francepittoresque · 3 months
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7 juillet 1784 : mort de Louis Anseaume, l’un des pères de l’opéra-comique ➽ http://bit.ly/Antoine-Anseaume Auteur de quelque 25 pièces, comptant avec Poinsinet parmi les plus anciens librettistes de la nouvelle Comédie-Italienne, le modeste et laborieux souffleur Louis Anseaume, un des pères de l’opéra-comique, naquit à Paris en 1721, son professionnalisme lui valant d’être sollicité par plusieurs compositeurs importants
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Château du Mesnil-Anseaume, Normandy region of France
French vintage postcard
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admiral-craymen · 4 years
From Saturn Memories, explaining more about the PDW guy:
“So first off, Panzer Dragoon World is to put it mildly an overzealous PD Saga fan who used to hang out on Panzer Dragoon Legacy's forum. At some point he launched PDW social media accounts, a blog, and petitions with the aim of getting an open-world Panzer Dragoon RPG created. Not necessarily by him because he's not a programmer, artist, or anyone who could work on a game in a production capacity but by any person or company willing to run with his idea. He then proceeded to engage in the sorts of behavior a lot of these types of fans like to engage in and started constantly bugging as many people from every corner of the internet that he could find. Y'know, posting boatloads of spam on social media, completely hijacking conversations he had nothing to do with, taking over comment sections of other people's YouTube videos, etc. At that point, he was mainly just an annoyance.
Then FE'S Panzer Dragoon Remake comes along and, and naturally, he sees that as an opportunity to get a Saga remake or Saga-like project launched sometime down the road. And fortunately for him, he lives in France, which just so happens to be where TA Publishing and PDR's producer Ben Anseaume are both based out of. So he meets with the producer and some of the game's other staff, gets chummy with them, and then starts pushing PDR hard on his social accounts (he was later given a "special thanks in the game's credits, lol).
Now there's nothing wrong with that, but he became especially hostile toward anyone who dared criticize the game. Sometimes he'd go after them through the PDW account and other times he'd use sock puppets. One of PD Legacy's admins was targeted the latter way and has the receipts to prove it. However, PDW's most high profile outburst was directed at Wildman, the Japanese developer working on Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record. In the Fall of 2019, Wildman was able to briefly test a pre-release build of PD Remake at Tokyo Game Show. He recorded a video of himself playing it and posted his thoughts on social media, which proffered a lot of fair criticisms. Many of the issues he brought up would still be present in the launch version of the game! But not even knowing who Wildman was, PDW went absolutely apeshit on the poor guy. We're talking about some lunatic fan with zero game development experience incoherently lashing out at a game developer, trying to tell them they don't know shit about game development. It was fucking embarrassing.
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themessyjournals · 6 years
Hello! I saw your post with a list of modern German books that you enjoyed reading, and was wondering if you had, or could make, a similar post for French books?? Even just a couple of suggestions would be really useful. Thanks :)
Sorry, this me such a long time because I had exams! But here you go!!
Respire by Anne-Sophie Brasme
La chambre bleue by Georges Simenon
La bicyclette bleue by Régine Deforges
Antéchrista by Amélie Nothomb
Mercure by Amélie Nothomb
Le liseur du 6h27 by Jean-Paul Didierlaurent
La vérité sur l’affaire Harry Quebert by Joël Dicker
La liste de mes envies by Grégoire Delacourt
Kiffe Kiffe Demain by Faïza Guène
Un secret by Philippe Grimbert
Je vais bien, ne t’en fais pas by Olivier Adam
Un tout petit rien by Camille Anseaume
Lila dit ça by Chimo
Le rendez-vous by Justine Lévy
Dimanches d’août by Patrick Modiano
Les mots qu’on me ne dit pas by Véronique Poulain
Le mystère Henri Pick by David Foenkinos
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etiennedaho · 4 years
Reprise de L’étincelle
Merci à tous les musiciens de l'atelier pop-rock du LCBO Musique de Bretteville/Odon, pour cette reprise et ce travail d’équipe, faite dans ce moment si spécial.
Merci à Charlotte Lhermitte : chant, Cathy Bedouelle : clarinette, glockenspiel, Célestin Briand : sax alto, Jean-Pierre Alliard : sax ténor, Igor Garncarzyk : sax ténor, Dominique Legourriérec, : clavier, Alexandre Bernard : piano, Louise Lhermitte : guitare, Luc Bournier : basse, Laurence Quenelle : batterie, Guillaume Anseaume : guitare, direction, montage.
