#Anne Holloway
spookysweet-heart · 3 years
Here's a little reminder since it's Lesbian Visibility Day! Anne Holloway is a Demisexual Lesbian and she's fucking proud of it!
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Lyanna: Miss Holloway, can I have a cookie before dinner?
Anne: What did Duke say?
Lyanna: He said no
Anne: Then why are you asking me?
Lyanna: 'Cuz he's not the boss of you?
Anne, internally: *this is a trap, this is a trap, this is a trap*
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
OC ask game - 12
Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
They all do, but Anne is the one that likes it the most since she's a hopeless romantic one out of the four sisters.
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
Guys I wanna talk about my Battle Girls 🥺 anyone wanna send in questions or anything so can just gush about these cuties 😭😭 I feel like the Holloway sisters need some attention 💜🖤
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
Reshape The Past
Request: No
Fandom: Battle Egos
Parings: Battle Egos x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mention of Death
A/N: This is Part Two! Part One can be found here! This is gonna be a Julie and The Phantoms AU, with the Holloway Sisters and Battle Boys! I hope you like it! The songs featured throughout the series are by their respective bands and artists, I’ll link each song that’s featured so you all can listen along. Each song I chose has significance to the story, so I hope you pay attention to them! The collage was made by me! Edited by @semiproeagle23​
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The girls looked at each other before they turned their attention to the drum set. 
“Who’s going to play the drums….” Raven spoke softly, walking towards them placing a gentle hand on one of the drums.
Marie glanced at the drums before looking back down at her notebook, feeling unsure.
Anne bit her lip nervously while clenching and unclenching her fists. “I-” Taking a deep breath in and out, she let her nerves slip away. “I’ll do it. This song doesn’t need a keyboardist anyway. I know her parts.”
Marie took Anne’s hand in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Are you sure?”
“Positive!” Anne smiled at her sisters as Raven walked towards her with Natalie’s drumsticks. 
“Our little sunshine, still brightening up the place even if we’re dead.” She playfully ruffled Anne’s hair, making her giggle.
“It’s settled, then! Let’s go get (Y/n)!” Marie was the first one to disappear with the other two following along.
Sitting at the kitchen table, you took a sip of your coffee and scrolled through your phone, seeing the pictures your mom posted of her and your younger siblings in her new house. Looking up from your phone, you saw the three women staring at you sitting at the table.
“Jesus fucking Christ! How long have you three been here?!”
“Just got here, actually. Had breakfast yet?” Anne sweetly smiled and looked around, noticing a bowl by the sink.
“Just some cereal. Why? Did you want something to eat?”
“We can’t eat.”
“Or sleep.”
“Or pick up anything that isn’t ours.”
“What?” You looked at them a little confused. 
Raven excitedly looked at you, grinning. “So last night we figured out we can pick up and play our instruments!”
“We wanna know if it’s okay if we show you a song we wrote?” Marie slid her notebook to you.
Taking the notebook, you looked through the pink and black colored pages. Reading the lyrics for a few seconds, you looked back at them, nodding. “Sure, why not. I should still have time before I have to get to class.” Sliding the book back, you stood up, putting the mug in the sink, and followed them out to the studio.
Raven pulled out a chair for you to sit on in front of them.
“Are you ready?” Anne asked you after she got comfortable behind the drums.
“Ready when you guys are. What’s the song called again?”
Raven smiled, adjusting her mic. “Candy Coated Lies!”
Marie grinned, adjusting the strap of the guitar. Counting down silently from three with her fingers, the group began to play.
Marie started feeling the excitement run through her when she started to sing. “Just about done livin' this life. Look at my face when you're talking to me, talking to me. Brought a blunt knife to a gunfight. Words and phrases lock me in cages. I'm taking my time if it's alright. Hold the world up but it's weighing on me, weighing on me. Watch it all fall from a great height. All these rats that are running races.”
Raven took over the pre-chorus. “Stay away, you push me to the edge. I need a tidal wave to drown out all the pain in me” She looked over at Marie when she joined her for the chorus.
“Just about to break, I can't stand the taste of Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies. Every day, the same, driving me insane. Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies.”
Anne focused as much as she could on playing the drums. It felt a little off at first, but she started to feel free with each passing beat. Raven and Marie glanced back at her when she took over the vocals. “You're killin' my vibe for the last time. Vultures up high started preying on me, preying on me. Take a step back to the broadside, 'cause I'm not as brave as I'm letting on to be. Losing my breath but I'm alive. Should have spent more time fighting for me, fighting for me. Making my way to the bright side. Is there paradise?”
The other two join in, the three of them singing the chorus. “Just about to break, I can't stand the taste of Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies. Every day, the same, driving me insane. Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies.”
Raven took the lead for a moment to let Marie catch her breath a little longer. “Talons digging deep down inside of me. Holding this absentee, guilty, and desperately.”
Marie closed her eyes for a second and smiled when she opened them again, seeing you look at them in awe. Giving this last round her all, you saw her grow more and more passionate about asking you to join their band. “Just about to break, I can't stand the taste of Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies. Every day, the same, driving me insane. Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies. Just about to break, I can't stand the taste of Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies. Every day, the same, driving me insane. Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies. Stay away, you push me to the edge. Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies. I need a tidal wave, to drown out all the pain in these, Candy-coated lies, these candy-coated lies.”
