s when I notice the specks.
Specks coating their trousers.
Specks on Loren’s boots.
Specks that look an awful lot like wood shavings?
“Stop! Where have you two been?” 
“Outside.” Loren smirks over his shoulder. 
“Where outside?”
“The shed.”
“Which. Shed.” My nostrils flare. Kiefer cringes.
“Lirra, let them go,” Eugenia says.
My glider wings are in that shed. If the boys  touched them . . . “Tell me. Or this week at the summit festivities, I’ll find the she-pirate, Song the Red, and pay her to sail you to Kolontia. The north is terribly cold. So cold that men and boys lose toes and feet and even legs. How fast will you run without legs, hmm, Loren? Tell me now — woodshed or my shed?”
“Yours,” Kiefer blurts. His cherry cheeks turn pale pear green. “We only wanted a peek.”
“We  didn’t  touch  nothing,  promise.”  Loren presses his hands together in a prayer. “Spare me legs, Lir.”
I hold in a smile. “Keep your stubby limbs for now, Loren. But if you —”
Eugenia  scoots them  out  the  door. “Don’t be hard  on them.”
“They need to keep their dirty hands off my things.” “What do you expect, Lirra? They look up to you, and you
run around breaking rules as if you’ve no responsibilities.” “No responsibilities?” Anger twists through me faster than the twin tornados could destroy my stuff. “My responsibilities force me to break rules. My job for Da requires it.”
She yanks a pin out of her bun, and her hair topples like a bird’s nest breaking apart. “Don’t pretend to be dedicated to your da’s work when you spend all your time on gliders.”
I gape at her, wounded by the insinuation. My family mat- ters most. If Da asked me to pay more attention to his business, I’d do it. But he doesn’t ask. He doesn’t include me in every deal. He doesn’t share all his secrets, as much as I’d like him to.
“What of your dedication?” I stomp to the window and point at the carriage parked inside the barrier of trees conceal- ing our home. “Every week you visit the cathedral and make penance. Maybe instead of praying so much, you should no- tice how hard Da works for you. For the family.”
Eyes widen over a stone expression. “Nonsense. You’re angry because the boys were curious. I understand that, but you cannot blame them. Your contraptions look like children’s toys.”
Children’s toys? Will the jubilee organizers think my glider is child’s play too?
My fingernails dig crescents into my palms. “Was it curiosity when they broke your Plovian vase? The vase you insisted Da buy with his black-market money? Don’t be a hypocrite.” It comes out like spat venom.
Last year the twins knocked over the vase. Eugenia was shattered. That same colorless devastation overtakes her expression now.
A baby’s cry peals from the hallway.
I bite my vindictive lip. “I — I shouldn’t have said that.” 
“Julisa’s awake.” Eugenia gives me a look of defeat and leaves.
I return to where Orli is waiting for me in the attic, my chest stuffy and hot with frustration. And shame.
It’s not her fault that Da is gone. Or that he takes on too much work and doesn’t allow me to help manage the load. He has me deliver messages to informants, listen to private conversations, and track people’s habits, but he never asks for more. He tries to manage most of the work alone.
Loren and Kiefer are too young to help, and I doubt Eugenia would let them get involved in Da’s business even if they were older. I’m the only one he can lean on. It’s up to me to help him. Eugenia is right. I should be focusing on Da’s letter, not my gliders.
“Whoa, what happened?” Orli watches me climb the lad- der. “You look ready to practice dagger throwing on a live tar- get.”
I dig through my satchel for the letter. I peel it open and remove the letter to AC.
Hullo Beetle,
I’ll not be returning in time for the summit.
The rest of the page is blank.
“This cannot be all there is.” I flip it over. Da would never use this much parchment for so short a note, or ask me to deliver a letter with no instructions. His message must be here, hidden.
Orli peers over my shoulder and hums to herself.
I trace the blank page. “I wonder if he used a blood charm. Da’s never used one before. Blood charms are illegal, and even if they weren’t, they’re hard to come by,” I say, remembering what Astoria taught us. “But it would explain why there are no words.”
She releases a shuddery breath and taps the letter. “Right. And we are talking about Millner.”
“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” I pull a dagger from my boot.
Orli sits on the bed, trembling fingers sliding under her thighs. “Go on.”
I hate that magic makes her uncomfortable. But I have to know what Da wrote. I sink the blade’s tip into the fleshy pad of my finger. A crimson drop bubbles from my skin and drips onto the ivory parchment, fanning out as it seeps into the surface.
Hullo Beetle,
I’ll not be returning in time for the summit.
If you’re reading this, you figured out the blood charm. The following job must be completed immediately and privately. As you can tell, secrecy is of greatest importance.
To fulfill an agreement I’ve made with the king of Malam, you  must deliver  the  enclosed  letter to him. Don’t curse. I know this assignment will displease you, but  it  must  be done.
The king’s letter has also been sealed with a blood charm. You’ll find nothing there if you attempt to peek. Please explain to King Aodren how these types of charms are activated. The man’s Channeler knowledge is in the budding stage.
Deliver the letter before the summit is underway. It cannot be late. Tell no one and go unseen.
Give my love to Eugenia, the boys, and Julisa. Love, Da
“Bloody stars.”
I’m not displeased. I’m furious.
What deal has my father made? King Aodren cares noth- ing for Channelers. Hell, his kingdom has encouraged the hunting of Channelers for the last twenty years. This is why my father and I were forced to flee Malam and live in Shaer- dan. King Aodren may have ended the Purge Proclamation, the horrific law that was responsible for the deaths of countless Channelers in Malam for the last twenty years, but he did so out of desperation. Last  year,  King Aodren  needed the Channelers Guild, the governing women who oversee all Channelers in the five kingdoms, to save his life and help stop a plot to usurp the throne.
My efforts to save Orli caused my path to cross Aodren’s. I was the one who introduced him to the Guild, and I even saved his life in battle. But has he ever expressed his gratitude for either?
No. Not at all. Ungrateful lout of a king. King Aodren cares only about himself.
Da has all sorts of unsavory business associates, and though I dislike it, it’s not so shocking to discover King Aodren is a new one. Royal coin is as good as commoner coin. What I don’t understand, however, is why the king of Malam needs help from Da, ruler of the underground.
I press my fist to the sudden bloom of ache in my belly. I want to forget this request and finish my glider. But Eugenia’s comment earlier nags me. Da needs me. And maybe this is the way to finally prove he can rely on me.
