loki-hargreeves · 4 years
Bucky x Reader - She Will Be Loved
Warnings: terrible date (being ghosted), fluff, fighting (combat), being held at gunpoint, being trapped, hypothermia, vulgar language, mentions of death, hurt/comfort sort of, more fluff Word Count: 8,8K (I tried to keep it under 4K but I can’t control myself) Summary: You have feelings for Bucky that you have pushed aside for too long, in a fear that having feelings for your colleague would be a distraction for you as an Avenger. After a terrible date, Bucky comforts you. The two of you get cozy and you say things you soon regret. You talk things through a few days on an icy mission, when you get trapped together in a sticky situation.  Song prompt/Listen to: She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 Author’s Note: This is for @nekoannie-chan​ ‘s writing challenge. I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m so excited to write for Bucky again. It’s been too long. I’m sorry if it sucks, I procrastinated way too much while writing this. #bucketdeservesbetter 
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It had been well over twenty minutes since the artificial intelligence system had informed the people at the compound that Y/N had returned. Whenever the garage was used, it would let others know. Oftentimes, no one really thought much of it. The updates and messages from the system were something the Avengers and the other people working at the compound had grown used to. 
When Bucky realized that she wasn’t anywhere to be seen, he wondered if she could still be in the garage. Was she alright? 
He didn’t want to pry because he knew that her business was none of his business, but he knew that she had been out on a date and she had returned quite soon. 
Eventually, he decided to go and check on her, just to make sure she was alright. Whether or not he liked to show he cared, he did. Probably more than she’d ever know.
When Bucky entered the large garage, he heard the faint bass vibrations. Was she listening to music? 
There she was, sat in her car with a sadness washed across her face. She just sat there, leaning against the car seat as she surrounded herself with a minor tune. Clearly, things hadn’t gone well.
To make his presence known, Bucky tapped on the window.
She seemed to snap out of a daze. Quickly, she turned down the music and lowered the window, so they could hear each other speak.
“Everything alright?” Bucky wondered, already knowing the answer. 
“No,” Was all she could say. Earlier, she had felt like screaming her lungs out in frustration. Now she felt like one push was all it would take to make her cry. Why did everything always go South when it came to her life? Why did Bucky have to see her like this? Out of all the people on planet earth. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He wondered and desperately tried to find a way to comfort her. Even if it was just as friends, he wanted to be there for her, like she had often been there for him. He was angry that whoever her date was had left her like this. If he had a chance to treat her right, he would never do this to her. He quickly wiped those thoughts away, knowing damn well that having feelings for her, his team member, a fellow Avenger, would only cause trouble. 
Y/N leaned over to the passenger seat door and opened it, “hop in.”
And so he did. Bucky walked around the car and then sat inside it, closing the door gently. It was just them now, where the other Avengers couldn’t eavesdrop on their conversation or walk-in at a bad time. Now that he sat in the car, he could hear the melody she had tried to turn off. It sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite put his tongue on it. Bucky assumed it was a more recent melody. He had a lot of catching up to do. 
‘...I don’t mind spending every day, out on your corner in the pouring rain...’
“What happened?” He wondered and faced her properly. When he saw the glossy tears in the corners of her eyes, his heart tightened in his chest. It was terrible to see her like that.
“He ghosted me,” She cracked a smile but it wasn’t a happy one, “I waited at him for an hour and then he texted me, saying he couldn’t do it.”
Bucky barely knew of this man, but he already hated him. How could anyone ask her out and then not show up when she was already at the location? In Bucky’s mind, the man was merely a coward. She deserved better. 
“I’m sorry that happened,” He didn’t know what to say. Bucky used to be smooth with his words, but these days he found it hard. Luckily, she seemed to understand. 
“Well, it is what it is. At least I know not to contact him again,” She tried to see the positive side of things. That was an admirable trait. It was also why- in Bucky’s mind - she spent time with him. Despite all the terrible things he had done as the Winter Soldier, she stayed by his side. 
Y/N changed the song and turned the volume on a little bit higher, trying to fill the silence. By now, she felt slightly better because she wasn’t drowning in self-pity. But she was nervous because Bucky was next to her. 
Bucky, the man that made her heart do somersaults. The man she had dreamed of so many times but would never let anyone know of. It was almost like fate was tormenting her by putting such terrible dates in her path when she ended up speaking with Bucky at the end of the day anyway. 
She decided to add to what she said, “I’ll get over it.”
“It’s okay to upset, Y/N,” Bucky remembered when she had said the exact same words to him before. He often bottled things up, because he didn’t like to put his problems on other people’s shoulders. But she was always willing to listen to him.
“Yeah,” Was all she could say. She felt silly for being upset over a failed date. She felt as if she should’ve expected this. After all, she was an Avenger. Normalcy wasn’t destined for her. Despite how much she yearned for connection, or perhaps for someone to make her feel good for one night, it never seemed to go well. Perhaps some day she would learn to expect less from the world. 
Bucky tried to think of something that would cheer her up. “Have you eaten today?” 
“If you don’t count the breadstick I ate at the restaurant, then no.”
It was his chance to take her mind off of things. 
“I was thinking about ordering some takeout. It’s convenient when it comes all the way to the front door, and it might be my cheat day as well.”
The light lit in her beautiful eyes. “That sounds nice, Buck.”
She turned off the engine and the music stopped. Together they climbed out of the car and made their way to the elevator, that would take them inside. As the elevator doors closed, and she stopped right next to Bucky, she smiled. It was nice to know that he was there for her, but she felt bad for thinking of him as more than a friend. 
“What do you want?” Bucky wondered, already thinking about his own order. He had heard of a new pizza place that opened nearby and perhaps he could try their menu. 
“I don’t know. What are you thinking about?” 
A smug smile spread on his face, “New York-style pizza,” he turned to face her. “Nothing beats that.”
She should’ve known he would say that. “Why am I not surprised?” 
“What? You know I’m right,” He said confidently. 
All she could do was to roll her eyes playfully. He never failed to make her smile. 
“I can’t argue with you on that,” Y/N admitted. To her, pizza sounded great. Especially after the terrible date she had, if she could even call it that. 
                                           Less than an hour later, they were sat in one of the many common rooms in the compound. They didn’t have a mission for that day, or for the next as far as they were aware of, so they decided to enjoy the little time they had off. It wasn’t that late yet, so most of the other teammates were busy finishing their tasks, which meant that Bucky and Y/N had a few moments to spare just for each other. 
