#Anti Sonic The Hedgehog Fandom
plumsaffron · 2 years
Shadow 2005 was not badly executed. Some of you Sonic related or Shadow Fans just ruin a lot of things. Y'all always been bitch always. You think you know Shadow but you don't accept what you know, nor the given circumstances. Most of y'all don't even see the faults of most of his "so called" friends and brush off that accursed G.U.N.
Fugly targeters. I could go on with why your favorite SA2, Heroes, Unleashed, and Generations are wack and why Lost World Ain't Trashy as people make it out to be (well the 3ds mostly). Y'all keep going on and on and on and on and on.
Oh yeah you losers saying Elise thing for 2006 doesn't fit for a Sonic game need to grow up. Y'all ain't slick. Y'all say it whenever unsatisfied with something different or unique or new. Quit being so bounded against new things. Are you the controller of the tale? And you should be happy cause it all ends up technically unhappen.
Oh but Elise should be. I wish the princess was. Aw too bad so sad. Go COPE and whine some more. Accept she's a human that didn't fulfill your power deviantart dreams. Sonic's story isn't that bad.
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radiantrookie · 30 days
Every fandom's worst nightmare
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And then the vid has millions of views with everyone agreeing with it
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milkybnnuy · 2 months
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UF!Sans belongs underfell
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blabla364 · 1 year
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bonicexehog · 15 days
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amy roses and aimé rose that belongs to @nova-rpv
anti amy is just some random au concept idea thingy i came up with on the spot, not an original idea, there's already plenty of evil/anti/dark amy etc, but still it's fun to play with ideas and story telling
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emerald-hills2 · 3 months
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Imagine that you go for a run, like a normal day and out of nowhere you find YOURSELF WTF????
childhood friends au really got me xd i need things abot this two gremblings (and im sure im gonna do more)sorry for the bad drawings i drew fast xd
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5h0w1sh · 10 months
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Gave Miles and Nine some human designs
Separated pieces-
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scourgeeternalblackout · 11 months
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SEB Chapter 6-2: A Remedy for the Future page 12
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totaleclipse573 · 3 months
@stillafanofsonic I DID IT
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Look at him. The anti skrunkle. I love him so much. (Bonus points if anyone can figure out exactly why I decided to change the traditional red in the black arms color scheme to green…)
Also bonus : just the main art :
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asyashine · 3 months
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Scourge >:333
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kale-smoothies · 14 days
I’m not requesting this but I am putting a suggestion out here cause the idea has been swirling around my brain for a few hours,
but I think it’ll be really adorable if you doodled Scourge drinking a Kale Smoothie.
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I’ve been thinking about this all day and i havent drawn in weeks THIS WAS REALLY QUICKLY DRAWN SORRY
ALSO I dont mind doing req :] This was a cute idea
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plumsaffron · 2 years
Yeah I'm cool with the fandub. Not cool with the stupid fandom.
Self Entitled acting scrubs thinking it's the VAs for the funny mostly are superior the og ones.
Stupid fan fics or dumb fix its or rewrites (thinking they achieved)
If you got something to prove that what you did is all superior, then make your own story. No Shadow No Sonic related No Sega. All yours all Original.
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This is very random, but I realized that I accidentally reblogged a shadeclipse(Shadow × Eclipse) post. As of lately I've been speed re blogging, which is where I just don't really pay attention to the post I'm reblogging and quickly reblog it, giving it no thought. The post itself was about parallels towards Sonourge and Shadeclipse, and I wanna say now, that I will never condone that.
Shadeclipse is incest, Shadow and Eclipse are BROTHERS. I refuse to have anything so disgusting on my blog, even if it's Scourge related. Please, if I ever reblog anything you find concerning, please tell me, as I might've not paid attention while reblogging the post and not notice that it's not a good one.
Thank you. — Scourgeshrine!!
