#Antoni Comas
chloegong · 8 months
The king's games are over, now the palace games begin.
it's filled with angst, it's off the walls insane, and it's driven by toxic love and power-hungry politics... all the juicy stuff necessary for something inspired by Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, of course, and I'm so excited for you to read it RAHHHHHHH
Brace yourself for both US and UK covers to be revealed (truly out of this world gorgeous) and preorder links are slowly making their way out but you can add to Goodreads in the meanwhile to prepare for the drama to come <3
Calla Tuoleimi has succeeded in the impossible. Despite the odds, she has won San-Er’s bloody games and eliminated King Kasa, her tyrant uncle and the former ruler of Talin. She serves now as royal advisor to Kasa’s adopted son, August Shenzhi, who has risen to the throne.
Only Calla knows it isn’t really August.
Anton Makusa is still furious about Calla’s betrayal in the final round of the games. In an impossible feat, he took over August’s body to survive, and has no intention of giving up this newfound power. But when his first love, the beautiful, explosive Otta Avia, awakens from a years-long coma and reveals a secret that threatens the monarchy’s authority over Talin, chaos erupts. As tensions come to a boiling point, Calla and Anton must set their conflicts aside and head to the kingdom’s far reaches to prevent anarchy… even if their empire might be better off burning.
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team-sanvich2 · 10 months
Is it Speeding Bullet O'clock? No?
Well too bad, I can't sleep and these two are in my head now, so, ENJOY!!
Riffle to the heart, and a bat to the knee.
Tagging @kombucha-enjoyer
"It is a simple mission I believe you can handle" the mysterious woman spoke from the TV Screen at both Team BLU and RED'S base, explaining their latest task...that was simply a made up plan to test the limits of the two she felt were lacking in their own ways in their fields. "Do this flawlessly and I shall take back my latest employee reviews of your performance, I know yhat family means a lot to you in particular, but it cannot be something you should LET take over your thoughts in this line of work, after all, you don't want them to see you in a casket once you're out of here, right?"
"Yes ma'am" both men said but at opposite sides of the territory.
Starting with Mick, the RED team's Sniper, a man of few words, takes his position and work very seriously, and won't let the opinions of others dictate wether or not he'll succeed in it. However, familial issues are hard to simply not ignore, specially when everytime you look into making contact, the people that were supposed to love you unconditionally now take every minute to criticize your choices, even if nowhere else was open for you, not even your dream profession.
As for Antonie, the BLU team's Scout, his own struggles were more direct, his father had been a victim of torture and experimentation at the hands of the RED Medic, his head had recently been retrieved from the enemy base, but his body remains unresponsive, Dell and Fritz are doing what they can to make sure their leader can go back to being his former self, even if their options were running low. Antonie had retrieved the head after discovering it in the abandoned hospital, Antonie brought him quickly to his team's Medic to wake him up from his coma, he was successful...but what is a functional head when there were no arms and legs to move around with it? Worst of all was that the Scout refused to see his own father wake up and visit him, it felt like it was his fault for getting himself killed by the RED spy, it was his fault for not doing enough, and it was his fault that his dad was almost lost forever.
"Here's the scene, in a abandoned Mann.Co field dubbed "harvest", a piece of important information was lost there due to my...late Assistant, Mr. Bidwell was his name, being too careless, but seems like Mann.co decided that moving him upwards in the company was the better option...But enough about old grudges, retrieve that document, Ms Pauling will be waiting to pick it up in the morning, you have the entire night to find it, I heard the enemy team has their eyes on it, do not disappoint me". The TV was turned off and both mercenaries went on their own to the abandoned field.
The Scout arrived on a scooter provided to him by Dell, he made sure to take his lessons with soldier to heart and explored the area for a back entrance, or at the very least, a hole on the fence. The Sniper however was more calm about it and simply drove over and parked somewhere he wouldn't be noticed, and immediately jumped over a fence, he searched the property on foot, taking note on his gut feelings, that he wasn't alone, but that in that very moment, he was being watched, prompting him to pull out one of his recent crafts, the cleaner's Carbine.
The Aussie man could take a few guesses on who it was that was stalking him, the enemy team was almost a copy and pasted version of his own, perhaps their spy was back in action, maybe the traitorous Dell was building some sentries to try a ambush, perhaps they sent over their Pyro, but he was not expecting that they sent out their own speedy "force of nature", as a couple of gunshots caught him by surprise, forcing him to crouch around the scene.
Antonie held similar thoughts, he was relived he wouldn't have to see the RED Spy again, or their Pyro, hell, he thanked whatever being was watching over the earth that it wasn't the Medic, but their Sniper? He had forgotten about their interaction, at least until he saw him again. Their last encounter almost repeated itself if Anotnie did not dodge a literal bullet from his riffle, what was worse? It was a quieter version. He needed a different approach, he knew the Sniper was aware of his presence, he knew he could get taken down ANY MOMENT, so what to do? He rummages through his bag, and finds a old friend, just what he needed.
Mick had settled in a safe zone that allowed him to view the entire property, every blind spot was now in his sights, that Scout would not get through him...Although, he thought about it for a moment, unless team Blu employed a new one, Scout was much different, maybe it was his countless encounters of being met with bullets, blades and explosions that made them pick someone more adapted to the job...Or he BECAME that someone, fact was that...it was too quiet, at least until he hit himself with his riffle thanks to a baseball hitting the tip of the lenses that were now broken, making him realize that this was the same Scout with the bloody sandman baseball bat.
He runs downstairs with his submachine gun in hand and from time to time he hears the running steps of the runner, he doesn't talk much, at least not anymore if what the Soy said was to be believed, he doesn't call much attention to himself, in fact it made it seem like he was merely part of the wind blowing outside, and he seemed to be more...experienced, perhaps team Blu found his match made in heaven, professional versus professional, and that was solidified by getting hit by a spiked baseball bat right om his back, making him bleed.
"AUUUGH! YOU BLOODY-" And he was gone again, thankfully, Ludwig was kind enough to lend him some spare medkits, after one sip from the bottle, Sniper gathered his stuff and changed the lenses on the riffle, and while doing so, he hears something climbing on the roof, he quickly tosses the ball back as a distraction and was met with the dark blueish shadow, who collected the ball and was ready to jump to the next roof, only almost get his foot shot, and the chase was on.
Antonie doesn't jump Into battle immediately, he runs off while delivering shots with the Soda Popper, it doesn't scare off Sniper from his spot, but he got his attention, signified by the many bullets that destroyed the walls of the wooden buildings. It was like both were stepping comfortably out of their comfort zone, Scout was using his speed in the means of blending in the darkness and not being noticed, and Sniper was now more on the move cause his only target knew where he was and was taunting him, but not in a way that felt like mocking, more like two similar minds playing a game of chess.
Eventually, both men run out of bullets, and thus, the chase has to stop and both meet at the center of the "Harvest". Their melee weapons were drawn, both shocked that they had the same idea of packing more than one blunt object, Antonie had equipped the Boston Basher, and Mick had a Prinny Machete, they give the other one look and charged towards each other like two Demoknights, screaming at the top of their lungs.
Antonie used his speed and smaller build to his advantage to slip through but Mick’s longer limbs were also a advantage and he pulled the younger male and almost gave his neck a second scar.
"Running around like a coward will get you nowhere!"
"Is called preserving energy Moron, you should try that since you seem to use most of it on headshots"
The Aussie man charges at him once more, "I am a professional with standards, I need to be efficient! Besides, at least I'm doing my part! You just run around and go back to your team with nothing!" He gets a punch on the stomach but blocks the bat with his blade.
"I am TRYING to Improve! And is not like any of them cared, and the only that did probably stopped after I ROYALLY SCREWED UP!" He gets pushed back but tries to strike the Sniper repeatedly, in the same motion, hoping to hit him.
"A price to pay in this industry! Those are still your coworkers! If you don't trust their abilities then you might as well not trust yourself!"
"Easy for you to say! You probably get praised a lot for, let me guess, sitting still, shooting asshats all day long, and having the most calm time of your life!" At this point, neither are using their weapons, seems like the fight became more psychological...or...it was a weird...bonding moment.
"Says the one that probably strokes his own ego that might as well be 12 feet tall!"
"OH I WISH! All I have is the weight of failure slowing me down! And my team underestimating me DOES! NOT! HELP!"
"...family?" He dropped the Machete in hopes the Scout would trust him.
"...Look, we got off track...what are you looking for? Folders? Weapons? Food? Just grab it and get out! I'm...I'm not in the mood anymore..."
