#Aqours going camping to the forest
mitaharukai · 6 months
Title: Bare your teeth upon my heart
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Love Live Sunshine)
Summary: Whenever Riko closes her eyes to sleep, a pair of deep glowing magenta eyes haunts her in her dreams, feral fangs warning her to not go to the forest… Will Riko listen to the warnings and stay away from the creature or will she end up in a dangerous situation?
Words: 3k
Sneak peek:
“- Are you also excited!? Nervous maybe? Don’t worry, it’s going to be fun! – she exclaims with her always eternal optimism, managing to make Riko giggle.
- We’ll practice and then eat and sing around a campfire and do all those typical things people do when they go camping!
You quickly adds, and Riko feels a bit less nervous. Or at least she does until Mari talks.
- And then we’ll tell scary stories about ghosts and dead people and hear the wolves howling at the moon.
- Eeek!
Riko shrieks scared, quickly taking Yoshiko’s arm in her hands to hug it tightly.
- Mari, you know there aren’t wolves in the forest. Stop scaring Riko-chan – Kanan sighs upon her girlfriend’s mischievousness, bringing some feeble comfort to Riko, before Mari talks again.
- Ara~ are you sure, my dear Kanan? – Mari says wickedly, staring at her Guilty Kiss’ mates intensely as if she knew something she shouldn’t.”
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wotzup · 6 years
My PJO /HoO headcannon for Aqours
It's a continuation of my previous post. If you haven’t seen it please check it out. :)
Chika: Daughter of Zeus. Chika and You entered camp at the same time. They were found by the µ's 2nd year trio at a sea shore. She looks up to Honoka who trains her regularly(surprising Umi). 
After training they go to eat mikan and bread respectively sitting on Zeus's fist. You occasionally joins them as well, mostly to spend time with Chika who used to spend time with her till she was inspired by those great demigods whose pictures are hung across the walls of the cabin and the time she spent with You decreased even more after Riko entered camp. She's a great friend to Riko and extremely protective of her just like she is for You.
Riko: Daughter of apollo. She was found by Maki after a terrible incident related to pianos and monsters sabotaging her performance. She was scared by that incident and couldn't touch the piano since that incident without mentally breaking down. Maki checks on her every now and then when she wasn't busy in the infirmary or with anything else. Chika, who found her once crying in the forest, befriended her but in the process ended up earning jealous glares from You. It hurts Riko even more and she feels like she's coming in the way tho Chika says she isn't. She wants to prove to herself that she isn't useless tho her mind says she is.
You: Daughter of Poseidon. China's best friend. She was extremely popular in camp. People asked her to hang out with her and she did but no matter what she always spent time with Chika, let it be during training with Honoka and Umi or just goofing around. She'd also hang out with Kanan as well whenever she went to Camp Jupiter or if Kanan came to CHB. They'd have water fights in the lake. Tho that changed once Riko came(she still hung out with Kanan btw) . Chika began spending most of her time with Riko and You felt lonely. She hated it. You liked Riko but she did not like that fact that she captivated all of Chika's attention. She doesn't know what to do to bring things back to how it was before.
Kanan: Daughter of Neptune. It was uncommon to see a daughter of Poseidon and seeing a daughter was even more rare. She was extremely protective of Mari and Dia and if anything were to happen to them she'd make them pay. She was extremely popular just like You but mostly hung out with Dia making she didn't overwork herself and Mari to make sure she didn't do anything reckless. Venus however had plans for her love life and there you have it Kanan's life seemed to go down hill from there.
Mari: Daughter of Abundantia. Abundantia is the goddess of abundance and prosperity. The daughter of a minor goddess but she plays an important role in the lives of other demigods. Mari, though having wild ways of doing things but she means well. Her habit of meddling with other people's problems helps them to bring them happiness and stability… at least for some time. It applies to her life as well, except for the fact the Venus was interested in playing games with her love life.
Dia: Daughter of Bellona. The perfect child. The perfect heir of the clan. She didn't have much of a normal childhood. She was preparing herself for every situation, excluding emotional ones. She wished to become praetor(hopefully beside Eli) ever since she got a fist bump and a wink from Eli. She's very protective of her sister and if anyone were to say anything against Ruby she'll make them pay dearly.
