#Ansel Hsiao
theseworldsareyours · 3 months
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From Golan Battlestation by Ansel Hsiao
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Mandator III-class Star Dreadnought by Ansel Hsiao
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siryl · 1 year
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A 3D digital model by Ansel Hsiao of a Tector-class Star Destroyer.  More images at source.
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Ansel Hsiao - Venator-class Star Destroyer (2022)
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arc-77 · 7 months
// So Ansel Hsiao finished his model of the Arc Hammer and I'm
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manfrommars2049 · 1 year
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Carrack-class Star Frigate by Ansel Hsiao via ImaginaryStarships
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renegade0897 · 1 year
You have been warned...
Well, that was one hell of an Episode 6.
Not as grand smashing as 5 but, I MEAN PRESIDENT PETROV?! And this?!
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I know I know it's a Tector but this design by Ansel Hsiao (Fractal Sponge on Artstation) looks so good.
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arian1970 · 4 months
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 2 years
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Endurance-class fleet carriers were advanced starships used by the New Republic. Part of the Republic’s shift towards a unified fleet appearance, Endurance carriers were compact, well-armed, and well-armored. They carried four wings of starfighters, which they would strategically deploy in battle from the sidelines.
Source: The Essential Guide to Warfare (Art: Ansel Hsiao; 2012)
First Appearance: Before the Storm (1996)
Read more on Wookieepedia.
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astropolis001 · 4 years
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All-Terrain Siege Platform (AT-SP)
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theseworldsareyours · 6 years
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Teroch-class Mandalorian Cruiser by Ansel Hsiao / Fractal Sponge
More images at link.
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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TIE Defender by Ansel Hsiao
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siryl · 4 years
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“Escaping Bespin I” and “II” by Cannikin1701.
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pedroam-bang · 5 years
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Ansel Hsiao - Imperator-class Star Destroyer (2015)
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arc-77 · 6 months
// As elaborated on in my previous post, Fordo does not command any truly large ships or a fleet suited for space combat, and that is unlikely to change. His expertise is on the ground, not on the bridge. But this is Star Wars and giant starships are cool as hell and I'm obsessed, so here's a few capital ships he'd be inclined to command if things were different.
Slightly smaller than the standard Imperial Star Destroyer, the Procursator-class Star Destroyer was a 1200 meter long design comparable in size to the Venator-Class. Its main battery consisted of three triple-barreled heavy turbolaser turrets mounted midship, providing it exceptional field of fire, but its total hangar space was very modest. Fordo favored the Procursator over the ISD as it was faster and more maneuverable, and thus made for an adept frontline skirmisher to the ISD's brawler.
The Fulgor-class Pursuit Frigate stands not far behind for very similar reasons. This 600 meter long heavy frigate's main battery was a pair of twin-barreled heavy turbolasers, as well as a pair of ball-mounted ion cannons on its flanks. As the name suggests, its primary role was to chase down lighter frigates, corvettes, and blockade runners utilizing the exceptional speed granted by its outsized engines. Fordo would be very fond of these, especially in the early years of the war before Mon Calamari Cruisers were prevalent.
The Gladiator-class Star Frigate was another 600 meter long design, intended as an escort carrier to accompany the Victory-Class. It was quickly repurposed back into a long-range patrol vessel, essentially serving as an extra-light Star Destroyer for system pacification duties. Its main armament was six twin-barreled light turbolaser turrets, a torpedo/concussion missile battery, and it had ample hangar space. Fordo would utilize these more in line with their original role, serving as frontline combat carriers escorting larger ships that lacked hangar space.
The Lancer-class Light Frigate, measuring at only 250 meters long, was a capital ship designed for an incredibly rare role in the Imperial Navy: dedicated starfighter screening. It utilized a plethora of quad point defense laser cannons to dice apart incoming starfighters through volume of fire. Though it could be retrofitted with a few light turbolasers, it was best suited for escorting larger ships rather than engaging them. Given the Rebel Alliance's effective usage of starfighters, Fordo wants his fleet to have as many point-defense weapons as he can get his hands on.
The Secutor-class Star Destroyer was a late Clone Wars era battlecarrier, first entering service shortly after the war. Measuring 2200 meters in length, it featured the same iconic twin-bridge conning tower as on the Venator-class, utilizing one for ship operations and the other for starfighter operations. For years, the Secutor-class would hold the title of the Empire's largest dedicated starfighter carrier. I'm not gonna list all the turbolasers and such, but there were a lot of them, many of which being the same DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets as on the Venator-class. A Secutor would serve as the command ship at the very core of Fordo's fleet as the anchor around which all the other ships pivot in an engagement. This is the largest ship he could feasibly receive command of, in my opinion.
Although the Bellator-class Star Dreadnought was perhaps the smallest of the Empire's Super Star Destroyers, the 7200 meter long behemoth of a ship was still one of the largest in the entire galaxy. Considered a "fast dreadnought", the sleek Bellator exchanged the sheer bulk and firepower of its bigger sisters for greater speed and maneuverability, and it still outgunned everything the Empire would ever face. If Fordo ever commanded a Super Star Destroyer, it would be one of these. There simply doesn't need to be any ships larger than this. Please stop building them. Palpatine please it's a waste of resources, the regular ISD is already too big.
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