The pizza arrived and Y/N had already logged into Netflix to find a movie for them to enjoy. The team often found comfort in watching movies together, because for an hour or two they could focus on something else than their own issues and lives. A little bit of escapism never hurt anybody.
They decided to watch Focus, with Margot Robbie and Will Smith, a movie that seemed action-packed and fun. As long as it was entertaining to watch, they were happy. The main focus of the night was the pizza anyway. 
Bucky took a decently sized bite of the warm pizza, and some of the cheese threatened to slip off it and onto his lap.
Y/N, who was watching from the side, quickly grabbed the topping that was a second away from being one with his pants, and she ate it herself. “You have to watch your food.”
“How can I watch my food and the movie? I might have superhuman powers but I still have just two eyes,” Bucky explained the obvious. 
As they ate the pizza and focused on the film, time passed faster than they could comprehend. They sat next to each other, and Y/N was beginning to feel tired. It had been a long day and she had been on an emotional roller-coaster. Despite how fun the movie was, she felt like closing her eyes for just one moment. 
Bucky didn’t realize how tired she was until he felt her leaning against him ever so slightly. As he turned to look at her, he noticed that her eyes were closed. She looked adorable like that, but he wasn’t going to say it out loud. He didn’t dare to move a muscle, afraid it would make her wake up or move away from him. Knowing that she felt comfortable enough around him to fall asleep just like that melted his heart. 
It didn’t take long until her head slid closer and closer to him until she was resting against his shoulder ever so comfortably. At that point, Bucky swore he could feel his heart trying to beat through his chest. He wondered if he should wake her up, or if he should let her sleep. Would she be upset for missing out on the movie? 
For now, he didn’t know what to do. He grabbed the remote that was nearby, paused the movie and then took a deep breath. As much as he loved being like that with her, he knew it mustn’t have been nice to sleep with pants on, sitting upright on the couch. 
Before he could try to wake her up, the opened suddenly and no other than Sam walked in, Natasha and Steve closing in from behind. 
“There you two are! We’ve been looking all over for you,” Sam explained. He hadn’t realized that Y/N was asleep. 
She opened her eyes, startled by Sam’s voice. When she realized that she had made herself cozy against Bucky, she pulled away and felt her cheeks burning from embarrassment. How did she let herself doze off like that?
Natasha had a knowing look on her face, but she didn’t point anything out. They had definitely noticed how close they had been. 
“Why? Is everything alright?” Bucky ignored how startled Y/N looked, and he focused on what Sam had said. 
Sam sat down next to Bucky and glanced at the screen. “No. It was just weird to not hear from either of you. Thought you sneaked off without us,” he explained with a bright smile. 
Steve and Natasha sat down as well. They noticed the empty pizza boxes and drinks. 
“What are you watching?” Steve wondered. He had never seen Focus before since he had plenty of other films on his watching list. 
“Focus,” Y/N muttered, now wrapped up in a blanket. “I fell asleep, I have no idea what I missed.”
“It’s okay,” Bucky reassured her. “We can play it from the beginning if you all want to watch it too.”
Yes, it was fun to spend time with his friends elsewhere than on the field, it also stung a little bit. Spending one on one time with Y/N was rare these days. He hoped that she wouldn’t distance herself again after getting comfortable with him. She had a tendency to shut people out once they got too close to her. Bucky couldn’t blame her. He knew damn well how harsh one’s own mind could be sometimes. 
“Sounds good to me,” Natasha shrugged and waited for the others to voice their onion as well. 
Just like that, all five of them watched the movie right from the very beginning. During the entire time, Bucky and Y/N would steal glances from one another. They didn’t speak of it, but they both thought about what happened. 
It was funny when Steve would make supportive comments of the main characters, who were thieves and the others would tease him for it. Ever since his ‘language’ moment, people hadn’t cut him any slack. 
At some point in the movie, the main characters Nicky and Jess were in the car. They had just won a gamble, and they were talking about they had subliminally planted the number 55 everywhere. At first, the scene was harmless. They were having a great time, and it even lead to a kiss. 
Despite how much Y/N liked the movie, the thought of being kissed and held like that made her long for it even more than before. It had been too long since the last time someone made her feel such bliss. Her mind got the best of her, and she wondered when Bucky had last kissed someone. Despite how much she could tell about other people and read them like open books, he was a tough person to crack. She had no idea.
Suddenly the atmosphere changed in the film. Nicky made the driver stop the car, and he handed Jess her part of the money they won. They both seemed upset. When he implied that their ways had to part, as the job was done, Y/N felt bad for the woman. She knew damn well how hard it was to love someone when they were both on the same job. Feelings just complicated things. 
The man left the car and ordered the driver to take her to the airport. Everyone in the room watched quietly as he left, and she was left alone in the car with tears in her eyes.
It reminded Y/N of where she had been a moment ago; swimming in a pool of her own misery while jamming to She Will Be Loved, by Maroon 5 in her own car. Then Bucky had shown up. 
“That’s tough,” Sam was the first one to make a comment. 
Bucky had also thought of Y/N when he saw that scene. He wondered if that’s what she had felt when she had been left alone at the restaurant, waiting for someone who never showed up. Once again, he felt angry as he thought about the man who had let her down. He couldn’t wrap it around his head that someone was lucky enough to spend time with her and they would leave her hanging like that. It was wrong. 
“Why would he leave her? What a coward!” Natasha was irritated. She knew it was merely a moment that would ultimately deepen the plot, but it still agitated her. 
“He might’ve known that catching feelings for someone you work with isn’t easy,” Y/N let the words slip out of her mouth before she could stop herself. If she had watched it with anyone else, it would’ve been okay. But these were Avengers. Natasha was an excellent agent and it didn’t take a genius to pick up the trace of sadness in her voice. No one wanted to mention it, but everyone seemed to notice it. 
Why do I have to open my mouth? Y/N thought to herself and wished she would have disappeared into the couch. 
As if it couldn’t get any worse, Steve asked something rather harmless. “How did you date go?” He tried to steer the conversation elsewhere.
Bucky shot his friend a glance that told him to be quiet about it. But it was too late. 
“It didn’t even begin,” Y/N answered vaguely. She didn’t really want to talk about it. 
For the rest of the movie, she felt tense. Although she was sure everyone had moved on from that topic, she couldn’t. The moment the movie ended, she excused herself and rushed to the safety of her own room. 
The door closed behind her and she let out a deep breath. The day had been humiliating and all she wanted was to take a shower and fall asleep. 