Ruby: Daughter of Iris. It was a surprise when she was claimed. The Kurosawas were always descendants of Bellona and this was a huge blow on the reputation of the family. Her family didn't like her much but Dia was always there to protect her from their mean comments(tho Ruby could hear them and it made her feel bad). She was always compared to her sister, the daughter of a powerful war goddess, and this made things worse for her. She, who wasn't strong in the art of warfare, was always compared to her. It wasn't just that, she was compared to her in every aspect. She never really had friends, just Dia's who would occasionally check on her. Out of frustration, one day, at CHB, she let out a rainbow shockwave and accidentally teleported to the forest. Hanayo who understood her situation approached her and befriended her. Rin also began hanging out with them. After one particular prank played on the athena cabin Rin introduced Ruby to Hanamaru. They became fast friends. Soon even Yoshiko joined their tiny group. One day Ruby had entered the Hades cabin and found it to dark and decorated it with rainbows(Yoshiko liked it tho she didn't admit it). Mari called her rainbow shockwave the gay wave and Dia hates the nickname.
Hanamaru: Daughter of Athena. She gave it justice as she possessed high amounts of wisdom and read many books about a variety of subjects making her well versed any many things. Her cluelessness of tech made it easy for her to stay off the radar of monsters for a long time till she hit 15 when her scent become stronger. She had to run away from home till she was found by Dia and brought her to Camp Jupiter. Due to the exchange program once she stepped foot into CHB she was claimed. She may not have strength but she did have brains becoming one of the heads making defensive plans when monsters attacked any camp.
Yoshiko: Daughter of Hades. It wasn’t much of a surprise. Being alone for most of your life and being chased by monsters for most of it wasn’t easy. When you had bad luck no matter what and accidently killed the plants in the vicinity of you when you freaked out or felt any strong emotion, yep that's’ what she did. She could raise spirits from the dead(using the power of Mcdonalds when it came to powerful ones) from she could remember(she has a dark secret related to it as well). She has a pet hellhound. She was isolated for most of the time in camp except for the occasional visits of Nozomi and once Hanamaru came to camp and befriended Ruby. People need to drag her away from video game consoles and electronics as her scent is already strong from a young age and this doesn’t help.
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Aqours going camping hc's.
this sounded like fun, and i was super into the anime “Yuru camp” while it was airing so i was excited to answer this one! i hope you enjoy!
one afternoon, shuka casually mentions camping. she inquired if any of them had ever gone before, and the answer was a resounding “no”, given that most of them (aside from her) are not very outdoorsy, and would rather spend their rare weekend off sleeping.
“well, that’s about to change!” she chirps, and the rest of the members suddenly fall silent. was this really happening? shuka announces that she’d reserved a spot in a campgrounds, she specifies that it’s near a nice lake, and has a beautiful view of mount fuji.
the room was silent. she REALLY went and made plans without asking them first, huh? it wasn’t unlike the youngest girl to spontaneously decide on activities, though.
finally, with a bit of a pep talk, the camping trip was set in motion.
shuka: due to being the more athletic of the group, was immediately ready and equipped for the outdoors (though where she acquired camping gear was a mystery. was this really her secret hobby?)
anchan: anchan is willing to try anything once, and if shuka was passionate about it, then she was too!
rikako: in charge of bringing food, NOT cooking it. since everyone is a fan of grilled meat, she picks up some to make for dinner.
first years: travel together to the camp site, ready for a good time! they were the first to agree with the trip, and set the mood for the evening due to being the rowdiest out of the nine.
komiya “mom friend” arisa: arisha comes packing a ridiculous amount of first aid items (someone was bound to get hurt, she’d thought to herself while packing, given the rowdy nature of the group).
suwawa and ainya: arrive together, bearing blankets and jackets and the like. it wasn’t very cold, but they wanted to be over prepared.
they all collect at the campsite that afternoon, thankfully all in one piece, and haul their belongings to their spot.
the spot shuka had rented out was equipped with a small wooden picnic table as well as a grill that looked like it had been used a thousand times. rikako had been put in charge of bringing food, and she was relieved to see it, as she had brought raw meat and it obviously wouldn’t have been edible without being grilled.
