#Antimicrobial - macrolides
drpedi07 · 11 months
Clarithromycin Drug
Medical information for Clarithromycin on Pediatric Oncall including Mechanism, Indication, Contraindications, Dosing, Adverse Effect, Interaction, Renal Dose, Hepatic Dose.
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azipro500 · 7 months
Trust Azipro 500: Your Essential Guide to Better Health
In the relentless battle against bacterial infections, the medical community constantly seeks effective weapons. Among the arsenal of antimicrobial agents, Azipro medicine emerges as a potent ally. Designed to combat a wide range of infections, Azipro pills are not just any ordinary antibiotic; they represent a beacon of hope for patients grappling with various bacterial assaults. This blog post delves into the power of Azipro 500 mg pills, elucidating how they work, the spectrum of infections they tackle, and much more. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a patient, or simply someone interested in the science behind antibiotics, understanding the role of Azipro in fighting infection is essential.
What Exactly is Azipro Medicine?
Azipro medicine stands out in the pharmaceutical world as the brand name for Azithromycin, a member of the macrolide antibiotics family. This group of medications is celebrated for its ability to thwart bacterial growth by disrupting the process of protein synthesis. Azithromycin, the active ingredient in Azipro, distinguishes itself through its comprehensive action against a wide array of bacteria and its pharmacokinetic properties, which facilitate shorter, more manageable treatment courses. The typical prescription of Azipro 500 mg underscores its effectiveness in managing various infections, permitting a once-daily intake that simplifies adherence for patients. This particular dosage reflects the drug’s strength and versatility in addressing numerous bacterial challenges, positioning Azipro as a critical tool in modern medical treatments for bacterial infections.
The Intricacies of How Azipro Works Against Bacteria
The underlying mechanics through which Azipro pills exert their bacteriostatic effects are rooted in their interaction with bacterial ribosomes. Azithromycin, the core component of Azipro, specifically latches onto the 50S ribosomal subunit. This targeted attachment disrupts the critical process of protein synthesis, halting the bacterial cell's ability to produce proteins vital for its growth and multiplication. One of the defining characteristics of Azipro's mechanism is its capacity for intracellular accumulation, particularly within phagocytes. This unique trait enables the drug to be efficiently transported to the locus of infection, ensuring a concentrated attack against the invading bacteria. This strategic delivery system not only amplifies the drug's effectiveness but also plays a significant role in reducing the likelihood of systemic side effects, making Azipro a sophisticated and formidable adversary against bacterial pathogens.
The Spectrum of Infections Azipro Pills Tackle
Azipro 500 mg pills exhibit a remarkable capability to address a diverse array of bacterial infections, underscoring their significance in the antimicrobial arsenal. These infections include respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and pneumonia, where Azipro acts decisively to curb the infection's progression. Its efficacy extends to combating skin infections, offering relief and recovery to patients suffering from these often uncomfortable conditions. Of particular note is Azipro's effectiveness against sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia, providing a crucial tool in sexual health treatment protocols. Additionally, its utility in treating ear infections highlights its role in managing common yet distressing ailments. Beyond these applications, Azipro has demonstrated value in addressing more complex infections, such as Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) in individuals with HIV, showcasing its adaptability and comprehensive action against a wide spectrum of bacterial challenges. This versatility not only highlights Azipro's pivotal role in treating various infections but also underscores its importance in tailoring treatment to the specific needs of patients across different medical contexts.
Navigating Through the Dosage and Administration of Azipro
The proper dosage and method of taking Azipro are vital components in leveraging its full potential in combating bacterial infections. A standard regimen involves consuming Azipro 500 mg pills, typically once a day. The exact duration of treatment varies, as it's contingent on the type and severity of the infection being addressed, and will be determined by a healthcare professional. Patients are urged to adhere strictly to the prescribed course, ensuring it's completed in full to avert the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria. Azipro's flexibility allows it to be ingested with or without food, which accommodates differing patient preferences and lifestyles. However, maintaining a consistent schedule for taking the medication each day enhances its efficacy and supports optimal health outcomes.
Understanding the Side Effects and Precautions of Azipro
Like any medication, Azipro can have side effects, although not everyone experiences them. Among the more common reactions are gastrointestinal disturbances, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort. On occasion, patients might encounter more severe issues such as allergic reactions, which could manifest as rash, itching, or difficulty breathing, liver dysfunction characterized by jaundice or dark urine, and alterations in heart rhythm, potentially indicated by dizziness or palpitations. Individuals with histories of liver or kidney disease, or those with known cardiac issues, should engage in a thorough discussion with their healthcare provider to evaluate the suitability of Azipro for their condition. Additionally, while Azipro is generally well-received by the body, it's crucial for patients to report any unusual or persistent symptoms to their doctor promptly. This proactive approach enables the management of side effects and supports the safety and effectiveness of the treatment regimen.
Debunking Myths and Addressing Concerns About Azipro Pills
In an era where misinformation can spread as rapidly as bacteria, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction regarding Azipro pills. A common misunderstanding is the belief that Azipro can be used as a cure-all for any infection, including viral ones such as influenza or the common cold. However, Azipro is specifically designed to combat bacterial infections and has no effect on viruses. Another area of confusion lies in the dosage and administration of Azipro. Some patients might think it’s acceptable to halt their medication as soon as they start feeling better. This practice, however, not only jeopardizes the individual's recovery but also contributes to the broader issue of antibiotic resistance, making bacteria harder to defeat over time. It’s essential to follow the prescribed course of Azipro medicine fully, as directed by a healthcare professional, to ensure its maximum effectiveness and minimize the risk of resistance development. Understanding and addressing these misconceptions plays a vital role in enhancing the appropriate use of Azipro pills and safeguarding their utility for years to come.