                              A few days later, they had a mission. They left in a hurry, and they were filled in with the details as they were all geared up and in the quinjet. They were on their way to Alaska, where it would be cold since it was winter. In the remote wilderness, the satellites had picked up signals that weren’t supposed to be there. The code that they received from that was worrying.Tony even suspected that it could lead them to an enemy they had been tracking desperately for weeks now. 
 Y/N and Bucky were supposed to go in from the West side of the suspected enemy location, as Sam, Steve and Natasha would go in from the other side. They had the others ready for backup if it was needed, but so far it seemed like something they could handle just fine. They were unsure whether or not they had civilians locked up there, so they had to be careful. They were supposed to meet in the middle and take care of any enemies that would get in the way. 
Being teamed up with Bucky was usually fun, but right now Y/N dreaded it. Although they worked well together, she had avoided him since the movie night, in fear that she had made a fool of herself. Not only did she fall asleep against his shoulder, she also had to open her big mouth and make things awkward. 
“See you soon,” Natasha waved to the duo as their paths separated. Y/N and Bucky landed in the snow that was hard and icy because of the weather, the contrary of the soft snow that had coated New York. They hadn’t spoken much on the ride yet, but it was impossible to avoid now. 
From a distance, they could see the base. It was half disguised by the snow on the roof, but from ground level it was obvious. It’s like they didn’t even try to hide as they had their flags on the poles, letting anyone nearby see them. Admittedly, they were in the middle of nowhere and no random people happened to pass by any time soon. 
One thing was sure, this was definitely their base. These people were dangerous, armed and evil. 
There were a dozen armed guards on the outside, who hadn’t spotted the Avengers that had slowly crept closer and closer. Their weapons said it all. Whatever or whoever they were hiding was valuable. 
“It’s cold,” Bucky tried to ease the tension between them by talking about the weather. He was worried that he had said or done something that made her uncomfortable. If so, he just wanted to make things alright again. 
“We better make our way inside fast. I’m sure it’s warmer there,” She tried to sound casual - as if they weren’t in a situation that could potentially be life threatening. That was their life, their normal. She realized that her dates could never understand this. 
But Bucky could.
As they crawled closer to the base from behind the trees, hidden by the safety of the night, they noticed how small the windows were. They had to go in through a door, or somehow squeeze through the small, certainly bulletproof windows. 
“Hey,” Bucky wanted to face her. He was usually great at focusing on his missions, but this was his chance. It was just the two of them now.
Nervously, Y/N faced his blue eyes. It was hard not to get lost in them. Even in the dark, they were so bright. 
“Are you okay?” He asked her and felt his own heart beating a little bit faster. The way she looked at him was something he would never get used to. 
“I’m fine. We’re here, on a mission, where we belong,” She decided to stay focused. If she let herself  get distracted now, it would end up in chaos. 
Bucky dropped it. He knew that she would open up to him eventually if it was important. 
They were close enough to take out the first few guards. They would have to be silent, so they wouldn’t alert anyone. 
“You go in from the right, I’ll go left,” Bucky gave her the order with a soft voice. It was the natural next move from their point of view. 
Y/N simply nodded and got ready. She had to take down two guards. One was closer to them and the other one had just walked behind the corner, to the other side of the huge building. It was a perfect opportunity to strike. 
She got up from the icy ground ever so silently. Before the guard could notice her, she leapt at him without any hesitation. The startled man tried to yell, but she wrapped her strong arms around his throat and he knew damn well that one wrong move could end his life. He shut his mouth, afraid that if he spoke, she would kill him.
“Do you have a key card?” Y/N asked him and steadied her feet on the ground. She expected him to try and fight her, but she was prepared for an attack
Slowly, but surely the man grabbed something from his pocket. At least this one was cooperative, but it didn’t make up for the terrible things he stood for. She watched as he pulled out a few keys and cards, dropping them all on the ground. Satisfaction flowed through her veins. It was always nice to have something useful on missions like these. 
To avoid wasting time, she squeezed his windpipe hard and felt his body tighten as he panicked. Quickly, she put him out of his misery and dropped him on the ground. Y/N collected the keys and put them in her pocket, and then she made her way to the direction of the other guard. He hadn’t heard her, which was a positive. 
His back was faced toward her, and he couldn’t see or hear her coming as she sneaked closer to him. Once Y/N was close enough, she grabbed him from behind, and choked the air out of his lungs. 
This one didn’t comply as well as the first. He tried to squirm away from her touch, but she had a good grip. Suddenly, he managed to switch things so that they both fell on the ground. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Y/N groaned, annoyed that she let it happen. Then she rolled over above him and punched his face, knocking him out instantly. Once he was unconscious, she used his own handcuffs to cuff him against a flag pole. Just like that, she was done. She wiped the snow off her hands as she stood up.
She noticed Bucky had been watching her. Why did he smile at her? He had certainly been quick. 
“I got the keys,” She let him know and patted the pocket gently, so he could hear them. Taking down the two guards had made adrenaline rush through her body. The mission, despite its dangers, excited her. 
“Great. Let’s go, shall we?”
They made their way inside the base without being noticed. As they walked further inside through the dim corridors, Y/N wondered how the others were doing. She thought it was strange how little resistance they met. Surely, they would’ve been noticed by now. 
Bucky was thinking the same exact thing, which was why he was so cautious. He had been on missions long enough to know what when things seemed too good to be true, it usually was that way. He hated letting Y/N walk in first, because she was at greater risk of being injured. But he wasn’t going to doubt her abilities now. He knew damn well she was capable of handling things herself. When he saw her taking down those guards, he was still just as impressed as he was when he first saw her in action. 
“That’s weird,” Y/N whispered when she saw a door that was wide open. It looked like it led to a cold room. She noticed that deep inside the room, there were several metallic doors that were shut. They all had small windows on the top, but they were frozen so it was impossible to see to the other side. Were they some sort of chambers? 
By glancing at Bucky once, she let him know where she was going. He just nodded and let her walk inside. As she did that, he stayed on the outside to keep watch. Something told him that they weren’t as safe as it seemed. Call it a bad gut feeling.
Y/N noticed how cold it was the moment she stepped inside the room. She was happy she wore her winter gear, but the cold still crept through and slid underneath her shirt, sending icy shivers down her spine. Her breath was foggy, and the cold air hurt her nostrils. She looked around the room and noticed a surveillance camera in the corner, but the lights weren’t on. Nevertheless, she avoided it. Better be safe than sorry. 
That’s when everything changed.
