#Ricardo Cruz
geekpopnews · 5 months
Osesp apresentará a sinfonia de anime na sala São Paulo
Quem disse que anime não é cultura? A Osesp irá apresentar a sinfonia de animes, um megaevento para os amantes de música e animes que ninguém pode perder. Confira como prestigiar esse momento: #anime #osesp #sinfoniadeanime
As musicas de animes são inesquecíveis para os fãs de animação, assim nada melhor que uma sinfonia de anime. Sendo assim, A OSESP – Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo preparou uma seleção de músicas que irão encantar a todos os fãs de animações. Entre quinta (18/abr) e domingo (21/abr), a Osesp e os Coros Acadêmico, Juvenil e Infantil apresentam na Sala São Paulo mais uma edição de um…
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edsonjnovaes · 10 months
Jaspion - Guia Visual Definitivo
C’mon, boy! Jaspion – Guia Visual Definitivo possui 176 páginas com muito conteúdo sobre um dos tokusatsus mais famosos do Brasil, o livro possui capa dura, papel encorpado e um trabalho gráfico inspirado em publicações japonesas sobre os heróis do gênero. JOÃO PAES – IGN. 30 de Outubro de 2023 O guia visual é uma parceria da Sato Company com a editora Mozu. Segundo os autores, Ricardo Cruz,…
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agent-darkbootie · 2 years
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So we all got into this incorrect quote generator and honestly
It's a gold mine
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whileiamdying · 8 months
El thriller español que te absorbe – Actualidad de cine –.
Es un buen momento para recordar este proyecto que reunió a Penélope Cruz y Javier Bardem.
Cuando Todo el mundo sabe Inauguró la competición de Cannes en 2018, muchos decían que Penélope Cruz y Javier Bardem habían roto la maldición de la noche inaugural del festival. En fin, un thriller hipnótico y una buena propuesta para ir abriendo boca en uno de los certámenes donde se ven algunas de las mejores películas del año.
Dirigida por el director Asghar Farhadi, quien ya era considerado uno de los cineastas más reconocidos del mundo tras la impresionante Acerca de Elly (2009) o El vendedor ambulante (2016). Para su siguiente proyecto eligió España como lugar de rodaje y, aunque las críticas son mayoritariamente positivas, Hubo quienes ven la película como “un paso atrás” en la carrera de Farhadi..
En cualquier caso, se trata de un thriller muy sólido que te mantendrá alerta durante sus 132 minutos. Está disponible en alquiler desde 5,99€ en Prime Video, Google Play y Apple TV.
Todo el mundo lo sabe se centra en Laura, una mujer que vive en Buenos Aires y que regresa a su ciudad natal con sus hijos, Irene y Diego, para la boda de su hermana menor. Allí se reencuentra con familiares y viejos amigos, especialmente con Paco, con quien tiene una larga historia. Todos celebran la recepción previa a la ceremonia, pero la hija adolescente de Laura se va a casa porque no se siente bien. Cuando Laura va a ver cómo está, descubre que ha desaparecido y recibe un mensaje de los secuestradores pidiendo una gran suma de dinero a cambio de devolverla con vida.
La película de Farhadi “demuestra que es posible sublimar los clichés del culebrón en la gran pantalla, elevándolos a un melodrama de lujo, presentado como caviar iraní y repleto de estrellas como Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Bárbara Lennie, Ricardo Darín o Inma Cuesta, entre otros, con especial mención a José Ángel Egido, un antológico Señor Lobo”, como apunta Philipp Engel en su reseña para SensaCine.
La cinta cuenta en Tomates podridos con una calificación del 78% y un consenso acorde con lo que señala Engel, que el elenco es excepcional y hace gran parte del trabajo. En reseñas como la de Observador, subrayan que “no es un Farhadi clásico”, pero “la película tiene méritos”; como Semana del Cine donde aseguran que “no es lo mejor” del director, pero “incluso un Farhadi menor es mejor que la mayoría de películas”.
Por nuestra parte, no tenemos ninguna queja, es un thriller atrapante, con un ritmo trepidante y un gran final.
