#Anyway things that can only happen to weegies
jeffersonhairpie · 7 months
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Wound up at the pub where Roman tells Eduardo that he wants to lick his neck and then they agree to buy the wrong football team together. Love and light 💚
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skinks · 3 years
okay im worried..... ive been thinking about getting my masters at glasgow uni.... why does glasgow suck? (im from the us)
Oh man lmao you’ll probably be fine, this is more just petty reasoning from the perspective of a native Scottish person who happens to hate cities. you’d probably see it very differently and it wouldn’t affect you in the same way. basically;
first off, it’s a city. I don’t like being in cities, but unless you’re from a very small town in the us you’ll perhaps think it’s quaint. but to me glasgow is ugly and grey and boring and loud and I only tolerate it long enough to go to gigs since bands neglect to go anywhere else in this damn country so I gotta spend £60 on a train ticket and miss half the main act because the last train home again is at like 10:45pm. that’s Glasgow’s fault, so jot that down
the main thing is, glaswegians act like glasgow is the be all, end all of this entire country. they act like scotland = glasgow and glaswegian culture/attitude/accent = scotland. they act like any issue that affects glasgow also affects the rest of the country in the same ways, and similarly they act like any problems/good things happening in the rest of the country just don’t count because it’s not happening in glasgow. this is reflected by a huge bias both in major media and politics because our main tv/newscasting stations are in glasgow and our nation’s leader is from glasgow. glaswegian interests are made the forefront of the entire country and unless you’re from Edinburgh or MAYBE Aberdeen, the rest of us may as well not exist.
and ohhhhh my god if I have to see one more video that’s like “haha scottish accents are gibberish 🤪” and the person is literally always just a glaswegian…… bro…. the rest of us don’t sound like Limmy or Merida from Brave it’s so fucking embarrassing to be represented to the rest of the internet by weegies and weegies alone. this bullshit that’s been going around
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JUST BECAUSE A WEEGIE CANNY SAY IT DOESNT MEAN THE REST OF US CANNY SPEAK PROPERLY!!!!! “things scottish people struggle to say” YOU MEAN WEEGIES. WEEGIES STRUGGLE. WEEGIES =/= ALL SCOTTISH PEOPLE oh my god I can say this dumb phrase easily. Worst accent EVER
anyway. you’ll be fine at uni at least you can get the train elsewhere on your days off
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #864: The Disco King (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
6:45 p.m. at Smash Mansion, Outsode of Luigi and Daisy's Bedroom......
Daisy: (Flexing her Muscles in Front of the Mirror Door While Wearing a Female Berserk Outfit) Heh Heh!~ Still got it. (Gives Both of her Muscles a Kiss Each Before Calling Out to Luigi) How's the costume going in your department, babe?
Luigi: (Inside the Bedroom) Pretty good! Just need to finish the final touched....aaand....Done!
Daisy: Sweet! You ready to come out here and show me whatcha got?
Luigi: Yeah. I'm still not sure if it'll look nearly as good as yours though....
Daisy: Oh come on, 'hon. You're being too modest again. I'm sure your costume is gonna look great this year.
'Door Open'
Daisy: Hell, it might even look better than mi- (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock at What is in Front of Her) OH... MY GOD!
Luigi smiles sheepishly and shyly while wearing a green, disco like attire.
Luigi: This.... isn't too much, is it?
Daisy: (Almost at a Loss For Words) Luigi, you look amazing.......The clothes....the shoes...the hair! Where did you get all of this?
Luigi: Professor E. Gadd gave it to me back when I was at the hotel two years ago. I wore this as a disguise to infiltrate the ghost party at the disco ball room. And....since I was given "Disco King" as my codename, I had to prove the title is real by disco dancing for three and a half minutes. Which was kind of pretty fun to do in hindsight.
Daisy: That is so cool and hot at the same time......
Luigi: Really? I figured you would find all of this lame and boring.
Daisy: Are you kidding? I love Disco! We used to throw those kinds of parties back at my kingdom, when I was a little munchkin. Been in love with the culture ever since....('Click Tongue') Ah man....
Luigi: What's wrong?
Daisy: If I'd knew you would be wearing that for Halloween this year, I could've brought a disco costume of my own a long time ago. We could've been known as the King and Queen of Disco Dancing! And I could've wore a sick afro!
Luigi: You would look pretty groovy in a afro......(Smiles Softly) But I'm sure we can wear it together some other time. For what it's worth, I think you already look amazing in the costume you're wearing right now.
Daisy: You think so? It's a costume I usually wear for Dungeons & Dragons night with the ladies. (Begins to Smile Proudly While Showing Off her Muscles) Not to brag or anything, but I just so happen to be the only, strongest Berserker of the entire party.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) I can tell. Your muscles are looking better than ever.
Daisy: Thanks, sweetie~ I knew my workout routine would pay off eventually.
Luigi: Well, you are the strongest princess I know after all.
Daisy: (Smiles Bashfully) Weegie, you're giving me too much credit here~ I'm sure there's like a ton of other girls in the world that are lot stronger than I am.
Luigi: Yeah, but....(Holds Up Daisy's Hand While Giving her a Bit of a Seductive Smirk on his Face) You'll always be my #1~ (Starts Kissing the Top of Daisy's Hand)
Daisy: (Giggles Ticklishly by Luigi's Kisses Before Pulling him Into a Tango Like Position) C'mere, you!~
The princess is about to give her man a kiss on the lips. When suddenly......
'Gopsel Keyboard'
Dedede: (Comes Out Of his Room With a Slug Like Figure While Singing Wearing his Preacher's Cloak and an Elvis Wig) YEEAHEH YEAHEYEAHE YEAH! YEAHEYEAHEYEAH! YEAHEYEAHEYEAHEE YEEEEEEEEAAAAH!
Daisy: (Eyes Widened at What is In Front of Her and Luigi) Dedede?
Luigi: Are you..... Dressed as Elvis?
Dedede: Close. I'm a Preacher NAMED Elvis. I was debating which of the two I wanna be this year for Halloween until I say....(Sings While the Slug Plays the Keyboards Again) WHY NOT BOOOOOOOOTTTTTH!!!~ Praise the one and only Elvis Dedede!
?????: Amen.
Daisy: (Points at the Slug) Hey, who's that?
Dedede: My partner & crime, Escargoon.
Escargoon: (Smiles Brightly at the Couple) Pleased to meet ya lovely folks today.
Luigi: Ah yeah.... Dedede told me about you a while ago. (Happily Pulls his Hand Out For a Handshake) It's so nice to finally meet you in person.
Escargoon: (Gives Luigi the Handshake) Likewise. Love the costumes by the way. Couldn't decide which one is my favorite already.
Dedede: Yeah. I have to agree. Y'all look good.
Daisy: Why, thank you~ (Starts Flexing While Speaking in a Manly Like Voice) I AM KNOWN AS THE STRONGEST BERSERKER OF ALL THE LANDS AND SEAS!!! (When Back to Smiling Brightly While Hugging Luigi From Behind) And this here is my handsome Disco King!~
Luigi: (Smiles Sheepishly Again) I-I wouldn't exactly call myself a king or anything, but....I am pretty groovy!~ Speaking of which, what are you dressed as, Mr. Escargoon?
Escargoon: I'm Joe Esposito. Elvis's manger and right hand man. It's not much, but....I think it suits me pretty well. It's a lot better than the first costume the former sire suggested me to wear
Dedede: (Glares at Escargoon) Ah come on, now. Being a T-Rex isn't so bad.
Escargoon: (Glares Back at the Former King) Dedede, I am not gonna wear a T-Rex costume just to make your Elvis Preacher impression look more good than it already was. Did you forget that I literally have no legs?
Dedede: Then you can just wear the head. It wouldn't be any problem with that.
Escargoon: Yeah, expect for the fact that I couldn't see anything clearly out of it! I mean, seriously, how much does it cost anyways? $1000?
Dedede: (Slowly Starts Looking Away in Silence) ....................
Escargoon: (Eyes Widened) Oh my god. You actually spent money that stupid thing? Why!?
Dedede: (Went Back into Glaring at Escargoon) Hey, that costume ain't stupid! And the only reason I brought it was because it looks interesting!
Escargoon: What? You thought about wearing it for yourself or somethin'?
Dedede: NO!........ Probably. But that's beside point!