Anne dropped the drumsticks, shaking her fingers to loosen them up. Raven took off the strap of her bass and carefully put it back in its place. Marie breathed a bit heavily, but her smile never faded. “So? What’d ya think?”
Smiling, you stood up, clapping for them. “That was amazing! But is Anne okay?”
“I’m fine! Not used to playing drums is all!” She lightly waved her hand, dismissing your concern. “All good!”
Raven walked towards you with a small smile on her face. “This isn’t everything, to be honest.”
Marie gestured to the logo on the drum set. “We want you to be a part of our band!”
“(Y/n)?? Hey! Are you here?!” A voice from the other side of the door caught you four off guard. 
“Oh shit! No, I forgot my friend was coming over today to help unpack…” You looked around frantically before Raven got your attention.
“Hey, we’re ghosts, remember? They probably won’t be able to see us.”
“R-right…” Turning your attention to the door, you made your way to it, opening it.  “Erica!! Hey!”
“Hey, yourself! I was looking for you everywhere and when I made my way back here, I heard music coming from inside.” 
The girls looked at each other with wide eyes and smiles when they realized what she said. 
Erica looked around, seeing the stereo was on. “So you were just listening to music, then?”
“Seriously, you of all people need to sign up for the talent show this weekend! Your name alone could get you a deal.”
Playfully rolling your eyes, you wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “That’s exactly what I don’t want. If I want a deal with a label, I want it for my talent, not the name.”
“You never want an easy way in.”
“Nope! It takes the fun out of everything. You know I wanna work on this.”
“I’m just saying, the opportunity is there. You should take it.”
“Don’t think so. C’mon, I’ll buy you breakfast on the way to school.” Quickly waving to the girls, you closed the door behind you, leaving them alone.
Anne took a seat on the couch with Marie getting her acoustic guitar. “This is gonna be great! That girl heard us!”
“Yeah, but she can’t see us.” Raven crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at them.
“Yeah...but it’s a start. We just need (Y/n) to agree to join the band and we sign up with her for that talent show. She can maybe play it off like she recorded all the instruments while we actually play.”
Raven only shook her head. “That sounds ridiculous...but I guess anything is possible now.”
Anne looked up at Raven a little concerned. “You okay?”
“Yeah...kinda. I’m just feeling overwhelmed...I think I’m gonna go for a walk or something..”
“Do you want one of us to go with you?” Marie asked while putting down the guitar.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just be a while. I’ll be back later.” Raven disappeared, leaving a red mist behind.
Walking with her hands loosely behind her back, Raven looked around the huge park, seeing children playing, running around, and giggling while their parents watched over them. 
Everything seemed normal for a moment, she felt like things were okay...till someone phased right through her and she felt like reality punched her in the face again. Raven was a little dizzy, not used to people just going right through her. 
Before she knew what was happening, she was on the ground with slight pain on her forehead. “Hey watch where the fuck-” Raven blinked, trying to understand what happened.
The other woman who bumped into her frantically stood up, lending Raven a hand. “I am so so sorry! I thought I’d phase right through you. I thought you were alive!”
Raven took her hand, letting the other ghost help her up. “You crashed into me...wait you thought I was alive? Does that mean you’re...dead, too?” 
The woman gave her a nod, still holding her hand. “Yeah. been dead for a while. I’m Lexi, by the way.” Looking down, still seeing their hands touching, Lexi quickly took hers back, feeling a little embarrassed. “I- I’m sorry again, uh but can I ask you something?”
“I’m Raven, and uh sure I guess…” 
“Are you new to the whole dead thing?” Lexi adjusted her bag on her shoulder.
“What gave it away?” Raven playfully rolled her eyes at the question, giving Lexi a smile to reassure her she wasn’t being mean.
“Everything, honestly.” Lexi smiled back. “You look like something’s troubling you. Wanna talk about it?”
“Are you sure you have time to listen to me?”
“Pretty sure I have some time before I meet up with a friend.” Lexi led the way to the other side of the park where no one was occupying any of the benches.
After a while of listening to Raven, Lexi nodded and looked over at her. “So now you guys don’t know where your other sister is, and this girl. (Y/n)?”
“She can see you guys. And she’s living in your old house, and you’re sure she’s alive?”
“Also her old house, and yes, we’re sure.” Raven got quiet for a second.
“Have you tried finding what your unfinished business is?”
“My what?”
“Your unfinished business, like what you wanted to do before you died but never got the chance to.”
Raven thought for a second but shook her head. “I can’t think of anything at the moment. It’s all too much. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. You’re new, so it’s not gonna come right away. Some of us never really find it.”
“What about you? How’d you die?” Raven looked at Lexi before immediately covering her mouth with her hand. “I- I mean you don’t have to tell me, it’s fine. I’m sorry if that’s too personal for you.”
Lexi giggled and shook her head. “No, it’s fine. You told me your story. It’s only fair that I share mine. I died with my best friend. Her name’s Kimberly and we were inseparable in life, so it made sense even after death we’d still be with each other. We’d joke about that kinda thing, so when it happened we freaked out. We were walking home from getting dinner one night since the place was just a block away from our apartment. We didn’t see it coming at all. Someone was being robbed and we got caught in the crossfire. We got shot cause the person who was running away wasn’t looking where they were shooting.”