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Oficializa federación y estados el IMSS-Bienestar
Oficializa federación y estados el IMSS-Bienestar #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #IMSS #IMSSBienestar @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX @Tu_IMSS
Asegura el gobierno de México que con esto se garantizará el acceso a servicios médicos de calidad, así como a los medicamentos en tiempo y forma. Por Carlos Lara Moreno | Reportero El gobierno federal y los gobiernos de los estados firmaron el convenio de colaboración para el establecimiento del IMSS-Bienestar. En conferencia de prensa, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador anunció que…
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divulgamaragogipe · 1 year
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hugoalexandrecruz · 2 years
Prova de doutoramento de Ricardo Nogueira Pinto no Iscte by Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Via Flickr: A prova de doutoramento em Gestão, "Does innovation spur integrated reporting?", por Ricardo Nogueira Pinto, teve lugar no Iscte, a 27 de janeiro de 2023. Fotografia de Hugo Alexandre Cruz
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toskarin · 2 months
just because I'm thinking about it, here's one of those periodic posts where I list off a few random youtube channel recommendations I've been enjoying lately (or have been enjoying long-term (or for any length of time really))
Masaru. - I like fishing. but I can't do it at the moment. Masaru also likes to fish. he free dives, he brings a fish up, he cooks the fish, then he says how it tastes. sometimes it is an unusual fish. sometimes it tastes good. sometimes it tastes wretched. he will tell you. this singlehandedly solves basically every single complaint I have with most cooking/fishing channels. this is cocomelon to me
MIQ(MIO) - it's MIQ! one of the strongest anison vocalists of... well, basically ever. it's her official channel! she uploads concert recordings, karaoke advice for her own songs, and general updates on what she's doing here. I'm always aghast when I see how low her viewcounts are, given that she's an industry legend who's been going strong for over 40 years.
bellykelly - vinyl collector, uploading some really good cuts that you'd be hard-pressed to find anywhere else. one of those channels where I'm always up to date on uploads, and when I fall behind, I just playlist it all to catch up
Xerxes Vinyl Classics - vinyl collector, hasn't upload in a while, but has lots of older releases and remix pressings that are otherwise pretty rare. has some of the higher quality recordings of cantopop releases that are otherwise a little difficult to listen to in acceptable quality
Zuka Zhvania - music-enjoyer and song-uploader with a VERY frequent upload schedule. he's (as far as I know) not an official promoter or anything, but he's pretty damned good at keeping the tunes coming. if you're looking for someone to set you on some obscure industrial and house cuts, check out this channel
LIVING ONLY RECORDS - official channel for a doujin label with some absolutely fantastic noise rock, punk, and shoegaze bands on it. it's my understanding that this is less of "a record label" and more of a way for 群青リボン and friends to book out live houses together while selling merch at one table. which is a pretty noble cause
Someone45356 - probably laying pretty safe claim to the title of "most genre-firsts in the touhou doujin scene," Someone45356 is a strong recommend just for the level of care they put into their arrangements. I love their video thumbnails and their arrangement notes in the video description. a great channel at any level of musical interest (but an ESPECIALLY good channel if you're also a musician)
UPROAR24 - sick and tired of plguin and samplepack demo videos that are 75% ad copy by volume and still don't manage to show you the stupid thing in action? tired of looking at questionably-useful free vsts and not being able to tell whether you're even comfortable having that rubbish on your pc? UPROAR24 runs a channel that's pretty explicitly a reaction to this, making dodgy demos of dodgier plugins. works lovely as a catalogue to browse when you're looking for a new toy
USUDA - the pillar of the Armored Core fan community, USUDA has arranged more Armored Core music than anyone else short of actual FromSoft staff. he also releases his music for free download, including his midi arrangements. very friendly guy in all the interactions I've seen, and also pretty good at remembering people he's seen in other comment sections. I'd honestly shoot him a message first if I had any questions about arranging songs from these games lol
Ricardo Cruz - if you've listened to any portugese (br) covers of anison, you've heard Ricardo Cruz. even if you only listen to originals, there's still a pretty fucking solid chance you've heard him, because he's a JAM Project contributor. absolutely wonderful channel if you like watching skilful singers duet with other powerhouses
Saint Mauve - the best Hellsinker channel on youtube, which isn't an especially competitive title. but I think Saint Mauve would probably still be the best Hellsinker channel on youtube even if there were more than like three. my qualifier for when I've found something weird in the Hellsinker periphery is when I haven't seen Saint Mauve post about it. also plays other (often HS-adjacent) doujin stg and has good opinions on them
Tom Green - this is a weird recommendation but if you don't intuitively understand the appeal of a now-early-50s Tom Green calmly talking about his farm animals and riding around on a horse for hours at a time, I'm really not sure I can sell you on it. oddly calming
mercurytower - this channel is run by Asa, the musician behind Souvenirs to Forget. before they started releasing their original work, this was mostly used to upload guitar covers (which are good, but guitar covers aren't really enough to make me give a glowing recommendation of a channel). Souvenirs to Forget is a really exciting solo project and one I'm personally keeping an eye on. naturally, they upload their releases to this channel
Trance Classics - vinyl collector, records videos to go with the music, focuses more or less entirely on trance. I've got no excuse here. I just fucking love trance and always have, so you can pander to me really easily by just making a channel like this. if you like trance, it has hours and hours of trance
SJ HanStone Lee - the early-gen Mabinogi composer, among a lot of other things. it's been a while since he's posted anything new on this channel, but I check in every now and again. by my reckoning, one of the best mmo composers (and honestly one of the best game composers in general) of the past two decades. there's some stuff on here and his soundcloud that serves as wink-wink-nudge-nudge loveletters to his time working on the early Mabinogi soundtrack
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rafaelmartinez67 · 3 months
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¡México, Creo En Ti!… Por Ricardo López Méndez
México, creo en ti, Como en el vértice de un juramento. Tú hueles a tragedia, tierra mía, Y sin embargo, ríes demasiado, A caso porque sabes que la risa Es la envoltura de un dolor callado.