Escargoon: (Facepalms While Groaning) ('Ugggh') You are SO impossible to deal with all the time.....(Turns to the Couple Behind Him) Has he always been this stubborn to you guys?
Daisy: Oh yeah. Big time.
Luigi: Almost at a daily basis even.
Dedede: (Immediately Glares at the Duo) TRAITORS!
Escargoon: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Hey, don't blame them for speaking the truth. I bet everyone else in this mansion will say the same.
Dedede: HUSH UP! You know what? Forget y'all! (Angrily Walks Way) I'mma go downstairs and show everyone on my swagger on my own! PEACE!
Escargoon: (Watches Dedede Walk Away While Walking) Once a spoiled brat, always a spoiled brat......(Turns Back to the Duo with a Soft Smile) Thanks for looking out for him for me. It means a lot that you care.
Daisy: No problem, man. Annoying as he is, he's still family.
Luigi: Always.
Rest in Peace Elvis Presley & Joe Esposito
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mayoprty · 5 years
Here's something I wrote
(Mario) The legend of the crystal star shards ~ARC~ Written by Sean O’Sullivan Book 1 of 6
Hello Pisano’s and residents of the Mushroom Kingdom, Sasarilla land, oh and of course the Bean Bean kingdom! It’s a ‘me Luigi, player two, the green bean machine. Anyway today is a very important day as you should all know. It’s the 64th anniversary of the Mushroom Kingdom today. I thought I’d take advantage of this moment to tell you a story. A story about a mustachio man known as Mario (My brother). My brother and I, 20 years ago defeated Bowser, the evil yellow mutant turtle monster, who sported a hefty spiked shell on his scaly back and a sharp, narrow ended tail lined with spikes; trust me I know, and set peace all over the Mushroom Kingdom and all other universes out there. Sit tight this is going to take a while and feel free to eat all the Mushcorn you all want but make sure you save some for me! But without further ado here’s the story of the legend of the crystal shards...
Chapter 1
A blast from the past!
40 years ago...
It was dark and gloomy the night Bowser was doomed to fall. The floor was fully lit by bright amber fire and the harsh hint of anguish. With help from Bombet, Goombario, Watt and so many others, Bowser saw his decline into failure once again. “I’ll get you one day brothers no matter what it takes I’ll come back so powerful there will be no turning back for help! Bwahhhhhhh!” Bowser screamed falling for what seemed as an eternity. Next to Mario, across the stage, stood his loyal brother and the pink wearing princess. “Incredible! Well done you defeated that tyrant once again!!” They both shouted applauding. Goombario looked up to Mario's side, “Well congrats Mario but I have feelings that that monster will rise again and terrorise us to wits end!” Said Goombario quivering with fear. “Well,” Mario said, “he’ll have to do it without this stupid stick!” Continued Mario snapping the crystal shard star rod into teeny tiny little pieces never to be used again.
Or so he thought….
Chapter 2
A late wakeup call
20 years later...
“Beep beep beep!” Went Luigi’s alarm clock. It was 9:30 on a Saturday morning. The sun was shining bright as usual. The grass was a lush shade of green slightly yellowed by the turning of autumn. Leaves fell of trees to then be shot up in the air by the twirling wind.
There in the middle of the leaves, was a small hut with wood-like lining across the roof. The wood was bark brown and hat even darker grooves engraved, spiralling, spindling around. The hut sported a stand out sign with 5 big red words upon it. ‘M’ ‘A’ ‘R’ ‘I’ and ‘O’ sat on it flush with the metal plate it sat on. The words shone as bright as the deep red moons of the far west of the kingdom.
Inside the calm, isolated, small hut, laid one brother in his light blue nightcap and his light green PJ’s. The hat had darker blue stars with a yellow ring surrounding. The brim was silver, the only thing separating his from Mario’s. He snored loudly and tuned over. He bonked his head on his side counter what’s wood matched the exterior, carved to perfection.
This made Luigi sit up and wipe his eyes. He then took a glance at the alarm clock. “Arg slept in again hopefully there’s nothing important going on today” said Luigi stretching and sleepily walking over to his calendar. “Saturday the 22nd!” Luigi shouted mouth wide open. “Mama Mia! Were late, Mario MARIO!” Luigi continued running into Mario’s room half dressed. Mario sat up with a start and looked around. ”What were we ... oh Weegi don’t do that what’s wrong bro?” Said Mario still a bit startled by the abrupt end to his dream. Luigi sat down on the side of Mario’s bed looking concerned. “Mario you don’t remember it’s the 44th anniversary of the Mushroom Kingdom!!!”Said Luigi still shouting. Mario’s face changed instantly. Oh crumbs, Weegi get dressed and meet me at the door.” Mario said jumping out of bed.
Chapter 3
Expected Visitors
Not too far away outside Princess Peach’s castle, all the residence of the Mushroom Kingdom were arriving to the ceremony and were greeted by the Princess herself, Peach. “Ah the Mario brothers late as usual nothing new there but they have to hurry up I have to shut the gates soon.” Peach said looking disappointed. Out from the behind of the Princess a small elderly Toad stuck out his head; it was Toadsworth looking worried “The Mario brothers aren’t going to make it at this rate” said Toadsworth looking down.
Back outside Mario’s house Luigi, wearing his flashy green T-shirt and blue overalls, stood outside impatiently. “Mario hurry up were going to be even later then we already are!” Said Luigi shouting up the stairs to Mario. All of a sudden the door swung open and almost hit Luigi on the nose.” Watch were your swinging that door Mario you startled me!” Said Luigi shocked. “Come on Weegi lets ‘a’ go!” Shouted Mario calling Luigi.
5 minutes past and finally the castle was in sight.
The streets were filled with flowers and banners. Everyone was hyped up for the occasion. The streets were lined with flowers petals and leaves that had fallen from their beholder. Mario, being the nostalgia driven guy he is, ran to the overhang of NorthToad Town Bridge. It was a beautiful sight that even drew Mario to a tear. However Luigi was a tad bit inpatient and shoved his red wearing brother. “Come on bro the ceremony has started! Stop daydreaming!” Luigi proclaimed. The cool air shot the leaves spiralling, brushing the brother’s overalls like a ghost’s hand. “Hmm? Oh yes lets ago bro!” Mario shouted whilst jumping in a puddle and running chasing the wind.
In no time, the bros were closing on the entrance. “PRINCESS!” shouted Mario and Luigi waving their hands to signal the Princess. It must have worked as Peach waved back and she greeted the brothers inside. “What took you so long?” asked Peach. “Just living up to name, always late!” Said Mario chuckling to himself. “Well you’re not wrong there but please be on time next time.” Said Toadsworth shuffling uncomfortably.
Chapter 4
The unexpected visitor
About 5 uninterrupted hours into the celebrations, the residence of the Mushroom Kingdom was just tiding up when the sky turned a gloomy, dingy shade of grey and all the clouds in the sky turned coal black. “Huh? By Toadsworth’s moustache what happened to the sky?” Asked Peach. An electric light blue lightning bolt hit the centre of the stage.” Mama Mia, wait there’s something wrong here there’s thunder but there’s no rain!” Shouted Luigi pointing at the struck stage. All of a sudden a black hole appeared above the stage and Bowser popped out and snatched the Princess and Luigi. “WHAT?! NO!” shouted Mario reaching out to Peach.
“Bwahhahahahaaaaaaaa!” Said Bowser roaring, “stupid Mario brothers I can’t believe you haven’t enforced an attack /defence plan like come on I expect more from such ‘amazing characters’ well I’ve got the princess and your brother want em come get em!” Continued Bowser.
The black hole disappeared back into the sky with a bang so loud it shook the ground. “Oh no!” Shouted Mario. He was still shocked looked around to see what damage was caused. Mario and the swarm of crowds in the ruins of the Mushroom Kingdom investigated, Mario looked in horror lands he once ventured were now in utter ruins Mario began thinking whom could he go to? His brother’s whereabouts mystery and where the Princess is. All of a sudden Mario’s pocket vibrated it was his Dualscream, as he picked it out he’d realised he had put on Luigi’s overalls instead of his own, he sighed answering E.gadd’s call.
Chapter 5
An Ally once forgotten.