One of the closed doors opened and a man walked out with a gun in his hand, pointing it directly at Y/N. “Hands up!” He growled angrily, alerting Bucky who had been facing down the corridor. Without any hesitation, he was ready to bolt in there and aid her. 
Being held at gunpoint wasn’t new for Y/N but she was careful nevertheless. It was a good opportunity for her to take in all the details she could from the gunman. He wore a white lab coat, heavy boots that looked like combat boots. Was he a scientist? Ex-military, perhaps? He was older than her, perhaps nearing his 60’s, judging by the grey in his beard and hair. His face was incredibly familiar, but she wasn’t quite sure where she had seen him before.
Knowing that Bucky was nearby made her relax as she raised her arms. “You don’t have to shoot me,” Y/N tried negotiating with him.
Nevertheless, the angry old man walked closer to her. The tip of the gun was shaking. Was he afraid or just cold? 
“Are you alone?” The man wanted to know. 
“Yes,” Y/N wasn’t going to blow the cover of the others. 
As if on cue, Bucky stormed inside the room. The man barely had time to react to it as suddenly Bucky grabbed his wrist and forced the man to drop the gun. As Bucky took care of him, Y/N kicked the gun away so no one could reach it and use it. 
Within seconds, Bucky had the guy pinned down on the cold floor, ready to break his windpipe for daring to point a gun at the person he cared so much about. 
As Y/N stood by, she heard another pair of footsteps coming from outside the cold room. When she turned to look, grabbing her own gun so she could defend herself and Bucky, she saw a masked person. They were tall, with a slim build. The mask was white as snow and it had no details. 
“Stop!” She demanded and pointed the weapon at them, but it was too late. The person slammed the metal door shut and she heard a click, indicating that it was locked. 
Her heart bolted to her throat as she ran to the door and tried to open it, realizing to her own horror that it didn’t even have a handle from the inside. 
The man Bucky had pinned down on the ground began to laugh, “We’re never getting out of here alive!” What the hell was that supposed to mean?!
Stay calm, Y/N told herself over and over again in her head. The others knew their location. They were going to be just fine. 
“The temperature will keep dropping until we’re all icicles,” He continued to taunt them with the horror of their situation. Why didn’t it scare him? Had he already accepted his fate?
“Do you have anything useful to say?” Bucky sounded so intimidating now, speaking with no mercy or warmth in his voice. If it wasn’t for the terrible situation, Y/N would have loved listening to his voice like that. It was undeniably quite sexy of him.
Clearly, the man wasn’t going to cooperate. 
And Bucky wasn’t going to listen to his nonsense. Instead, he did what he had done to the other guards and left the man’s body on the ground. He might’ve been unconscious, but if what he said was true, he too would die in this place.
Being locked up in a giant freezer didn’t bring back any warm memories to him. He walked to the other end of the room and banged on the metal wall. Nothing happened, so he hit it again, much harder this time. He tried to find a weak spot so he could get out of there with Y/N. Bucky tried the corners of the room, and eventually he ended up by the door.
Y/N tried to push the door open, but it was useless. She kicked it, and searched for buttons - anything - on the inside that could help them escape the huge freezer. There was absolutely nothing she saw that would’ve helped them. The room was like a metal box, which meant their devices didn’t work. There was no way they could contact anyone outside the room, and no one could contact them. The bangs on the metal only echoed loudly, but certainly didn’t help them escape. That freezer was built to contain even the strongest of people. It was almost eerie how much it resembled something they would find at a HYDRA base. Could they be connected? 
One thing was for sure,
They were trapped. 
“Well this sucks,” Y/N kicked the door out in frustration. Shooting at it would’ve been reckless, since the material would only make the bullets ricochet and endanger them furthermore. A rotten feeling bubbled in her stomach. If she had been more careful, they wouldn’t have been stuck in that sticky situation. Who was that masked person anyway? Why would they lock them in there, when one of their own was there as well? It didn’t make much sense. Perhaps these people were simply ruthless enough to risk their own in order to win in every situation. The thought of it made Y/N uncomfortable because it meant their enemies were willing to do terrible and unimaginable things. 
As she turned around to face Bucky, her heart dropped. He looked troubled, almost afraid. He never looked like that on missions. She realized that the cold room must’ve reminded him of his days at HYDRA. 
“Hey,” She rushed over to him. 
He couldn’t face her. Bucky felt his anxiety rising and he didn’t want her to see him like that, so afraid. It made him feel pathetic. Would she judge him? He quickly knew that she would never judge him, but he didn’t feel much better anyway. 
“It’s okay, the others know we’re here. I’m sure they’ll come through that door soon enough,” She tried to comfort him. 
Bucky knew that she was right. He tried to focus on facts, that they weren’t alone and that it was possibly to rely on the others for help. He had relied on himself for so long that it was hard to trust that other people could help him. Right now, they didn’t really have a choice. 
Her hand was right against his back, which was comforting. Bucky relaxed his shoulders and faced her with a gentle smile. Although his lips barely curved up, she saw it. Every smile from him was like a gift. 
They had to stay warm. It wouldn’t be much of a problem for him, as it would for her. If what the man said was true, it would get colder the longer they were there and Y/N was in real danger of getting hypothermia. 
When he looked at her, he noticed that she was already shivering. It broke his heart to see her like that. 
“You’re right,” He cleared his throat. The others would find them. They had to be patient. 
For now, they could try to find clues on the man who was unconscious on the ground. As far as they were aware, the metal doors were locked. Besides, they didn’t lead anywhere. It looked like the man had used one of the small rooms as a hiding place when he had heard them in the corridor earlier. What those tiny rooms were originally built for, Bucky wasn’t sure he even wanted to know. It looked like a row of tiny prison cells.
Bucky knelt down beside the body and began searching through his pockets. All of them were empty. Soon enough, he let out a disappointed sigh. There was nothing useful to be found, but it was worth checking out. 
As he faced Y/N the next time, he noticed that she had wrapped her arms around her own body. He too noticed it was getting colder, but the serum protected him from it, for now. He knew how to make her warm, but he wasn’t sure if she would like it. But if it meant it would help, he had to suggest it.
“You know, if we stay close to each other, we’ll stay warmer for much longer,” Bucky let her know.
Despite how freezing cold it was, Y/N felt how her cheeks heating up. She knew he was right. They could benefit from each other’s body warmth. 
“Bring it in,” She tried to act cool about it as she opened her arms widely. Bucky couldn’t hold back a smile as he wrapped her in a hug. It felt nice, despite it all. Awkwardly, they sat down on the ground and huddled closer to one another. Now all they could do was wait.