The Role of Azipro in the Larger Battle Against Antibiotic Resistance
The escalating threat of antibiotic resistance is a critical challenge in public health, necessitating responsible antibiotic use. Azipro, as an effective antimicrobial, plays a significant role in this context. Ensuring that Azipro is prescribed appropriately and that patients adhere to the complete course of treatment is fundamental in minimizing the risk of developing resistant strains of bacteria. Education on the importance of following healthcare professionals' instructions regarding antibiotic use is vital. Additionally, ongoing research into Azipro's application in novel therapeutic strategies offers hope for sustaining its effectiveness against resistant bacteria. This approach underscores a collective responsibility to utilize antibiotics like Azipro judiciously, aiming to safeguard their potency and ensure they remain a viable option in the arsenal against bacterial infections for as long as possible.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
Today I had a pt with a classic erythema migrans rash after getting a tic bite. That's pathognomonic for Lyme Disease, so no titers were needed. You can diagnose it clinically based on the rash. Also, you can get false negative lyme titers if you try to get them within the first 6 weeks of disease! So getting labs wouldn't necessarily help you make the diagnosis. It looked just like the classic EM rash with central clearing. If the pt has just 1 lesion, like mine and it's acute, you only need doxycycline 100 mg bid x10 days and that kills the bacterium. The pt was concerned about long-term Lyme, but my attending reassured her that this regimen will kill it and she will not have long-term disease. For pts with more than 1 lesion or with later stage disease, you need longer antibiotic therapy. From UpToDate:
Stages of disease – Lyme disease can involve the skin, joints, nervous system, and heart. The clinical manifestations can generally be divided into three phases: early localized, early disseminated, and late disease (table 3). Treatment depends upon the stage of disease and the specific manifestation. (See 'Introduction' above.)
●Early localized disease – For patients who present with a single erythema migrans (EM) lesion (the primary manifestation of early localized Lyme disease), treatment with oral therapy is appropriate to reduce the duration of symptoms and prevent progression to later stages of Lyme disease. Intravenous (IV) therapy is not required for treatment of EM. (See 'Early localized disease (single erythema migrans)' above.)
•For most patients, we suggest doxycycline for 10 days rather than other oral antibiotic regimens (table 1) (Grade 2C). Doxycycline is also effective against some of the potentially coinfecting pathogens, such as A. phagocytophilum. (See 'Preferred regimens' above.)
•Other suitable oral regimens are amoxicillin or cefuroxime for 14 days (table 1). Macrolides (eg, azithromycin) are an alternative for patients with early Lyme disease who cannot take doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime. (See 'Preferred regimens' above and 'Alternative agents' above.)
●Early disseminated disease – Early disseminated Lyme disease is characterized by multiple EM lesions, and/or neurologic or cardiac manifestations.
•For most patients with multiple EM, we suggest doxycycline for 10 days rather than a longer duration of treatment or other antibiotic regimens (table 1) (Grade 2C). Amoxicillin and cefuroxime for 14 days are good alternatives. This approach parallels treatment of early localized disease. (See 'Multiple erythema migrans lesions' above.)
•For patients with acute neurologic Lyme disease manifesting with meningitis, cranial neuropathy (particularly facial nerve palsy), and/or sensory or motor radiculoneuropathy, we suggest oral doxycycline rather than IV therapy (table 1) (Grade 2C). The duration of treatment is 14 to 21 days. When doxycycline should be avoided, we typically use IV ceftriaxone except for isolated facial nerve palsy, which can be treated with oral amoxicillin or cefuroxime. (See 'Acute neurologic manifestations' above.)
•Patients with Lyme carditis who are symptomatic, at risk for symptoms (eg, a prolonged PR interval of ≥300 milliseconds), or have evidence of other arrhythmias should be hospitalized and monitored with cardiac telemetry. For such patients, we suggest IV antibiotics (eg, ceftriaxone) rather than oral therapy (table 1) (Grade 2C). IV antibiotics should be continued until the patient begins to improve; the patient may then be switched to oral therapy to complete a 14- to 21-day course. For asymptomatic patients with mild carditis, such as those with atrioventricular (AV) block with a PR interval <300 milliseconds, oral therapy (eg, doxycycline) can be used for the entire course of treatment. (See 'Carditis' above.)
•Patients with severe and/or symptomatic AV block may require a temporary pacemaker in addition to antimicrobial therapy. However, AV block caused by Lyme disease is usually short-lived, so a permanent pacemaker is generally not needed. (See 'Telemetry and pacemakers' above.)
●Arthritis – Arthritis is the major manifestation of late Lyme disease in the United States.
•All patients with Lyme arthritis should be treated to accelerate resolution of arthritis and to prevent recurrence and other damage. For most patients, we suggest initial therapy with oral doxycycline rather than other oral agents (Grade 2C). Antibiotics should be administered for 28 days. Patients typically respond to therapy within one to three months.
•For patients with moderate to severe joint inflammation who had minimal improvement with the initial course, we suggest a second course of treatment with IV therapy (Grade 2C). The duration of treatment is 14 to 28 days. A second course of treatment should also be administered to those with a partial response after initial oral therapy; however, in such patients, oral therapy is usually sufficient. (See 'Arthritis' above.)
•For patients who have persistent, inflammatory, proliferative synovitis despite treatment with oral and IV antibiotic therapy, the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (eg, methotrexate) or arthroscopic synovectomy may be helpful. This is discussed in a separate topic review. (See "Musculoskeletal manifestations of Lyme disease", section on 'Post-infectious Lyme arthritis'.)
●Cutaneous manifestations of Eurasian Lyme disease – In Europe and parts of Asia, borrelial lymphocytoma is a subacute manifestation of Lyme disease occurring months after infection. Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans is a manifestation of late Lyme disease and may appear years following primary infection. Both conditions can be treated with oral therapy (doxycycline, amoxicillin, cefuroxime). (See 'Cutaneous manifestations of Eurasian Lyme disease' above.)
●Children – The approach to treatment for children is generally the same as that for adults; however, for children <8 years of age, we prefer a beta-lactam, rather than doxycycline, in certain settings. As examples:
•For children with acute neurologic disease, we suggest doxycycline rather than a beta-lactam (Grade 2C). Doxycycline should also be used for those with early disease who have evidence of coinfection with A. phagocytophilum. Doxycycline had previously been contraindicated in children <8 years of age, but the risk of adverse events (eg, dental staining) is felt to be low if it is administered for ≤21 days.
•For children <8 years of age with other manifestations of Lyme disease (eg, EM, carditis, arthritis), we prefer a beta-lactam (eg, amoxicillin). Although studies support the safety of doxycycline in young children, they are based on small numbers of patients.
●Pregnant and lactating patients – For pregnant and lactating patients, tetracyclines are generally avoided in favor of a beta-lactam (eg, amoxicillin, cefuroxime). However, in the setting of acute neurologic disease or contraindications to a beta-lactam, the decision to use doxycycline must be decided on a case-by-case basis. Although most tetracyclines are contraindicated in pregnancy because of the risk of hepatotoxicity in the mother and potential adverse effects on fetal bone and teeth, limited data suggest these events are extremely rare with doxycycline when short courses are used.
