#Answering your questions
fenglianweek · 4 months
Excited noises
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r4mmydh4rkon · 10 months
So it you had to pick one person you know currently to actively throw out a plane, who would you throw out and why?
Also bonus question, who would you keep on the plane and why?
Easy, Well I mean theres 2 answers to this but the least complicated answer is that I would throw Endless out cause their a bitch ass motherfucker, but if I had to choose someone with an actual blog.
I’d pick infinitum and watch as they crash against the ground and break into pieces like their a fuckin lego character lmao
But I’d keep myself and virus on the plane, cause virus is my bestie.
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notjustyourhealers · 10 months
Just checking to make sure, but trans women are welcome here, right? Looking out for my sisters. 🏳️‍⚧️
Of course! Trans women are, in fact, real women. - Mod Cat
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ablackonyxz · 1 year
Please please please tell us what you ship
Ah the shipping wars... No comment. 😉
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katruna · 1 year
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theonethatyaks93 · 1 year
if I may, the difference between bi and pan is more about how you like to be called... bi is an umbrella term for pan, just like gay is an umbrella term for lesbian, bi, pan,... so saying Pinky could be bi isn't very wrong.
I guess that makes sense. I just like to think that Pinky would like to be called pan because he seemingly likes everyone. This is honestly my own personal opinion, but it can go a lot of ways. I see Pinky as identifying as gay, bi, or pan given the circumstances, so there are multiple options. As someone who is bi, I do see a lot of myself in Pinky. If he wants to be bisexual than he can be. There's nothing wrong with that. Thanks for offering your side of things Anon :)!
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thebidlab · 1 year
Answering Your Most Frequently Asked Questions
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At The Bid Lab, we’re committed to serving as your go-to resource for all things RFPs. To that end, we compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions from both prospects and current clients. In this two-part series, we answer all of your most pressing questions about the RFP process and The Bid Lab. Visit Us - https://www.thebidlab.com/learning-center/answering-your-most-frequently-asked-questions/
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sombra-mailbox · 1 year
Dear Sombra. I'm in need of your wisdom! I spend way too much of my workday (and night) reading romantic/erotic novels ... how can I stop?
I think we’ve all been there. It’s just not easy leaving a good story for something boring… like work, or sleep.
Well let’s start with the important question. How important is it really that you stop? Like, will you get in trouble? Or can you do it without being noticed? I’ve been reading all sorts of things at my job and so far no one has caught me! The trick is to make it look like you are working. Know when they are looking… and when they are not.
If for some reason you do want to stop, say you like your job or you are one of those people who need sleep, then there’s only one thing to do, amigo. You got to put that story out of reach.
Where are you reading it? Book, phone, laptop? If it’s a book or a phone, put that away! Book/phone out of reach from the bed and in a bag when you are at work!
… of course that might be a problem at work. Do you need your phone for work? If it’s a book down in the bag with it!
If you need the phone for emergencies or something then … put it under something! That you have to remove each time you want to look at it!... sounds tiring, it’s about making it inconvenient for yourself.
If you got this book on your computer, it’s a whole different issue. No computer in bed! Away with it, shoo! And then get that stuff off your work computer, it’s not good practice. If you use your own computer at work, put it in like… 10 different folders so it’s hard to find! Again, inconvenience is key! You gotta make it more work to not work… if you get what I’m saying.
Good luck!
-          Sombra
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idle-skull · 1 year
What drew you to 40k?
So about a year ago, late 2021 to early 2022, I was in an animation class with @jaegercat03
And you know what they did? They wouldn’t shut up about Warhammer.
Anyway, at one point we were talking about fictional characters, idk if it was in the context of fictional crushes or just favorite characters, and I asked them who they think my favorite primarch would be. They gave me two answers, one that I don’t remember & Leman Russ.
So that’s how it started; I went and read Leman Russ’s fandom wiki article, and you know what?? I wanted to fuck him I really liked this wolf man. So eventually, after reading up on more lore (both space wolf related & not), I ended up starting to write OCs & original factions, starting with Nessa (I believe), who was very different at the time (she used to be a salamander, now she’s a space shark).
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Later, I would end up making my first warhammer OC x Canon pairing… Involving Leman Russ & a cat man stuck in Nurgle’s Swamp, who was wanted for tax fraud, & murdering his manipulative ex partner (who was, like him, a general). They’re so gay your honor
Introducing ✨Ripley✨
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So the short of it? I love science fantasy, worldbuilding & grimdark, but I’m also a hopeless romantic. I got into warhammer because horny
The long of it? You just read that.
Also: My favorite primarch is ✨MAGNUS✨
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fenglianweek · 4 months
Hey! Wanted to ask if can post old art for the fenglian week and if I have to do like anything to be part of it
Hello! Yes, old works are welcome.
As long as they align with the rest of the guidelines, they're more than okay.
