#werewolf Yoshiko
mitaharukai · 4 months
Title: My very fluffy “wolffriend”
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Love Live Sunshine)
Summary: After exams, an excited Riko goes to Yoshiko’s apartment to spend some time together. However, once she enters her girlfriend’s room, she finds a big “dog” looking at her. How will she react? And the “dog”?
Words: 2.1k
Sneak peek:
“She cries hysterical to the other girl, before she hears the final beep of the voicemail, and the big dog at the other side of the door resuming its scratching while whimpering loudly.
Riko can only bite her lips trying not to cry too, clutching her phone tightly against her chest hoping Yoshiko answers her soon, before she slides down the door until she’s sitting on the floor paralyzed, unable to move or run away. And even though it breaks her heart hearing the big dog whimpering at the other side, she can’t bring herself to open the door in fear of being devoured as soon as she does it.
The burgundy haired girl doesn’t know how long has gone by, but it feels like an eternity before the door behind her opens and a pair of arms surrounds her shoulders to pull her into a tight hug. ”
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wisteriacat · 2 years
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happy halloween!! 
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aqours-sailor · 1 year
AUs I will use
(Some might seem like I took it from Tsugu, but most of these are from before I even knew BanG Dream. And I am @hazawatsugu again, just new account for Love Live stuff instead of BanG Dream)
Werewolf (Different from Tsugu, she doesn't hide it from her friends like Tsugu tries to do)
Eyepatch (Found the edits from years ago, no memory about why she's like that)
Angel (Might delete it later, but it's here as a reminder to myself I had this AU)
Hiding (Basically what turned into the dark version of the hero Tsugu AU, but without being a hero)
Demon (Nothing like Tsugu. Pretending to be human while secretly watching Yoshiko/Yohane the fallen angel)
Go to @magic-you-watanabe for the Yohane anime version. There will be spoilers and it won't be fully canon
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ultrainfinitepit · 5 years
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Some really Bad-To-Look-At werewolves...
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lonelypond · 4 years
Moonlight Becomes You:  Apocalypse Midnight Dance Party, Ch. 17
NicoMaki, NozoEli, Love Live/Love Live Sunshine, 1.7K, 17/?
Summary: Nozomi wakes up, Maki should have stayed asleep, and You and Dia discuss a danger.
Morning After Heartaches
Dia woke up first, but she'd learned, so she took a moment to orient herself in time. Yes, she was at the Malibu mansion, but no, her mothers were not yet her mothers. So she had to be be very careful not to just collapse in a heap of tears and rage. This was all the fault of that Yohane person...if Dia ever got near her again, feathers would certainly fly, Dia had no intention of ever getting near that distress of a disaster again, but then, how would she get back to…
"BZZZZZTTTT!" Dia hissed, flinging her arm out.
Nico and You both rushed in from the kitchen, concerned. Maki grunted and rolled over, distracting Nico briefly while You approached Dia.
"Nightmare?" You asked brightly.
Dia closed her eyes, it was far too early for cheerfulness. "Yes, this is still the nightmare."
"Does your head hurt?" Nico asked.
Dia gritted her teeth, almost deciding to revert to Japanese and plead confusion. But then her grandmother walked in, dropping purse and jacket on the counter, quickly taking in the room.
"Guess I came home at the right time."
"Oh, hey, Doc." You waved. "Our patient just had a nightmare. And I made my dad's legendary French toast."
"What a treat." Dr. Nishikino detoured to the plate You had left on the counter, leaning over to sniff, "Could I convince you to move in as a full time chef?"
You chuckled.
"Hello." Dia snapped. "Does anyone remember me?"
Nico rolled her eyes, "Nico will get you a plate."
Dia stood, "I can manage."
"Well, you didn't collapse so I guess my exam can wait until after we eat something." Dr. Nishikino decided as she cut through crispy fluffy gourmet breakfast bread with a fork and debated whether to wake her daughter. Best to let sleeping DJs lie, at least until the second round of French toast.
Dia, arms wrapped around her torso, stepped around You, and shuffled toward the kitchen, The smell of warm, cinnamony sweetness was a definite pull.
"How was your night, Maki's Mama?" Nico asked, as she took her own stack of slices.
"Not too busy, but there…" Dr, Nishikino looked to You, "is an increase in the number of assault victims who are coming in…"
Nico paled, "Assault?"
You stepped in, "Gang fight type of things, but we can't figure out the gangs. There's no pattern."
Dia was enjoying the French toast and trying to remember stories her parents had told her about when they'd met. And Eli and Nico's adventures in LA. Had Eli made her final transformation yet?
"How many tails does Eli have?" Dia muttered as Maki distracted most of the room by throwing herself off the couch with a shout.
You handed Dia the maple syrup and whispered, "Shhhh….And tell me what you mean. LATER."
Nozomi woke up with a pounding head, in a warm pile. She opened her eyes. She was splayed across the head of a bed, pilllows bunched underneath her, the fair hair of Hanamaru and the midnight darkness of Yoshiko's mingling a few inches off her nose. Nozomi giggled and blew out some air, to see how much she could stir. Yoshiko grunted and swatted at something to her left, but Hanamaru's eyes snapped open and Nozomi was suddenly caught in an ancient gaze.
"No, Zura." Hanamaru whispered.
"Hanamaru, you're so cruel." Nozomi whined.
Hanamaru's lips pursed into her stubborn pout, which both Nozomi and Yoshiko found adorable. Hanamaru reached up with the hand furthest from her sleeping lover and poked Nozomi on the cheek. "Coffee."
Nozomi groaned and sat up, careful not to disturb the snoring angel. Hanamaru wouldn't make the good Turkish coffee if Yoshiko was discomfited at all. Nozomi took a pillow she could curl up around in the beanbag chair as Hanamaru shuffled around the small kitchen, "Scone?" Hanamaru asked.
Nozomi shook her head, "Hangover. Just coffee."
"Eat something. It'll help."
"Oatmeal? Soup? Something mushy and warm?" Nozomi asked.
"Chicken noodle porridge?" Hanamaru giggled.
"Sure." Nozomi yawned, her headache intensifying with the muscle movement, "As long as I can just sip."
"Oatmeal through a straw."
"Just put everything in the blender."
"No noise." Hanamaru grumbled.
"Right." Nozomi shoved her chin into the pillow, wondering if Eli was up, what she had for breakfast? Blintzes with a blonde? What would that taste like?
Hanamaru shoved a glass of juice in Nozomi's face, "You'll never know if you don't ask her out."
"Are you telepathic now?"
Hanamaru shook her head, "You're just obvious."
Nozomi raised the glass, "Kanpai!"
Nico and Maki were sitting on a deck down the slope from the house, staring out at the ocean, the quiet comfortable after all the bustle of the long night.
"Weird night, huh?" Maki yawned.
"One of the weirdest…" Nico acknowledged, "Although I've been to stranger parties." She reached out for Maki's hand, "I bet you have too."
Maki shrugged, "A DJ never tells."
"Good to know." Nico squeezed Maki's hand.
"Wonder what'll happen Saturday?" Maki said, sitting back with a half grin. The mood was a basking one and then suddenly the ease was blasted.
"Saturday?" Nico turned, "Nico hopes nothing too exciting. Nico's got a gig."
Maki tensed, "A gig?"
"Convention appearance. Flying out Saturday morning for a day of meet and greets."
"But the party…"
"What party?"
Maki stood, "We talked about it in the music room, you like crazy parties, food trucks, rafting, I'm throwing one for us Saturday."
"But Nico's booked."
"You didn't say."
"Who just decides to throw a party?" Nico frowned, "Have you actually invited anyone yet?"
Maki humpphed, her arms holding her torso, "You. Rin." A hesitation, "My TWIG followers."
"Ugh." Nico groaned, "Just postpone it, Nico promises to come to the next one."
"No." Maki turned away, pouting.
"Nico is sorry, but…"
Maki whirled, arms flying out, words coming out in a tangled snarl, "Nico is always sorry...you, you make yourself follow Eli everywhere, you're always busy, we don't get any time alone...:"
"Nico didn't make anybody fall into the pool. Or get a concussion. And a party isn't time alone.'
"You're perfectly happy when there's a house full of people, or Eli needs you or...You...or Dia.. I can't even...you just run from person to person...but you never…" Maki spluttered.
Nico stepped in, but Maki stepped back, snapping "There's never an us."
Nico tried to reach for a hand, "That's not true. I want to spend time with you. You, on my couch, working on Nico's music was the best..."
And that was it…"On Nico's music." A snort and Maki got very calm. "Everything for Nico. Not Maki. The car should be here soon. For Nico. Good night."
And Maki charged toward the house, as Nico's futile "It's morning" got lost in a crash of the surf. Nico dropped into a chair, exasperated. It had been a long night and this explosion, at least the part over Eli, had probably been hovering for several days.
You and Dia were on the balcony and Nico and Maki's shouting was as clear as if they were in the same room. You was shocked at the volume and the emotion, stunned silent until Maki returned to the house with a door slam that in a less well braced location would have caused a landslide. They watched Nico sit for awhile, staring up at the house, then approach the car pulling up to the garage, exchange a few words with the driver and step inside.
"She's not going to chase down Maki? They're just leaving it like this?" You was tempted to poke Dia, to make sure this past wasn't unravelling her existence.
"Momma usually makes Mama keep…" Dia paused, "talking it out until everything's calmed down."
"But they love each other right?"
Dia looked amused, "To the death, almost."
You leaned into the railing, "I thought love was supposed to be calmer?"
"Maybe it is for some people." Dia leaned in parallel, a respectable distance away from You, "but my sister and her wife clash all the time, over the silliest things. Just like they do. Still."
"What about you?"
Dia turned her head, green eyes clear as a crystal sea, "I don't have a wife."
"Noted." You chuckled, "So what's your flirt style?"
"I do not believe I have one."
"Everyone does."
Dia held You's glance for a long moment, then turned away with a shrug, "I keep busy."
Like Nico, You thought. "So what's dating like in the future. Sexbots? Virtual dates on Mars?"
"I thought the future was off limits as a topic, Lt. Commander Watanabe." Dia's tone was arch.
"Oops, you caught me." You chuckled and ruffled her own hair, "So what did you mean when you said how many tails did Eli have?"
Dia sighed, pausing to remember old family stories, "At some point, Eli transformed...less wolf, more kitsune...something about her family tree...they used her blood for the vaccine."
"Vaccine?" You grabbed Dia's shoulder, startling the taller woman, "vaccine for what?"
"Aren't we breaking fifty rules of time travel or something?" Dia asked coldly.
"I don't care." You's intensity had a contagious quality, Dia felt her pulse rate increase as blue eyes demanded a response
Maki slid the door open, startling them, and You dropped her hands and hopped back. Maki sounded like she'd been crying, "Mama needs to go to sleep but she wants to make sure Dia doesn't have a concussion."
"Of course." You nodded, then whispered at Dia, "Vaccine for what?"
"I'll be right there, Ma…" Dia stopped herself before she finished saying Mama and Maki nodded and slid the door shut, "Some kind of mutagen or a rabies like virus, I don't exactly remember details, but it was affecting the cryptid community in LA." Dia's eyes widened, "We're in LA."
"And Grandmother mentioned increased assaults."
"Yes." You bit her lip. "Do you remember anything else?"
Dia shook her head, "I might have some old notes, if I could get to them…"
You didn't want another interuption and pointed to the door. "Go let your grandmother look you over before your mother throws me into the ocean."Ap
"She might." Dia nodded, tossing her next comment with a sunrise stunner of a smile as she stepped into the house, "But then she'd feel better. So I'd thank you after you swam back to shore."
You leaned back, staring at the sky, muttering to herself. "Yeah, there's the family flirt style. It leaves bruises."
A/N: Ah, for an ocean view.
