eclctve · 2 years
I've put up a few patches on Bandcamp as I feel this guy's lectures, and books are really valuable looks at historical and contemporary politics.
a short clip of one of his interviews:
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txttletale · 22 days
it is very silly when people say the stock 'dead white guys' line about marxist theory. just betrays a really stunning ignorance of the history of, like, the entire 20th century innit. all my favourite white guys mao zedong and zhou enlai and ho chi minh and frantz fanon and walter rodney and kwame nkrumah &c. &c. &c. &c...
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spaghettioverdose · 2 years
🏞 somewhat-popular-blog Follow
Omg how do people on this site like communism! I read somewhere that communists eat babies!!
🐸 blood-and-heroes-88 Follow
It's true my grandfather died opposing the soviets in the war 😡
He fought for liberty and freedom
🏖 i-love-florida Follow
Communists persecuted my family for no reason
They took our home and our farm
🌅 garnetfucker93 Follow
Omg that's so fucked up what the fuck
🎇 shitfuck-opinions Follow
Communists are literally so fucking evil they literally kill you and eat your baby
☭ popular-marxist-leninist-blog Follow
Communists do not eat babies. This myth has been disproven several times including by anticommunist sources. It originated from like 3 nazi groups, two CIA agents and some weird ethnonationalist cultist.
[Several paragraphs of quotes and citations from relevant papers and articles from both communist and liberal sources and even one where the US very clearly admits to lying about communists eating babies]
🎇 shitfuck-opinions Follow
[Links to a series of articles that cite other articles that cite three nazi groups two CIA agents and one ethnonationalist cultist and also like a link to one guy with a youtube channel with 700 subscribers]
🌅 multifandom-the-blog Follow
Why do you literally love putin you tankie
💣 anarchomccarthyism Follow
[Screenshot of "#clink clank here comes the tank"]
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 month
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Gonna be real. Don't think western Liberals are generally in agreement with the latter, even in the subset who are in agreement with the former
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read-marx-and-lenin · 2 months
tbh I should have realized that I wasn't an anarchist anymore in 2019 when I stopped answering "how will X work under socialism" by basically going "idk lol we'll find out when we get there" and started giving examples of how things work in Cuba and Vietnam today.
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yuri-alexseygaybitch · 5 months
Signalis is good but also very clearly made by anticommunist Germans still pissed at the GDR
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handweavers · 30 days
the chapter in the jakarta method on the creation(s) of malaysia and singapore and the british empire's role in it always makes me feel like that ben affleck smoking pic. actually anything to do with 20th century malaysian history makes me feel like that
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knightofdeer · 8 months
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I am not going to talk about "low morale" because I really don't care, but the tags are extremely wrong.
Source: I spent the last two years in a city in 45 kilometres away from the frontlines (Zaporizhzhia). Air strikes and air defense sound different. While I can't say for sure that there was no time Ukrainian air defense misfired into a residential building ever anywhere, I can guarantee that the most notorious destructions of residential buildings here were all air strikes.
This is what I am direct witness of, but what I saw from destruction of Kharkiw doesn't resemble air defense misfire either. I didn't pay close attention to other cities, but I can believe in situation there being the same.
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czolgosz · 5 months
a few days ago my spanish teacher said that she couldn't read the rainbow fish to her child anymore because she realised it "promotes communism" 😭
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straightlightyagami · 2 months
daily reminder that the "commies are just as bad as nazis" cunts should all be treated as fascists
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kolibrieren · 11 months
If your reaction to anti-GDR and PRC art is to call it "anticommunist" then you're not actually thinking, you're just worshipping the idea of communism.
The GDR and PRC (and USSR) were/are soulless totalitarian states that abused their citizens and committed genocide, while wearing the flayed skin of communism to try and justify their actions as being in service of the proleriat they were stomping on.
The Eusean Nation is a direct commentary on these states, particularly the GDR, and just because Signalis shits on a millitary dictatorship justifying its' oppression with revolutionary rhetoric doesn't mean it's some sort of fascist screed.
The workers of S23 are kept in cages and tortured for confessions. Use some fucking braincells and stop mindlessly consuming tankie propaganda, goddamn.
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txttletale · 1 year
i often get asks that are like 'how do you enjoy anything' and similarly have a lot of detractors on web site who call me, like, 'joyless', and i feel like that's kind of revealing about the way these people conceptualise criticism (& especially political criticism). like esp. when i say something like 'DOOM 2016's central conceit of a heroic ubermensch righteously massacring an infinite horde of subhuman invaders is fundamentally a reactionary fantasy' i think that people assume that means i played the whole game through gritted teeth or threw it down in disgust but nah i played that whole thing and had a great time. i just also made some mental notes and thought them through afterwards. i just find it weird so many people find those things to be in abject contradiction
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gorps · 3 months
Hole post reminded me how weird signalis was. What was going on with those politics. Literally everything but the cartoonishly bad anticommunist setting was sooooo good
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irhabiya · 7 months
update on researching communism in southern yemen finally found a book about the pdry!! it's so crazy how scarce literature is about it, up until now i've only stumbled upon a couple articles that all go over the same basic stuff
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maidfrin · 1 month
uickly lets make a small communist nation
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some people have gotten so absorbed into the circus of internet jousting as politics that they can describe hiroshima and nagasaki as "getting their shit pushed in" because to them it's all just teams. people on the internet just carry on the dehumanization of capitalist imperialism and try to disguise it as social justice. i need them to go to the hiroshima peace park memorial and throw up at the child art of family members' skin melting off when they realize each 1 of the 250,000 was a person. if they are even still capable of realizing that, they might be too well primed to view [ n koreans / russians / iranians / etc ] as barbarian invaders who deserve the comeuppance of having their rivers filled with corpses and their children die vomiting blood. sorry for the ask itt's just hard to find anything as sickening to me as so called anti imperialists who would celebrate the usa's development, use, and proliferation of nuclear weapons as long as the civilians targeted are inside the borders of a country they think deserves it
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