México, creo en ti, Sin que te represente en una forma Porque te llevo dentro, sin que sepa Lo que tú eres en mí; pero presiento Que mucho te pareces a mi alma Que sé que existe pero no la veo.
México, creo en ti, En el vuelo sutil de tus canciones Que nacen porque sí, en la plegaria Que yo aprendí para llamarte Patria, Algo que es mío en mí como tu sombra Que se tiende con vida sobre el mapa.
México, creo en ti, En forma tal, que tienes de mi amada La promesa y el beso que son míos. Sin que sepa por qué se me entregaron; No sé si por ser bueno o por ser malo, O porque del perdón nazca el milagro.
México, creo en ti, Sin preocuparme el oro de tu entraña; Es bastante la vida de tu barro Que refresca lo claro de las aguas, En el jarro que llora por los poros, La opresión de la carne de tu raza.
México, creo en ti, Porque creyendo te me vuelves ansia Y castidad y celo y esperanza. Si yo conozco el cielo es por tu cielo, Si conozco el dolor es por tus lágrimas Que están en mí aprendiendo a ser lloradas.
México, creo en ti, En tus cosechas de milagrería Que sólo son deseo en las palabras. Te contagias de auroras que te cantas. ¡Y todo el bosque se te vuelve carne! ¡Y todo el hombre se te vuelve selva!
México, creo en ti, Porque escribes tu nombre con la X Que algo tiene de cruz y de calvario: Porque el águila brava de tu escudo Se divierte jugando a los volados: Con la vida y, a veces, con la muerte.
México, creo en ti, Como creo en los clavos que te sangran: En las espinas que hay en tu corona, Y en el mar que te aprieta la cintura Para que tomes en la forma humana Hechura de sirena en las espumas.
México, creo en ti, Porque si no creyera que eres mío El propio corazón me lo gritara, Y te arrebataría con mis brazos A todo intento de volverte ajeno, ¡Sintiendo que a mí mismo me salvaba!
México, creo en ti, Porque eres el alto de mi marcha Y el punto de partida de mi impulso ¡Mi credo, Patria, tiene que ser tuyo, Como la voz que salva Y como el ancla…!
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geekpopnews · 8 months
Anime Summit Teaser | Burnout Syndromes e Hiroaki Tommy pela primeira vez no DF
Pela primeira vez no DF, a banda Burnout Syndromes e o icônico cantor Hiroaki Tommy Tominaga, são presença confirmada no Anime Summit Teaser. #AnimeSummitTeaser #BurnoutSyndromes #HiroakiTommyTominaga
Abrindo o calendário dos eventos geek em 2024, o Anime Summit Teaser trará duas grandes atrações internacionais para Brasília. A banda Burnout Syndromes e o cantor Hiroaki Tommy Tominaga desembarcam na capital pela primeira vez para shows únicos. Subindo aos palcos no sábado (3/2), a banda Burnout Syndromes conhecida por interpretar temas de muitos animes famosos, como Haikyuu!!, Dr. Stone,…
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seamusicpoetry · 7 months
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Ocean crashing on beach,Santa Cruz, Portugal
By Ricardo Teixeira
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las-microfisuras · 1 year
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Sigue tu destino, riega tus plantas,
ama tus rosas.
El resto es la sombra
de árboles ajenos.
La realidad
es siempre más o menos
de lo que queremos.
Sólo nosotros somos siempre
iguales a nosotros mismos.
Suave es vivir solo.
Grande y noble es siempre
vivir simplemente.
Deja el olor en aras
como exvoto a los dioses.
Ve de lejos la vida.
No la interrogues nunca.