Antonie feels his shoulder grt grabbed, but not Ina way that felt forceful, it felt...warm...welcoming, he turned and saw the Sniper had taken off his hat as a sign of a truce,
"Please...I insist, you have no obligation to tell me the rest but...you fought good, dare I say this was the most fun I had in a while" he let's out a chuckle at the end, followed by the muffled giggles of the Scout, who finally takes off his gas mask.
"The feeling is mutual, good to see a Sniper that actually puts up a fight unlike Ke-..My Sniper"
"Hehe, and is nice to see a quiet Scout for once...I think that spot has a nice view"
"Lead the way then".
Once both were on the roof, Mick offers a bottle from the Medkit, taking notice of some bullets that left some cuts on the runner, he made a expression that looked outrageous after kne gulp.
"Why is this stuff so bitter?" Antonie said, while trying to find a label with anything written on it that could shed some light ton the Ingridients,
"Trust me mate, you DON'T want to know what they put in there, just chug it with your nose plugged" the poor guy follows his instructions, only to feel his nose burning up,
"Pffff, HAHHAHA! Bloody hell, I can't believe you fell for that!"
"Oh haha, very funny...you wanted to talk about something or just mock me?"
The Sniper adjusted his posture and took a deep breath,
"You had mentioned family...I couldn't help but...find your situation similar to mine...my...relatives aren't that fond of my position"
"Well, at least they aren't here...As in, not in the base...cause...that's where my...Person is...and he went through a lot...it was my fault and...I can't face him! What am I supposed to say? "Sorry I tripped and got myself killed as well as getting a scar as a memento?!"...I...can't even look at him..."
"...seems like you are going through a lot"
"Says you, you put up a good fight but...I don't remember your team saying anything"
The Sniper scratches the back of his neck, "I might have exaggerated, is not that it NEVER happens...but I see your Sniper and think..."I want that"...tho I guess if he's actually some lazy asshat then I guess I shouldn't compare myself"
"Yeah...same...your Scout is...Loud but...the team at least acknowledges that he's there...and they don't seem so harsh on him too...weird how the other person seems to have it better"
"But you don't know the whole story...it is weird"
Both look at the night sky for a while, Antonie had also taken off his goggles as Mick did with his glasses, it took a hour but they eventually went back to looking for what they were there for, oddly enough, there were two safes there, they open it with their IDs and find the folders they were looking for, the weird part was both were copies, not the original.
Antonie decided to let Mick drive him back to his base along with his scooter as the gas was down to zero, both talked some more until they were close enough for Antonie to go back safely but also far enough so that Mick wouldn't get shot by the sentries.
This odd friendship developed more and more as both would randomly see each other during matches, Antonie accidentally finding where Mick is hiding to chat or to share some sandwiches or to even nap on the same spot. Other times, Mick would see Antonie looking over the territory and use the light on the riffle to show him where there's ammo and medkits.
It flew under the radar to both teams, even Anotnie’s father...but Ms. Pauling had other plans with that information, after informing the administrator, she tried to pull the same stunt she did with the RED Demoman and the BLU soldier, but no matter what, the two seemed to be back together, soon enough she just gave up as those two were selective on what to tell the other, and Pauling even has a feeling both men never believed her words.
Unlike her and the Administrator, Mick and Antonie seem to talk their loudest in silence...but also in each other's company, maybe this would inspire some old friends to reconsider their hate if they were to be found out...and maybe the lines of like and love would get blurry for the Blue Runner and the Red Silencer.
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jessread-s · 1 year
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✩🩸🌙 Special Edition Collection:
Obsessed is an understatement. Keep scrolling to read my full review of “Immortal Longings” and see why I had to get my hands on EVERY special edition of Chloe’s adult debut!
Gong makes a name for herself as an adult fantasy writer with her explosive debut “Immortal Longings.”
As with her other works, Gong draws inspiration for her novel from Shakespeare—specifically from his play “Antony and Cleopatra” in this instance. Her fictional world encompassing the the kingdom of Talin’s capital twin cities, San-Er, closely resembles Kowloon Walled City— an ungoverned and lawless territory that was once the most crowded place on Earth. Though the walled city was demolished in real life, Gong keeps its memory alive in her writing through her intricate world-building and descriptive prose. 
Gong completely leans into the fantasy genre with “Immortal Longings,” which I thoroughly enjoyed. She establishes that those who have a strong qui are able to jump between bodies. This ability is crucial to the people of San-Er’s survival, as the twin cities have high rates of prostitution, gambling, and drug abuse. Additionally, jumping is beneficial to those competing in the King’s Games—a series of games hosted by the monarch of Talon where 88 citizens fight to the death to win unimaginable riches. The reader is able to alternate between the perspectives of two of the king’s players: Princess Calla Tuoleimi and Anton Makusa. 
Princess Calla is a fierce cat lady who rocks bangs and leather jackets. She killed her own parents (the former rulers of Er) to bring down the monarchy, is no stranger around a sword, and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. After years of hiding, she enters the games in secret, dead set on finishing the job she started by killing King Kasa—the ruler of San. Her chance meeting with Anton, however, throws a wrench in her plans. 
Anton is a master jumper who was exiled from his life as an aristocrat. If he wins, he hopes to use the winnings to pay off the debt he owes to the hospital for keeping his childhood love alive while she is in a coma. While she is the one to give Anton’s life direction, Calla is the one to give it purpose. 
On their own, Calla and Anton were merely surviving, but together, in their unexpected alliance, they find a way to live. The spark that develops between them reaches a fever pitch leading up to Gong’s first steamy scene, which is as violent as it is delightful.
Aside from Calla and Anton’s points-of-view, Gong supplies the reader with chapters written from August, Pampi, and Yilas’ viewpoints. Through them, we learn of every betrayal, deception, and ruse. Despite this and knowing in advance that “Antony and Cleopatra” is a Shakespearean tragedy, nothing could have prepared me for the whiplash I experienced at the end of “Immortal Longings.” I’m afraid my heart won’t stop pounding until I get book two of the “Flesh and False Gods” series in my hands. 
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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ash-and-books · 12 days
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb:
Power plays, spilled blood, and lethal romance abound in this thrilling sequel to the New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller Immortal Longings, inspired by Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.
Calla Tuoleimi has succeeded in the impossible. Despite the odds, she has won San-Er’s bloody games and eliminated King Kasa, her tyrant uncle and the former ruler of Talin. She serves now as royal advisor to Kasa’s adopted son, August Shenzhi, who has risen to the throne.
Only Calla knows it isn’t really August.
Anton Makusa is still furious about Calla’s betrayal in the final round of the games. In an impossible feat, he took over August’s body to survive, and has no intention of giving up this newfound power. But when his first love, the beautiful, explosive Otta Avia, awakens from a years-long coma and reveals a secret that threatens the monarchy’s authority over Talin, chaos erupts. As tensions come to a boiling point, Calla and Anton must set their conflicts aside and head to the kingdom’s far reaches to prevent anarchy…even if their empire might be better off burning.
The stunning sequel in the Flesh and False Gods series filled with even more betrayals, heartbreak, and vicious vile feelings. Calla Tuoleimi has killed the king, she's won the blood games, and is now the new advisor to the king's adopted son, August Shenzhi.... only her victory meant she had to kill the one person she was falling in love with, Anton Makusa... who just happened to body swap and jump into August's body at the last moment. To say Anton is mad that Calla killed him is an understatement and now that he is in the new king's body... he's going to make her pay. Anton was never meant to swap bodies but he somehow did and still fresh from Calla's betrayal he has no intention of giving up this new body or his new power. But things only take a turn when his first love, the beautiful Otta Avia awakens from a year long coma with a thirst for her own power and a personality that has him questioning if he ever even loved her at all. Anton is warring between his feelings for Calla despite her betrayal and the old feelings he has for Otta... she is up to something and he wants to know what. Yet when he discovers August's own secrets, how long can he keep up the act before someone figures out its him... and can he get his old body back before its too late and he's trapped in August's body? Calla knows Anton is in August's body and she wants to make amends, yet he gave her no choice when he chose Otta over her and she chose the kingdom over him... but with Otta back and scheming to put the kingdom in ruins, can August and Calla put aside their differences to long enough to prevent the ruination of their empire... or will are some betrayals too deep? Finding out that this was only the sequel in what I thought was a duology when in fact it was a trilogy makes it a very interesting read. I loved that we get to jump immediately into the events of the previous book and the fall out of the relationship between the main characters. This was truly a roller coaster from start to finish. You can understand both character's flaws and why they decided to act the way they did, yet when they are together it's an undeniable connection. I cannot wait for the third book and to see how this all wraps up. The political games, the betrayal, and the romance were just so much fun to read in this book and I definitely think this does not fall into the sequel slump many books tend to do when they are in a trilogy. Its got such a fun "enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers again" vibe and I can't wait to read the conclusion!
