proofhead · 5 months
Chaos Magazine 11. ve 12. Sayılar
Aylar önce Chaos Magazine’in geri dönüş sayısının haberini yaptıktan sonra, yıl bitmeden bir yeni sayı ve devamında da yepyeni bir 12. sayı daha yayımladı Lainmeun – Murat Chaos Gökbulut. Derginin 10. sayısıyla birlikte başlayan renkli ve ciltli bookazin formatı öylesine sevildi ki geriye dönüp yıllar önce siyah beyaz çıkan 9. sayıyı bile “yalandan renkli” bastı. Dolayısıyla bu yepyeni renkli ve…
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ohelpthekraken · 1 year
If you are a fan of dying horribly in the Arctic and atmospheric black metal please go listen to
EXPEDITION II: Die Passage by Antrisch
I am having a very normal one about this.
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austrian-mythology · 1 year
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The Saligen
The myth of the Saligen predates Christianization and most likely even Germanic, Slavic and Roman rule of the Alpine territories.
These mythical beings appear to share similarities with creatures like the Bretonic Korrigan and the Welsh Tylwyth Teg. Moreover, they also exhibit some commonalities with the Norse Huldra and the Roman Faun, primarily through their close association with nature.
As they are sociable and not solitary beings, they are often counted among the Germanic elves or Celtic fairies, though unlike these, the Saligen are not small, but instead approximately human-sized. Therefore, they are sometimes seen as half-gods instead. In contemporary folklore, the Saligen are interpreted either as the offspring of elves and humans, thereby suggesting the existence of male Saligen, or as enchanted princesses.
Given their remarkable similarity to the elves from "Lord of the Rings", one might speculate that J.R.R. Tolkien drew inspiration from the Saligen.
The Saligen are exclusively depicted as female beings. They are usually described as tall, exceptionally beautiful, and having blonde hair. The Saligen are often portrayed wearing loose, white dresses.
The Saligen are usually thought of as shy, kind-hearted, and wise individuals. They tend to stay hidden from regular people. However, if someone needs help, the Saligen are quick to offer assistance.
Some stories mention that one should avoid encountering a Saligen during full moon, as unlucky individuals who cross paths with them are seduced to spend the night together. Those who fall victim to this encounter are left as soulless bodies.
Saligen are said to live either in caves or underground villages surrounded by a wooded environment to conceal their entrances or in ice palaces.
These beings possess some magical abilities, but unlike elves and dwarves, they cannot simply disappear or become invisible in front of humans. However, there is a belief that they, and even their spouses, are invisible until they initiate a conversation with someone. It is not known how they become invisible again.
The Saligen are also known as Salkweiber, Salaweiber, Antrische Dirn (Antric Girl), Schneefräulein (Snow Girls), Bergfrauen (Mountain Women), wilde Frauen (Wild Women) and weiße Frauen (White Women).
The term Saligen comes either from Old Bavarian sālīg (kind-hearted, blessed) or is related to modern Bavarian Seäl (soul). Also, an origin from the Suleviae, a group of celtic godesses attested in many inscriptions in Noricum, has to be considered.
Antrisch (in Antrische Dirn) could be a cognate to Old English entisc (gigantic, mysterious) or a borrowing from Latin antrum (cave).
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die-secttt · 2 months
you should listen to Trisagion by Ethereal Shroud, the Utarm/Demonologists split, Kanonenfieber, Phantom Limbs by Coma. (the album, that is), Expedition II:Die Passage by Antrisch, Noktvrn by Der Weg einer Freiheit, Impious and Legacy by Non Est Deus, and Imperial Triumphant
also sick pfp, gotta love gtt
THANK YOU i havent heard almost any of these
imperial triumphant and gnaw their tongues are favorites of mine, youre cool for recognizing my pfp
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metalindex-hu · 1 year
Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. április 3-9.)
Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2023. április 3-9.) - https://www.femforgacs.hu/femjelzes-a-het-ujdonsagai-2023-aprilis-3-9/ -
Nagylemezek és EP-k az underground sűrűjéből. Íme, az újabb lista a heti megjelenésekkel:
Alcyone – Cult of Kukulkan (progresszív black metal) Anthropophagous – Abuse of a Corpse (death metal) Antrisch – Expedition II : Die Passage (atmoszferikus black metal) Aphonic Threnody – When Death Comes Again (funeral doom/death metal) Arched Fire – Trust Betrayal (heavy/speed metal) Asystole – Siren to Blight (death metal) Atemporal – Thorn Genesis (black/death metal) Ayyur – Prevail (black metal) Bacchus – II (atmoszferikus black metal) Betiraun – Subversion (death metal) Beyond the Darkness – Noche oscura (death/doom metal) Beyond the End – Mustan pirun hirsipuut (black metal) Black Denim Rage – State of Emergency (speed/thrash metal) Blood Cult – Tomb of the Unknown Redneck (black ‘n’ roll) Bloodrust – At Glory’s End (death metal) Bonjour Tristesse – Against Leviathan! (post-black metal) Bovary – Par amour du vide (depresszív black metal) Cemetery Trip – Rot Warp (black metal) Chant of the Goddess – Martial Laws of Discordia (stoner/doom metal) Children of the Reptile – Heavy Is the Head (heavy metal) Christbane – Christbane (black metal) Cicada the Burrower – Blight Witch Regalia (progresszív/post-black metal) Cineastre – Cineastre (atmoszferikus black metal/neofolk) Class Traitor – Broken Energy Highway (sludge/post-metal) Cultura Tres – Camino de brujos (sludge metal) Cursebinder – Drifting (black metal) Dark Flood – Illusion of Light (progresszív melodikus death metal) Darkness Domain – The Judgement Bells (black metal) Death Portrait – Morbid Curiosity (melodikus/technikás death metal) Deep Agony – Hail Satan (black/doom metal) Descent into Maelstrom – Dei Consentes (melodikus death metal) Devangelic – Xul (brutális death metal) Dragojiniak – Fables of a Forgotten Era (black metal) Dystersol – Anaemic (melodikus death/folk metal) Ernte – Albsegen (black metal) Evil Joe – Atomic Party (thrash metal) Finnwolf – Kun viimeinen lehti putoaa (black metal) Frostnatt – Den russiske frosten (black metal) Gaffed – Die Already (death metal) Godflesh – Nero (EP) (experimental industrial metal) Grot – Beneath the Waves of Eternity (black metal) Heathen Foray – Oathbreaker (melodikus death metal) Heretic Plague – Context Is a Stumbling Corpse (brutális death metal) In Seance – Deathverse (black metal) In Utero Cannibalism – Back to the Basics (death metal) Iron Steel – Crystalized (speed metal/punk) Iunehkal – Derealized Nauseating Existence (black metal/ambient) Karne – Condamnés (black metal) Khayman – The Great Lie of Karma (southern metal/hardcore) Knochen – Ode to Frailty (black metal) Krod – Satanas Rex Inferni (black metal) Kronrest – Where Hopes Fade (grindcore/death metal) Lamento Eterno – Grief (experimental/szimfonikus black metal) Larvae – Entitled to Death (death/doom/black metal) Lethvm – Winterreise (sludge/doom metal) Lo! – The Gleaners (sludge/post-metal, hardcore) Lurk – Aegis (death/doom/sludge metal) Manhack – Welcome to Fyrestone (death/groove metal/deathcore) Medevil – Mirror in the Darkness (power/thrash metal) Meluniblis – Kill the Kuffar (black/death metal) Morhörr – Danse Macabre (thrash metal) Morphogenetic Malformation – Pathogenesis F20.0 (slam/brut. death metal) Mors Spei – Homo Homini Lvpvs (black metal) Mostro – Coágulos (experimental death metal) Nekus – Sepulchral Divination (black/death metal) Nezznar – Prevail of the Old Ones (nyers