#Anneli Jordahl
mmepastel · 8 months
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Rholala ! Premier énorme coup de cœur cette année !
C’est ma libraire préférée qui me l’a déniché… elle commence à me connaître… elle m’a tendu ce livre qu’elle n’avait pas encore mis en rayon avec un air entendu…
BINGO ! En effet, c’est une belle pioche.
Tout d’abord, qu’est ce que j’ai ri ! L’autrice suédoise a un humour assez décapant, et un langage fleuri.
Faire connaissance avec ces sept sœurs finlandaises crasseuses et mal éduquées c’est comme une collision brutale et frontale. On les découvre à la foire, rare lieu où elles daignent frayer avec leurs semblables (quoique… elles semblent en effet faites d’un autre bois), dégoûtantes, provocantes, grossières, analphabètes et gouailleuses ; elles vendent framboises sauvages, peaux de bêtes -d’ours notamment. Bien obligées si elles veulent acheter bière, gnôle, cigarettes et essence pour le quad, saucisses et chips.
Johanna, Tania, Tiina, Simone, Aune, Laura et Elga ont toutes un caractère bien distinct, même si elles font corps pour survivre depuis qu’elles sont orphelines. L’ainée, Johanna, voue un culte à son père décédé, célèbre chasseur d’ours, et applique ses règles : se méfier de la société des humains et particulièrement des hommes, du pasteur, des assistantes sociales, de l’école, des huissiers. Elles sont hors registres, complètement sauvages dans la forêt, en autarcie. Et elles vont fuir encore plus loin, pour être sûres de ne pas risquer d’être embêtées, pour vivre à leur façon, la seule qu’elles connaissent à vrai dire. Elles rotent, pètent, pissent debout, se bagarrent sans cesse, jurent comme des charretiers.
L’entente entre elles, une force, une nécessité mais aussi une limite, se complexifie lorsqu’elles s’isolent complètement dans un endroit reculé de la forêt, et qu’elles font face à la faim et au froid. La rudesse de l’aînée, son radicalisme, empêchent certaines des plus sensibles de s’épanouir, comme par exemple Elga qui rêve de lire et d’exploiter ses fraîches connaissances en la matière, ou Laura qui n’aime rien tant que de sculpter des petits figurines malgré ses yeux de myope.
On lit ce livre avec le nez, et les odeurs ne sont pas toujours ragoûtantes. Ça ne sent pas que le sapin ou l’écorce de bouleau. Ce ne sont pas des grandes fans de savon, ni de ménage, et les peaux d’ours écorchés corsent l’affaire. On suit leur cheminement avec passion tant l’immersion est totale dans cet univers brut et sauvage, en s’émerveillant des reparties salées qu’elles se servent mutuellement, avant de se cogner jusqu’à faire valser des dents. Mais cheminement, il y a. Je n’en dis pas plus car le roman, inspiré d’un conte finlandais racontant les aventures de sept frères, est turbulent et haletant de bout en bout. Vont-elles survivre dans le froid ? Comment vont-elles échapper à la ville qui semble être le seul salut possible ? Ne vont-elles pas s’entretuer ou sombrer dans la folie ?
J’ai adoré cette histoire et le ton. Ces sœurs sont de vraies dures à cuire, des âmes bouillonnantes qui font jaser toute la région. Leur évolution est habilement menée, et leur amour de la forêt et de la liberté ne se trahit pas. On assiste à l’éclosion de leurs natures profondes. Il s’en est fallu d’un cheveu pour qu’elles y parviennent seules. Un conte féministe oui, assurément, avec de vraies héroïnes fortes et courageuses, un récit au verbe haut, débordant de vie et culotté. De la dynamite.
Je suis un peu dépitée de l’avoir si goulûment dévoré, aussi goulûment que Tiina aurait bu sa flasque de whisky, je ne crois pas que ce type de livre coure les rues. J’espère que d’autres romans d’Anneli Jordahl seront traduits, je suis addict de son écriture rigolarde et irrévérencieuse.