●Persistent symptoms after treatment – In cases of apparent refractory symptoms after a course of appropriate therapy, re-evaluation, rather than immediate or reflexive retreatment, is the proper next step. For patients without objective findings of active Lyme disease (eg, arthritis), we suggest against further antibiotic therapy for Lyme disease (Grade 2B). Randomized trials of treatment in these patient groups have not demonstrated a benefit. (See 'Persistent symptoms after treatment' above.)
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gehwar is a frequently used antimicrobial therapy prescribed in situations in which a narrow-spectrum beta-lactam (eg, amoxicillin) is the indicated first-line therapy.
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Azithromycin is a versatile antibiotic drug that is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. It belongs to the macrolide class of antibiotics and is known for its broad spectrum activity against a wide range of bacteria. Here are some common uses of azithromycin:
 1. Respiratory tract infections:
gehwar is commonly prescribed for respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and tonsillitis. It helps fight bacterial infections in the lungs, throat, and sinuses, reduce inflammation, and promote recovery.
2. Skin and soft tissue infections:
Azithromycin is effective against some skin and soft tissue infections including cellulitis, impetigo and erysipelas. This helps eliminate the bacteria causing the infection and reduces symptoms such as redness, swelling and pain. If you want to read about fungal infection then you can read from here.
According to the NIH , pharmacokinetically, azithromycin rapidly moves from the bloodstream into tissues and, once there, readily crosses cellular membranes, allowing for efficacy against intracellular pathogens.
3. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs):
Azithromycin is often used to treat certain STIs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea. It helps to clear the bacteria responsible for these infections and is often prescribed as a single dose or a short course of treatment.
Read more: Frequent urination 
4. Ear Infection:
Azithromycin is used to treat specific types of ear infections, such as otitis media, which is an infection of the middle ear. It helps reduce symptoms such as ear pain, fluid build-up and swelling, promote healing and prevent complications.
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rnomics · 1 year
Animals, Vol. 13, Pages 2337: Molecular Characterization and Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Isolated from Caseous Lymphadenitis of Smallholder Sheep and Goats
Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) is a bacterial infection caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (C. pseudotuberculosis) that affects sheep and goats, leading to abscess formation in their lymph nodes. The present study aimed to isolate and identify C. pseudotuberculosis from CLA in smallholder sheep and goats, and determine the resistance patterns, virulence, and resistance genes of the isolates. Additionally, genotypic and phylogenetic analysis of the isolates was conducted using ERIC-PCR and DNA sequencing techniques. A cross-sectional study examined 220 animals (130 sheep and 90 goats) from 39 smallholder flocks for clinical signs of CLA. Fifty-four (24.54%) animals showed CLA-compatible lesions, confirmed by C. pseudotuberculosis isolation and PCR identification. Sheep had a lower infection rate of CLA (18.46%) compared with goats (33.3%). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of 54 C. pseudotuberculosis isolates to 24 antimicrobial drugs revealed that they were 100% resistant to bacitracin and florfenicol, while none of the isolates were resistant to norfloxacin. A high resistance rate was observed for penicillin and erythromycin (92.6% each). Interestingly, 16.7% of C. pseudotuberculosis isolates recovered from sheep showed vancomycin resistance. Molecular characterization of C. pseudotuberculosis isolates revealed that PLD, PIP, and FagA virulence genes were present in all examined isolates. However, the FagB, FagC, and FagD genes were detected in 24 (100%), 20 (83%), and 18 (75%) of the sheep isolates, and 26 (87%), 26 (87%), and 18 (60%) of the goat isolates, respectively. The &beta;-lactam resistance gene was present in all isolates. Furthermore, 83% of the sheep isolates carried the aminoglycoside (aph(3&Prime;)-lb), chloramphenicol (cat1), and bacitracin (bcrA) resistance genes. Among the isolates recovered from goats, 73% were found to contain macrolides (ermX), sulfonamide (sul1), and bacitracin (bcrA) resistance genes. It is worrisome that the glycopeptide (vanA) resistance gene was detected in 8% of the sheep isolates as a first report. ERIC-PCR genotyping of 10 multi-drug-resistant C. pseudotuberculosis isolates showed a high similarity index of 83.6% between isolates from sheep and goats. Nucleotide sequence analysis of partial 16S #rRNA sequences of C. pseudotuberculosis revealed 98.83% similarity with biovar Ovis of globally available reference sequences on the Genbank database. Overall, our findings might indicate that C. pseudotuberculosis infection in smallholders in Egypt might be underestimated despite the significant financial impact on animal husbandry and potential health hazards it poses. Moreover, this study highlights the importance of implementing a sustainable control strategy and increasing knowledge and awareness among smallholder breeders to mitigate the economic impact of CLA. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/13/14/2337?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (CNS) as Emerging Mastitis Pathogens
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Mastitis caused by Coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CNS) usually remains subclinical or mildly clinical [1], however it was reported that CNS mastitis could be aggravated to severe clinical cases [2], but most CNS mastitis cases are chronic [3] based on their intramammary persistence for lactation milk exceeding periods, even extended to the upcoming ones [4]. CNS mastitis is a hidden but serious threat to dairy herd including further horizontal transmission to lactating cows and vertical to suckling calves because of environmental origin of most CNS and hidden subclinical nature [5]. CNS mastitis hazards aren’t exclusive to the dairy herds, but also extended to public health due to possible horizontal transmission of resistance genes (Soares et al., 2012) to other human pathogens or direct transmission to humans because of shared zoonotic virulent CNS species between animal and humans [6]. Pathogenicity of CNS is generally amplified by two parameters: invasiveness (capability to permeate the protective barriers and to spread) and toxicity (ability to produce enzymes and toxins). CNS are capable of producing enzymes instead of coagulase enable the invasion of host tissues and spread of the inflammatory process (e.g. lipase, fibrinolysin, urease). Moreover, they were found capable of producing proteolytic enzymes, exotoxins and haemolysins, which facilitate the uptake of iron [7]. Besides other various virulence constituents protecting CNS from local and systematic host immunity actions [8].