“You’re warm,” Y/N noticed. Perhaps it was because she was as chill as a snowball, she still found Bucky warm. She wondered if the serum made him that way, or if another person was truly radiating so much heat in the cold. 
Bucky was glad she couldn’t see his flustered face at that moment. Her head leaned against his shoulder and she was staring at the door, waiting for it to open up any moment now. He held her tightly and hated how good it felt. If only the circumstances were different. 
“It’s the serum,” He eventually replied. 
Once again, it was just the two of them - the unconscious scientist was left out of the count. They couldn’t avoid each other now. They had all the time until the door would open, to discuss things. Anything, as long as it would keep Y/N awake. The cold had a tendency to make people drowsy.
“Sam will never shut up about it if he sees us like this,” She realized, saying it with a hint of playfulness in her voice. 
Bucky silently agreed with her. He also knew that Sam knew of Bucky’s feelings. Sam was one of the very few people who Bucky had confided in. Sure, it had been a while since he told Sam that he cared for Y/N as more than just a friend, but Sam definitely remembered that. 
Feeling brave, Bucky decided to test the waters. “Why have you avoided us since the movie night?” He was fully prepared for her to change the topic immediately, and he wasn’t going to push her buttons if she chose to do so. 
Didn’t he really know?
Y/N felt bad for what she had done. She truly thought she had made things awkward, but perhaps she had been over-thinking it. 
“I thought I made things weird,” She admitted.
Weird? Bucky furrowed his eyebrows as he felt confused. He thought about it for a moment and remembered how she fell asleep against his shoulder. Was that it?
“What do you mean?” 
Y/N felt nervous now. Although it was difficult to talk about it, her feelings and all that, she decided to go for it. There was a slim chance the others wouldn’t find them until it was too late. The temperature in the room was plummeting, after all, and they couldn’t break out of there. 
She wanted to talk about things. 
“When I said that thing about catching feelings, and how it could make things hard,” She hoped she wouldn’t have to repeat herself, that he could recall the moment. 
It felt like a light bulb lit above his head. 
What was she implying? After pushing his feelings for her aside for so long, he was almost scared to even consider she could feel the same way about him. He had watched her go on dates several times and come back, disappointed. Every time, he was there to help her. Bucky wondered why she would put herself through that, but if she cared for someone, it made sense that she’d distract herself.
Bucky couldn’t let his mind go that far. There was no chance she cared about him the way he cared about her. Surely, she had been upset because of the date who never showed up. 
“Why do you see these people?” Bucky was genuinely curious. It felt wrong to question her love life. Nevertheless, he couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d do if he was in their shoes. He would treat her like the wonderful person she was. Bucky would stop at nothing to make her feel good about herself, to feel beautiful - inside out. In his eyes, she deserved to be loved. Even if it meant she’d find someone else. 
“I don’t know,” That was a lie. They both knew that.
“You don’t know?” 
“It’s complicated,” She corrected herself. 
How long had they been there? It already felt much colder and her shivering was beginning to get uncontrollable. Bucky felt bad for her as he held her closer, feeling every tremble of her body against his. What he feared more than that was when she’d stop shaking. 
Y/N’s fingertips felt like they were freezing over. It made her sick to her stomach when she couldn’t even bend them properly anymore. 
Bucky noticed that and he was quick to grab her hands into his, which was much warmer. His flesh hand was so warm against hers. Since his metal arm was quite obviously cold, he had her hands pressed against his stomach and he covered them with his hand. They were safely sealed away from the cold air. 
It felt amazing when his warmth spread across her skin. 
Either the cold was getting to her head, or she was otherwise losing her shame and willpower. Her heart was screaming at her to tell Bucky about her feelings. Other times she would silence that voice as well as she possibly could, but now she listened. Would it be so dumb? Was she imagining things or did it seem like he wanted the conversation to go there? Perhaps she was finding too much comfort in his embrace. It was bizarre how quickly she succumbed to the cold. One moment she was fine, and now she was trembling away in Bucky’s arms. Without a clock or anything else that made the passage of time clear, it was difficult to tell how long they had already been there. 
Five minutes? 
“Bucky?” She made up her mind. She would deal with the consequences if they made it out of there alive. Surely, he would be fine but she wasn’t so sure about herself. Bucky was the one with the serum. 
“Do you really want to know why?” She kept the sentence short. It was so cold that it was hard to move her mouth as she spoke. Inhaling the cold air, oddly enough, felt like swallowing fire. 
Bucky’s heart skipped a beat. He hadn’t expected the conversation to go like this. 
“You can tell me if you feel comfortable with it,” He hoped he hadn’t pushed her. 
“I am,” Y/N nodded. Her heart was racing by now. It couldn’t believe that its tiny voice was being heard. “When I said t-that catching feelings for someone you work with is...isn’t easy, I was talking about how I certainly don’t know how to deal with it.”
Bucky was shocked. Was he hearing right? He didn’t know what to say.
She decided to continue, “I’ve tried to ignore this for so long, because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship,” As she spoke, her feelings got the best of her. After bottling up her feelings for so long, letting them pour out was overwhelming. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She blinked, and one of them rolled down her cheek. It froze within seconds against her skin. 
“Hey,” Bucky noticed it as he looked down. They faced each other and all Y/N wanted to do was to get lost in those eyes. Why did they have to get trapped in this room? Why didn’t she do a better job at keeping watch? She blamed herself for being in this situation. The thought of anything happening to Bucky, and knowing he was locked there which certainly put his mind to a terrible place, made her feel so guilty. 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N said softly. She didn’t want to cry, but it was hard not to. Keep yourself together!
Bucky couldn’t let go of her hands, but he wanted to wipe her tears away. He wanted to hold her differently, to cup her face, but he didn’t want her to get colder. He just couldn’t believe his own ears. For all that time, they had both been hiding the fact that they cared about each other so much. 
“We can talk about this later if you want to,” Bucky noticed that she was struggling. 
She shook her head no, “If I freeze to death, you deserve to know that I really like you. You’re wonderful, Bucky.”
She said those words with such sincerity that it melted Bucky’s doubts. Although her words were slurred, he found the truth in it. He felt like the luckiest person in the world, knowing that his feelings weren’t one-sided. The joy was short lived as he focused on the other half of her sentence. The sharp pain was quite the opposite of the moment of happiness. It was bittersweet. 