“Yello E.gadd.” Said Mario answering. “Oh it’s you my boy it’s been to long how’s it going?” Asked E.gadd. Mario sat down on a piece of debris and answered “DIDNT YOU SEE THAT MASSIVE BLACK HOLE APEAR OUT OF THE SKY!?” Asked Mario shouting because he could not believe that E.gadd was asking such a stupid question. “Calm down sunny don’t get your overalls in a twist I only meant to a sure you didn’t get sucked up into it any way where’s Luigi I called to tell him about my new invention but your Mario don’t you need to be saving the Princess now?” Said E.gadd. “The Princess, wait an invention what is it?” Asked Mario. “Well sunny this invention might be the answer to your problems, come see me in my lab we’ll speak then.” Said E.gadd. Full of anticipation, Mario shut the Dualscream and started his voyage to E.gadd lab.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*insert chapter 6*name*here~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter 6
E.gadd’s lab
After a bit of running, Mario, panting slightly as he is not used to running this fast, came to Luigi’s creepy forgotten mansion he “won” back in 2003. “Wow I can’t believe I was sucked into a painting and held prisoner by that blasted King Boo 15 years ago!” Said Mario shocked by how long it’s been,” it’s still creepy doe” Continued Mario.
Mario looked around to see a familiar looking lab; it was there bright as day. E.gadd’s lab. It was a small well lit bunker full of great inventions. Mario walked up to the door and performed his traditional knock. “Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.” Mario played with his knuckle. After couple of seconds, a short almost bald man in a scientist coat and funny clown shoes answered the door.
“Ah sonny, come in!” Said the short, trench coat wearing man. Mario was greeted by E.gadd, the Mushroom Kingdoms one and only scientist who helped in his brothers deep and dark adventure to rescue his brother all them years ago. E.gadd rushed Mario inside his lab. Mario was amazed on how much science a guy can fit in one room. There were clear test tubes all over the place with transparent tubing attached to the ceiling. “Wow you’ve really done this place up.” Said Mario looking around at all of the pipes.” Well that’s not the reason I brought you here, come” said E.gadd pointing at a familiar looking machine. “THE ODYSSEY!” Shouted Mario running to the red top hat looking machine. The Odyssey stood tall in the only open space in the whole entire lab. It was shiny and a glossy shade of red, it looked amazing! “Impressed sunny well I added some cool new abilities to this flying machine...” E.gadd started pointing his finger to the chrome roof of the techno hut.
Chapter 7
The time Odyssey
“The Odyssey, as you said Mario, has had some incredible improvements since you last ventured in it; well get in, check it out , I did not build it as a display model for someone to take a screen capture with.” Said E.gadd pointing at the towering, red machine. Mario ran forward to his nostalgic red beast and hugged it. “Ah the adventures I had in this, good memories!” screamed Mario.
After a lot of emotional moments, Mario braised himself for the interior and walked through the bark brown door. The interior was well lit, was very nice, polished, posh, all fabulous looking. All the cushions were plumped up and floofy, all the electronics were sparkling and gleaming a metallic turquoise like the gentle blue waves that rush the world and even the old wooden table (for tea and biscuits) had been refurbished however it now sported a thick manual with a snazzy front cover of E.gadd’s smirking face. “You like it sonny?” Asked E.gadd. Mario turned around smiling, “do I like it? I LOVE IT, E.gadd you never fail to impress me.” Said Mario still beaming. “Well goodie, now comes the hard part explaining time travel see that book, open it.” Said E.gadd pointing to the book. Mario took the book and turned the first page.
Chapter 8
“Port Space”, “Buttons” and “Crystal shards?”
After a few useless introduction pages, Mario fell upon page 12. “Port Space?” Mario asked confused. E.gadd skimmed the page and gave him the answer. “Ah Port Space, yes well a very interesting topic, where do I start?” E.gadd said clearing his throat. “Well you see when there is a time travelling device present in the world, one of said Port Space holes appear.” E.gadd continued. Mario raised an eye brow and scratched his head with his red hat. “Wait so when Weegi and I fell in to that warp hole back in 2007ish, that was a Port Space hole!?” Shouted Mario dumfounded by these scientific terms. “Yes correct well our understanding on port space is very different than what is was 11 years ago, so if you shall fall down one you’ll be stuck there until the time travelling device moves and were ever it moves to said thing will also go there so be CAREFUL ok.” Said E.gadd. Mario (dumfounded still) nodded and turned the page.
“Oh and did I mention that this machine can teleport as well; as you go in through the door way, like we just did, on your left you will see 3 buttons, a red one for time travelling, a yellow one for teleporting and a green one, um well I don’t exactly know what that does so don’t press it un till I do more research.” Said E.gadd. “Wait? What do you mean “more research” didn’t you build this thing?” Asked Mario. “Well when I said new project earlier I really meant a new and improved project as well this machines core is the same core as my last one I built in 2007 and I lost the blue prints but I had the Odyssey’s blue prints on hand thus the machine is born, but I’m wasting time, first destination to hut the evil Bowser down is Dinosaur Island, date 1991, I’ll make sure everything looks good then I will signify you and tell you what button to press.” Said E.gadd stepping out of the Odyssey’s silver rimed door way.
“Oh and before I go out and set up this red beast, remember that when you press the yellow button it will reset the destination and time to default but for whatever reason the destination get randomised so DON’T PRESS THE YELLOW BUTTON UNLESS I TELL YOU!!!!” Shouted E.gadd “Oh and last thing do you remember crystal shards?” Asked E.gadd. Mario stood there silent. “Oh well I guess by your muteness you don’t well these things are VERY important, the actual reason I wanted you here! These things are a sort if residual from that’s special staff you snapped all them years ago! Remember when Bowser was doomed to fall?” Asked E.gadd. Mario’s smile turned into horror. “YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!!!!!! Oh no the world is in grave danger! That rod has the power to destroy dimensions!!!”Shouted Mario extremely loud. “Yes that’s why I need to send you to the first crystal shard location! Immediately!!!!” Continued E.gadd.
Chapter 9
E.gadd stepped out of the beast of a machine and went round the back to then open a hatch that held the deep electronics. There were red wires and blue wires. “If I cross the red wire with the blue wire and shazam!” Shouted E.gadd. The Odyssey vibrated and the turbine fins started to spin excessively, the balloon inflated, as the odyssey began to ascend, Mario gazed at the world below his polished mud brown shoes, the odyssey was in the upper air and ready to be set on course to, the one and only, dinosaur island, 1991 specifically.
Now hovering like a humming bird, all that Mario had to press the right button like he was instructed to do in E.gadd’s explanation. “Ok, right, now, the important part, the right button um so...” Started E.gadd. He was cut off by noise of the sheer power of the Odyssey what was now over heating (it is not built to just simply hover.) “WHAT DID YOU SAY???”Asked Mario. “UM, PRESS THE YELL- NO NO WAIT THE RED ONE!!!”Stuttered the short scientist E.gadd.
Mario did what first hit his ears. From inside the anxious brother sat down as the Odyssey shook. However E.gadd had accidentally said the wrong colour button! The Odyssey shrunk and pulled against Mother Nature’s walls and disappeared into the unknown. “Oh no, oh no oh no.” Said E.gadd looking spooked out. “This is terrible!! What will the Mush-people say!?” E.gadd said shaking slightly. The Odyssey was sent spiralling into grave danger...
... Miles away
A long, long way away, the odyssey was tumbling through time. It had been at least 5 minutes since Mario saw life and ground other than the odyssey and himself. “AHHHHHH SOME ONE HALP MEEE!!!!” Screamed Mario holding on to his hat like his life depended on it. Mario didn’t care, he wanted to escape, he has had enough. “GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!” Shouted Mario pleading for his life clutching his beloved red hat.
Like someone was listening, there was a thud that shook the odyssey and caused Mario to fall. Mario, after straitening his hat, hopped up and hobbled over to the window. He saw a vast, lush green field covered in flowers; however everything seemed off. Everything was slightly hexagonal and symmetric. The trees, the plants, the bird, everything. “Were in the sweet peperoni am I? “Asked Mario scratching his forehead. Mario was miles away from his pasta and human civilisation. “E.GADD! You messed it up! You said the wro…” Started Mario. He was cut off by a vibration in his overall’s right pocket. It vibrated 3 times then its ringtone kicked in. Mario knew in an instant, it was E.gadd. His face lit up with cardinal shade and his face twitched slightly.