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lovestruckbear · 6 years
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any other au i thought up u can throw in the garbage, vampire yoshiko and werewolf you au is where it is now
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Idk if ruggie have gotten any haloween cards(i dont play twst but got spoiled and Knowing their backstory by ami yoshiko on yt) but i NEED to see ruggie on his haloween costume- my nun outfit Tokii is ready but i still dont know what to dress for this 3 bois can you gib ideas pwease? :<
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Hmmm, although canonically Ruggie would be dressed as a pirate, I think maybe a devil since nun and yeah- or an angel! :DDD Though I'm not sure if that fits him but it can still work!
I just want Mummy Floyd- that's all I want-
Or Corpse Trey-
Werewolf Jamil-
F C K-
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Putting on Hairs: Patronizing Meeting
Primary Pairing? Trio?: MariKana... Dia? Hinted: RinPana, KotoUmi? Words: ~2.1k Rating: G AU: Theater, Werewolf, Werebeast, Monster, Cryptid
Author’s Note: A bit of a detour from NicoMaki. Honestly, I thought the spotlight would first swing to YohaRiko, but this is what came to mind, so here we are.
Summary: The theater’s primary patron pays a visit.
“Oh, park there, Kanan-chan!” A voice cried excitedly from the back seat.
Kanan sighed and shook her head. “We can’t just park anywhere on the street, Mari-chan.”
“Uuu…” Mari pouted. “But I want to have a good view of Dia-chan’s new theater.”
Kanan chuckled. “You can see it just fine from here, and you’ll get to see it close up in a little bit. Let me just find your designated parking slot.” She turned the steering wheel to direct the car into the lot.
“We have a designated spot?”
“Of course, you do. Didn’t you read the email Dia-chan sent the other day?”
“I skimmed it.”
“All of the top tier patrons have designated parking slots.” Kanan explained. “And since your donation was the largest, even managing to edge out the Nishikino family, you get the best spot.”
“Of course mine was the highest, I want to help my Dia-chan however I can.”
Her Dia-chan… Kanan mused silently. If only…
While it was true that the three of them had grown up together, they had lost track of each other back in high school when Mari spent her second and third years over seas in the United States before going to college in Italy. Dia also left to attend college in Tokyo, leaving Kanan alone in Numazu.
It had barely been a year since Mari tried to reestablish contact. She managed to convince Kanan to leave the dive shop in the capable hands of a cousin, move to Tokyo and open a new shop right on Odaiba Beach. However, she ended up spending much of her time driving Mari around and leaving the shop to her employees. Not that she minded this arrangement. She enjoyed the excuse to spend time with Mari, and if she was being completely honest, knowing the blonde’s habits behind the wheel, it let her worry less for her friend’s safety.
Driving was also a way for Kanan to feel like she was contributing to the household. Mari was obviously the primary bread winner, so Kanan liked to do things in return.
Mari had found a huge 3LDK penthouse apartment where she invited Kanan and Dia to live with her. However, thus far, only Kanan had accepted. Dia, unfortunately, had been less responsive to either of their efforts to reconnect. But there was a room was open for her to accept at any time.
“Ah, here we are.” Kanan spotted the slot and pulled in.
“Eh? The best parking is on the second level?” Mari sounded confused.
She really didn’t read the email… “Of course, this is where the skyway entrance is.” Kanan explained.
“Skyway? Booo… I wanna see the main entrance!”
At this Kanan laughed. “Alright, just let me message Dia-chan to tell her where to meet us.”
With that said, Kanan exited the vehicle and was about to open the door for Mari, when the blonde hopped out herself instead.
“<Let’s go!>” Mari cheered in English, offering a brilliant smile and pumping a fist into the air.
Kanan pulled out her phone as she followed her energetic friend toward the stairway.
Krakanan: Mari-chan wants to see the main entrance, so we’re heading there instead
KurosawaDia: Very well. See you two in a few minutes.
KurosawaDia: Umi-san will be joining me.
Krakanan: I figured as such
Krakanan: I look forward to meeting your new business partner
Krakanan: I’ve heard good things about the Sonoda Theater Group
Not expecting a response, Kanan returned her phone to her pocket and continued her way toward the front doors of the theater. She and Mari made their way across the street, around the corner and..
“Dia-cha~n!” Mari cried, running up the handful of steps between the sidewalk and the entry and all but tackle hugging the raven-haired woman at the top.
“Salutations, Mari-san.” Dia greeted. “Thank you for coming today. I look forward to introducing you to the cast and crew.”
“Always so formal, Dia-chan.” Mari pouted. “It’s been for~ever~ since we saw each other, you should be more excited.”
Something changed in Dia’s expression. Just for a second. Had Kanan blinked, she would have missed it. And she had no idea what to make of it.
“Anyway,” Dia said after a moment “please allow me to introduce you to my partner in this endeavor, Sonoda Umi.” She pulled an arm free of Mari’s embrace to indicate the blue-haired girl beside them.
“Thank you for your generous donation, Ohara-san.” Umi said with a bow.
“Ohara-san?” Mari repeated. “<No, no, no.> You can just call me Mari. Any friend of Dia-chan is a friend of mine, Umi-chan.”
Pink dusted Umi’s cheeks undoubtedly caused by the casual referral. “V-very well, Mari-san it is.”
“Anyway, what a lovely place you two have here.” Mari finally released Dia and stepped down a few stairs to get a better view of the façade above her. “But, Sonoda Kurosawa Theater? Really?”
“We decided it best to put Umi-san’s name first.” Dia explained. “Her family is more renowned here in Tokyo than my own.”
“No, that’s not it.” Mari dismissed. “I meant, why just your names? That’s so boring!”
“How do you mean?”
“You should call it something more exciting, like The Monster Mash!”
“That is a song, and a dance type.”
“Or how about Tales from the Cryptids?”
Dia sighed. “That’s just a play on the title of an old television show.”
“But I mean that’s what this whole place is about, right? Giving our kind a place to be what they are while excusing any slipups as movie magic?”
“Theater magic, but you’re not exactly wrong.”
“I hate to interrupt,” Umi spoke up “but should we really be discussing such things out in the open like this?”
“Oh, you worry too much, Umi-chan.” Mari waved her hand at the other woman.
“No, Umi-san has a point.” Dia conceded. “Let’s head inside, shall we?” She turned and motioned for the others to follow.
“Fine.” Mari crossed her arms before moving back up the steps. “But you guys hired that Yoshiko girl, right? I think we’ve all seen how her claims are reacted to by the general public.”
Kanan couldn’t help enjoying the show as she watched her friends behave pretty much the same as they did back in high school. They really hadn’t changed much… except for whatever that crack in Dia’s demeanor had meant. She decided she could explore that issue later and smiled to herself as she followed the others into the theater.
“<SHINY!!>” Mari proclaimed, throwing the front doors wide as she entered.
“Pigi!” A voice squealed as a head of red hair ducked below a nearby counter.
Ah, of course Dia-chan would bring Ruby-chan here with her. Kanan thought to herself. I wonder if that means Hanamaru-chan is around here somewhere as well.
“You can come out, Ruby.” Dia said, her tone softening immediately as she called her younger sister and moved toward where she was hiding. “It’s just Mari-san being her usual boisterous self.”
“Mari-chan?” Ruby poked her head up. Emerald eyes sparked with recognition. “Mari-chan! Kanan-chan!” She ran to greet the two excitedly.
As Mari happened to be closer, she greeted the blonde first with a warm embrace. However, she was quick to shift to Kanan to welcome her as well.
“Good to see you again, Ruby-chan.” Kanan said as they parted. “We’ll have to catch up sometime soon.”
“Mm.” Ruby agreed with a smile. “Are you two the reason for the meeting?”
“They are.” Dia confirmed. “I want everyone to meet some of our generous patrons. I believe we have the Nishikinos slated for tomorrow?” She turned to Umi who confirmed with a nod. “Anyway, speaking of the meeting, we should head to the stage now for it.” She was about to turn and resume walking when…
“One last thing, Dia-chan.” Kanan spoke up.
“Yes, Kanan-san?”
Kanan spread her arms wide. “Hagu.”
Dia flushed a little but smiled anyway and stepped into the embrace.
“It’s… good to see you again, Kanan-san.” Dia spoke quietly, surprising Kanan. “I’m sorry if I’ve been a little cold as of late.”
Then, all too soon, as far as Kanan was concerned, Dia pulled out of the hug and resumed leading the way through the theater to the stage. Upon arrival, Umi and Dia began their introduction of the theater’s patron, Mari.
It seemed Dia’s penchant for long drawn out speeches hadn’t changed. Kanan considered. And it seemed she had found a business partner with similar tastes.
Ah, there’s Hanamaru-chan. Kanan thought as she scanned the crowd gathered on stage. Next, she picked out Chika and You, remembering their faces from back in Numazu. She made a mental note to greet them all after the meeting.
She recognized Nico and Maki from pictures included in emails sent by Dia about the lead roles for their first production. A few other faces looked familiar from other pictures, but she couldn’t readily place their names.
Still, it was amusing to observe some of the body language of those gathered. There was a young woman with red hair both longer and darker than Ruby’s. She was giving nervous side glances to a shorter girl near her. That girl had some of her blue hair tied up in a bun with a black feather sticking out. Wait, was that the Yoshiko girl Mari had mentioned a few minutes ago?
Next was an ash blonde whose attention seemed focused on Umi. Then, there was another redhead with braided twin tails who looked quite friendly standing next to slightly taller woman whose aura was as cool as the dark blue of her hair. A bespectacled brunette was looking at Nico like a fan waiting for an autograph. A darker brunette with a lovely red ribbon in her hair next to another ash blonde sporting an uneven, though cute haircut. A short pink haired girl with a blank expression stood next to a taller blonde with a brilliant smile. Then a sleepy looking brunette, a raven-haired young woman giving off a fiery aura, another with the tips of her dark twin-tails dyed green and a redhead with a stylish bun surrounded by a braid.
Quite the crew. Kanan found herself wondering what each might be.
“Food’s here, nya!” A voice cried from somewhere in the auditorium before an orange-haired blur scampered down the aisle. “Where do you wanna set up, Umi-chan?” A young woman asked, not seeming to care that Dia was still talking.
“Rin.” Umi scolded. “You’re early.”
“Better than late, right? Oh! Kayo-chin is here!” Rin scampered over to the brunette with glasses.
“R-Rin-chan...” Kayo-chin? said as Rin rubbed their cheeks together. That must be a nickname.
Kanan wondered if the nya had been indicative of her actually being a cat or just a verbal tic. Based on her running speed, Kanan suspected the former, though both wouldn’t surprise her.
“Special delivery!” Another voice rang out.
“Honoka, you’re…” Umi started.
“Ooo, what did you guys order for us?” Mari interrupted.
“We got lots of stuff!” Rin announced proudly. “But I gotta set up the tables and such for Honoka-chan to put things on.”
“Do you need help carrying anything?” The braided redhead spoke up.
“Sure! Lemme show ya, nya!” Rin sped back up the aisle.
“Emma-san…” Umi sighed as the redhead followed.
“It’s alright.” Dia said. “We’ve already lost Mari-san.” She turned back to her staff. “It seems the meeting is adjourned. Please be sure to thank Mari-san for sponsoring this meal, brought to us by Kousaka Catering.”
“I thought she didn’t know what was ordered?” Umi raised an eyebrow.
“I placed the order. Mari paid the bill.”
“I see.”
“There’s plenty of food!” Mari announced loudly. “Don’t hold back! Eat all you want! Take some home if you want. I don’t want to see anything left.”
As Kanan headed up the aisle to see what else needed to be carried in, she mused about the appetites of those she knew. If those were any indications of the others, she wondered just how much had been ordered. She figured it would probably fill an entire…
Box truck.
Sure enough, parked haphazardly on the sidewalk, emblazoned with Kousaka Catering on the side, sat a box truck. And it indeed appeared to be completely packed.
She spotted Emma carrying several catering boxes, stacked past her head.
“The breadsticks are buono!” The young woman said as she passed.
Part of Kanan wanted to break out her other arms in an attempt to carry even more boxes, but as there was no shortage of witnesses on the public street, she settled for a similarly sized stack as Emma. Perhaps some other time. No more than three steps later, and Rin was already slipping past her, carrying only half as many boxes, but speeding along at probably thrice Kanan’s pace.