“You won’t die here, Y/N,” he was quick to reassure her, although by now, he felt freezing cold as well. He wanted to tell her about his feelings as well, but he wasn’t sure how, when her eyes were closing slowly but surely. This drowsy stage was only going to get worse. 
“Stay awake for me, okay?” Bucky grew worried at the sight of her. Earlier, she had been shaking violently in his arms and now she began to relax. He knew she was beginning to feel warm, which was a dangerous sign of hypothermia. “Y/N, please,” He tried to make her focus on his voice. 
 It was so cold, yet she felt a sense of warmth coming from deep within her body. It came suddenly and it was almost too hot. A part of her wanted to open her jacket, but she knew better than that. Although she felt warm, she knew it wasn’t true. Her temperature was dropping at a dangerous pace. Bucky’s body felt so soft, and she wanted to stay awake but it was so tempting to fall asleep. It was hard to think at this point. How much time had passed?
Ten minutes? Twenty? She had no idea. It was all becoming one big mess. 
Bucky was terrified of how calm she was. He had seen enough in one lifetime to recognize these symptoms. Hell, he had felt like her so many times before. He tried to stay as calm as he possibly could in this situation as he held her. He rubbed her hands so she could focus on the pattern and possibly stay distracted enough to stay awake. Bucky knew the ground was frozen cold, so he pulled her on his lap, making sure she was as warm as she possibly could be in that moment. 
“You’ll be alright,” he reassured both her and himself. Gently, Bucky placed a kiss on top of her head. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to her now. Not now, right after she had found the courage to express her feelings. Bucky was going to appreciate that. Once they were warm and safe, he was going to show her a good time. They would be happy. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to catch feelings for each other, considering they worked together, but they could make it work. They understood each other better than any strangers ever would. It would all be alright. 
                      “Stay with me, doll,” Bucky’s voice was louder this time. It echoed in the otherwise almost empty room. “We’ll make it out of here, just you wait.”
She didn’t reply, and it made Bucky’s thoughts race. He had to keep her focused, “How about we go out after this? No missions, no cold, just us. It’ll be fun, right?” He realized he sounded desperate, but he didn’t care. He was going to say anything to keep her there. 
Although she heard his voice, she couldn’t bring herself to reply. It felt like her body was frozen still like that and moving would make her cold again. She just nodded her head ever so slightly as an answer, since she didn’t know what to say. Indeed, the thought of going out with him sounded fun. It was all she thought of as her mind began to drift away to a much warmer place. 
He would’ve yelled at the others to alert them of their position, but he knew better than that. There were guards out there. Yelling and making their positions clear would blow their cover. Bucky had to act like he didn’t know they were out there, although it pained him to do so. 
They would open that door any minute now…
“Come on now…” Bucky groaned as he grew restless, worry brewing in his gut like poison. He knew Y/N was breathing, which was a good sign but it wasn’t so comforting when the air around them grew colder and colder by the second. It reminded him of his past. He had been frozen like a piece of meat so many times, just so he could be thawed later and used to do terrible things.
The thought of her freezing to death crossed his mind. Bucky wasn’t stupid or oblivious. He believed the others would find them, but it would have to happen sooner than later. She might’ve been an Avenger, but the cold was merciless to anyone. 
Where on earth were the others? Were they okay? Or were they trapped in a similar frozen over hell too? 
                       Despite how heavy her eyelids felt, Y/N felt the strong need to open her eyes. She was exhausted, and a yawn was drawn from her mouth. As she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was on the quinjet. Her body was wrapped in an emergency foil blanket and she felt warm, yet she was shivering. As she looked around, she saw Bucky, who looked sick of worry. 
It all came back to her immediately. The cold room, how cold she had felt deep down to her bones, and the things she had told him. What happened then?
“What’s going on?” She made it clear that she was awake. Although she was embarrassed now that she knew Bucky knew of her feelings, she couldn’t stay quiet forever. 
Natasha sat by her other side, “You gave us a scare, that’s what’s going on,” She admitted. “We didn’t catch the bad guy, but we have their next location and another team is already on its way. We, on the other hand, are going home to keep you warm.” Natasha continued explaining softly, clearly feeling relieved when her friend woke up. Seeing her like that, frozen over and unconscious, was terrifying. 
“We’re glad you’re okay,” Steve said from the cockpit. No scolding from him? Must’ve been a miracle. 
Y/N felt guilty for making them worry. “I shouldn’t have let the door get closed in the first place,” She sighed deeply. Had the others seen the masked enemy? 
“That’s not on you,” Bucky was quick to argue with her guilty worries. He couldn’t let her dwell on it. 
As they faced each other, it felt like no one else was there. Did he remember what she had said? That was a silly thought, of course he did. 
Bucky was going to mention it to her once they were at the compound. Not now, when they were surrounded by the others. For now, he just put his hand on her shoulder and tried to comfort her. She was safe, and it felt like a ton of bricks were lifted off his shoulders. 
“Next time, I’ll keep my foot between the door so that won’t happen again,” She was sure of that. Although the odds of stepping into a trap like that again were slim, she was going to be prepared. 
“That might hurt your foot. Did you see that door? It was pure metal, ouch,” Sam imagined getting his foot stuck between a heavy door like that. 
It was exactly the type of thing he would say, and it didn’t fail to make her laugh. “Always so logical, Sam.”
“Someone has to be,” he teased her and his words came from a place of love. “We’re all just glad we found you when we did.” 
Bucky was glad too. When they had opened that door, he felt a sense of relief like never before. 
                                         They arrived at the compound safely, and everyone was worn out. Bucky had offered to help Y/N and she gladly accepted, for once. The rest seemed to catch the hint that they wanted privacy, so they didn’t stick around for too long. 
As they reached Y/N’s quarters, she immediately sat down on her bed. She was so tired and all she wanted was to sleep, but she knew she couldn’t. Not yet. Her body was still longing for warmth and her mind needed rest, which she would find by talking to Bucky. 
He was running her a bath so she could warm up. As he waited for the tub to fill up, they could talk. 
“How are you feeling?” He wondered, taking in the sight of her wrapped up in her blanket. 
“I’m okay,” She reassured him softly. Perhaps her limbs ached a little bit, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. 
He kept an eye on the bathtub to make sure it wouldn’t overflow. Then he faced her again. His heart was racing. How could he find the right words to mention what she had told him? 
“Do you want to talk about what I said?” Y/N was the first one to speak of it, to his relief. Was it so obvious that he was thinking of it? 