Release Date: September 10,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
Author Info: Website
Book Tour: TBR Beyond Tours
*Thanks Netgalley, Saga Press | S&S/Saga Press, and @tbrbeyondtours for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review and being part of the book tour.
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mydarlinginej · 1 year
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read my full review of immortal longings by chloe gong here.
#1 New York Times bestselling YA author Chloe Gong’s adult epic fantasy debut, inspired by Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra , is a fiery collision of power plays, spilled blood, and romance amidst a set of deadly games.
Every year, thousands in the kingdom of Talin will flock to its capital twin cities, San-Er, where the palace hosts a set of games. For those confident enough in their ability to jump between bodies, competitors across San-Er fight to the death to win unimaginable riches.
Princess Calla Tuoleimi lurks in hiding. Five years ago, a massacre killed her parents and left the palace of Er empty…and she was the one who did it. Before King Kasa’s forces in San can catch her, she plans to finish the job and bring down the monarchy. Her reclusive uncle always greets the victor of the games, so if she wins, she gets her opportunity at last to kill him.
Enter Anton Makusa, an exiled aristocrat. His childhood love has lain in a coma since they were both ousted from the palace, and he’s deep in debt trying to keep her alive. Thankfully, he’s one of the best jumpers in the kingdom, flitting from body to body at will. His last chance at saving her is entering the games and winning.
Calla finds both an unexpected alliance with Anton and help from King Kasa’s adopted son, August, who wants to mend Talin’s ills. But the three of them have very different goals, even as Calla and Anton’s partnership spirals into something all-consuming. Before the games close, Calla must decide what she’s playing for—her lover or her kingdom.
my review:
At this point, you must know that I am a big Chloe Gong Fan, and I was absolutely dying to read her adult debut…Then I got an ARC and put off reading it for months because I was not emotionally prepared to actually start it. Once I did, however, I flew through it and now am desperate for the sequel. Set amidst a 90s-esque world, Immortal Longings introduces us to a story of love and obsession — and what one will do to free themselves.
Every year, the palace throws a set of games in the twin cities of San-Er. In this competition, eighty-eight people race to be the last one standing, either by killing or eliminating other contestants, in order to receive unbelievable riches. This year, Calla Tuoleimi, the last princess of Er and not seen in the last five years, enters the games, as does Anton Makusa, an exiled noble. Calla needs to win so that she can meet the reclusive and heavily guarded king — to kill him and finish what she started five years ago. When August, the king’s adopted son and her cousin, approaches her with a deal to throw the odds heavily in her favor, she soon rises in the ranks of the games, with Anton immediately targeting her as a threat. The two of them ultimately enter a hesitant alliance, but the tension grows into something more as mysterious threats to the kingdom arise.
The worldbuilding immediately drew me in. Gong has described this book as “Antony & Cleopatra meets Clove and Cato in a 90s Wong Kar-wai film,” which is the craziest string of words yet perfectly encapsulates the vibes of this book. It’s set in a world with 90s technology, so there are landline phones, televisions, computer cafes, and so on. There’s also a concept of “jumping,” wherein people can “jump” into other’s bodies in a flash of light. This adds an extra layer to the game, as players can jump from person to person and survive longer.
read my full review here.
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redrikki · 1 year
Pride Month Masterpost
Happy pride month, everyone! Here’s a list of my fic featuring queer characters and relationships.
Agent Carter
Because Girls Love Girls (The Soulmate City Remix) - There’s something in the water and the next thing Angie knows, she’s waking up with the name Margaret Carter wrapped around her wrist. (Angie Martinelli/Peggy Carter)
One Last Kiss (The Final Storm Remix) - You never forget your first kiss with your nemesis. Dottie won’t forget her last either. At Howard Stark’s funeral, she puts a few things in the ground. (Peggy Carter/Dottie Underwood)
Avatar: Legend of Korra
Girl, Gotten (The Heroine After Remix) - As long as Asami’s the hero, Korra’s okay being the love interest. (Korra/Asami Sato)
Leaves on the Wind - Korra, Asami, and the next Avatar (past Korra/Asami Sato)
Ten-Thousand Words (Which Once See the Light of Day) -  A series of short stories about the ladies of Legend of Korra. (bisexual Asami Sato/Mako, various het pairings)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Playing with Fire (The Dubiously Consensual Remix) - People didn’t tell Azula no. (Azula/Ty Lee)
Battlestar Galactica
Persephone on New Caprica - It’s winter on New Caprica and they’re all Persephone here.  A collection of short stories. (bisexual Felix Gaeta/Eight, various het pairings) Trigger warning: non-con/dub con
Batwoman (TV)
Trapped in the Closet - Kate was never afraid to come out to her father, but she is now. Episode tag to the season 1 finale. (lesbian Kate Kane)
Pride - A small army of Batwomen marched at Pride. Ryan should be marching with them. (lesbian Ryan Wilder)
Black Lightning (TV)
Comic Book Life - Comic book Thunder’s boyfriend knew what his woman did, so why couldn’t Anissa tell her girlfriend? (Anissa Pierce/Grace Choi)
Truth Will Out - Anissa’s in the closet about her superhero life. Three times she thought about telling Grace and one time she actually did. (Anissa Pierce/Grace Choi)
Maybe Baby - “Ever think about what kind of power’s you and Grace’s kids would have?“ Jen asked, raising possibilities Anissa had never considered before. (Anissa Pierce/Grace Choi, Jennifer Pierce)
Sleeping Beauty - Grace had been in coma for over a month now, but Anissa still couldn’t help thinking each visit that this would be the one where she woke up. Maybe today it would be. (Anissa Pierce/Grace Choi)
Cat Lover - When your wife was a deadly jungle cat, it paid to be cautious. (Anissa Pierce/Grace Choi)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Short and to the Mr. Pointy - Collection of drabbles set across all 7 seasons. (Willow Rosenberg/Tara McClay, Willow Rosenberg/Kennedy, Willow Rosenberg/Oz, Larry/Xander Harris, various het pairings)
Cobra Kai
Queer Eye for the Karate Guy - “Our hero this week is Sensei Johnny Lawrence,” Karamo read off the pad. “He’s a 53-year-old, 6-foot-tall master of karaté.” (Johnny Lawrence plus actual queer people Karamo Brown, Jonathan Van Ness, Tan France, Bobby Berk, Antoni Porowski)
Make a Wish - Tommy has a different confession in episode 2.06 "Take a Right." (Johnny Lawrence/Tommy)
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
The Beast You Made of Me - The Waverider’s resident shapeshifters compare notes. (Mona Wu, Genderfluid Charile)
Neither Should You (The Real People Remix) - Rescuing her clones was the right thing to do. They deserved the right to live their lives and make their own choices. Ava just wished they’d stop sleeping with Gary. (Ava Sharpe/Sara Lance, Ava Clones/Gary Green, implied Gary Green/John Constantine)
Army of One - Sara Lance was dead. Sara Lance was a clone. Sara Lance was going to need a minute to process. Tag to “Bishop’s Gambit,” episode 6.06. (background Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe)
Downton Abbey
The Hedgehog’s Dilemma - Thomas Barrow’s daemon is a hedgehog. Five warnings, four relationships, and one revelation. (Thomas Barrow/Duke of Crowborrough, Thomas Barrow/Edward Courtney, Thomas Barrow/Jimmy Kent)
Snakes and Lions - Hogwarts AU. In Thomas, Jimmy finds that courage isn’t exclusive to Gryffindors.  Now if only he could find some himself. (Thomas Barrow/Jimmy Kent)
Genius Loci - Downton Abbey consumes people and it won’t let Thomas go. (gay Thomas Barrow) Trigger warning: referenced canon suicide attempt
When the Wolf Comes Home - A Companion to Wolves Fusion. Buggery is legal in the army, required even, for wolf-brothers. Bates, Lord Grantham, and their wolves have a certain history. Thomas can't help thinking about it. (gay Thomas Barrow, past Robert Crawley/John Bates)
Kipo and the Age of Wonerbeasts
Dream Girls - On the surface, Mulholland had given Wolf everything she had thought she wanted: her and Kipo, the two of them buff and tough and together. Her guilt had kept her from really enjoying it, but it hadn’t been why she fought back. (Wolf/Kipo)
The Hero Was You - Benson likes Troy and Troy likes Benson. Great! Now all Benson has to do is figure out what to do about it. (Benson/Troy)
A Post Post-Apocalyptic Romance - It was kind of wild when he thought about it. Benson and Troy had fallen for each other super fast, but, between the rescue and the other rescue and all the running around with HMUFA, they’d never really gotten to know each other. Luckily, without Scarlemagne and Dr. Emilia trying to capture and/or kill them, they finally had the time to get to know each other as Benson introduced Troy to the city. (Benson/Troy)
The Old Guard