Raven took Lexi’s hand in hers, squeezing it. “I’m so sorry, oh my god, that’s horrible.”
Lexi smiled softly. “It’s alright. What’s done is done, right?”
“Lexi!!! Dude we’re gonna be late!” Someone shouted from across the field, waving and trying to get Lexi’s attention.
“Is that your friend?” Raven let go of her hand, feeling a little disappointed.
“Ah yeah, that’s her. I gotta go, but I’ll see you around, Raven.” Lexi stood up, stretching her arms a bit.
“Uh, w-would it be alright if we meet up tomorrow?” Raven quickly stood up, looking down at Lexi, hoping she’d say yes.
“Tomorrow? I should be able to meet up for sure. When and where?”
“Tomorrow morning, here? If that’s okay.”
“That’s completely fine. See ya then!” Lexi disappeared for a second. When Raven looked up, she saw her across the field.
“Who was that?” Kimberly grins over at Lexi, curious to know of a possible new friend.
“Newly dead, her name’s Raven..”
“Pretty name. Just her?”
Lexi shakes her head. “She has two sisters, she was just feeling lost.”
“I remember that feeling…”
“Yeah...So it’s almost showtime for you isn’t it?”
“Yeah, but you know I get worried…”
“I’m not passing through or whatever. Besides, why would I ever miss a friend's show? You know I can’t.” Lexi smiled as they both disappeared.
Standing in front of the red velvet rope, they showed the guard their IDs. Being let in, they walked through the huge lobby, making their way to the staircase leading downstairs.
“There she is!”
“Here I am! What’s up Bones?” Kimberly gave him her best puppy eyes she could.
“Nope, not gonna work this time. We have ten minutes till curtains up and you were almost a no show.”
“Chill, I was out for a walk. I needed to clear my head a bit. I’m sorry.”
“Change, please.” Bones pointed to the costume on the rack. 
With a snap of her fingers, she changed into the costume her boss designed. “Done.”
“There you two are! Has the boss seen you yet?” Natpai almost rushed into the group.
“Not yet. Is he mad?” Lexi asked, but a shiver ran down her spine when she felt someone standing behind her. Turning around, she saw the owner of the club.
“Mad? No. Irritated? Definitely…” 
“Phantom! I- I mean sir it was my fault. I went out for a walk, and we lost track of time! It won’t happen again.”
Phantom’s eyes glow a bright red for a moment before calming down. “Of course it won’t. You wanna know why?”
They all stayed silent, not daring to say a word.
“Y-yes, sir…”
Adjusting his tie, Phantom’s demeanor became softer. “Now, Mare’s waiting for you three on stage. Bones, Natpai, you two go on ahead.”
The two brothers nodded and gathered their things, rushing off to their places.
Phantom smiled down at the two women in front of him. “My girls,” Placing his hands on their cheeks, he gently stroked his thumb against them. “What were you two up to? You know I keep tabs on you both.” Taking his hands back he looks between the women staring at him. “I know you met someone new. Care to share anything about that?”
“Uh, um, I- I bumped into her. She’s newly dead…” Lexi looked down at her shoes, feeling intimidated. 
“Go on, sweetheart, what else?”
“She also has sisters with her....that’s all I know, sir. We only talked for a few minutes.”
“Interesting. Well, they're newly dead and they seem like ordinary ghosts. I see no reason to invite them here, yet.”
Both Kimberly and Lexi looked up at Phantom. “Invite them?”
“To see a show, of course! Isn’t that what we do here?! We put on shows not just for the living but the dead must also have a place to come and relax.” Phantom looked at his watch. “And look at that, you’re up. You, get to the stage. The band needs a singer, don't they?”
“Yes, sir!” 
“And you, they need their stage manager backstage, don’t they? Get to it!”
“Yes, sir!” Both women go their separate ways, leaving Phantom to walk over to the balcony overlooking the entertainment room. The orb on his cane glowed a dim red.
“We’ll keep an eye on those new ghosts. They might be of use…”
Back at the house, Raven popped back in to see Anne looking through their things and Marie sitting on the floor hunched over her notebook, looking frustrated. “What’s up with you?” 
“Remember the song we were working on? I’ve been trying to finish it, but I can’t figure out the chorus.” Marie frowned, not liking what she wrote.
Raven sat next to her and took the notebook, reading over the lyrics. “Take your jacket out my car, out my car. So I can forget who you are, who you are. Fall forward, fading through catastrophe-feeling.”
 “That’s where I just blank out…”
Raven looked over at Anne. “Have you tried to help?”
“Yup, I couldn’t think of anything either, so I decided to see what else of ours is in this bag.”  Pulling out a red cap, Anne tried it on.
“Hey, that’s mine!” Raven pouted, standing up and dropping the notebook back on the ground next to Marie.
“Guys, don’t make a mess here, we share the space, remember!” Marie raised her voice a little, feeling annoyed.
“Hey…are you guys still here?” You poked your head in to see an annoyed-looking Marie while Raven and Anne had a tug of war with a red cap. “I see I’m interrupting something.”
Anne let go of the cap and smiled, making Raven stumble. “You’re not!”
Raven glared at Anne, dusting off the cap so she could put it on.