Again, Kanan found herself wondering what all everyone was. She knew Mari would want to stop by the theater on a regular basis, so perhaps over the next week or so, she could find out.
Author’s Notes Continued in Followup Post
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yocchannk · 3 years
Yoshiko as a wolf? Yes plss
-Wolfshiko is a mechanic, she works on cars and various technological stuff. She lives in a small town by the city.
-She's known by her coworkers as "Alpha" mainly due to her domineering and intimidating presence (as well as the fact that she is a alpha werewolf)
-Shes a bit of a player, not hesitating to use her looks to snatch a girl to toy with
-her fangs are very sharp, whereas most wolves' fangs shift into normal human teeth when they shift, hers only get small enough to fit into a human mouth.
-Her shifted form is very large, (werewolves stand on their hind legs mostly, but will run on all fours) standing at a mighty 6'2 tall. A big contrast to her human height, 5'2.
-Most times, werewolves show great disdain for vampires, Yoshiko on the otherhand, finds them quite attractive. Especially pure blood ones with red hair and yellow eyes (pure blooded vampires eyes' don't turn red after drinking blood in this world.)
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oc-chaos · 2 years
Most of them are Danganronpa OCs, but I do have some that aren't for anything and I have some for my own BanG Dream band
Danganronpa ones are mostly moved to @danganronpa-two-sided-hope and @danganronpa-the-flipside
Very old OCs moved to @bonnie-and-friends (Old versions might be very cringey and confusing)
The rest are still being worked on
BanG Dream Band (Will be named later)
Naomi Midori: Guitarist
Mizuki Sakura: Bassist
Mitsuko Suzume: Drummer
Shizuko Kiyomi: Keyboardist
Caroline's Protector (Game I'm working on)
Caroline Fubuki
Lillian Fubuki
Grace Goodham
Darel Fubuki
Delilah Fubuki
Mr. Charleston
Other OCs (The Danganronpa ones might be added to a second fan game one day)
Yasu Yori: Ultimate Scammer
Scrapped Danganronpa OCs (Their names are just mashups of things since I couldn't think of any names at the time)
Maki Yoshiko: Ultimate Hacker (Can shapeshift into a blue werewolf)
Chika Chiaki: Ultimate Psycho
Maya Makoto: Ultimate Devil
Nao Mioda: Ultimate Goddess
Kyokiri Naegoo: Ultimate Hologram
Nagisa ???: Ultimate Liar
Aquaris Ninja: Ultimate Healer
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swagyano · 7 years
Casually dating a werewolf
Pairing: DiaRiko
Word count: 2,764
Hello so this is based on the diariko werewolf au in which dia is dating a big woof!riko I’ve mentioned a couple of times and spoke about a lot on twitter! This kind of like an experimental oneshot, I guess? I just wanted to write something really badly and it ended up being....really fluff. Anyways I’ve been thinking about writing somewhat(?) linear short stories for it and have this like an introduction or something, so ya! The au itself is still being polished. Big thanks to Michelle and Robin for taking time of their lives to proofread and help polish it up I owe u a lot
Anyways hope u guys like dia being a furry
The evening was especially peaceful for Dia Kurosawa, seeing as it was one of few rare occasions where she got to relax. Mixing between college classes, part time job at the pet store, and social life she miraculously has is more exhausting than she ever expected, and that’s not including the studying and work around home she did in between.
It felt like she finished high school only yesterday, excited about her independence and everything that came along with being an adult. If only she could turn back the clock and have at least one day where her biggest worry was finishing homework on time. Now she’s here at 20, living alone with her younger sister. Despite it all, there was nothing she could find to complain about. As messy as it could get, her life felt fine the way it was.
She was alone on this Saturday evening, phone ignored on the side whenever she’d see Mari’s name pop up with a new text message, assuming it was yet another on of her “ wish you were here with us :( “ selfies that she keeps sending in a poor attempt to still convince her to come out of her home. Dia however, decided hours ago to spend this time in silence with calming music and a good book in her hand.
Her moment of peace was broken by ruckus outside, loud enough to catch her attention. She gazed towards the small yard, brows furrowing. Ruby returned from her date about an hour ago, and it was easy to assume by now she was asleep in her room. Maybe she’d shrug it off, if the clanking on the trash bins didn’t happen again.
Of course, this was Dia, so going out there to check wasn’t happening without caution. In a rushed moment, she decided to grab a frying pan before making her way to the glass door that lead outside. Her eyes squinted by reflex so her vision could adjust to the pitch darkness, and when she heard rustling around the bushes she spent her free time tending to, she raised her pan higher. However a few steps was all it took for her to spot the familiar tuft of dark fur…  yes, fur.
Her shoulders relaxed, and she released a relieved sigh.
As soon as she called out, a big wolf-like head perked up from the bush along with a pair of large round amber eyes shining with excitement. The game of hide and seek was over, and Riko pushed her way out of the bush and paced over to the one who cautiously found her.
They were now eye to eye, Riko tilting her head down in order to do so. Dia smiled warmly. It was almost like she wasn’t facing a furry, pointy-snouted, sharp toothed monster that was taller than her by almost a head; the sight of which would make any man run away in fear.  Especially in the dark.
And why would she do so, when this was none other than her adorable, sweet girlfriend?
Dia herself wasn’t sure how it happened either. It was a while ago that she learned the truth about the shy, flustered girl that became a regular at the pet store she worked at is in fact a werewolf. It wasn't easy to take it in, but it wasn't as hard to accept as she thought it would be. Like anyone she was aware of monsters’ existence due to the town’s (sometimes) friendly attitude, but had only actually known one prior to meeting Riko.
There were many things she still didn't know. She didn't understand why it was when the moon was full that the transformation was unavoidable, or how she grew taller whenever it happened (though it did explain why she wore clothes a size or two bigger). But one thing she did know; somehow she had developed feelings for Riko over the course of the time they’d known each other.
She gingerly extended her hand, and Riko immediately buried her snout into the warm touch with a nuzzle. The brunette frowned upon realization she must've been lonely, as it was Riko’s own decision to isolate herself during the full moon for reasons she never spoke about. Although Dia was willing to bet it was due to her insecurities.
Pulling closer, she rested her own forehead against Riko’s fuzzy one, and the the amber orbs blinked in content as she nudged forward affectionately. This elicited a rare chuckle out of Dia that only Riko had the honors of hearing. In the corner of her eye she spotted the smallest tail wag.
“What were you thinking?” The question was scolding, but her voice calm and loving. “Worrying me like this…”
There was an apologetic huff followed by pointy ears flattening against her head.
“It’s fine, but next time at least call me. Even Yoshiko-san didn't have an answer to provide when I asked her if she’s seen you today. Alright?”
The solemn nod should be enough of an indication that Riko truly did feel bad for worrying her and that she plans to work on her mistakes. This whole relationship stuff was still new to both of them. And even in this monstrous wolf form, Dia could recognize the softness of Riko’s genuine smile. She returned it and grabbed the gigantic paw-like hand into her own, tugging her much stronger girlfriend back inside like it was nothing.
“Come, now! In we go before we get too cold. Don’t think that all that fur of yours will stop you from sneezing tomorrow if you're not careful.”
Riko of course happily obliged and followed, embracing the warmth of Dia’s home with a sharp inhale. As soon as they entered she took a crouching position and without giving Dia a moment to process what was about to happen, she took an inhuman leap across the living room and landed on the couch. It creaked and the brunette cringed both visibly and audibly at the thought of it breaking, but hey at least the carpet was untouched. And Riko had already made herself comfortable. You should feel lucky you're so cute.
While Riko was busy burying her snout into the cozy pillow, Dia headed to the kitchen. She shortly returned with a box of dog biscuits in her hands, something no person without a dog would own. In this case, she didn't mind spending extra money on them. It still felt weird seeing Riko eat them on daily basis. Even when she was told the reason she liked them was because they were like brownies to her (a comparison Dia had trouble wrapping her mind around but it did almost tempt her to try them), she had settled on treating Riko to her favorite snack. Only after a couple of failed attempts to satisfy her cravings with something more normal, like cookies.
At the sight of the brunette Riko scooted over, allowing her to sit back into her previous spot - only to flop on top of her, earning an ‘oof’ and disapproving look from fragile looking Dia.
“I don't think you're aware of your own weight.”
But Riko showed no care about it, finding enjoyment laying on top of her girlfriend and already preoccupied with crunching on the dog biscuits that were meant for her, leaving Dia to sigh helplessly. Not that she minded completely, because Riko was warm.
Now that she thought about it, it wasn't much different from when they'd cuddle when Riko wasn't in this form. It was silent, cozy, comforting.
With a smile Dia returned to her book, every now and then moving her free hand to stroke the top of Riko’s head. It wasn't long before the werewolf in question drifted off to sleep.
“So much for the creature of night, huh..?”
When she said she wouldn't change anything about her current life, she meant it. That included her odd looking relationship she never expected, nor planned to have. If a year ago someone told her she'd fall in love with a scary looking, soft natured werewolf she'd laugh in their face. It was strange but Dia was content, and friends of both parties had been nothing but wonderful and supportive. Riko seemed more happy as of late too, which truly mattered.
A single ear twitched when Dia placed a soft kiss on her snout.
The first thing she felt upon gaining consciousness was the horrible headache that could be easily described as having her head split open. Which was something one grew used to the morning after a full moon. The next were the rays of sunlight that were bothersome even through her closed eyelids, making her shut them even tighter as soon as she felt tears forming in the corner of her eyes. After releasing a big yawn, everything else slowly started  coming to her.
Riko became aware of soft breathing beneath her, only then realizing that no, she was not laying on the soft mattress of her bed, but rather on a person. Blood rushed to her cheeks when she finally remembered that in a moment of loneliness she decided the best thing to do would be to show up at her girlfriend's place at such a late hour. Still in a haze and struggling to open her eyes, a tender feeling of fingers threading through her hair with caution prompted a whine out of her. She finally did after blinking a couple of times to adjust to the light, and she was met with emerald hues. Serene, yet in a way mischievous.
“D-Dia… good morning.”
Of course she'd be awake already. Dia had always been an early bird, at least as long as she’d known her. The older girl shifted underneath her, chuckling when Riko hid her face in the crook of her neck out of pure embarrassment. The comforting motion of fingers combing through her messy auburn hair did not stop.
“Are you always a heavy sleeper when you fall asleep like that, Riko-chan?” ‘That’ of course referring to her other form.
She pouted, glad that Dia could not catch a glimpse of her embarrassed expression right now. Being teased first thing in the morning wasn't the ideal way to wake up, but it worked.
“Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude like this. I just wanted to see you for a little, but then… ah, I kind of kept you on that couch all night, didn't I?”
“You're fine.”
So she said, but was Dia fine? Riko sometimes had weird habits of falling asleep anywhere, but even she imagined being stuck on the couch with someone a little heavier all night must be extremely uncomfortable. If she really did have any complaints, she didn't voice them. It was almost unbelievable how patient Dia was with her, and had been since day one.
The empty box of biscuits was nudged with a noise when she moved her hand that was hanging off of the couch to rub at her tired eyes. The headache was still present, and it must be obvious enough by the way Dia's brows furrowed in worry.
“I could go look for some painkillers if you’d like.”
“Mm, I’ll be fine.”
Dia still seemed skeptical, so Riko gave her a sleepy but reassuring smile. The first time Dia witnessed her like this she threw an entire fuss, and Riko found it hard to explain why exactly she ended up feeling this way every single time. The best way she could’ve really described it as being hangover. Not that she ever experienced one, but it sounded about the same when she was reading up the symptoms online once.
Moments of silence passed by as the two lay there. Dia was familiar enough with how long it took Riko to fully wake up in the mornings after such nights, and Riko was greatly appreciative of the time she’d give her. Especially knowing the brunette liked to stay on her schedule. Sometimes she couldn’t help but to worry she was a little bit of a burden because of it. Her arms wrapped around the other with a tight squeeze, earning a curious glance from Dia.