My attention catches on a flash of colors as gold and blue Shaerdanian tunics enter the far end
of the mud-streaked training yard. Not count- ing the half dozen guards standing at attention nearby, until now Leif and I have had the field alone to spar. The two newcomers must be the men who have been chosen to represent Shaerdan’s ruler, Chief Judge Auberdeen, in the upcoming Tournament of Champions at the All Kingdoms’ Summit.
When the tournament first began, each king- dom’s ruler and their second fought a mock bat- tle to prove their strength and leadership mettle. Decades ago, after the Plovian king lost his life, the rulers decided participation was too dangerous, and tradition changed. Now the most skilled warriors in the land vie to fight in place of their leader.
Leif, the first of my chosen competitors, swings his prac- tice sword through the air. I thrust upward to block. It’s too late. His waster slams my left arm. Bone-rattling pain lances from elbow to shoulder, and my weapon hits the ground.
Godstars! “Solid strike.” I suck a breath between my teeth to temper the pain.
“Are you whistling, sir?” Leif chuckles.
Glaring, I straighten my posture, regain some of the dig- nity he knocked away, and switch to breathing through my nose, despite the moisture that clings to my nostrils. Shaer- dan’s humidity is also out to kill me today.
“I shouldn’t have landed that,” Leif says in a low voice. In my periphery, I notice one of the ever-present guards avert his gaze, and I wonder if he heard Leif’s comment. It’s too sympa- thetic for the captain of the royal guard — the elite force of the most skilled combatants in Malam. He needs to control that emotion if he and Baltroit, the other Malamian competitor, are to prove they’re the best fighters in the five kingdoms. Grit wins tournaments, not sympathy.
The last All Kingdoms’ Summit was five years ago, and I didn’t attend. It’s more important than ever that we have a good showing during the tournament. We must prove to the other leaders, my late father’s peers, and to Malamians that Malam is worthy of being here. That I am worthy of being here.
I roll out my bruised shoulder. “I shouldn’t have let you. On the battlefield, distraction means death.”
Leif watches the Shaerdanians through the slits in his helmet. “Lucky there’s no risk here.” He reaches for the fallen practice waster and swings it in an arc. “Not with this blunted sword.”
I move into position. “Enough talk.”
“Oh, you’re recovered? Ready to get beat?” Exhaustion helps Leif forget himself, a benefit of our sparring sessions. Too often, he lapses into the formality he feels the captain of the royal guard should maintain around the king. He forgets I am just a man and he is my closest, if not only, friend.
Chuckling, I switch grips to take the sword in my domi- nant right hand. “Captain and court jester, let’s see how you fare now.”
He snorts and swings his waster. I’ve spent the last six months training with Leif. I’ve studied his movement. He is quick, but I’m faster. I block his blade and push my weight into his. He stumbles. A vulnerable space opens between his elbow and ribs, and I strike. Leif grunts against the pain.
The rhythm of our clanks and curses echoes across the yard. This rigorous sparring session keeps Leif competition- ready for the Tournament of Champions.  And  it tempers the uneasiness that came on earlier today when my traveling retinue exited the forest and first beheld Shaerdan’s sum- mer castle. The stone fortress is designated for all leaders and dignitaries during the summit and sits north of Celize like a solemn gray throne.
My absence from the last summit sparked rumors that spread like a scourge. King Aodren’s too young. Soon he’ll be just like his hateful father and the blood-spilling regent. Malam’s people are divided, and the kingdom is weak. Under King Aodren, only time remains until the kingdom falls.
Malam’s history has more shameful spots than the sky has stars.
My father was a prejudiced man, whose fear of Channel- ers spread to his advisers and led to the Purge — a kingdom- wide Channeler eradication spanning nearly two decades. The feverish hunt for magic users turned neighbor on neighbor. After my father died when I was a child, a regent ruled until I came of age. He closed the Malamian borders so no one could leave or enter Malam. Trade halted and our economy suffered. This dark time was further blackened when, a year ago, the regent didn’t want to relinquish power. He led a coup, killing hundreds of citizens and half of Malam’s nobility.
The rumors hold some truth — I am the youngest ruler at the summit, my people are divided between support and opposition for Channelers, and Malam has been weakened.
But I won’t be my father.
I won’t allow Malam to fall.
When Leif and I are both aching and bruised, we stop fighting. I lean on my sword, breath sawing through my lungs. Leif tugs off his helmet. He swipes sweat from his beard and shakes out his hair. The usual amber color is now a slick mud- brown. “I could sleep till the first night of the tournament.”
My thoughts as well. However, “It wouldn’t do well to miss dinner.”
Leif mutters an unenthused agreement.
Once our gear is stored in the yard house, two guards follow me and Leif off the field.
“See how in sync they are?” Leif glances at the Shaerdani- ans before they’re out of sight. “If Baltroit would practice here, we’d have a better chance of winning the cup.”
I scratch the day’s stubble on my jaw. The summit, the tournament, and the jubilee are key factors in turning Malam’s tide. We must do well in all three. When Lord Segrande insisted his son be chosen as the second competitor, I complied. Segrande was integral in the negotiations to re-open trade with Shaerdan, and going forward, his support is necessary to boost Malam’s economy. While Segrande and I form alliances and trade agreements during summit meetings, Baltroit and Leif will be fighting in the Tournament of Champions.
Thousands of Malamians have traveled to Shaerdan to at- tend the events. A tournament win will inspire pride. It’ll give Malamians a reason to rally together. A reason to set aside their differences. And hopefully, later, a reason to spread unity back in Malam.
Baltroit is a fierce fighter, but he’s arrogant and refuses to train with Leif. While I could order Baltroit to the practice yard, it may offend Segrande, who has spent as much time training his son as I have with Leif.
“He won’t let us down,” I say, determined. “The two of you will do well.”
Leif shoots me a look that argues otherwise.
The castle’s grand hall is a clamor of voices, thuds, and scrapes, all under the aroma of rosemary and bread. As we pass through, conversation dims and everyone in sight bows. Our boots clack loudly against the stone stairs leading to the third floor, where Malam’s private rooms are assigned. The two guards who followed us from the practice field take up posts at our closed corridor, while Leif enters my chambers.
He points to the stack of letters on the desk. “The courier delivered these to the castle. Also, the welcome meal will begin in two hours.”