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wholepic-blog · 6 years
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Touches de bois dans une cuisine - Camille Anseaume
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operationrainfall · 5 years
INTERVIEW: Panzer Dragoon Remake Redos Saturn Favorite
INTERVIEW: Panzer Dragoon Remake Redos Saturn Favorite
The Panzer Dragoon series is one of the most famous and well-received franchises from the SEGA Saturn console. With the franchise’s first two entries being an on-rails shooter (and Panzer Dragoon Saga being an RPG) that coupled solid gameplay with an amazing soundtrack and stunning visuals, SEGA and Team Andromeda pushed the boundaries of this fifth-generation console to its limits.
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Developer Shows Off Before and After Scene of Fear Effect Reinvented in Development Video
Sushee Games released a new video showing the development of their upcoming remaster project Fear Effect Reinvented, coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC in 2018.
The video shows the development process of a setting featured in the original Fear Effect, which originally released on PlayStation in 2000. Furthermore, players get a chance to preview a scene from the game side by side comparing the original with the upcoming remastered version.
Fear Effect is set in Hong Kong where players are tasked with the mission to search for a Triad leader’s missing daughter. Players assume the role of three mercenary characters, Hana, Deke, and Glas, as they explore the world, take down enemies, and complete dangerous missions.
Previously, Sushee games founder Benjamin Anseaume states the remake will keep the same atmosphere and spirit as the original game, but more importantly, “those original fixed camera angles will remain in place, albeit playing host to some brand new high-definition visuals.”
If you’d like to know more about Fear Effect, check out our review of the most recent entry in the series developed by Sushee Games, Fear Effect Sedna. The game takes a different approach to gameplay than its predecessors, but still tells a compelling story that fans will enjoy.
You can watch the video below:
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peccatidigola568 · 6 years
Consigli preziosi su come tenere in ordine la casa in poco tempo..con 10 semplici trucchi!!
Consigli preziosi su come tenere in ordine la casa in poco tempo..con 10 semplici trucchi!!
Troppo spesso si spreca il fine settimana a dover rimettere in ordine la casa ma secondo l’autrice del libro Le Rangement Malin, Camille Anseaume, non è necessario utilizzare tutto il weekend per riordinare. Infatti, la scrittrice spiega 10 regole basilari per non ridursi a fare le pulizie sempre da cima a fondo. Questa lista contiene, infatti, delle idee preziose e a costo zero che aiuteranno a…
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francepittoresque · 1 year
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7 juillet 1784 : mort de Louis Anseaume, l’un des pères de l’opéra-comique ➽ http://bit.ly/Antoine-Anseaume Auteur de quelque 25 pièces, comptant avec Poinsinet parmi les plus anciens librettistes de la nouvelle Comédie-Italienne, le modeste et laborieux souffleur Louis Anseaume, un des pères de l’opéra-comique, naquit à Paris en 1721, son professionnalisme lui valant d’être sollicité par plusieurs compositeurs importants
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rhadamisthe-blog · 12 years
Ça vous a de ces physionomies sérieuses qui servent de remède à l’envie de rire !
Louis Anseaume, L’Ivrogne corrigée, sc. 1.
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francepittoresque · 4 years
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7 juillet 1784 : mort d’Antoine Anseaume, l’un des pères de l’opéra-comique ➽ https://j.mp/2WDhNDk Auteur de quelque 25 pièces, comptant avec Poinsinet parmi les plus anciens librettistes de la nouvelle Comédie-Italienne, le modeste et laborieux souffleur Louis Anseaume, un des pères de l’opéra-comique, naquit à Paris en 1721, son professionnalisme lui valant d’être sollicité par plusieurs compositeurs importants
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francepittoresque · 5 years
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7 juillet 1784 : mort d’Antoine Anseaume, l’un des pères de l’opéra-comique ► http://j.mp/2WDhNDk Auteur de quelque 25 pièces, comptant avec Poinsinet parmi les plus anciens librettistes de la nouvelle Comédie-Italienne, le modeste et laborieux souffleur Louis Anseaume, un des pères de l’opéra-comique, naquit à Paris en 1721, son professionnalisme lui valant d’être sollicité par plusieurs compositeurs importants
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francepittoresque · 7 years
7 juillet 1784 : mort d’Antoine Anseaume, l’un des pères de l’opéra-comique ► http://bit.ly/Antoine-Anseaume
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francepittoresque · 6 years
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7 juillet 1784 : mort d’Antoine Anseaume, l’un des pères de l’opéra-comique ► http://bit.ly/Antoine-Anseaume Auteur de quelque 25 pièces, comptant avec Poinsinet parmi les plus anciens librettistes de la nouvelle Comédie-Italienne, le modeste et laborieux souffleur Louis Anseaume, un des pères de l’opéra-comique, naquit à Paris en 1721, son professionnalisme lui valant d’être sollicité par plusieurs compositeurs importants #CeJourLà #7Juillet #Anseaume #Opéra #Comique #Auteur #Comédie #Italienne #Souffleur #Compositeur #Musique #Littérature #Biographie #histoire #france #history #passé #past #français #french #news #événement #newsfromthepast
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