Antimicrobial therapy is still an important component in any CNS mastitis control or prophylaxis actions. But, with the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials and emerging of multidrug resistant CNS, desired results are no longer obtained [9]. Antimicrobial resistance in CNS and other mastitis pathogens has been a worldwide concern during the past decades and it has also brought increasing attention to the use of antimicrobials in animal agriculture and its potential impact on public health [10]. The contribution of agricultural antimicrobial use to development and spread of resistance to human pathogens, however, remains under investigation and debate [11]. Mechanism of CNS resistance to antimicrobials including genotypic detection of resistance genes have been investigated for long time to update knowledge that may help in CNS control programs [12]. For example, mecA-encoded alternative penicillin binding protein, PBP2a, causing reduced binding to β-lactams antibiotics [13]. β-lactamases encoded by blaZ gene. Also, antimicrobials inactivating enzymes, efflux pumps and protective methylation of the antibiotic’s ribosomal target site help resistance to other common antimicrobials used in dairy medicine as tetracyclines, aminoglycosides and macrolides [14].
Ability to form biofilm is a very important virulence constituent, enabling CNS to be organized in multilayered cell clusters embedded in a matrix of extracellular polysaccharide (slime) permitting persistence of CNS in udder tissue unaffected by antimicrobials and protected from host immunity [7,15]. Biofilms improve the ability of microorganisms to resist adverse factors and colonize the environment besides being mainly accused for repeated therapeutic failures as CNS isolates growing within biofilms are less susceptible to antimicrobials commonly used on dairy farms, including β-lactam members [15]. Therefore, biofilm-formation by CNS species could possibly impede antimicrobial therapy [16]. Biofilm formation in CNS also contributes to distinguish them as a main cause of persistent inta-mammary infection (IMI) which enables CNS to survive in the udder tissue from season to season as a constant source of infection [16,17]. Although biofilms do not appear to affect disease severity [18].
Increased antimicrobials resistance of bacteria causing mastitis including CNS is globally and hazardously increasingly. This what recently guided scientific attention to the plant kingdom members, extracts and essential oils (EOs) as cinnamon [19] and carvacrol [20] which might be a substitute cure once the synthetic chemical compounds are unable to perform their role [21].
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idstudy · 1 year
Test Bank For Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy Rationales for Nursing Practice 12th Edition Geralyn Frandsen
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Test Bank For Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy Rationales for Nursing Practice 12th Edition Geralyn Frandsen
SECTION 1 The Conceptual Framework of Pharmacology Chapter 1 The Foundation of Pharmacology: Quality and Safety Chapter 2 Basic Concepts and Processes Chapter 3 Medication Administration and the Nursing Process of Drug Therapy SECTION 2 Drug Therapy Throughout the Lifespan Chapter 4 Pharmacology and the Care of Infants and Pediatric Patients Medication Administration in Pediatrics Chapter 5 Pharmacology and the Care of Adults and Geriatric Patients Chapter 6 Pharmacology and the Care of Pregnant or Lactating Woman Chapter 7 Pharmacology and Women's Health Chapter 8 Pharmacology and Men's Health SECTION 3 Drugs Affecting the Hematopoietic and Immune Systems Chapter 9 Drug Therapy for Coagulation Disorders Chapter 10 Drug Therapy for Dyslipidemia Chapter 11 Drug Therapy for Hematopoietic Disorders Chapter 12 Drug Therapy: Immunizations Chapter 13 Drug Therapy to Decrease Immunity Chapter 14 Drug Therapy for the Treatment of Cancer SECTION 4 Drugs Affecting Inflammation and Infection Chapter 15 Inflammation, Infection, and the Use of Antimicrobial Agents Chapter 16 Drug Therapy to Decrease Pain, Fever, and Inflammation Chapter 17 Drug Therapy With Corticosteroids Chapter 18 Drug Therapy With Beta-Lactam Antibacterial Agents Chapter 19 Drug Therapy With Aminoglycosides and Fluoroquinolones Chapter 20 Drug Therapy With Tetracyclines, Sulfonamides, and Urinary Antiseptics Chapter 21 Drug Therapy With Macrolides and Miscellaneous Anti-infective Agents Chapter 22 Drug Therapy for Tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium Complex Disease Chapter 23 Drug Therapy for Viral Infections Chapter 24 Drug Therapy for Fungal Infections Chapter 25 Drug Therapy for Parasitic Infections SECTION 5 Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System Chapter 26 Drug Therapy for Hypertension Chapter 27 Drug Therapy for Dysrhythmias Chapter 28 Drug Therapy for Coronary Heart Disease Chapter 29 Drug Therapy for Shock and Hypotension Chapter 30 Drug Therapy for Heart Failure SECTION 6 Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System Chapter 31 Drug Therapy for Nasal Congestion and Cough Chapter 32 Drug Therapy to Decrease Histamine Effects and Allergic Response Chapter 33 Drug Therapy for Asthma and Bronchoconstriction SECTION 7 Drugs Affecting the Renal and Digestive Systems Chapter 34 Drug Therapy for Fluid Volume Excess Chapter 35 Nutritional Support Products, Vitamins, and Mineral Supplements Chapter 36 Drug Therapy for Weight Management Chapter 37 Drug Therapy for Peptic Ulcer Disease and Hyperacidity Chapter 38 Drug Therapy for Nausea and Vomiting Chapter 39 Drug Therapy for Constipation and Elimination Problems Chapter 40 Drug Therapy for Diarrhea SECTION 8 Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System Chapter 41 Drug Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus Chapter 42 Drug Therapy for Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism Chapter 43 Drug Therapy for Pituitary and Hypothalamic Dysfunction Chapter 44 Drug Therapy to Regulate Calcium and Bone Metabolism Chapter 45 Drug Therapy for Addison's Disease and Cushing's Disease Section 9 Drugs Affecting the Autonomic and Central Nervous System Chapter 46 Physiology of the Autonomic and Central Nervous Systems and Indications for the Use of Drug Therapy Chapter 47 Drug Therapy for Myasthenia Gravis, Alzheimer's Disease, and Urinary Retention Chapter 48 Drug Therapy for Parkinson's Disease, Urinary Spasticity, and Disorders Requiring Anticholinergic Drug Therapy Chapter 49 Drug Therapy With Opioids Chapter 50 Drug Therapy With Local Anesthetics Chapter 51 Drug Therapy With General Anesthetics Chapter 52 Drug Therapy for Migraines and Other Headaches Chapter 53 Drug Therapy for Seizure Disorders and Spasticity Chapter 54 Drug Therapy for Anxiety and Insomnia Chapter 55 Drug Therapy for Depression and Mood Stabilization Chapter 56 Drug Therapy for Psychotic Disorders Chapter 57 Drug Therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Narcolepsy Chapter 58 Drug Therapy for Substance Abuse Disorders Section 10 Drugs Affecting the Eye, Ear, and Skin Chapter 59 Drug Therapy for Disorders of the Eye Chapter 60 Drug Therapy for Disorders of the Ear Chapter 61 Drug Therapy for Disorders of the Skin Appendix A Answers for NCLEX Success (online) Appendix B Answers for the Clinical Application Case Studies (online) Appendix C Critical Thinking Questions and Answers (online) Appendix D The International System of Units (online) Appendix E Serum Drug Concentrations (online) Appendix F Tables of Normal Laboratory Values (online) Index Read the full article
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Azithromycin Drug
Medical information for Azithromycin on Pediatric Oncall including Mechanism, Indication, Contraindications, Dosing, Adverse Effect, Interaction, Renal Dose, Hepatic Dose.