Chapter 11
E.gadd’s explanation
Mario took the Duelscream (still vibrating violently) and flipped over the lid and answered. “Yello E.gadd how’s the sending me to the wrong place going huh?” Asked Mario sarcastically slightly razing his tone of voice to show his temper has run out of fuse. “Um about that, so sorry about that sunny I may have said the wrong button but where are you?” Asked E.gadd. Mario looked up from the 3ds and looked back.” Err um well err jeez I dunno you tell me! I didn’t see this in the koopa blasting book!” Said Mario. “Ok ok well what does the landscape look like Mario?” Said E.gadd continuing to ask questions. “Ok so everything is hexagonal! And it’s so over exaggerated in colour a kid koopa could colour better, there’s no shading!” Said Mario answering E.gadd.
There was a moment of silence; even E.gadd was puzzled by this description. Finally he spoke. “Wow um ok it seems you’re in another dimension or somewhere over the Rainbow Road!” Concluded E.gadd. Mario’s jaw dropped to the ground. He dropped the 3DS like it was garbage. It fell with a small thud. “YOU WHAT!!!!!!!!!! YOUR TELLING, ME……..” Started Mario. He finished his sentence early because of something he saw out of the corner of his eye. “Um… I’ll call you back.” Mario hesitated hanging up. He closed the Duelscream and popped it in his back overall pocket and walked towards the red oak door.
Chapter 12
The blue blur
“Who’s there?” asked Mario trembling; one hand on his hat and one on the Odyssey’s door. There was no answer. Mario slowly edged the door open. There was someone there, but no human or anything close. He wasn’t very tall only about 4”9. He was blue a very rich blue in fact. He had rose red shoes tinted with one yellow buckle outlined with White. Mario’s eyes moved up the blue things body. He was slim and had a good 15+ year old build. Mario’s eyes met the blue creature. He had a longish pointed nose (black) and emerald green eyes unmissable some would say.
“S... Sonic?” Asked Mario eyes wide open like a door. “That’s me alright! What brings you here Chum it’s not time for the Olympics yet it’s only been like 2 years!” Sonic smiling, “but any way what’s going on man?” Continued Sonic giving Mario a light hit on the shoulder. Mario, still stunned, said, “Um hard question I kinda, just maybe time/teleported here with the Odyssey! Oh wait you don’t know what that is well it is basically a time machine, look it’s behind me!” Sonic stood there starring into Oblivion. “Well ya kinda lost me at the word time bro, but hmm… let me see… ah! I know! Lemme show this to a lil buddy of mine. He’ll know what the heck this thing is.” Said Sonic winking. Sonic and Mario stepped off the Odyssey’s blinding white, fenced front porch and headed to somewhere Mario had never been...
Chapter 13
A foxes hut
After a longish walk across the vast lush fields of, where ever they were, Sonic and Mario came across a smallish wooden hut totally isolated from anything other than itself. The hut looked on east to a roll of hexagonal hills. It had a small edge part, like a garage, which had a spikey point roof made out of sleek metal. Sonic stepped up to the door and knocked gently on the fragile looking door. “Ay foxy boy! I’ve brought a friend!” Said Sonic smirking. There was a light pitter patter on the other side of the door. A small yellow fox with two long Tails and shiny blue eyes opened the door. “Sonic how many times do I have to tell u don’t call me... Oh Mario? Good to see you? Um how did u get on the lost hex?” The fox asked. Mario smiled, he knew who this was immediately. “Tails! Good to see you too well now I got here somehow well how’s bout I come in and explain everything.” Said Mario. Tails nodded and turned around, Tails flailing in the light breeze, and led them inside.
After allot of explaining
“Oh so your here by mistake! I get it so I have no idea on how you’re going to get home I...” Said Tails getting cut off by a vibration in Mario’s pocket. Mario got out the 3ds and answered. “Yello E.gadd I know where I am! I’m in a place called...” started Mario. “The lost hex I know I searched the position of the Odyssey! Apparently there’s a crystal shard nearby!” Said E.gadd Enlighted by this remark. “What how the hex did one get here?” Asked Mario. “No clue ill update your maps on your 3ds, open the sensory director and press maps you will find all you need! Got that?” asked E.gadd. Mario did what was instructed and opened maps to see a glowing red dot. “Okay I see the marker or location you marked!” Said Mario. “Ok well go there; call me when you are there toodles!” Said E.gadd finishing the call. “Well it seem we need to get there quick these shards sound important!” Said Tails not questioning who the old man was on the other side of the screen. Mario looked up and noticed something over the hill outside. “Um I didn’t know shadow knew I was here to.” Said Mario confused. “Wah???” Said Sonic and Tails simultaneously.
Chapter 14
The black blur?
Mario saw right there was shadow on the hill. “What’s he doin up there?” Asked Sonic. Tails, Sonic and Mario ran out of the hut to confront him. “Ay what’s up shads how’s G.U.N going and the president is safe?” Asked Sonic winking at shadow. Out of no were, Shadow whips out his wispon blue pump shotgun and points it at Sonics nose. “I swear to Omega if you call me that ever again I’ll shove this up your damn nose kupish?!” Said Shadow all edgy. “Ay ay chill shadow I’m joking wat brings you here?” Asked Sonic. Shadow shuffled uncomfortably. “Well umm I saw a machine thing it looks like a top hat do any of you know what it is?” Asked shadow still oblivious of Mario’s presence.
Mario spoke up, “Oh yes that will be fine that’s how I got here it’s a time machine or teleporter or I don’t even know!” Said Mario. Shadow (now noticing Mario) rolled his eyes and dismissed it. “Fine we’re are you going then huh?” Asked Shadow. “Oh um actually we could use your chaos power I have a plan!” Said Tails pointing at the garage like side add on to the hut. “Oh so you’re hinting on using MY chaos power to get to where YOU want. Right?” Said Shadow looking in disgust, “Oh forget it just get out of my face, what do you want me for and where is it you’re going? If it has to do with that Egg head, sign me up.” Continued shadow.
Tails scratched his head and shuffled forward. “Well you see my trackers have seen a sudden black spired building appear. My thought is that Eggman has been camping out there and what I have worked out from Mario’s explanation on why he’s here leads me to believe there’s foreign power sources in action!” Tails shouted all hyper. Mario’s face sunk in at the sudden realization of the crystal shard power and its possible effects to his friendly rival’s world. “We need to eradicate this immediately!” Bellowed Mario taking off his hat and brushing his hair.
Shadow nodded. And played with the ring circling his thin wrist. Tails run past the wonderers and rushed back into the desolate hut. He grabbed a pile of jingling metal cut to perfection. The metal was attached to a photo of Tails and sonic at Sonics last birthday. He clutched it and went towards the left wall. He shoved into it and the wall shifted slightly exposing the content of the side room. He smiled and lifted the door of the room. Everyone herd the rusty door snap upwards and swivelled round. “Come quick fellows, we must foil Eggman’s plan before he does something stupid!” Tails waved and shouted. They swivelled shrugged their shoulders and walked forward. Mario adjusted his bright, saturated hat, took a deep breath and looked at his furry companions once again.
Chapter 15
A tornado of preparations
In no time the legends where suited up for the “plan”. Tails grabbed his helmet and brown googles and looked Mario dead in the eye. Mario dazed back and his eyes darted left to look main part of this plan.
Tails’ plane, tornado 2, had a grand back wing showing off its harsh eye bleeding yellow and blue colour palette. It shone really bright in the sun’s refraction. It stuck out like a sore thumb. It was sleek and fin down to the cot pit where it thickened to fit the furry ally. Next to the cot pit was a broad span of two sliced wings with a hook-up on both lined with red and green like lights that’s purpose was to warn the opposition of their presence. At the tip top was a flailing thin propeller that span round like a tornado hence the name. The propellers where polished and a bright shiny platinum that shot light dancing.
Mario then looked back at Tails, who’s Tails where spinning implying flight. “This will be a flight of fancy!” Shouted Tails obviously happy with himself. Mario smiled and brushed his moustache. He then proceeded to put on a helmet, left to Sonic. The helmet had spikes on it with green tips and a light blue base. Mario chuckled and put it on. He tightened the straps holding it on his head.
