dixidin · 1 year
You're laughing, I'm crying at a minecraft egg on her birthday watching her father through a screen and being sad that he's not there with her, and you're laughing
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mrsrcbinscn · 4 years
Wilbur Is Not Amused || The Robinsons
@wilbur-robinson​, @mrrcbinson​
Tl;DR: Franny and Cornelius tell Wilbur about the baby. It does not go well.
Date: August 23rd, 2020
 So about telling Cornelius she felt fine...turns out that was a lie. Once she got to her ninth week the morning (and noon, and night) sickness began. It got to the point she made excuses to be out during dinner time because she didn’t want to tell the family she was pregnant yet, but she couldn’t actually keep food down. Water and crackers were all that was on the menu these days. Even the foods she was craving she couldn’t actually enjoy! It was frustrating, but overall she was thrilled. 
 Due to her age and her history of miscarriages her doctor wanted weekly ultrasounds to keep an eye on the baby. Now at eleven weeks pregnant and rapidly approaching the second trimester, everything looked great. The baby had a strong heartbeat according to her doctor and that was all Franny had really hoped for. While eleven weeks wasn’t fully out of the danger zone for the most common window for miscarriage, she realized she couldn’t hide it much longer. They’d almost gotten caught already! 
 When Tallulah offered her a glass of wine at Wilbur’s birthday party — the fake one, the one with the family that they always did — she made up an excuse about being on a drinking hiatus to lose weight. Franny hoped her hands hadn’t instinctively gone to touch her abdomen like her brain had been telling her to do. 
 Eleven weeks with a strong heartbeat was already more than she had expected. It seemed like the right time to tell their family and Cornelius as ever took her lead on this. They told his parents first and Lucille squeezed Franny’s hand and reminded her that by loving their son, she’d already fulfilled all of their wishes for their family, and giving them Wilbur was just a pleasant bonus. Franny of course cried. What else could she do? Lucille was sometimes too ridiculously good to her. 
 Next it was Wilbur, and after Franny had stopped crying courtesy of Lucille being too damn wonderful, they called him into their bedroom to talk. Being on her feet was getting tiring, so talking at the window seat in their bedroom just felt more practical than sitting Wilbur down in his room. It was nap time right after this for the pregnant lady. 
 “Why am I nervous? Are you nervous? Am I freaking out again?” She leaned over to catch Cornelius in a kiss and tangled her fingers with his. 
 Cornelius was still in shock. He partly couldn’t believe it. Almost didn’t if it weren’t for Franny growing sicker and her weekly doctor appointments. It was weird to imagine that at their age - they might be parents again. Just as Wilbur was on the verge of graduation…
He had been caught up in these thoughts all day. Every time he saw Franny now, actually. But especially today because they were telling everyone. His mother had cried. Actually cried. And then hugged him tight while his father made a science pun about atoms - his mother’s crying in his ears had drowned out the rest, to be honest.
 But the kiss and her touch alone broke him out of his thoughts and he looked to Franny. “Oh! I - more like...well, I don’t know,” He admitted. “I mean, Wilbur’s almost an adult. Legally, at least. I know he can act childish sometimes, but he’s a good kid. I think he’ll be excited. He’ll probably teach them to be like his little sidekick and turn them against us at the age of two.”
 He laughed a little at the joke, honestly believing it to an extent though. But he could get where Franny was coming from. Still, he wasn’t nervous himself. 
 Not until Wilbur came in.
 “Hey, kiddo. Come have a seat, will you?”
 Wilbur and his parents didn’t really sit down for important talks often. There were a couple times when he was younger (like when they sat him down to say he might be a big brother, or when they sat him down and said actually no he wouldn’t be and his mum would cry). There were other memorable occasions of course, the last one being a dead relative.
 He started going down a list of relatives that could have kicked the bucket, because there were of course some older ones. But could he play guess who? Or was that entirely inappropriate? Wilbur wandered into his parents room with eyebrows furrowed, debating over whether tact was good or bad in this case?
 Wilbur eyed his mum first and then his dad, debating over who would spill the beans first. Then he shrugged and sat down in one of their chairs. “Okay what’s going on? Who died?”
 Franny had a brief spiel loosely prepared but Wilbur’s comment threw her off track. Died, huh? No this was the opposite hopefully. Next week would mark the longest she’d stayed pregnant and her OB/GYN said especially considering her risk factors, her pregnancy was healthy. She couldn’t believe her luck at last after nearly twenty years of marriage. 