Take What the Water Gave Me - Quynh drowns and wakes and in between are Booker and Andromache. She would take his life if she could. So she does. (Quynh/Andy)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
She-Ra (Modesty) Shorts - Three very short Catra/Adora stories. (Catra/Adora)
Parting Strands - Looking out for each other had been their thing, but Adora’s starting to suspect that’s over. Her thoughts during that scene in “Promise.” (Catra/Adora)
Another First Kiss - Five times Catra thought about kissing Adora and one time Adora kissed her. (Catra/Adora)
Sick Leave - Back when they were kids in the Horde, they used to hide when they got sick. It’s a hard habit to break, but things are different now and Catra really should be in bed. (Catra/Adora)
Spider-man (Ultimates verse)
Queen of Lower Chelsea - Jessica Drew may not be a real girl, but she’s trying to build a real life. (gender-queer Jessica Drew)
Fingertips That Might Ignite - Peter is straight like a straight thing.  Jessica isn’t sure what she is. (Jessica Drew/Johnny Storm, Jessica Drew/OFC)
We Were Orphans Before - The first time Jessica ran into Peter after the Wave she grabbed him into a hug. (gender-queer Jessica Drew, Peter Parker)
Gonna Share My Tin Man Heart - Kitty moves in and Kitty moves out. Jessica falls in love somewhere along the way. (Jessica Drew/Kitty Pride)
Star Wars
For Amidala - Her handmaidens had all poured so much of themselves into Amidala, it was like they were part of her now. Padmé didn’t know if she had the strength to let one go. (Padmé/Her Handmaidens)
Dateline Felucia - Embedded with the troops on Felucia, a reporter from HoloNet News paints an intimate portrait of the men of the 212th Attack Battalion. (Obi-Wan/Cody, Waxer/Boil)
Tag - Sabine and Ketsu, bounty hunters extraordinaire, argue about how to sign their work. (Sabine Wren/Ketsu Onyo)
When I Was Your Age - Kanan, Ezra, and the fruits of a misspent youth. (Pansexual Kanan Jarrus)
Stranger Things
Date Night - Everyone and her mother seems to think they’re together and Robin’s getting pretty sick of it. (lesbian Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington)
Umbrella Academy (TV)
Iconic - When Vanya learns Klaus is gay from a magazine, she’s angry for more than just one reason. (queer Vanya & Klaus Hargreeves)
White Collar
Eyes on the Target (The Solid Ground Remix) - Peter asked Diana to keep an eye on Neal for him while he’s stuck in jail. It could be going better. (lesbian Diana Barrigan, Neal Caffrey)
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rvrcomments · 29 days
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quoteablebooks · 8 months
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Genre: Fiction, Adult, Science-Fiction, Fantasy,
Rating: 4 out of 5
Content Warning: Violence, Murder, Death, Sexual content, Child death
Every year, thousands in the kingdom of Talin will flock to its capital twin cities, San-Er, where the palace hosts a set of games. For those confident enough in their ability to jump between bodies, competitors across San-Er fight to the death to win unimaginable riches.
Princess Calla Tuoleimi lurks in hiding. Five years ago, a massacre killed her parents and left the palace of Er empty…and she was the one who did it. Before King Kasa’s forces in San can catch her, she plans to finish the job and bring down the monarchy. Her reclusive uncle always greets the victor of the games, so if she wins, she gets her opportunity at last to kill him.
Enter Anton Makusa, an exiled aristocrat. His childhood love has lain in a coma since they were both ousted from the palace, and he’s deep in debt trying to keep her alive. Thankfully, he’s one of the best jumpers in the kingdom, flitting from body to body at will. His last chance at saving her is entering the games and winning.
Calla finds both an unexpected alliance with Anton and help from King Kasa’s adopted son, August, who wants to mend Talin’s ills. But the three of them have very different goals, even as Calla and Anton’s partnership spirals into something all-consuming. Before the games close, Calla must decide what she’s playing for—her lover or her kingdom.
So this is one of the books that I got through my Adult-Book-only Fairyloot subscription, and I will admit that I was a little skeptical. I had heard some middling reviews about Chole Gong’s Young Adult Romeo and Juliette retelling, so I wasn’t sure how I would get on with this novel inspired by Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra. I am happy to inform you that I really enjoyed my time with this novel, though it took some time to collect my feelings on this story and the characters that Gong introduces us to. While I will admit that the scaffolding of the plot was not original, I enjoyed the setting and characters enough that I kept turning the pages to see how this set-up we had seen before would play out. 
The plot of this novel is rather simple at its core and something that has been used before. Two competitors enter a tournament to the death for different reasons, but both have no option but to win. There is an individual behind the scenes pulling the strings, other disruptive forces at work, and an uneasy alliance between the two competitors might turn into something more. After the success of The Hunger Games, and Battle Royal before that, competition to the death is a very common plot in novels and a few of the lower-rated reviews complained about this scaffolding for the story. However, while Gong does make a number of comments about capitalism, the 1%, and social ills, there is a very different tone than The Hunger Games. Everyone enters the games willingly, even paying an entry fee, instead of being forced to fight to the death. They can also leave the games of their own accord at any time without fighting or killing. The society in San-Er has a lot of problems, which Princess Calla Tuoleimi and Prince August Shenzhi want to change in their own ways, but it is managed in a different way than that of The Hunger Games, so I don’t think it’s a fair comparison.   
I have seen a number of reviews complaining about the lack of solid world-building and that things are just said are happening in San-Er without any explanation. While I think some of that is due to not picking up subtle hints that Gong left throughout the story, some of it is that this is the first novel in a trilogy. Now, I will admit that at the back of the Fairyloot edition, there was a printed conversation with Gong, in which she stated that this first novel was very self-contained, but the world would expand in the rest of the series. While I am a strong believer that the story should stand on its own without reading author interviews or blog posts, I didn’t have any issue with the world-building. This novel was about the games and that is what it is focused on, with the rules or lack of them clearly defined. The rules of qi were also explained and then challenged without the context of this novel in a way that made sense to me. Perhaps I was just too enamored with the setting to be bothered by things that were grating to other people. I am also a reader who appreciates character work over plot so that probably contributes to it. 
Speaking of the setting, Gong did a very good job of making the city of San-Er a living breathing character in this novel. You can easily visualize the neon lights, the mass of humanity that is constantly on top of each other, and the smells and sounds that are constant throughout the novel. Gong also makes the reader feel the absence of these things when there are scenes in the Palace of Union or outside of the wall. While at times all the chaos in the city made it hard to track the action that was happening, which added to the chaotic nature of the action sequences in this novel. Still, the setting was a large reason why I enjoyed this novel as much as I did, I really got immersed into the world that Gong created and the constant struggle that the characters and citizens were facing. 
There are three main characters in this novel, Princess Calla Tuolemi, Prince August Shenzhi, and Anton Makusa. Now I don’t know if any of them can be called likable, but I find Calla the most sympathetic of the bunch. What drives her in the games is a naive notion that King Kasa is the reason for all the horrors and tragedy within the city and if she could just remove him from his reign, things would improve for the citizens of Talin. Now Calla is such a practical character that this thought that removing Kasa would start the country toward the path of healing or trusting August who wants the same thing was a little odd to me. However, her thought process usually makes sense, even if she makes decisions that aren’t the smartest. Given the ending of the novel, I am interested in seeing how her character is going to be in the sequel. 
Anton Makusa grows on you as the story progresses, but he doesn’t change, he just becomes obsessed with something new and does whatever possible to keep it. I think what keeps him from being completely unlikable is the fact that he is aware that he can be insufferable at times. I also enjoyed when he is around Calla and the balance they strike between competitors and whatever else is blooming between them. I will admit that the use of “I love you” in this novel was far too quick, especially given the circumstances, but I also have not read the source material so perhaps that is the reason. 