“Only if you feel like it”
She held onto the blanket tightly and stood up, walking closer to him. She had to go to the bathroom soon anyway to enjoy the lovely bath, but now she stopped so she was right in front of Bucky. His eyes never left her, and he looked curious. 
“I meant it,” Y/N confirmed it and took a deep breath. Being so open about her feelings was bizarre, almost frightening. But she felt confident because Bucky wanted to bring it up. Surely, that was a good sign, right? She searched his eyes for something that would ease her wild heart, or put an end to her worrisome thoughts. When she saw the hope and joy in his eyes, she wanted to melt on the spot. 
“Good,” Bucky couldn’t possibly hold back his smile anymore. Not only was he happy that she survived the ice box, he was ecstatic to hear that there was truth behind her drowsy words. 
“Oh?” She wondered if he’d say more than that. 
Bucky nervously put his hands on her cheeks, cupping her face gently as he looked deep into her eyes. “I was hoping you’d let me take you out someday. I think I promised you that earlier. Wasn’t sure if you heard me,” He felt oddly positive about it as he asked her out. Perhaps it was because he was almost sure that she would be delighted about it. There was no reason to worry or fear this anymore, and it felt great. 
Y/N couldn’t believe how lucky she was. Right now, she couldn't have cared less about the practicality of having such strong, romantic feelings for someone she worked with. This was Bucky, and he owned her heart. She nearly died earlier that day and all she could think about was him. Life was too short to ignore those feelings for much longer. 
“I’d love that,” She finally answered him. The look of pure joy on his face that followed was so wholesome. She wanted to kiss him. 
Before they could initiate anything, the sound of water splashing against the floor caught their attention. The tub was overflowing. 
“Fuck,” Bucky groaned and let go of her, rushing inside the bathroom to turn the water flow off. Y/N couldn’t help it when she let out of a laugh, one that was utterly precious to him. “That didn’t go as planned,” He sighed deeply. When he turned around, she was by his side and there was a look in her eyes he had never seen before. It was dark, mysterious and longing. 
Silently, she wrapped her arms over his shoulders and pulled him closer until their noses brushed against one another. It was long overdue, but it was finally happening.
Bucky closed his eyes and held her by the back of her head. Then he closed the gap between them and kissed her. Once their lips met, they were okay. It felt like a spark that ignited a great fire. Although her lips were still cold, Bucky knew they would be warm soon enough.
They parted the kiss, only for a moment, to look at each other. They were both in awe, and surely the kiss had wiped their thoughts clean. Nothing else mattered but that moment.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” Y/N had to let him know. 
Bucky smiled, “so have I,” he murmured against her lips before sealing them into another one. And another one. And another… 
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Author’s Note: I hope that you, the person reading this that made it this far, enjoyed it! You must know that fluff isn’t my forte, so I apologize if it’s cheesy at the end. Nevertheless, I would love to hear your feedback if you have any to share 💚 I’m definitely writing more Bucky stuff in the future. If you like angst, stick around. 
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azulatodoryuga · 4 years
I'm setting you free
Character: Charles Xavier.
Warnings: is sad
Autho’s note: this is for @nekoannie-chan​ challenge, also is available in my Wattpad profile but only in Spanish
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It's time to stop trying to continue in a relationship that wasn’t the same since months ago, in which you gave it your all, but he was just in half. 
You packed your things to leave without him noticing; there's no grudge against him, though that would make it easier for you, so you just said goodbye to Hank.
You were about to open the doors and get out, but his voice stopped you. 
"Y/N" you paralyzed yourself by hearing Charles' voice" Where are you going with so many suitcases?" confused question and you even noticed that he was scared. 
"Forgive me Charles, but I can't continue with this anymore.” 
"What are you talking about?" question approaching you. 
This is going to be harder, especially since you thought he wouldn't care. You soothed slightly to answer him. 
"Charles, I’m done." 
"No, no baby, listen, I admit I was a little cold away from Cuba..." 
"That's the problem, I gave you time and when Hank managed to help you walk again I thought everything would be back to the way it was... But it wasn't! I feel that touching me now is the same for you .“ You interrupted him by raising your voice, but without shouting.
"Give me another chance to show you that you still love... “ 
"No!... that's what hurts me most Charles! And it hurts me to see that you're trying to save what one day was bounding us! There's nothing left in here” you yelled at him by dropping several tears. You know it's over, if he continues, you’ll fall again. 
Before he said another word, you opened the doors to leave. You saw the taxi and its driver at the end of the stairs. 
"I see why he went downstairs." You thought you asked the taxi driver to wait at the entrance to the property, but he followed you at the mansion entrance. When you were in front of the vehicle, the taxi driver helped you put your suitcases in the trunk. 
"Won't you even think about it?” 
You sighed in pain trying to hold back the tears. You turned to see him face it one last time. 
“I don't hate you, there are no hard feelings” he doesn’t answer, so you continue. “But it's time to face the truth, Charles “you sigh and keep talking” You care for me, but I love you. I know you don't want to hurt me… But I have to let you go.”
"Y/N..." started moving forward, but you stopped him with your telekinesis.
"Please understand... it hurts me more to stay with you, just like you.” 
You got in the taxi, which soon started and left under the gaze of Charles who kept bemoaning that he didn't realize before he was losing you, not treating you like he should have in the last few months, 
"I'm so sorry about what happened,” you apologized to the taxi driver. 
"Don't worry, miss, we all have bad times. Where do you want me to take you?”
"To the nearest city, " you answered without much interest. You'd see where you'd make your home. 
"If you're interested I have a friend who beats bad people," the taxi driver said.
You laughed for what he said. 
"We don't have to, we didn't break up because he hit me or anything like that," you sighed heavily, "Love is just over.” 
"I'm sorry if I insist, but it's also good for cheering, though it may be somewhat unbalanced…but he's a good person.” 
"And what's his name?” 
"I call him Mister Pool, but his name is Wade.”
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Annie’s 500 Kitties Writing Challenge Masterlist
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This is the masterlist of all the lovely submissions for my 500 writing challenge, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Thanks for participating! Sending you lots of love.
Moments with you masterlist (Scott Summers X mutant! Reader) by @shield-agent78​
Summary: Both you and Scott Summers yearn for a beautiful remembrance that cannot be reached. Scott, in the form of Jean Gray, and you in wanting Scott to move on with his life and realize that love can be found again.
I’m setting you free (Charles Xavier X Reader) by @eclipsajazminez
Summary: After long thought, you decided to broke up with Charles because you realized the love was over.