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bibliocroze · 4 months
Une page au hasard (extrait 189)
"Les filles l'écoutaient attentivement, à l'affût du moindre geste de sa part. Tout ce que faisait le père, elles le copiaient. Sept bébés renardes. Non, six. Laura se tenait à l'écart comme d'habitude et suivait le monologue patrnel d'une oreille distraite tout en guettant le ciel, à croire qu'elle venait d'y paercevoir un truc intéressant, alors qu'en réalié bien spur tout se confondait sous son regard de myope."
page 24
Les Filles du chasseur d'ours / Anneli Jordahl. Traduit du dusédois par Anna Gibson. Editions de l'Observatoire, 2024.
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lire-au-soleil · 17 days
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Fun Day Book Photo Challenge: 4 September: National Wildlife Day
Some Finnish bears and hares, some British rabbits and whales and a Bosnian elephant 🐅
Les filles du chasseur d'ours - Anneli Jordahl (original in Swedish, no english translation found)
Watership Down - Richard Adams
Not Forgetting the Whale - John Ironmonger
The Year of the Hare - Arto Paasilinna (orig. Finnish)
The Vizier's Elephant - Ivo Andrić (orig. Serbo-croatian)
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glamorousdrama · 7 months
@that-ace-idiot tagged me, thank uuu <3
Three ships: hannigram, stucky, karlnapity
First ever ship: tbh probs nikki sixx/tommy lee lmao
Last song: nti groove by aikakone
Last film: mean girls maybe? the 2004 classic of course, not the new one
Currently reading: karhunkaatajan tyttäret by anneli jordahl
Currently consuming: an energy drink even though i probably shouldn't
Currently craving: soft bread..
tagging @nanoa1foryou @neroushalvaus @unforgottenworld @bluesweaters15 @tiredratsstuff if you want to do it, no pressure, no rush <3 <3 <3
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nordnews · 1 year
Author Mikael Berglund's book "Ovanjorden" wins Sveriges Radio's Novel Prize 2023, it was just announced in P1 Kultur Direkt.Berglund, born in 1977, debuted in 2015 with the acclai...
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inknerd · 5 years
May Wrap-Up 2019
I’ve had so much to do this month; reading wasn’t really my first priority^^ Still, the last week I took the time to catch up to reading, and I read a lot of books I’ve wanted to read for awhile, and I feel like I’ve read a variety of books from ya to poetry to nonfiction, so that’s fun!
| 130 pages | 3 weeks to read | Published 2017
So this is a collection of some of Dickinson’s poetry, who I haven’t read anything of so this was fairly exciting! It had both the English version and the Swedish translation together with notes from the translator, and so it took me awhile to read... + The more I read the more I liked it? I’m very happy the Swedish translation was available, because sometimes I just didn’t get what Dickinson was writing until I read it in Swedish and then reread the English one again. - With that said, I don’t think I will read any more of Dickinson soon. It was good but not really my kind of poetry.
You might have seen the funny tumblr post about this one. I did, was intruiged but waited to buy it until my friend told me she planned to study law. I saw the opportunity, bought it, read it, and then gifted it to my friend. + So some of these stories were hilarious, and it just shows how silly humans are even in serious situations like being in court for a crime. - Unfortunately, I didn’t find it as funny as I thought I would? Some things flew over my head because lawyer lingo/a bit more complicated English, sometimes it took some time before I got the joke and then it’s not as funny, y’know? Also, some of the jokes were quite dated. 
A VERY LARGE EXPANSE OF SEA by TAHEREH MAFI ★★★★★ | 310 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2018
So I was excited for this one, and then people seemed to have mixed opinions on it (not disliking it, just not loving it as much as they’d expected to) so I waited until it came to my local library and then finally started reading it. And I LOVED IT! + PEAK ROMANCE! The main relationship is so cute and heart-wrenching, I wasn’t annoyed at Shirin’s family which is usually the case for me with more contemporary/romance-styled novels. This book had an important story to tell and it succeded in my opinion. - Idk, can’t come up with something totally obvious but I’d hoped for a more closed ending rather than the more open one I got.
CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE by TOMI ADEYEMI ★★★☆☆ | 544 pages | +2 weeks to read | Published 2018
So I finally read this book! I’ve been sort of struggling with if I should give this three or four stars but in the end... *sweat drop emoji* I feel like I might have hyped this up a bit too much in my head. But in the end it was an enjoyable read and the reason it took my a while to read it was because I was busy, not necessarily that I found it boring. + i loved the worldbuilding, the magic system was interesting and it was explained in a way that didn’t feel forced. - The romance was...not overly good and the ending was...meh. And while the worldbuilding and so on made the story more spectacular the general plot was nothing special.
AVENGERS: DESTINY ARRIVES by LIZA PALMER ★★★☆☆ | 304 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2019
So this is basically Avengers: Infinity War in bookform, and I ordered because I wanted to read it before Endgame came out. Sadly! It showed up on the day of the premiere and I just skimmed through it the first time. Now I read it more carefully and, yeah, it was basically what I expected. + So most of it was just like in the movie, but the artistic take Palmer did on the characters thoughts and emotions during the battle was very interesting to read! And the illustrations were very nice too! - I can’t confirm this without checking the movie (and I don’t have the time) but some small things I remember being slightly different. Just small things, but considering it’s a book of a movie I feel justified in being somewhat picky.
CAPTAIN MARVEL: HIGHER, FURTHER, FASTER by LIZA PALMER ★★★★☆ | 246 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2019
Bought this at the same time as Destiny Arrives, because the cover just looked so pretty and the premise looked cool! + This was a surprisingly refreshing read. Some of the things Palmer came up with herself in Infinity War really resonated with me, and here she has the chance to come up with things on her own without being restrained by a movie (this book happens way before the movie Captain Marvel). It felt like this book had some important things to say. - I wished this book stretched longer, if so only to touch more on the story of Carol becoming Captain Marvel - but at the same time I was fine with how the book ended.
THE PRINCESS SAVES HERSELF IN THIS ONE by AMANDA LOVELACE ★★★★☆ | 156 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2016
This was a reread for me! I’ve worked with poetry together with my students this past month and I was motivated to read this again after seeing that the third collection in this series came out not too long ago. I reread this mainly because I wanted to see if my feelings on it had changed, and was pleased to see that they hadn’t! It’s still an interesting read. 
I plan to reread the second one as well before I buy the third one!
THE TRAVELLING CAT CHRONICLES by HIRO ARIKAWA ★★★★☆ | 256 pages | 5 days to read | Published 2012
+ This is one of those books were you know what will happen, yet it still carries enough emotional impact that you cry when it ends. Reading from a cat’s perspective was very interesting and overall, this was such a nice read!
KVINNOR I KAMP: 150 ÅRS KAMP FÖR FRIHET, JÄMLIKHET OCH SYSTERSKAP by MARTA BREEN & JENNY JORDAHL ★★★★☆ | 119 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2018
This is a graphic novel depicting some of the history of the women’s rights movement. + The art was nice and they choose to include not only stories from Sweden and the west but also other parts of the world, which was great.
MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE ★★★☆☆ | 175 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2011/1598
My reading of Shakespeare’s plays continue! I remember watching the movie from ‘93 with Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh in class and really liking it! So when it came to choose the next play this is one I really wanted to read. + Beatrice and Benedick is so funny and charming, this made me want to rewatch the movie! - Outside of Beatrice and Benedick it was a pretty classic, background Shakespearian story going on, that was interesting but not as much as forementioned.
CRAZY RICH ASIANS by KEVIN KWAN ★★★☆☆ | 467 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2013
Finally read this! I wanted to see the movie since I’d heard so many good things about it, but it turned out netflix didn’t have it... I might watch it some other time, though! + I really flew through this. The descriptions of the luxury all around the characters was so much fun to read and the story had so many colourful characters to cling to. I might continue on with this series! - Despite getting through this very quickly, there were definitely parts full of information that I wasn’t interested in reading. I also expected this to be way funnier than it was. For some reason I was under the impression this was a sort of romance-comedy but while some things were funny (or, absurd?) it didn’t really meet my expectations. Some things about the romance parts didn’t click with me, either.