“Well now, all suited up? Good well now safety first as always. Remember to hold on to the vessel as hard as you can because it might get bumpy!” Tails said flailing his arms in motion displaying the “travel” that will ensue. Sonic, now sporting his Team Sonic helmet, and Shadow, wearing his biker helmet (black… very black), looked to their furry companion with mixed emotions across the board. Sonic smirked, “Tails since when did I take the safety precautions?” Asked Sonic with a cocky undertone to his voice. Shadow nodded and reloaded his shotgun and cocked it upwards. “Hmm I think I’m ready, well, my gun is.” Said Shadow pointing his shotgun to the floor.
Chapter 16
Setting up for a trip of elegancy
After Tails flew over the safety precautions again, Mario cracked his knuckle and jumped into the cockpits second seat; the yellow fox followed suit but landed in the first seat. Shadow looked at his royal blue ally and scoffed at his feet. “Hmm couldn’t even find some riding shoes? Ha, mine are much better than yours.” Shadow exclaimed mocking the blue hedgehog. Sonic showed no effect and jumped on the right wing of the star platinum plane and brushed the bridge of his nose. “Hmm well I do have better shoes, I just take too much pride in my babies’.” Sonic said looking to a box full of old retro attire. Shadow sighed and jumped on the left wing what was yellow contrasting with the rest of the sapphire body. Mario straitened his hat and grinned. “Wow I haven’t rode a plain since the 1990s!” Mario chuckled in joy.
Tails put his left furry hand on the gear stick and shifted into gear 1 and the grand turbines began to spin at a high velocity, it was so fast in fact the blades looked like one solid block of white. “Hmm…I…..can…..you….?” Tails tried say but his voice was swept away by the spiralling fins. “What!!!!” Everyone shouted to no response. The garage door rose up into the sealing and contracted into the small space it originally resided.
The outside, hexagonal world stood still awaiting the plane sneaking in the cover of the shed. The sun had changed to a south west position since Mario had gone inside. It still shone bright like a lantern in the thick depths of rolling clouds. The slight wind blow brushed by Mario making his moustache twitch and bounce.
The engine roared louder as Tails turned on the gear shift assist. “Right that feels better prepare for lift off!” Tails shouted at the top of his foxy little lungs so the others could hear. All the passengers put there glove-covered thumbs up and the plane started to move out onto the overgrown drag strip that laid in front of the old garage. Mario and Tails sat back readying for lift off. Sonic and Shadow on the other hand. Turned on their high suction boots as they knew there would be trouble. “Hmm nice shoes Sonic.” Shadow smirks bending down, tapping his left shoes heel. This uncovered a secret compartment with a glimmering green emerald. It was one of the 7 legendary chaos emeralds. “Hmm I bet Eggman would prefer my shoes Sonic.” He chuckled. Sonic scoffed and shook his head. Tails cracked his knuckles. “Prepare for hyper lift!” Tails shouted.
The long awaited lift off was just about to happen when Mario noticed tiny black dots in the sky…
~~~~~~~~ (insert chapter 17 flight of fancy here) ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 17
Miles away from Tail’s hut stood a massive, ominous building; it was mat black and shiny, totally abstract from its surroundings. It was triangular and very big. It was also surprisingly hollo in the dead centre on the building. Inside the vast building devious actions were taking place. There was a massive glass, glowing, green dome hung on to the top of the building. It held the one and only Luigi! However there was something much more sinister going on inside.
Mario and his furry friends landed inside the green dome to be greeted by horror. There, withheld in the sky, hung Luigi tied up by electric blue wearing. He was unconscious. It was a scaring sight for Mario. “AHHH LUIGI I’M HERE BROTHER!!” Shouted Mario at the top of his lungs; they were on fire. There was a massive bang slightly from there left. All the heroes shook; their spines tingled like if someone was tickling them. Mario turned his head slightly to see what being belonged to the noise.
A gloomy dark shadow was casted were the noise was created. It was a figure, quite tall and top heavy. They stepped out of the dark and immediately the heroes knew who it was. He had black shiny shoes, pointy enough to stab through anything. He also had matching silky black tight trousers. Finally (on the top half) he was wearing a snazzy red waist coat, it looked very similar to the famous Mushroom Kingdom sing star, Michle Toadsaxion as like it was inspired by him. His head was averagely round besides his extremely pointy nose and bushy moustache browner than the dirt below. “EGGMAN!?” Shouted everyone with surprise.
Chapter 18
Eggman’s plan…
Everyone swivelled into an offensive position, such position that the mushroom kingdoms Nickle back would make, this couldn’t be a good sign. “AHHHH HA HA HA, HO HO HO, HEHE! Wow Sonic…. Mario? Missing your brother huh?” Asked Eggman with a sinister tone. Mario looked even more scared, “EGGMAN what have you done to him!!!” Mario shouted. Sonic stepped forward, “Now look ‘ere Eggman what do you think you are doin huh? Let’m go NOW!” He shouted. Shadow pointed his blue Wispon shotgun forward. “You really want THIS!” Shouted Shadow pointing his gun at him. Eggman flinched and raised an eye brow. “Ok then if you truly wish…” Eggman said.
He then clicked his fingers and the electric wires around Luigi disappeared. He fell. Luigi landed with a sickening, ear splitting crunch on the marble floor. He quivered and trembled. “LUUUUUIIIIIGGIIII!” Mario shouted running towards him. “Hahaha you see it’s a distraction it was all part of the plan. Tails looked up, “plan huh what is it?” He asked. Eggman stepped to the side. “This, my newest invention, the Evilinator, funded by the koopa himself.” Eggman smirked.
To the side of him was a massive cannon like shape the “Evilinator” was sleek and very black with blue cables (similar to the ones that held Luigi in the air) running down the side of it. It was definitely impressive, much more impressive than Eggman previous inventions
Luigi started to sit up, “Mario? Is that really you?” Luigi said looking up in pain. Mario grabbed and hoisted his brother up and hugged him. “Ha my plan has been set! Go evil blast!” Eggman screamed shooting the mega laser out of the invention right a helpless Luigi “Kyhaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Luigi screamed whilst getting launched backwards, twisting and tumbling through the air like a drunken plane piolet. However the beam reflected off Luigi’s left overall button and hit Shadow in the dead centre of forehead. He immediately fell unconscious. “Shadow!” Tails shouted running to his side. “Now this is too far Egghead what did that do!?” Sonic asked urgently. Luigi looked up suddenly. There was something amiss. He had changed.
Chapter 19
“Luigi?” Mario asked looking concerned. “That aint Luigi no more!” Eggman taunted scratching his nose. “What do ya mean by that Egghead?” Sonic asked also gaining concern. “Don’t you get it? EVILinator he's my evil minion now awake my evil companion!” Said Eggman continuing to taunt the team of legends. Everyone looked at Luigi and stared immensely. He looked up and his soulless eyes stared up and flickered green. His clothes has changed to a darker shade of what it was before; more sinister than Mario liked. “Mhmhmh.” Luigi chuckled under his breath. There was something menacing about this laugh. “AH HA HA he has awoken.” Shouted Eggman slightly mocking the other brother.
Luigi starts to stand up not even blinking or breaking eye focus with his brother. “Mari... nah my useless understudy, you look shocked.” Said Luigi looking devilishly at Mario and the others. “Your understudy? Bro it’s a’me Mario!” Mario said with a hint of sadness in his voice. “Mario no… who am I? I’m the ultimate Mr L!!!” Said the newly proclaimed “Mr L?” Sonic stood bewildered and scratched his nose lightly. “Luigi snap out of it you know us.” Sonic says continuing to scratch his nose. Mr L stands and steps towards Mario still never breaking focus with his brother. Mario started to step back while Sonic’s team moved forward. Shadow was still on the floor not moving. He just laid not knowing what was happening to him and the friends surrounding.
Chapter 20
Let’s battle brother
Mr L started to pick up pace, dangerously. Mario had run out of stepping back room and was at the edge of the glass, marble, green dome. Sweat trickled down his face as Mr L pinned him against the wall; He was pinned by the might of the brother’s right hand. The on-edge sonic team rushed forward trying to get to Mario. However Mr L had other ideas, he looked round and swiped his left arm in a swift, quick menacing way. He smirked, “tut, you really expect I’m going to let you help? I think not!” And he weren’t kidding, all of a sudden a beam of light shot the darers eyes.