Half of Malam’s fiefs have new leadership, and the repeal of the Purge Proclamation has made it possible for Channelers to return to Malam. A difficult transition, to say the least. To stay abreast of brewing tension, each lord reports on his fiefdom. Even during the summit.
“Inform Lord Segrande and tell him to come to my cham- bers at a quarter till.” I start toward the washroom.
Leif lingers. “Your Highness, one more thing.”
Your Highness. Few dare meet my eye, let alone speak to me directly. Some decorum is expected, but Leif’s slip back into formality is aggravating. And isolating. “I’m scarcely six months older than you, and not a quarter-hour ago, you were trying to hit me with a practice sword. Call me by my given name.”
“You’re the king.” He coughs into his fist.
“I’m aware. Trust me, rigid formality isn’t always requisite. Understood?”
“Aye.” His gaze shifts to the door. “At tonight’s dinner, though, it’ll be formal. Yes?”
“Yes. But you may talk with the other dignitaries.”
“I — I’m not sure I can.” A maroon tint stains his neck. He yanks his beard. It’s hard to reconcile the man before me with the bear from the practice field. “Thing is, talking is not my strength.”
Leif has notable battle experience, good rapport with the royal guard, and is unfailingly loyal, but he is also new to nobility. Too busy trying to bring Malam out of the darkness, I’ve overlooked his greenness.
“Talk about the tournament,” I suggest. “King Gorenza will no doubt have much to say, since his youngest son is com- peting.”
“Could work.” He focuses on the floor stones for a long minute. “I won’t be skilled like Captain Omar was with con- versation. But I’ll try.”
I laugh, loud and irreverent. The long day is bringing out Leif’s wit and humor.
But he doesn’t join in, his mouth is pressed into a grim line.
Oh gods. Is he serious? My previous captain spoke in mono- syllabic sentences.
“Leif.” I restrain my laughter. Composure has been drilled into me since birth. “Omar used to say it’s the message that matters. Remember that. Treat this dinner like those at Castle Neart.”
“I mostly talk to Britta at Castle Neart. She’s not here.” The comment comes unexpectedly.
The words settle over me like a scratchy wool throw. Britta and her husband are on their wedding trip instead of attending the summit. It’s odd to consider her married, since I once hoped she would share my life. But . . . Britta is on my council. We will continue to work together. She will still be a friend.
“You’ll do fine,” I say, tone clipped.
Silence, and then, “Certainly, sir.” Leif bows and leaves my chambers.
So much for convincing him to use my name. I walk to the desk and study the letters, though it’s a fight to focus on any one of them. Perhaps Leif is right to remind me that friend- ships should be the furthest thing from my mind right now.
My focus must be Malam.
Correspondence to Aodren Lothar Cross, King of Malam:
March 25
To the King our Most Sovereign Lord,
By dictate of your wise council, I begin my monthly report of the affairs concerning my humble fiefdom. The abolishment of the Purge Proclamation has been posted in the markets and common areas, and all countrymen have received notice of the new law sealed by your great hand. May the news be received well. Or perhaps I should write, may the news be received better than it has been thus far. I’m certain those displeased with the return of Channelers will soon welcome the newcomers.
Last, Sir Chilton, who inherited the bordering fiefdom after Lord Chamberlain was killed in the tragic attack on the castle, has struggled to manage his lands. The poor lad. If he needs to be relieved of his land, I offer my guardianship.
Your servant,
Lord Wynne of Jonespur
April 19
To the King, Lord of Malam,
This past month, four Channeler families returned from Shaerdan to reclaim lost lands. Unfortunately, their return was met with opposition — one barn fire, three travel carts destroyed, and numerous fights in the market square. I wish I could report these numbers amounted to less than last month.
In addition, the ore mine can no longer keep men employed until trade demand increases. The line of needy outside the church has doubled. And yet traders continue to come from Shaerdan. Considering Malamians have no coin to buy Shaerdanian goods, the traders must be foolishly optimistic.
Regardless, I hope the bordering kingdoms will welcome our trade soon. They cannot turn us away forever.
Your loyal man, Lord Xavier Variant
 April 24
To King Aodren Lothar Cross of Malam,
Difficulties have arisen as returning Channelers have declared ownership and sought possession of land that has been in another’s hand for nearly two decades. Last week, a disagreement led to the destruction of two alfalfa fields, a Channeler booth in the marketplace, and a clergyman’s entire cart of bread for the needy. It’s impossible to say if these actions were meant to harm. I believe they were intended to scare.
Scribe for the Lord of Tahr, Sir Ian Casper
 May 5
To the King our Most Sovereign Lord,
Though your wise changes in the law dictated that the market be open to all, the appearance of Channelers has caused disturbances. Truly, I do all I can to keep peace. Channelers have been so bold as to ask friends and family to boycott the merchants that have refused business to persons of magic.
However, not  all  merchants  have excluded  Channelers. A new trader in the market square has been selling Channeler-made healing balms. A portion of townspeople have shown interest in his goods. One remedy gaining popularity is called Sanguine. It is a healing oil, and quite effective from what I’ve heard. Perhaps it could be a boon to our economy.
As always, I am humbly dedicated to overseeing my fief’s needs, just as I could be with any additional land you might wish to grant upon me.
Your servant,
Lord Wynne of Jonespur
 May 22
To King Aodren,
Calvin Bariston of Fennit passed on from injuries sustained in a tavern fight. It’s uncertain who stabbed him, since he first stabbed two other men and one woman. Calvin was acting erratic, and was, we believe, possessed by a devil. 
Rumors started that the cause was the Channelers. Those rumors were quickly proved unfounded.
Scribe for the Lord of Tahr, Sir Ian Casper
 June 1
To the King of Malam,
Rumors about the Channeler oil have spread after an occur- rence last week. Onlookers reported that Mr. Erik Bayles met a passing trader in the market square to purchase Sanguine. For unknown reasons, Mr. Bayles became angry and struck the trader, who then hit back, punching Mr. Bayles once and killing him. The trader left town before he was questioned. I’ve sent men after him.
Without answers, many blame Channeler magic. Either Sanguine gave the trader unnatural strength, or it caused Mr. Bayles’s death. Those who knew Mr. Bayles best have insisted he was a hard man to kill. I did not inquire how many times they tried.
The dispute has divided the town. Some businesses have refused service to anyone associated with Channelers. While I could force businesses to open their doors to all, I fear it will not end the division.