“I’m glad I’m not.”  Stepping inside, you closed the door and took a seat on the couch, feeling grateful for not being on your feet for once today.
“Is something wrong?” Anne looked at you concerned.
“Hm? Oh! No, nothing's wrong, just tired from classes and unpacking so much today.”
“That’s understandable. I’m sorry you have a lot on your plate at the moment.” Anne resisted the urge to give your shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“It’s fine. Um, but I do have one thing I wanna get off my to-do list.”
“What is it?” Raven asked as she took a seat in one of the empty chairs.
“I thought about your offer. About joining the band.” All three girls instantly looked at you, hope shining in their eyes. “It took me all day to think about not just joining, but also about signing up for the talent show. It’s a huge thing the college does 'cause it’s not just a talent show. They call it that to make it simpler, but it’s just multiple shows to see who record labels are looking for.”
“Sounds like a lot of fun, honestly.” Marie smiled, sitting up and leaning back against the coffee table.
“It is! Um, but it’s also a lot of work too. Despite that, I think I’m ready to get back into music and sign up for this thing with you guys as a band!”
“Really?!” They immediately said it at the same time, making you giggle and nod.
“Yeah! I think it’ll be a good new path for the future. Ya know, kinda like reshaping the past in a way for myself.”
Marie grinned and quickly grabbed her notebook. “(Y/n), You’re a genius!!!”
“Huh?“ Looking at the other two confused, Raven smiled softly. 
“You just helped Marie finish the chorus of a song we were working on.”
“Oh! Can I see it? If that’s okay.”
“Of course!” Marie happily handed you the notebook, excited to hear what you thought of it.
Taking your time to read through it, you nodded your head while tapping your foot against the floor. “Well, we have the lyrics. I think I have an Idea for music.”
Raven went silent for a moment before she spoke up. “I met someone today while I was on my walk.”
The three of you looked at her curiously. “Who’d you meet?”
“I, uh, met this girl. Her name’s Lexi. She’s also dead like us. She’s really nice, and she helped me out with some things I had difficulty understanding about us being ghosts now.”
“You should invite her to the show!” Anne got excited, bouncing in her chair.
“She’d be the only one to actually see us on stage with (Y/n). I don’t think it would be a problem.” Marie smiled at Raven, playfully poking her cheek. ”You should definitely invite her.”
“Well not just her. Would you be fine if her friend tags along, too?”
Anne giggled, feeling her excitement bubble even more. “Oooo! Another ghost! We can make two new friends now!”
“I think that’d be sweet if you invited them.” You smiled at Raven while handing Marie her notebook back. “I also think I’m going to bed. I’ll see you three bright and early to start working on this song!” Stretching as you stood up, you waved goodbye to them when you started to leave the studio. “Night everyone!”
During the week, you spent most of your free time with the girls working on the song. You taught Anne how to use the soundboard when she played the keyboard. It took the first two days to agree on the drum sounds you’d use, but it worked out in the end. You, Marie, and Raven figured out who would sing what parts of the songs, both girls agreed you’d take the lead for the majority of it while they took backup instead.
The morning of the performance, the four of you looked through your wardrobe to see what you could wear. You settled on an old band shirt, ripped jeans, and a black jean jacket. It was casual, but still fit the mood of the song. The big factor was that you felt comfortable in it and could move around.
“So this is the place?” Lexi looked around the outdoor theatre area, amazed that it was as huge as it was.
“Looks like it...oh! Is that the girl that can see them?” Kimberly looked in your direction, but you didn’t notice since you were setting up the keyboard and soundboard almost off stage.
“Yeah, that’s her.” Lexi smiled when she spotted Raven helping you.
“Why don’t you ask her out?” Kimberly tilted her head, asking genuinely. 
“I- it’s not like that, dude. We’re just friends...”
“Right, just friends. That can change, you know.”
“Shut up. You’re a dork.” Lexi’s cheeks started to turn light pink, feeling a little embarrassed. 
“I’m your dork and you’re stuck with me!” Kimberly laughed when she saw Lexi pout.
“Alright, alright. Settle down, everyone. I believe our next act is ready to begin.” The host of the show looked over at you.
Nervously, you whispered to Marie. “I don’t think I can go through with this after all…”
“You got this, (Y/n), we wouldn't have asked you to do this if we didn't think you were perfect for the part. We’ll be here, just look over at us when you need support, alright? You’re not alone in this.” Marie gave an encouraging smile before you were led out to the stage.
Adjusting the mic to be a bit lower, you looked out into the audience and felt your nerves almost wash away when you saw your friend Erica in the front row, smiling and giving you a thumbs up. “Um, hey, everyone. I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves so far. The song I’ll be performing is called Take Your Jacket. Thank you for listening, and I hope you enjoy it.”
Pressing the button on the soundboard, the music went out through the speakers. Taking a deep breath in, you picked up the mic and started the song.
“You want your song? Well, here's an anthem. You broke my heart and held all of my past to ransom. Well, get a grip. You're not that special. Trying to slip around the demons that you wrestle. Don't get me wrong, I'm trying my hardest. Don't get me wrong, but sometimes the smart ain't strong.”
You were about to look over at the girls, but before you or anyone could prepare themselves, they suddenly appeared on stage, playing their instruments and joining you on the chorus. “Take your jacket out my car, out my car. So I can forget who you are, who you are. Fall forward, fading through catastrophe-feeling. Like the storm will never pass. Break the mold, reshape the past.”