suwawa brings up the fact that they needed to go look for fire wood in the surrounding forest since the campsite didn’t provide them with any, and volunteers herself and ainya to go looking. arisha promptly replies “i’ll come with!!” (she does this often, mentioned in this video lol). but the two quickly reply that it’s alright, and it’s clear to the rest of the group that they just wanted some alone time. arisha settles for hovering over anchan and shuka, who were busy with setting the tents up.
there was 4 tents, 3 of which would hold 2 members, while 1 would hold the remaining three. they split up into anchan and shuka, suwa and ainya, arisha and rikako, and the first years decided they wanted to share the last one. shuka expertly attached the rods together, while anchan struggled a bit awkwardly, but was determined to do her best.
while suwa and ainya are out, and anchan and shuka were setting everything else up, rikako takes the meat she bought out of the cooler. the first years were the ones to handle actually cooking the meat, and while they sort of goof off the whole time (like in this video) they do get the job done.
suwa and nya eventually return with sticks and pine cones in hand for the fire (they took quite a while…) just in time to eat together.
as they finish up dinner, the sky begins to turn pink, and the first years take it upon themselves to start up the campfire while the other
it took a few minutes, but they finally got the fire lit. the afternoon went by with (mostly) no trouble, and all that was left to do now was enjoy the stars and each other’s company~ huddling close together and talking about this and that until they become too tired to talk anymore, and retire to their sleeping bags for the evening.
[this came out kinda long, i got carried away hehe. enjoy!]
-mod dia
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mackinmacki · 7 years
What Are You Afraid Of?
Rating: K+
Word Count: 2222
Pairings: KanaRuby
Summary: Ruby agrees to go camping because she likes Kanan.
Link: (FFN) | (AO3)
Ruby hadn't done a lot of camping. In fact, she had done no camping whatsoever. Her and the outdoors didn't go so great together, and it wasn't like being the youngest Kurosawa child meant she had to go anywhere besides school most of the time. Being a part of Aqours, however, meant that she was now spending much more time outside. It wasn't so bad, though. After all, being an idol was a dream for her, so she was fine with being outside and exercising a lot of the time. That didn't mean she wanted to go camping.
Of course, when she was asked to go camping with her sister, Kanan, and Mari, she had timidly responded yes. Asking if she really wanted to go was the wrong question, because the answer was obviously no. The right question to ask was if she was incredibly weak-willed when it came to Kanan. That answer was a resounding yes. Not that she wasn't weak-willed in many other aspects of her life, a negative trait she knew she had but had a lot of trouble overcoming. However, it was Kanan that really made her weak. Weak at the will, weak at the knees, all that good stuff.
Kanan was definitely the epitome of cool. Dia was the most responsible, and Mari was the most energetic, so all three of them were awesome people that she looked up to. She didn't have romantic feelings for her sister though, and Mari was just a bit too wild. It scared her sometimes. Kanan, though... she was cool, calm, and collected. Everything that Ruby herself was not. She looked up to all three of them, but Kanan was the one whose praise made her feel way too warm inside. Not that Dia's praise didn't make her feel warm. Her sister was the best. It was just... Kanan was the one she most wanted to kiss. On the lips. That would hopefully straighten it all out.
Gods, even thinking about locking lips with anyone - especially Kanan - made Ruby red in the face. She had always liked Kanan, because she was friends with Dia and anyone who Dia liked Ruby would like in turn. Then the two of them had a falling out that lasted over a year, and Ruby hadn't liked Kanan all that much anymore. It felt weird to not like her, or to not be around her at all, but she'd never betray her sister like that. If she was hurt, than Ruby was hurt too.
They reconciled, though, and it was around that time that she began to realize that her feelings for Kanan were returning. It wasn't just a close friendship, though: it clearly was something more. She wasn't naive enough to believe that it could be anything else but a desire for closeness, for intimacy, but she was completely inexperienced enough to not know what to do about it.
The last thing she wanted to do was ask Dia for advice. It'd be way too embarrassing to admit that romantic feelings were starting to blossom inside of her. Besides, Dia was a protective big sister. She might end up throwing Kanan off the dock, and that wasn't what Ruby wanted.