I must know, is Sanguine truly harmful? Please advise on how to restore order to my fief.
Your loyal man, Lord Xavier Variant
After I dress for dinner and Leif returns with Lord Segrande, I scan the letters I received over the last few months and compare them to the newest batch.
“Anything promising, Your Highness?” Segrande surveys the letters. His salt-and-sandy hair has taken a severe combing, unlike his untamed beard that twists and curls over the starched collar of his dinner coat. The mismatch suits Seg- rande, who is known for earning as many calluses as the people working the fields of his fief.
“More reports of division and opposition. Poverty in the ore fiefs. Destroyed property, disturbances in the market. More rumors that feed wariness of Channelers.” The chair scrapes the floor as I push back from the desk and pace away.
Our retinue spent two weeks traveling through Malam. Two weeks of passing through towns and farmlands and seeing firsthand the chasm between countrymen that should’ve been mended by the Purge’s abolishment.
Those two weeks confirmed that decrees don’t assuage distrust.
We are a gray, threadbare tapestry in desperate need of new threads to strengthen us. But my people have spent two decades fearing the very color we need now. Regardless of the abolished Purge, our factionalism leaves us weak.
Ignoring the powerlessness dragging through my veins, I stalk across the room, drop down on a bench, and fasten the buckles of my boots tighter.
I remind myself that this is why I’m here. The summit, the tournament, the jubilee — they will be the start of change for Malam.
“What of this one? Sir Casper mentioned Sanguine, the Channeler oil. That’s a pebble of good news.” Segrande leans over the desk. His dinner coat bulges around his buttons. “More people buying the oil means more people are trusting Channelers.”
“Look at Jonespur’s letter. Or Variant’s.” I stand and scrutinize my shirt for lint, finding none. “Two men have died, and rumors link them to Channelers and the oil. People believe the oil is dangerous.”
“Fools,” Leif grouses from where he sits on the hearth’s edge. “If they knew anything about Channelers, they’d know there’s no danger. They’re not going around killing anybody.” Segrande abandons the desk to wait at the door. “Some ideas are hard to bury. Those people have feared Channelers
all their lives. That rock won’t be turned over easily.”
It’s always rocks with Segrande. In this case, he’s greatly underestimated the size of the problem. The prejudices dividing Malam are mountains. I look out the window at the city of tents stretching across the land to the southeast where thou- sands of foreigners have come for the Tournament of Champi- ons and the jubilee.
“Has the Archtraitor reported anything?” Segrande asks. “Millner.” Leif mutters something more about unturned rocks.
“Slip of the tongue.” Segrande chuckles. “We’re the only three Malamians who refer to Millner by his given name. Most still consider him an enemy of Malam.”
Irritation hardens Leif’s face. I hadn’t  realized  he had an opinion about Millner. He said nothing weeks ago when I mentioned my choice to hire the man. But perhaps Leif’s insistence on respect is because he and Millner share a com- monality. Millner was once captain of the royal guard. Years ago, he protested the Purge. Because he was nobility, his defiance was considered traitorous. Guards burned his home, killing his wife. In retaliation, Millner ended those men’s lives and became a fugitive in Shaerdan. Over the years, rumors have twisted the story, marking him as Malam’s enemy — the Archtraitor.
But I know better than to put much weight in rumors. I’ve always admired Millner for standing up for what was right.
“He’s sent no word yet,” I admit, albeit reluctantly. I hoped his information would shed light on Sanguine and give me something positive to report to the Channelers Guild. It would be remiss of me to put off informing them. I tug on my dinner coat and turn to Segrande. “Draft a letter to Seeva. Explain the situation.”
A cough sputters out of him. “The entire situation? The men who died? The rumors?”
I understand his apprehension. As a member of both the Channelers Guild and my advisory circle, Seeva Soliel won’t be pleased to hear the rumors. And even less pleased to discover I waited to tell her. The Guild was reluctant to pledge their support to Malam, and though Seeva serves me, her loyalties still lie with Channelers first. 
“Tell her everything,” I command as we exit the chambers. The guards escort us through the winding halls of the castle to the dining hall, where the other delegations are al- ready seated around a mammoth oval table. The chief judge of Shaerdan, the queen of the Plovian Isles, the king of Kolontia, and their dignitaries sit on the far side, while I take a place beside Ku Toa of Akaria and her dignitaries, with Leif and Segrande at my right. Our guards remain in the room, their five different types of armor matching the flags hanging behind them. The mesh of kingdom colors serves as a reminder that not so long ago, Malam was headed to war with Shaerdan.
And now Shaerdan is the hosting kingdom and Chief Judge Auberdeen is the summit officiant. He makes formal introductions and then speaks about the upcoming summit meeting schedule, the Kingdoms’ Market, the jubilee, and the tournament.
When the latter is mentioned, Leif shifts forward, eager and ready. The motion doesn’t escape notice. King Gorenza scowls at my captain, likely because Leif will be competing against his son.
“All competitors fighting in your name must be declared at the March of Champions tomorrow.” Auberdeen sets down a leather tome, thick with a hundred years of rules.
A murmured agreement rolls through the room, and then the meal is served.
The other leaders  launch  into a conversation, showing their familiarity with one another. Auberdeen boasts about a new ship design that will make it possible to double the size of a trade shipment.
“A ship that large will give you freedom to introduce new imports,” says an Akarian dignitary.
“True.” Auberdeen nods to the Plovian queen. “Like silks from the isles.”
“How fortunate for Malam that we’ve reestablished trade with Shaerdan.” Segrande thumps the table, drawing light laughter. “In fact, we’re already seeing the benefits.” He turns to me.
“Yes.” I lower my fork and seize the transition to discuss Sanguine. “I’ve heard word of a new import in our markets.”
“You’ve snared our attention, Young King Aodren. Tell us more.”
Young king? King Gorenza’s booming delivery in a brisk Kolontian accent doesn’t lighten the dig at my age. He sits languidly on the other side of the table, a head shorter than me, shoulders twice my width, nose like a hawk’s. He has one arm draped on the chair’s back and the other resting on the table. A casual domination of space.
“What item of trade, specifically, are you talking about?” he asks.
“Channeler oil,” Leif answers.
“Oil for Channelers?” Auberdeen’s confusion is mirrored by others  around the table.  He takes spectacles  from his pocket and holds them beneath his unkempt eyebrow hedges. “Is that the new import?”