THE POET X by ELIZABETH ACEVEDO ★★★★☆ | 361 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2018
+ I liked that it was written in verse and I liked the story in itself... I don’t know what more to say.
TIGER LILY by JODI LYNN ANDERSON ★★☆☆☆ | 292 pages | 2 days to read | Published 2012
I’d heard shifting opinions on this one, but decided the premise sounded too interesting to not give a chance. I liked this book well enough, by the end, but it was far from a new favourite. + and - The reasons I liked it was also the reasons I disliked it. I liked some characterisations or aspects of them, and disliked some of them. I found the mix between Neverland and the real world somewhat confusing and wished the author would’ve either sticked more the original story or less, if that makes any sense. As far as Peter Pan-retellings go, I think this was interesting, still.
VIPER by BEX HOGAN ★★☆☆☆ | 400 pages | 2 days to read | Published 2019
This was is a brand new ya fantasy trilogy that I probably won’t continue reading... + While the first half of the book was pretty boring and predictable the second half was way better. I liked the main character the best in the middle of the book, same with the romance. - As mentioned, the start of the book was pretty lackluster. The main character seemed pretty meek considering the circumstances, the romance was bleh and the plot unoriginal. This book had several things that I’ve seen before over and over again and it didn’t work too hard on making them seem different than normal. Overall this story lacked any real depth.
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daliteratura · 4 years
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LEITURAS DE JULHO⠀ ⠀ No último mês, li 12 livros e comecei 4, que pretendo finalizar em agosto. São eles: 📕 A mão esquerda da escuridão - Ursula K. Le Guin - @editoraaleph : finalmente posso dizer que li esse livro! 📗 Os Despossuídos - Ursula K. Le Guin - @editoraaleph : para a discussão do Vórtice Fantástico Poa. 📘 Dona Flor e seus dois maridos - Jorge Amado - @companhiadasletras : tenho total ranço do autor, mas foi uma boa experiência de leitura. 📙 Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers - Cosac Naify : há anos queria conhecer a história e gostei bastante! 📕 O Pistoleiro - Stephen King - @editorasuma : com o pessoal do projeto #ahoradoking . É o começo do universo de A Torre Negra e já quero ler os próximos! 📗 Laços de Família - Clarice Lispector - @editorarocco : que livro maravilhoso! Li para o projeto #cemanosdeclarice 📘 Agnes Grey - Anne Brontë - @editoramartinclaret : para a discussão no Da Literatura CLO. 📙 Clássicos do Cinema: Superequipes e Clássicos do Cinema: Terrir (Turma da Mônica) - Maurício de Sousa - @editorapanini : Essa coleção traz releituras de filmes famosos da história do cinema e amei todos os volumes que li até agora. 📗Território Lovecraft - Matt Ruff - @intrinseca : para a discussão de agosto do Vórtice. 📘 Você não sabe o que vai acontecer agora - Débora Cançado @decancado - @editoraletramento : esse foi o único de poesia nesse mês. 📙 Mulheres na luta - Marta Breen e Jenny Jordahl - @editoraseguinteoficial : HQ feminista que li com o pessoal do @buraconegroleituras . 📕 O Sobrinho do Mago - C.S. Lewis - @editorawmfmartinsfontes : livro 1 de As Crônicas de Nárnia. Em andamento: A paixão segundo G. H. (Clarice Lispector), Cidadã de segunda classe (Buchi Emecheta), Edgar Allan Poe: Medo clássico (li alguns contos com o pessoal do @acaixadepassaros), Mulheres que correm com os lobos (Clarissa Pinkola Estés). Você já leu algum desses livros? Conta para mim o que você leu em julho!⠀ . .⠀ #books #bookstagram #reading #booklover #bookworm #bookish #read #bookstagrammer #booknerd #bookaddict #bibliophile #instabook #booksofinstagram #bookshelf #bookaholic #reader #bookphotography #instabooks #literature #readersofinstagram #livros #bookstore #igreads #bookblogger #bookclub #goodreads #literatura #ilovebooks
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enaforlag · 5 years
Leter du etter mer informasjon om våre titler? Eller vil du laste ned omslag?