Prince August is the least likable, but the most interesting. Much like Anton, your opinion of him shifts throughout the novel, but he does not get enough screen time to really draw any conclusions about his character. Instead, you get the way that numerous people react to August, especially those who are closest to him. While Calla has naivety and Anton has confidence that is warranted, it is hard to get a read on August. Given the events at the end of the novel, it is unclear if we are going to get a better idea about him as the trilogy continues, but I am excited to get answers if they are provided. 
Overall, I enjoyed this novel a lot more than I expected and it is a 4-star read. However, if someone asked me why I liked the novel I would have a hard time pinpointing something other than the setting. While this is a full arc of a story, telling what happened during the games, the plot and the characters aren’t sitting in my feelings. That being said, I keep thinking about this novel and will pick up the sequel when it comes out.
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lcstrange · 1 year
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RABASTAN ANTONIE REAGAN LESTRANGE, que veio de REINO UNIDO, tem 27 anos e se parece muito com CHAY SUEDE. Ele trabalha como ESCRITOR e faz parte da comunidade muito feliz de St. Johns.
tw: violência doméstica.
Nascido em berço de ouro -- e não seria exagero dizer que seu berço era realmente banhado pelo metal nobre, Rabastan foi criado de maneira semelhante a um membro da realeza. Seu pai vinha de uma família de banqueiros, dona de uma rede que dominava grande parte da Europa Ocidental, e sua mãe provinha de uma família de muitos, muitos bens, sempre disposta a patrocinar a quem mais lhe interessava. O que não faltava a Rabastan em dinheiro, porém, lhe faltava em carinho;
Mal havia aprendido a se sentar e já era ensinado a manter a postura ereta, a não comer fazendo barulho, a não brincar na frente das pessoas. Quando firmou os pés no chão e se manteve em pé pela primeira vez, seu pai finalmente repousou os olhos sobre si. Aos 5 anos de idade, recebeu seu primeiro castigo: Henry lhe deixara trancafiado por uma noite toda dentro do porão. A jaula, porém, foi a mais leve das lições que teve com o passar os anos. De tapas a pontapés, de surras com toalhas molhadas a noites sem água, Rabastan teve o emblema da família gravado a ferro e a fogo em sua escápula direita com 15 anos de idade. Aos 20 anos, após uma aposta bêbada perdida na faculdade, teve o ombro deslocado pelo pai;
Aos 22, a trajetória brilhante de Rabastan Lestrange como futuro diplomata explodiu em cinzas. Literalmente. Durante uma briga feia com o pai no porão de sua casa -- lugar que havia aprendido a temer e odiar --, feia o suficiente para que acreditasse que iria ter sua vida tirada de si, Rabastan usou do fogo da lareira para se defender. Atirou o mesmo ferro com que fora ferido na direção de Henry, mas não esperava que faíscas atingissem o uísque derramado durante a briga e explodissem em uma muralha de fogo que tomou conta do recinto em poucos minutos;
O incêndio fora noticiado e televisionado durante muitas semanas, assim como suas repercussões: Rabastan com a lateral esquerda do rosto queimada, assim como a mão canhota com que escrevia deformada, e Henry permanecia em coma induzido, sem prognóstico de recuperação. Acusado de tentativa de homicídio pela família que tanto se preocupara em honrar e com um julgamento altamente coberto pela mídia, Rabastan permaneceu preso durante três longos anos até que sua inocência fosse provada;
Passou a usar o sobrenome da mãe após ser solto da prisão, tanto para não ser reconhecido quanto para não se associar à família do pai, que o culpava por tudo que havia acontecido. Chegou a viver por um tempo em Londres junto da mãe, mas era insuportável continuar respirando sob o mesmo teto onde tanto havia sofrido. Com o apoio de Catherine, literalmente a única pessoa que se manteve ao seu lado, mudou-se para St. Johns em busca do que todos chamam de uma nova vida -- longe do pai, que segue vivo ligado a aparelhos;
Sem saber como trabalhar e ainda muito fragilizado pelos anos na cadeia, com corpo e mente feridos, isolou-se em uma casinha perto da praia onde escreve seus poemas e contos. Já publicou muitos deles, sob um pseudônimo, e, junto do dinheiro que ainda recebe todo mês enviado por sua mãe, conseguiu se estabilizar financeiramente;
Ainda mantém os trejeitos arrogantes e elegantes na mesma medida que o fizeram ser considerado como um príncipe pelos Lestrange. Contudo, se tornou ainda mais fechado e retraído com o passar dos anos, a voz rouca pelo pouco uso e o corpo magro pela falta de cuidado durante três anos. É isolado, de poucos amigos, e sai de casa apenas para compras e o que mais for estritamente necessário.
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gabibookworm · 2 years
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This cover was recently revealed for this YA Antony and Cleopatra inspired fantasy from the author of These Violent Delights. Every year, the palace hosts a set of deadly games. Princess Calla is in hiding after committing a massacre that killed her parents and plans to kill her uncle, the king. Anton enters the games hoping to win and save his love from her coma. They form an unexpected alliance and get help from the king’s son, August, and the three of them have very different goals. It comes out July 25, 2023, so be sure to preorder or request it at your local library!
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chloegong · 2 years
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IMMORTAL LONGINGS has had its cover reveals on both sides of the pond now and I’m equally obsessed with both.
Also I keep forgetting that my official Tumblr exists so here I am with the updates tee hee here’s the official synopsis:
#1 New York Times bestselling YA author Chloe Gong’s adult epic fantasy debut, inspired by Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, is a fiery collision of power plays, spilled blood, and romance amidst a set of deadly games.
Every year, thousands in the kingdom of Talin will flock to its capital twin cities, San-Er, where the palace hosts a set of games. For those confident enough in their ability to jump between bodies, competitors across San-Er fight to the death to win unimaginable riches.
Princess Calla Tuoleimi lurks in hiding. Five years ago, a massacre killed her parents and left the palace of Er empty…and she was the one who did it. Before King Kasa’s forces in San can catch her, she plans to finish the job and bring down the monarchy. Her reclusive uncle always greets the victor of the games, so if she wins, she gets her opportunity at last to kill him.
Enter Anton Makusa, an exiled aristocrat. His childhood love has lain in a coma since they were both ousted from the palace, and he’s deep in debt trying to keep her alive. Thankfully, he’s one of the best jumpers in the kingdom, flitting from body to body at will. His last chance at saving her is entering the games and winning.
Calla finds both an unexpected alliance with Anton and help from King Kasa’s adopted son, August, who wants to mend Talin’s ills. But the three of them have very different goals, even as Calla and Anton’s partnership spirals into something all-consuming. Before the games close, Calla must decide what she’s playing for—her lover or her kingdom.
Preorder available:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Barnes & Noble Exclusive Edition | Books-a-million Signed Edition | IndieBound | Bookshop
Amazon | Indigo | Indigo Exclusive Edition | Shop Local
Amazon | Waterstones | Blackwell’s | Bookshop
Book Depository with US Cover | Book Depository with UK Cover
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joaquimblog · 3 years
Elena Zaremba i Yusif Eyvazov a Pikovaia Dama. Fotografia de ©A Bofill gentilesa del departament de Premsa del Gran Teatre del Liceu. La temporada es va iniciar amb una embranzida molt engrescadora i els dos darrers títols ens han posat de cop en la realitat més crua. La pandèmia que sembla que ha causat moltes baixes a l’orquestra amb les corresponents substitucions per altres músics, les…
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jessread-s · 1 year
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Hi everyone! 👋😊 I am doing something a little bit out of my comfort zone today in sharing this photo of me, but I just loved how my senior photos turned out (thank you to my amazingly talented sister for taking them) and did not want to keep them all to myself. 
I could have chosen to hold any book, but I specifically decided to pose with @thechloegong ’s adult debut because her transition from writing young adult literature to adult literature closely mirrors my own transition from living life as a young adult to an adult upon my graduation from college next month. “Immortal Longings” also happens to be one of my favorite books of all time, so there’s that too. 😂
In honor of my senior photos, I am reposting my review of “Immortal Longings” from January! 
Thank you to Gallery / Saga Press and Chloe Gong for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
✩🩸🌙 Review: Gong makes a name for herself as an adult fantasy writer with her explosive debut “Immortal Longings.”