Taking the lead again, you danced over to Marie, singing the next part to her. “Came from beneath and knocked me over. Rotting my teeth, you're sickly sweet like cherry cola.” Continuing to sing, you turned your attention back to the crowd. “No, not this time, no, you won't fool me. Your childish tricks are in the past, I can guarantee. Don't get me wrong, I'm trying my hardest, Don't get me wrong, But being the smartest ain't too clever.”
Raven and Marie joined in on the chorus, jumping and dancing in place. “Take your jacket out my car, out my car. So I can forget who you are, who you are. Fall forward, fading through catastrophe-feeling. Like the storm will never pass. Break the mold, reshape the past.”
You started to dance around on stage with the girls as they played their instrumental parts. It’s then that you all realized the crowd was cheering at all of you. The girls' smiles widened, looking at you and realizing the audience could see them!
Smiling and feeling excited, you took center stage, ready to finish the song on a great note. “Take your jacket out my car, out my car. So I can forget who you are, who you are. Fall forward, fading through catastrophe-feeling. Like the storm will never pass. The hole you left is sore at best. We know this wouldn't last, reshape the past.” 
Hearing the crowd cheer for you all was a feeling you never thought you’d hear again. Looking around at the girls, they smiled at you before they disappeared, leaving a white mist behind. The audience's cheers slowly faded, wondering what happened to the band.
Quickly thinking, you started to explain what just happened. “Uh thank you all for enjoying our performance! We’re The Hex Girls! Hologram band all ran by me, (Y/n) (L/n).” Taking a bow, you left the mic on the stand and ran off stage where Erica was waiting. 
“A hologram band?! Seriously?” She crossed her arms over her chest
“What?” You look at her genuinely confused.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this? (Y/n)? I thought we said no more secrets after what happened with your dad…”
“I….I know I’m sorry but this was super last minute. Please You have to understand-”
“Yeah, understand that my best friend since Elementary School decides to keep it a secret that she joins and makes a band, let alone signs up for this show without telling me either when I was the one encouraging you to do it in the first place?!”
“I’m sorry, seriously! I just wanted it to be a surprise…”
“Sure is a surprise...that you don’t trust me to help with this. You know I don’t like when you put everything on yourself.” Erica sighed and shook her head. “I’m gonna head home.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” You asked her, but it felt more like pleading.
“Probably not…” Erica turned to leave, leaving you alone by the door backstage. 
“That was amazing! They saw us!” Marie shouted in excitement when she caught up with her sisters and two new friends. “So, which one of you is Lexi?”
“That’s me..” Lexi shyly smiled.
Marie hugged her tightly before letting go. “Thanks for helping out my sister the past week. She talks about you a lot, by the way.”
Raven punched Marie’s arm, slightly embarrassed. “Do not, stop lying.”
Anne giggled and mouthed out, “She does” to Lexi, making her blush even more.
Marie pouted at Raven while rubbing her arm, “Geez, you didn’t have to hit that hard.” Looking over at the other two giggling, she smiled. “And how about you?”
“Me? Oh! I’m Kimberly, it's nice to meet you.” Reaching out her hand, Marie took it in hers and shook her hand before taking it back.
Anne pouted, feeling a bit left out. “Why am I the one left out without a cute girl to talk to?”
Both Lexi and Kimberly blushed while Raven and Marie laughed. 
“You’re not being left out, dummy, you’re a part of the group. Stop being a pouty baby, sunshine.” Marie hugged Anne from behind, making her giggle.
From afar, Phantom saw all of them interacting before putting his sunglasses on and making his way back to his car. The soul collector had an idea brewing in his head after seeing that very interesting performance.
Tag List:
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
By the way does anyone wanna be in a tag list for the Band AU with the Holloway sisters?
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
Born For This
Request: No
Fandom: Battle Egos
Parings: Holloway Sisters x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Death of Character, Mention of Death
A/N: This is gonna be a bit of a Julie and The Phantoms AU, with the Holloway Sisters and Battle Boys! I hope you like it! The songs featured throughout the series are by their respective bands and artists. I’ll link each song that’s featured so you all can listen along. Each song I chose has significance to the story, so I hope you pay attention to them! The collage was made by me! Edited by @semiproeagle23​!
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       The year is 2001, and a group of sisters are getting ready for their first big show!
Hearing the crowd roar in excitement, Marie grins, looking at her sisters. “Alright, this is it, girls. Our dream is coming true. Ready?”
Raven adjusts the strap on her bass, nodding. Natalie nods, drumsticks in her hand. Anne tosses Marie her guitar pick. “We’re ready as we’ll ever be!”
The sisters take one last look around backstage, taking a deep breath in and out, they run out, getting in their positions. 
Marie grabs the mic as the lights come up on stage, her smile never fading when she hears the crowd cheer. “LA! How are you guys doing tonight?!”
All the girls wave at the crowd, feeling the adrenaline run through their bodies hearing them cheer out.
“Marie, let’s get this show started, shall we?” Raven nods towards Marie.
“Alright, LA! We’re The Hex Girls! I wanna see you all jump up and rock out! This song’s called Born For This!”