 A decade and a half of trying to grow their family, until a few years ago, when Franny’s broken hearts couldn’t take it anymore. Cornelius had always been so good, so understanding, and never once blamed her. She couldn’t say the same for herself. 
 It felt too good to be true and too perfect but yet, here they were. Wilbur was going to (most likely, very likely, it seemed) be a big brother. He’d be so much older than his baby brother or sister but he’d be their superhero and the thought of that made Franny’s eyes prick with tears so she took care not to go there right now. 
 “No, your father and I just have to share some exciting news.” Franny began, tightening just barely her grip on one of Cornelius’s hands. “Wilbur, your father and I found out I’m pregnant. At our age, I know, I thought it was a mistake too but I really am. Twelve weeks; in March you’ll have a little minion to teach to get into trouble. Around your father’s birthday, too...everything looks good this time around. Looks perfect.”
 Franny’s grin almost hopped off her face, it was so wide! She reached for one of Wilbur’s hands and squeezed. “Isn’t that exciting?”
 There were a few different things Wilbur would have imagined that they’d have to say. Maybe some Great Uncle bit the dust, or they were planning another trip and they wanted him to give them input. Or maybe they were rethinking his request for a horse. You never knew. Wilbur was willing to be imaginative.
 But then his mum started talking, and Wilbur could feel his heart sink. Not sink, maybe it just fell right out of his body and fell into the sea. The bemused look changed so swiftly, any hint of a smile gone from his face as he paled. He could remember the last time his mum had told him she was pregnant. It was years ago, and Wilbur had just assumed (like an idiot apparently) that they wouldn’t try again.
 Why wasn’t he enough for them anyway?
 Wilbur sucked in a breath and let it out again, forcing himself to try not to blow up. He wanted to. He wanted to so badly, because his parents really didn’t think about him at all did they? Wilbur immediately tugged his hand away from his mother, arms wrapping around himself defensively as he glanced between Franny and Cornelius. He was still waiting for one of them to say ‘just kidding’ but...well his parents wouldn’t pull that kind of a stunt with him.
 Which meant no matter how improbable, no matter how horrible, it must be the truth. “Are you serious? Why would I be excited about this? In what world does ‘my mum could possibly kill herself again trying to have a real baby’ sound exciting?” Okay, maybe he couldn’t contain it.
 Of all reactions, Cornelius didn’t expect this one from Wilbur. Especially faced with the beaming face of his mother right now. But the moment his face changed, he knew something was wrong. And - 
 Real baby? What did that even…
 “Wilbur, what do you by real baby? You’re our real son,” Cornelius began slowly, his mind trying to process everything. Something that was so exciting and joyous suddenly turned sour and was about to become a fight. One that would not be easily fixed either. “Its….you’re not be replaced, if that’s what you’re getting at. Or forgotten or any of that.”
 Considering both of them were orphans, he could put himself in Wilbur’s mindset in a way. But not much. Because this reaction was just - shocking. Were they being selfish though? Were they bad parents to bring this up at Wilbur’s age? He turned to look at Franny, his brows coming together in concern.
 Franny first felt white hot anger at her son’s reaction. It was as if for a brief moment she resented him as much as she’d ever loved him. 
 (And briefly, she was angry at Cornelius for not at least gently chastising him for yelling at his mother, but she reminded herself that Cornelius was a better person than she was. He heard Wilbur’s hurt first, whereas Franny first tuned into the anger. Thank god Cornelius was here. She would have shouted right back if not for him.)
 How dare he, she thought though. Now, she expected her son to make a joke about how old she was. She wasn’t stupid enough to think Wilbur, a happy only child, would be thrilled. She expected, however, a quick ‘oh? Cool. Anyway is that all?’
 What she didn’t expect was such a reaction. 
 How dare he, in one instant, rob her of her joy. Franny’s heart sank as she thought to herself this is a mistake. 
 And as quickly as her anger appeared, it subsided, as it always did when she was angry with Wilbur. His words cut but after feeling the impact of those words it was as if she pressed pause on her hurt to instead focus on Wilbur’s, because that’s what moms are supposed to do. 
 She could cry to Cornelius later or perhaps her mother, but who could Wilbur go to? He usually sought her out for comfort but who now?