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designernadia · 2 years
Antimicrobial Fabric
An antimicrobial fabric is a man-made or natural fiber treated with an active ingredient that protects it from microbial growth.
over two decades of experience in the textile arena, Microban has created unique antimicrobial technologies to effectively combat staining and odors that can build up irrevocably in fabrics.
antimicrobial fabrics are successfully utilized for apparel, sporting equipment, pet products, privacy curtains, and many other products used in an array of environments.
Antimicrobials are classified generally as 
tetracyclines or aminoglycosides.
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reference: eco-chic fashion paradox by sandy black
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petnews2day · 2 years
Europe Veterinary Antibiotics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Animal Type, By Drug Class, By Dosage Form And Segment Forecasts, 2022
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-insurance-news/europe-veterinary-antibiotics-market-size-share-trends-analysis-report-by-animal-type-by-drug-class-by-dosage-form-and-segment-forecasts-2022/
Europe Veterinary Antibiotics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Animal Type, By Drug Class, By Dosage Form And Segment Forecasts, 2022
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Europe Veterinary Antibiotics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Animal Type (Cattle, Poultry), By Drug Class (Macrolides, Penicillins), By Dosage Form (Oral Solution, Oral Powder), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 – 2030
New York, Nov. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Reportlinker.com announces the release of the report “Europe Veterinary Antibiotics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Animal Type, By Drug Class, By Dosage Form And Segment Forecasts, 2022 – 2030” – https://www.reportlinker.com/p06360885/?utm_source=GNW
Europe Veterinary Antibiotics Market Growth & Trends
The Europe veterinary antibiotics market size is expected to reach USD 1.31 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 3.59% over the forecast period. The rising focus on animal-only antibiotics and ionophores, the launch of new products, and the increasing use of veterinary antibiotics are some of the major factors augmenting the industry’s growth. In addition, the rising prevalence and incidence of livestock diseases and concerns regarding zoonoses are further propelling the industry’s growth. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the veterinary antibiotic business operations of key players and resulted in declined financial performance during the initial time.
The effect of the pandemic with various production and supply chain bottlenecks delayed the delivery of necessary raw materials or active ingredients and postponed certain research & development activities.However, with the easing of restrictions, manufacturers were able to supply antibiotics to meet the necessary veterinary requirements.
Few major players have reported significant growth in antibiotic sales despite the pandemic. For instance, Virbac’s bovine antibiotic sales grew from USD 66.98 million in 2020 to USD 79.30 million in 2021. The global concern regarding antibiotic resistance is growing in agriculture and veterinary medicine. Despite the regulatory changes implemented by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for restriction and ban on routine antibiotic use, the overall sales of veterinary antimicrobial active ingredients have observed significant growth in the past few years.
For instance, according to the EMA, overall veterinary antimicrobial active substance sales grew from 5,282 tonnes in 2019 to 5,562 tonnes in 2020.Furthermore, major players, such as Elanco, have shifted their focus to animal-only antibiotics, as a measure to address antibiotic resistance while also protecting animal health.
Key players are implementing various strategic initiatives, such as mergers, partnerships, acquisitions, collaborations, and new product launches, to maintain their competitive edge.For instance, in December 2021, Virbac, in collaboration with Pharmgate, launched Tulissin, an antibiotic solution for swine and cattle with respiratory pathologies.
These activities are expected to intensify the competition between major antibiotic manufacturers in the coming years.
Europe Veterinary Antibiotics Market Report Highlights • The cattle animal type segment accounted for the largest revenue share in 2021 owing to the easy availability of cattle antibiotics and increased consumption of beef & dairy products • By drug class, the penicillin segment held the largest revenue share in 2021. Penicillinis one of the most commonly sold antibiotic drug classes in Europe for veterinary application • According to the EMA, the overall sales of veterinary penicillin accounted for 31.1% in 2020 • The oral solution segment led the market in 2021 owing to the easy & convenient usage of these dosage forms. These solutions are preferably dispensed in the drinking water • The U.K. accounted for the largest revenue share in 2021 and Poland is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR from 2022 to 2030 • Key factors contributing to the notable share of the U.K. include the easy availability of veterinary antibiotics and an increase in pet ownership & pet insurance rates • The industry is fairly competitive owing to the presence of major players. Various strategic initiatives implemented by companies are greatly contributing to the growth of the industry Read the full report: https://www.reportlinker.com/p06360885/?utm_source=GNW
About Reportlinker ReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need – instantly, in one place.
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intracinpharma · 3 years
Why Flasin-Tylosin Tartrate Is A Must-Have Drug In Cattle Medicine Supplies?
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Flasin-Tylosin tartrate has been one of the most common drugs the vet prescribes for farm animals. Many animal owners are not sure about the health issues of the animal. Experts believe that this macrolide antibiotic works as an antimicrobial growth promoter in animals. In simple words, it helps in eliminating bacterial infections in pet animals.
If you are a farm owner looking for answers related to this drug or health issues, this blog is for you. Here you can find details about the drug and answers for many of your queries related to various health issues.
Let’s address the first common questions first. Flasin – the Cattle medicine is Tylosin Tartrate Powder for oral administration, which generally helps treat microbial infections. Most vets believe that it is very effective in treating gastrointestinal and respiratory infections caused by Tylosin sensitive micro-organisms like Campylobacter, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Pasteurella, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Treponema spp . Such health issues are common in Calves, Goats, Poultry, Sheep and Swine.  