As Natalie starts the drums, the girls soon follow her lead.
Marie gets closer to the mic starting to sing with the others singing back up. “Oh no, I just keep on falling (Back to the same old) And where's hope, when misery comes crawling? (Oh my way, eh) With your fate, you'll trigger a landslide (Victory) and kill off this common sense of mine”
Raven takes the lead next. She grins, looking out at everyone. “And it takes acquired minds. To taste, to taste, to taste this wine. You can't down it with your eyes. So we don't need the headlines. We don't need the headlines, we just want (We want the airwaves back, we want the airwaves back)”
Raven nods over at Marie as they both get ready to sing the chorus together. “Everybody sing like it's the last song you will ever sing. Tell me, tell me do you feel the pressure now? Everybody live like it's the last day you will ever see. Tell me, tell me do you feel the pressure now?”
Raven leads as the crowd cheers. “Right now, you're the only reason (I'm not letting go, oh). And time out, if everyone's worth pleasing (Well ha). You'll trigger a landslide (Victory). To kill off the finite state of mind. And it takes acquired minds. To taste, to taste, to taste this wine. You can't down it with your eyes. So we don't meet the headlines. No, we don't want your headlines, we just want (We want the airwaves back, we want the airwaves back)”
As the chorus comes back, Marie joins in, letting the crowd’s energy come through with every word. “Everybody sing, like it's the last song you will ever sing. Tell me, tell me do you feel the pressure now? Everybody live like it's the last day you will ever see. Tell me, tell me do you feel the pressure now? Everybody sing like it's the last song you will ever sing. Tell me, tell me do you feel the pressure?”
The girls continue to play as Marie and Raven catch their breaths. Marie grabs her mic, making her way towards the edge of the stage, looking out in the crowd. She smiles at them as she raises her mic back to her lips. “Alright, so you think you're ready? OK, then you say this with me, go: We were born for this!” She points her mic out to the crowd as they chant back. (We were born for this) 
“C’mon, LA! Louder! Alright, so you think you're ready? OK, then you say this with me, go: We were born for this!” She grins as she hears them chant louder and makes her way back to her spot. “We were born for, we were born for!”
Raven and Marie both smile at each other as they take chorus one more time. “Everybody sing like it's the last song you will ever sing. Tell me, tell me can you feel the pressure? Everybody live like it's the last day you will ever see. Tell me, tell me can you feel the pressure now? Everybody sing like it's the last song you will ever sing. Tell me, tell me can you feel the pressure? Tell me, tell me can you feel the pressure?”
Raven takes the lead as the song comes to an end. “We were born for this!” Marie raises her mic towards the crowd, signaling them to chant back. (We were born for this) “We were born for this!”
As the stage fades to black, Marie pants, catching her breath. “That was great, everyone!” The stage lights come back on as the girls walk off the stage onto the empty crowd area.
“Soundcheck is going well so far!” Anne smiles, hugging Raven and Marie while trying to reach over at Natalie who scoots in to be a part of the hug. “We’re gonna be great tonight!”
Natalie pats her sister’s hand, pulling away. “Guys I’m getting kinda hungry..”
“I’ll go get us some burgers, there’s a McDonalds close by.” Marie walks over to her bag, pulling out her wallet.
“Wait, I’m going too! You always mix up our orders!” Anne pouts at Marie, who only laughs at the younger sibling.
“I don’t mess it up, they probably do since it’s a lot to handle.”
Raven grabs her bag from the pile and turns her attention to them. “I’m going too, I kinda have to use the restroom and the ones here are, uh, pretty gross.”
“Wait, guys! No fair, now I wanna go!” Natalie jumps up from her seat by the crew.
“I’d rather you stay here Nat, it’s kinda late out, and downtowns pretty sketchy.” Anne looks at her, concerned.
“Marie, c’mon…that isn’t fair.” She pouts at her hoping Marie would allow her to go.
“It’s not, but I agree with Anne. You’re staying here.”
Natalie rolls her eyes and sits down again. “Fine...can I get a sundae though?”
“Sure thing. We’ll be back, okay?” Marie ruffles Natalie’s hair before catching up with the others. “Love you, Nat!”
“Love you too!” 
Raven struggles a bit to carry the drinks and ice cream as the three of them walk out of the McDonalds. “You guys think tonight’s gonna go great?”
“Raven, don’t tell me you’re getting nervous?” Marie asks while she hands Anne one of the bags of food.
“A little, honestly.”
“Girls, seriously. We’re gonna be amazing up there! We booked at The Roxy Theatre!! This is going to be life-changing!” Anne pokes Raven’s cheek with her free hand, both of them starting to cross the street.
Marie is a little behind, but she notices they're crossing on a red light. Glancing to her left, she sees a truck coming towards them with no signs of stopping. In a panic, Marie drops the bag of food running towards her sisters. “Raven!!!! Anne!!!! Get out of the way!!”
The two girls are too late when they turn around to see what was coming as Marie hugged them both, all three of them blinded by the bright white lights.
The year is 2021 and you just moved into your childhood home. Turning twenty-five was a huge deal for you. You were still in college, and you were helping out at The Roxy Theatre, cleaning the place up after performances. 
The reason for moving back home? Your mom decided to move out of state and pretty much just gave you the house since it was paid off already. What about your dad? Well, that’s something you don’t talk about.