Then again, maybe asking Mari was the last thing she wanted to do. She was sure Mari would mean well, but she wasn't even sure what the excitable blonde would do with that information. Would she even keep it a secret instead of immediately teasing Kanan - and Dia - to death with the knowledge? Even if she got advice, she would have to wonder if any advice from her would be feasible. She'd probably die of embarrassment.
Her best choice would likely be Hanamaru, but when it came to romance, she had a feeling her best friend was more of the classical romantic type. Or worse: existentialist. She still remembered last year's Valentine's Day, when she got chocolates and a card that read 'Happy Valentine's Day! Chocolates, like the heart, eventually go bad, so eat them beforehand! - Maru-chan'. Somehow, she felt that Kanan wouldn't want to hear how they should kiss before a tsunami drowned them all.
So as she went with the third years to camp out for the night, her plan was to say nothing and bottle up her feelings like a Kurosawa. Even if her advice may have not been very helpful, she still wished Hanamaru was there. She had invited her, but she had to help with the temple that night. Now, why were they camping in the first place instead of staying inside where there weren't any bugs or complete darkness? Apparently it was one of those third year bonding experiences, which didn't explain why she, a first year, was invited. However, when Kanan asked her if she wanted to go, she didn't ask why. She just said yes. Weak-willed as always.
They set up two tents: one for Dia and Ruby, and one for Kanan and Mari. Most of the night was spent in the latter tent, though. When they would venture outside, it was a disaster, but a funny kind of disaster. They were supposed to have a campfire, but it turned out nobody knew how to start a fire. There weren't any big-enough logs to start one anyhow.
"Aww, but how are we supposed to roast marshmallows?" Mari pulled out a bag, but instead of regular marshmallows, they were the kind that you'd get in a box of children's cereal. Dia blew a gasket at that, which made Kanan roll over in laughter as Ruby tried to keep her sister from stuffing the entire bag in Mari's mouth. She couldn't help but glance over at Kanan, noticing how cute she was when she laughed, even when it was raucous. Then Dia stopped trying to get at Mari, and Ruby still pulling on her back caused both of them to fall over, which made Kanan laugh even harder. Now she wanted to hide in her tent and never come out.
Then there were the ghost stories. Those were supposed to be told around a campfire, but without the fire, they just sat in a circle and looked silly. Ruby didn't like scary stories, but she didn't want to chicken out in front of her seniors. After hearing Mari's story, though, she wished that she had.
"And she ran, and ran, but they kept coming... They chased her down, surrounded her. There was nowhere to run!" Mari leaned in, grinning from ear to ear. "The next day, one of her friends came to check on her, but all she found were the words 'account deactivated!" Ruby squeaked and jumped, while Dia just rolled her eyes.
"Oh come on, Mari. Nobody hounds people to death for having a differing opinion." Ruby was still shaking though, until she felt Kanan's hand rubbing her shoulder soothingly.
"It's okay, Ruby. There's no such thing as Tumblr." That made Ruby feel a bit better. It was just some story Mari made up. She didn't feel much better listening to either Dia or Kanan's ghost stories, though, and she declined to come up with her own. It wasn't her specialty, and she was sure that it would be lame anyway.
Eventually Ruby started to get tired, so she went to her tent to read a little before falling asleep. She wasn't sure how long she ended up falling asleep for before the sound of the tent zipper being moved woke her up. Moving the book off of her chest, she sat up and saw not Dia, but Kanan zipping the tent up. She felt her face start to heat up as she squeaked out, "K-Kanan?"
"Hey Ruby." Kanan smiled sheepishly, waving at her. "I know this is yours and Dia's tent, but she and Mari are, uh..." She bit her lip, her cheeks going a bit red. "They didn't seem like they were going to sleep for awhile, so I hope it's okay if I sleep here for tonight." Was it okay? Absolutely. Well, it wasn't okay for her heart, but otherwise, it was perfectly fine. She just nodded and slid down further into her sleeping bag.
Kanan took Dia's sleeping bag, but she didn't seem all that tired. "So, did you enjoy the ghost stories? I thought they were pretty good."
"Y-Yeah, but they were, you know... scary." Ruby always felt even less cool than she already was when measured against Kanan. "H-Hey Kanan, are you scared of anything?"