The ground fell ablaze to a grand green stream of fire. A roaring blast of heat and hate hit the Sonic team with a sickening boom. Mario was helpless and cornered. What was Luigi’s hand blew up into flame. A sleek green surrounded and lit up Mario’s feared face. “Eh what the Toadsworth’s devil are you doing? Weegi WAKE UP!” stuttered Mario slapping Mr L in the face knocking spit out of his mouth. Mario looked at his own hand and then back at the more enraged Mr L. Luigi looked down and corrected his hat which now sported a backwards L and black highlights. He was silent. “Bro?” Mario asked concerned.
Behind the wall of flame the Sonic team listened intently. Tails looked down and adjusted his goggles, “Mario you ok?” He asked. He could not be more wrong because at that moment Luigi looked up even more evil looking than before. He slightly shook his wrists and a long sharp fire blade shot out of his right hand, and in his other, a clenched fist ready for battle. “Brother taste my blade! Let’s battle brother!” Luigi said thrusting his blade forward just missing Mario’s shoulder. Mario shivered and dodged. “AY you want a fight? I’ll give you a ride!” Mario’s hand lit up with flame; a red orange ball of power dreaded by all evil sat in his hand. “Let’s ago!”
Chapter 21
A brotherly brawl
Luigi must have knew he was going to fight competition or his reflexes had just been buffed because he reacted perfectly and jabbed his clenched fist forward and hit Mario on the nose. The impact made Mario clutch his nose and yelp. Luigi defiantly, had the upper hand. Luigi shook his wrist to get any strain and pain out of the impact response.
The Sonic team, oblivious to the utter strength and determination of Luigi, stood their ground. Sonic knew he had to do something. “MARIO buddy you ok back dere?” Asked Sonic whose level of concern was rising. Eggman, who was watching the brutal battle unfold, chuckled to himself and rubbed his nose. “Well I’ve got no reason to be here hmm toodles good luck ya furry imbeciles!” Eggman taunted. He snapped his fingers and a sleek silver hovercraft flew in threw a secret hatch that just opened up in the ceiling. “AY no way man get back here!” Tails pleaded as Eggman proceeded to escape. Eggman chuckled as he left. Something glimmered like the harsh sun on the Sahara deserts. It had an odd ridged edge texture that looked slight amber like the floral lining of princess Daisy’s dress. It fell. Like an eternal eclipse it shone tumbling through the air in an anti-clockwise motion. Silently, swiftly, slowly.
The brotherly brawl was still going. Luigi was feeling the heat as Mario had gained ground on him. “Give up Luigi come back to us, the people who care, brother... please.” Mario pleaded a bit scored and saw from the dark flames that surrounded. Luigi had no choice but to stand ground. Luigi, who is Mr L still despite Mario’s pleads, looked for an option. He had an idea.
Chapter 22
On the ropes
His brain kicked into gear. He thrusted his clenched fist forward and hit Mario dead in the stomach and then grabbed his throat. “Mario you have proven strong… but, NOT STRONG ENOUGH!” Shouted Luigi heating up the fight. The temperature was getting to hot for the dome to hold as a gaping hole preceded to open up and send the smoke flurrying through the air like a whirlwind. The floor was at a critical point of collapsing. The unseen powers sucked the atmosphere out of the dome. “Luigi…. Please ……. Stop” Mario struggled as oxygen was running out in his lungs.
Luigi shed a tear and smirked. “Now you see Mario all good things come to an end.” Mr L stated mockingly. The effect seemed to be wearing off as Luigi started to relief grip on his neck. Mario’s skin regained colour and his veins restarted to pulse. His blood flow gave him strength. “Luigi... ah... I’m going to overcome” Mario said still struggling under the pressure from his brother’s right hand. Luigi stared with little emotion.
He just stared. Still, silently, slowly the grip was let go. Mario dropped down limp. He laid in a heap of his own panic and anguish. Luigi retracted his Dina blade and knelt down. He was still smiling despite the horrific state of his brother. Mario just shook and caught his breath. He was on the ropes.
Chapter 23
Through the flames
The sonic team, on the other side, continued to watch the weightless shard tumble through the air. It was light lakipa and the sun glare shot off it in a thousand directions. One beam spiralled past the hedgehogs head and hit the green glass capsule melting another gaping hole in the ground. The glass was beginning to crumble like a rotten cookie.
The shard finally hit the ground cracking the surface. It bounced for then to land again further cracking the floor. Tails ran forward, grabbed it and started to examine.
At this moment a body wars frown through the flames. It was Luigi, chard and burnt. Followed by Mario, also burnt and sore. “Mario! Luigi! Are you ok!?” Tails shouted dropping the shard and running to the brothers sides. Mario quivered under the remaining burns that lay upon his body. Luigi just shook and moaned. “Mmmm ah!” Luigi wined clutching his nose, what now looked like a tomato. Mario rolled over and sat up rubbing his eyes with his scared bloody hands. He reached for his hat, what was lying to his left side, and grabbed it lightly; alas he dropped it. Mario was week, very week. “Tails… my… hat please.” Mario pleaded coughing up ash and soot left from the flames.
Tails looked down at Mario with sorrow and worry. He looked to the left to see the harsh remains of battle. A cut-up, black, soot coated hat with a pail carved “M” slightly elevated with a slight white lining surrounding. The back of the hat was gone, fully eradicated by harsh flame and terror. “Ooh my baby! Nooo!” Mario shouted seeing his tarnished hat. Mario sobbed loudly. Tails tossed him the hat and Mario clutched it tightly.
Luigi rolled over eyes, watering but back to the friendly heart-warming blue everyone knew so well. He lifted his head and shook his head. “M...Mario?” Luigi squirmed quivering. Mario smiled as he heard the cry out. “Luigi, brother!” Mario shouted kneeling up, shaking. Sonic, still tending to the knocked out Shadow, smiled as well. “Shadows fine, his pulse is slower than mine but he’s breathing, he must have been licked by the flame his fur is looks off to me.” Sonic said with a hint of concern in his voice. Tails looked over his shoulder and his eyes widened greatly…
0 notes
blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #688: Texting Back at Home (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Chun-Li: Hello? Samus? This is Chun-Li.
Samus: Hey. Were u able to make it home safely?
Chun-Li: Yeah. And at a neck of time too lol. What about you and Fox?
Samus: We're already back home right now. Not doing much tho. Just watching TV or whatever.
Chun-Li: Same lol. We're watching a martial art related action film featuring Fei Long.
Samus: Nice.
Samus: Wait. We?
Chun-Li: My daughter and I. Her name is Li-Fen and she means the world to me.
Chun-Li: My Precious Daughter and Me.jpg
Samus: Awwwww~ She's so precious~
Chun-Li: I know, right?~ I love her since the very first day I adopted her.
Samus: U know, I'm kind of a mom too.
Chun-Li: Really?
Samus: Yea.
Samus: Well, actually, I'm one of the moms of our huge, chaotic family.
Samus: The Entire Smash Family.jpg
Chun-Li: Awwwww~ So you and all the fighters in the tournament are a one big family?
Samus: Yup. We've been through a lot together over the years. So much so that eventually became what we are today. A family.
Samus: We've always got each other's back. Even if some of us tick us off a lot more than the others.
Chun-Li: I'm happy for all of you already. Family in general can be a wonderful thing.
Samus: I agree wholeheartedly to that fact.
Samus: I'm really glad we had the chance to meet and get to know a little about other earlier today.
Chun-Li: Me too. You and Fox seem like really nice people.
Chun-Li: It made me really happy to hear your friend say that I was an inspiration to him.
Chun-Li: It was really sweet.
Samus: I could tell lol. And get this, Foxy happens to be your biggest fan and everything.
Chun-Li: OMG! Really!?
Chun-Li: And "Foxy" is his nickname or something?
Samus: Yup. I've always call him since forever. He kept going on and on about how he doesn't like it, but his cute, blushed cheeks says otherwise.
Samus: Foxy's Blushed Face.jpg
Chun-Li: OMG! He's so adorable!~
Samus: I know, right? He's probably the most cutest fox on the planet lol.
Samus: But in all seriousness tho, he's like a brother to me and I'd do anything for him. I love him like that.
Chun-Li: Aww~ So Sweet~
Samus: Yeah.
Samus: So anyways, I know we just met and everything, but....
Samus: Do u wanna hangout sometime?
Samus: Whenever you're not too busy?
Samus: Sorry! I didn't mean to text you too much there or anything.
Chun-Li: It's okay, Samus, really lol.
Chun-Li: To answer your question, I would love to spend time with you.Rea
Samus: Really?