Moving in was pretty easy, unpacking was the hardest. You got a decent amount done, and honestly, you were feeling proud of how things were coming along.
Later in the evening, you were taking out the trash when you saw the gate to the backyard open. You always found it odd that your dad never let you into the space in the back. From what your mom told you, it was your dad’s music space, or studio, as he called it. The space was like a mini house from the outside. As you walked into the back yard, a chill ran down your spine the closer you got to the door.
You looked back at your house when the wind picked up, causing you to look at the window, feeling like you were being watched. Letting out a shaky breath, you gathered yourself, opening the door to the studio.
Hesitantly walking in, you searched the wall for a light switch. After a few moments, you felt some sort of switch. Turning it on, the room was filled with light. 
Looking around, you saw things covered in sheets in the corner of the room. A small sitting area with a small coffee table, a writing station, your dad’s old instruments hung on the wall. They looked cleaner than you thought. Your mom must have been cleaning them for him. 
Turning your attention to the sheets across the room, you were careful when pulling off the first one. As the dust subsided, you looked down, seeing a dusty red and white bass. Tossing the sheet aside, you moved to the next one. A yellow, almost gold colored keyboard was underneath that one. Underneath the last two were a purple and black guitar and a blue and white drum set. 
Looking at the logo on the drum set, you whispered it to yourself. “The Hex Girls….” You looked a bit confused staring at it. “Like that Scooby-Doo movie?” Looking around, you saw a bag by the drums. Picking it up, you brought it over to the coffee table to open it. Looking inside it, the first thing you saw was a CD with the same logo that was on the drums.
Taking it out of the bag, you walked over to the stereo by the writing station. Making sure it still worked, you dusted it off before putting the CD in. Seeing it read the disk, you turned up the volume. The first song playing seemed to be a song called “Born For This”.  
Just as the song began, you felt the ground shake, causing you to fall and see a bright light in front of you. 
As the light disappeared, you opened your eyes, greeted with the sight of three unknown women huddled together. Not knowing what else to do, you simply scream, making the three of them look at you.
“Wait… why are we back home…” The woman in the yellow dress asked.
“What’s going on?!” The woman in a red buttoned-down flannel looked around in a panic.
“Who are you and how’d you get in here?! This is our studio.” The woman in a purple and black ripped shirt looked at you like you were the one who showed up out of nowhere.
Carefully standing up, you looked at them just as confused. “M-My name’s (Y/n)...What do you mean by your studio?! This is my house, this place here is my dad’s studio….”
“No this is our-” The woman in red cut herself off as she looked around. “It looks different….But! Wait! Look, our carvings are here! This is our studio! We carved our initials here when we were kids….”
“This is way too weird. You know what, I’m calling the police. You guys trespassing.” 
Pulling out your phone, you were startled when one of them asked, “What’s that? Is that just a screen?”
“It’s a phone…? Do you not know what a phone is?”
“We know what a phone is, that doesn’t look like any phone we have…”
“What kind of phone do you have?”
“Marie, don’t you have yours?”
“No, I dropped it the other week, remember..anyway, it was the newest Nokia phone.”
“Nokia...like the one that just had snake as a game on it?”
The girl you now knew as Marie lit up. “Yes! That one!”
“Uh-huh…hold on a sec.” Typing away on google, you searched up the phone and saw it was first released in 2001. “I remember that phone, it was my first one when I got into middle school a couple of years after it was first released…”
“First released? It just came out though?”
“Yeah, in 2001.” Looking down at your phone, you searched for the name of the band. The first thing that popped up were articles of three sisters dying by a speeding truck driver. Tapping on the first article, you saw the girls in the photo were the same ones standing in front of you. 
The woman in yellow looked at you a bit worried. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Because I have. You three died in 2001. It’s 2021 now, You’ve been dead for over 20 years….”
“Wait, there was that bright light….”
“Then we were in this dark place for what felt like an hour..”
“Apparently, it wasn’t an hour if we’re here and it’s 20 years later.”
The three of them looked at you for a moment before the one in purple reached out her hand. “I’m Marie, these are my sisters.” Nodding to the girl in red, she smiled. “That’s Raven, and,” Glancing back at the girl in yellow, you looked over as she gives you a warm smile. “That’s Anne.”
Hesitantly, you reached out to shake Marie’s hand, only for your hand to phase through hers. Immediately retracting your hand, you looked a little freaked out. 
“I guess we can’t do that anymore…”
“We’re dead, Marie...ghosts.” Raven looked over at you, feeling bad about how scared you looked. “I’m sorry this is weird, but we’re just as confused as you.”
You nodded and walked past them to the front door. “I...I think I’m going to bed. This is just...a lot. I’m sorry.”
Out of instinct, Anne reached out, almost touching your shoulder for comfort, but quickly took her hand back, remembering she can’t touch you. “Um, we’ll be here… I guess. Ya know, if you need us..”
You only nodded as you closed the door behind you, and headed back into the house.
Raven looked over at the coffee table, seeing the bag you left. “Hey…” She peeks inside, seeing it was all their things. “Guys, it’s our clothes!” 
They huddled around the bag, each taking out a different outfit. 
“Ugh, it feels so good getting out of these clothes!”
“It should be, we’ve been in them for 20 years.”