“Yes. No . . . I mean, no.” Leif’s face is the same color as the beets on his plate.
“Captain O’Floinn is referring to Sanguine,” I explain. “It’s said to be a Channeler-made healing remedy. Have you any experience with the oil?”
“Sounds familiar,” murmurs a Plovian dignitary.
“The oil comes from Akaria, no?” King Gorenza focuses on the Ku, who is sitting to my left. “What do you know of it?’ Ku Toa is older than me by four or five decades, small in stature, and has a shorn head — as is the custom for the southern kingdoms’ leaders. I turn to her, curious about her answer. But her dignitary, Olema, answers. “We have an oil in our land
called Sanguine.”
“Are they not the same, Fa Olema?” Gorenza props both arms on the table.
Olema is an ancient man, older than the Ku, with a face mapped in wrinkles. He exchanges a look with the Ku. “I cannot say.”
“It’s the most potent of all Channeler healing aids. Is it not?” asks Judge Soma, second in command to Auberdeen.
Everyone turns to the thin, lanky man.
“That so?” Gorenza stabs a roll with his knife.
Soma nods. “It’s similar to Beannach water, but more po- tent. Are you familiar with Beannach?”
Earlier this year, Judge Auberdeen sent Soma to Malam to draft a treaty between our kingdoms. Soma was earnest and well informed. His contradicting opinion on Sanguine confirms that the rumors were fueled by prejudices. I know I should be pleased that Sanguine isn’t hurting my people, but the hatred that must exist in my kingdom to start such a vicious rumor gnaws at me.
“Beannach means ‘blessed,’” says Leif, jumping in when he can. “It replenishes.”
A flicker of a smile twitches on the Ku’s face.
“I know what it does.” Gorenza shoves pieces of the im- paled roll into his mouth, chewing viciously before adding, “Even if we don’t use Channeler magic up north.”
“And yet,” says Soma, “at every summit, a Channeler from your kingdom performs in the jubilee.”
“We don’t use their magic, but they live among us.” Gorenza yanks his knife free. He swings the point to face me. “Kolontia hasn’t outlawed and hunted Channelers as Malam has.”
Lord Segrande develops rigor mortis. Queen Isadora’s fork clatters on the table.
“Now that the stone’s been thrown, we can move on,” I say, having anticipated this reaction from the other leaders. “After all, Malam has. There isn’t one of us whose kingdom has a spotless history. My people’s shame is merely more recent.”
Judge Auberdeen and Ku Toa’s eyes slant to me, assessing. 
Gorenza scoffs. “Will we actually see Channelers repre- senting Malam at the jubilee this year?”
“Of course,” I say. They think Malam will have no repre- sentative in the Channeler show, like the last four summits. They’re wrong. The jubilee is one event in which I can rest easy. “Katallia of the Channelers Guild will wear Malam’s colors. I’m honored that she calls Malam home.”
Katallia became an ally when she fought alongside me to defeat Lord Jamis. When she performs in the name of Malam, she’ll inspire pride in all Malamians.
“I’m sure it would’ve been difficult to find another willing Channeler,” Gorenza says, oddly quiet. “How fortunate for you that Katallia’s life was spared during your kingdom’s extermination, which you did nothing to stop when you first came into power.”
The room goes silent.
If a rat scuttled across the floor, its steps would register louder than a drumroll.
The pommel of my sword digs into my hip. A call to arms against such an appalling insult to my honor. I drag a breath through my teeth, tempering the wave of intense loathing, and bridling the urge to cut Gorenza down.
The smallest movement catches in my periphery. A Malamian guard has edged forward. Gorenza stares at him, nostrils flared in a look of daring that says he’s primed to shed blood. Any guard in this room wouldn’t hesitate to kill a person for caustic remarks made against their leader, but because Gorenza is the king, my guard waits. As does everyone else, sitting with bated breath.
I’m not here to start a war. I’m here for Malam, I remind myself.
For allegiances. For unity. For my people’s future.
I flick out my hand, low to the side in a staying motion. Auberdeen bangs the table with his fist, though he keeps
an eye on me. “Enough talk of trade. King Gorenza, you have a grandchild on the way, do you not? Let me tell you about what my granddaughter said to me just this morning.”
The single lamp illuminating my chambers is not enough to give shape to the clothing chest or prevent me from slamming my shin into the corner. I hop back, cursing, and yank off my coat. My boots come off next. One tumbles beneath the desk. The other hits the curtain. For a half second, I swear it’s followed by an oomph. I pull the tunic over my head and let it drop, welcoming the cool evening air.
A shadow moves from behind the curtains. An intruder. Pulse ricocheting through my veins, I snatch the sword at
my hip.
The man grabs for something behind him. I lunge, thrusting the blade’s point at the intruder’s chest. He lets out a squawk. Hands hang at his sides, frozen.
“Don’t move or I’ll kill you.”
A blast of wind slams into me, knocking me to the ground. I manage to keep a hand on my blade. I jump to my feet, but the distraction has given the intruder the advantage.
“I’d apologize for using a wind gust to knock you down,” he — no, she says. A woman? A Channeler. Shock has me frozen in place. How did she get in here? “But you had a blade digging into my heart.”
She shakes out her hands and steps into the lamplight. Blue eyes rimmed with stripes of black lashes stare at me from under a boy’s cap. She looks like a scrawny stable boy. “You don’t recognize me?”
The scrawny-stable-boy disguise throws me off. But a memory emerges of her on the same battlefield as me. Last year, she came to Malam seeking her friend, and she ended up fighting beside me to stop the army of traitors from taking Malam.
When I don’t answer immediately, she huffs. “Figures.” And then she tugs off her hat, releasing a coil of raven hair. “It’s Lirra Barrett. I saved your life earlier this year.”
She mutters under her breath about me not remember- ing, and then adds something that sounds like “arrogant arse.”
Any shock still chilling my veins quickly heats with anger. Regardless of our past, how dare she be so brazen as to sneak into my room, use her Channeler magic on me, and then disrespect me?
“You’ve trespassed in my chamber. State your purpose.” My tone is terse and cold.
She blinks at me. Her mouth pinches like she’s  tasted something bitter, and then she withdraws a letter from her pocket. “This is from my father.”