As with her other works, Gong draws inspiration for her novel from Shakespeare—specifically from his play “Antony and Cleopatra” in this instance. Her fictional world encompassing the the kingdom of Talin’s capital twin cities, San-Er, closely resembles Kowloon Walled City— an ungoverned and lawless territory that was once the most crowded place on Earth. Though the walled city was demolished in real life, Gong keeps its memory alive in her writing through her intricate world-building and descriptive prose. 
Gong completely leans into the fantasy genre with “Immortal Longings,” which I thoroughly enjoyed. She establishes that those who have a strong qui are able to jump between bodies. This ability is crucial to the people of San-Er’s survival, as the twin cities have high rates of prostitution, gambling, and drug abuse. Additionally, jumping is beneficial to those competing in the King’s Games—a series of games hosted by the monarch of Talon where 88 citizens fight to the death to win unimaginable riches. The reader is able to alternate between the perspectives of two of the king’s players: Princess Calla Tuoleimi and Anton Makusa. 
Princess Calla is a fierce cat lady who rocks bangs and leather jackets. She killed her own parents (the former rulers of Er) to bring down the monarchy, is no stranger around a sword, and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. After years of hiding, she enters the games in secret, dead set on finishing the job she started by killing King Kasa—the ruler of San. Her chance meeting with Anton, however, throws a wrench in her plans. 
Anton is a master jumper who was exiled from his life as an aristocrat. If he wins, he hopes to use the winnings to pay off the debt he owes to the hospital for keeping his childhood love alive while she is in a coma. While she is the one to give Anton’s life direction, Calla is the one to give it purpose. 
On their own, Calla and Anton were merely surviving, but together, in their unexpected alliance, they find a way to live. The spark that develops between them reaches a fever pitch leading up to Gong’s first steamy scene, which is as violent as it is delightful.
Aside from Calla and Anton’s points-of-view, Gong supplies the reader with chapters written from August, Pampi, and Yilas’ viewpoints. Through them, we learn of every betrayal, deception, and ruse. Despite this and knowing in advance that “Antony and Cleopatra” is a Shakespearean tragedy, nothing could have prepared me for the whiplash I experienced at the end of “Immortal Longings.” I’m afraid my heart won’t stop pounding until I get book two of the “Flesh and False Gods” series in my hands. 
➤ 5 stars
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
@chloegong​  @simonandschusterbooks-blog​
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb: #1 New York Times bestselling author Chloe Gong’s adult epic fantasy debut. Inspired by Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, Immortal Longings is a fiery collision of power plays, spilled blood, and romance amidst a set of deadly games. Every year, thousands in the kingdom of Talin will flock to its capital twin cities, San-Er, where the palace hosts a set of games. For those confident enough in their ability to jump between bodies, competitors across San-Er fight to the death to win unimaginable riches. Princess Calla Tuoleimi lurks in hiding. Five years ago, a massacre killed her parents and left the palace of Er empty…and she was the one who did it. Before King Kasa’s forces in San can catch her, she plans to finish the job and bring down the monarchy. Her reclusive uncle always greets the victor of the games, so if she wins, she gets her opportunity at last to kill him. Enter Anton Makusa, an exiled aristocrat. His childhood love has lain in a coma since they were both ousted from the palace, and he’s deep in debt trying to keep her alive. Thankfully, he’s one of the best jumpers in the kingdom, flitting from body to body at will. His last chance at saving her is entering the games and winning. Calla finds both an unexpected alliance with Anton and help from King Kasa’s adopted son, August, who wants to mend Talin’s ills. But the three of them have very different goals, even as Calla and Anton’s partnership spirals into something all-consuming. Before the games close, Calla must decide what she’s playing for—her lover or her kingdom.
Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra inspired story with a dash of Hunger Games set in a sci-fi esque setting... a deadly competition, betrayal, politics, and forbidden romance!  Princess Calla Tuoleimi is known as the princess who murdered her parents and a whole room of other people and disappeared, now she’s hiding, plotting to kill King Kasa, the king responsible for the rot in the city. Calla will do anything to kill the King, even enter into a deadly competition and team up with her cousin.... the current heir to the throne all to just get a chance at giving the kingdom of Talin a chance to be free. Calla was trained to be deadly, she’s a killer and a good one. When the kingdom’s deadly game starts, Calla is already a member. In this kingdom there is a deadly game where contestants are given free reign to kill off all the other players until there is only one left and the winner is given power and money beyond imagination, and in a kingdom filled with poverty, starvation, and sickness, everybody wants to win. Calla’s only goal is to win so the moment she gets a moment alone with the King she will cut his head off and when her cousin August makes an offer to help her win the games in exchange for the promise that she will kill his father and make him king and he’ll free her once he is, what’s a girl to do but agree? Cue Anton Makusa, the exiled aristocrat and former best friend of August who has been spending his years paying the hospital bills to keep his childhood love who is in a coma alive... the same childhood love that is August’s sister. Anton is severely in debt and entering into these games would be a chance for him to clear it and help pay off the bills. Anton is one of the best jumpers in the city (in this kingdom people with special genes can jump bodies, and royalty have a distinct color to their eyes despite their body jumping). Anton purposes an alliance to Calla, they both help each other kill off all the other contestants until its just the two of them... but something more is happening as the more time Anton spends around Calla the more he is falling in love (vice versa)... but August has other plans... and betrayal is bond to occur because no one can trust each other and this is a game with high stakes. This is the first book in the series and the ending has me already begging to see where the second book goes. This was a really interesting story and it had an overall fun storyline especially with the citywide death game. My only issues were the constant info dumps that were thrown at us, seriously I’m positive this book could have been shaved down 50-80 pages of info dump of this world that we did not need. The other issue was the romance, I really did not buy the slow burn romance because honestly it just felt out of nowhere and suddenly it was like all at once. Calla and Anton spend about 70% of the book being allies and then suddenly they are throwing I love yous at each other?? I dont believe it. I liked the romance because the betrayal later makes it all the more fun and the angst was delicious but I just wish their romance was explored more so I could feel more invested and I could actually believe in their romance. Like Anton went form someone obsessed with saving Otta to being like: yeah she was my childhood crush but I’m in love with Calla now?? SIR???? REALLY??? August was definitely a really interesting character and I had fun seeing the political workings in his head and just how far he is willing to go to get the throne. Calla was a really fun protagonist and I am so excited to see what she does in the next book! Overall it was a super fun read and I can’t wait to see what happens next!
*SPOILER* Calla isn’t actually the original princess, in fact she body jumped and took the princess’s body when she was 8 and thus why she refuses to jump bodies. August’s sister Otta knows his true plans of killing his father and so he orders her to be killed, but she wakes up at the end of the book. August forces/orchestrates the final battle to force Calla and Anton to fight each other (Calla ends up stabbing Anton despite both of them saying they love each other) and when she crowns August (or who she thought it was) she looks at him and realizes that Anton has jumped into August’s body. 
*Thanks Netgalley and Gallery Books, Gallery / Saga Press for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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tybaltsjuliet · 3 years
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nicky’s archetype playlists, 10/11: the artist.
these hands could hold the world, but it'll never be enough.
i. want to change the world? there's nothing to it. and you know i mean it with all of my heart: it's the end if something important doesn't start.
pure imagination (superhuman + quigley) // the light (regina spektor) // guido's song (raul julia; from nine) // desecration rag (felix arndt) // video killed the radio star (the buggles) // downtown (anya taylor-joy; from last night in soho) // anita berber (death in vegas) // all i do is dream of you (the mcguire sisters)
ii. les ailes du moulin protègent les amoureux. i want to throw my body in the river and drown. (i want to love somebody, but i don't know how.)
complainte de la butte (rufus wainwright; from moulin rouge) // i'm in love with a german film star (the passions) // as time goes by (dooley wilson; from casablanca) // uptown blues (jimmie lunceford) // sucker's prayer (the decemberists) // cherry blossom (lana del rey) // we'll meet again (she and him)
iii. who could take exception to you? some people, they call me monster; some people, they call me saint. my talent feeds my darker side, yet no one will complain.
cemetry gates (the smiths) // how fucking romantic (the magnetic fields) // opera singer (cake) // 27 (fall out boy) // gods and monsters (lana del rey) // hammer horror (kate bush) // rimbaud eyes (dum dum girls) // michael who walks by night (strawberry switchblade) // the face of dorian gray (rational youth + johan baeckstroem)
iv. you were famous; your heart was a legend. don't let the sun go down on me: although i search myself, it's always someone else i see.