 “Wilbur…what are you saying?” Franny said quietly as her face fell, before for once in her obnoxious life, she struggled to find words. “You’re not...it...it was an accident, we didn’t mean—“ wait. Was she about to apologize for being pregnant? She sighed and her hand flinched to reach forward and hold Wilbur’s hand, play with his hair, anything, but he’d batted her hand away not a moment ago. “Wilbur, honey. You are our real baby. There is nothing we love more than you and being your parents. Nothing, honey.”
 Honestly, Wilbur thought it was pretty clear what he meant. He was being replaced. By a younger model that would probably be nicer than Wilbur and more likeable than Wilbur because they wouldn’t be as bratty as he could be. They’d probably “try to get it right” this time, and where would that leave Wilbur? Miserable.
 “Really?” He asked, and he couldn’t help but snort. Of course he’d be forgotten. A baby would demand all their attention, and when Wilbur would need them for college things or anything else, he’d probably get ignored. His whole family would probably coo at the baby and focus on what it wanted and needed and he’d be pushed by the wayside. Wilbur wasn’t stupid. He knew babies needed a ton of attention.
 “Why would you still care about having another baby? That’s what I just don’t get! Mum was always so messed up by this shit, and yet that’s always been it. ‘Why can’t I have a real baby to take care of?’ You didn’t say it in as many words, but the implication is pretty fucking clear.” So what if Wilbur was a bit spoiled? Who were the people that had spoiled him in the first place? Oh yeah, it was them.
 He didn’t look forward to watching the way his mum would try to do things differently so this baby, their actual biological one wouldn’t turn out like him. He hated it. He hated it he hated it. He was going to be sick. “I can’t believe you’d do this now! What, I’m going to go off to college soon so it doesn’t matter what I think? That’s great really. Have fun with your new family.” He stumbled to his feet. He needed to get out of here. He wanted to cry, but he was nothing if not determined to do that in the comfort of his own space, without the people who hurt him around.
 “Wilbur!” Franny exclaimed, springing out of her seat but not advancing toward her son. She wouldn’t force him to stay but he wasn’t going to storm out without one final attempt to reach him. 
 And, yeah, maybe she said his name in the ‘I’m gonna kick your ass’ tone but with the way he was speaking to his parents right now did he expect any different? His words were hurtful not only to her as his mother, but as a person in general. Franny kept her composure enough to keep from well and truly yelling at Wilbur but under the far too consistent volume of her voice was boiling anger.
 “What do you mean ‘new family?’ For once would it kill you to not be so over-dramatic. Like I just. I just wanna know. You know damn well, Wilbur, that plenty of families have more than one child in them. We wanted a big family because we just did, okay? We just did. There’s no other explanation. We just wanted that. But your father -” 
 Never slowed down. Never could press pause so we could adopt again so I had to try the old-fashioned way even though my body kept telling me I couldn’t do it.
 “- and I just kind of shelved that for the most part. We stopped tryin’ years ago, I didn’t get pregnant to piss you off. Believe it or not, the world doesn’t revolve around Wilbur Robinson. Sometimes it just happens. What was I supposed to do when I found out I was pregnant, huh? What would have made you happy?”
 A beat, and Franny pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. 
 “Get out. Go to bed. Or don’t, I don’t care, just get out.”
 So the world didn’t revolve around Wilbur. He knew that already. His mum made it even more clear that he wasn’t that special. He wasn’t enough for them. He’d never been enough for them. If he had, then his parents wouldn’t have cared about a big or a small family. They would have just let that baby stuff be and loved him. 
 Why did mum think he was overdramatic? It wasn’t overdramatic to realize he was being replaced! It would be different if they’d adopted or had another kid when he was still little, when it was a normal thing to do. This wasn’t normal. He’d never felt so unappreciated in his life, and he’d had his moments of doubt. 
 “Oh I know the world doesn’t revolve around me. And it never will, because that new baby’s just going to replace me and that’s just great. I’m glad you get a do over to have a better kid.” And since he was already in it, and he’d clearly already pissed off his mum too, Wilbur headed out, both middle fingers waving at them as he made his way out. He’d break down once he was alone. He wouldn’t cave until then.