Uh-oh....when enemies from different kingdoms come together, either peace or war could be on the forefront. Want to find out how Lirra and Aodren will partner together to get to the bottom of what’s happening in Malam? Read ONCE A KING, which you can purchase from any of the links below. 
Barnes & Noble 
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Next UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh!
COP26 ended on Saturday 13 November with weak decisions in many vital areas, including adaptation to climate change, the loss and damage it causes and climate finance. There are, however, some crucial points in the text that allow countries to increase their short-term climate ambition and implement binding climate policies.
One victory concerns the agreement reached on shorter-term commitments on climate action, alongside a reminder of the urgent need to halve emissions by 2030, in line to maintain warming at 1.5 ° C.
For the first time in history, the conclusions of COP26 refer to the end of coal and the disappearance of fossil fuel subsidies.
The final text recognises nature's essential role in achieving the 1.5 ° C target, encourages governments to integrate nature into their national climate plans, and establishes an annual dialogue on the oceans for mitigation actions and ocean-based adaptation.
The next climate summit, COP27, will be held in Sharm El-Sheikh.
Page in extremis is the communication partner with which the Belgian unit of WWF produces numerous print and digital publications. This collaboration started over 12 years ago.
During the COP26, WWF entrusted Page in extremis to develop a series of animated social media teasers.
Based in Brussels, the communication agency makes associations brands conversational, helps organisations engage with their stakeholders and convey their messages.
Contact us to get the conversation started: inextremis.be
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whoisjinhwan · 7 years
100 reasons to love yuta
that smile™
did i mention he invented smiling??? Amazing
his PERFECT smile its by far the best smile ive EVER seen in my life. not to be dramatic but yutas smile has cured any sickness i have ever head and have yet to have not to be dramatic but every time i see yuta smile and get that twinkle in his eye my heart grows three times in size not to be dra
his boldness. hes very straightforward its so refreshing
the way his eyes get so wide when hes surprised or enthusiastic im SOFT
his lips i… gtg. theyre perfectly heart shaped
his insane versatility. give him a fuckign Clown Concept complete with hair and makeup, he’ll pull it off. no printer just fax
hes so witty despite not being 100% fluent in korean its amazing bc these comments just roll off his tongue
his charisma…. God Tier. he puts it out there that hes That guy
he moved to korea from japan and learned korean so fast that he gave taeil an identity crisis wow
yuta saying OKAY OKAY all the time thats the Nakamotto™
all (2) of his lines in firetruck
his hair is so luscious if sm ever tries to cut it i will personally Go Off
how does he look so good in yellow?????? he really did That
middle part!yuta
his medium/high pitched speaking voice? yes
HIS SINGING. his voice is so soft and sweet what an angel. i always have to prepare myself before his parts in songs so that i dont get a stroke bc his voice flows like liquid gold its so entrancing and addicting that got long and gross really fast in conclusion : give him more lines!!!!!!!!!
cherry bomb yuta focus ver. truly a smash hit legend deal with it
hes so dual hes like the human embodiment of sin but hes so GOOD. honestly how does he do That
the way he loves skinship it KILLS ME hes always holding someones hand, has his arm around their shoulder, etc.
hes highkey a sweetheart have u seen the way he takes care of his members?? how hes always right there next to them, comforting them, just overall being super sensitive
how he acts with the younger members
his friendship with hansol
taeyong said he makes all the other members feel confident :)))
yuta saying “good job” and praising winwin 25/8
accidentally holding taeils hand
when ice cream was found yuta gave winwin the first bite
yuta ft sword protecting taeyong while he barbecues
cooking assistant!yuta
how hard he tries to include all the members during interviews
hes so precious he named winwin winko im ugly sobbing
SAVAGE YUTA!!! yuta doesnt fuck around he knows whats up this boi rlly roasted his own company for not giving him enough lines King Of Being Petty he roasts better than this oven im about to stuff myself into
his love for his heritage. he always mentions japan in his interviews like “im from japan, can I speak japanese, back in osaka…”
nct life in osaka : tourguide!yuta wandering around his hometown with his members having the time of his life made me softer than it needed to
the famous takoyaki prank #fail it was tragic
yuta tightly holding taeyongs hand in the haunted house? cute !!
yuta trying to wink but actually just…. blinking? cute!!
yutas love for ferris wheels? cute !!
THAT cherry blossom pic. call moma i think theyre missing a masterpiece
i could listen to him speak japanese all day amsr whomst???
hes such a tease like its not an nct video unless yuta tries to flirt with the camera
@stylists stop giving him jackets!!! he doesnt WANT them
his rap in open the door, a religious experience
he grinded on a minion i think about this every single one of my waking hours How To Bleach Your Eyes
he has chicken breasts in his backpack?? what a frekkin weirdo…..
“we dont speak, thats alright” + that ONE HAND MOVE in 0 mile
his accent when he speaks english
his cute way of saying words he doesnt know how to pronounce
hes always given the hardest parts in choreo like the lifting parts in firetruck and he does it well even when hes hurt :((((
he way he talks. he has so many opinions like when he was on abnormal summit every time he spoke it was iconic, we love a woke king hes just. so Good With Words
he admires his dad more than anything in the world
his gaze/stare ohohohohoohoho my gosh!!!!!
this ?? boy ?? really ?? signed with sm as a vocalist, trained as a rapper, and now has the role of a dancer in nct 127? what is this talent, is he like… real?
his LAUGH! the way his shoulders rise and his eyes turn into crescents… wow
his airport fashion! looks after looks after looks after looks af
he is the single most Extra person ive ever seen with my own two eyes
that one time on nct life in paju when they were playing soccer and he… PUT THE BALL INSIDE HIS SHIRT TO SNEAK A GOAL??? i think abt this a lot
cant whistle for shit
he once said he doesnt smile in airport pics bc he wants to look cool?????????? a Whole Scorpio
clumsy!yuta opening a fridge and dropping a jar of spam on his foot
calling taeyong tsundere
“healing smile but I can do killing too”
“i dont cook but im a good cook”
cooking!yuta being confident that hes first place but then being eliminated
his cover of touch my body by sistar. Legendary
he played soccer for 11 years so he can singlehandedly murder everyone when it comes to sports its so Sexci
bUT he doesnt have the strength to do winwins morning exercises
he literally said his favorite destinations are rest stops because he can eat and relax
yuta in haarpers bazaar ended every other model on earth thats the Tea
when he wore that shirt with barack obama on it… thats Woke
his skin!!!!!!! always got that Glo. anastasia who??? becca whom?
