gillyvor · 8 months
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0020 // PATROL
[ feat. a Lite Patrol officer from The Dear Hunter’s Antimai ]
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captain-lovelace · 2 years
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Screaming screaming screaming
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theposionwoman · 2 years
TDH Tag Game
Okay, to my fellow TDH fans I'm curious so please reblog with your answers (tags or reblogs).
Your favorite song
Your first song
A song everyone loves but you don't
Most overrated song
Most underrated song
Favorite album
Favorite act
Favorite Color Spectrum EP
Thoughts on Antimai
When did you find The Dear Hunter?
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biopariahs · 2 years
what she says: I’m fine
what she means: left. right. slide to the back. hop to the right. now kick and clap. hands to the sky with a shake of the knees. praise his number xcv
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circusthing · 2 years
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bunnymossmakes · 2 years
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Soooo I've been working on a rad project - drawing everyone from The Dear Hunter, my favorite band - Everyone got individual shots, and then one big group picture! Pretty stoked honestly, they all turned out SO GOOD
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hey just a question if there are any people here who have had success getting their antimai bundles either shipped or refunded
It's been months since they last sent out an update, which said everything should be shipped out by September 1st, which was over 2 months ago, and I have received no items, received no refund, and received no reply to any email i send to any dear hunter email address I can find online nor to the multiple times I have sent in a request for info to the Google form on the website
Of course I trusted they, as a not-particularly-unknown band, would eventually ship everything out, and I commiserated with the many issues the band was going through actually getting the merch made and shipped. But now it's past the window where I can do a chargeback on my credit card solely because I trusted this band to make things right eventually, and they won't respond to me in any way, but of course they WILL send me emails asking me to buy more of their merchandise (not fucking likely, I won't spend a penny on this band again)
This is all made worse by the fact that I have had an extremely bad year and have lost most of my income-earning potential due to illness, so when I ordered the bundle spending over $100 on merch was an easy thing to do, but now having that $100 back could buy me groceries I otherwise would have to go without
Anyone have any idea how to contact the band? I really don't want to have to escalate to small claims court (especially because that would involve fronting some money I currently don't have), but I'm at a loss at what else to do
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alyssahereuwu · 1 year
Praise to his number XCV
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pumpkinscissors · 2 years
Ring 4 - Patrol lyric analysis / Goggle theory
May as well call this post Habitual Overthinking: Episode 2...
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The popular interpretation of “Three days straight seeing monochrome”  is a literal one: That the Patrolmen’s goggles render the wearer’s vision in greyscale.
If the line is meant literally, then what is the (perceived) advantage of monochromatic vision? Why bother forcing the Patrolmen to see that way?
--- Their goggles are confirmed to require power (POWEEEER)...
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(If the image doesn’t load: Cave and Canary’s official YouTube account commented under Cycle 8, saying “...the people of this region live off of less energy, generally, than it takes to power one of the Patrolmen’s goggles.”)
Requiring power as they do, evidently, monochrome vision would have to be a very deliberate choice by the creators of the goggles. (I assume Ring 7′s Industry workers are tasked with the production of the Patrol’s tools and weapons, under orders from much higher up.)
At least when it comes to monitors and cameras, monochrome doesn’t use less power and they aren’t any easier to make than full-color. I assume the same would be said of a visor. So why?
I couldn’t find any real-world studies claiming any benefit to black-and-white vision (such as altering one’s psyche/worldview, making one feel disconnected from the world, or anything like that which might benefit their brutality). In fact, monochrome would only be a detriment in low-light settings -- such as Ring 8, where they presumably frequent for Retrievals.
I’ll just say, the most credence is in the metaphorical interpretation that conveys a lack of nuance; black-and-white mental perception.
However, for the fun of theorizing... there is one thing that monochromatic displays are better for: Medical imaging. What if, to further dehumanize the subjects that the Patrolmen are forced to terrorize, they see in a type of X-ray vision? (C’mon: It’s sci-fi! That can exist, right??)
Surely that, in itself, would be haunting enough to cause deep unrest and ill psychological effects. There’s nothing more unnatural, to see everyone as their bare essentials, where every face is that of death itself. And like a mirror, each person would be a constant reminder of the Patrolmen’s own mortality and promise of execution (if they ever “try to disobey”). Anyone would lose days of sleep...
Alternatively, maybe the Patrolmen undergo “integration” like the Industry workers/Meka-Niks. (Remember, when the Patrolmen in Cycle 8 speak, their voices are altered. And there’s no external indication of voice-altering technology.)
The lyric, “I can’t tell when I last slept” might support this notion: That they are, in some sense, cyborgs whose bodies and minds are pushed to their limits by invasive, corrupting hardware, and they see in monochrome to avoid mental overload (or for the sake of X-ray vision! No? Still not catching on? :c)
And if the cyborg theory tracks, then I wonder if they mean to say that the Patrolmen can have their memory wiped at will? (“And though my conscience is a bit unkempt / Well, it's no bother, I can just forget / And never bother with a bit of it again”)
It really could be as a simple as B&W “lacking emotion” or “seeming less real”, though (which are both things that are routinely said of historical photographs).
EDIT: Confirmation from Casey himself! The lyric is a double entendre; the goggles are literally in monochrome and the Patrol are encouraged to view situations as black-and-white. (Still no word on *why* they’re monochrome, though.)
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huskyheroine · 2 years
The new The Dear Hunter album is so fucking good like goddamn Casey you're a fucking genius. Space funk. Fucking SPACE FUNK. I don't know how it work but it works so well and the concept is so good and Casey is on the top of his game lyrically and instrumentally and with his singing and AHHHHHHHHHHH. Antimai is fucking top tier. Definitely in the top ten albums this year.
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poguniversity · 2 years
Antimai fucking slaps so much ass and that's that on that
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bobcalzone · 10 months
Listening to Antimai and dissociating about life again
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captain-lovelace · 2 years
All that said: Ring 4 is my favorite soundwise because I love the way “power” is sung
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theposionwoman · 2 years
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The Dear Hunter The Glass House Pomona, CA July 29, 2022
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did i ever tell y’all how nick solecito unfollowed my gf because i said ring three sounded like it was written by lin manuel mirandalol
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