black metal) Nocturnal Call – For Death I Shall Be Forever Alive (doom/death metal) Nova Skellis – Life Amongst the Damned (heavy metal) Númenor – Tales from the Edge of Time (szimfo./epikus black/power metal) Offensive – Blast from the Past (heavy/thrash metal) Omnicidal – The Omnicidalist (death metal) Our Throne – Withered and Forgotten (atmoszferikus black metal) Ὁπλίτης – Τρωθησομένη (progresszív black metal) Paraphilia – The Memory of Death Given Form (death metal) Penumbra – Eden (szimfonikus gótikus metal) Raider – Trial by Chaos (thrash/death metal) Ricochet – Kazakhstan (melodikus/progresszív metal) Ruadh – 1296 (atmoszferikus folk/black metal) Ruinae Vitae – Caput Unum (melodikus black/death metal) Saviorskin – Invicta Mori / DoomFather (gótikus/doom metal) Septicflesh – Reconstruction (EP) (atmoszferikus/szimfonikus death metal) Shredhead – I Saw You Burn (thrash/groove metal) Sins of Magnus – Secrets of the Cosmos (stoner/doom metal) Skuggor – Skogshypnos (atmoszferikus black metal) Slaughtopsy – Emanation undurchdringlicher… (blackened brutális death metal) Sól án varma – Sól án varma (melodikus black/doom metal) Soliton – Cyclical Denial (melodikus/technikás death metal) Sonic Demon – Veterans of the Psychic War (pszichedelikus rock/doom metal) Stillbirth – Homo Deus (brutális death metal/deathcore) Stormfront – Der død og kjød forenes (black metal) Stormhaven – Blindsight (progresszív death metal) Suffocate Bastard – Devouring the Void (brutális death metal) Sun Mass – There’s Nothing Here (stoner/doom metal) Sunrot – The Unfailing Rope (sludge/doom/post-metal) Superstition – Excruciating Methodology (death metal) Test – Disco Normal (grindcore/death metal/crustcore) The Crooked Whispers – Funeral Blues (sludge/doom metal) The Grifted – Doomsday & Salvation (death metal) The Mind Parasites – Gallery of Nightmares (heavy/thrash metal) The Prolet Kult – Stare into the Abyss (blackened sludge/doom metal) Thysia – Islands in Cosmic Darkness (black metal) Titan Blood – The Call of the Wild (heavy metal/hard rock) Tjaktjadálvve – Echoes on a Windswept Plain (depresszív black metal) Tovenaar – Tovenaar (progresszív black/death metal) Tribulation – Hamartia (EP) (gótikus metal) Unholy Craft – Naar all tid er omme (black metal) Urantia – Innerverse (power metal) Urarv – Substratum (avantgárd black metal) Valensorow – Shorestank (folk metal/metalcore) Vargskelethor – Skeleton Metal X (thrash/death metal) Vass/Katsionis – Cynical Silence (progresszív metal) Verzauber – Frankincense & Vitriol (black metal) Vesuvian – Emergence (szimfonikus/melodikus death/metalcore) Void King – The Hidden Hymnal (doom/stoner metal) Vralgaldr – Vralgaldr (black metal) Waldseel – Schwärzend (atmoszferikus black metal) Warfare – Respiro venganza (thrash metal) Wolf Spider – VI (technikás thrash metal) Woodanthorkh – Remoteness (black metal) Wrack – Altäre der Vergänglichkeit (black metal) Yskelgroth – Bleeding of the Hideous (black metal) Zlórtcht – Welcome to the Zlortchterhaus (black/doom/thrash metal) Zwetwezen – Infernal Demons of Lunacy (experimental black metal)
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metalmessage · 3 years