Though this is one of the most popular veterinary drugs for cattle, you need to avoid it if your pet is hypersensitive to tylosin, as it could complicate the health issue. If your farm animal is being administered penicillin, cephalosporins, quinolones or cycloserine, then you need to avoid this drug. The other situation in which you should avoid this drug is if the animal has active microbial digestion. All the contraindications mentioned in this paragraph helps to eliminate further complications.
The vet manufacturer believes that like any other drug, this medication also has few side effects. Diarrhoea, epigastric pain and skin sensitiveness could be some issues that the animal could experience. One should understand that all the animals would not show the same side effects. A few animals would not have any side effects of this drug. You need to maintain some caution while administering to a pregnant pet.
If you are an owner of a large set of animals, it would be ideal for you to purchase the 1000g jar. You could also try the 30 g or the 100 g sachet, as they are part of the popular cattle medicine supplies. The various packaging provides convenience for people to purchase the product and use it without wastage. This same drug can be used for dogs, cattle, sheep, goats, hens and other pre-ruminant calves.
Like any other veterinary drug for cattle or other farm animals, the dosage of this drug would depend on the animal type and weight. The powder is generally administered orally; but in few cases, the pet owners can mix it in water or food. Experts believe that many animals would show resistance to have the powder, as it is bitter. They suggest placing the powder into an empty gelatine capsule or cold butter. If the pet vomits or acts sick after taking the drug (without food), then you could try mixing it with food or treat. The medication generally shows its effect in about one to two hours. But, you can notice a significant difference in few days. This Flasin-Tylosin tartrate powder should be stored in an air-tight container, away from light and moisture. Room temperature would be the ideal condition.
If you missed a dose, you need not worry; you can give it when you remember. If it is close to the next dosage, then it would be ideal to miss the dose and continue with the schedule as per the prescription. You should never give any pet two doses at once or opt for an extra dosage. You would not need any specific monitoring, but the vet would prefer to keep an eye to ensure that the medication is working.
If you suspect an overdose or adverse reaction, then you need to call the vet immediately. If the vet is not available, contact the nearest vet hospital and explain the condition.
One should understand that any drug should not be administered without a vet prescription, as self-medication could be fatal.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
Finally trying to get this stupid assignment done.
From Medscape article on CAP:
Adequate empiric antimicrobial therapy for CAP includes coverage for S pneumoniae and atypical bacterial pathogens. Outpatient treatment for CAP in patients with no comorbidities and no risk factors for drug-resistant S pneumoniae frequently includes the following: [7]
Amoxicillin 1 g PO three times a day OR
A macrolide (azithromycin 500 mg once and then 250 mg daily, clarithromycin 500 mg twice daily) OR
Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily
Macrolides should be used only in areas where pneumococcal resistance is less than 25%. During influenza season, it is also reasonable to initiate oseltamivir, zanamivir, or baloxavir therapy in outpatients who present with a flulike illness and pneumonia.
Treatment options for CAP in patients with comorbidities such as chronic heart, lung, liver, or renal disease; diabetes mellitus; alcoholism; malignancy; asplenia; immunosuppression; prior antibiotics within 90 days; or other risk factors for drug-resistant infection include the following:
Beta-lactam (high-dose amoxicillin 1 g 3 times/day, amoxicillin/clavulanate 2 g/125 mg twice daily or 500 mg/125 mg three times daily or 875 mg/125 mg twice daily, cefpodoxime 200 mg twice daily, or cefuroxime 500 mg twice daily) plus a macrolide or doxycycline OR Respiratory fluoroquinolones ( moxifloxacin 400 mg daily, levofloxacin 750 mg daily)
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sciencespies · 5 years
Semi-metal compound could treat foal pneumonia without promoting drug resistant bacteria
Semi-metal compound could treat foal pneumonia without promoting drug resistant bacteria
Morris Animal Foundation-funded researchers at Texas A&M University and the University of Georgia may have discovered a way to treat deadly foal pneumonia without promoting multi-drug resistant bacteria. In a clinical trial, they found that gallium maltolate (GaM), a semi-metal compound with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, could be a viable alternative to overprescribed antibiotics. The team published their findings in the Nature journal Scientific Reports.
Pneumonia is one of the leading causes of disease and death in foals and there is currently no effective vaccine licensed. The bacterium Rhodococcus equi (R. equi), a naturally occurring bacterium in soil, is implicated in the most severe cases in horses. Unfortunately, current methods to screen for R. equi are imprecise and many foals are treated with antibiotics, such as the combination of a macrolide antimicrobial (e.g. azithromycin, the antibiotic in the commonly prescribed Z-pack for human use) with rifampin (MaR), even though they would not have developed pneumonia.
“While that treatment strategy saves lives in the short term, it’s really driving this resistance problem because for every one foal that needs treatment, you treat several foals that don’t need treatment,” said Dr. Noah Cohen, the Patsy Link Chair in Equine Research at Texas A&M University, a primary investigator of the study, along with his colleague Steeve Giguère (deceased). “For the sake of foals, we want to offer veterinarians a better, nontraditional option.”
For the study, the team screened 57 foals from four farms in central Kentucky for subclinical pneumonia, then divided the foals into three equal groups. Two groups contained foals with subclinical pneumonia, meaning ultrasounds found lesions on their lungs but the foals had no clinical signs. The foals also all lived on farms with positive cases of R. equi pneumonia that year. Those groups were given either MaR or GaM for two weeks.
The third group served as a control group and was made up of foals that were the same age as the subclinical foals, but were healthy. They were monitored and not given any treatment.
After two weeks, researchers analyzed fecal samples from each foal. DNA tests revealed that the MaR treated group had an increase in both the number and diversity of antibiotic-resistant genes in the bacteria. Most alarming was the discovery that the bacteria were resistant to multiple drugs and antibiotics. The GaM treated and control groups showed no change in the number or diversity of resistance genes, a positive finding.
The team also experimentally infected soil plots with resistant and nonresistant strains of R. equi to see how foals might contaminate their environment with their excrement that can contain unabsorbed and metabolized antibiotics. MaR tended to reduce the number of bacteria in a plot’s soil but increase the proportion that were resistant.
Dr. Cohen said one of his team’s next steps is to test the effectiveness of GaM on foals that are clinically infected with R. equi.
“The widespread use of antibiotics has consequences and we really need to be prudent in prescribing them,” said Dr. Janet Patterson-Kane, Morris Animal Foundation Chief Scientific Officer. “Gallium maltonate may be an excellent alternative and we hope, if proven fully effective, that it could be put into regular use.”