Que ella nada puede
decirte. La respuesta,
más allá de los dioses.
Mas serenamente
imita el Olimpo
en tu corazón.
Los dioses son dioses
porque no se piensan.
- Fernando Pessoa. (Firmado con el heterónimo de Ricardo Reis) De: Odas de Ricardo Reis – (Publicación póstuma) – 1935-1994 Traducción de Ángel Campos Pámpano Ed. Pre-Textos – 1995© – Colección de la Cruz del Sur 
- Emilie Cayre. Sin título. Albí, Francia, 2021.
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marcmiauu · 3 months
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la nena es michelle 🙏
CONTEXTOO todo hcs
los papás de benjamin son john scott y teresa herrera!! john es británico de londres y teresa argentina de santa cruz,, se conocieron en buenos aires cuando ella estaba de viaje de egresados y él justo fue de vacaciones al mismo lugar
john es pelirrojo y quiere un nieto igual porque no pudo con su hijo, los genes de teresa fueron más fuertes :v
fun fact: los nombré así a ambos por esta canción de arjona 😭 ELLA SE LLAMA TERESA Y ÉL SE LLAMA JOHN
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republikkkanorcs · 1 year
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divulgamaragogipe · 1 year
Cruz das Almas: Prefeito acusa vereador de tentar subornar mulher para acusá-lo de estupro
Gestor municipal registrou boletim de ocorrência contra vereador que teria tentado subornar mulher O prefeito Ednaldo Ribeiro (Republicanos), de Cruz das Almas, no Recôncavo da Bahia, registrou um boletim de ocorrência no sábado (12), acusando o vereador oposicionista Ricardo Pinheiro (PP) de tentar subornar uma mulher para que ela denunciasse um suposto estupro praticado pelo gestor municipal.…
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selfsabotaqe · 11 months
hi everyone! it's been a while & finally i'm making my comeback. work has finally left me some room to breathe so i'll be reappearing on your dash and hopefully getting back into the swing of replies. down below there's a full list of everything currently in my drafts. please let me know whether you'd like to continue or drop these threads. whichever scenario is completely fine and understandable (it's been a hot sec after all), just let me know. if you'd prefer to start something new, we can also do that. feel free to message me or reply to this post anytime. there's no rush at all to make up your mind, but just to start off i'll start with replies for threads people do actively express interest in. so if anything from this list is something you're still excited about, let me know and i'll prioritize. we can always waitlist the other stuff while we feel it out. anyway, let me know, come chat, let me love u down and can't wait to continue writing together. love u all! 💗🥹
with @persephonyed. carlos x lorenzo marley x camille
with @silvrmoon. nadiye x milo axel x kadri zehra x sierra
with @lilacwiine. drew x felice amara x maya
with @invcntions. alec x lucas mateo x saxon devrim x leo beau x koa emre x noah luca x jaiden (smth new?) jesse x finn peyton x vance soren x lincoln
with @horrorphase. dominic x percy milan x kendall
with @slumpcd. max x theo kendall x nolan jinny x gwen
with @gcldcnhour. eden x mathias rhys x bodie isabel x tate alina x priya zoe x knox ethan x violet marisol x miriam
with @temptedfates. emmett x aydin noor x solana
with @spectraled. maddie x rory tbd x dallas (thought abt replying if u would like replies <3)
with @vacationeyes. marco x conrad julian x callum emre x frankie xavier x tyson jude x forest
with @lovecharged. jonas x antonio aleksei x drake bridie x quilo tbd x amie jonas x antonio (part two) julian x zayn felix x robin nadiye x rasim tatum x uziah carlos x gabriel
with @fruitpoem. ambar x joel
with @inkiidreams. aera x selin davika x esra carlos x mallory merve x yaritza robin x aurelia lais x nova casper x knox lachlan x olivia
with @wutheringdevotion. lachlan x oliver rowan x ginny connor x evan meera x monique carlos x gabriel gwen x jonah margot x adrian
with @gardenwalls. meera x paloma alec x mack naiyana x nadine daniel x minako laura x andrea fabien x mei li nazli x rhys
with @felteverywhere. alina x rowan
with @sunstvne. santiago x constantin
with @gvngsigns. gabriela x lucas kai x mateo florence x liam tobias x zuri andrea x cruz ricardo x vincent
with @scbrvght. all of our formula one threads (don't think i owe u the replies but let me know if you'd like to continue them <3) lale x finley soren x everly
mAYBE im missing things. if there's anything i owe you that isn't on this list, feel free to point it out to me! and also vice versa, if you owe me something & you want to discuss continuing or dropping it, just come message me and we can chat about it!
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