Se vigmostadbjorke.no 🌸📚
See also VB Rights Catalogue at issuu.com 🌸📚
Ena forlag utgir primært illustrert barne- og ungdomslitteratur. Vi har så langt utgitt bøker av eksempelvis: Akin Duzakin, Anders N. Kvammen, Anna Fiske, Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, Axel Hellstenius, Bjørn F. Rørvik, Bjørn Rune Lie, Bård Slettvold Thorkildsen, Camilla Kuhn, Carina Westberg, Constance Løken Ørbeck-Nilssen, Dag Frognes, Edgar Burås, Eldrid Johansen, Eli Hovdenak, Ella Okstad, Ester van Hulsen, Fam Ekman, Fredrik Di Fiore, Henrik Hovland, Holger Fangel, Inger og Lasse Sandberg, Jan-Kåre Øien, Jenny Jordahl, Jens Kristensen, Jon Ewo, Jørn Hurum, Kitty Crowther, Karen Marie Aarre, Kristine K. Thorp, Lars Mæhle, Lars Rudebjer, Leah Henriksen, Levi Henriksen, Line Halsnes, Odd Henning Skyllingstad, Ole Mathismoen, Max Estes, Mahona Kahn, Marit Nicolaysen, Marius Renberg, Nicolai Houm, Per Dybvig, Qvisten Animation, Ragnar Aalbu, Rune Johan Andersson, Sanda Steffensen, Sigbjørn Lilleeng, Skinkeape, Stein Erik Lunde, Terje Formoe, Thore Hansen, Tor Fretheim, Torsten Helleve, Tonke Dragt, Torill Kove, Tor Åge Bringsværd, Tove Jansson, Vesla Vetlesen, Øyvind Torseter, Åse Ombustvedt.
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kwebtv · 5 years
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Malestrom  -   BBC One  -  February 5, 1985 - March 12, 1985
Mystery Drama (6 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Tusse Silberg as Catherine Durrell
David Beames as Anders Bjornson
Susan Gilmore as Anna Marie Jordahl
Christopher Scoular as Lars Nilsen
Edita Brychta as Ingrid Nilsen
Ann Todd as Astrid Linderman
John Abineri as Olav Tunheim
Trevor Baxter as Dr. Albrigsten
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Ben Quam
How would you describe yourself in high school? I tried hard to be cool.I was tall. I liked talking politics. I had fun in high school.
Who were your best friends? Maria from the front desk.
Who was your biggest Central crush? Maria from the front desk.
What was your favorite after school activity? Debate. I loved debate. Ilias Karim and I were a great team.
Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school. There was so much homework I just decided I wasn’t going to do. Just didn’t do it. Whole big assignments that just didn’t get turned in. Some of which I had done!
What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? I got a fair amount of detention with Ms. Creten. I was detained briefly in the infamous Mississippi River, Minneapolis police raid of 2007. One time Ms. Peters caught me ditching school. I felt by far the worst about that last one.
How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? Maria and I became fast friends so I don’t think I had to bribe her.
Who was your favorite teacher and why? I spent the most time with Ethan Cherin and Kaye Peters, who were foundational influences for me. Kat Jordahl and Clara Hutchinson were also amazing in developing me as a writer and thinker. I am grateful to them.
It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible. I dressed very “high school”. Most likely a soccer jersey, Argentina or Barcelona, with a white t underneath and baggy shorts.
What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? Not embarrassing, but my favorite hallway moment was telling everyone we were going to Chipotle for lunch and starting a massive group of students moving toward the door screaming about Chipotle. When Mrs. Mackbee put her body in front of the doors to block people we snuck out the side.
What was the most memorable thing that happened during a school dance? School dances were high stakes and I love them. One time Stephen Looney and I followed behind Mrs. Mackbee, waving flags high in the air, so everyone would know where she was and the twerking could continue unabated. It felt like we really did some good that day.
Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? I served as a student rep on the Dance Policy Committee and proudly fought against the ban. When the twerk was banned, we hosted a homecoming dance in my basement. I fought the twerk ban from day one.
Did you go to prom? Who was your date? I went with Molly Schnell Junior year and Sloane Kohnstamm Senior year. Great prom dates.
What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Umbrella by Rihanna, Get Low by Lil Jon and the East Side Boyz and Such Great Heights by The Postal Service.
What was your favorite TV show? The Office probably. I also remember loving 24.
Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate? I would have to check, but I think Danny Chahla and I won most likely to be successful and we were holding a bunch of Monopoly money. That’s ridiculous.
If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? Reliving being 18 again would be hard. But the day we brought Scarlett Johansson to Central to campaign for Obama was amazing. I would do that again, and I would have done it twice as big.
How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I had no idea what people did at 28. I guess I hoped I would know what I’m doing by now.
What do you do for a living? I work at a political tech company that helps people vote. It’s called BallotReady and you should use it this November.
Where do you live? I spent three years living in Bogota, Colombia. In 2018 I moved to Chicago and I’m moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan in the fall for grad school.
Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: I live in an apartment in Wicker Park in Chicago.
Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): No kids thank you. I’ve been with my partner Jayne since 2011 :)
Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? Lots. I love my high school friends and I won’t ever let them go.
How have you changed since high school? Lots, that’s a good thing!
How are you the same? Still pretty tall. I still love talking politics.
What do you miss the most about your Central days? I miss the diversity and the community at Central. I miss the shenanigans you can get away with when you’re a kid in high school.
What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today? I don’t really know...
What are the top 3 songs on your phone? Despacito by Fonsi and Daddy Yankee, God’s Plan by Drake and Next To You by Dante
What is your favorite binge-worthy show? Game of Thrones, OJ: Made in America.
What Central teacher do you wish you were currently friends with? Ethan Cherin
Who from high school do you stalk the most on social media? I love the crew of English teachers (Jordahl, Hutch, Colbert, Bauer, Peters) who are always supporting each other on FB and being active politically. Amazing.
Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? Maria from the front desk.
If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? Definitely, but Central was a great place to make mistakes and grow.
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glamorousdrama · 9 months
Was tagged by @that-ace-idiot <3 thank youu <3 <3 <3
Star sign: libra
Favorite holiday: Wappu, vappu, first of May, May Day whatever you want to call it. Christmas is nice as well
Last meal: A slice of pizza
Current favorite musician: CORPSE
Last music listened to: I listened to one of those "winter morning jazz ambience for 11 hours with fireplace sounds" type videos while reading so i guess that
Last movie watched: rewatched Crazy Rich Asians a couple days ago! still liked it!!
Last TV show watched: Hannibal
Last book/fic finished: 1984, just a few minutes ago actually
Last book/fic abandoned: Kamarineitsyt by Sara Medberg i think! should get back to it at some point, but we'll see.
Currently reading: Nothing rn, but I'm about to start Karhunkaatajan tyttäret by Anneli Jordahl next
Last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: i don't actually remember what i've written last?? most realistically i've probably looked up synonyms or meanings of a word or something.
Favorite online fandom memory: throwing around headcanons with ahvenasquad back in like 2018, even though that's not just one memory ig. one that comes to mind also is that i got a very nice warm welcome into the hannibal fandom back in maybe 2016 or so (i think the post is still somewhere out there in my blog)
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: this is such an interesting question! a couple months ago i would have easilyyy said hannibal!! and i've definitely been dragged back into it, but i could be dragged deeper for sure
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Täällä Pohjantähden Alla deserves more fans i think. idk, the fandoms i'm in tend to be fairly well-established and active already!
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: A couple fics, some of them are just ideas, one I've written quite far but it's just not very good but i still want to go back to it eventually.. and idk if it counts but rn i just want to play more rdr2, i'm like 40% through it
Tagging @nanoa1foryou @foolishgamers @violasmirabiles @neroushalvaus @librarytraveller @bluesweaters15 if you want to do it, of course, no pressure <3
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