Explore further
A breakthrough in the hunt for a vaccine against foal pneumonia
More information: S. Álvarez–Narváez et al, A Common Practice of Widespread Antimicrobial Use in Horse Production Promotes Multi-Drug Resistance, Scientific Reports (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-57479-9
Provided by Morris Animal Foundation
Citation: Semi-metal compound could treat foal pneumonia without promoting drug resistant bacteria (2020, March 13) retrieved 14 March 2020 from https://phys.org/news/2020-03-semi-metal-compound-foal-pneumonia-drug.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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biomedgrid · 2 years
Biomed Grid | Antimicrobial Activity of N-Hexane Extract of Nigella Sativa against Some Pathogenic Bacteria
The increasing resistance of microorganism to numbers of standard antibiotic therapies are of global problem causing enormous public health concerns [1] . Current drug’s effectiveness is getting limited due to a large number of multi-drug resistant bacterial strains such as pneumococci resistant to penicillin and macrolides, methicillin-resistant staphylococci, vancomycin-resistant enterococci as well as multidrug resistant gram-negative organisms [2] . The efficacy of these synthetic chemotherapeutic agents is decreasing, they are often worsened by various side effects associated with these drugs [3] . There is, therefore, an unmet medical need to find an alternative for the treatment of various diseases caused by various microbial agents [4] .
Human have relied on plants for food and medicinal purposes since ancient times and some of the chemotherapeutic agents being used today for curing diseases are of plant origin [5] . In developing countries, plants still play important role in the food, construction and health sector. The therapeutic properties and the constant availability of medicinal plants makes them and indispensable assets in the healthcare of developing countries especially in rural areas where modern healthcare system are unavailable [6] . Essential oil is part of the secondary metabolites found in higher plants. Generally, aromatic oils are useful ingredients in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry, they are also crucial components of soap, detergents and toothpaste [7, 8].
Nigella sativa is an aromatic oil producing plant belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. N. sativa is native to the Mediterranean, however it is now being cultivated in various part of the world and known by names which defer based on geographical locations.Among its popular names are coriander seed, black caraway seed, Love-in-a-mist, Black seed, Black Cumin, etc. [9].
N. sativa is believed to have high therapeutic potentials and has been reported to be effective in treating various ailments [10]. Like some medicinal plants, Black seed has been reported to possess a modulating effect on biological pathways and systems [11]. A clinical experiment carried out by [12, 13] concluded that N. sativa has a short-term effect on systolic and diastolic blood pressure, [14], reported that extracts of N. sativa was able to reduce triglycerides, cholesterol in clinical trials. The plant has also proven to have a stabilizing effect on man’s health, boost the functionality of the immune system in fighting infectious diseases [15]. Various literatures have shown that N. sativa lin seeds have a lot of pharmacological activity such as bronchodilator effect, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, neuroprotective, antihistamine, hepato-protective, hypoglycemic and antiulcer activities [16, 17, [18, 19]. The present study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of N. sativa against some pathogenic organism.
Materials and MethodsBacteria Strains
Clinical isolates used for the study were obtained from Niger state General hospital, Minna. They were collected as pure isolates on agar slants and transported to Microbiology laboratory of Federal University of Technology, Minna where the experiment was performed. The bacterial pathogens used in the study are E. coli, S. aureus, Salmonella typhi, and Streptococcus pyogenes.
Sample Collection and Authentication
Dried seeds of N. sativa were purchased at a local market in Minna, Niger state. The seed was identified at the department of Plant Biology as Federal University of Technology Minna.
Extraction of Plant Material
Procedure described by [20] was used for the N-Hexane extraction of the N. sativa. The dried N. sativa seeds were grinded into powder using an electric blender. The Powered seed was then subjected to N-Hexane extraction. 10 g of the powder was submerged into 100 ml of N-Hexane and covered with a paper foil. The set up was placed in a shaker for 48 h at room temperature, after which it was subjected to centrifuging for 15 minutes at 2000 rpm. The supernatant was filtered off using a Whatmann filter paper 1. Rotary evaporator set at 550 C was used for drying the extracts and for removing the N-Hexane solvent. The crude extract was weighed and preserved in sterile air-tight universal bottle and stored at 4oc.
Phytochemical Screening
Qualitative phytochemical screening procedures previously described by Harbone [21, 22] were used to screen the crude extract of N. sativa for the presence of saponin, terpenoids, steroids, anthraquinones, tannin, flavonoid, anthraquinones and coumarins.
Culture and Standardization of the Bacteria Strain
The clinical isolates of the test organism were plated out on nutrient agar by streaking method, a loopful of the test microorganisms were then transferred into 5ml of nutrient broth; this was later incubated for 24 hours at 37oC. After incubation, 0.2 ml of the culture was transferred into 20ml of nutrient brought and incubated for 3-5 hours to standardize the culture to 106 cfu/ml [23].
Antibacterial Assay
The following bacteria: S. pyogenes, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were the species used for the experiments. Organisms were isolated by standard methods, maintained on agar plates and refrigerated until further use. The antibacterial activity of the N-hexane extract of N. sativa at various concentrations (80, 120, 160 and 200 mg/ml) was carried out using agar-well diffusion method according to the method of CLSI [24] as described by [25]. For comparison, Ampicillin and tween 80 oil were used as positive and negative control respectively. Zones of inhibition obtained were measured with meter rule in millimeter, 5 mm which is the diameter of the used corn borer was subtracted from each measured inhibition zones, the final result is taken as the zones of inhibition. A broth micro-dilution method [26] was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the extracts.
Statistical Analysis
Values were analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 16 and presented as means ± SE of the mean. Comparisons between different groups were carried out by oneway analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The level of significance was set at P < 0.05.
ResultPhytochemical composition of the N-Hexane extracts of N. sativa
Table 1: phytochemical constituent of Nigella sativa.
The qualitative analysis of phytochemicals in N-Hexane extract of N. sativa revealed the presence of saponins, anthraquinones, tannins coumarins, phenols and cardiac glycosides while flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, phlobatannin and terpenoids were not detected (Table 1).