Eres (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad
Summary: You’re the most important thing for Steve. He wants to tell you in the sweetest way.
She will be loved (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @lovermrjokerr
Summary:  You have feelings for Bucky that you have pushed aside for too long, in a fear that having feelings for your colleague would be a distraction for you as an Avenger. After a terrible date, Bucky comforts you. The two of you get cozy and you say things you soon regret. You talk things through a few days on an icy mission, when you get trapped together in a sticky situation.
Come into my life (Thor Odinson x Reader) by @doubleshotofsomething
Summary: You live in a world where soulmates don’t exist. Like, at all. Non-existential. Literal, actual fiction. So… why is the God of Thunder convinced that you’re his?
One Last Kiss (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @fangirlovestuff​
Summary: When Steve goes back in time to return the stones, for a split second you’re worried he won’t come back. When he does, he has an interesting perspective about letting go and moving on.
Te dejo en libertad (Charles Xavier X Lectora) por @eclipsajazminez 
Sinopsis: Después de mucho pensarlo, decidiste dejar libre a Charles porque te diste cuenta que el amor ya se había acabado.
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Hiiii... may I join the writing challenge😀😀 can I have 14(Entra en mi vida) with Thor please?
Sure, is yours 💛
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Hey! Can I join your writing challenge with the song 'She will be loved - Maroon 5' with Bucky Barnes? :)
Of course! Is yours! I'm gonna mark it down when I can use my laptop
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Congratulations honey! I am so proud and happy for your milestone, you defo deserve it! 💕 Can I please have just the way you lie with Bucky from your challenge please? 😘
Thank you! The song is yours 💛
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Congratulations!!! Can I please have song 78 Memories I think I am going to pair it with an X-Man... Gsmbit or Scott Summers. Thanks
Thanks! Is yours, I'm really excited! The first with a mutant pairing 💛
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Congratulations! Can i have love the way you lie part 2? Thanks
Thanks! Sure, is yours, which character do you want?
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
hi! for your 500 Kitties Challenge can i request Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by P!nk (number 65) with Steve Rogers? and congrats on 500!
Is yours!
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Hi! Congrats on your milestone! Is still 79 available? I would like to do it with Steve
Thanks! Is yours 💛
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Holi!!! Am quería saber si sigue disponible Hoy te dejo en libertad creo que es la numero 22. Si aún no ah sido escogida te gustaría una con Charles Xavier?
Claro, es tuya
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azulatodoryuga · 4 years
Te dejo en Libertad
Personaje: Charles Xavier.
Advertencia: Un poco Sad/Triste.
Nota: esto es un reto de @nekoannie-chan​, también lo subiré en mi Wattpad aquí les dejo el link a mi perfil.
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Ya es hora de dejar de seguir intentando mantener una relación que murió hace meses, en la cual tú lo dabas todo, pero él simplemente estaba a la mitad. 
Empacaste tus cosas para irte sin que se dé cuenta; no hay rencor alguno hacia él, aunque así sería más fácil para ti, por lo que sólo te despediste de Hank. 
Ya estabas a punto de abrir las puertas y salir pero su voz te detuvo. 
—T/N—te paralizaste al escuchar la voz de Charles— ¿A dónde vas con tantas maletas?—pregunta confundido e incluso notaste que estaba asustado. 
—Perdóname Charles, pero ya no puedo seguir con esto… 
— ¿De qué hablas?—cuestiona acercándose a ti. Esto será más difícil en especial porque creíste que le daría igual. Sollozaste levemente para contestarle. 
—Charles, esto se terminó. 
—No, no nena, escucha admito que fui algo frío distante desde lo de Cuba… 
— ¡Ese es el problema, te di espacio tiempo y cuando Hank logro ayudarte a volver a caminar yo pensé que todo volvería a ser como antes… pero no fue así! ¡Simplemente siento que te desconozco, que tocarme te da igual!—lo interrumpiste alzando la voz, pero sin gritar.
 —Dame otra oportunidad para demostrarte que todavía te a… 
— ¡No!... ¡Eso es lo que más me lastima Charles!, ¡Que intentas rescatar lo que antes teníamos!... ¡Aunque ya no está, ya no existe!—gritaste interrumpiéndolo dejando caer varias lágrimas. Sabes que si termina caerás rendida a sus pies.
Antes que el dijera una palabra más abriste las puertas para irte. Viste el taxi y a su conductor al final de las escaleras. 
“Ya veo por qué bajó”. Pensaste le habías pedido al taxista que esperara en la entrada de la propiedad, pero él al parecer te siguió hasta la entrada de la mansión. Cuando llegaste al vehículo el taxista te ayudó a meterlas en la cajuela. 
— ¿No lo pensarás tan siquiera? 
Suspiraste dolida tratando de contener las lágrimas. Te giraste a verlo para afrontarlo una última vez. 
—No te odio y no hay rencores, ¿sí?—No hubo respuesta alguna de él por lo que decidiste seguir— Pero es momento de afrontar la realidad Charles…—suspiraste para tomar fuerzas y hablar— Tú me quieres, pero yo te amo. Y sé que no me quieres lastimar pero tengo que soltarte… Te dejo en libertad. 
—T/N…— empezó a avanzar, pero lo detuviste con tu telequinesis. 
—Por favor entiende… me hace más daño seguir contigo, al igual que a ti. 
Te subiste al taxi el cual no tardo en arrancar e irse bajo la mirada de Charles quien no dejaba de lamentarse por no haberse dado cuenta antes que te estaba perdiendo, al no tratarte como debió en los últimos meses. 
—Lamentó mucho lo que pasó—te disculpaste con el taxista. 
—No se preocupe señorita, todos tenemos malos tiempos. ¿A dónde quiere que la lleve? 
—A la ciudad más cercana—contestaste sin mucho interés. Ya verías cuál lugar harías de tu verdadero hogar. 
—Si le interesa tengo un amigo que golpea a personas malas—comentó el taxista. Reíste bajo por lo dicho. 
—No hace falta, no terminamos porque él me golpeara ni nada de eso—suspiraste con pesadez—Simplemente se acabó el amor. 
—Perdón si insisto, pero también es bueno para levantar los ánimos aunque puede que sea algo desequilibrado… pero es buena persona. 
— ¿Y cómo se llama? 
—Yo le digo Señor Pool, pero se llama Wade. 
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Annie’s Writing Challenges
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Annie’s 500 Kitties Writing Challenge (Closed/Cerrado)
Annie’s 1K Writing Challenge (Closed/Cerrado)
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