never enough (kelly clarkson; from the greatest showman) // chelsea hotel no. 2 (leonard cohen) // each man kills the thing he loves (guy xy) // don't let the sun go down on me (taron egerton + celinde schoenmaker; from rocketman) // working for the knife (mitski) // colourless dream (sad lovers and giants) // dying in L.A. (panic! at the disco)
v. was your work of art so heavy that it would not let you live? there's a place i can almost see before us - never if, only when.
starry starry night (lianne la havas) // while my guitar gently weeps (girl in a coma) // start another story (emilie autumn) // the sun is often out (patrick wolf) // another world (antony and the johnsons) // bring on the wonder (susan enan)
vi. and the world will be better for this. and the living room becomes a garden, and the t.v. set becomes a fountain, and the music flows in the garden, and everything grows.
omar sharif (katrina lenk; from the band's visit) // step (vampire weeknd) // northern downpour (panic! at the disco) // it might as well be spring (nina simone) // moon river (audrey hepburn; from breakfast at tiffany's) // the impossible dream (linda eder; from man of la mancha) // lullaby of the bells (edward ward; from phantom of the opera)
+ bonus: and my newly melted heart, now blossoming into a new life. the great comet of 1812 (josh groban; from natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812)
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castillodeleon · 2 years
Title: Big Brother Leo  Time Frame: SDCC Location: Hard Rock Hotel A/N: Leo finds out there may be a baby in the works. ( I should have posted this days ago but I am trash.) 
Sebastián &/or Leo : After dodging a few fans and grabbing a bite at a nearby restaurant, Sebastián was exhausted and he imagined his husband and their son was too. "Are you two okay over there?" He walked hand in hand with his quiet husband and son back toward the hotel. "Let me guess. Food baby?" The steak house was absolutely delicious but incredibly filling. "We need time to digest, I think"
Tony : Antony hadn't expected that there would be fans that recognized them at comic con, especially with how many other celebrities were there. And so he was glad that their dinner had been uninterrupted and let him actually have a chance to hang out with his family. "Definitely a food baby," Antony chuckled, "Honestly I was thinking about just going back to the hotel and having an early night."
Sebastián &/or Leo : Sebastián chuckled at Tony's words and checked in with Leo who was groaning as he walked beside his dads. "Dad, I will never eat again." Seb laughed and shook his head. "Give it an hour." He gestured toward the hotel when Tony shared his thoughts and they continued walking. Thankfully, the hotel wasn't too far. "Leo, I know your promised Jace some Fortnite time but do you think we can talk for a few minutes when we get in? We'll be quick, promise."
Tony : "Never again? Really? Not even if I make more challah bread next week?" Antony joked, "I guess I'll have to make less since it'll just be me and Dad." He gave Leo a wink to let him know that he wasn't actually serious. "Yeah, we just have a couple things to talk about, it's nothing bad. So you'll still have plenty of Fortnite time when I pass out into a food coma."
Sebastián &/or Leo : Sebastián chuckled at his husband's antics knowing he had gotten Leo with they challah bread. "Yum. More for me." He grinned and Leo rolled his eyes before he laughed along with his dads. "Okay. I'll message him on discord when we get back and tell him. But please Pop, make some challah bread? I'll help you." He grinned and they all walked into the hotel. "Do you think we can get breakfast before day 2 tomorrow? At the little diner down the block?" Sebastián laughed. "See? Already thinking of food!" Once they arrived at their room, Seb asked his son to throw his costume into the washer and that they'd do the same once the talk was over. Seb moved to sit at the couch in the suite, asking Tony to sit beside him and Leo across from them. "Do you want to start, honey?"
Tony : "Well, okay then. Only if you help," Antony smiled, laughing in approval as Leo asked about breakfast the next morning. And in the few minutes it took to get settled in, and changed into a pair of pajama pants and an old t-shirt, Antony found himself excited about the conversation they were about to have. Sitting next to his husband, he smiled at Leo. "So......." he said starting, "we've both noticed you not being subtle at all about wanting a sibling, and your Dad and I were wondering how you would feel about us starting that process soon?"
Sebastián &/or Leo : Sebastián was over the moon and full of excitement but he loved that Tony would be the one to start the conversation. He made sure to watch his son, beaming with pride at how much he's grown and how he is sometimes more of an adult than he is. The smile on his face never faded as Tony spoke and he waited patiently for the response. "Aunt Mila is starting?!" Leo was pretty sure his parents knew how he and Mila had joined forces to drive them insane and he also knew that Aunt Mila was more than willing to make this big dream of theirs come through but still, nothing prepared him for the happiness he felt in that moment. "Dads! Really?" He stood up and began to pace. "This is excellent news! Does does does Aunt Mila need help with her appointments? I read that you can hear a heartbeat as early as 6 weeks sometimes. She's probably going to need a lot of snacks before those shots they give you make you super hungry.  Oh! and we'll have to consider the possibility of having twins like Aunt Celeste and Uncle Thomas. You know it's possible, dads. I've read it and saw a whole thing on Nat Geo." He took a deep breath and then stared at his parents before tossing himself onto them, draping his arms around their necks. "I am going to be the best brother that has ever existed! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Seb chuckled as he watched Leo walk back and forth from one point to another and then wrapped his arm around their son when he group hugged them. "Leo, what did I say about googling all these things?"  But the excitement took over and he was all smiling. "Hey Beast Boy, you're hopefully going to be a big brother."
Tony : "Started actually, she's already been to the doctor and started the shots about a month ago and didn't even tell us until we brought it up. And she's got the embryo transfer appointment on August 1st so we should know a couple weeks after that,," Antony explained to Leo - considering all the googling he didn't think that he needed to explain, "But she's got her husband to help her out with her appointments, so you don't need to worry about that, okay? Just focus on the big brother part," he smiled as he hugged Leo tight.  Truthfully he hadn't even though of the idea of multiples - while he knew the possibilities it just seemed like it was unlikely to even hope about that. "Like there's no promises, but I wanted to make sure that you were okay with it all when we've also got your adoption hearing at the end of next month too."
Sebastián &/or Leo : Seb nodded along with Tony, holding the group embrace they had going on before their son pulled back. "Okay. And my lips are sealed! It'll be hard but I can do it!." He was already so excited about the adoption hearing and their lives changing drastically that Leo was glowing at this point. "I'm okay with it. More than okay with it. I'm going to tell everyone once I'm able to though. Jason first and then I'll tell Ms. Leibowitz and my hockey coach and everyone on my discord and ...Khamani and Luna! And and everyone! When I'm able to. I promise. Scout's honor." He held up two fingers and then saluted his dads. "Okay, now I'm hungry. Did we bring any snacks? I'm thinking cheetos. Who wants Cheetos?" Seb laughed, leaning in to Tony to kiss his cheek as Leo went on and on. "Only when we say so, Lee..." But his son was in the middle of a rant and all he could do was scoot even closer to Tony, placing his head on his husband's shoulder. "Ready to be a dad again?"
Tony : "I think that I have some Cheetos in my backpack if you want to grab them," Antony laughed - despite the fact that Leo's metabolism seemed to be going at lightspeed, Antony still felt like he was five seconds away from going into a food coma. "I'm still getting used to being a dad now," he chuckled as he kissed the top of his husband's head, "What about you? Ready to handle a baby again?"
Sebastián &/or Leo :  "Thanks, Pops! Oh my God, Jason, I gotta call you right now! No, I can't tell you why I'm excited but I need to talk to you about things." He screamed into his voice notes on the phone that only worked when there was Wi-Fi. Tony and Seb were still deciding if a functional phone would be too much for a ten-year-old. Seb watched Leo run off to the bathroom to remove his make-up and call his best friend and then he finally let a laugh he had been holding in out. "Oh my God. I guess he's ready." "I'm going, to be honest, I'm worried I forgot everything but I think we'll be more than okay and yeah, I want to hold a little one so bad...call it ours."
Tony : Antony watched as Leo went to go de-greenify himself, happy to see how excited he was about it. "I guess so, I thought that he'd have at least a couple more questions, but I guess he's like nope let's do this yesterday," he said, taking Seb's hand.  "Please, you're going to be the baby whisperer and they are going to fall asleep for you and then once I have them they'll start screaming again. But I do too, like I can just keep imagining their little face and all the cute clothes."
Sebastián &/or Leo : "He's also got the attention span of a goldfish and is high on cheesecake." Seb chuckled and shook his head. He listened to Tony with a gentle smile pulling at his lips. "You think that now. I don't even know how I did it with Leo. I had no one really. I'm so glad I have you. "The clothes and the little shoes, right? I'm going to be so scared to sleep ever again. I'll turn into you."