he needs to wear muscle tees forever bc a r m s, im crying, can you hear my tears
his fanservice he! really called us princesses and is always throwing up hearts this is an attack!
slytherin!yuta with a milk mustache in universal studios
supreme anime connoisseur 
his drawing vs haechans drawing??
hes Highkey gay for winwin
mountain man? manly man? Who Know
forgot his own groups name???? New Culture Technology headass….
when he wears earbuds at the airport and looks like hes in a kdrama like what is he listening to? asking the Real Questions
yuta + lemon, a Tragedy
yuta playing ping pong in nct life and getting super hyped up for no reason at all
when he runs his fingers thru his hair. gravity? idk her.
his favorite accessories are earrings and he always wears the ones his fans gift him
all his reactions are a1 wow, god of cute expressions
yuta eating happily makes my heart so full like do you see those cheeeeks!!!!
cherry bomb era… hes really a whole meal i am well FED
his shoulders = yes
the way he gets so nervous when he has to give a speech in tokyo dialect bc hes from osaka
if he were to be reborn he said hed want to be a woman my heart is BURSTING
he gives good advice. i love how he turns his own experiences into life lessons i love my Wise Boyfriend
“what kind of food is not important, who youre eating with is important”
people give yuta so much shit bc of his chin but i love how confident he is with himself. “you guys saw my teasers right? i was sexy wasnt i?” “i dont look for the camera, the camera looks for me” its so heartwarming bc hes That guy and he k n o w s
he said his ideal type is someone who knows the word “pain” like hes so much more than the smiley playful persona he has on camera if u dont think that super scorpio hides a shit ton of feelings and insecurities get off my lawn
hardworking!! hes improved so much as a dancer and hes always trying his best to make ncts broadcasts entertaining it makes my heart blush i LOVE him
he, nakamoto yuta, the light of my whole life, exists. hes Out There, living. i love being blessed everyday imagine not loving yuta thats :/ not relatable
204 notes · View notes
boldtendencies · 5 years
Reading list for 2019 - Fiction
Literature (books, essays, publications etc) 
 Alderman, N. (2017), Dystopian dreams : how feminist science fiction predicted the future, [online] The Guardian 
Available at : https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/mar/25/dystopian-dreams-how-feminist-science-fiction-predicted-the-future
Altmann, U. (2018). Beyond beauty-affective and aesthetic processes in reading and art perception (Doctoral dissertation). Available at: https://refubium.fu-berlin.de/bitstream/handle/fub188/5191/Diss_FIN_ElektrAbg_28_03_18.pdf?sequence=1
 Desmet, F. (2010), Female perspectives in the dystopian novel, University of Gent 
Available at : https://lib.ugent.be/fulltxt/RUG01/001/457/858/RUG01-001457858_2011_0001_AC.pdf
Gere, C. (2008). New media art and the gallery in the digital age. New Media in the White Cube and Beyond: Curatorial Models for Digital Art, 13-25. Available at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/12572053/digital_gallery.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1559404065&Signature=yaGVr1iwg%2BLUN45J9iI4pUVIsBY%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DNew_Media_Art_and_the_Gallery_in_the_Dig.pdf
 Mehri, M (2018), Who is welcome in Wakanda? On Black Panther and contradictory afrofuturism,[online] OpenSpace
Available at : https://openspace.sfmoma.org/2018/03/who-is-welcome-in-wakanda-on-black-panther-contradictory-afrofuturisms/
 Liptak A. (2017), Space That Never Was is one artist’s vision of a never-ending space race. Where else might we have gone?
Available at : https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/22/16500796/space-that-never-was-maciej-rebisz-space-art
 Liptak A. (2016), Kim Petersen's Jaw-Dropping Images Take Us To New Worlds
Available at : https://io9.gizmodo.com/kim-petersons-jaw-dropping-images-take-us-to-new-worlds-1751400063
Available at : https://www.theverge.com/2013/8/27/4664842/sweden-reimagined-what-if-sci-fi-tech-were-real
 Piercy, M. (1976), Woman on the edge of time, New York: Alfred A. Knopf
Dahl R., Foreman M. & Blake Q. (1964), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, UK : Alfred A. Knopf
Tolkien J. R. R. (1954-1955), The Lord of the Rings, UK : Allen & Unwin
Tolkien J. R. R. (1937), The Hobbit or There and Back Again, UK : George Allen & Unwin
Rowling J. K. (1998-2007), Harry Potter, London : Bloomsburry Publishing
Kipling R. (1894), The Jungle Book, Macmillan Publishers
Verne J. (1870), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Pierre-Jules Hetzel
Hugo V. (1833), The Hundback of Notre-Dame, Gosselin
Boule P. (1963), Planet of the Apes,Le cercle du nouveau livre
 Meyer S. (2005-2008), Twilight,Little, Brown and Company
 Eluard P., Man Ray (1937), Les Mains Libres, Jeanne Bucher 
 Riordan R. (2005-2009), Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Penguin Books/Puffin
 Besson L. (2002), Arthur series,Harper Collins 
 Bonnefoy Y. (2012),The Arrière-pays (The French List), UK : Seagull Books 
Available at : https://www.amazon.com/Arrière-Pays-French-List-Yves-Bonnefoy/dp/0857420267
Gunkel H., Hameed A., O’Sullivan S. (2017), Futures and Fictions, Repeater
Haraway D. (1985), A Cyborg Manifesto, The Socialist Review
McEwan I. (2019), Machines Like Me, Jonathan Cape
Öba T. (2003-2006), Death note, UK : Viz Media
Kishimoto M. (1999-2014), Naruto, UK : Viz Media 
Arakawa H. (2001-2010), Full Metal Alchemist, UK : Viz Media
Kubo T. (2001-2016),Bleach, UK : Viz Media
Giraud J. / Moebius (2016), Inside Moebius : Tout Inside Moebius, Moebius Production Available at : https://www.bedetheque.com/BD-Inside-Moebius-INT-Tout-Inside-Moebius-293850.html& https://www.amazon.fr/Moebius-Library-Inside-Part-English-ebook/dp/B078FZ2RRW(english version)
Jodorowsky A. & Moebius (1978), Les yeux du chat, Les Humanoïdes Associés 
Available at : http://moebiusodyssey.space/book/les-yeux-du-chat/& https://www.bedetheque.com/BD-Yeux-du-chat-20693.html
 Jodorowsky A., (1980-1985), L’Incal, Les Humanoïdes Associés 
Available at :https://www.humano.com/album/35661
   Audio (radio, podcasts etc) 
 Who wrote Animal Farm ?- podcast by Arts & ideas (2019) for BBC radio
Available at : https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075zld4
   Video (films, tv shows, YouTube etc) 
 1980’s movies that shaped our humanity- YouTube video by Pop Culture Detective (2018) 
Available at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytMUSmS9kSs
 European Space Agency, ESA (2014), Ambition the film 
Available at :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H08tGjXNHO4
 The Met - Art or Fiction? 