Antibacterial activity
Zone of Inhibition: The zone of inhibition of the organism caused by N-Hexane extracts of N. sativa is shown in (Table 2). The extract was completely in active against Salmonella typhi at the concentrations (80-200 mg/mL) tested. The extract produced dose dependent increase inhibition S. aureus (8.35±0.35 - 18.35±0.53 mm), E. coli (5.43±0.15 - 11.33±0.85 mm) and Streptococcus pyogenes (5.43±0.02 - 15.35±0.56 mm). The standard drug (Ampicillin cause inhibition of 26.24±0.54 mm, 30.06±0.32 mm, 23.35±0.49mm and 28.92±±0.56 mm against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi and Streptococcus pyogenes respectively.
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration: Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of N-Hexane extract of N. sativa are shown in (Table 3). The extract had MIC of 32, 1.28 and 1.28 mg/mL against
Generally, natural products are known to contain diverse bioactive secondary metabolites that confer to them a diverse pharmacological property [27]. The phytochemical screening of the crude extract of N-Hexane extract of N. sativa indicated the presence of saponins, tannins, anthraquinones, phenols coumarins, and cardiac glycosides while flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, phlobatannin, and terpenoids were absent. This result is similar to the report of [20]. These phytochemicals have been reported for different biological activities. Therefore, the presence of these phytochemicals in N. sativa is an indication that these plants if properly screened would yield a drug template [28]. The dose-dependent microbial inhibition observed in this study may be due to the presence of these bioactive compounds or a synergy between members of the phytochemical compounds detected [29].
The result showed that Salmonella typhi is not inhibited by the N-Hexane extract of N. sativa at any of the concentration tested, indicating that the N-Hexane extract has no effect on the organism. Also, E. coli was fairly susceptible at a high concentration of the N-Hexane extract. In general, the N-Hexane extract was found to have higher inhibitory effect on the Gram-positive bacteria tested than the Gram-negative bacteria tested. This result is similar to the study of [4] who reported that all of the N-Hexane extract of black seed was inhibitory to Gram positive bacteria than it was to Gram negative bacteria. The lack of conspicuous activity on Gram negative bacteria may be due to the structure of their cell wall which has permeability barrier that can reduce the active penetration of amphipathic substances into the Gram negative cell wall. Certain Gram-negative bacteria have also been associated with efflux pumps through which antibiotics are extrude from within the cell [30].
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is the lowest concentration of an extract that inhibit the visible growth of the test organism after 24hrs incubation [31, 32, 33]. The low MIC value (1.28) obtained for both S. aureus and S. pyogenes indicate that small quantity of the extract is needed to inhibit both organisms. Thus, N. sativa is very potent against both pathogens. However, despite the fact that the individual components of the oil, such as carvacrol, thymol, and terpenoids, have been recognized as potential antimicrobial agents, their precise mechanism of action has not been fully clarified [34].
The N-Hexane extract of N. sativa showed inhibitory effect on S. aureus, S. pyogenes and E. coli while Salmonella typhi was not inhibited at all the concentration tested, indicating that the extract is not effective against the organism. N. sativa may be useful in treating infections of which S. aureus and S. pyogenes are the etiological agent.
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Read More About this Article: https://biomedgrid.com/fulltext/volume6/antimicrobial-activity-of-n-hexane-extract-of-nigella-sativa-against-some-pathogenic-bacteria.001077.php
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rordental · 2 years
Can Dentists prescribe antibiotics?
Antibiotics are antimicrobial medicine that actively fights against infections of bacteria. It is widely used in preventing such infections.
Antibiotics are sometimes prescribed for an emergency cure, by the dentist in Lakewood.
For teeth infection or for placing Dentures in Lakewood dentists prescribe antibiotics, so that, the infection does not get spread to other parts, in short, to prevent the local infection. However, sometimes mouth bacteria might require a different approach & treatment.
In most cases antibiotics are not harmful however, some people might have some allergic reaction if they use them frequently. These medicines work in 2 different ways.
1. bactericidal antibiotic: These antibiotics eliminate the bacteria. It either destroys the cell wall or cell contains. E.g.: penicillin.
2. bacteriostatic antibiotic: This kind of antibiotic prevents the growth of bacteria.
Let’s, find out a few antibiotics, through the below-mentioned table, which are generally suggested by the dentists for oral treatment or to adjust new dentures in Lakewood.
Antibiotics and their uses in dentistry.
Rate of Prescribing
Mostly used Penicillin class  antibiotic, it primarily acts against the infection of Gram-negative bacilli
Amoxicillin with  clavulanate or metronidazole
Deals with odontogenic  infection
Safest macrolides,  good for treating odontogenic infections and potent against Gram-negative  pathogens
Has potency to fight against the pathogens of aerobic and  anaerobic bacteria.
It penetrates the cells of intracellular pathogens and helps reduce the infections  of periodontal or pulp.
Potent antibiotic to scale and plan the roots, effective  against periodontal infections
Reduces the growth of oral gums or bacteria and helps  treat periodontal disease.
Source Link
Among the mentioned antibiotics Amoxicillin is widely suggested for Emergencies by the dentist of Lakewood.
Generally, dentists suggest antibiotics to cure odontogenic infections, local infections, prophylaxis, and many more. Here is a brief discussion about the problems and their probable solutions.
Odontogenic Infection: This kind of issue is very familiar in dentistry. The process of treatment involves the removal of the source of the infection along with the usage of antibiotics to prevent the spread of the bacteria.
It has been noticed in a study that the rate of success in treating odontogenic infections through antibiotics is 98.2. However, the experts suggest that it should be used for the shortest possible time.
Non-Odontogenic Infection: A prolonged treatment is necessary to cure this kind of infection. Tuberculosis, leprosy, bone infections, dental abscesses come under the category of non-odontogenic infections.
To treat mycobacterial infections, it might be necessary to use antibiotics for a longer time.
Focal Infection prophylaxis: It is very common to use antibiotics as prophylaxis in the dental profession. The primary procedure of this model is to eliminate the bacterial infestation and provide treatment to the patients at risk.
Patients having the issue of total joint prostheses or who have suffered it in the past are recommended antibiotic prophylaxis for treatment.
Local Infection prophylaxis: Nowadays many antibiotics are packed with biomaterials for the treatment of local infection. Third molar impact, implant surgery, orthognathic surgery, and many other causes can be seen where antimicrobials are used routinely to help medical conditions.
These drugs are adequate to eliminate bacteria and keep one’s mouth healthy. But they might have side effects if the dosage is not taken carefully. Therefore, it is suggested to intake antibiotics only after consulting with a doctor.
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