“I’m sorry for not telling you anything yesterday.” The sudden rubbing on her back caused her to shudder. Dia said nothing and allowed her to continue, “I wanted to pay you a visit at work but I wasn’t feeling too well. I didn’t want to cause any trouble for you when you already have your hands full.”
“Riko,” A little sternly, Dia tilted her head up so they could speak face to face.
“You should know by now that’s absolute nonsense, have I not told you so already?” Riko felt a pang of guilt strike as her girlfriend frowned. “I understand why you prefer to hide. But I want you to learn to trust me. I’m here for you.”
“I know.” Murmuring softly, Riko snuggled in closer. “You always have been… sorry.”
“No more of that, okay?” With that topic out of the way, Dia’s voice regained the softness that made Riko feel all fuzzy inside.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Guiltily, she pouted and cast her gaze aside. “It’s why I’m here now, after all…”
Dia chuckled and shuffled around more, now focusing on fixing up Riko’s blouse as it hung loosely, covering up her exposed shoulder while Riko let out another big yawn. She forgot to cover her mouth and left her sharp teeth out for the world to see. Luckily, only one person was here to witness it.
They were both in the sitting position now with Riko on her lap and cheeks cupped in those tender warm hands. Carefully, as if making sure she wouldn’t break something fragile, Dia placed a soft kiss on her forehead and the blood instantly came rushing to her cheeks again. For all she cared this was much better than any gross tasting medicine.
“Allow me to make you breakfast. Your stomach has been rumbling for an hour, it’s a surprise you haven’t woken up sooner.”
“No it hasn’t!” Right on cue Riko was exposed by a loud grumble coming from her own body. She ducked her head in embarrassment as soon as she caught a glance of the wry smirk. “Food sounds nice…”
“Wonderful. It’ll make up for not seeing each other yesterday, right?”
Amber eyes glowed as she nodded excitedly, shyness pushed away for the moment to lean in and steal the first morning kiss.
However, as soon as their lips connected, they got distracted by a click.
Riko’s head jerked up in a wary manner, Dia’s gaze following her’s across the room.
“Ehe... morning Sis, Riko-chan!”
Ruby, Dia’s little sister, stood at the doorstep. Phone decorated in cute keychains in her hand and a bright smile on her face. The two she addressed lacked the same enthusiasm she was showing in this moment, not finding time to even get embarrassed for getting caught.
“Hope you slept well! Ah, Riko-chan,”
The younger girl hummed with her gaze now focused on the phone. Riko broke eye contact as well, trying hard to ignore the blood boiling in her ears.
“Yoshiko-chan asked if you were here. I’m sure she will love to see for herself-”
“H-Hold on-”
It was Dia who interfered with their conversation. If there was one person Dia rarely spoke so sternly to, it was Ruby. Yet here, seeing her with that deadpan expression as Ruby did nothing but continued to smile innocently, even Riko felt a shiver run down her spine.
“Delete that.”
“I’m sorry sis, I’m afraid I can’t do that… not after all the dishes I’ve had to do last Friday. Sooo, did I overhear something about breakfast gathering?”
Like wind she was gone. Already chasing the twintailed girl out the window shouting something that quickly became inaudible when mixed with Ruby’s laughter, even to someone with great hearing like Riko.
Still feeling loopy, Riko finally got up with a groan that resembled a growl and stretching out her limbs. It was too early for a game of fetch, so she’d let Dia enjoy it on her own. She really probably should give her roommate a call and see if there was a way to blackmail her to never mention that image.
Why did it feel like days after the full moon were always the wildest ones? Humans must be affected in a way too. Riko shook her head with a pitiful smile at the thought. They still had it easier.
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mitaharukai · 6 months
Title: Bare your teeth upon my heart
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Love Live Sunshine)
Summary: Whenever Riko closes her eyes to sleep, a pair of deep glowing magenta eyes haunts her in her dreams, feral fangs warning her to not go to the forest… Will Riko listen to the warnings and stay away from the creature or will she end up in a dangerous situation?
Words: 3k
Sneak peek:
“- Are you also excited!? Nervous maybe? Don’t worry, it’s going to be fun! – she exclaims with her always eternal optimism, managing to make Riko giggle.
- We’ll practice and then eat and sing around a campfire and do all those typical things people do when they go camping!
You quickly adds, and Riko feels a bit less nervous. Or at least she does until Mari talks.
- And then we’ll tell scary stories about ghosts and dead people and hear the wolves howling at the moon.
- Eeek!
Riko shrieks scared, quickly taking Yoshiko’s arm in her hands to hug it tightly.
- Mari, you know there aren’t wolves in the forest. Stop scaring Riko-chan – Kanan sighs upon her girlfriend’s mischievousness, bringing some feeble comfort to Riko, before Mari talks again.
- Ara~ are you sure, my dear Kanan? – Mari says wickedly, staring at her Guilty Kiss’ mates intensely as if she knew something she shouldn’t.”
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
LLSHP 14 - Farewell
Arc1: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7]
Arc2: [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14]
Arc3: [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17] [Chapter 18 - sanguinem pudicitia (TBD)]
Interludes: [Carbonado (1)] [Carbonado (2)] [Of Feathers and Wind] [Delphinus (teaser blip)]
[Brief note about School Term] [other LLSHP AU stuff] [YohaMaRuby concept arts] [ChikaYouRiko concept arts] [KanaDiaMari concept arts] [Hogwarts Staff]
[FFN link] (up until ch14!) [Pixiv Link] [Translated to Chinese by plin2290]
A/N: Sorry this took over a month! The last chapter was a horrible cliffhanger XD;; Well, issues IRL make it hard to write. Yoshiko’s state of mind is hard to portray as well sigh. Anyway, this is the last chapter of Arc2. Before moving onto Arc3 (which is also the last arc of this story), I will be writing another Interlude, to fill in some blanks and to transition into Arc3. As always, thanks for reading and the support! Hope you’ll enjoy this chapter! Words: 5,717
Yoshiko could only stare in horror as the wand pieces slowly fall from Hanamaru’s loose hands, landing with a soft thud that echoes rather loudly in her ears. The brunette just stands there, her gaze lost and her face pale.
Even though Immobulus has lifted due to the broken wand, Yoshiko still couldn’t move. Numb, she glances between the girl and the two halves of the now useless wooden stick.
“You foolish human.”
Hanamaru’s eyes widen a fraction when a dark-colored spell strikes her in the back. Like a marionette with its strings cut off, she slumps sideways in a heap.
Snapped out of her daze, Yoshiko hurries forward and gathers the petite girl in her arms, though she keeps her wand warily pointed at the smirking Yohane.
“Hanamaru-! Hanamaru!! Can you hear me? Hanamaru!”
After a few frantic shakes, Hanamaru languidly opens her eyes and moans in pain. Her gaze is unfocused and her breathing is rather shallow and strained. “C-Cold… cold… nngh…”
Yoshiko grasps for her hand, blanching at how cold her skin is. When she gently caresses Hanamaru’s cheek, she notices how alarmingly hot it feels in contrast.
“What did you do to her!”
“Hmm, something similar to what I did to that blonde girl, except this time it’s a bull’s eye.” Yohane appears quite pleased. “Good to know it does work.”
Yoshiko recalls the Moonstruck incident, of how Mari was unable to utilize magic and had taken a while to recover her strength. Wandless and now hit by this unknown Curse, what does this mean for Hanamaru?
Though filled with rage, Yoshiko could not utter any incantation to attack Yohane. The winged girl tilts her head and smiles prettily, her gaze condescending as if daring her to attack and scorning her for her weakness.
“You’re useless, both of you.”
Yoshiko trembles in anger, her magic sparkling at the tip of her wand yet her parched throat still refuses to cooperate.
“It’s okay though. I was once just as powerless as you are, so disgustingly useless.” There’s pity, perhaps even sympathy in Yohane’s soft voice, and it sickens Yoshiko to her core. “But then I learned and grew up. You see, the two of you are hindered by mortal emotions. The same goes for Lily and the Kurosawa heiress. They brought their own downfall.”
“How dare you-!” Yoshiko snarls, this time successfully firing a Diffindo at her adversary. However, just as expected, Yohane blocks the Severing Charm with her wing. None of the feathers are ruffled, remaining as impeccable and glossy as ever. She continues speaking as if a potentially fatal spell hasn’t been sent to her.
“I must say I’m disappointed in Hanamaru. She has such potential! I thought she was worthy to be by my side. Alas, it appears that she has chosen you,” Yohane narrows her eyes, her tone dropping to a venomous octave. “How dare a little demon betray her master!?”
Maybe it is instincts, or her intangible connection to Yohane, for Yoshiko senses her intent the moment Riko’s wand is pointed at Hanamaru. Frantic, Yoshiko pushes the defenseless girl behind her and spreads her arms wide just as Yohane fires the terrible Curse.
She screams.
It’s pure agony.
Nothing can compare.
Her nerves are on fire.
Her mind is blank and she couldn’t think.
Not even to pray for the pain to stop.
It only lasts a few seconds, but the aftermaths still cause excruciating stings to travel up and down her limbs. She is vaguely aware of being half-curled up on the ground, her wide eyes staring at the spinning ceiling. As she struggles to breathe, she barely hears Yohane’s contemplative voice.
“...it’s freakish hearing my own voice screaming. Perhaps I’m not as detached as I thought, still hindered by mortal emotions. I’ve spoken too much to you already because I took pity on your ignorance...”
Quivering, Yoshiko manages to roll onto her back and peers weakly at Hanamaru’s prone form. Is this it? This is what Chika, You and Riko had felt, struck by this torture Curse? Riko was right in Obliviating them back then. It’s better off not remembering anything if only to escape such agony. But how about Riko? How will she recover… if ever?
Tears slide down her cheeks in streams, though she isn’t quite sure why she is crying. From the pain? From self-pity? From… guilt?
Even though Yohane is the one ultimately making her friends suffer, Yoshiko feels just as much blame. And, in a way, her existence causes Yohane to become the way she is too.
What should she do?
What can she do?
Before Hanamaru broke her own wand, Yoshiko’s goal had been to save her but how could she do that now-?
“I don’t want your blood on my hands, so I’ve made my choice,” Yohane says suddenly and stretches her wings wide.
Under the dim light of the Chamber of Secrets, surrounded by darkness and faint silhouettes of wall carvings and ornaments, Yohane truly looks every inch of the charismatic fallen angel that Yoshiko once aspired to become. Shadows begin to descend upon them, hovering closer and closer as they follow Yohane’s command.
Shivering, Yoshiko notices that her breaths are coming out in white puffs, for the temperature around them has dropped drastically. Before, her body was seized in fatigue but as the cloaked figures glide towards her, she understands that it is sheer terror that paralyzes her.
“Consider this my last concession towards you two.” Yoshiko could not see the winged girl’s expression but she could hear the complacency in her tone. “They should be familiar, no? Don’t worry, it’ll be painless, and it’ll be over within moments. Your souls shall forever become part of them, and thus part of my legion. Is that not wonderful?”
Yoshiko twitches feebly, her hand desperately reaching for Hanamaru’s. The brunette’s hoarse whimpering feels like continuous stabs to her heart, especially because she couldn’t do a goddamn thing to protect her.
Her vision flickers in and out of focus until only tunnel vision remains. Instead of the ceiling, she’s watching her memories flash by one by one in reverse.
And only the bad ones.
Riko lying motionlessly in the basement of the Hut; the werewolf’s trapped body; the tendrils oozing out of her hand and slashing at Kanan’s Animagus form-
“What’s she doing again?”
“Some black magic ritual… seriously, what’s wrong with her?”
“Junior high students shouldn’t be doing stupid stuff like this.”
“She calls herself a fallen angel, hahaha! Probably watches too much anime!”
Yoshiko holds up her head high, ignoring their whispered conversations, snickers and any odd looks. Her classmates are the foolish ones. They have no idea what she’s capable of! Ku ku ku, she’ll show them! Compared to the series of misfortunes she’s experienced, bullying means nothing!