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imissthefire · 5 years
Kierarktina Kids Headcanons pt 2
You can find Part 1 of my Kierarktina kiddo HCs here
·         So in my last post, I didn’t give the baby a name because I was torn between a bunch, and also was unsure of what name would fit her best
·         They decided to name her Thalia, but they call her Lia for short
 ·         They also give her a Faerie name, even though it doesn’t hold any power over her
 ·         Her faerie name is Tallulah (which means jumping waters, or river, and is a slight nod to Kieran’s nixie heritage)
 ·         Anyway, she’s now three, and starting to look more and more like her (biological) father
 ·         When she was born, her ears were relatively rounded with only tiny indication of being pointed, but now they’re full on pointy and adorable
 ·         She refers to both Mark and Kieran as “daddy”, but sometimes refers to Mark as “papa” to differentiate
 ·         One day when Mark and Cristina are out doing work with the Alliance, they decide she can tag along with them because it’s small work and they’re missing Kieran because all three of them have been so submerged in their work
 ·         So, in the middle of a meeting little Lia’s just hanging out, sitting on Mark’s lap and idly playing with a fidget toy that her uncle Ty gave her for her birthday
 ·         It has all different parts on it that she can chew on, or spin, and even buttons that make different clicking noises
 ·         She’s just enjoying herself and then she hears someone at the table mention the idea of sending a team to Unseelie to investigate a Seelie knight that’s been taken
 ·         She looks up to Mark and asks if she can go, because she “wants to go see daddy”
 ·         He and Cristina smile at her, sadly saying that it’s an adult mission, but she will be able to go with them to see Kieran another time
 ·         She gets frustrated by this, and her hair flairs a bright green, before returning to its usual black
 ·         Cristina and Mark are stunned but this, they had only seen this happen once when she was only a few months old, but they thought it may have just been a trick of the light, or something she quickly grew out of
 ·         They also hadn’t really thought she had inherited many traits from Kieran aside from her looks, but now this opens up the possibility of having other fae magic
 ·         It was so wholesome for them, and everyone else at the meeting just stared at her, some a little bit freaked out by it
 ·         It wasn’t a new thing for them to bring her with them, but this was the first time she showed that she had inherited any powers from Kieran
 ·         Skip ahead a few weeks, and Cristina has to head on a mission for the Alliance, and can’t bring their kid, so obvs she leaves Lia with Mark
 ·         Mark was so sure he would know how to take care of her, he’d been doing it for two years and this wasn’t the first time he was left alone with her
 ·         But it was the longest, and one day she said that she “missed mommy, and daddy” and Mark just looked and said “me too”
 ·         So, in an attempt to distract themselves from feeling lonely, they decide to make an impromptu trip to the cabin
 ·         Since Tina’s away, they don’t have the Eternidad for smooth travel, so they decided it would be totally fine to try and portal there
 ·         Lia’s only ever travelled by portal a few times, Mark carries her, just to make sure there’s no off chance of a mishap of them being separated
 ·         When the step through, they can only get as far as the forest that surrounds the cabin
 ·         Their entry to the Unseelie land so suddenly sets off some warning alarms, and before they know it, they’re surrounded by redcap guards
 ·         Lia just wraps her arms tighter around Mark’s neck, staring at all the guards
 ·         The guards recognise them, but they still alert Kieran that there is a visitor for him and have him greet him at the edge of the forest before they even consider letting them pass
 ·         When Kieran comes out, Lia smiles, her hair flaring up bright green again, and reaches her arms out to Kieran, “daddy!” she exclaims, a huge smile on her face
·         Kieran walks over and takes her from Mark, kissing her forehead, ruffling her hair before making his flash a blue-green
 ·         The guards are sort of still standing there, weapons not yet drawn, but hands on hilts, still surrounding them
 ·         Kieran looks at the guards with an incredulous look
 ·         “This is my child,” he’s dumbfounded that they made such a big deal about their arrival
 ·         He gestures to Mark next, “and my partner whom you all should have been aquatinted with before”
 ·         The guards look down as awkwardly as fearsome warrior fae can, letting Mark and Lia pass through to Kieran
 ·         They get to the cottage, and the first thing Lia does is ask to go sleep
 ·         Portal travel is exhausting and nauseating
 ·         Mark and Kieran tuck her in, Kieran brushing her hair back from her face, staring down lovingly at her
 ·         “She’s starting to look a lot like you, you know,” Mark comments
 ·         “When did her hair start doing that?” Kieran had a sort of sad look on his face
 ·         “Only recently, it happened three weeks ago during a meeting,” Mark had said
 ·         He hated missing milestones for their kid
 ·         He missed a fair amount of her firsts
 ·         Luckily though, he had been there for her first word
 ·         They had been trying to teach her colours and letters and numbers, but nothing really stuck
 ·         Until one day when Kieran was playing with her, he was flaring his hair all colours of the sea, letting her play with it as he did
 ·         Out of nowhere, she just said “blue” while watching it go from black to blue to green and back
·         It went to a very pale blue when she said it, but that wasn’t voluntary, he was just super happy and excited
 ·         All three parents lowkey cried a little because it was so cute
 ·         Anyway, back to Kieran, Mark, and Lia at the cottage
·         So little Lia is put to bed, and Mark and Kieran are just kind of chilling, sitting out in the living room area by the fire
·         They talk about the Alliance, the courts, catching up with each other as it had been almost two weeks since they had seen each other
·         They talk about Lia, about how big she’s getting every day, all the changes
·         Mark brings up the idea of more kids, and Kieran stops him
·         “We cannot discuss this, not without having Cristina here,”
·         “I know, of course, but just the idea of another…”
·         Mark and Kieran reluctantly talk for a tiny bit about the idea of a kid before Lia wanders out, a blanket draped around her shoulders
·         “I want a baby too,” she adds in, coming to sit between her dads
·         They smile at her, her bright brown eyes just like her mother’s, radiating such love and warmth
·         Skip ahead a few days later, and Cristina arrives at the cottage, tired af from the mission she was on
·         Lia runs up to her and is all like “daddy and papa said we should have another baby!”