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ANTRISCH - Triumph on the stormy peak! [ Logo: Dantas Inferno ] [ Pic: Antrisch • Retouching & editing by Christian Wolf ] [ Artwork: Antrisch • Photo still is taken from the motion picture "Nanga Pargat" by Hans Ertl (1953) ] ANTRISCH cultivates in a highly original and independent way an exquisite mixture of different styles of Black Metal, skillfully mixed with parts of Doom, Djent and Dark Ambient.The group name ANTRISCH is inspired by the world-famous South Tyrolean mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner, who published the dialectical term 'antric light' - which stands for 'strange, secretly, uncanny' and simply fits perfectly to the atmospheric music of the Würzburg hopefuls. LINE-UP: Maurice Wilson • Vocals Robert Falcon Scott • Guitars Отто Шмидт • Bass Игорь Дятлов • Drums
Founded in 2020, ANTRISCH with their highly charismatic ATMOSPHERIC BLACK METAL explore the inner world, which allows for the wide range of expressions that the human spirit is capable of bringing forth from the inner life.In addition, the outer world is also thematized in an equally sophisticated and no less gripping way, whereby the profound formation essentially deals with the vast landscapes and the captivating forces of nature, which have been experienced in the most extreme way by some daredevils through past, historical expeditions to the most extreme landscapes of the world. 45° 49′ 57″ N, 6° 51′ 52″ O On April 8, the intrepid visionaries around guitarist and main composer Robert Falcon Scott rope all inclined listeners along to experience a musical and lyrical expedition to the heights of the world and the depths of man with the sensational debut EP "EXPEDITION I : Dissonanzgrat". TRACKS: 01. Aufbruchsignale 06:46 02. Seilschaftargwohn 04:42 03. Stirnschlag 05:21 04. Firnfeldkonfrontation 04:53 05. Gipfelfieber 05:50total: 27:32 DISCOGRAPHY: 2021 • EXPEDITION I : Dissonanzgrat (EP) ANTRISCH is available for interviews via email PR: https://www.metalmessage.de/Promotion_ANTRISCH_en.php MEDIA FEEDBACK: 5 / 5 "The extreme and unforgiving landscape is captured perfectly, whilst capturing a wide range of complex, adrenaline fueled and fear driven emotions … you are left with a constant chill down your spine, as it feels like the band gave carved out the grim, isolated and chilling atmosphere out of a glacier … distinctly unique … carefully calculated and executed perfectly … stunning debut …" (Fjordhammer) etc.
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projectmetalmusic · 3 years
Project Metal Across The Pond (July 22nd 2021)
Project Metal Across The Pond (July 22nd 2021)
On this week’s episode of Project Metal Across The Pond With Ell Yong, I will be playing: EDELLOM, Eldingar, Empire De Mu, On Atlas’ Shoulders, Hate, Karmic Link, Elias Bertini, ELEPHANT TREE, ENDLESS CHAIN, Ene, Entierro, Eonian, JASON PAYNE, Aspidium, VENGEFUL GHOUL, Varicella, RON COOLEN, VELVET OCEAN, Antrisch, Anonymus, Relinquished, Aeren, Affasia and Skid Row. If I have time, I will add…
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metalindex-hu · 2 years
Antrisch – Új expedíciójára indulnak
Antrisch – Új expedíciójára indulnak - https://www.femforgacs.hu/antrisch-uj-expediciojara-indulnak/ -
Hamarosan újabb expedíciójára indul az atmoszférikus black metalt játszó német Antrisch. A csapat 2021-es EXPEDITION I : Dissonanzgra című EP-je után újabb kalandra invitál minket. Április 7-én megjelenő Expedition II: Die Passage című albumukon ezúttal Sir John Franklin utolsó expedíciójának két hajójának, a HMS Terror és a HMS Erebus útvonalát követik nyomon a kanadai sarkvidék Északnyugati átjárójában. Csatlakozz te is e bátor úthoz, ami a fagy végzetes birodalmába vezet. Az irány: észak 51° 30′ 15′′, nyugat 0° 7′ 35′′, aminek betájolásához máris itt van I Festgefroren daluk.
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