...yeah, it doesn’t affect her at all.
“Now now, there is no such thing as magic, angels and all that. Tsushima-san, you must have been hallucinating. Cups don’t move on their own.”
The psychiatrist’s patronizing smile only irritates Yoshiko. Alas, the ten-year-old could only glare at the adult, who shakes his head at her lack of response.
“You’re a bright kid, from what I can see from your assessments. I can only hope this is a phase and you’ll grow out of it.”
Yoshiko huffs. Oh she’s tried to be ‘normal’ like every other kid, but the feeling of ‘wrong’ is just so pervasive that she has to trust her instincts. She’s not hurting anyone, so why can’t she just be herself?
“What did you do?”
The matron’s panicked voice makes Yoshiko want to flee too, but the six-year-old could only sit there and stare at the empty space where the stool’s leg once stands. She then tilts her head and claps her hands proudly.
“Look, I have special powers! Hehe, I really am an angel!”
Her smile drops at the matron’s somber expression. Did she do something she’s not supposed to do? But she’s been a good girl, following rules and always on her best behavior…
“W-Why are you crying?!”
“Uuuaaa! Yoshiko-chan is going to disappear! Uuuaaa!”
“What!? No I’m not! What makes you think that?”
“Y-You said y-you’re going to -hic-  return to the -hic- sky! I-I’m not an angel, so I can’t -hic- go with you!”
“What? That’s silly. You’re silly, Zuramaru.”
“What -hic- do you mean?”
“When I return to the sky, I’ll bring you with me, duh! So stop crying already.”
The pudgy-cheeked brunette rubs her eyes and beams up at Yoshiko. “Promise?”
“Promise!” The two small five-year-olds lock their pinkie fingers, giggling as they resume playing at the monkey bars and slide.
Right, Hanamaru’s always believed in her… but, is this her memory, or Yohane’s? Yoshiko doesn’t know anymore. She reviews the memory in a detached manner, both fascinated and saddened by the scene before her.
The petite brunette was always by herself at the playground, engrossed in the thick books she brought every time her grandparents dropped her off by the bench. The other kids would only give her curious glances but not once invited the quiet girl to their games. Yoshiko decided to approach her one random day, having failed in recruiting any of the other kids. None of them believed that she was an angel, so maybe this girl would?
“Whatcha reading?”
The ochre-eyed girl jolts and peers at her shyly, probably not expecting anyone to talk to her. After Yoshiko takes a seat beside her, she relaxes slightly and gives her a friendly smile. “An encyclopedia zura!”
“En-sy-klo-wut?” Yoshiko leans close, frowning at the big paragraphs and terms she couldn’t even pronounce, let alone understand. At least, those colored pictures look cool!
“It’s like a collection of information about various subjects zura,” the small girl looks happy at her interest. “Would you like to read with me? I’m on the chapter about the Earth’s core zura!”
Shrugging, Yoshiko then found herself spending the rest of the day with this girl, who had the weirdest dialect. It was fun though, looking at the pictures and learning about stuff like volcanoes and earthquakes and tsunamis. Through the girl’s helpful explanations, Yoshiko now understood why these natural disasters happened, and how land only made up a small portion of the world.
“Wow, so we live… on a planet… that’s mostly water?”
“Yup! The oceans are huuuuuge zura!” The girl spread her arms wide, her eyes sparkling. “And deep too! There are many places people haven’t explored yet! Look at this zura!”
Yoshiko stared at the odd-looking fish on the page. It was bony and, frankly, ugly. At least, next to the toothy monster called ‘Anglerfish’ or something, this deep-sea fish looked more dignified. After reading a bit more, she became more attached to this odd ‘living fossil’. Apparently, its kind has lived in this world for millions of years! How incredible!
“I’ve decided, this SHIIRA-KANSU is gonna be my little demon!”
Yoshiko flustered. She wasn’t prepared to introduce the concept to the girl yet. She thought of herself as an angel but she’s also considered the possibility of being an angel trapped in the mortal world. That was why she needed to recruit followers and minions, her little demons, to help her return to where she should be.
The question was, how could she explain all that to this girl without getting shunned like everyone else did?
To her surprise, the brunette gave her a big smile. “That’s pretty cool! Tell me more zura! I like good stories!”
At least, she seemed to think it was a story. Only a fine line existed between fiction and nonfiction, so there was hope to recruit her! Grinning, Yoshiko spent the rest of the afternoon running around the playground with the giggling girl. They made up more and more aquatic characters to join the coelacanth, drawing them in the sand with sticks. “Shiira~” “Kansu!” “Shiira~” “Kansu!”
They danced and chanted. It was the most fun the two little girls ever had.
Hanamaru was her first friend.
Whether this memory was hers or not, this feeling of pure joy was real.
Yoshiko could feel strength and a bit of warmth returning to her body. By concentrating her mind on this positive feeling, her senses are no longer muddled and she could think again. She doesn’t remember the specifics, and she certainly doesn’t remember where and why the Dementor attacked them when they were so little.
But she is certain of this feeling. Her first friend, and now…
She painstakingly sits up and grasps for her wand. “I may have fallen, but I’m not as far gone as you are.”
Yohane quirks an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Oh?”
Yoshiko smiles serenely.  “I will protect the girl I love, and rid you from her world.”
The fallen angel scoffs and flicks Riko’s wand. A Dementor raises its bony, rotten hand towards Yoshiko, and she could feel those depressing memories resume clawing at the edges of her vision. She takes a deep breath and focuses her thoughts on Hanamaru and Hanamaru only.
Her hand is surprisingly steady as she points her wand at the atrocious creature. “Expecto patronum!!”
There’s a burst of light, causing the Dementors to reel back with raspy shrieks that sound more like sandpaper dragging against another. A silver fish, just as bony yet noble as the one from the illustration, elegantly swims across the air. Wisps of light flutter behind it like waves and the tidal wave of its magic forces the Dementors to retreat. The coelacanth gives chase, its relatively small size belying its tremendous power as it shoots across the air like a torpedo.
The silver waves around it give off an illusion of a hungry shark chasing after its preys. The Dementors, seemingly anxious to avoid getting in contact with the light, have no choice but to flee entirely.
The coelacanth then swims towards the small ball of fur, gently enshrouding the unconscious bat in a veil of silver light. Wordlessly, Yoshiko uses a Charm to summon Lucifer towards her and gingerly places her little demon beside Hanamaru. The brunette’s breathing has evened out and she is no longer trembling.
As if in a trance, Yoshiko holds out her hand towards the approaching coelacanth, the tip of her finger touching its translucent head. It is surreal, that she’s finally able to cast a corporeal Patronus and actually fight off the Dementors.
“Thank you, Shiirakansu.”
The Patronus is conjured from the memory of her feelings for Hanamaru after all.
“H-How? How are you able to cast the Patronus-?” For the first time since their encounter, Yohane’s composure has cracked. Fear flickers in those narrowed red eyes as she raises the sakura wand defensively. “How could you, when I can’t-?”
“I don’t know,” Yoshiko murmurs, still wrapped in the sensation of floating even though her feet are rooted on the ground. “But… maybe, it’s because I love her.”
Yohane’s expression contorts to something that could only be described as Devil-like, so full of hatred and murderous intent. She flaps her wings, sending powerful gusts towards them as she springs into the air.
Before she could make the next move, the coelacanth suddenly charges towards her. The Patronus tears through Yohane’s left wing despite being impenetrable under all those spells earlier. At the same moment, it feels as if a sledgehammer strikes Yoshiko in the left chest.
She collapses on her knees, clutching her heart, while Yohane plummets to the ground and groans in pain. She could feel her strength waning, similar to how she almost lost consciousness from when the Dementors appeared, yet it also feels different in a frightening way.
Something drips onto her hand and it takes her a moment to register what the dark liquid is.
Yohane looks just as shocked as Yoshiko, glancing between her damaged wing and the blood trickling out of the latter’s nose. Tendrils of black magic attempt to fix the gaping hole in her left wing but to no avail.
“... if either of us gets injured, the other cannot escape unscathed either huh…” Yohane’s voice is rather shaky, her face pale as if unable to accept such revelation.
On the other hand, Yoshiko feels strangely calm as she stares at the blood in her palm in morbid fascination. She’s supposed to be a matured Horcrux, an entity that was once just a quill pen, yet she was given a chance to experience a human’s life.
Since she’s not a human in the first place, why be fearful of death? Now, she has the power to protect Hanamaru, so she has nothing to be scared of anymore. If wiping out her existence can defeat Yohane, to cause the Fallen’s downfall, then that’s a rather cheap price to pay. This way, her friends would no longer suffer, and there will be no more danger to Hanamaru and the others.
This way, she could atone for Father and Mother’s deaths.
Grim determination fuels her exhausted body as she raises her wand once more. She pours all of her magic into her Patronus, causing it to shimmer even brighter than ever.
“Farewell, datenshi Yohane.”
“No...no! Don’t come near me!” Yohane snarls desperately, dissolving her feathered wings into a black mist of raw magic before directing it to intercept the coelacanth’s dive.
The collision causes a terrible explosion that sends the two girls flying. Yoshiko barely registers crashing against the wall, no longer feeling pain or any other senses for that matter. Her consciousness is starting to drift away again.
Before that blissful oblivion could claim her, Yohane’s distorted voice reverberates in her mind and squashes her hope for ending this once and for all.
“We’ll meet again. Yoshiko. Next time, I won’t be so careless. Next time, I won’t be so soft… I will reclaim you, one way or another.”
Yoshiko passes out with a wry smile on her face.
She wakes up to the sensation of terrible fatigue weighing down her limbs.
Opening her eyes alone seems to drain her, and she musters all her willpower to keep her mind from floating away. The acrid smell of blood no longer fills her nostrils; instead, she is soothed by the fresh scent of clean linen and sweet fragrance of potions. Though her vision is limited, she deduces that she is in the Hospital Wing.
Ah, she is still alive, somehow.
She feels oddly detached even as Ruby appears in her vision, followed by Chika and You with Mari and Kanan close behind. She should feel relieved and happy to see her friends, yet there’s a void in her emotions. Perhaps she’s simply tired from everything.
She should be disconcerted by her lack of emotion, but she isn’t. She doesn’t care about herself anymore, really, but she doesn’t want her friends to worry either. She closes her eyes wearily for a few moments before opening them again, vowing to at least try to act normal.
“Can you hear us?” Ruby gingerly reaches for Yoshiko’s hand, smiling when the latter weakly squeezes back. “Y-You recognize us, right?”
Yoshiko nods slowly, unable to speak due to how dry her throat feels. Noticing her discomfort, Ruby hastily helps her sit up and summons a glass of water.
“You’ve been unconscious for a whole day,” Mari says grimly, and the bags under their eyes imply they probably have not slept since.
Though touched by their concern, Yoshiko’s mind couldn’t seem to grasp at that gratitude and soon she feels like a hollow husk again. She drinks the water mechanically, if only for the sake of being able to speak.
“...where… Hana...maru…”
Kanan gestures at the neighboring bed and, with Ruby’s help, Yoshiko is able to see Hanamaru’s sleeping form, tucked snuggly under the blanket. She looks unharmed, and the small cut on her cheek must have been long healed by the school’s matron.
Under Yoshiko’s questioning gaze, You elaborates with a shaky sigh. “Chika-chan and I found you two in the abandoned lavatory. When we left St. Mungo’s and returned here, we looked all over the school for you, but neither of you was in your House’s Dorms. The Room of Requirement aside, we could only think of that lavatory and…”
“You were both covered in rubble and have many bruises and cuts all over,” Chika leans forward, her eyes damp. “T-There was blood on you, but Madam assured us that you’re both physically fine. S-She healed your wounds.”
“And where… she-?”
“She was here until moments ago, summoned away by a staff meeting. We promised her to look after you two. We also found your bat. Madam healed it as well…” You trails off, pointing at creature hanging upside down on the chandelier. Lucifer keeps its distance, though it does let out a scratchy bark as if in greeting.