·         Cristina goes wide eyed and looks at Mark and Kieran, both of whom are just looking at Lia with an expression of “oh god why”
·         They can’t be mad at her though, she’s too sweet and is just saying what’s on her mind
·         Cristina smirks, “oh, is that so?”
·         Mark nods awkwardly, a half smile on his face
·         Kieran bows his head, “if it is not what you wish, we will cease any conversation of the matter, my Lady of Roses”
·         Lia just kind of watches her parents, laughing at the formality in Kieran’s tone as he addresses Tina
·         “You know what? I don’t think I’d be against another little one,” Cristina says, picking up little Lia
·         Later that night, when Lia is put to bed (she now has a little toddler bed in the other room in the cottage, though she often will sneak out of it and join her parents for cuddles) 
·         The three parents are enjoying just a soft wholesome night, Mark is in the middle (which has become a common occurrence as he is the last person to wake in the morning)
·         After some time of them just enjoying each other’s company, talking a bit more about another baby, Mark sheepishly asks, “do you think that…” but he trails off, too embarrassed to ask
 ·         Both Kieran and Cristina give him this look that encourages him to go on,
 ·         “Maybe this time…” he keeps trailing off
 ·         “Mark, speak your mind, you are at no judgement between the three of us,” Kieran says, trying to coax the question out
 ·         “Do you think I could be the father for our next child?” he spits out the question quickly, his face donning an unusual look of worry
 ·         Cristina gives him a sort of sad look, not because she doesn’t want that, but because she didn’t really consider much that Mark might not feel as connected to Lia because they aren’t biologically related.
 ·         “You know you’re Thalia’s father just as much as Kieran is, Mark”
 ·         “I know, but I just…” he’s at a loss for words, he feels bad for asking, but he still feels as though there’s more to experience being biological parent
 ·         Kieran leans over, resting his chin on Mark’s shoulder, his eyes understanding, “if it’s any consolation, I feel as though it would be lovely to see a little one much who bears resemblance to you as Thalia does to myself,”
 ·         Cristina smiles at this, seeing them both so fully immersed in the idea of a tiny Mark-lookalike
 ·         Mark looks over to Cristina, “would you be okay if we did it this way?”
 ·         She smiles at him, cuddling herself up closer to him, “I wouldn’t mind that, of course not,”
 ·         By the end of that night, they agree: her and Mark will start trying for a baby soon
 ·         As they all lull off to sleep, there’s a scream from the other room
 ·         Everyone is immediately alert, Kieran on his feet and already moving to the door
 ·         Mark follows him, and so does Cristina, the latter two standing in the doorway watching Kieran sit at the edge of Thalia’s bed, holding her to him tightly
 ·         When she notices her other parents in the room, she reaches out an arm, asking them to come over with the gesture
 ·         The four of them sit on the tiny bed together, listening to Lia tell them about a bad dream where a big scary thing came and took her daddies away from her and her mommy
 ·         They bring her with them back to their room, Thalia going to lay between her two dads, holding on to each of their hands, telling them to not go away as she falls back asleep
 ·         It breaks their hearts a tiny bit, just the idea that she may even have seen a shred of truth in the nightmare she had
 ·         But they hold together, wrapping themselves around their daughter, protecting her from all the evils that they can
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