#Anya Kouro
flemmboyant · 1 year
 jolly @norabee tagged me to do a thing where i  post five songs i listen to and then tag ten followers  but idk if i have 10 people to tag hm
 jedina (uzurlikurli) - idoli
 (anya kouro)  地獄小僧 - ningen isu
in the branches - the builders and the butchers
electric demons in love - electric six
answering the phone* (bonus track) - the mountain goats
honorary mention: gears of the atom man - angels of liberty
tagging (but only if u want) @arkatrine @batfilledsky @cvrc11 @definitelynotacursedsword @yondamoegi  @motherfuckerltd @n00bkanaya @briebo-has-writers-block and whoever else wants to idk
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shoujoromancelove · 4 years
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my-monochrome-feels · 7 years
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flyingmanga · 7 years
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Anya Kouro by Takagi Shigeyoshi
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arsnovacadenza · 2 years
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Just to clarify one thing: I never intend to bash Maya.
Long-lived crush on Kazuki aside, I greatly appreciate the bond that they had. Maya had been a great support all those five years Kazuki was coping with having Soushi taken away from again. They had the sweetest moments in Fafner Exodus (baring a few....scenes that made me feel like Maya's characterization was taking a concerning turn. I agree with @lady-byleth) and Kazuki being sweet with the girls close to him is one of the reasons why he's so endearing. Hell, I laugh along when people joke that he's got an untended harem full of women. Reminds me of Athrun, another favorite character of mine.
But the (not actually random) ship tease with Maya at the end of The Beyond makes me feel like it's an absolute cop-out. Do I want to say it's queerbaiting rearing its ugly head? Kinda, sorta but at the same time not really. They've practically erased every meaningful beat of Kazuki's relationship with the two Soushis, so unless Behind the Line delivers that killing blow, I'm holding out hope.
On the other hand....
......I wish I could root for Maya, and I do want the best for her, but to set her up as a second choice because Soushi's out of the picture just like that....well
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I don't mean Maya's the bitch. She's just been consistent with her crush on Kazuki. So is Kazuki asking her to come with him because he also extended the same gesture to Canon in an alternate continuity (THAT WAS SWEET, YO. THAT HAD WEIGHT. PUNCHED ME RIGHT IN THE KOKORO WHEN CANON DIED).
The bitch is how The Beyond wraps up Soushi and Kazuki's arc and how Kazuki copes with the aftermath. What's disappointing is all of this buildup to Kazuki and Soushi's (and by extension Kosoushi's) relationship for the last...I don't know, two whole-ass-seasons and two freaking movies (It was there in Left of Right) and all we get is Kazuki getting told "ya Soushi's dead. Get over it" by Kosoushi and then yeeting himself off the island, which.....kinda makes sense considering he did show a desire to see stuff outside the island. I'm not even gonna start with that ship-teasingly promise to Maya (the scene even used the firefly symbolism from Anya Kouro) to return and then just yeets himself from Kosoushi's life. What, are you not going to attempt rebuilding a relationship with Kosoushi? The kid you'd been raising like a son?
But man, speaking of Maya I feel like they've done dirty in The Beyond. This is probably just me, but I was genuinely heartbroken seeing her go from a cheerful, thoughtful, genuinely sweet girl who deeply cares for Kazuki while respecting his bond with Soushi (make of that what you will) to an obviously depressed, deadpan woman with too much burden on her shoulders (I can't tell if it's the killing from Exodus that made her that way or if the altered mental state while piloting Fafner spilled over to her personality). At least, at least give her an arc that has her trying to recover and rebuild her life (that's not just settling with Kazuki). You know, some sort of believable development?
She had been my favorite female character, next to Seri and now Canon. But watching The Beyond was just....ugh
That is all. Thank you for coming to my nighttime TED talk.
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
Anya Kouro.
Alternative: 暗夜光路 ; Anya Kouro LoveLove ; Dark night light path(English) ; Noche oscura camino luminozo (spanish)
Description : Akimoto Yae is a cheerful - and sometimes exceedengly loud - girl who secretly always watches her sempai Ayase, who rides the same train as her. For some reason, Ayase always sits in the same seat, holding the same book, opened at the same page. His hands never try to turn to the next page. One day, Ayase accidentally drops the book, which comes as a chance for Akimoto to talk to him. Much to her surprise, he isn't interested in having the book returned, and gives it to her. As Akimoto tries to overcome her mild aversion for printed texts - which causes her to sleep if she doesn't read the lines aloud - and read the book, she hopes to get closer to Ayase, who has reasons of his own to be aloof. #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/anya-kouro_1584420735.html
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shoujoc · 5 years
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Anya Kouro
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tinypaperflower · 8 years
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magic-shoujo · 8 years
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my-monochrome-feels · 7 years
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fenrhi · 3 years
Um I just made up the name “Firefly Moon” because there’s a buncha fireflies around the moon at the end of the OP.
Also today I learned for fireflies also means “passion”. I had thought that they were the souls of the dead.
Yeah I agree with the footsteps being more the last moments of EXO rather than Anya Kouro, though.
The “ships passing in the night” isn’t Fafner, rather a phrase meaning “two people who cross paths, maybe sharing a few words with each other, only to separate shortly and continue on their way, never to see each other again.”
I had thought about the ED “Why” lyrics from Fafnerophile: “Why do we meet, draped in sadness? Aware of our feelings as we pass each other.”
oh ok, red moon is just red moon then
thank you for explaining the phrase “ships passing in the night”. I’m learning a lot of things today!
I listened to “Why” by Angela before answering this ask. Unsurprinsingly, it gave me soukazu feels
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
Film Girl.
Alternative: フィルムガール ; 艺能少女 ; 藝能少女 ; Anya Kouro ; FILM GIRL โลกสดใสของยัยจืดชืด (Thai) ; Wonderful Cafe ; Wonderful Cafe ni Youkoso
Description : From CoyoMoose: Nakamura Mei is a very simple high school girl. While at a cafe with her friends, they bump in to -none other than- the model Shirou's table. Mei apologizes and that's when Shirou notices something. Grabbing her he takes her outside with him and reveals that Mei was once a kids model - and that he's her idol-otaku!? Also included are two short stories in vol. 2: • Wonderful Cafe ni Youkoso • Anya Kouro #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/film-girl_1584422523.html
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bluesandpinks · 9 years
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my-monochrome-feels · 7 years
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