Yoshiko smiles and is puzzled when the feeling of relief stays. Then again, Lucifer is connected to her like nothing else.
They’re both Horcruxes after all, Lucifer being a failed experiment and her being an unwanted but successful one. Yoshiko cringes and bites down on her lip to repress the urge to throw up. The others exchange worried looks at that.
“Just what h-happened, Yoshiko-chan?” Ruby then holds out the broken halves of Hanamaru’s wand, her voice wavering. “Madam almost wanted to send you to St. Mungo’s because her Diagnosis Charm d-detected traces of a powerful Curse that was cast on you.”
Yoshiko lowers her head, almost wanting to hide somewhere so that she could be alone and not deal with all this. She still doesn’t fully understand most of what happened down in the Chamber of Secrets. Or, rather, she cannot accept anything even though deep down, she knows that it’s the truth, as painful as it is. For someone who just regained consciousness, she is surprised by the clarity of her memories.
I can’t forget even if I wanted to huh?
One glance at her friends’ anxious expressions convinces her otherwise. She owes them that much.
“...it was the Cruciatus Curse...”
Under their horrified faces, Yoshiko begins to retell the events in the Chamber except she omits some facts. She cannot bring herself to reveal Yohane’s identity and the whole matter of Horcrux; instead, she just vaguely mentions that the enemy is a Slytherin descendant whose face was hidden from view by a mask. She wants to talk to Hanamaru first before sharing the whole story with the others. Hanamaru probably doesn’t want anyone to know that she’s been under the Imperius Curse, if she even remembers that part.
Besides, if that Curse really did work like Muggle hypnotism as Yohane said, then what were the instances that Hanamaru was under its influence and wasn’t?
Yoshiko doesn’t dare to think how this would affect their relationship.
Being a matured Horcrux or whatever, she has these human feelings. She does love Hanamaru, she has no doubt about that, and honestly, this is the only emotion that’s keeping her from breaking down in self-pity and self-loathing.
Hmn, what would her friends do if they know what she really is?
In the end, even here in the world of magic, she is still an abomination. How ironic.
“... and somehow my Patronus Charm worked on the witch’s feathered wings and, I lose consciousness afterward so I don’t know how and who got Hanamaru and me up from the Chamber.”
Silence greets her after her condensed story, and Yoshiko notices that her friends appear to be absorbing her tale. Mari looks understandably concerned about Hanamaru’s health, having been hit by that unknown spell before, while You and Chika have a murmured conversation about how the lavatory looked undisturbed, meaning someone must have closed the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets before their arrival.
Only Yohane could have possibly done that as a Parseltongue. But why did she not take her or Hanamaru when she fled?
Yoshiko rubs her temple. There’s no point in figuring out her motive. It’s more important to decide on what their next step should be, considering everything that has happened over the span of merely two days.
It was all too much.
“So… where is Dia-san? Is she still at the hospital with Lily?”
At this, Kanan actually growls and might have changed to her Animagus form if Mari hadn’t kept a vice grip on her shoulder. The blonde’s scowl, however, is just as dark as the ponytailed witch’s.
“Riko-chan is under magically-induced coma to help heal her mind,” You says dully, her hand whimsically patting Chika’s back when the latter leans against her with a sad frown. “It’s the most the Healers could do, considering how m-many times she was h-hit with that Curse…”
Yoshiko swallows hard, feeling nauseous again. There’s nothing they could do except believe in the Healers.
“And Onee-chan is…” Ruby’s subconsciously tightens her grip on Yoshiko’s hand. “She’s considered the prime suspect behind what happened to Riko-san.”
“What?!” Though fatigued, Yoshiko gladly embraces this burst of anger since it is better than that quagmire of depression.
“The Professors all spoke on Onee-chan’s behalf, the House of Slytherin and other students too. But, from the official s-side of things, we all do seem very suspicious. We just happened to be near the Shack and at Hogsmeade during the Moonstruck incident, and then how Onee-chan discovered Riko-san in the middle of nowhere, and now y-you and Hanamaru-chan, in the abandoned lavatory...”
Kanan’s fists are clenched. “And the fact we all seem unwilling to divulge details. Of course we can’t, we don’t know what we say may or may not affect Riko-chan. Each of us has already been questioned by the investigators, but just as expected, they suspect that we’re not telling the whole truth.”
“But Dia protected us. She took any blame and redirected any suspicion towards herself. She is not a Minor anymore and is treated as the heiress and a full Pureblood adult who will eventually be granted a seat in the Wizengamot, so they could not exactly arrest her without trial. We think it’s only due to the Kurosawa name that the Ministry officials are prevented from using the Veritaserum. È solo che è così ridicolo!” Mari then continues to mutter in Italian, which is most likely swear words.
“At least, our family name is able to protect her to an extent,” Ruby lets out a quiet chuckle. It’s a rather disconcerting, cold sound. “But it’s not for Onee-chan’s own good, but for the sake of our family prestige.”
“Those fucking geezers. They didn’t take Dia’s relationship with Rikocchi well.”
“Even though the carbonado necklace is damning evidence,” Kanan pauses thoughtfully. “Come to think of it, I don’t think Riko-chan’s parents said anything about it…”
“Either way, our family is trying to suppress as much news as possible, while keeping Onee-chan under house arrest. In fact, she’s already been withdrawn from Hogwarts for an undetermined time.”
Yoshiko stares at Ruby blankly. The younger Kurosawa gives her a slight nod, though the gesture seems to be more for herself than for her friend. Yoshiko then glances at Mari, You, Chika and Kanan, who all share the same helpless and weary looks.
The world out there is not nice. Hogwarts has been like a shelter for the teenagers, for the students, but the society is cruel and unforgiving to those who step into adulthood. Magic is a wonderful thing, and they’re supposed to be having and enjoying their first year at Hogwarts, yet…
The Christmas Banquet almost feels like a long time ago, even though it actually only took place two months ago.
“So… it’s come to do this, huh?”
Mari exhales shakily. “For the next while, we will be monitored closely - we would still have freedom as any other students, but meeting up in the Room of Requirement or anywhere else would be impossible now. This is already more than we could’ve asked for. It’s only Dia’s… sacrifice and the Professors’ words that prevent us from being under constant escort and daily detention-”
“But we didn’t do anything wrong! Why!? Why should we be punished?!”
You and Chika nod in agreement, but Kanan shakes her head grimly. “We still broke the rules. We left school grounds outside of curfew, for starters. It’s… the school’s way of trying to protect us, to keep us out of trouble from now on. As horrible as it was, the fact that you and Maru were discovered unconscious and injured is the leverage that the staff used to convince the Ministry otherwise. We are the victims.”
“And we really are!” The angrier Yoshiko feels, the more tired she becomes and all she wants to do is pass out and hope that everything would be back to normal by the time she wakes up. Alas, she knows that would never happen, and thus she struggles to stay awake. “I still can’t believe they’d do that to Dia-san…”
“Me neither. But, this will only be temporary. I’ll definitely figure out a way to help Onee-chan.” In spite of her meek countenance, Ruby’s voice is hard like steel.
Chika gives her a supportive pat on the shoulder. “Of course, Ruby-chan. We won’t let things stay like this.”
“That’s the spirit,” Kanan also pats Ruby’s head while You gives her a salute. “For the time being, we need to focus on recovering and get things back in order. From what you’ve told us, Yoshiko, it sounds like the enemies will be keeping a low profile for a while too.”
“We will be ready next time,” Mari’s grin is predatory. “They’ll regret in underestimating us.”
Normally, Yoshiko would have joined them in their resolute vow and rely on this positive energy to recuperate spiritually. However, she could only think about what would happen when this so-called ‘next time’ comes.
Yoshiko forces a small smile on her face. No, she’s already made up her mind. Her fate is inconsequential as long as she can bring down Yohane and the Fallen. As long as her friends are safe.
As long as Hanamaru is okay...
“Maru?” Being the first to notice the slight movement, Kanan hurries to the other bed to check up on the brunette.
“Hanamaru-chan! You’re a-awake!” Ruby smiles tearfully but glances between her two friends, uncertain whether to leave Yoshiko’s side or go check up on the other girl.
“Ruby, I want to see her.”
“But Yoshiko-chan, you’re still-”
After sharing an understanding look, You and Chika help her get up and keep her supported as they all gather around the brunette. Mari quickly sends off her Patronus to alert the matron and proceeds to cast a simple Diagnostic Charm on Hanamaru in the meantime.
“Just low on energy but overall she seems okay,” Mari sighs in relief. “Of course, we should wait for the matron for a proper check-up.”
Ruby glances at Yoshiko, as if waiting for her to speak first but the latter shakes her head and gives her a weak nudge. Though puzzled, Ruby nods and turns towards Hanamaru.
“How are you f-feeling, Hanamaru-chan? Can you hear me? Do you r-recognize us?”
Yoshiko stares at the petite girl closely for any sign of discomfort. Hanamaru appears groggy still, her body limp as Kanan gently helps her sit up and lean against the pillow. Smiling feebly at them, she is about to say something when she begins to cough.
“Could I… water-?”
Similar to earlier with Yoshiko, Ruby hastily summons a glass of water and holds it towards her friend.
However, she almost drops it at Hanamaru’s reaction.
“M-Mirai zura!”
“The glass just flew! How did you do that zura?”
Yoshiko could feel her heart dropping.
Ruby’s face is pale and Chika’s eyes are wide in shock, while Kanan and Mari exchange nervous glances. You lets out a strained chuckle. “Aw, come on, Hanamaru-chan, that’s just the Summoning Charm…”
The brunette tilts her head, her ochre eyes glimmering with fascination. “Charm? You mean magic? Ooh, so this is how you cast a spell zura!”
Yoshiko could feel her throat clog up.
“H-Hanamaru-chan, do you not r-remember us?” Ruby holds her friend’s hand desperately, her voice shaking.
Hanamaru blinks and winces a bit, looking even smaller on the big bed and under the thick blanket. “I-I… no… t-this is the first t-time I’ve met you all zura…”
Yoshiko could feel her heart clench in pain, comparable to that of a Cruciatus Curse.
“Maru, what do you remember then-? D-Do you,” Kanan swallows hard, gazing at the smaller girl hopefully. “At least remember how you got here?”
Mari wraps a comforting arm around Ruby’s shoulder, pulling the frozen girl against her. “This is Hogwarts, the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You seem to know the concept of magic at least…”
“Erm, yes, I-I got a letter and…” Hanamaru shrinks even more, the previous sparkle in her eyes now replaced by confusion and anxiousness. “I packed many luggages-? M-My grandparents d-didn’t want me to leave b-but they said they a-also understood z-zura. Oh, I live in a temple, so we weren’t too surprised that a school of magic exist zura! Well, it was still shocking but a-according to the witch w-who took me t-to buy supplies and my wand, w-we took the news pretty well zura, compared to other Muggleborns, um…”
She looks at them helplessly, her small hands gripping the blanket.
“W-What happened to me zura?”
Yoshiko could fee her eyes sting as she leans on the bed, nearly hyperventilating. She could feel You and Chika attempting to support her but she can’t find the strength to even try anymore.
Then, a familiar hand is caressing her back as if to ease her ragged breathing.
“Are you okay zura? M-Maybe you should be resting?”
Yoshiko peers up at Hanamaru’s soft smile in disbelief, her heart cracking from the girl’s unconditional concern.
You should be the one in distress! Why are you comforting me-? Why… why did this happen? Why you? Why?!
She allows herself to be pulled into Hanamaru’s arms as tears slide down her cheeks and sobs shake her body. She burrows her face against the crook of the brunette’s neck, indulging in her scent and warmth for one last time.
After all, in a way, this is farewell.
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gayidolheadcanons · 7 years
Love Live Monster AU: Aqours
Images references are included where possible, but sadly not all these things have been made into sets! Descriptions are provided in addition to pictures in some cases, so please read those!