Tony : "There's only room for one insomniac coffee addict in this relationship and I called dibs," Antony laughed, "but we can take turns with feedings so that we both can actually get some sleep."
Sebastián &/or Leo : "Alright,  fine fine." He jumped when Leo's suite room door closed. "And off he goes. Hes another insomniac." He smiled. "That sounds like the perfect plan. Hopefully my new schedule at work will help with keeping the new baby structured. Ahh I just want their little hand wrapped around my finger.
Tony : "He better not be, he's only 10, he's too young for that," Antony laughed as he nodded, "It should, I think the fact both of us are getting better schedules is going to be a huge help since you aren't going to be sleeping away most of the afternoon."
Sebastián &/or Leo : Seb couldn't help but take a moment to glance and admire his husband. He was truly the missing piece and to see how much he's already bonded with Leo and created such a beautiful trust pact with him made him so happy. "Tell me about it. I hate missing out so much. If all goes well for us, the week after we return from this comic con, I'll be a brand new man and Mila will hopefully have some good news for us soon.  I'm the luckiest man alive to be going through this with you, honey." He took Tony's hand and kissed every single knuckle before chuckling.  "I love you so much."
Sebastián &/or Leo : After Leo processed the news he already felt was coming and after he took the time to really think about all the changes that would mean for him and his dads, he poked his head out in the suite's living room and smiled. "Hey, dads. I have questions now." He made his way over to sit between both his fathers. "What if I'm not a good big brother? What if I lose them? What if I drop them? What if I don't know what they want? What if they don't like me???"
Tony : "I love you too," Antony smiled, resting his head against Seb's. He was about to suggest having an early night when Leo popped back in with questions. "Well the fact that you're worried means that youre going to be a great big brother," Antony assured him ruffling his son's hair. "And I am going to tell you a medical secret: babies are both fragile and hard to break, so while I will look them over, if you drop them they will probably be fine. But luckily we have a pretty good nurse in the family so we'll be able to have an idea immediately," he smiled, "and you know we might lose them, though I think thats unlikely for any of us, or not know what they want either, its just part of being around a baby. And I think that as long as you love then they'll love you back."
Sebastián &/or Leo : Sebastián laughed lightly at Leo's rapid fire questions. Somehow he knew he'd come with them. It was unlike Leo to not have more to add to such a vital conversation.  Letting Tony take the lead, Sebastián's grew as he listened to his husband answer every question their son had. He was an amazing father. "We really are lucky to have a nurse in the house. I think we are all going to be great for the baby when they come. And you especially, you're going to be the best mentor and big brother." Leo listened to both his dads, taking in everything they were saying only to get momentarily quiet. "I'm so happy. With both of my dads and my new family and now with a brother or sister in the future. I'm the luckiest kid in California."
Tony : "Yeah, you definitely are," Antony smiled, glad that Leo was handling it so well. "and you don't need to worry about doing everything right first time, okay? I know all three of us are a bit perfectionistic, but all of us are going to mess up. Me and your Dad too, so keep that in mind okay? We're all figuring it out together."
Sebastián &/or Leo : "That does make me feel better.." Leo smiled at his dads.  "I'll probably have a lot more questions once it really happens. Oh, I hope it does." He put up his crossed fingers and then leaned in to kiss both his fathers on the cheek. "Okay. Good night for real. I love you both forever and ever."
Tony : "Yeah, I hope that it does too kiddo. If you have any more questions tonight, write them down so you get them out of your mind and we'll talk to you about it in the morning, okay?" he asked, before giving Leo another good night. "I really love that kid, you know that? I'm so glad that I got both of you."
Sebastián &/or Leo : "That's a good idea, pops. You're definitely the brains of this operation." Leo finger gunned his father and winked at Seb. "Hey! I am offended but also, you're not wrong." He chuckled and pulled one of the blankets that had been folded on top of the couch over himself and Tony only to lay back and on his husband's lap. He looked up at him with a smile. "I know and we're  lucky to have you. I love our little family and I'm so excited to begin this new chapter with you."
Tony : "Yeah, I'm excited for it too," Antony smiled, running his fingers through his husbands hair as he fought back another yawn. Despite the fact he was tired, the conversation had woken him up enough that he wasn't quite ready to try to go bed quite yet.  "And just to get to make memories with you all now. Even if we are in San Diego, I honestly think that this weekend might be my first actual happy memory here."
Sebastián &/or Leo : Seb smiled as Tony ran his fingers through his hair.  It was hard to imagine doing this with anyone else and even with how quickly things had evolved between them, there wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think he was the luckiest man in the world.  There were a lot of thoughts going through his head of how busy life was when they had first gotten back and how the adjustment period was somewhat tough but not enough to test their relationship, and how getting Leo on board was incredibly easy. But he realized that Tony was referring to his memories in San Diego and that's when Seb reached up to cup his husband's cheek, gently massaging it with his thumb. "Thank you for coming with us. I know that this wasn't going to be easy for you but I'm glad we made the first of many happy memories here to make up for the others." If he could take away Tony's past he would but Seb didn't have such power. For now, he'd focus on cultivating and maintaining healthier and happier memories for him to look back on.
Tony : "I think it was easier knowing the chances of running into anyone was low," Antony admitted. It wasn't as if his parents or sisters would be interested in coming to this sort of an event, and with the amount of resturants and gas stations in the city the probability of being at the same one at the same time were low. "I would love that, even just getting a chance to see some of San Diego I never got a chance to see growing up here.
Sebastián &/or Leo : "We can make it a family thing. You know, to do away with the trauma!" He smiled. "We'll come out here on a weekend, pick something to do and just go with it. Before you know it, you'll be full of happy memories." He cuddled into Tony's stomach and yawned softly. "I'll protect you."
Tony : "I would love that," Antony admitted, smiling down at his husband, "I know you will. I just hope that you never have to."
Sebastián &/or Leo : "I hope so too. I'm proud of you. For surviving day one of this craziness with us. Leo has some energy." He grinned and let out a soft sigh. "Hey..." He looked up at him. "Friendly reminder that we're going to have a babyyyyy."
Tony :  The reminder caused Antony's face to light up, joy from the reminder spilling out of him. "Yes we are," he smiled, "and we're just going to keep being amazing dads."
Sebastián &/or Leo : "When the baby arrives... because I'm putting it out there. We should have a nice reception here. Like a celebration of love type of thing. We can invite more people and sort of doing everything on our terms. By then, Cel and Thomas' twins will be here and the Grimaldi baby so it'll be a little less hectic for everyone. What do you think? It'll be like a little vow renewal."
Tony : "I would love that," Antony smiled as he thought about it. There were people missing from their wedding, Seb's sisters, Mila's husband and kids. It would be nice to have them there. To truly have a reception type thing that wasnt for the cameras. "Maybe if we are lucky Mila will get pregnant within the first couple of cycles and we could have it on our first anniversary?"
Sebastián &/or Leo : "That would be pretty cool." Though he knew he had to be sensible about it all, the excitement was getting the best of him. "Our first anniversary! That's so exciting when you think about it. It's funny how it feels like it was just yesterday because for most people it was..." He laughed. "And also it feels like we should be celebrating our 5th or 10th even." Seb smiled contently. "Do you want to head to bed?" He reached up to scratch Tony's beard affectionaly. "Never shave this, please." He sat up and then kissed his husband on the lips. "Come on, tomorrow is another crazy day of super heroes and cosplays."
Tony : "Yeah, or they watched and rewatched us falling in love that they forget it's our actual life. Do you think that there's going to be more of those fans tomorrow?" Antony asked a little wary about it, though he relaxed more as he kissed his husband, nodding at his question about going to bed. "I'm going to be exhausted by the end of this."
Sebastián &/or Leo : "What are you talking about? What life?" He winked at his husband even though it bothered him how some people didn't understand that. "Hopefully not? Maybe it'll be a calmer day. And yeah, we're going to need a vacation from it." Seb chuckled.
Tony : "A vacation from our vacation, I never understood that phrase until now," Antony laughed, despite it being true, "Come on, let's go to bed before us old people regret it in the morning."
Sebastián &/or Leo : "Exactly!" He laughed and stood up, leaving the blanket behind and taking Tony's hand to walk to their bed but not before checking in on Leo who was already sound asleep.  He was so proud of him for taking the news so well. He walked into the bathroom to begin his night routine, glancing over at his husband with a smile. He couldn't wait for his family to grow even more.
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