Marie looked around the room and almost immediately spotted her guitar. “Oh my god, how’d our instruments get back home?” Picking up her guitar, she grinned at Raven and Anne. “I can pick it up!!”
Raven and Anne excitedly went over and picked up the bass and ran their fingers across the keyboard.
They giggled at each other as each sister tried out their instrument. It was silent for a moment as they took in the familiar sounds.
“Marie...You’re crying…” Raven put down her bass back on the stand. Tears started to fall when she brought Marie in for a hug.
Anne saw this and immediately went over, hugging them both as she also started to cry.
The next morning, you were in your living room, sitting on the floor, looking over some lyrics you wrote for a song called “Figure Me Out.” There was something you thought was missing till it popped into your head. 
Quickly getting your pencil, you wrote down the last of the lyrics. Smiling to yourself, you set your keyboard on your lap. Beginning to play, you didn't notice the three women standing at the doorway, watching.
Taking a deep breath in, you started singing. “I'm a bit too pop for the punk kids, but I'm too punk for the pop kids. I don't know just where I fit in. Cause when I open my mouth I know nobody's listening. To the words of a prophet. Ha, who still can't turn a profit. Cause I don't fit in with the in-crowd. But I'm too Hollywood to go back to my hometown.” Glancing at the notebook you continue to sing letting your fingers flow over the keys with ease. 
“Cause they think that I'm famous. When I know I'm a fraud. Who got too fucked up on the finer things. To remember who she forgot. But I believe there's more to life than all my problems. Maybe there's still hope for me to start again. Get my feet back on the ground and pull my head out of the clouds. I think it's time for me to figure me out.” Pressing a button on the soundboard next to you, you smile hearing the drums, bass, and guitar follow along.
“Let's get back to the basics. And take it back to the basement. Where I heard "Born to Run" for the first time. And I stared at my dad in amazement. He said, "Don't stop chasing great and keep pounding the pavement." So I'd much rather die trying to make something sacred than live as another YouTube sensation. Cause I hate that they're famous, for being something they're not. While I'm too hung up on the things I don't have to appreciate what I got.”
Closing your eyes, you felt yourself getting lost in the song. “But I believe there's more to life than all my problems. Maybe there's still hope for me to start again. Get my feet back on the ground and pull my head out of the clouds. I think it's time for me to figure me out whoo. Time for me to figure me out. Time for me to figure me out.”
Giving it your all for the last part of the song, you couldn't help but cry a bit. “So if you hear this song. Turn it up real loud, Cause it's time for me to figure me out. Alright, if you hear this song, turn it up real loud. Cause it's time for me to figure me out.”
As you start to slow back down, you let the tears fall down your cheeks. “I believe there's more to life than all my problems. I just want to fall in love before I'm dead. So I can make my parents proud. Hope my feet don't fail me now, cause it's time for me to figure me out.”
Turning off the soundboard when you finished, you slide the keyboard off your lap. Hugging your knees to your chest, you rested your chin on your knees and close your eyes, welcoming the silence that surrounded you.
Raven and Anne were about to reach over and make their presence known, but Marie grabbed them by the back of their shirts, disappearing and leaving a purple mist behind.
Reappearing in the studio, Anne and Raven glared at Marie. 
“What the fuck! She was crying!” Raven huffed as she sat down on the couch.
“Why’d you make us leave, we could’ve helped!” Anne crossed her arms over her chest, still glaring at Marie.
“I don’t think that would’ve been a good idea if we did. She’s upset and having ghosts who just appeared in her life isn’t the comfort she needs at the moment.” She looked at both of them, seeing their expressions soften.
“I just thought we could help…” Anne looked down at her shoes for a moment.
“But I do have an idea.” Marie smiled, walking around the coffee table so she could sit next to Raven. “What if we ask her to join our band?”
“Our ghost band? Marie, if you haven’t noticed, no one can hear or see us but that girl!” Raven leaned back against the couch.
“Exactly, what if we play her a song? She can hear us, so maybe she’d wanna join.”
“Okay,” Anne took a seat on one of the empty chairs. “What if we did do that and let’s say she says yes. Then what?”
“We make music again! She’s alive, she has our studio, what if this our second chance at making it? A second chance to start all over?"
Raven and Anne looked at each other before turning back to Marie. “Alright, what song?”
Marie grinned, opening her notebook to a page that was colored in pink and black marker around the lyrics. “I was thinking about this one. Candy Coated Lies.”
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
What do you guys think of the Holloway Sisters? Do you guys have a favorite already? Have any questions? I’m just very happy right now knowing you guys like them so much. But also would you want them to stay on the blog so you guys can request or commission fics for them? 
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
Of course it is! I mean, I have friendship bracelets for each of you after all.
All the girls giggle and grin in excitement.
"You do?! Oh that's so cute!!!"
"Can we see them?"
"I bet they look adorable!"
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
Any of the Holloway girls! Who wants to be friends?
"No, Me!"
"Me too!"
"What everyones trying to say, we'd all like to be friends if that's okay with you!"
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spookysweet-heart · 3 years
Mines been alright. Nothing too eventful. Mostly just programming. What do you like to do in your spare time?
"Like downtime? I like watching movies! It's always a fun pastime. Usually my spare time is on movie nights with my sisters."
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