Chika: Chika is a vampire, specifically, a vampire that turns into a fruit bat. As such, she has a taste for in both forms. Thankfully, she has a preference for Mikan over blood, so she doesn’t actually drink from people much. Although she does occasionally. She’s very nice and sociable toward humans, there are even some who willingly offer their blood to her, although she doesn’t accept very often. People will even mistake her for a person. All in all. She’s a surprisingly normal monster. And of course, she has all the usual vampire abilities. Strength, speed, the ability to turn into a bat, etc. She’s harmed by the sun and it can eventually kill her. But it’s a rather slow process. She can spend about an hour and a half in the sun without any major effects, but she won’t be able to use her abilities well.
If you’ve ever seen Kougi’s art of vampire Chika. Envision that. If not, here’s some to look at as a reference. In essence, she looks the same except with sharp teeth and a stereotypical vampire outfit.
Riko: A newly turned werewolf struggling to deal with her newfound form and powers. Despite living in the town that Chika visits, she never knew about monsters before her transformation. However one night, she was turned and from then she’s become very aware of the monsters in the world around her. Chika serves as a sort of guide to her, teaching her all about it. They hang out every night. While Chika is helping her get used to being a monster, she’s scared of herself and dreads every transformation. It doesn’t help that she’s now a wolf. Which is a dog. So that’s even worse.
Most of the time she appears as Riko typically does, however as the full moon approaches she grows more wolf-like. Getting sharper teeth and having her tail and ears manifest on their own. On the full moon itself, she’s forcibly transformed into a werewolf. She’s a typical bipedal werewolf, monstrous and terrifying. Her fur is a duller red than her hair colour, but is still very distinctly red.
Yoshiko: As would be expected, Yoshiko is a demon. She’s not an incredibly powerful one however she’s not weak either. Her powers include, control over fire, possession, teleportation and some spells with limited destructive capabilities. She originally arrived in the human world to cause chaos and torment humans for her own amusement. Unfortunately, she was caught very early on by Hanamaru, a priestess, who limited her powers. So while she’s still intimidatingly powerful and far beyond a human, she’s extremely limited in what she can do. Since she has Hanamaru keeping her in check. Truthfully though, she doesn’t mind. She’s rather fascinated by the human world, attempting to figure it out while keeping up a facade of looking down upon it.
Being a decently powerful demon and not wishing to disguise herself, Yoshiko’s demonic features are prevalent. Most prominently she is larger than a human, with large bat-like wings giving the impression of her being even larger (She tends to wrap them around herself). Her hands are also very clearly inhuman, being clawed and scaled. And of course, as is typical of a demon, she has her horns and tail. Her horns curl like a goat’s and are slightly luminescent in the dark, the same luminescent being present in her pink eyes too. She also has a forked tongue and especially sharp canine teeth.
Hanamaru: A human priestess. She’s been raised all of her life to fight against monsters, however she took the alternate path of befriending them. Her closest friend being the dragon, Ruby. Despite her friendliness and acceptance of monsters, she does fight them when forced to, using her magic against them. The result of these fights is usually Hanamaru weakening the monster, then attempting to rehabilitate them. This is what happened with Yoshiko. Despite her friendliness, Yoshiko proved to be more of a challenge than the rest. Although she’s uncooperative, Hanamaru still believes in her and knows that they can someday be friends. She lives in the same town as Chika and Riko, however she travels a lot, often to the base of the mountain, where Ruby lives. She’s well known among monsters and they tend to have a respect for her, due to her magical prowess and friendliness toward them.
Hanamaru wears an outfit like this card, however she carries around a staff with her, which she uses to channel her magical abilities.
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Ruby: As previously mentioned, Ruby is a dragon. She has a strong association with the element of fire and while she’s not entirely at ease with her powers, she’s very skilled at controlling it. Using it to make trinkets and food. She lives away from the coast and at the base of a mountain, a decent walk from any civilization, but only a short fly for her and her sister. Like any good dragon she hoards, hoarding sweet pastries and breads rather than any valuable materials like gold and gems. She’s best friends with Hanamaru and is somewhat intimidated by Yoshiko, despite her her power being about equal to hers. She isn’t particularly sociable with any monsters communities, however she has been known to journey up the mountain occasionally. Although not even Dia knows why. (It’s to visit Leah)
Like many monsters, she has both a human form and monster form. Her human form appears much like in canon, with distinct differences being lizard-esque eyes, rows of sharp teeth and most importantly, her tail and horns, which are identical to how they look in dragon form, except smaller, of course. In dragon form, as expected, Ruby is very large, although she’s slightly below average in dragon standards. She easily fills most of the cave she calls home in dragon form. Her scales are a pinkish-red that seems to shimmer in the sunlight, which is contrasted by a non-shiny light pink underbelly. Her horns are shaped like a trail of flames shooting outward, they’re only for looks though, they face backwards, serving no practical purpose for fighting and the like. Atypically, her wings are very rounded for a dragon, forgoing the more typical appearance. Some tease her for this, saying she looks like an oversized bird. It doesn’t bother her much, since others (Leah) have told her that her wings are pretty.
Dia: Like her sister, Dia is a dragon. Similarly to Ruby, she has control over fire too, although she uses it far less. The only time it really comes out is when Dia is angry, but all it is is her letting off smoke when irritated and accidentally breathing fire when shouting. (Both of which happen often.). Although she’s very close and protective of her younger sister, she doesn’t actually live with her. Instead living on the coast. It’s only a short flight to Ruby’s mountain however. She lives on the coast to be closer to the sea-dwelling monsters she is closest to. Specifically Mari and Kanan. Although she comes across You a lot too. She has a more typical hoard, hoarding gems. She appreciates their aesthetic and enjoys giving them to people. Commonly Mari and Kanan. (Mari already has countless of her own, but she always accepts happily anyway). She’s well known for terrorizing humans who come near her territory, with the exception of Hanamaru, but only because she’s Ruby’s friend. Because of this, she occasionally gets bands of hunters going after her. They’re always easily dismissed though. A bit of fire breath does the trick to scare them off.
Dia’s dragon form has an incredibly intimidating appearance, being extremely large, looming over anyone who dare approach her. Her scales are a matte-black, making it easy for her to be hidden in darkness in the night or when inside a cave or the like. Her underbelly is a white that contrasts this, however she often covers or hides it to prevent being seen. Her horns go a lot straighter than Ruby’s, curving upwards toward the end. In human form, she’s still rather intimidating and tends to loom. As with all dragons, she retains her tail and horns, as well as having a few other trimmings.
Kanan: Kanan is a mermaid, but not just any mermaid. A dolphin mermaid. This doesn’t make her much different from a regular mermaid on any level other than aesthetics though. She pretty much exclusively lives in the water, rarely leaving. She receives offers to be taken by Mari, Dia and everyone, but prefers her home. She’s incredibly well known by the population of monsters in the area. Being friends with pretty much everyone. Everyone visits her, so she feels no need to visit others. Her most frequent visitors, aside from Dia and Mari. Are Chika and You, who after meeting her as children, have been some of her closest friends. Aside from this, she’s also known for being very talented at fishing and swimming. With people hiring her to do fishing for them. She tends to just give Dia the money though. (And she of course hoards it).
It’s rather easy to envision. Kanan with a dolphin tail instead of legs. Maybe with webbed, clawed hands if you’re feeling extra spicy.
Mari: Mari is another sea-dwelling monster. A selkie, specifically one that turns into a Harp Seal. Because of her ability to transform between a land dwelling creature and sea dwelling one. She goes between the town and the ocean a lot. She’s known for being a mysterious stranger, who comes into down, spends a ridiculous amount of money, and then dissapears again. The monsters of the town know who she really is, but the humans remain clueless. She spends the majority of her time with Kanan, swimming around with her, chatting to her, etc. She often gets very lazy with swimming, making Kanan carry her or drag her along (Thankfully Kanan is strong, so it’s not a problem for her.) 
Mari appears rather normal in human form, although her hair isn’t up like it is in canon. When she turns into a seal she tends to switch between an adult and a young harp seal. She enjoys becoming a fluff ball, but recognizes it’s not  very effective. It all depends on the situation.
You: You is a Funayurei, essentially a sea ghost. She lives on a boat and rarely leaves it. She wanders the coast, sailing around seemingly aimlessly. In reality, she’s just having a fun time looking for treasure, she’s not a miserable wandering spirit or anything. She visits shore very often, spending time with Chika and Kanan. Although it’s not common for her to actually step off of her boat and onto the mainland. She brings her friends along on boat rides a lot, and it serves as a good rest-stop for any swimming monster that seeks rest. You is very accepting and friendly towards anyone who comes across her boat, being hospitable and allowing them on. This includes humans. For some inexplicable reason, there’s a misconception by people that she carries around a ladle, which she uses to drown people by continuously pouring water onto their boat. You is amused by it, but insists she’d be incapable of it. After all, filling a boat by ladle is ridiculous.
You appears in a uniform like the one pictured below, however it’s off-colour and grey, as well as being ripped and damaged. As a ghost, she’s somewhat transparent and looks dead, having one arm that’s near entirely skeletal (Although you can’t tell under the gloves and uniform). Both she and her boat give off an otherworldly glow, which often terrifies people when they spot it emerging from the sea fog.
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ultrainfinitepit · 5 years
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This is Mirage! She’s a shapeshifting wannabe hero who looks up to @yo-yo-yoshiko‘s character, Cirrus.
By request, design thoughts under the cut!
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It’s always easier to start with an inspiration design and evolve from there. In this case I had Cirrus to work from. Also Clint Eastwood, whose poncho helpfully provides the random square pattern on Mirage’s scarf.
I head-canon Mirage as having Native American ancestry, so that provides the rest of her color palette and some rad mythology to pull from if we want.
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I like when superheroes have civilian outfits that have elements from their hero outfits. I think this aligns with a few of the Clash characters as well: Ghost with his angst color palette, and Airstrike has her army jacket which floats around like a cape. And of course Racer with his purple vaporwave clothing.
Mirage is a shapeshifter so I think she would like wearing outfits she can get “lost” in. Things that hide her silhouette a little bit, like wearing layers or scarves.
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I included monster Mirage for funsies- don’t worry this probably isn’t canon! The semi-werewolf design comes from Coyote. Coyote is a Native American (Navajo mostly) trickster god, which I think fits Mirage’s personality. And added hair for just a hint of Nina from Full Metal Alchemist!
I think it would be neat if Mirage’s non-angsty shapeshifter forms have elements of her costume such as the patterns as markings. However I leave that to @claiborneart​
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lonelypond · 5 years
Moonlight Becomes You: Apocalypse Midnight Dance Party, Ch. 12
Love Live/Love Live Sunshine, NozoEli, KanaMari, NicoMaki, YohaMaru, 2.6K, 12/?
Summary: PARTY
And We Dance
Time Stamp: In the future the liberals want, as Dia Kurosawa wings across the Pacific enroute to an angelic encounter
Riko hated the initial surge of jealousy she got every time she and Sarah were invited to stay at the Kurosawa Malibu estate. She and Sarah had chosen to make LA their base, while Ruby and Leah spent most months in Japan. And when Ruby and Leah were actually in LA, Sarah and RIko just temporarily moved into the Malibu mansion so the Kazuno sisters could spend as much time as possible together and the Ruby-Leah duo could record without too much discomfort to the reclusive Ruby. Ruby’s mothers had built a state of the art recording studio on the grounds soon after their marriage and kept it updated as their careers merged.
The house was huge and gorgeous and well lit and had so many cozy romantic nooks it was practically a honeymoon getaway, except for the occasional interruption by Leah, who was literally the grumpy little sister third wheel. And sometimes, while sitting on a couch that cost a year’s worth of hit song royalties, Riko would get a twinge of envy, glance at Sarah, see the same echoed in her eyes, and then they’d both laugh. One of the things they’d initially bonded over was how callow they’d both been as teenagers, how selfish. To catch a flare of that now, just made Riko grateful for what she’d built for herself, a loving relationship, a successful, award winning career, and a cozy condo that required very little upkeep.
