#April steals his web shooters
cookieswithay · 1 year
"The awesome, fabulous Spider-shell! (Mikey AU)
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Hey-yo! Congratulations to the winners of the poll! This little paragraph is a Spiderman intro for Mikey. If anyone wishes to draw any visuals or run with this idea, go right ahead! But I'd appreciate a tag or some credit. And if anyone wants to see another brother, TELL ME!
• Okay, guys. Let's do this one more time. (I'm getting peckish.)
• My name is Michaelangelo Hamato.
• But, you can call me, Mikey.
• I was nearly eaten by a mutant spider.
• And for the last 2 years, I've been the one and only Spider-shell.
• (Still a mad dog, though. Can't quit them!)
• Pretty sure you know the rest.
• I save New York in the daytime and stop mutants with the fam at night.
• I'm single, but a certain pretty mutant keeps on winking at me.
• I'm not good at keeping secrets so I told my brothers and April.
• (Donnie totally WIGGED when I told him! Raph was amazed and Leon was jealous)
• I got vinyl action figures of me.
• I got followers for days on all social media!
• Gizmos are made by my bro in purple!
• Gonna make music on Stripafy!
• ("Caught in a web of lies", I'm going for the feels, baby!)
• And I finally got a POPSICLE! (It's gross, but I still support)
• Crime fighting alone is a little lukewarm, but I feel like it's opening my mind pores.
• Like, I'm on a different plane of existence.
• (Know what I mean...you know what I mean.)
• I feel different things.
• I hear different things.
• I smell different things.
• I'm DOING different things!
• And that slamming awesome.
• So, I'll keep fighting.
• Keep swinging and saving.
• Cause, there's only one mutant who can help these people in the daytime.
• And that's me.
• Cause, I'm Spider-shell, baby.
• Winky-face!😉
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tmntsworld · 7 years
Domesticity Memes
Donatello/My Oc "X"
big spoon/little spoon:
Donnie likes to envelop X in his elongated limbs so that she won't escape when they wake up. It's just to piss her off, really. He'll even wrap his legs around hers for closure.
"Son of a bitch…" She'd mutter.
favorite non-sexual activity:
X loves their ice cream dates. Donnie likes to learn the "Fundamentals of Hacking," as X calls it.
who uses all the hot water:
X's bitch ass. Donnie takes really short showers, but when he wants to soak in a bath, he'll flip his shit if he discovers there's nothing but cool water. Luckily, he has a backup water heater installed.
"Ha, you thought."
most trivial thing they fight over:
They'll argue over anything. Mathematics, whether a word is spelled correctly (color/colour), but the mother ridiculous thing they've ever argued about is Pluto. Is it truly a planet?
who does most of the cleaning:
X. Donnie is way too much of a clusterfuck because he's swarmed with tools and gadgets. When X cleans his lab without his permission, he turns into a teenage girl.
"What the--Who moved my Electron-separator?? I left it right here on my desk--oh, even my pea-shooter is gone! Guys!"
((Don't worry, he appreciates it overall.))
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:
X! She has her own ((free heheheheee)) Netflix account.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:
Technically, Donnie is the landlord. He lives in the sewers. He's got it all under control, but when he really can't fix it (courtesy of the city), he goes to X's house. (Or April's).
who steals the blankets:
X. It's mostly out of playful spite.
who leaves their stuff around:
Donnie. Messy motherfucker.
who remembers to buy the milk:
It's more like, "Who remembers to remind the other to buy the milk?".
who remembers anniversaries: Both. What they have is pretty important, not that they haven't been super late for dates.
Who cooks normally?
Well, X doesn't mind actually cooking instead of bringing takeout. Donnie appreciates a good meal, of course, and tries to return the favor. It comes out well, even if some of it is undercooked.
X. It's X.
How often do they fight?
They certainly argue a lot. Nothing serious, but a true fight? It happens once in a blue moon.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Donnie does Donnie things: he invents, deals with patrol, deals with his brothers, he might call X once or twice because he'll wanna just say "Hi."
X goes back to her place. She might have a little workout session (cardio, etc. She's not really into martial arts.), then she might have a lurking session in the "Deep Web" or study for college. Afterward, she finds herself out and about in New York, just walking.
Nicknames for each other?
I headcanon that out of respect for women, they find it really disrespectful to call a girl "bitch". That's just how they were raised. Splinter ain't raise no lil assholes.
Donnie to X: My lovely, Starshine, babe, Miss Hacking-Know-It-All, Queen-Of-The-World, my Gal.
X to Donnie: (Okay yall, she's weird as fuck okay)) My Saucy mans, "Wassup, booface?", Green-Bean, Etc.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Donnie is broke aab and X is too, lowkey. She has some money to pay for pizza and things like that.
Who steals the covers at night?
Donnie's coldass.
What would they get each other for gifts?
X would receive flowers, a superantispyware hard drive, a brand new handmade laptop, some boxed chocolates, mainly just simple, techy things. And kisses. Lots of them.
Donnie would receive some chic romance movies ranging from the years 1950 to recent ((he's a sucker for them, Sci Fi is something he talks shit about when he deems something as inaccurate)), some lavender-scented candles, a medical book on human anatomy, and maybe a little sucky succ if his gal's feeling very, very "appreciative".
Who kissed who first?
X kissed Donnie first.
Who made the first move?
Donnie. Or he attempted to, at least.
Who remembers things?
Who started the relationship?
Well, Donnie suggested it. X accepted.
Who cusses more?
Ooof….they both cuss, so this is a toughie. Who cusses more…X.
What would they do if the other was hurt?
X isn't medically inclined like Donnie is. She'd panic beyond belief and cry under pressure, using Donnie himself as a guide.
Donnie would try to keep himself together, which proves to be futile most of the time. He'd struggle to keep a level head, using his knowledge to patch X up as much as he could
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