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What are your favorite things about each of your kids? Like tell us about your children~
Hello again, Mister Ford~! ^W^ Always lovely to hear from you~ oWo As for your question... >W> I have trillions of children, spanning over trillions of timelines and dimensions. ^W^; I'm sadly not going to get to all of them in this answer. >W<; But, I do know a few things off the top of my head. oWo
Bill, my oldest son, he is very creative, free-spirited, determined~! (✿◕W◕✿) Will, my youngest, he is so sweet, loyal, most well-behaved, (\💙W💙(\ Kill, my most violent... ¬M¬; I'm sure he has good characteristics. ^W^; He is a go-getter, he knows what he wants, and does not let anyone take advantage of him. (Do those sound reasonable? >W<;) Tad is...Strange, but in the best of ways I assure you~! >W< And then Till, my little green thumb, he cares about living things, he is very nurturing to his crops, and he brings me the prettiest flowers~ (✿◡W◡)
These are the babies that give me the most attention. oWo I love them all so much, no matter how chaotic things get. 💙W💙 I do hope that this has helped you, Mister Ford~! ^W^
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vrispurrs · 3 years
I did not know that u liked horses :0
Yep! I'm a farrier irl, and have 3 of my own :)
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i1976blunotte · 3 years
Do you ship Rei/Jadeite in the 90s anime?
No. I don’t ship them in 90s anime. I don’t ship Senshi/Shitennou in 90s anime because the Shitennou are totally different entities in 90s anime and manga/Crystal.
In manga (and Crystal) the Shitennou are the faithful guardians of Endymion until Beryl brainwashes them: they are victims of Beryl (especially in Crystal, they are clearly under Beryl’s control against their will, and they also try to rebel, at some point, after regaining their memories). After their death, their stones protect Mamoru from the Holy Sword and they stay by Mamoru’s side as spirits: Mamoru summons them and TRUSTS them. So, basically, in manga (and Crystal), the Shitennou are “good” guys (except for their time under Beryl’s control: in Crystal they look just as victims, in manga they somehow chose Beryl back in the Silver Millenium, but probably they were somehow ”tricked”).
In 90s anime, the Shitennou are Beryl’s servants. Just evil guys who serve their evil Mistress. There’s no connection with Mamoru. There’s no connection with the Senshi back in the Silver Millenium. They have never been “good guys”. So, I don’t see any reasons for the Senshi falling in love with the Shitennou; or vice versa, especially if you think that, in 90s anime, Kunzite/Zoisite is canon and so Nephrite/Naru.
Manga/Crystal and 90s anime are totally different universes, with many important differences (beside the Shitennou’s nature): Rei’s personality... the break-up arc... no Golden Crystal for Mamoru... no Sailor Quartet... Seya’s role... 
I don’t mix 90s anime and manga/Crystal (I have loved both, but for different reasons). :-)
Hope you liked my answer. Thanks for asking!
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chixxly · 3 years
I just seen your answer a few minutes ago also the tags so I shall ask you more since I was genuinely curious anyway
Why exactly do you ship bakudeku? Is it just because or is there a bit more into it?
Also might be dumb to ask but you think there's possiblity your ship will happen cuz a lot of people understandingly know that won't be end game but I seen at least 2 people who think there is potential for it but most people say if there is a lgbt couple it'll most likely be like minor characters together
Well a lot of people love BakuDeku and a lot of people hate it. People ship BakuDeku because of official art, development, chemistry, and more reasons. If you seen the Manga you would know that Bakugou and Deku’s relationship is by far the most grown and developed.
 And yes there is a possibility it will happen. But there is other ships too like Izu//ocha, Baku//Camie, Kacchacko,TodoDeku,TodoBaku. That people are saying is canon too. If you do see that then ignore it because no ship is canon or endgame yet. Nothing has been confirmed. But we are unwillingly the most popular ship! Also a few people who work with Hori love them too!
Also I think a few characters were confirmed LQBTQ+ but I can’t remember which. I know that Toga is Bisexual though! Have a good day fellow human I hope you understand a little bit.  
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redscharms · 3 years
Answering some of your questions.
Do you listen to music while doing your readings?
In most cases no. Very rarely I put on some lo-fi music in the background but usually I prefer to do my readings in silence.
Do you read other tarot readers on Tumblr?
Occasionally. I follow some readers here. I like to see how similar our readings are after I do mine and if we have been asked to do same readings.
Do you like/do astrology?
No, but I find Natal Charts extremely interesting.
Do you do ships?
No, I only do Tarot readings.
What decks do you use?
Rider-Waite standard deck, Chrysalis Tarot, Tarot Familiars, Sensual Wicca Tarot and I also use runes.
How did you learn Tarot?
Using online resources to find in-depth card description and through doing readings.
How old are you?
Roaring 20s.
Do you do Tarot professionally?
From what I understood they were asking me if I make a living doing Tarot readings.
No, I don’t, I do Tarot as a hobby and occasionally do personal readings.
Favorite BTS member?
I’m sorry but I don’t really know them. I can enjoy some of their music but other than that never was really interested in them. But I’m sure they’re really sweet and talented.
Do you have pets?
Yes. A cat, a dog and a hamster.
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fenglianweek · 4 months
heya, looking forward to this!! i was just wondering if there was going to be an ao3 collection set up that we could submit things to? i don't usually post fics to tumblr so i think i'd be overly worried about formatting over here lol, not a problem if not tho
Hi! Thank you, we're so happy to see people's response to this little event.
Yes, we announced an AO3 collection last solstice. You can see the post here.
Your question made me realize I should leave that link in our bio, right there with the prompts, the guidelines and our other socials, so thank you for that as well.
See you!
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