Restless tonight, Riko was wandering, mint tea in hand, staring at the Pacific, fuzzy oversized robe wrapped around sister friendly pajamas.
“PIGLI!” Ruby’s squeal of distress sounded and the tiny, cute redhead fell off the couch. Riko rushed to her side, mug left in front of the fire.
“I’m so sorry, Ruby. Are you all right?” Riko knelt near Ruby, careful not to encroach too much but ready to help.
Ruby nodded, shivering, accepting Riko’s touch. Sometimes, Riko thought, she was more like a small animal than a person, especially when startled. So unlike her parents, it was kind of amazing that they were...Riko shook her head at that segue, staying focused on Ruby. Riko had never made an effort to meet Ruby’s super famous mothers, for fear the blushing at the memory of the doujins she’d worn out during her teenage years would never stop.
Ruby sighed. Riko wondered if she should get Leah as she helped Ruby back to the sofa.
“Ruby had a nightmare.” Ruby’s childish way of referring to herself had somehow become endearing. And the fans adored her for it.
“Yeah, me too.” Riko sighed and sat down, “The world ended in flames, what was yours?”
Ruby yelped again and hid behind a pillow while Riko swallowed a curse. Wry was not a mood for a 3 a.m. session comforting your boss.
“I’m sure angels will save us.” Riko smiled.
“Okay.” Ruby looked confused.
“Want to talk about it?”
Ruby shrugged, “My sis is flying tonight. Ruby's just worried.”
“I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Riko stared longingly at her mug, across the room, but she didn’t want to disturb Ruby again. “And it’ll be nice for you to see her, right?”
More nodding.
“Want some hot chocolate? I think I saw some in the kitchen earlier.”
“Momma always keeps a stash for Eli.”
Another casual reference to a celebrity. Eli Ayase, now ran her own internationally renowned Legends of Dance festival, after a late leap into fame. The amount of talent and star power Ruby had grown up with, it was no wonder she had ended up in the entertainment business. But her shyness had made it a huge surprise to her parents, who had disappeared into seaside Japan with their family when Ruby started having panic attacks on their tours at the age of 2. Because family mattered more than anything. Friends and family were always Ruby’s first concern and that fit perfectly with the close bond the Kazuno sisters shared. It created a nice bubble of cozy around Riko, who had spent her youth with only the piano and yuri manga for company. Collaborating so easily with her girlfriend and the cutest idol duo on the charts made up for a lot of struggles.
Yoshiko leaping, Yohane’s wings stretching upward, the shimmery, wavering layers of celestial spectrums opening above her, but weighting her, between her fingers, burning her hands, was the world, all of it, everyone, eyes and mouths open, billions of voices, every scream, Yohane looked down, she knew never to look down, but what surely be a mortal weakness tempted her and with horror, she saw the world slip out of her grasp, dropping, dropping to a dark dark doom.
Cold sweat, Yoshiko flew off her bed, literally, raised arm connecting with the ceiling before she came fully back to her senses. Alone, her bedroom, where was Hanamaru? Drifting back down, Yoshiko wrapped the blanket around her shivering shoulders, reading the note on Hanamaru’s pillow.
Mari’s going to help You so I’m going along. I hope to be home before you have to read this. You really do look like an angel when you’re asleep.
Yoshiko closed her eyes. If she concentrated, maybe she could reach to her wife.
Pacing. Nico was going to be here soon, the ocean was in waves crashing mode, and through the open windows, Maki could see Mari and Kanan waltzing around the pool table. Waltzing? What the hell kind of thing was that to do? Especially to the playlist Maki had locked the sound system on. Did Nico dance? Who would lead? Is asking that question a reason you shouldn’t get to lead, Maki wondered. She threw out her arms, imagining Nico there, close to her, sliding in step, one, two, three...she’d taken dance lessons so long ago, just a couple for all the formal parties her parents had ‘encouraged’ her to attend. But she’d avoided the dance floor at all cost, unless her father insisted. Now that she was no longer a student, Maki’s family compromise was to attend the annual Nishikino Holiday Ball, but to limit her socializing to a favorite cousin and dragging Rin and Hanayo along. Hanayo loved celebrity spotting, but Rin was usually just as bored as Maki so they would throw things in the direction of any unattended punch bowls and dis the music choices. If Maki’s parents ever found out about that, they’d probably put her in charge of the playlist, but they seemed to be viewing the DJ business as a temporary vacation before med school.
Car lights. Maki felt a sudden fizz of excitement. Two sets? Was Nico being followed? Oh, maybe Nozomi drove her own car. That would make sense, everyone could leave at...Maki cast a frowning glance back at the house, surely Ohara and her cohort and maybe even the cop could be sent on their way, especially if she had Nico to back her up, surely Nico would back her up on that...but Nico had brought Eli along, did Nico actually want to party, or did she just not want to leave Eli alone. Was Eli going to...Maki started to jog toward the garage. Should she have removed breakables? Could she have just a minute to talk to Nico ALONE. Eli could break everything in the house if Maki could just manage that.
Yoshiko was in the air, again, blinking, and when gravity rediscovered her, she plunged, much like Dia, had, into water. But this was cold cold water, with the hard push of the tide trying to wash her away from the shore. The house Yohane had missed was lit at the top of a hill like a golden temple to sharp and terrible modern gods, all angles and glass. Yoshiko found her footing and pushed against the tide toward the shore, her eyes picking out a rock stairs leading to the temple where Hanamaru was a temporary goddess. Stomping did little to cut the shivers as Yoshiko climbed from the beach, fanning and flapping her wings while still out of sight of the house. Gnarled trees added an eerie air to the second part of the climb and Yoshiko felt a bounce in her step cut through the time lag nightmare sleepiness. Hanamaru was obviously being held in this dire fortress above against her will, by the very people who threatened their future, and Yohane, Yohane was going to sweep in and rescue the damsel...she would just have to remember not to tell Hanamaru she’d thought that, or Hanamaru would start to smoke at the nostrils a little and that might lead to property damage. Yoshiko, wings folded neatly into the ether just a step outside this world, continued the climb to her quest.
Maki managed to get out a “hi” when Nico stepped out of her car, but then there was Eli and Nozomi and…Maki couldn’t help but grimace.
Nico sighed and then winked, “Why don’t you point Eli and Nozomi in the direction of wherever the invasion is and then help Nico with this food.”
“You bought food?” Maki tried to lean into the car and sniff, but a window got in her way. Nico shook her head at Maki’s eagerness and reached for the door handle. Door handle, of course. Still stumbling, even standing still, Maki’s inner monologue grumbled. But Nico was here. And Maki didn’t have to go anywhere.
“How’s the party so far?” Nico put a stack of storage things in Maki’s hands.
Maki frowned, “They’re waltzing.”
Maki leaned in the doorway, allowing Nico to pause and appreciate the view. Maki was wearing stylish yet slouchy olive sweats, a tight white t-shirt surprisingly lacking any graphics, and an olive Jeep cap pushed halfway back on her head with a rainbow dagger pin. “I locked Ohara out of the house sound system…” Maki chuckled, “and just put in a loop of John Cage pieces and they’re waltzing. Keeping a pretty steady beat too. If I weren’t so aggravated I’d be impressed.” Maki scratched her cheek, forcing her fingers to stay away from twirls of hair, “Do you waltz?”
Nico had started to bluff and bluster something about whoever John Cage was, but Maki’s question stopped her. “Waltz? Like La La Land?”
“Sure.” Maki blushed, looking away. ”I was thinking Cinderella.”
Nico was feeling more comfortable. “Waltzing is no problem for Nico. No problem at all. Nico is S U A V E and smooth on her feet. Impressing your average fairy godmother all the time.”
Maki glanced at her watch, “We could waltz to John Cage’s 4 33. I can hum it.”
Nico heard an edge of mischief in Maki’s voice and wondered exactly what the DJ was planning. But Nico was willing to go along. Leave the dishes on the hood of the car, arms open, step toward Maki, feel warmer when the redhead maneuvers herself so Nico’s hands hovered over her hips...Nico raised one hand and caught Maki’s, eyes widening at the burst of warmth as their palms brushed.
“Music, maestro.” Nico declared.
Nico found herself staring deeply into warmth, a lovely layered amethyst shades with an inviting openness and iridescence rarer than abalone. Movement brought Nico’s glance down as Maki pursed her lips and Nico remembered how close she’d gotten in the cabana. Nico could feel the gentle touch of Maki’s breath, but heard nothing and found herself stumbling as she tried to remember if a waltz was 1 2 3 or 1 2 3 4.
Nico stepped back, “It’s not fair to just hum the song to yourself.”
“I’m not.” Maki looked way too pleased.
Nico’s arms crossed, “You ask Nico to dance to a song and then don’t sing it…”
Maki’s eyebrows shot up and both hands went to her neck, ruffling through her hair. “It’s just...John Cage…” Maki closed her eyes and spoke rapidly, “it’s ambient sound, experiemental….you can use any instrument, you just don’t play it for 4 minutes and 33 seconds. It’s a brilliant alternate perspective on the meaning of performance. ”
“You don’t play. And that’s the song?” Nico spoke carefully. “It’s not a prank?”
Maki opened her eyes and nodded, refusing to look directly at Nico.
“What else did this genius write?” Nico was not thrilled.
“One of his pieces was whatever was playing on 12 radios. He thought listening was more important than creating.” Maki snorted, unable to keep the gleeful mischief from sparkling in her eyes. “They’re probably into Roaratoria by now. That’s an hour of Dublin street noise, with Cage reading some James Joyce lines.”
Nico blinked and a low chuckle started. “Ohara must really be aggravating you.”
“She is.”
Nico’s arm suddenly looped around Maki’s waist and the taller woman found herself grabbing Nico’s shoulders as she regained her balance. Nico took that opportunity to breathe into Maki’s ear, “Next time you want to waltz, Nico picks the music, okay.” And as soon as she felt Maki steady, Nico released her hold.
“Okay.” Maki managed not to sound as shaky as her breathing felt.
“Good.” Nico picked up the food, “Let’s join this party.”
Nozomi had always appreciated dance but she had rarely had the opportunity to appreciate it this closely. After walking into a truly bizarre audioscape, with a male voice chanting lines in the midst of seemingly random street noises, and seeing Kanan and Mari bowing themselves out of a dance while You lounged on a couch looking bored, Nozomi was ready for anything. And then something truly marvelous happened: Eli took the spotlight.
“Ah, Kanan, now you really have a partner.” Mari indicated Eli with a flourish.
Amused, Kanan shook her head at her wife, who clapped the heels of her hands emphatically, and then shrugged at Eli, “How’s your Irish reel?”
To answer, Eli stretched her right foot out and tapped it on the ground, stepped it behind her, stretched out her left leg and repeated the motion. The audio hit a noisy patch and Kanan was suddenly promonading toward Eli with a challenge. The blonde reached her hand up and caught Kanan’s, Eli twirling, and then both women were facing their audience, reel steps impossibly fast as the noises biggened, birds calling to each other as Kanan and Eli turned again, knees pumping, legs a controlled force that could possibly have splintered the floor but for a shared sense of gentle glory as the dancers approached each other again. You whistled. Nozomi felt a little weak in the knees, and sat on the nearest chair, and Mari, Mari flung out her hands, threw back her head, and marched right in, pulling Kanan into a deep kiss. Eli, with a slight grin, continued the dance as Maki and Nico walked through the door, carrying food.
“That’s not waltzing.” Nico grumped, “Maki said waltzing.”
“No, it’s an Irish reel.” Eli announced as she promenaded in Nico’s direction, her toes and knees intricate pistons making their own fluidity out of the jumble of a raucous Dublin street scape. Nico dropped the food on the table, and shadowed Eli’s movements, laughing, as she caught Eli’s delight.
Before Maki could decide if she was upset about Nico dancing away from her, thunder crashed through the room, the lights flickered bright, then died, and in the darkness, a deep voice boomed.
“Cower Before Yohane, miscreants.”
A mouth that sounded full of pastry replied, “Turn the lights back on, zura.”
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