"The fiction of the anatomy, it tickles me."—Bill T. Jones, choreographer and director
Available at :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_6SEqoA_Bg
 Art of Creating Fiction | Novoneel Chakraborty | TEDxVignanUniversity
Available at :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iK9CuQjyIs
 Server Demirtaş | Hayal Makinesi / Fiction Machines | 21.09 - 22.10.17 | Bozlu Art Project Nişantaşı
Available at :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpVxbv5ALEg
 björk– jóga- Directed by Michel Gondry. (1997)
 björk – isobel - Directed by Michel Gondry (1995)
 björk: crystalline- Directed by Michel Gondry (2011)
 FKA twigs (2019) – Cellophane 
 Michael Jackson (1983) – Thriller 
 Childish Gambino (2014) – Telegraph Ave ("Oakland" By Lloyd) 
 Rihanna (2008) – Disturbia 
 Aronofsky D. (2010), Black Swan, Fox Searchlight Pictures
 Proyas A. (2009), Knowing, Summit Enterntainment
 Besson L. (2007-2010), Arthur : The Film Series, EuropaCorp
 Wachowski L., Warner Bros. (1999), The Matrix, Warner Bros.
 Marvel Studio (2008-2019), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Comics (22 films)
Lee S., Bristol S (2019), See You Yesterday, 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks
 Lee S., Kirby J (2000-2018), X-men, Marvel Comics (12 films) 
 Zemeckis R. (1985), Back to the Future, Amblin Entertainment
 Lucas G. (1977-…), Star Wars (saga)
 Walt Disney Imagineering (2003-2017), Pirates of the Caribbean (5 films)
 Burton T. (2005), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Warner Bros. Pictures
 Tanaka T., Honda I. & Tsubaraya E. (1954), Godzilla, Universal Studios 
 Cameron J. (1984), Terminator, Orion Pictures
 Jodorowsky A. (1989), Santa Sangre
 Jodorowsky A. (1990), The Rainbow Thief
 Jodorowsky A., (1970), El Topo
Nolan C., (2010), Inception, Warner Bros.Pictures
Burton T., (2003), Big Fish
   TV shows, series
 Benioff D., Weiss D. B. & Martin G. R. R. (2011-2019), Game of Thrones, HBO
 Duffer M. & Duffer R. (2016), Stranger Things, Netflix
Available on www.netflix.com
 Batmanglij Z. & Marling B. (2016), The OA, Netflix
Available on www.netflix.com
 Rolland J., Harmon D. (2013-…), Rick and Morty, Warner Bros Television
 Darabont F. & Kirkman R. (2010-…), The Walking Dead, Walt Disney Television
 Saban H. (1993-…), Power Rangers, Fox Kids 
 Murphy R. & Falchuk B. (2011-2018), American Horror Story, 20th Century Fox Television
 Weiner M. (2007-2015), Mad Men, Weiner Bros.
 Schur M. (2016-…), The Good Place, Universal Television Group
Available on www.netflix.com 
Brooker C. (2011-...), Black Mirror, available on Netflix
Slade D.,Brooker C. (2018), Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, available on Netflix
Vincent S., Brackley J. (2015-2018), Humans, available on Channel 4, Amazon Prime
 Oda E. (1997-…), One piece, Toei Animation
Available at www.onepiece.com
 Date H., (2002-2007), Naruto, Manga Entertaiment
 Abe N. (2004-2012), Bleach, AnimeCentral, Sony Movie Channel
 Araki T. (2006-2007), Death Note, Manga Entertainment
 Mizushima S. (2003-2004), Fullmetal Alchemist, Anime Limited
 Toriyama A. (1984-1995), Dragon Ball, Manga Entertainment
 Nishio D. (1989-1996), Dragon Ball Z, , Manga Entertainment
  Video Games
 Kanuk M. (2012), Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt, Europe : Warner Bros
Teaser Trailer (2013) available at : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P99qJGrPNLs
 Tajri S. & Sugimori K. (1996-2018),Pokémon, The Pokémon Company, Nintendo
Square Enix (1987-…), Final Fantasy,Square Enix
Kamiya H. (2001), Devil May Cry, Capcom
Sakurai M. (1990), Kirby, Nintendo
Miyamoto S. (1986-2017), The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo
Miyamoto S. (1985-2019), Super Mario, Nintendo
Adham A., Pearce F., Morhaime M. (1994-2018),Warcraft, Blizzlard Entertainment
Naka Y., Oshima N., Yasuhara H. (1991-…), Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega
Tezuka T., Eguchi K. (2001), Animal Crossing,Nintendo
 Twitter, IG accounts
 Kim Petersen 
 Raphael Lacoste
 Martin Deschambault
 Simon Stålenhag
IG : @simon_stalenhag 
 Fabrice Hyber 
 IG : @penguin press
 IG ; @contemporaryfinearts 
 IG : @contemporaryartcyrator
 IG : @contemporary_art
 IG : @slimesunday
 IG : @rsconnett
 IG : @hannahyata
 IG : @miles_art 
 IG : @chris_dyer
 IG : @marcomazzoniart
 IG : @johngayart
 IG : @colinprahl
 IG : @chapelofsacredmirrors
 IG : @the.pinklemonade
 IG : @jose_davinci
 IG : @gui_lo_pi
 IG : @artleove
 IG : @m_melgrati
 IG : @pawel_kuczynski1
  Other medium 
 Talking Statues- by Sing London (various years) 
More details : http://www.talkingstatueslondon.co.uk/
  Art Projects
 Parreno P. (2017), Installation views: A Time Coloured Space, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Fundação de Serralves, Porto, 3 February - 7 May, 2017 
Pictures available at : https://www.pilarcorrias.com/artists/philippe-parreno/
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