"Hmm? Naw." Kanan laughed, waving a hand dismissively. "What's there to be scared of? Besides, you've got Dia to protect you, right? And you've got me too." She flashed Ruby such a brilliant smile that she was sure she would die right on the spot. She wasn't even sure what to say after that, but apparently the wilderness decided to speak for her. A strangled moan, like there was a wild animal nearby, reached their tent, and Ruby was suddenly no longer tired. She sat upright, eyes wide and looking at Kanan.
"Wh-What was that?!"
"Uh..." Kanan frowned slightly, seemingly unsure of what that sound was. When it sounded again, louder this time, Kanan jumped, looking more nervous than Ruby had ever seen her before. "M-Maybe it's just the wind. Ahaha, yeah, the wind. That's it-" The moans were soon replaced by something much worse: screaming. It was loud, and it sounded human, like a tortured soul within the forest. Kanan yelped and burst from the sleeping bag, jumping against Ruby and knocking her over.
"Eep!" Ruby squeaked and fell over, Kanan clutching onto her arm. "K-Kanan?!"
"G-G-Ghosts!" Kanan whimpered, her eyes shut tight as she hugged onto Ruby for dear life. "Th-The yurei are haunting the forest!" Seeing Kanan like this freaked Ruby out even more than the moans and screams were. She'd never seen Kanan scared, and she felt like her arm was losing circulation. Then there was another round of screaming, and this time both Kanan and Ruby hugged each other tightly, screaming out together.
"D-DIA!!!" They huddled together, whimpering quietly until they heard something stomping outside. "Uh oh..." Kanan whispered, but then they heard a familiar voice outside their tent.
"Ruby? Kanan? What's going on? Are you two okay? Open up!" Kanan instantly untangled herself from Ruby and fell over trying to reach the front of the tent, unzipping it so Dia could get in. She ducked in and looked at the two of them, as if trying to see if either of them were hurt. While she did that, Kanan and Ruby both got a look at Dia. Her hair was a complete mess, and in the light of their lantern it looked as if something had bitten her on the neck and collarbone. "Ruby, are you okay?"
"U-Uh, y-yeah," Ruby muttered meekly, starting to feel ashamed as she couldn't hear any more screaming. "We, uh, heard screaming, and thought..." She didn't want to admit that she had started to believe there had been ghosts too, nor did she want to throw Kanan under the bus like that. "... that someone was in trouble."
"Oh." Dia just stared at them, then her cheeks started to turn red. "Oh, well, uh... It must be your imagination, then. But, I'll go check, just to... be sure." Without another word, she ducked out of the tent, leaving them alone again. They looked at each other, the same thought on their minds.
"You don't think..."
"I... don't doubt it." Kanan groaned and blushed, shaking her head in an attempt to get the images out of her mind. When she had calmed down, she zipped the tent back up and got back in Dia's sleeping bag. "You know, I somehow don't think Dia's going to be coming back here tonight. Do you want to sleep with me? ... In my sleeping bag. I-I mean Dia's sleeping bag. Y-You know, just in case you get scared again, I'll be right here to protect you." She laughed, though it was nervous in nature. It made Ruby smile, giggling at how Kanan seemed much more like a dork now than she had just moments ago.
"S-Sure." She got out of her own sleeping bag and moved in with Kanan, having to snuggle up close so they could both fit. Not that that was a bad thing, but she was already feeling warm from being near Kanan, and this was just making her burn up. It felt like she needed to take off... Wait, no, never mind. She didn't want to finish that thought anymore.
Instead, she switched gears to better thoughts, like how Kanan was a dork. Even if she had said she had no fears, Ruby could tell that she was at least scared of ghosts. She couldn't judge her, of course: she probably had more fears than the rest of Aqours combined. It made Kanan seem a bit more human, though. She was cute when she hugged onto Ruby. It made Ruby feel important, like she was the one protecting Kanan, rather than vice versa.
As she cuddled close to Kanan, she liked that her crush had a silly side as well as a cool side. It made her more unique, more Kanan. Ruby could still fall asleep knowing that Kanan would keep her safe. Except from ghosts, maybe.
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