Chun-Li: Yeah. I'll need to check which day I'm free though. That way I could let you know when the time comes.
Chun-Li: Will that be okay with you?
Samus: It already sounds good to me.
Samus: But, in the meantime.....
Samus: Do you wanna keep texting each other?
Chun-Li: Of course! I'm having a great time texting you already (✿^‿^)
Samus: Yeah. Me too. ^_____^
5:12 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.......
Samus: (Smiles Softly at her Phone While Blushing a Little)
?????: Ahem
Samus turns to see Daisy, Luigi and Dedede staring at her with playful smirks on each of their faces.
Samus: (Sighs While Putting on an Slightly Annoyed Look on her Face) What?
Daisy: (Giggles Softly While Cuddling Under a Blanket with Luigi and Samus) Oh! It's nothing~ Just admiring how cute our badass Bounty Hunter is being right now.
Dedede: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah. It's a lovely view I tell you what.
Samus: ('Ugh') (Rolled her Eyes While Turning Away) So I'm blushing, big deal! I was only making sure she got home safe. That's all.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) We believe you, Samus. We're only showing our support is all.
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah. We can't express how proud we are of you right now, Sammy! You finally got yourself a kick ass girlfriend!~
Samus: (Rubbing the Back of Her Head Back & Forth) Not exactly. We're still getting to know each other and junk. Plus, I'm not the type to rush stuff like this, you know?
Luigi: (Smiles Softly) Well, we're all still happy for you either way. From the looks of it, you seem like you're getting along with her pretty well.
Samus: (Smiles Back at Luigi) I am. We're going to hangout with one another one of these days. So that's plus at least.
Dedede: Hey, if you two do get together and ever wanna learn how say a romantic rickup line....(Points at Samus Which Clicking his Teeth Twice) You know where to call.
Samus: (Gives Dedede a Deadpinned Look on Her Face) Dedede, I've never seen you on a dating scene once. Why would you think I would want some love advice from you of all people?
Dedede: (Immediately Glares at the Bounty Hunter) What you talking about!? Of course I've been on a dating scene! Multiple times than all of y'all could even count!!
Daisy: (Gives Dedede an Unconvinced Look on her Face) Yeah....I don't believe that in the slightest.
Samus: (Nodded in Agreement) Exactly.
Dedede: (Groans Up in the Air Before Turning to Luigi) You believe me, right boy!? You're gonna let those two run their mouths about me like that!?
Luigi: W-Well, I mean......(Nervously Begins to Shrug) You've never really mentioned having a girlfriend, ever since we first met. So uhh......
Dedede: (Groans Once More Before Turning Away from the Group While Pouting) Whateva'! Think they know a lot about me and my love life!....(Starts Mumbling to Himself)
Samus: (Smirks at a Pouting King) ('Heh') Dork.
Daisy: (Starts Snickering) Right? (Turns to Samus) But seriously thought, if you ever need relationship advice in the future...(Place her Hand onto Samus' Shoulder with a Bright Smile) Don't be afraid to ask Weegie and I for help, 'kay?
Luigi: (Smiles Brightly as Well) Yeah. We'll do our best to help out however we are.
Samus: (Smiles Softly at her Two Friends While Hugging Both of Them) Thanks, guys.
13 notes · View notes
blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #694: Cool Off (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
10:12 a.m. at a Sidewalks of Smash Town.......
Daisy: (Huffing and Puffing While Wiping the Swear Off her Forehead) ('WHEW') Two and half hour of jogging around the other side of the town and I'm already on fire today! (Turns Around) Don'tcha think so, Weegie?.... Luigi?
Luigi: (Slowly and Exhaustedly Catches Up to Daisy While Catching his Breathing) Yeah....('Pants' 'Pants') On fire.....('Pants' 'Pants') today...('Pants' 'Pants') (Stops Walking, Place his hand on the Top of his Hip, and Continues Catching Breath) Mamma Mia, that was intense.....
Daisy: Oh sweetie. (Makes her Way to her Man) Are you okay?
Luigi: Yeah....('Pants') Don't worry! ('Pants') Just need to...('Pants') Catch a breather is all....('Pants') (Finally Wipe the Sweat off his Forehead) ('Whew')
Daisy: ('Sighs in a Bit of Relief') Alright. I think that's it for our exercising today.
Luigi: (Eyes a Bit Widened in Genuine Surprised) Wait. Really? You sure you wanna stop now?
Daisy: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. We worked out asses off since 8 in the morning. So I think we deserve some R&R for the rest of day. Don't you think?
Luigi: (Slowly but Surely Nodded in Agreement) Yeah. I mean, If you're really okay with doing this.
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly) I'm positive. Now let's head back home.
Luigi: Sure th-IINGGG!? (Immediately Gets Picked Up in Daisy's Arms)
Daisy: (Manged to Bridal Carry Luigi with No Problem) I gotcha, sweetie!~
Luigi: (Immediately Starts Blushing While Being Surprised at the Same Time) D-D-Daisy! W-W-What are you doing?
Daisy: (Giggles Softly at How Cute Luigi is Being in her Arms) I'm about to carry you back home, silly~ Your legs must've been tired out by now. So why not?
Luigi: That's really sweet of you do this for me and all, but....(Starts Getting a Little Worried) Are you sure you'll be alright carrying me all the way back home? I don't wanna slow you down or any-
Daisy: (Place her Finger on Luigi's Lip) Upupup. I don't want you to worry about all of that, babe. Just let me do this for you right now and we'll be just fine. (Gives Luigi a Big, Loving Kiss on the Cheek) ('Mmmmwah'~)
Luigi: (Giggles Ticklishly by Daisy's Kiss While his Blush Turns Bright Red) Daisy!~ I'm sweaty!~
Daisy: (Immediately Puts on a Playful Smirk on her Face) I don't care. I'm sweaty too and you hear me complain. And besides...(Finally Begins to Walk Back to the Mansion with Luigi in her Arms) I wanted to kiss that cute cheeks of yours so badly that I just couldn't help myself~
Luigi: (Chuck Lightly) Of course you couldn't~
Daisy: Hey!~ Don't get sassy with me, mister!~ Remember who's carrying your cute butt home~
Luigi: Yes, dear~
Few Minutes Later, Back at the Smash Mansion's......
Luigi: (Sighs Relaxingly While Sitting on the Living Room's Sofa) Home at last....
Samus: Hey there, champ. (Ruffles the top of Luigi's Head While Sitting Down Next to Him) How was your morning jog with your princess went?
Luigi: Tiring. But pretty good all things considered. Daisy carried me all the way room and everything.
Samus: (Chuckles Lightly) Damn. Really? I'm impressed. Where is she anyways?
Luigi: In the kitchen getting the both us cold bottle of water. (Smiles Softly) She's amazing, isn't she?
Samus: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah. For a goofball.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah. But that's one of the million reasons why I love her after all.
Samus: (Place her Hand on Luigi's Head While Giving him a Small Frown on her Face) Hey. Don't think like that, alright?
Luigi: Huh? (Gives Samus a Bit of a Confused Look on his Face) What are you talking about?
Samus: I know that look in your eyes and the tone of your voice. You were thinking about how Daisy's too good for you and all that crap, am I right?
Luigi: What? N-No way! I would never-
Samus: (Gives Luigi a Big Sisterly Like Glare) Luigi.....Be honest.
Luigi: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay fine....You caught me.... But could you really blame me for thinking like that though? I-I mean, She's strong, outgoing, beautiful and I'm just....(Looks Down on the Frown in a bit of Sadness) Plain ole me. The Player Two, Mario's scaredy cat of a sidekick, Green Ma-
Samus: (Place Both her Hands on Luigi's Shoulders) Luigi, do I really need to give you a million reasons how amazing you are and why almost everyone of us in this mansion love you to pieces? Because trust me, I can do for you right now if I want to-
Luigi: (Immediately Looks Back Up at Samus While Waving his Hands) Nononono! I-It's okay! You don't need to do all of that for me. I know you guys see me more than all of those things.
Samus: Then stop putting yourself down like that and be more proud of you are and what you've accomplished so far, you got that?
Luigi: Yes, ma'am. Also I love you guys too.
Samus: (Smiles Softly) Good. And also, you really don't need to worry if you're being good enough for Daisy or not. You know that girl loves you more the world itself, right? I grantee you that she would literally do anything to prove it to you.