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cyborgpuppyofficial · 18 days
Hello everyone! So I made a new video today! As well as three new OC's! Did you know that Team Chaotix was originally going to get Anti Counterparts in the Archie Sonic Comics? It's true! Their group was called The Orderix, and they were not going to be fond of O'Nux. But they never got made due to the comic ending. So today I made them! I decided to turn them all into Mafia Workers instead of Detectives! I'll be sharing their full drawings in a separate post very soon! Check out the video if you wanna see the process of me making them. And if you have any questions about them, let me know! I'd be more than happy to respond to your comments! Thank you all so much for reading this, and I'll see you around! ^w^
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hunniegl4zed · 4 months
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*casually drops this* Introducing: Seneca, my take on Anti-Shadow. And totally not made to create moebian sonadow in any way~
He's taken on his alien DNA completely, making him a lethal weapon under Black Doom's (Not sure how to place him yet) command. Although being born to fight wars and conquer galaxies, Seneca is all for defending what he loves, in his own stubborn way. Scourge and him would meet before Scourge would end up in prison. Have so much stuff in mind, but yeah! Might do some changes to his design overtime, but like him how he is now :3 Enjoy! 👽
Seneca belongs to me~
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bjlightningbeast · 3 days
The "Sonic is Sonic" narritive is not only idiotic but damaging to Sonic's identity as a character
It gives the general idea that Sonic is a character that can be anything you want him to be when that is one of, if not, the most bullshit statement I've heard from this fanbase (and maybe from the officials) in a damn while. Sonic was never a character that can be anything. From the beginning, ever since his creation, Sonic has had an established character created by the original Sonic Team. It's one of the reasons he was able to stand out from his rival, Mario (a character that is claimed to lack a personality).
However, ever since the West started to take hold of the franchise, Sonic's character has not only completely changed, but even worse, will eventually switch around depending on whose writing, and this problem does not exist in the east when SOJ was taking charge and it still does not as Japan Sonic remained consistant since the beginning, so what's going on SOA?
We can all agree that Pontac and Graff's writing on the characters was not correct, and I put the blame on Sega of America for getting inexperienced Sonic writers to write for their games. But then here comes Ian Flynn, who fans will praise his writing of the Sonic characters to high heavens when his versions of the character are not the correct characters, especially Sonic.
People will give the same lame excuse as it's just "writers making up their own interpertation of what or who Sonic is", but all this sentiment does is cause more harm than good to Sonic because now, I've got to ask you; If Sonic is anything you want him to be now, then who is even Sonic the Hedgehog anymore? "What you babbling about? Sonic is a cartoon blue hedgehog that runs fast, who rolls into robots, and fights an egg-shaped scientist. DuH!". Ok, but that's what he is on a surface level. What is the actual character of Sonic the Hedgehog? Can anyone tell me what it is? Anyone? No? Yeah, I didn't think so. Because you know what the answer to that question is? Nothing. He's nobody. He's no longer a character. He's just a puppet that people are free to turn him into however way they want, and there is no correct or incorrect way of writing him, just "interpertations."
It's even worse because this issue doesn't just stop at Sonic alone, but most of the other cast of characters are hit with this "SoNiC iS sOnIc" bullcrap ideology. Almost none of them act like how they are supposed to be. People always complained about the Sega mandates for being too strict, but if this is how the characters are being handled, then it's obviously clear that they are not strict enough. Is it that hard to get a character right? Like, name one franchise that has to deal with this kind of shit?
I think it's time that SOJ takes back full charge of the franchise and actually get Japanese writers to write for Sonic again, because no disrespect to the west, but it's obvious that they have no idea what the hell they are doing, and the characters are one of the prominent things that are suffering because of it. Go back and make these characters back to who they were, who they are supposed to be! Let them be something again, and stop making them be everything! Cause if a character can be anybody, then the character becomes nobody, and just like Pariah695 said in his Frontiers video... I'm not a fan of nobody...
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