?????: I could've told that.
Luigi gets startled once he and Samus sees Daisy spending right beside the doorway with a bit of a worried and disappointed frown on her face.
Luigi: Daisy!? H-How long were you standing there?
Daisy: Oh not for too long. (Slowly Makes her Way to her Man) I just so happen to came over here when I heard Sammy over there said that you think that I'm too good for you, which I know for a fact that it's false beyond belief.
Luigi: (Immediately Starts Feeling Sad and Guilty) I'm so sorry, Daisy. I never meant to think that way. I was so focused on how amazing you truly are me that....the thought itself just came along with it. (Looks Down at the Ground in Shame) I hope you can forgive me......
Daisy: (Gently Place Both of her Hands on Luigi's Cheeks and Makes him Face Her) Only if you promise me that you will never think that way again. (Kiss the top of Luigi's Forehead) Okay?
Luigi: (Pulls Daisy into a Loving Hug) I promise. I'm sorry I made you upset.
Daisy: (Happily Hugs Luigi Back) You never made me upset, sweetie. I promise you. Just know I'll always love you for how brave, caring, and loving you really are from the bottom of my heart.
Luigi: Is there anyway I can do to make it up you, dear?
Daisy: (A Smirk Immediately Creeps up on her Face) As a matter of fact....(Pulls Away from Her and Luigi's Embrace) I already thought of a perfect way to make it up to me~
Luigi: Really? What is it?
Daisy: (Clears her Throat Before Pointing at Luigi in a Princess like Manner) Luigi! As your princess, I hereby order you to give me love and cuddles for the rest the day, starting right now!~
Luigi: (Stares at Daisy for a Few Seconds Before Chuckling Lightly and Genuinely) But we just came back from jogging~
Daisy: (Seductively Place Both of her Hands Back at Luigi's Cheeks Once Face) And like I said, babe, I don't give a damn~ (Was About to Give Luigi a Loving Kiss on the Lips Until.....)
Samus: (Snaps her Finger to get the Couple's Attention) Yeah, well, I for one, do, little miss princess. If you two are planning to cuddle for the rest of day, you're gonna have to hit the showers first.
Daisy: (Pouts at Samus) But Sammmmmmy-
Samus: (Immediately Gives the Couple a Piercing yet Sisterly like Glare) Now....
Daisy: ('Uggggh') Fiiiiiiiiiine. We'll go upstairs..... (Grab a Hold of Luigi's Hand and Pick him Up From the Sofa) C'mon, sweetie. Let's hit the showers! (Makes her Way to the Stairs With Luigi Following her)
Luigi: Oh! Uhh O-Okay. (Turns to Samus) We'll be back in a few, Samus!
Samus: Take your time!
Luigi/Daisy: 'Kay!
Samus: (Takes One More at the Couple Climbing Up the Stairs Together with a Soft Smile on her Face) ('Heh') I love those lovestruck dorks. (Picks up a magazine right beside her and begins to read it.)
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Fanfic #6: After the Aces Tournament
After facing trials and errors against a legendary yet demonic tennis racket known as Lucien, The Mushroom Kingdom and Royal Tennis Tournament was saved yet again thanks to their number one hero, Mario.
While everyone was celebrating for Mario's victory and heroism, the princess of Sarasaland, Daisy, was sitting alone in a table, staring worryingly at Mario's younger brother and one of her bestest friends, Luigi. Ever since she saw her sweetie easily gotten himself possessed by some evil looking racket, the thought of that even happened alone left the princess on a baffling edge. She could definitely see why Wario and Waluigi fell for the racket possession, since all those fools care about is getting rich instead using some common sense, seeing Luigi, of all people, getting fooled by that thing too was beyond her knowledge. Luigi might not be the smartest guy she knows, he was definitely not the stupidest either. Either way, this really doesn't set well for Daisy at all.
So after a few minutes of silence and thinking, Daisy decided that she needs to talk to Luigi about this before the party is over. So after Luigi was done with a brief conversation with one of the Toad, Daisy came by and ask him to come with her in private so she could talk with him alone. Luigi be was a little confused by the request at first, but quickly agreed to follow her to find a place where they could have their private conversation.
Once they've found the location, which is inside the Sport Equipment Storage Building, their conversation could finally begin:
Luigi: So...is there anything you wanted to talk to me about, Daisy? You've been pretty quiet during the party so I was a little worried?
Daisy: Well... before I tell you what's going on, I need to do something first.
Luigi: Oh...really? If you mind me asking, what is it you wanted to do first, exactly?
Daisy: Simple, Sweetie. This!
(Daisy Smacks Luigi on the top of his head.)
Luigi: Owwww!.... Mamma Mia, Daisy! What the heck was that for?
Daisy: That was for letting some Tennis Racket mind control you and having me worried sick about you all day! Just what the hell were you thinking back there?! Getting yourself possessed like that!!
Luigi: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to let myself get possessed and make you all worried like that! Plus I don't know why I let Lucien trick me like that! I-it just.... happened, you know?
Daisy: ('Sigh') Not that I don't believe you or anything, but what you mean by 'It just happened'?
Luigi: ('Took Deep Breaths') ....Ok, have you ever seen those kinds of movie where someone get's easily distracted by some light lurking them in to their trap?
Daisy: Most of the time, yeah...
Luigi: Well, that what happened but...only more...real and.... creepy like...
Daisy: That would explain some things, but why did you even looked at it in the first place? You're nowhere near as gold hungry like twiddle dumb and twiddle stupid over there, so what makes you so interested in that racket anyways?
Luigi: I-I just thought it looked pretty neat and stuff..... but I guess It already took me by surprise... I'm sorry, Daisy. That wasn't a good enough excuse for me getting tricked and used like that.... guess that makes me pretty weak, huh?
The look at Luigi's sad and ashamed eyes as well as hearing him called himself 'weak' had already broke the tomboy princess' heart in a matter seconds. If there's one thing that Daisy hate the most is that seeing the people , who are dear to her, all sad and depressed. So Daisy did what any best friend would do these situations; hug the crap outta them and do whatever it takes to make him happy again. Which is exactly what she's going to do to her Weegie.
Daisy: First of all, you are anything but weak, Luigi! In fact, you're pretty much the strongest person I ever met, physical and (sometimes) even emotionally! Besides, just because you got possessed by some weird looking racket-
Luigi: Actually it's name is Lucien-
Daisy: Please don't interrupt me while I'm cheering you up here, sweetie....
Luigi: S-sorry!
Daisy: As I was saying, just because you were possessed by some racket, that doesn't automatically make you weak. It only makes you more of that thing's victim, if anything. And second...you don't have to apologise about something like that. Honest. I mean, the only reason why I was upset earlier was because I was worried about you, you know?
Luigi: Wait....you were worried about me?
Daisy: Well, duh! Of course I was worried, you dummy! An evil tennis racket, with a weird name, using you like some kind of puppet for... whatever that thing wants. You have no idea how much I wanted to get out of that stadium and help you out back there!
Luigi: Now did you mention it....why didn't you join Mario and the others to help out, anyways?
Daisy: Well, Peach and I wanted to, but Toad told us not to go because to him, we're both 'Royalty' and all that other crap.... Pretty stupid, I know.
Luigi: Ah c'mon, Daisy. He was only trying to keep you two safe.
Daisy: I know, but I can totally take care of myself! Remember that time I slapped the crap out of Bowser so hard that he flew across another orbit?! (Smirks proudly) He never tried to kidnap me ever since.
Luigi: (Laughs Softly) Yeah...that was pretty random. Even for you.
Daisy: I know, right?! But anyways, there's absolutely nothing to apologise for, Luigi. Just please promise me that you'll be careful for next time, 'kay? I really don't wanna smack you upside the head again.
Luigi: (Smiles Brightly) Of course, Daisy. I'll be careful for now on. I promise!
Daisy: (Smiles bashfully) Thanks sweetie.
Luigi: Your welcome. And thank you for making me feel better. You're the best friend a guy like me can ask for.
Daisy: D'awww you're so welcome, Weegie!~ I'm just glad I was able to talk to you at all.
Luigi: Well I'm glad you did.
Daisy: (Pulls Luigi in a one arm hug) Alright, c'mon, Weegie. We gotta get more food from the stands before it they're all sold out.
Luigi: Lead the way, Milady.
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